Modify AFS clients and servers to support files bigger than 231-1 bytes. Here is the way [[JeffreyHutzelman]] [described]( the project: - Add a whole new set of fileserver RPC's that use 64-bit file sizes, offsets, and lengths. This would affect at least [[FetchData]], [[StoreData]], [[FetchStatus]], [[StoreStatus]], [[BulkStatus]], [[InlineBulkStatus]], and possibly some others. - Define semantics for large files, particularly in cases where clients try to manipulate them using the old RPC's. - Modify the fileserver backend to support large files. This may mean changing the vnode index format, among other things. - Modify the cache manager to implement the new RPC's, falling back on the old ones as appropriate. - Extend the volume dump format to support dumping files with >2GB of content. Backward compatibility is very important. Old clients must be able to talk to new fileservers and vice versa. It should be possible to move a volume containing no large files between new and old fileservers. It should be possible to perform a dump of a new volume, even if it contains large files, using an existing volume dump client. Remember also that AFS is a wire protocol with multiple implementors. Things like new RPC numbers and probably new volume dump tags should be coordinated. If you're really interested in working on this, I suggest coming up with a design proposal and asking for comments both here and on . ---- [[HartmutReuter]] responded in the same thread indicating that much of the client work has been done to support [[MultiResidentAFS]]. Doing the server part of the work is probably not as difficult. -- [[TedAnderson]] - 17 Jan 2002 This client-side work is available in the [[OpenAFSCVS]] tree and is expected to become available in the next series of stable releases after the 1.2 series. -- [[DerrickBrashear]] - 24 Jan 2002 I had a student working on this over the summer. [[HartmutReuter]] provided him with some further specifics: 1) The 1st problem is: where to store the high order 32 bits of the file length in the vnode. My suggestion is: Since we must use the NAMEI-interface for large file support, anyway, we can use the space currently occupied by vn\_ino\_hi. This is possible because with the NAMEI-interface the high order part of the inode-number is filled with the uniquifier which is already stored in the vnode, elsewhere. You just have to change the macros VN\_SET\_INO etc. and to make sure the field is cleared. (probably you cannot upgrade exisiting servers, but have to move the volumes to new servers.) 2) Use afs\_uint64 instead of afs\_uint32 for file sizes and offsets all over the code. The changes in stds.h show how to handle this on machines without the data type "long long", but I think you will use large file support only on modern systems which eather have native 64bit integers or have "long long". You must be carefull with the type conversion and casting, I had some strange experiences with it. 3) All library calls for I/O must be replaced by the 64-bit ones. Some times this is just a general -D during the compilation, sometimes the routines have different names. 4) Also the volserver must be able to transmit the high-order bits of the length. Instead of 'f' followed by the afs\_uint32 length of the file and the data we use 'h' followed by two afs\_uint32 numbers (the high order and low order 32 bits of the file size) followed by the data. Of course the old version must be understood for restore as well to allow the move of volumes from old servers to the new ones. 5) The salvager must be changed accordingly: byteCount in viceinode.h must become afs\_uint64 etc. I've picked up where my student left off, since we are very interested in having large file support. Since the CVS tree has been changing quite a bit lately, I've been working against the unstable 1.3.2 release. I've gotten much working, but not quite all the way yet. -- [[LindsayTodd]] - 06 Nov 2002 [[DraGona]] [[DraGonb]] [[DraGonc]] [[DraGond]] [[DraGone]] [[DraGonf]] [[DraGong]] [[DraGonh]] [[DraGoni]] [[DraGonj]] [[DraGonk]] [[DraGonl]] [[DraGonm]] [[DraGonn]] [[DraGono]] [[DraGonp]] [[DraGonq]] [[DraGonr]] [[DraGons]] [[DraGont]] [[DraGonu]] [[DraGonv]] [[DraGonw]] [[DraGonx]] [[DraGony]] [[DraGonz]] [[DraGonaa]] [网站推广]( [arm]( [光端机]( [数字光端机]( [视频光端机]( [数字视频光端机]( [监控视频光端机]( [广播级数字视频光端机]( [网络视频全套解决方案]( [arm]( [arm培训]( [安防]( [安防器材]( [笔记本]( [笔记本电脑]( [变速机]( [标签]( [标签打印机]( [不孕不育]( [不孕不育治疗]( [餐饮]( [餐饮管理]( [叉车]( [磁性材料]( [刺绣]( [仓储]( [仓储设备]( [充电器]( [手机充电器]( [出国]( [除湿机]( [工业除湿机]( [创业]( [创业项目]( [床上用品]( [家居用品]( [婴儿用品]( [情趣用品]( [宠物用品]( [儿童用品]( [单片机]( [打印机]( [灯具]( [电源]( [开关电源]( [ups电源]( [变频电源]( [稳压电源]( [电机]( [步进电机]( [微型电机]( [电梯]( [电子政务]( [雕塑]( [雕刻机]( [激光雕刻机]( [电脑雕刻机]( [数控雕刻机]( [橡胶版雕刻机]( [木工雕刻机]( [短信群发]( [对讲机]( [无线对讲机]( [erp]( [erp软件]( [耳机]( [无线耳机]( [耳聋]( [阀]( [阀门]( [球阀]( [法律咨询]( [翻译]( [翻译公司 ]( [北京翻译]( [纺织机械]( [服装]( [服务器]( [gprs]( [gps]( [车载gps]( [防盗GPS]( [干燥]( [干燥机]( [干燥设备]( [干洗]( [干洗设备]( [钢结构]( [钢铁]( [钢材]( [工控]( [工控机]( [公寓]( [管理咨询]( [管理培训]( [项目管理]( [管理顾问]( [光触媒]( [尖锐湿疣]( [广告]( [广告策划]( [广告设计]( [耗材]( [办公耗材]( [化工原料]( [化工设备]( [滑雪]( [滑雪场]( [化妆品]( [换热器]( [板式换热器]( [波纹管换热器]( [螺旋板换热器]( [列管换热器]( [热管换热器]( [舒瑞普板式换热器]( [石墨换热器]( [盘管换热器]( [半导体换热器]( [婚庆]( [婚庆公司]( [货运]( [货运公司]( [货架]( [仓储货架]( [物流仓储货架]( [立体仓储]( [移动货架]( [角钢货架]( [集团电话]( [集团电话交换机]( [机柜]( [机床]( [机箱]( [机票]( [打折机票]( [特价机票]( [国际机票]( [订机票]( [机票价格]( [飞机票]( [继电器]( [固态继电器]( [时间继电器]( [热继电器]( [中间继电器]( [小型继电器]( [接地继电器]( [汽车继电器]( [交流继电器]( [加盟]( [加盟店]( [连锁加盟]( [家具]( [办公家具]( [驾校]( [北京驾校]( [家政]( [家政服务]( [减肥]( [监控]( [闭路监控]( [远程监控]( [监控设备]( [交友]( [交换机]( [程控交换机]( [电话交换机]( [网络交换机]( [建材]( [新型建材]( [酒店]( [酒店预定]( [酒店预订]( [KVM]( [切换器]( [矩阵切换器]( [考勤机]( [指纹]( [指纹考勤机]( [巡更]( [电子巡更]( [空压机]( [螺杆式空压机]( [阿特拉斯空压机]( [活塞式空压机]( [螺杆空压机]( [空压机配件]( [移动式空压机]( [单螺杆空压机]( [进口空压机]( [礼品]( [工艺品]( [纪念品]( [礼品公司]( [猎头]( [猎头公司]( [留学]( [法国留学]( [英国留学]( [德国留学]( [美国留学]( [出国留学]( [留学签证]( [隆胸]( [路由器]( [旅行社]( [律师]( [律师事务所]( [mba]( [emba]( [美容]( [整形美容]( [门禁]( [一卡通]( [停车场]( [门禁系统]( [指纹门禁]( [门禁系统]( [门禁考勤]( [门禁管理系统]( [门禁卡]( [酒店门禁]( [电子门禁]( [门禁设备]( [门禁软件]( [模具]( [五金模具]( [塑料模具]( [排队机]( [票务]( [培训]( [IT培训]( [计算机培训]( [软件培训]( [汽车]( [汽车美容]( [汽车配件]( [二手车]( [汽车养护]( [汽车租赁]( [起名]( [签证]( [求职]( [招聘]( [热水器]( [太阳能热水器]( [人力资源]( [人力资源管理]( [润滑油]( [商标]( [商标注册]( [首饰]( [设计]( [包装设计]( [平面设计]( [摄像机]( [数码摄像机]( [石材]( [石材养护]( [视频会议]( [视频会议设备]( [视频会议系统]( [数据修复]( [水处理]( [水处理设备]( [水泵]( [真空泵]( [电力真空泵]( [速记]( [速记培训]( [塑料]( [塑料机械]( [手表]( [瑞士手表]( [卡西欧手表]( [浪琴手表]( [手表报价]( [手表品牌]( [男士手表]( [女士手表]( [情侣手表]( [劳力士手表]( [时尚手表]( [陶瓷]( [陶瓷雕塑]( [压电陶瓷]( [陶瓷制品]( [陶瓷膜]( [条码]( [条码打印机]( [投影机]( [投影机维修]( [大屏幕]( [投资]( [投资项目]( [涂料]( [团购]( [汽车团购]( [无忧团购]( [团购网]( [北京团购]( [建材团购]( [家具团购]( [年货团购]( [团购服务]( [服装团购]( [托盘]( [VOD]( [VOIP]( [挖掘机]( [二手挖掘机]( [挖掘机配件]( [网络挖掘机]( [挖掘机械]( [挖掘机修理]( [物流]( [玩具]( [儿童玩具]( [鲜花]( [北京鲜花]( [鲜花速递]( [北京鲜花速递]( [显示器]( [显示器维修]( [小提琴]( [小尾羊]( [相机]( [帖纸相机]( [数码相机]( [虚拟主机]( [北京虚拟主机]( [空间租用]( [虚拟主机提供商]( [虚拟主机租用]( [域名虚拟主机]( [虚拟主机空间]( [雅思]( [雅思考试]( [雅思报名]( [液压]( [液压机]( [液压设备]( [液压件]( [移民]( [加拿大移民]( [新加坡移民]( [音响]( [音箱]( [印刷机械]( [印刷设备]( [印刷机]( [英语培训]( [外语培训]( [法语培训]( [饮水机]( [元器件]( [电子元器件]( [油漆]( [展览]( [展览展示]( [整形]( [整形手术]( [制药机械]( [招商]( [药品招商]( [医药招商]( [知识产权]( [智能家居]( [轴承]( [微型轴承]( [珠宝]( [注册公司]( [公司注册]( [装饰]( [装饰设计]( [装修]( [家庭装修]( [室内装修]( [家居装修]( [房屋装修]( [装饰装修]( [装修公司]( [装修设计]( [厨房装修]( [居室装修]( [住宅装修]( [住房装修]( [租房]( [北京租房]( [二手房]( [旅游]( [云南旅游]( [海南旅游]( [三亚]( [三亚旅游]( [四川旅游]( [张家界]( [张家界旅游]( [旅游景点]( [香港旅游]( [桂林旅游]( [桂林]( [猎头]( [猎头公司]( [OA]( [办公自动化]( [九寨沟]( [九寨沟旅游]( [欧洲旅游]( [三峡]( [三峡旅游]( [调查]( [侦探]( [私人侦探]( [私家侦探]( [调查公司]( [市场调查]( [泵]( [水泵]( [真空泵]( [mcse]( [ccnp]( [ccna]( [专利]( [smt]( [房地产]( [橡胶]( [糖尿病]( [白癜风]( [氢氧化铝]( [氢氧化镁]( [水镁石]( [萤石]( [制氮机]( [发电机]( [发电机组]( [IBM笔记本]( [索尼笔记本]( [流量计]( [光触媒]( [DELL笔记本]( [流媒体]( [流媒体编码卡]( [多屏卡]( [视频墙]( [切换台]( [转换盒]( [视频采集卡]( [视频卡]( [特技切换台]( [数模转换器]( [大屏幕控制器]( [包装机械]( [包装机]( [液晶电视]( [等离子电视]( [液晶显示器]( [等离子显示器]( [IBM显示器]( [IBM工作站]( [SONY显示器]( [显示设备](