Welcome to the home of AFSLore. This is a web-based collaboration area for collecting, maintaining, and distributing information about the AFS distributed filesystem and related topics.. - [[What is AFS?|AFSLore/WhatIsAFS]] - [[GettingStarted]] - [[CreatingANewCell]] - [[AddOnsToolsAndUtilities]] - [[AFSFrequentlyAskedQuestions]] - [[WhereToGetHelp]] - [[AncientHistory]] (once upon a time) - ## For the Community... - [[Contribute please? A list of tiny and simple tasks|AFSLore/TinySimpleTasks]] ## For Developers ... - [[OpenAFSDevelopers]] - documentation for developers of [[OpenAFS]], including details of our revision control system, and lists of tasks that need doing. - AFS3 [[ProtocolInfo]] - [[NewProjects]] - [[CodeArchitecture]] - [[GateKeeping]] - [[How To Build OpenAFS from Source|AFSLore/HowToBuildOpenAFSFromSource]] - [[DemandAttach]] - [[OpenAFSPioctlInterfaceDoc]] - [[OpenAFSDoxygenStyleGuide]] - [[OpenAFSWebsiteProjectPage]] - [[OpenAFSCachePinning]] - [[CacheManagerPorting]] (Some Notes) - [[Buildbot]] - [[Debugging]] - [[BackupMethods]] Note: This area is about AFS, whose name is properly spelled in all uppercase. Unfortunately, this creates interesting challenges in coming up with appropriate [[WikiWords|TWiki/WikiWord]] for naming topics. Please bear with us -- or come up with better names!

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