Guides and information about setting up and using OpenAFS. ## Installation *Guides for Linux* * [[Server and client installation on RHEL|InstallingOpenAFSonRHEL]] * [[Client installation notes for Linux|InstallOpenAFSClient]] * [[Installing the OpenAFS kernel module with DKMS|RpmClientInstallationWithDKMS]] * [[Installing OpenAFS in Lightweight LXC containers|InstallingOpenAFSinLXC]] *Guides for Windows* * [[Windows quick start guide|WindowsEndUserQuickStartGuide]] * [[Windows kerberos 5 AFS service principal|WindowsK5AfsServicePrincipal]] * [[How to setup OpenAFS with Windows 2008 R2 AD server|Win2008R2ADasKDC]] *Guides for Solaris* * [[Solaris and OpenIndiana quick start guide|SolarisQuickStart]] *Additional information* * [[Backup methods|BackupMethods]] * [[Ports used by OpenAFS|AFSServicePorts]] ## External Documents Guides on creating a new AFS cell on various platforms can be found in these external documents: * [An OpenAFS Tutorial for Debian]( * [The Gentoo OpenAFS Guide]( * [Using NetBSD to provide AFS and Kerberos services]( * [Using OS X to provide AFS and Kerberos services]( General information about AFS and OpenAFS can be found in the following external documents. * [Stanford AFS Introduction]( * [IBM Developerworks AFS Introduction](