# Package =TWiki::OopsException **extends** `Error` Exception used to raise a request to redirect to an Oops URL. An [[OopsException]] thrown anywhere in the code will redirect the browser to a url based on the `oops` script. `oops` requires a `template` parameter, that is the name of a template file from the `templates` directory. This file will be expanded and the parameter values passed to the exception instantiated. The result will be shown in the browser.
## [[ClassMethod]] **new** `($template,...)` - `template` is the name of an oops template The remaining parameters are interpreted as key-value pairs. The following keys are used: - `web` will be used as the web for the oops - `topic` will be used as the topic for the oops - `def` - is the (optional) name of a TMPL:DEF within the template - `keep` - if set, the exception handler should try it's damndest to retain parameter values from the query. - `params` is a reference to an array of parameters. These will be substituted for %PARAM1%, %PARAM2% ... %PARAMn% in the template. ## [[ObjectMethod]] **stringify** `([$session]) -> $string` Generates a string representation for the object. if a session is passed in, and the excpetion specifies a def, then that def is expanded. This is to allow internal expansion of oops exceptions for example when performing bulk operations.