[openafs.git] / src / WINNT / client_creds / resource.h
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
3  * All Rights Reserved.
4  * 
5  * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
6  * License.  For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
7  * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html
8  */
10 #define IDS_TOOLTIP                            0
11 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_95                         1
12 #define IDS_CREDENTIALS                        2
13 #define IDS_UNKNOWN                            3
14 #define IDS_ADVANCED                           4
15 #define IDS_CREDS                              5
16 #define IDS_NO_CREDS                           6
17 #define IDS_SERVICE_BROKEN                     7
18 #define IDS_SERVICE_RUNNING                    8
19 #define IDS_SERVICE_STOPPED                    9
20 #define IDS_SERVICE_STOPPING                  10
21 #define IDS_SERVICE_STARTING                  11
22 #define IDS_SERVICE_UNKNOWN                   12
23 #define IDS_SERVICE_FAIL_STOP                 13
24 #define IDS_SERVICE_FAIL_START                14
25 #define IDS_SERVICE_FAIL_CONFIG               15
26 #define IDS_SERVICE_ERROR                     16
27 #define IDS_ERROR_TITLE                       17
28 #define IDS_ERROR_TITLE_95                    18
29 #define IDS_ERROR_DESTROY_95                  19
30 #define IDS_ERROR_DESTROY_NOCM                20
31 #define IDS_ERROR_DESTROY_UNKNOWN             21
32 #define IDS_ERROR_OBTAIN                      22
33 #define IDS_ERROR_OBTAIN_95                   23
34 #define IDS_TITLE_VERSION                     24
35 #define IDS_TITLE_VERSION_NOPATCH             25
36 #define IDS_MOUNT_SOME                        26
37 #define IDS_MOUNT_NONE                        27
38 #define IDS_MOUNT                             28
39 #define IDS_WIZ_NEXT                          29
40 #define IDS_WIZ_FINISH                        30
41 #define IDS_MAP_LETTER                        31
42 #define IDS_DRIVE_MAP                         32
43 #define IDS_ERROR_MAP                         33
44 #define IDS_ERROR_MAP_DESC                    34
45 #define IDS_ERROR_UNMAP                       35
46 #define IDS_ERROR_UNMAP_DESC                  36
47 #define IDS_CELL_GATEWAY                      37
48 #define IDS_BADMAP_TITLE                      38
49 #define IDS_BADMAP_DESC                       39
50 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_TITLE_95                 40
51 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_DESC_95                  41
52 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_TITLE                    42
53 #define IDS_UNCONFIG_DESC                     43
54 #define IDS_NEWSUB_TITLE                      44
55 #define IDS_NEWSUB_TITLE_95                   45
56 #define IDS_NEWSUB_DESC                       46
57 #define IDS_BADSUB_TITLE                      47
58 #define IDS_BADSUB_TITLE_95                   48
59 #define IDS_BADSUB_DESC                       49
60 #define IDS_TITLE_95                          50
62 #define IDI_MAIN                        100
63 #define IDD_MAIN                        101
64 #define IDD_TAB_CREDS                   102
65 #define IDD_TAB_NOCREDS                 103
66 #define MENU_TRAYICON                   104
67 #define IDD_TAB_ADVANCED                104
68 #define IDI_CREDS_NO                    105
69 #define IDI_CREDS_SOME                  106
70 #define IDI_CREDS_YES                   107
71 #define IDD_NEWCREDS                    108
72 #define IDD_NEWCREDS_EXPIRE             109
73 #define IDD_TAB_MOUNT                   110
74 #define IDD_WIZARD                      111
75 #define IDD_WIZ_START                   112
76 #define IDB_WIZ16                       112
77 #define IDD_WIZ_CREDS                   113
78 #define IDB_WIZ256                      113
79 #define IDD_WIZ_STARTING                114
80 #define IDD_WIZ_MOUNT                   115
81 #define IDD_TERMINATE                   116
82 #define IDD_TERMINATE_SMALL             117
83 #define IDD_WIZ_MOUNTING                118
84 #define IDD_WIZ_FINISH                  119
85 #define IDD_MAPPING                     120
86 #define IDD_TERMINATE_SMALL_95          121
87 #define IDD_AUTH                        122
88 #define M_TERMINATE                     3000
89 #define M_ACTIVATE                      3001
90 #define M_REMIND                        3002
91 #define M_TERMINATE_NOW                 3003
92 #define IDC_TITLE_AFS                   5000
93 #define IDC_TITLE_VERSION               5001
94 #define IDC_TITLE_NT                    5002
95 #define IDC_TABS                        5003
96 #define IDC_CREDS_CELL                  5004
97 #define IDC_CREDS_INFO                  5005
98 #define IDC_CREDS_REMIND                5006
99 #define IDC_CREDS_DESTROY               5007
100 #define IDC_CREDS_OBTAIN                5008
101 #define IDC_SERVICE_STATUS              5009
102 #define IDC_SERVICE_AUTO                5011
103 #define IDC_SERVICE_LOGIN               5012
104 #define IDC_SERVICE_START               5013
105 #define IDC_SERVICE_STOP                5014
106 #define IDC_NEWCREDS_CELL               5014
107 #define IDC_OPEN_CPL                    5015
108 #define IDC_NEWCREDS_USER               5015
109 #define IDC_NEWCREDS_PASSWORD           5016
110 #define IDC_NEWCREDS_TITLE              5017
111 #define IDC_LIST                        5019
112 #define IDC_TITLE                       5020
113 #define IDC_REMOVE                      5021
114 #define IDC_EDIT                        5022
115 #define IDC_STARTUP                     5022
116 #define IDC_ADD                         5023
117 #define IDC_LHS                         5024
118 #define IDC_RHS                         5025
119 #define IDC_NOCREDS                     5026
120 #define IDC_YESCREDS                    5027
121 #define IDC_START_FAIL                  5029
122 #define IDC_START_TRY                   5030
123 #define IDC_NOMAP                       5031
124 #define IDNEXT                          5032
125 #define IDBACK                          5034
126 #define IDC_YESMAP                      5035
127 #define IDC_MAP_LETTER                  5036
128 #define IDC_MAP_PATH                    5037
129 #define IDC_LEAVE                       5038
130 #define IDC_MAP_DESC                    5038
131 #define IDC_STOP                        5039
132 #define IDC_MAP_FAIL                    5045
133 #define IDC_MAP_TRY                     5046
134 #define IDC_MAP_FINISH                  5047
135 #define IDC_MAP_PERSISTENT              5049
136 #define IDC_RUNNING                     5050
137 #define IDC_STOPPED                     5051
138 #define IDC_STATICSUBMOUNT              5052
139 #define IDC_STATIC                      -1
141 // Next default values for new objects
142 // 
145 #define _APS_NO_MFC                     1
146 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
147 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        122
148 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         3004
149 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         5053
150 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           7000
151 #endif
152 #endif