Linux: Don't waste autoconf checks on cpp defines
[openafs.git] / src / afs / LINUX24 / osi_flush.s
1 /* Taken from linux-2.6/arch/ppc64/boot/string.S 
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras 1997.
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others.
6  * All Rights Reserved.
7  * 
8  * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public
9  * License.  For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source
10  * directory or online at
11  *
12  * Flush the dcache and invalidate the icache for a range of addresses.
13  *
14  * flush_cache(addr, len)
15  */
16         .section        ".text"
17         .align          2
18         .globl          flush_cache
19         .section        ".opd","aw"
20         .align          3
21 flush_cache:
22         .quad           .flush_cache,.TOC.@tocbase,0
23         .previous
24         .size           flush_cache,24
25         .globl          .flush_cache
26 .flush_cache:
27         addi    4,4,0x1f        /* len = (len + 0x1f) / 0x20 */
28         rlwinm. 4,4,27,5,31
29         mtctr   4
30         beqlr
31 1:      dcbf    0,3
32         icbi    0,3
33         addi    3,3,0x20
34         bdnz    1b
35         sync
36         isync
37         blr
38         .long           0
39         .byte           0,12,0,0,0,0,0,0
40         .type           .flush_cache,@function
41         .size           .flush_cache,.-.flush_cache