/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #ifndef __SMB_H_ENV__ #define __SMB_H_ENV__ 1 #ifdef DJGPP #include "netbios95.h" #endif /* DJGPP */ /* basic core protocol SMB structure */ typedef struct smb { unsigned char id[4]; unsigned char com; unsigned char rcls; unsigned char reh; unsigned char errLow; unsigned char errHigh; unsigned char reb; unsigned short flg2; unsigned short res[6]; unsigned short tid; unsigned short pid; unsigned short uid; unsigned short mid; unsigned char wct; unsigned char vdata[1]; } smb_t; /* more defines */ #define SMB_NOPCODES 256 /* # of opcodes in the dispatch table */ /* threads per VC */ #define SMB_THREADSPERVC 4 /* threads per VC */ /* flags for functions */ #define SMB_FLAG_CREATE 1 /* create the structure if necessary */ /* max # of bytes we'll receive in an incoming SMB message */ #define SMB_PACKETSIZE 8400 /* a packet structure for receiving SMB messages; locked by smb_globalLock. * Most of the work involved is in handling chained requests and responses. * * When handling input, inWctp points to the current request's wct field (and * the other parameters and request data can be found from this field). The * opcode, unfortunately, isn't available there, so is instead copied to the * packet's inCom field. It is initially set to com, but each chained * operation sets it, also. * The function smb_AdvanceInput advances an input packet to the next request * in the chain. The inCom field is set to 0xFF when there are no more * requests. The inCount field is 0 if this is the first request, and * otherwise counts which request it is. * * When handling output, we also have to chain all of the responses together. * The function smb_GetResponsePacket will setup outWctp to point to the right * place. */ #define SMB_PACKETMAGIC 0x7436353 /* magic # for packets */ typedef struct smb_packet { char data[SMB_PACKETSIZE]; struct smb_packet *nextp; /* in free list, or whatever */ long magic; cm_space_t *spacep; /* use this for stripping last component */ NCB *ncbp; /* use this for sending */ struct smb_vc *vcp; unsigned long resumeCode; unsigned short inCount; unsigned short fid; /* for calls bundled with openAndX */ unsigned char *wctp; unsigned char inCom; unsigned char oddByte; unsigned short ncb_length; unsigned char flags; #ifdef DJGPP dos_ptr dos_pkt; unsigned int dos_pkt_sel; #endif /* DJGPP */ } smb_packet_t; /* smb_packet flags */ #define SMB_PACKETFLAG_PROFILE_UPDATE_OK 1 #define SMB_PACKETFLAG_NOSEND 2 #define SMB_PACKETFLAG_SUSPENDED 4 /* a structure for making Netbios calls; locked by smb_globalLock */ #define SMB_NCBMAGIC 0x2334344 typedef struct myncb { NCB ncb; /* ncb to use */ struct myncb *nextp; /* when on free list */ long magic; #ifdef DJGPP dos_ptr dos_ncb; smb_packet_t *orig_pkt; unsigned int dos_ncb_sel; #endif /* DJGPP */ } smb_ncb_t; /* structures representing environments from kernel / SMB network. * Most have their own locks, but the tree connection fields and * reference counts are locked by the smb_rctLock. Those fields will * be marked in comments. */ /* one per virtual circuit */ typedef struct smb_vc { struct smb_vc *nextp; /* not used */ int refCount; /* the reference count */ long flags; /* the flags, if any; locked by mx */ osi_mutex_t mx; /* the mutex */ long vcID; /* VC id */ unsigned short lsn; /* the NCB LSN associated with this */ unsigned short uidCounter; /* session ID counter */ unsigned short tidCounter; /* tree ID counter */ unsigned short fidCounter; /* file handle ID counter */ struct smb_tid *tidsp; /* the first child in the tid list */ struct smb_user *usersp; /* the first child in the user session list */ struct smb_fid *fidsp; /* the first child in the open file list */ struct smb_user *justLoggedOut; /* ready for profile upload? */ unsigned long logoffTime; /* tick count when logged off */ /*struct cm_user *logonDLLUser; /* integrated logon user */ unsigned char errorCount; char rname[17]; int lana; } smb_vc_t; /* have we negotiated ... */ #define SMB_VCFLAG_USEV3 1 /* ... version 3 of the protocol */ #define SMB_VCFLAG_USECORE 2 /* ... the core protocol */ #define SMB_VCFLAG_USENT 4 /* ... NT LM 0.12 or beyond */ #define SMB_VCFLAG_STATUS32 8 /* use 32-bit NT status codes */ #define SMB_VCFLAG_REMOTECONN 0x10 /* bad: remote conns not allowed */ #define SMB_VCFLAG_ALREADYDEAD 0x20 /* do not get tokens from this vc */ /* one per user session */ typedef struct smb_user { struct smb_user *nextp; /* next sibling */ long refCount; /* ref count */ long flags; /* flags; locked by mx */ osi_mutex_t mx; long userID; /* the session identifier */ struct smb_vc *vcp; /* back ptr to virtual circuit */ struct smb_username *unp; /* user name struct */ } smb_user_t; typedef struct smb_username { struct smb_username *nextp; /* next sibling */ long refCount; /* ref count */ long flags; /* flags; locked by mx */ osi_mutex_t mx; struct cm_user *userp; /* CM user structure */ char *name; /* user name */ char *machine; /* machine name */ } smb_username_t; #define SMB_USERFLAG_DELETE 1 /* delete struct when ref count zero */ /* one per tree-connect */ typedef struct smb_tid { struct smb_tid *nextp; /* next sibling */ long refCount; long flags; osi_mutex_t mx; /* for non-tree-related stuff */ unsigned short tid; /* the tid */ struct smb_vc *vcp; /* back ptr */ struct cm_user *userp; /* user logged in at the * tree connect level (base) */ char *pathname; /* pathname derived from sharename */ } smb_tid_t; #define SMB_TIDFLAG_DELETE 1 /* delete struct when ref count zero */ /* one per process ID */ typedef struct smb_pid { struct smb_pid *nextp; /* next sibling */ long refCount; long flags; osi_mutex_t mx; /* for non-tree-related stuff */ unsigned short pid; /* the pid */ struct smb_tid *tidp; /* back ptr */ } smb_pid_t; /* ioctl parameter, while being assembled and/or processed */ typedef struct smb_ioctl { /* input side */ char *inDatap; /* ioctl func's current position * in input parameter block */ char *inAllocp; /* allocated input parameter block */ long inCopied; /* # of input bytes copied in so far * by write calls */ cm_space_t *prefix; /* prefix for subst drives */ char *tidPathp; /* Pathname associated with Tree ID */ /* output side */ char *outDatap; /* output results assembled so far */ char *outAllocp; /* output results assembled so far */ long outCopied; /* # of output bytes copied back so far * by read calls */ /* flags */ long flags; /* fid pointer */ struct smb_fid *fidp; } smb_ioctl_t; /* flags for smb_ioctl_t */ #define SMB_IOCTLFLAG_DATAIN 1 /* reading data from client to server */ #define SMB_IOCTLFLAG_LOGON 2 /* got tokens from integrated logon */ /* one per file ID; these are really file descriptors */ typedef struct smb_fid { osi_queue_t q; long refCount; long flags; osi_mutex_t mx; /* for non-tree-related stuff */ unsigned short fid; /* the file ID */ struct smb_vc *vcp; /* back ptr */ struct cm_scache *scp; /* scache of open file */ long offset; /* our file pointer */ smb_ioctl_t *ioctlp; /* ptr to ioctl structure */ /* Under NT, we may need to know the * parent directory and pathname used * to open the file, either to delete * the file on close, or to do a * change notification */ struct cm_scache *NTopen_dscp; /* parent directory (NT) */ char *NTopen_pathp; /* path used in open (NT) */ char *NTopen_wholepathp; /* entire path, not just last name */ int curr_chunk; /* chunk being read */ int prev_chunk; /* previous chunk read */ int raw_writers; /* pending async raw writes */ EVENT_HANDLE raw_write_event; /* signal this when raw_writers zero */ } smb_fid_t; #define SMB_FID_OPENREAD 1 /* open for reading */ #define SMB_FID_OPENWRITE 2 /* open for writing */ #define SMB_FID_DELETE 4 /* delete struct on ref count 0 */ #define SMB_FID_IOCTL 8 /* a file descriptor for the * magic ioctl file */ #define SMB_FID_OPENDELETE 0x10 /* open for deletion (NT) */ #define SMB_FID_DELONCLOSE 0x20 /* marked for deletion */ /* * Now some special flags to work around a bug in NT Client */ #define SMB_FID_LENGTHSETDONE 0x40 /* have done 0-length write */ #define SMB_FID_MTIMESETDONE 0x80 /* have set modtime via Tr2 */ #define SMB_FID_LOOKSLIKECOPY (SMB_FID_LENGTHSETDONE | SMB_FID_MTIMESETDONE) #define SMB_FID_NTOPEN 0x100 /* have dscp and pathp */ /* for tracking in-progress directory searches */ typedef struct smb_dirSearch { osi_queue_t q; /* queue of all outstanding cookies */ osi_mutex_t mx; /* just in case the caller screws up */ int refCount; /* reference count */ long cookie; /* value returned to the caller */ struct cm_scache *scp; /* vnode of the dir we're searching */ long lastTime; /* last time we used this */ long flags; /* flags (see below); * locked by smb_globalLock */ unsigned short attribute; /* search attribute * (used for extended protocol) */ char mask[256]; /* search mask for V3 */ } smb_dirSearch_t; #define SMB_DIRSEARCH_DELETE 1 /* delete struct when ref count zero */ #define SMB_DIRSEARCH_HITEOF 2 /* perhaps useful for advisory later */ #define SMB_DIRSEARCH_SMALLID 4 /* cookie can only be 8 bits, not 16 */ #define SMB_DIRSEARCH_BULKST 8 /* get bulk stat info */ /* type for patching directory listings */ typedef struct smb_dirListPatch { osi_queue_t q; char *dptr; /* ptr to attr, time, data, sizel, sizeh */ cm_fid_t fid; cm_dirEntry_t *dep; /* temp */ } smb_dirListPatch_t; /* waiting lock list elements */ typedef struct smb_waitingLock { osi_queue_t q; smb_vc_t *vcp; smb_packet_t *inp; smb_packet_t *outp; u_long timeRemaining; void *lockp; } smb_waitingLock_t; smb_waitingLock_t *smb_allWaitingLocks; typedef long (smb_proc_t)(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp); typedef struct smb_dispatch { smb_proc_t *procp; /* proc to call */ int flags; /* flags describing function */ } smb_dispatch_t; #define SMB_DISPATCHFLAG_CHAINED 1 /* this is an _AND_X function */ #define SMB_DISPATCHFLAG_NORESPONSE 2 /* don't send the response * packet, typically because * the response was already * sent. */ #define SMB_MAX_PATH 256 /* max path length */ /* prototypes */ extern void smb_Init(osi_log_t *logp, char *smbNamep, int useV3, int LANadapt, int nThreads #ifndef DJGPP , void *aMBfunc #endif ); extern void smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(FILETIME *largeTimep, long unixTime); extern void smb_UnixTimeFromLargeSearchTime(long *unixTimep, FILETIME *largeTimep); extern void smb_SearchTimeFromUnixTime(long *dosTimep, long unixTime); extern void smb_UnixTimeFromSearchTime(long *unixTimep, long searchTime); extern void smb_DosUTimeFromUnixTime(long *dosUTimep, long unixTime); extern void smb_UnixTimeFromDosUTime(long *unixTimep, long dosUTime); extern smb_vc_t *smb_FindVC(unsigned short lsn, int flags, int lana); extern void smb_ReleaseVC(smb_vc_t *vcp); extern smb_tid_t *smb_FindTID(smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short tid, int flags); extern void smb_ReleaseTID(smb_tid_t *tidp); extern smb_user_t *smb_FindUID(smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short uid, int flags); extern void smb_ReleaseUID(smb_user_t *uidp); extern cm_user_t *smb_GetUser(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp); extern char *smb_GetTIDPath(smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short tid); extern smb_fid_t *smb_FindFID(smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short fid, int flags); extern void smb_ReleaseFID(smb_fid_t *fidp); extern int smb_FindShare(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, char *shareName, char **pathNamep); extern smb_dirSearch_t *smb_FindDirSearchNL(long cookie); extern void smb_DeleteDirSearch(smb_dirSearch_t *dsp); extern void smb_ReleaseDirSearch(smb_dirSearch_t *dsp); extern smb_dirSearch_t *smb_FindDirSearch(long cookie); extern smb_dirSearch_t *smb_NewDirSearch(int isV3); extern smb_packet_t *smb_CopyPacket(smb_packet_t *packetp); extern void smb_FreePacket(smb_packet_t *packetp); extern unsigned char *smb_GetSMBData(smb_packet_t *smbp, int *nbytesp); extern void smb_SetSMBDataLength(smb_packet_t *smbp, unsigned int dsize); extern unsigned int smb_GetSMBParm(smb_packet_t *smbp, int parm); extern unsigned int smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(smb_packet_t *smbp, int parm, int offset); extern void smb_SetSMBParm(smb_packet_t *smbp, int slot, unsigned int parmValue); extern void smb_SetSMBParmLong(smb_packet_t *smbp, int slot, unsigned int parmValue); extern void smb_SetSMBParmDouble(smb_packet_t *smbp, int slot, char *parmValuep); extern void smb_SetSMBParmByte(smb_packet_t *smbp, int slot, unsigned int parmValue); extern void smb_StripLastComponent(char *outPathp, char **lastComponentp, char *inPathp); extern unsigned char *smb_ParseASCIIBlock(unsigned char *inp, char **chainpp); extern unsigned char *smb_ParseVblBlock(unsigned char *inp, char **chainpp, int *lengthp); extern smb_packet_t *smb_GetResponsePacket(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp); extern void smb_SendPacket(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp); extern void smb_MapCoreError(long code, smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short *scodep, unsigned char *classp); extern void smb_MapNTError(long code, unsigned long *NTStatusp); extern void smb_HoldVC(smb_vc_t *vcp); /* some globals, too */ extern int loggedOut; extern unsigned long loggedOutTime; extern char *loggedOutName; extern smb_user_t *loggedOutUserp; extern osi_log_t *smb_logp; extern osi_rwlock_t smb_globalLock; extern osi_rwlock_t smb_rctLock; extern int smb_LogoffTokenTransfer; extern unsigned long smb_LogoffTransferTimeout; extern void smb_FormatResponsePacket(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *op); extern unsigned int smb_Attributes(cm_scache_t *scp); extern int smb_ChainFID(int fid, smb_packet_t *inp); extern smb_fid_t *smb_FindFID(smb_vc_t *vcp, unsigned short fid, int flags); extern void smb_ReleaseFID(smb_fid_t *fidp); extern unsigned char *smb_ParseDataBlock(unsigned char *inp, char **chainpp, int *lengthp); extern unsigned char *smb_ParseASCIIBlock(unsigned char *inp, char **chainpp); extern unsigned char *smb_ParseVblBlock(unsigned char *inp, char **chainpp, int *lengthp); extern int smb_SUser(cm_user_t *userp); #ifndef DJGPP extern long smb_ReadData(smb_fid_t *fidp, osi_hyper_t *offsetp, long count, char *op, cm_user_t *userp, long *readp); #else /* DJGPP */ extern long smb_ReadData(smb_fid_t *fidp, osi_hyper_t *offsetp, long count, char *op, cm_user_t *userp, long *readp, int dosflag); #endif /* !DJGPP */ extern BOOL smb_IsLegalFilename(char *filename); /* include other include files */ #include "smb3.h" #include "smb_ioctl.h" #include "smb_iocons.h" cm_user_t *smb_FindOrCreateUser(smb_vc_t *vcp, char *usern); #endif /* whole file */