/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Kernel Drivers, LLC. * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Your File System, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the names of Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission from Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // // File: AFSNetworkProviderSupport.cpp // #include "AFSCommon.h" NTSTATUS AFSAddConnectionEx( IN UNICODE_STRING *RemoteName, IN ULONG DisplayType, IN ULONG Flags) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSProviderConnectionCB *pConnection = NULL, *pLastConnection = NULL, *pServerConnection = NULL; UNICODE_STRING uniRemoteName; AFSDeviceExt *pRDRDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; __Enter { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSAddConnectionEx Acquiring AFSProviderListLock lock %p EXCL %08lX\n", &pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderListLock, PsGetCurrentThread())); AFSAcquireExcl( &pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderListLock, TRUE); AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_NETWORK_PROVIDER, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSAddConnectionEx remote name %wZ display type %08lX flags %08lX\n", RemoteName, DisplayType, Flags)); // // If this is a server, start in the enum list, otherwise // locate the server node // if( DisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) { pConnection = pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderEnumerationList; } else { pServerConnection = pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderEnumerationList; // For now we have only one server ... if( pServerConnection == NULL) { try_return( ntStatus); } pConnection = pServerConnection->EnumerationList; } // // Look for the connection // uniRemoteName.Length = RemoteName->Length; uniRemoteName.MaximumLength = RemoteName->Length; uniRemoteName.Buffer = RemoteName->Buffer; while( pConnection != NULL) { if( RtlCompareUnicodeString( &uniRemoteName, &pConnection->RemoteName, TRUE) == 0) { break; } pConnection = pConnection->fLink; } if( pConnection != NULL) { try_return( ntStatus); } // // Strip off any trailing slashes // if( uniRemoteName.Buffer[ (uniRemoteName.Length/sizeof( WCHAR)) - 1] == L'\\') { uniRemoteName.Buffer[ (uniRemoteName.Length/sizeof( WCHAR)) - 1] = L'\0'; uniRemoteName.Length -= sizeof( WCHAR); } AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_NETWORK_PROVIDER, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSAddConnectionEx Inserting remote name %wZ\n", &uniRemoteName)); // // Allocate a new node and add it to our list // pConnection = (AFSProviderConnectionCB *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, sizeof( AFSProviderConnectionCB) + uniRemoteName.Length, AFS_PROVIDER_CB); if( pConnection == NULL) { try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } RtlZeroMemory( pConnection, sizeof( AFSProviderConnectionCB) + uniRemoteName.Length); pConnection->LocalName = L'\0'; pConnection->RemoteName.Length = uniRemoteName.Length; pConnection->RemoteName.MaximumLength = pConnection->RemoteName.Length; pConnection->RemoteName.Buffer = (WCHAR *)((char *)pConnection + sizeof( AFSProviderConnectionCB)); RtlCopyMemory( pConnection->RemoteName.Buffer, uniRemoteName.Buffer, pConnection->RemoteName.Length); // // Point to the component portion of the name // pConnection->ComponentName.Length = 0; pConnection->ComponentName.MaximumLength = 0; pConnection->ComponentName.Buffer = &pConnection->RemoteName.Buffer[ (pConnection->RemoteName.Length/sizeof( WCHAR)) - 1]; while( pConnection->ComponentName.Length <= pConnection->RemoteName.Length) { if( pConnection->ComponentName.Buffer[ 0] == L'\\') { pConnection->ComponentName.Buffer++; break; } pConnection->ComponentName.Length += sizeof( WCHAR); pConnection->ComponentName.MaximumLength += sizeof( WCHAR); pConnection->ComponentName.Buffer--; } // // Go initialize the information about the connection // AFSInitializeConnectionInfo( pConnection, DisplayType); // // Store away the flags for the connection // pConnection->Flags = Flags; // // Insert the entry into our list. If this is a server // connection then add it to the enumeration list, otherwise // find the server name for this connection // if( DisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) { if( pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderEnumerationList == NULL) { pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderEnumerationList = pConnection; } else { // // Get the end of the list // pLastConnection = pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderEnumerationList; while( pLastConnection->fLink != NULL) { pLastConnection = pLastConnection->fLink; } pLastConnection->fLink = pConnection; } } else if( pServerConnection != NULL) { if( pServerConnection->EnumerationList == NULL) { pServerConnection->EnumerationList = pConnection; } else { // // Get the end of the list // pLastConnection = pServerConnection->EnumerationList; while( pLastConnection->fLink != NULL) { pLastConnection = pLastConnection->fLink; } pLastConnection->fLink = pConnection; } } try_exit: AFSReleaseResource( &pRDRDevExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderListLock); } return ntStatus; } void AFSInitializeConnectionInfo( IN AFSProviderConnectionCB *Connection, IN ULONG DisplayType) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING uniName, uniComponentName, uniRemainingName; __Enter { uniName = Connection->RemoteName; // // Strip of the double leading slash if there is one // if( uniName.Buffer[ 0] == L'\\' && uniName.Buffer[ 1] == L'\\') { uniName.Buffer = &uniName.Buffer[ 1]; uniName.Length -= sizeof( WCHAR); } FsRtlDissectName( uniName, &uniComponentName, &uniRemainingName); // // Initialize the information for the connection // First, if this is the server only then mark it accordingly // if( uniRemainingName.Length == 0 || DisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) { Connection->Type = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; Connection->Scope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; Connection->DisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER; Connection->Usage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER; Connection->Comment.Length = 20; Connection->Comment.MaximumLength = 22; Connection->Comment.Buffer = (WCHAR *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, Connection->Comment.MaximumLength, AFS_NETWORK_PROVIDER_7_TAG); if( Connection->Comment.Buffer != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory( Connection->Comment.Buffer, Connection->Comment.MaximumLength); RtlCopyMemory( Connection->Comment.Buffer, L"AFS Root", 16); } else { Connection->Comment.Length = 0; Connection->Comment.MaximumLength = 0; } try_return( ntStatus); } uniName = uniRemainingName; FsRtlDissectName( uniName, &uniComponentName, &uniRemainingName); if( uniRemainingName.Length == 0 || uniRemainingName.Buffer == NULL || DisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE) { Connection->Type = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; Connection->DisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE; Connection->Usage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; if( Connection->LocalName != L'\0') { Connection->Usage |= RESOURCEUSAGE_ATTACHED; Connection->Scope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED; } else { Connection->Scope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET; } Connection->Comment.Length = 18; Connection->Comment.MaximumLength = 20; Connection->Comment.Buffer = (WCHAR *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, Connection->Comment.MaximumLength, AFS_NETWORK_PROVIDER_8_TAG); if( Connection->Comment.Buffer != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory( Connection->Comment.Buffer, Connection->Comment.MaximumLength); RtlCopyMemory( Connection->Comment.Buffer, L"AFS Share", 18); } else { Connection->Comment.Length = 0; Connection->Comment.MaximumLength = 0; } try_return( ntStatus); } // // This is a sub directory within a share // Connection->Type = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; Connection->DisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DIRECTORY; Connection->Usage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE; if( Connection->LocalName != L'\0') { Connection->Usage |= RESOURCEUSAGE_ATTACHED; } Connection->Scope = RESOURCE_CONNECTED; Connection->Comment.Length = 26; Connection->Comment.MaximumLength = 28; Connection->Comment.Buffer = (WCHAR *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, Connection->Comment.MaximumLength, AFS_NETWORK_PROVIDER_9_TAG); if( Connection->Comment.Buffer != NULL) { RtlZeroMemory( Connection->Comment.Buffer, Connection->Comment.MaximumLength); RtlCopyMemory( Connection->Comment.Buffer, L"AFS Directory", 26); } else { Connection->Comment.Length = 0; Connection->Comment.MaximumLength = 0; } try_exit: NOTHING; } return; }