/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Kernel Drivers, LLC. * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Your File System, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the names of Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission from Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // // File: AFSRDRSupport.cpp // #include "AFSCommon.h" typedef NTSTATUS (*FsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx_t)( PHANDLE MupHandle, PUNICODE_STRING RedirDevName, PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, ULONG Flags); NTSTATUS AFSInitRDRDevice() { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING uniDeviceName; AFSDeviceExt *pDeviceExt = NULL; UNICODE_STRING uniFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx; FsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx_t pFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx = NULL; RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW sysVersion; ULONG ulDeviceCharacteristics = FILE_REMOTE_DEVICE; __Enter { RtlZeroMemory( &sysVersion, sizeof( RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW)); sysVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( RTL_OSVERSIONINFOW); RtlGetVersion( &sysVersion); RtlInitUnicodeString( &uniDeviceName, AFS_RDR_DEVICE_NAME); RtlInitUnicodeString( &uniFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx, L"FsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx"); pFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx = (FsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx_t)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&uniFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx); // // On 32-bit Windows XP, do not set FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN // flag as it interferes with initial access to \\afs from // limited user accounts. // if(!(sysVersion.dwMajorVersion == 5 && sysVersion.dwMinorVersion == 1)) { ulDeviceCharacteristics |= FILE_DEVICE_SECURE_OPEN; } ntStatus = IoCreateDevice( AFSDriverObject, sizeof( AFSDeviceExt), pFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx ? NULL : &uniDeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM, ulDeviceCharacteristics, FALSE, &AFSRDRDeviceObject); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitRDRDevice IoCreateDevice failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); try_return( ntStatus); } pDeviceExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; RtlZeroMemory( pDeviceExt, sizeof( AFSDeviceExt)); // // Initialize resources // pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeLock = &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock; ExInitializeResourceLite( pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeLock); pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeHead = NULL; ExInitializeResourceLite( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock); pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListHead = NULL; pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListTail = NULL; KeInitializeEvent( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.QueuedReleaseExtentEvent, NotificationEvent, TRUE); ExInitializeResourceLite( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.RootCellTreeLock); pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.RootCellTree.TreeLock = &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.RootCellTreeLock; pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.RootCellTree.TreeHead = NULL; ExInitializeResourceLite( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderListLock); ntStatus = AFSInitRdrFcb( &pDeviceExt->Fcb); if ( !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitRDRDevice AFSInitRdrFcb failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Clear the initializing bit // AFSRDRDeviceObject->Flags &= ~DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING; // // Increase the StackSize to support the extra stack frame required // for use of IoCompletion routines. // AFSRDRDeviceObject->StackSize++; // // Register this device with MUP with FilterMgr if Vista or above // if( pFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx) { ntStatus = pFsRtlRegisterUncProviderEx( &AFSMUPHandle, &uniDeviceName, AFSRDRDeviceObject, 0); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitRDRDevice FsRtlRegisterUncProvider failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); } } else { ntStatus = FsRtlRegisterUncProvider( &AFSMUPHandle, &uniDeviceName, FALSE); if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { IoRegisterFileSystem( AFSRDRDeviceObject); } else { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitRDRDevice FsRtlRegisterUncProvider failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); } } // // Good to go, all registered and ready to start receiving requests // try_exit: if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Delete our device and bail // ExDeleteResourceLite( pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeLock); ExDeleteResourceLite( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock); ExDeleteResourceLite( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.RootCellTreeLock); ExDeleteResourceLite( &pDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.ProviderListLock); IoDeleteDevice( AFSRDRDeviceObject); AFSRDRDeviceObject = NULL; try_return( ntStatus); } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSRDRDeviceControl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DeviceObject); NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); BOOLEAN bCompleteIrp = TRUE; __Enter { switch( pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) { case IOCTL_REDIR_QUERY_PATH: { QUERY_PATH_REQUEST *pPathRequest = (QUERY_PATH_REQUEST *)pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer; QUERY_PATH_RESPONSE *pPathResponse = (QUERY_PATH_RESPONSE *)Irp->UserBuffer; UNICODE_STRING uniPathName; ntStatus = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; uniPathName.Length = (USHORT)pPathRequest->PathNameLength; uniPathName.MaximumLength = uniPathName.Length; uniPathName.Buffer = pPathRequest->FilePathName; if( uniPathName.Length >= AFSServerName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR)) { USHORT usLength = uniPathName.Length; uniPathName.Length = AFSServerName.Length; // // Skip over the first slash in the name // uniPathName.Buffer = &uniPathName.Buffer[ 1]; // // Check to see if the first (or only) component // of the path matches the server name // if( RtlCompareUnicodeString( &AFSServerName, &uniPathName, TRUE) == 0 && ( usLength == AFSServerName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR) || uniPathName.Buffer[ AFSServerName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR)] == '\\')) { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; pPathResponse->LengthAccepted = AFSServerName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR); } } break; } case IOCTL_REDIR_QUERY_PATH_EX: { QUERY_PATH_REQUEST_EX *pPathRequest = (QUERY_PATH_REQUEST_EX *)pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer; QUERY_PATH_RESPONSE *pPathResponse = (QUERY_PATH_RESPONSE *)Irp->UserBuffer; UNICODE_STRING uniPathName; ntStatus = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; uniPathName.Length = pPathRequest->PathName.Length; uniPathName.MaximumLength = uniPathName.Length; uniPathName.Buffer = pPathRequest->PathName.Buffer; if( uniPathName.Length >= AFSServerName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR)) { USHORT usLength = uniPathName.Length; uniPathName.Length = AFSServerName.Length; // // Skip over the first slash in the name // uniPathName.Buffer = &uniPathName.Buffer[ 1]; // // Check to see if the first (or only) component // of the path matches the server name // if( RtlCompareUnicodeString( &AFSServerName, &uniPathName, TRUE) == 0 && ( usLength == AFSServerName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR) || uniPathName.Buffer[ AFSServerName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR)] == '\\')) { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; pPathResponse->LengthAccepted = AFSServerName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR); } } break; } default: ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break; } if (bCompleteIrp) { // // Complete the request // AFSCompleteRequest( Irp, ntStatus); } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSInitializeRedirector( IN AFSRedirectorInitInfo *RedirInitInfo) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER cacheSizeBytes; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES stObjectAttribs; IO_STATUS_BLOCK stIoStatus; UNICODE_STRING uniServiceName; __Enter { // // First this is to load the library // RtlInitUnicodeString( &uniServiceName, AFS_REDIR_LIBRARY_SERVICE_ENTRY); ntStatus = AFSLoadLibrary( 0, &uniServiceName); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector AFSLoadLibrary failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Save off the cache file information // pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize = RedirInitInfo->CacheBlockSize; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockCount = RedirInitInfo->ExtentCount; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaximumRPCLength = RedirInitInfo->MaximumChunkLength; cacheSizeBytes = RedirInitInfo->ExtentCount; cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart *= RedirInitInfo->CacheBlockSize; AFSDumpFileLocation.Length = 0; AFSDumpFileLocation.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RedirInitInfo->DumpFileLocationLength + (4 * sizeof( WCHAR)); AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer = (WCHAR *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, AFSDumpFileLocation.MaximumLength, AFS_GENERIC_MEMORY_23_TAG); if( AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer == NULL) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector AFS_GENERIC_MEMORY_23_TAG allocation error\n")); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } RtlCopyMemory( AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer, L"\\??\\", 4 * sizeof( WCHAR)); AFSDumpFileLocation.Length = 4 * sizeof( WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory( &AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer[ AFSDumpFileLocation.Length/sizeof( WCHAR)], (void *)((char *)RedirInitInfo + RedirInitInfo->DumpFileLocationOffset), RedirInitInfo->DumpFileLocationLength); AFSDumpFileLocation.Length += (USHORT)RedirInitInfo->DumpFileLocationLength; // // Be sure the shutdown flag is not set // ClearFlag( pDevExt->DeviceFlags, AFS_DEVICE_FLAG_REDIRECTOR_SHUTDOWN); // // Set up the Throttles. // // Max IO is 10% of the cache, or the value in the registry, // with a minimum of 5Mb (and a maximum of 50% cache size) // if( AFSMaxDirectIo) { // // collect what the user // pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart = AFSMaxDirectIo; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart *= (1024 * 1024); } else { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart = cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart / 2; } if (pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart < (5 * 1024 * 1204)) { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart = 5 * 1024 * 1204; } // // For small cache configurations ... // if (pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart > cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart / 2) { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxIo.QuadPart = cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart / 2; } // // Maximum Dirty is 50% of the cache, or the value in the // registry. No minimum, maximum of 90% of cache size. // if (AFSMaxDirtyFile) { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxDirty.QuadPart = AFSMaxDirtyFile; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxDirty.QuadPart *= (1024 * 1024); } else { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxDirty.QuadPart = cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart/2; } cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart *= 9; cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart = cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart / 10; if (pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxDirty.QuadPart > cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart) { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxDirty.QuadPart = cacheSizeBytes.QuadPart; } // // Store off any flags for the file system // if( BooleanFlagOn( RedirInitInfo->Flags, AFS_REDIR_INIT_FLAG_HIDE_DOT_FILES)) { // // Hide files which begin with . // SetFlag( pDevExt->DeviceFlags, AFS_DEVICE_FLAG_HIDE_DOT_NAMES); } if( BooleanFlagOn( RedirInitInfo->Flags, AFS_REDIR_INIT_FLAG_DISABLE_SHORTNAMES)) { // // Hide files which begin with . // SetFlag( pDevExt->DeviceFlags, AFS_DEVICE_FLAG_DISABLE_SHORTNAMES); } // // Global Reparse Point Policy // pDevExt->Specific.RDR.ReparsePointPolicy = RedirInitInfo->GlobalReparsePointPolicy; // // Are we performing direct to service IO? // if( BooleanFlagOn( RedirInitInfo->Flags, AFS_REDIR_INIT_PERFORM_SERVICE_IO)) { // // Send IO requests directly to service // SetFlag( pDevExt->DeviceFlags, AFS_DEVICE_FLAG_DIRECT_SERVICE_IO); } else { if( RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheOffset.QuadPart != 0 && RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheLength.QuadPart != 0) { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; #ifdef AMD64 pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl = MmCreateMdl( NULL, (void *)RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheOffset.QuadPart, RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheLength.QuadPart); #else pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl = MmCreateMdl( NULL, (void *)RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheOffset.LowPart, RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheLength.LowPart); #endif if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl != NULL) { __try { MmProbeAndLockPages( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl, KernelMode, IoModifyAccess); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBaseAddress = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl, NormalPagePriority); } __except( AFSExceptionFilter( __FUNCTION__, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) { AFSDumpTraceFilesFnc(); IoFreeMdl( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl = NULL; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl != NULL) { pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheLength = RedirInitInfo->MemoryCacheLength; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) && RedirInitInfo->CacheFileNameLength == 0) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector Unable to initialize cache file %08lX\n", ntStatus)); try_return( ntStatus); } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl == NULL) { if( RedirInitInfo->CacheFileNameLength == 0) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector CacheMdl == NULL\n")); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // Go open the cache file // pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Length = 0; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RedirInitInfo->CacheFileNameLength + (4 * sizeof( WCHAR)); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer = (WCHAR *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.MaximumLength, AFS_GENERIC_MEMORY_24_TAG); if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer == NULL) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector AFS_GENERIC_MEMORY_24_TAG allocation failure\n")); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } RtlCopyMemory( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer, L"\\??\\", 4 * sizeof( WCHAR)); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Length = 4 * sizeof( WCHAR); RtlCopyMemory( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer[ pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Length/sizeof( WCHAR)], RedirInitInfo->CacheFileName, RedirInitInfo->CacheFileNameLength); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Length += (USHORT)RedirInitInfo->CacheFileNameLength; InitializeObjectAttributes( &stObjectAttribs, &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE | OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); ntStatus = ZwOpenFile( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, &stObjectAttribs, &stIoStatus, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector ZwOpenFile failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Map to the fileobject // ntStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle, SYNCHRONIZE, NULL, KernelMode, (void **)&pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector ObReferenceObjectByHandle failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); try_return( ntStatus); } } } pDevExt->Specific.RDR.MaxLinkCount = RedirInitInfo->MaxPathLinkCount; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.NameArrayLength = RedirInitInfo->NameArrayLength; // // Intialize the library // ntStatus = AFSInitializeLibrary( &RedirInitInfo->GlobalFileId, TRUE); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_INIT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitializeRedirector AFSInitializeLibrary failure %08lX\n", ntStatus)); } try_exit: if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl != NULL) { MmUnmapLockedPages( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBaseAddress, pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); MmUnlockPages( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); ExFreePool( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl = NULL; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBaseAddress = NULL; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheLength.QuadPart = 0; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle != NULL) { ZwClose( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle = NULL; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject = NULL; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer = NULL; } if( AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool( AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer); AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer = NULL; } if ( pDevExt->Fcb != NULL) { AFSRemoveRdrFcb( &pDevExt->Fcb); pDevExt = NULL; } AFSUnloadLibrary( TRUE); } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSCloseRedirector() { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; __Enter { // // Unload the library first so we close off any accesses to the cache or underlying // shared memory // AFSUnloadLibrary( TRUE); // // Close off the cache file or mapping // if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl != NULL) { MmUnmapLockedPages( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBaseAddress, pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); MmUnlockPages( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); ExFreePool( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheMdl = NULL; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBaseAddress = NULL; pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheLength.QuadPart = 0; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle != NULL) { ZwClose( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileHandle = NULL; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject != NULL) { ObDereferenceObject( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFileObject = NULL; } if( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer); pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheFile.Buffer = NULL; } if( AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePool( AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer); AFSDumpFileLocation.Buffer = NULL; } if ( pDevExt->Fcb != NULL) { AFSRemoveRdrFcb( &pDevExt->Fcb); pDevExt->Fcb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; } // // Function: AFSInitRdrFcb // // Description: // // This function performs Redirector Fcb initialization // // Return: // // A status is returned for the function // NTSTATUS AFSInitRdrFcb( OUT AFSFcb **RdrFcb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSFcb *pFcb = NULL; AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = NULL; __Enter { // // Initialize the root fcb // pFcb = (AFSFcb *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, sizeof( AFSFcb), AFS_FCB_ALLOCATION_TAG); if( pFcb == NULL) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitRdrFcb Failed to allocate the root fcb\n")); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } RtlZeroMemory( pFcb, sizeof( AFSFcb)); pFcb->Header.NodeByteSize = sizeof( AFSFcb); pFcb->Header.NodeTypeCode = AFS_REDIRECTOR_FCB; pNPFcb = (AFSNonPagedFcb *)AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sizeof( AFSNonPagedFcb), AFS_FCB_NP_ALLOCATION_TAG); if( pNPFcb == NULL) { AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSInitRdrFcb Failed to allocate the non-paged fcb\n")); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } RtlZeroMemory( pNPFcb, sizeof( AFSNonPagedFcb)); pNPFcb->Size = sizeof( AFSNonPagedFcb); pNPFcb->Type = AFS_NON_PAGED_FCB; // // OK, initialize the entry // ExInitializeFastMutex( &pNPFcb->AdvancedHdrMutex); FsRtlSetupAdvancedHeader( &pFcb->Header, &pNPFcb->AdvancedHdrMutex); ExInitializeResourceLite( &pNPFcb->Resource); AFSDbgTrace(( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSInitRootFcb Acquiring Fcb lock %p EXCL %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Resource, PsGetCurrentThread())); ExInitializeResourceLite( &pNPFcb->PagingResource); pFcb->Header.Resource = &pNPFcb->Resource; pFcb->Header.PagingIoResource = &pNPFcb->PagingResource; pFcb->NPFcb = pNPFcb; if ( InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( (PVOID *)RdrFcb, pFcb, NULL) != NULL) { try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_REPARSE); } try_exit: if( ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if( pFcb != NULL) { AFSRemoveRdrFcb( &pFcb); } } } return ntStatus; } // // Function: AFSRemoveRdrFcb // // Description: // // This function performs Redirector Fcb removal/deallocation // // Return: // // void. // void AFSRemoveRdrFcb( IN OUT AFSFcb **RdrFcb) { AFSFcb *pFcb = NULL; pFcb = (AFSFcb *) InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( (PVOID *)RdrFcb, NULL, (PVOID)(*RdrFcb)); if ( pFcb == NULL) { return; } if( pFcb->NPFcb != NULL) { // // Now the resource // ExDeleteResourceLite( &pFcb->NPFcb->Resource); ExDeleteResourceLite( &pFcb->NPFcb->PagingResource); // // The non paged region // AFSExFreePoolWithTag( pFcb->NPFcb, AFS_FCB_NP_ALLOCATION_TAG); } // // And the Fcb itself // AFSExFreePoolWithTag( pFcb, AFS_FCB_ALLOCATION_TAG); return; }