/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include "../afs/param.h" RCSID("$Header$"); #include "../afs/sysincludes.h" /* Standard vendor system headers */ #include "../afs/afsincludes.h" /* Afs-based standard headers */ #include "../afs/afs_stats.h" /* statistics */ #include "afs/stds.h" static struct axscache *afs_axsfreelist = NULL; static struct xfreelist { struct xfreelist *next; } *xfreemallocs = 0; static int afs_xaxscnt = 0; afs_rwlock_t afs_xaxs; /* takes an address of an access cache & uid, returns ptr */ /* PRECONDITION: first field has been checked and doesn't match! * INVARIANT: isparent(i,j) ^ isparent(j,i) (ie, they switch around) */ struct axscache *afs_SlowFindAxs(struct axscache **cachep, afs_int32 id) { register struct axscache *i,*j; j=(*cachep); i=j->next; while (i) { if (i->uid == id) { axs_Front(cachep,j,i); /* maintain LRU queue */ return(i); } if ((j=i->next)) { /* ASSIGNMENT HERE! */ if (j->uid == id) { axs_Front(cachep,i,j); return(j); } } else return ((struct axscache *) NULL); i=j->next; } return ((struct axscache *) NULL); } #define NAXSs (1000 / sizeof(struct axscache)) struct axscache *axs_Alloc(void) { register struct axscache *i, *j, *xsp; struct axscache *h; int k; ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xaxs,174); if ((h = afs_axsfreelist)) { afs_axsfreelist = h->next; } else { h=i=j= (struct axscache *) afs_osi_Alloc(NAXSs * sizeof(struct axscache)); afs_xaxscnt++; xsp = (struct axscache *)xfreemallocs; xfreemallocs = (struct xfreelist *)h; xfreemallocs->next = (struct xfreelist *)xsp; for (k = 0; k < NAXSs-1; k++, i++) { i->uid = -2; i->axess = 0; i->next = ++j; /* need j because order of evaluation not defined */ } i->uid = -2; i->axess = 0; i->next = NULL; afs_axsfreelist = h->next; } ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xaxs); return(h); } #define axs_Free(axsp) { \ ObtainWriteLock(&afs_xaxs,175); \ axsp->next = afs_axsfreelist; \ afs_axsfreelist = axsp; \ ReleaseWriteLock(&afs_xaxs); \ } /* I optimize for speed on lookup, and don't give a RIP about delete. */ void afs_RemoveAxs(struct axscache **headp, struct axscache *axsp) { struct axscache *i, *j; if (*headp && axsp) { /* is bullet-proofing really neccessary? */ if (*headp == axsp) { /* most common case, I think */ *headp = axsp->next; axs_Free(axsp); return; } i= *headp; j=i->next; while (j) { if (j == axsp) { i->next = j->next; axs_Free(axsp); return; } if ((i = j->next)) { /* ASSIGNMENT HERE! */ j->next = i->next; axs_Free(axsp); return; } } } /* end of "if neither pointer is NULL" */ return; /* !#@ FAILED to find it! */ } /* * Takes an entire list of access cache structs and prepends them, lock, stock, * and barrel, to the front of the freelist. */ void afs_FreeAllAxs(struct axscache **headp) { struct axscache *i,*j; i= *headp; j=NULL; while (i) { /* chase down the list 'til we reach the end */ j=i->next; if (!j) { ObtainWriteLock (&afs_xaxs,176); i->next = afs_axsfreelist; /* tack on the freelist to the end */ afs_axsfreelist = *headp; ReleaseWriteLock (&afs_xaxs); *headp = NULL; return; } i=j->next; } if (j) { /* we ran off the end of the list... */ ObtainWriteLock (&afs_xaxs,177); j->next = afs_axsfreelist; /* tack on the freelist to the end */ afs_axsfreelist = *headp; ReleaseWriteLock (&afs_xaxs); } *headp = NULL; return; } /* doesn't appear to be used at all */ #if 0 static void shutdown_xscache(void) { struct xfreelist *xp, *nxp; RWLOCK_INIT(&afs_xaxs, "afs_xaxs"); xp = xfreemallocs; while (xp) { nxp = xp->next; afs_osi_Free((char *)xp, NAXSs * sizeof(struct axscache)); xp = nxp; } afs_axsfreelist = NULL; xfreemallocs = NULL; } #endif