/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */ #include #include /* signal(), kill(), wait(), etc. */ #include #include "bnode.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char *volutil_PartitionName(); extern struct rx_call *rx_NewCall(); extern char *volutil_PartitionName(); extern struct hostent *hostutil_GetHostByName(); static IStatServer(); static DoStat(); #include "bosint.h" #include "../permit_xprt.h" #define MRAFS_OFFSET 9 #define ADDPARMOFFSET 26 static struct SalvageParms { afs_int32 Optdebug; afs_int32 Optnowrite; afs_int32 Optforce; afs_int32 Optoktozap; afs_int32 Optrootfiles; afs_int32 Optsalvagedirs; afs_int32 Optblockreads; afs_int32 OptListResidencies; afs_int32 OptSalvageRemote; afs_int32 OptSalvageArchival; afs_int32 OptIgnoreCheck; afs_int32 OptForceOnLine; afs_int32 OptUseRootDirACL; afs_int32 OptTraceBadLinkCounts; afs_int32 OptDontAskFS; afs_int32 OptLogLevel; afs_int32 OptRxDebug; afs_uint32 OptResidencies; } mrafsParm; /* dummy routine for the audit work. It should do nothing since audits */ /* occur at the server level and bos is not a server. */ osi_audit() {return 0;} /* keep those lines small */ static char *em(acode) afs_int32 acode; { if (acode == -1) return "communications failure (-1)"; else if (acode == -3) return "communications timeout (-3)"; else return (char *) error_message(acode); } /* get partition id from a name */ static afs_int32 GetPartitionID(aname) char *aname; { register char tc; char ascii[3]; tc = *aname; if (tc == 0) return -1; /* unknown */ /* numbers go straight through */ if (tc >= '0' && tc <= '9') { return atoi(aname); } /* otherwise check for vicepa or /vicepa, or just plain "a" */ ascii[2] = 0; if (strlen(aname) <= 2) { strcpy(ascii, aname); } else if (!strncmp(aname, "/vicep", 6)) { strncpy(ascii, aname+6, 2); } else if (!strncmp(aname, "vicep", 5)) { strncpy(ascii, aname+5, 2); } else return -1; /* bad partition name */ /* now partitions are named /vicepa ... /vicepz, /vicepaa, /vicepab, * .../vicepzz, and are numbered from 0. Do the appropriate conversion */ if (ascii[1] == 0) { /* one char name, 0..25 */ if (ascii[0] < 'a' || ascii[0] > 'z') return -1; /* wrongo */ return ascii[0] - 'a'; } else { /* two char name, 26 .. */ if (ascii[0] < 'a' || ascii[0] > 'z') return -1; /* wrongo */ if (ascii[1] < 'a' || ascii[1] > 'z') return -1; /* just as bad */ return (ascii[0] - 'a') * 26 + (ascii[1] - 'a') + 26; } } /* make ctime easier to use */ static char *DateOf(atime) afs_int32 atime; { static char tbuffer[30]; register char *tp; tp=ctime((time_t *)&atime); if (tp) { strcpy(tbuffer, tp); tbuffer[24] = 0; /* get rid of new line */ } else strcpy(tbuffer, "BAD TIME"); return tbuffer; } /* global stuff from main for communicating with GetConn */ static struct rx_securityClass *sc[3]; static int scIndex; /* use the syntax descr to get a connection, authenticated appropriately. * aencrypt is set if we want to encrypt the data on the wire. */ static struct rx_connection *GetConn(as, aencrypt) int aencrypt; struct cmd_syndesc *as; { struct hostent *th; char *hostname; register afs_int32 code; register struct rx_connection *tconn; afs_int32 addr; register struct afsconf_dir *tdir; int encryptLevel; struct ktc_principal sname; struct ktc_token ttoken; int localauth; const char *confdir; hostname = as->parms[0].items->data; th = hostutil_GetHostByName(hostname); if (!th) { printf("bos: can't find address for host '%s'\n", hostname); exit(1); } bcopy(th->h_addr, &addr, sizeof(afs_int32)); /* get tokens for making authenticated connections */ localauth = (as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET + 2].items != 0); confdir = (localauth ? AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH : AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH); tdir = afsconf_Open (confdir); if (tdir) { struct afsconf_cell info; char *tname; if (as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET].items) tname = as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET].items->data; else tname = (char *) 0; /* next call expands cell name abbrevs for us and handles looking up * local cell */ code = afsconf_GetCellInfo(tdir, tname, (char *) 0, &info); if (code) { com_err ("bos", code, "(can't find cell '%s' in cell database)", (tname? tname : "")); exit(1); } else strcpy(sname.cell, info.name); } else { printf("bos: can't open cell database (%s)\n", confdir); exit(1); } sname.instance[0] = 0; strcpy(sname.name, "afs"); sc[0] = (struct rx_securityClass *) rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(); sc[1] = 0; sc[2] = 0; scIndex = 0; if (!as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET + 1].items) { /* not -noauth */ if (as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET + 2].items) { /* -localauth */ code = afsconf_GetLatestKey (tdir, 0,0); if (code) com_err ("bos", code, "(getting key from local KeyFile)"); else { if (aencrypt) code = afsconf_ClientAuthSecure (tdir, &sc[2], &scIndex); else code = afsconf_ClientAuth (tdir, &sc[2], &scIndex); if (code) com_err ("bos", code, "(calling ClientAuth)"); else if (scIndex != 2) /* this shouldn't happen */ sc[scIndex] = sc[2]; } } else { /* not -localauth, check for tickets */ code = ktc_GetToken(&sname, &ttoken, sizeof(ttoken), (char *)0); if (code == 0) { /* have tickets, will travel */ if (ttoken.kvno >= 0 && ttoken.kvno <= 255) ; else { fprintf (stderr, "bos: funny kvno (%d) in ticket, proceeding\n", ttoken.kvno); } /* kerberos tix */ if (aencrypt) encryptLevel = rxkad_crypt; else encryptLevel = rxkad_clear; sc[2] = (struct rx_securityClass *) rxkad_NewClientSecurityObject (encryptLevel, &ttoken.sessionKey, ttoken.kvno, ttoken.ticketLen, ttoken.ticket); scIndex = 2; } else com_err ("bos", code, "(getting tickets)"); } if ((scIndex == 0) || (sc[scIndex] == 0)) { fprintf (stderr, "bos: running unauthenticated\n"); scIndex = 0; } } tconn = rx_NewConnection (addr, htons(AFSCONF_NANNYPORT), 1, sc[scIndex], scIndex); if (!tconn) { fprintf (stderr, "bos: could not create rx connection\n"); exit(1); } rxs_Release (sc[scIndex]); return tconn; } static SetAuth(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register afs_int32 code; register struct rx_connection *tconn; afs_int32 flag; register char *tp; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); tp = as->parms[1].items->data; if (strcmp(tp, "on")==0) flag = 0; /* auth req.: noauthflag is false */ else if (strcmp(tp, "off") == 0) flag = 1; else { printf("bos: illegal authentication specifier '%s', must be 'off' or 'on'.\n", tp); return 1; } code = BOZO_SetNoAuthFlag(tconn, flag); if (code) com_err ("bos", code, "(failed to set authentication flag)"); return 0; } /* take a name (e.g. foo/bar, and a dir e.g. /usr/afs/bin, and construct * /usr/afs/bin/bar */ static ComputeDestDir(aname, adir, aresult, alen) char *aname, *adir, *aresult; afs_int32 alen; { register char *tp; strcpy(aresult, adir); tp = rindex(aname, '/'); if (!tp) { /* no '/' in name */ strcat(aresult, "/"); strcat(aresult, aname); } else { /* tp points at the / character */ strcat(aresult, tp); } return 0; } /* copy data from fd afd to rx call acall */ static CopyBytes(afd, acall) int afd; register struct rx_call *acall; { register afs_int32 code; register afs_int32 len; char tbuffer[256]; while(1) { len = read(afd, tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer)); if (len < 0) return errno; if (len == 0) return 0; /* all done */ code = rx_Write(acall, tbuffer, len); if (code != len) return -1; } } static Prune(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register afs_int32 code; register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 flags; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); flags = 0; if (as->parms[1].items) flags |= BOZO_PRUNEBAK; if (as->parms[2].items) flags |= BOZO_PRUNEOLD; if (as->parms[3].items) flags |= BOZO_PRUNECORE; if (as->parms[4].items) flags |= 0xff; code = BOZO_Prune(tconn, flags); if (code) com_err ("bos", code, "(failed to prune server files)"); return code; } static Exec(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_Exec(tconn, as->parms[1].items->data); if (code) printf("bos: failed to execute command (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } static GetDate(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register afs_int32 code; char tbuffer[256]; char destDir[256]; afs_int32 time, bakTime, oldTime; register struct rx_connection *tconn; register struct cmd_item *ti; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (!as->parms[1].items) { printf("bos: no files to check\n"); return 1; } /* compute dest dir or file; default MUST be canonical form of dir path */ if (as->parms[2].items) strcpy(destDir, as->parms[2].items->data); else strcpy(destDir, AFSDIR_CANONICAL_SERVER_BIN_DIRPATH); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* check date for each file */ ComputeDestDir(ti->data, destDir, tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer)); code = BOZO_GetDates(tconn, tbuffer, &time, &bakTime, &oldTime); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to check date on %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); return 1; } else { printf("File %s ", tbuffer); if (time == 0) printf("does not exist, "); else printf("dated %s, ", DateOf(time)); if (bakTime == 0) printf("no .BAK file, "); else printf(".BAK file dated %s, ", DateOf(bakTime)); if (oldTime == 0) printf("no .OLD file."); else printf(".OLD file dated %s.", DateOf(oldTime)); printf("\n"); } } } static UnInstall(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register afs_int32 code; char tbuffer[256]; char destDir[256]; register struct cmd_item *ti; register struct rx_connection *tconn; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (!as->parms[1].items) { printf("bos: no files to uninstall\n"); return 1; } /* compute dest dir or file; default MUST be canonical form of dir path */ if (as->parms[2].items) strcpy(destDir, as->parms[2].items->data); else strcpy(destDir, AFSDIR_CANONICAL_SERVER_BIN_DIRPATH); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* uninstall each file */ ComputeDestDir(ti->data, destDir, tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer)); code = BOZO_UnInstall(tconn, tbuffer); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to uninstall %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); return 1; } else printf("bos: uninstalled file %s\n", ti->data); } return 0; } static afs_int32 GetServerGoal(aconn, aname) char *aname; struct rx_connection *aconn; { char buffer[500]; char *tp; register afs_int32 code; struct bozo_status istatus; tp = buffer; code = BOZO_GetInstanceInfo(aconn, aname, &tp, &istatus); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to get instance info for '%s' (%s)\n", aname, em(code)); /* if we can't get the answer, assume its running */ return BSTAT_NORMAL; } if (istatus.goal == 0) return BSTAT_SHUTDOWN; else return BSTAT_NORMAL; } static Install(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; struct stat tstat; char tbuffer[256]; int fd; struct rx_call *tcall; char destDir[256]; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (!as->parms[1].items) { printf("bos: no files to install\n"); return 1; } /* compute dest dir or file; default MUST be canonical form of dir path */ if (as->parms[2].items) strcpy(destDir, as->parms[2].items->data); else strcpy(destDir, AFSDIR_CANONICAL_SERVER_BIN_DIRPATH); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* install each file */ fd = open(ti->data, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { /* better to quit on error than continue for install command */ printf("bos: can't find file '%s', quitting\n", ti->data); return 1; } code = fstat(fd, &tstat); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to stat file %s, errno is %d\n", ti->data, errno); return 1; } /* compute destination dir */ ComputeDestDir(ti->data, destDir, tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer)); tcall = rx_NewCall(tconn); code = StartBOZO_Install(tcall, tbuffer, tstat.st_size, (afs_int32)tstat.st_mode, tstat.st_mtime); if (code == 0) { code = CopyBytes(fd, tcall); } code = rx_EndCall(tcall, code); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to install %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); return 1; } else printf("bos: installed file %s\n", ti->data); } return 0; } static Shutdown(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (as->parms[1].items == 0) { code = BOZO_ShutdownAll(tconn); if (code) printf("bos: failed to shutdown servers (%s)\n", em(code)); } else { for(ti = as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_SetTStatus(tconn, ti->data, BSTAT_SHUTDOWN); if (code) printf("bos: failed to shutdown instance %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } } if (as->parms[8].items) { code = BOZO_WaitAll(tconn); if (code) printf("bos: can't wait for processes to shutdown (%s)\n", em(code)); } return 0; } static BlockScannerCmd(as, arock) struct cmd_syndesc *as; char *arock; { register afs_int32 code; struct rx_connection *tconn; char BlockCommand[] = "/usr/afs/bin/scanner -block"; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_Exec(tconn, BlockCommand); if (code) printf("bos: failed to block scanner from making migration requests (%s)\n", em(code)); return 0; } static UnBlockScannerCmd(as, arock) struct cmd_syndesc *as; char *arock; { register afs_int32 code; struct rx_connection *tconn; char UnBlockCommand[] = "/usr/afs/bin/scanner -unblock"; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_Exec(tconn, UnBlockCommand); if (code) printf("bos: failed to allow scanner daemon to make migration requests again (%s)\n", em(code)); return 0; } static GetRestartCmd(as, arock) struct cmd_syndesc *as; char *arock; { register afs_int32 code; struct ktime generalTime, newBinaryTime; char messageBuffer[256]; struct rx_connection *tconn; char *hostp; hostp = as->parms[0].items->data; /* host name for messages */ tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_GetRestartTime(tconn, 1, &generalTime); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to retrieve restart information (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } code = BOZO_GetRestartTime(tconn, 2, &newBinaryTime); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to retrieve restart information (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } code = ktime_DisplayString(&generalTime, messageBuffer); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to decode restart time (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } printf("Server %s restarts %s\n", hostp, messageBuffer); code = ktime_DisplayString(&newBinaryTime, messageBuffer); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to decode restart time (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } printf("Server %s restarts for new binaries %s\n", hostp, messageBuffer); /* all done now */ return 0; } static SetRestartCmd(as, arock) struct cmd_syndesc *as; char *arock; { afs_int32 count; register afs_int32 code; struct ktime restartTime; afs_int32 type; struct rx_connection *tconn; count = 0; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (as->parms[2].items) {count++; type = 1;} if (as->parms[3].items) {count++; type = 2;} if (count > 1) { printf("bos: can't specify more than one restart time at a time\n"); return -1; } if (count == 0) type = 1; /* by default set general restart time */ if (code = ktime_ParsePeriodic(as->parms[1].items->data, &restartTime)) { printf("bos: failed to parse '%s' as periodic restart time(%s)\n", as->parms[1].items->data, em(code)); return code; } code = BOZO_SetRestartTime(tconn, type, &restartTime); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to set restart time at server (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } return 0; } static Startup(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (as->parms[1].items == 0) { code = BOZO_StartupAll(tconn); if (code) printf("bos: failed to startup servers (%s)\n", em(code)); } else { for(ti = as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_SetTStatus(tconn, ti->data, BSTAT_NORMAL); if (code) printf("bos: failed to start instance %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } } return 0; } static Restart(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); if (as->parms[2].items) { /* this is really a rebozo command */ if (as->parms[1].items) { /* specified specific things to restart, can't do this at the same * time */ printf("bos: can't specify both '-bos' and specific servers to restart.\n"); return 1; } /* otherwise do a rebozo */ code = BOZO_ReBozo(tconn); if (code) printf("bos: failed to restart bosserver (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } if (as->parms[1].items == 0) { if (as->parms[3].items) { /* '-all' */ code = BOZO_RestartAll(tconn); if (code) printf("bos: failed to restart servers (%s)\n", em(code)); } else printf("bos: To restart all processes please specify '-all'\n"); } else { if (as->parms[3].items) { printf("bos: Can't use '-all' along with individual instances\n"); } else { for(ti = as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_Restart(tconn, ti->data); if (code) printf("bos: failed to restart instance %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } } } return 0; } static SetCellName(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_SetCellName(tconn, as->parms[1].items->data); if (code) printf("bos: failed to set cell (%s)\n", em(code)); return 0; } static AddHost(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; char name[MAXHOSTCHARS]; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti = as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { if (as->parms[2].items) { if (strlen(ti->data) > MAXHOSTCHARS - 3) { fprintf(stderr, "bos: host name too long\n"); return E2BIG; } name[0] = '['; strcpy(&name[1],ti->data); strcat((char *)&name, "]"); code = BOZO_AddCellHost(tconn, name); } else code = BOZO_AddCellHost(tconn, ti->data); if (code) printf("bos: failed to add host %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } return 0; } static RemoveHost(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_DeleteCellHost(tconn, ti->data); if (code) printf("bos: failed to delete host %s (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } return 0; } static ListHosts(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; char tbuffer[256]; char *tp; register afs_int32 i; tp = tbuffer; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_GetCellName(tconn, &tp); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to get cell name (%s)\n", em(code)); exit(1); } printf("Cell name is %s\n", tbuffer); for(i=0;;i++) { code = BOZO_GetCellHost(tconn, i, &tp); if (code == BZDOM) break; if (code != 0) { printf("bos: failed to get cell host %d (%s)\n", i, em(code)); exit(1); } printf(" Host %d is %s\n", i+1, tbuffer); } return 0; } static AddKey(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; struct ktc_encryptionKey tkey; afs_int32 temp; char *tcell; char cellBuffer[256]; char buf[BUFSIZ], ver[BUFSIZ]; tconn = GetConn(as, 1); bzero(&tkey, sizeof(struct ktc_encryptionKey)); if(as->parms[1].items) strcpy(buf,as->parms[1].items->data); else { /* prompt for key */ code=des_read_pw_string(buf,sizeof(buf),"input key: ",0); if(code || strlen(buf)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad key: \n"); exit(1); } code=des_read_pw_string(ver,sizeof(ver),"Retype input key: ",0); if(code || strlen(ver)==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad key: \n"); exit(1); } if (strcmp (ver, buf) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "\nInput key mismatch\n"); exit(1); } } temp = atoi(as->parms[2].items->data); if (temp == 999) { /* bcrypt key */ /* strcpy((char *)&tkey, as->parms[1].items->data); */ strcpy((char *)&tkey, buf); } else { /* kerberos key */ if (as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET].items) { strcpy(cellBuffer, as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET].items->data); /* string to key needs upper-case cell names */ /* I don't believe this is true. The string to key function * actually expands the cell name, then LOWER-CASES it. Perhaps it * didn't use to??? */ ucstring(cellBuffer, cellBuffer, strlen(cellBuffer)); tcell = cellBuffer; } else tcell = (char *) 0; /* no cell specified, use current */ /* ka_StringToKey(as->parms[1].items->data, tcell, &tkey); */ ka_StringToKey(buf,tcell,&tkey); } tconn = GetConn(as, 1); code = BOZO_AddKey(tconn, temp, &tkey); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to set key %d (%s)\n", temp, em(code)); exit(1); } return 0; } static RemoveKey(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; afs_int32 temp; register struct cmd_item *ti; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { temp = atoi(ti->data); code = BOZO_DeleteKey(tconn, temp); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to delete key %d (%s)\n", temp, em(code)); exit(1); } } return 0; } static ListKeys(as) IN register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; struct ktc_encryptionKey tkey; afs_int32 kvno; struct bozo_keyInfo keyInfo; int everWorked; register afs_int32 i; tconn = GetConn(as, 1); everWorked = 0; for(i=0;;i++) { code = BOZO_ListKeys(tconn, i, &kvno, &tkey, &keyInfo); if (code) break; everWorked = 1; /* first check if key is returned */ if ((!ka_KeyIsZero (&tkey, sizeof(tkey))) && (as->parms[1].items)) { printf ("key %d is '", kvno); ka_PrintBytes (&tkey, sizeof(tkey)); printf ("'\n"); } else { if (keyInfo.keyCheckSum == 0) /* shouldn't happen */ printf ("key version is %d\n", kvno); else printf ("key %d has cksum %u\n", kvno, keyInfo.keyCheckSum); } } if (everWorked) { printf("Keys last changed on %s.\n", DateOf(keyInfo.mod_sec)); } if (code != BZDOM) printf("bos: %s error encountered while listing keys\n", em(code)); else printf("All done.\n"); return 0; } static AddSUser(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; int failed; register struct cmd_item *ti; failed = 0; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_AddSUser(tconn, ti->data); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to add user '%s' (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); failed = 1; } } return failed; } static RemoveSUser(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register struct cmd_item *ti; register afs_int32 code; int failed; failed = 0; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_DeleteSUser(tconn, ti->data); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to delete user '%s', ", ti->data); if (code == ENOENT) printf("(no such user)\n"); else printf("(%s)\n", em(code)); failed = 1; } } return failed; } #define NPERLINE 10 /* dudes to print per line */ static ListSUsers(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register int i; register afs_int32 code; char tbuffer[256]; char *tp; int lastNL, printGreeting; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); lastNL = 0; printGreeting = 1; for(i=0;;i++) { tp = tbuffer; code = BOZO_ListSUsers(tconn, i, &tp); if (code) break; if (printGreeting) { printGreeting = 0; /* delay until after first call succeeds */ printf("SUsers are: "); } printf("%s ", tbuffer); if ((i % NPERLINE) == NPERLINE-1) { printf("\n"); lastNL = 1; } else lastNL = 0; } if (code != 1) { /* a real error code, instead of scanned past end */ printf("bos: failed to retrieve super-user list (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } if (lastNL == 0) printf("\n"); return 0; } static StatServer(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register int i; char ibuffer[BOZO_BSSIZE]; char *tp; int int32p; /* int32p==1 is obsolete, smaller, printout */ int32p = (as->parms[2].items != 0? 2 : 0); /* no parms does something pretty different */ if (as->parms[1].items) return IStatServer(as, int32p); tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(i=0;;i++) { /* for each instance */ tp = ibuffer; code = BOZO_EnumerateInstance(tconn, i, &tp); if (code == BZDOM) break; if (code) { printf("bos: failed to contact host's bosserver (%s).\n", em(code)); break; } DoStat(ibuffer, tconn, int32p, (i==0)); /* print status line */ } return 0; } static CreateServer(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; char *parms[6]; register struct cmd_item *ti; register int i; char *type, *name, *notifier=NONOTIFIER; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(i=0;i<6;i++) parms[i] = ""; for(i=0,ti=as->parms[3].items; (ti && i<6); ti=ti->next,i++) { parms[i] = ti->data; } name = as->parms[1].items->data; type = as->parms[2].items->data; if (ti = as->parms[4].items) { notifier = ti->data; } code = BOZO_CreateBnode(tconn, type, name, parms[0], parms[1], parms[2], parms[3], parms[4], notifier); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to create new server instance %s of type '%s' (%s)\n", name, type, em(code)); } return code; } static DeleteServer(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; code = 0; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_DeleteBnode(tconn, ti->data); if (code) { if (code == BZBUSY) printf("bos: can't delete running instance '%s'\n", ti->data); else printf("bos: failed to delete instance '%s' (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } } return code; } static StartServer(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; code = 0; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_SetStatus(tconn, ti->data, BSTAT_NORMAL); if (code) printf("bos: failed to start instance '%s' (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } return code; } static StopServer(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_item *ti; code = 0; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { code = BOZO_SetStatus(tconn, ti->data, BSTAT_SHUTDOWN); if (code) printf("bos: failed to change stop instance '%s' (%s)\n", ti->data, em(code)); } if (as->parms[8].items) { code = BOZO_WaitAll(tconn); if (code) printf("bos: can't wait for processes to shutdown (%s)\n", em(code)); } return code; } #define PARMBUFFERSSIZE 32 static DoSalvage(aconn, aparm1, aparm2, aoutName, showlog,parallel,atmpDir,orphans) struct rx_connection *aconn; char *aoutName; char *aparm1; char *aparm2; afs_int32 showlog; char *parallel; char *atmpDir; char *orphans; { register afs_int32 code; char *parms[6]; char buffer; char tbuffer[BOZO_BSSIZE]; struct bozo_status istatus; struct rx_call *tcall; char *tp; FILE *outFile; int closeIt; char partName[20]; /* canonical name for partition */ char pbuffer[PARMBUFFERSSIZE]; afs_int32 partNumber; char *notifier = NONOTIFIER; /* if a partition was specified, canonicalize the name, since the salvager has a stupid partition ID parser */ if (aparm1) { partNumber = volutil_GetPartitionID(aparm1); if (partNumber < 0) { printf("bos: could not parse partition ID '%s'\n", aparm1); return EINVAL; } tp = volutil_PartitionName(partNumber); if (!tp) { printf("bos: internal error parsing partition ID '%s'\n", aparm1); return EINVAL; } strcpy(partName, tp); } else partName[0] = 0; /* open the file name */ if (aoutName) { outFile = fopen(aoutName, "w"); if (!outFile) { printf("bos: can't open specified SalvageLog file '%s'\n", aoutName); return ENOENT; } closeIt = 1; /* close this file later */ } else { outFile = stdout; closeIt = 0; /* don't close this file later */ } for(code=2;code<6;code++) parms[code] = ""; if (!aparm2) aparm2 = ""; /* MUST pass canonical (wire-format) salvager path to bosserver */ strncpy(tbuffer, AFSDIR_CANONICAL_SERVER_SALVAGER_FILEPATH, BOZO_BSSIZE); if (*aparm2 != 0) { if ( (strlen(tbuffer) + 1 + strlen(partName) + 1 + strlen(aparm2) + 1) > BOZO_BSSIZE ) { printf("bos: command line too big\n"); return(E2BIG); } strcat(tbuffer, " "); strcat(tbuffer, partName); strcat(tbuffer, " "); strcat(tbuffer, aparm2); } else { if ( (strlen(tbuffer) + 4 + strlen(partName) + 1) > BOZO_BSSIZE ) { printf("bos: command line too big\n"); return(E2BIG); } strcat (tbuffer, " -f "); strcat (tbuffer, partName); } /* add the parallel option if given */ if (parallel != (char *)0) { if ( (strlen(tbuffer) + 11 + strlen(parallel) + 1) > BOZO_BSSIZE ) { printf("bos: command line too big\n"); return(E2BIG); } strcat(tbuffer, " -parallel "); strcat(tbuffer, parallel); } /* add the tmpdir option if given */ if (atmpDir != (char *)0) { if ( (strlen(tbuffer) + 9 + strlen(atmpDir) + 1) > BOZO_BSSIZE ) { printf("bos: command line too big\n"); return(E2BIG); } strcat(tbuffer, " -tmpdir "); strcat(tbuffer, atmpDir); } /* add the orphans option if given */ if (orphans != (char *)0) { if ( (strlen(tbuffer) + 10 + strlen(orphans) + 1) > BOZO_BSSIZE ) { printf("bos: command line too big\n"); return(E2BIG); } strcat(tbuffer, " -orphans "); strcat(tbuffer, orphans); } if (mrafsParm.Optdebug) strcat(tbuffer," -debug"); if (mrafsParm.Optnowrite) strcat(tbuffer," -nowrite"); if (mrafsParm.Optforce) strcat(tbuffer," -force"); if (mrafsParm.Optoktozap) strcat(tbuffer," -oktozap"); if (mrafsParm.Optrootfiles) strcat(tbuffer," -rootfiles"); if (mrafsParm.Optsalvagedirs) strcat(tbuffer," -salvagedirs"); if (mrafsParm.Optblockreads) strcat(tbuffer," -blockreads"); if (mrafsParm.OptListResidencies) strcat(tbuffer," -ListResidencies"); if (mrafsParm.OptSalvageRemote) strcat(tbuffer," -SalvageRemote"); if (mrafsParm.OptSalvageArchival) strcat(tbuffer," -SalvageArchival"); if (mrafsParm.OptIgnoreCheck) strcat(tbuffer," -IgnoreCheck"); if (mrafsParm.OptForceOnLine) strcat(tbuffer," -ForceOnLine"); if (mrafsParm.OptUseRootDirACL) strcat(tbuffer," -UseRootDirACL"); if (mrafsParm.OptTraceBadLinkCounts) strcat(tbuffer," -TraceBadLinkCounts"); if (mrafsParm.OptDontAskFS) strcat(tbuffer," -DontAskFS"); if (mrafsParm.OptLogLevel) { sprintf(pbuffer, " -LogLevel %ld", mrafsParm.OptLogLevel); strcat(tbuffer, pbuffer); } if (mrafsParm.OptRxDebug) strcat(tbuffer," -rxdebug"); if (mrafsParm.OptResidencies) { sprintf(pbuffer, " -Residencies %lu", mrafsParm.OptResidencies); strcat(tbuffer, pbuffer); } parms[0] = tbuffer; parms[1] = "now"; /* when to do it */ code = BOZO_CreateBnode(aconn, "cron", "salvage-tmp", parms[0], parms[1], parms[2], parms[3], parms[4], notifier); if (code) goto done; /* now wait for bnode to disappear */ while (1) { IOMGR_Sleep(5); tp = tbuffer; code = BOZO_GetInstanceInfo(aconn, "salvage-tmp", &tp, &istatus); if (code) break; printf("bos: waiting for salvage to complete.\n"); } if (code != BZNOENT) { printf("bos: salvage failed (%s)\n", em(code)); goto done; } code = 0; /* now print the log file to the output file */ printf("bos: salvage completed\n"); if (aoutName || showlog) { fprintf(outFile, "SalvageLog:\n"); tcall = rx_NewCall(aconn); /* MUST pass canonical (wire-format) salvager log path to bosserver */ code = StartBOZO_GetLog(tcall, AFSDIR_CANONICAL_SERVER_SLVGLOG_FILEPATH); if (code) { rx_EndCall(tcall, code); goto done; } /* copy data */ while(1) { code = rx_Read(tcall, &buffer, 1); if (code != 1) break; putc(buffer, outFile); if (buffer == 0) break; /* the end delimeter */ } code = rx_EndCall(tcall, 0); /* fall through into cleanup code */ } done: if (closeIt && outFile) fclose(outFile); return code; } static GetLogCmd(as) register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { struct rx_connection *tconn; register struct rx_call *tcall; register afs_int32 code; char buffer; int error; printf("Fetching log file '%s'...\n", as->parms[1].items->data); tconn = GetConn(as, 0); tcall = rx_NewCall(tconn); code = StartBOZO_GetLog(tcall, as->parms[1].items->data); if (code) { rx_EndCall(tcall, code); goto done; } /* copy data */ error = 0; while(1) { code = rx_Read(tcall, &buffer, 1); if (code != 1) { error = EIO; break; } if (buffer == 0) break; /* the end delimeter */ putchar(buffer); } code = rx_EndCall(tcall, error); /* fall through into cleanup code */ done: if (code) com_err("bos", code, "(while reading log)"); return code; } static SalvageCmd(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register afs_int32 code, rc, i; char *outName; char tname[BOZO_BSSIZE]; afs_int32 newID; extern struct ubik_client *cstruct; afs_int32 curGoal, showlog = 0, mrafs = 0; char *parallel; char *tmpDir; char *orphans; char *tp; bzero(&mrafsParm, sizeof(mrafsParm)); /* parm 0 is machine name, 1 is partition, 2 is volume, 3 is -all flag */ tconn = GetConn(as, 0); /* Find out whether fileserver is running MR-AFS (has a scanner instance) */ /* XXX this should really be done some other way, potentially by RPC */ tp = &tname; if (code = BOZO_GetInstanceParm(tconn, "fs", 3, &tp) == 0) mrafs = 1; /* we can do a volume, a partition or the whole thing, but not mixtures * thereof */ if (!as->parms[1].items && as->parms[2].items) { printf("bos: must specify partition to salvage individual volume.\n"); return -1; } if (as->parms[5].items && as->parms[3].items) { printf("bos: can not specify both -file and -showlog.\n"); return -1; } if (as->parms[4].items && (as->parms[1].items || as->parms[2].items)) { printf("bos: can not specify -all with other flags.\n"); return -1; } /* get the output file name, if any */ if (as->parms[3].items) outName = as->parms[3].items->data; else outName = (char *) 0; if (as->parms[5].items) showlog = 1; /* parallel option */ parallel = (char *) 0; if (as->parms[6].items) parallel = as->parms[6].items->data; /* get the tmpdir filename if any */ tmpDir = (char *)0; if (as->parms[7].items) tmpDir = as->parms[7].items->data; /* -orphans option */ orphans = (char *)0; if (as->parms[8].items) { if (mrafs) { printf("Can't specify -orphans for MR-AFS fileserver\n"); return EINVAL; } orphans = as->parms[8].items->data; } if (mrafs) { if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET].items) mrafsParm.Optdebug = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 1].items) mrafsParm.Optnowrite = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 2].items) mrafsParm.Optforce = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 3].items) mrafsParm.Optoktozap = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 4].items) mrafsParm.Optrootfiles = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 5].items) mrafsParm.Optsalvagedirs = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 6].items) mrafsParm.Optblockreads = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 7].items) mrafsParm.OptListResidencies = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 8].items) mrafsParm.OptSalvageRemote = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 9].items) mrafsParm.OptSalvageArchival = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 10].items) mrafsParm.OptIgnoreCheck = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 11].items) mrafsParm.OptForceOnLine = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 12].items) mrafsParm.OptUseRootDirACL = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 13].items) mrafsParm.OptTraceBadLinkCounts = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 14].items) mrafsParm.OptDontAskFS = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 15].items) mrafsParm.OptLogLevel = atoi(as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 15].items->dta); if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 16].items) mrafsParm.OptRxDebug = 1; if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 17].items) { if (as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 8].items || as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 9].items) { printf("Can't specify -Residencies with -SalvageRemote or -SalvageArchival\n"); return EINVAL; } code = GetUInt32(as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 17].items->data, &mrafsParm.OptResidencies); if (code) { printf("bos: '%s' is not a valid residency mask.\n", as->parms[MRAFS_OFFSET + 13].items->data); return code; } } } else { int stop = 0; for (i = 9; i < ADDPARMOFFSET; i++) { if (as->parms[i].items) { printf(" %s only possible for MR-AFS fileserver.\n", as->parms[i].name); stop = 1; } } if (stop) exit(1); } if (as->parms[4].items) { /* salvage whole enchilada */ curGoal = GetServerGoal(tconn, "fs"); if (curGoal == BSTAT_NORMAL) { printf("bos: shutting down fs.\n"); code = BOZO_SetTStatus(tconn, "fs", BSTAT_SHUTDOWN); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to stop 'fs' (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } code = BOZO_WaitAll(tconn); /* wait for shutdown to complete */ if (code) printf("bos: failed to wait for file server shutdown, continuing.\n"); } /* now do the salvage operation */ printf("Starting salvage.\n"); rc = DoSalvage(tconn, (char *) 0, (char *) 0, outName, showlog,parallel,tmpDir,orphans); if (rc) printf("bos: failed to start 'salvager' (%s)\n", em(rc)); if (curGoal == BSTAT_NORMAL) { printf("bos: restarting fs.\n"); code = BOZO_SetTStatus(tconn, "fs", BSTAT_NORMAL); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to restart 'fs' (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } } if (rc) return rc; } else if (!as->parms[2].items) { if (!as->parms[1].items) { printf("bos: must specify -all switch to salvage all partitions.\n"); return -1; } if (volutil_GetPartitionID(as->parms[1].items->data) < 0) { /* can't parse volume ID, so complain before shutting down * file server. */ printf("bos: can't interpret %s as partition ID.\n", as->parms[1].items->data); return -1; } curGoal = GetServerGoal(tconn, "fs"); /* salvage a whole partition (specified by parms[1]) */ if (curGoal == BSTAT_NORMAL) { printf("bos: shutting down fs.\n"); code = BOZO_SetTStatus(tconn, "fs", BSTAT_SHUTDOWN); if (code) { printf("bos: can't stop 'fs' (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } code = BOZO_WaitAll(tconn); /* wait for shutdown to complete */ if (code) printf("bos: failed to wait for file server shutdown, continuing.\n"); } /* now do the salvage operation */ printf("Starting salvage.\n"); rc = DoSalvage(tconn, as->parms[1].items->data, (char *) 0, outName, showlog,parallel,tmpDir,orphans); if (rc) printf("bos: failed to start 'salvager' (%s)\n", em(rc)); if (curGoal == BSTAT_NORMAL) { printf("bos: restarting fs.\n"); code = BOZO_SetTStatus(tconn, "fs", BSTAT_NORMAL); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to restart 'fs' (%s)\n", em(code)); return code; } } if (rc) return rc; } else { /* salvage individual volume (don't shutdown fs first), just use * single-shot cron bnode. Must leave server running when using this * option, since salvager will ask file server for the volume */ char *tmpname; afs_int32 err; const char *confdir; int localauth; if (as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET].items) tmpname = as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET].items->data; else tmpname = (char *) 0; localauth = (as->parms[ADDPARMOFFSET + 2].items != 0); confdir = (localauth ? AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH : AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH); code = vsu_ClientInit(/* noauth */ 1, confdir, tmpname, /* server auth */ 0, &cstruct, (int (*)()) 0); if (code == 0) { newID = vsu_GetVolumeID(as->parms[2].items->data, cstruct, &err); if (newID == 0) { printf("bos: can't interpret %s as volume name or ID\n", as->parms[2].items->data); return -1; } sprintf(tname, "%u", newID); } else { printf("bos: can't initialize volume system client (code %d), trying anyway.\n", as->parms[2].items->data, code); strncpy(tname, as->parms[2].items->data, sizeof(tname)); } if (volutil_GetPartitionID(as->parms[1].items->data) < 0) { /* can't parse volume ID, so complain before shutting down * file server. */ printf("bos: can't interpret %s as partition ID.\n", as->parms[1].items->data); return -1; } printf("Starting salvage.\n"); rc = DoSalvage(tconn, as->parms[1].items->data, tname, outName, showlog,parallel,tmpDir,orphans); if (rc) { printf("bos: failed to start 'salvager' (%s)\n", em(rc)); return rc; } } return 0; } static IStatServer(as, int32p) int int32p; register struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; register struct cmd_item *ti; int firstTime = 1; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); for (ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { DoStat(ti->data, tconn, int32p, firstTime); firstTime = 0; } return 0; } static DoStat (aname, aconn, aint32p, firstTime) IN char *aname; IN register struct rx_connection *aconn; IN int aint32p; IN int firstTime; /* true iff first instance in cmd */ { afs_int32 temp; char buffer[500]; register afs_int32 code; register afs_int32 i; struct bozo_status istatus; char *tp; char *is1, *is2, *is3, *is4; /* instance strings */ tp = buffer; code = BOZO_GetInstanceInfo(aconn, aname, &tp, &istatus); if (code) { printf("bos: failed to get instance info for '%s' (%s)\n", aname, em(code)); return -1; } if (firstTime && aint32p && (istatus.flags & BOZO_BADDIRACCESS)) printf ("Bosserver reports inappropriate access on server directories\n"); printf("Instance %s, ", aname); if (aint32p) printf("(type is %s) ", buffer); if (istatus.fileGoal == istatus.goal) { if (!istatus.goal) printf("disabled, "); } else { if (istatus.fileGoal) printf("temporarily disabled, "); else printf("temporarily enabled, "); } if (istatus.flags & BOZO_ERRORSTOP) printf("stopped for too many errors, "); if (istatus.flags & BOZO_HASCORE) printf("has core file, "); tp = buffer; code = BOZO_GetStatus(aconn, aname, &temp, &tp); if (code) printf("bos: failed to get status for instance '%s' (%s)\n", aname, em(code)); else { printf("currently ", aname); if (temp == BSTAT_NORMAL) printf("running normally.\n"); else if (temp == BSTAT_SHUTDOWN) printf("shutdown.\n"); else if (temp == BSTAT_STARTINGUP) printf("starting up.\n"); else if (temp == BSTAT_SHUTTINGDOWN) printf("shutting down.\n"); if (buffer[0] != 0) { printf(" Auxiliary status is: %s.\n", buffer); } } /* are we done yet? */ if (!aint32p) return 0; if (istatus.procStartTime) printf(" Process last started at %s (%d proc starts)\n", DateOf(istatus.procStartTime), istatus.procStarts); if (istatus.lastAnyExit) { printf(" Last exit at %s\n", DateOf(istatus.lastAnyExit)); } if (istatus.lastErrorExit) { is1 = is2 = is3 = is4 = (char *) 0; printf(" Last error exit at %s, ", DateOf(istatus.lastErrorExit)); code = BOZO_GetInstanceStrings(aconn, aname, &is1, &is2, &is3, &is4); /* don't complain about failing call, since could simply mean * interface mismatch. */ if (code == 0) { if (*is1 != 0) { /* non-null instance string */ printf("by %s, ", is1); } free(is1); free(is2); free(is3); free(is4); } if (istatus.errorSignal) { if (istatus.errorSignal == SIGTERM) printf("due to shutdown request\n"); else printf("due to signal %d\n", istatus.errorSignal); } else printf("by exiting with code %d\n", istatus.errorCode); } if (aint32p > 1) { /* try to display all the parms */ for(i=0;;i++) { tp = buffer; code = BOZO_GetInstanceParm(aconn, aname, i, &tp); if (code) break; printf(" Command %d is '%s'\n", i+1, buffer); } tp = buffer; code = BOZO_GetInstanceParm(aconn, aname, 999, &tp); if (!code) { /* Any type of failure is treated as not having a notifier program */ printf(" Notifier is '%s'\n", buffer); } printf("\n"); } return 0; } #ifdef BOS_RESTRICTED_MODE static GetRestrict(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; afs_int32 code, val; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); code = BOZO_GetRestrictedMode(tconn, &val); if (code) printf("bos: failed to get restricted mode (%s)\n", em(code)); else printf("Restricted mode is %s\n", val ? "on" : "off"); return 0; } static SetRestrict(as) struct cmd_syndesc *as; { register struct rx_connection *tconn; afs_int32 code, val; tconn = GetConn(as, 0); util_GetInt32(as->parms[1].items->data, &val); code = BOZO_SetRestrictedMode(tconn, val); if (code) printf("bos: failed to set restricted mode (%s)\n", em(code)); return 0; } #endif static void add_std_args (ts) register struct cmd_syndesc *ts; { cmd_Seek(ts, ADDPARMOFFSET); /* + 0 */ cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell name"); /* + 1 */ cmd_AddParm(ts, "-noauth", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "don't authenticate"); /* + 2 */ cmd_AddParm (ts, "-localauth", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "create tickets from KeyFile"); } #include "AFS_component_version_number.c" main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_syndesc *ts; extern int afsconf_SawCell; #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV /* * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful. */ struct sigaction nsa; sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask); nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL); sigaction(SIGABRT, &nsa, NULL); #endif /* start up rx */ code = rx_Init(0); if (code) { printf("bos: could not initialize rx (%s)\n", em(code)); exit(1); } /* To resolve a AFSCELL environment "Note: ..." problem: Because bos calls ka_Init (why?) before any * checkup on the existance of a "-cell" option on the particular bos command we don't print the * message if a cell is passed in. Luckily the rest of the programs don't call these adhoc routines * and things work fine. Note that if the "-cell" isn't passed then we're still ok since later on * the proper routine (afsconf_GetCellInfo) is going to be called to do the right thing. */ afsconf_SawCell = 1; /* Means don't print warning if AFSCELL is set */ ka_Init(0); afsconf_SawCell = 0; /* Reset it */ /* don't check error code, since fails sometimes when we're setting up a * system */ initialize_cmd_error_table(); initialize_bz_error_table(); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("start", StartServer, 0, "start running a server"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, 0, "server process name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("stop", StopServer, 0, "halt a server instance"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, 0, "server process name"); cmd_Seek(ts, 8); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-wait", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "wait for process to stop"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("status", StatServer, 0, "show server instance status"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "server process name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-long", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "long status"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("shutdown", Shutdown, 0, "shutdown all processes"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "instances"); cmd_Seek(ts, 8); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-wait", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "wait for process to stop"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("startup", Startup, 0, "start all processes"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "instances"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("restart", Restart, 0, "restart all processes"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "instances"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-bosserver", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "restart bosserver"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-all", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "restart all processes"); add_std_args (ts); #ifndef OPBOS ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("create", CreateServer, 0, "create a new server instance"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "server process name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-type", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "server type"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cmd", CMD_LIST, 0, "command lines"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-notifier", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Notifier program"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("delete", DeleteServer, 0, "delete a server instance"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-instance", CMD_LIST, 0, "server process name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("adduser", AddSUser, 0, "add users to super-user list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-user", CMD_LIST, 0, "user names"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("removeuser", RemoveSUser, 0, "remove users from super-user list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-user", CMD_LIST, 0, "user names"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listusers", ListSUsers, 0, "list super-users"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("addkey", AddKey, 0, "add keys to key dbase (kvno 999 is bcrypt)"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-key", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "key"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-kvno", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "key version number"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("removekey", RemoveKey, 0, "remove keys from key dbase"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-kvno", CMD_LIST, 0, "key version number"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listkeys", ListKeys, 0, "list keys"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-showkey", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "show the actual key rather than the checksum"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listhosts", ListHosts, 0, "get cell host list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); add_std_args (ts); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "getcell"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setcellname", SetCellName, 0, "set cell name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "cell name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("addhost", AddHost, 0, "add host to cell dbase"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-host", CMD_LIST, 0, "host name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-clone", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "vote doesn't count"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("removehost", RemoveHost, 0, "remove host from cell dbase"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-host", CMD_LIST, 0, "host name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setauth", SetAuth, 0, "set authentication required flag"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-authrequired", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "on or off: authentication required for admin requests"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("install", Install, 0, "install program"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_LIST, 0, "files to install"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "destination dir"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("uninstall", UnInstall, 0, "uninstall program"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_LIST, 0, "files to uninstall"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "destination dir"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getlog", GetLogCmd, 0, "examine log file"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "log file to examine"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getdate", GetDate, 0, "get dates for programs"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_LIST, 0, "files to check"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "destination dir"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("exec", Exec, 0, "execute shell command on server"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cmd", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "command to execute"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("prune", Prune, 0, "prune server files"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-bak", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "delete .BAK files"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-old", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "delete .OLD files"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-core", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "delete core files"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-all", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "delete all junk files"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setrestart", SetRestartCmd, 0, "set restart times"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-time", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "time to restart server"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-general", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "set general restart time"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-newbinary", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "set new binary restart time"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getrestart", GetRestartCmd, 0, "get restart times"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "machine name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("salvage", SalvageCmd, 0, "salvage partition or volumes"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-partition", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "salvage partition"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-volume", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "salvage volume number or volume name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "salvage log output file"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-all", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "salvage whole server"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-showlog", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "display salvage log"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-parallel",CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "# of max parallel partition salvaging"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-tmpdir",CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "directory to place tmp files"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-orphans", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "ignore | remove | attach"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-debug", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Run in Debugging mode"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-nowrite", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Run readonly/test mode"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-force", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Force full salvaging"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-oktozap", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Give permission to destroy bogus file residencies/volumes - debugging flag"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-rootfiles", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Show files owned by root - debugging flag"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-salvagedirs", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Force rebuild/salvage of all directories"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-blockreads", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Read smaller blocks to handle IO/bad blocks"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-ListResidencies", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Just list affected file residencies - debugging flag"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-SalvageRemote", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Salvage storage systems that are not directly attached"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-SalvageArchival", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Salvage HSM storage systems"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-IgnoreCheck", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Don't perform VLDB safety check when deleting unreferenced files. Only a good idea in single server cell."); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-ForceOnLine", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Force the volume to come online, even if it hasn't salvaged cleanly."); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-UseRootDirACL", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Use the root directory ACL for lost+found directory if it is created."); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-TraceBadLinkCounts", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Print out lines about volume reference count changes."); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-DontAskFS", CMD_FLAG,CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Don't ask fileserver to take volume offline. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS."); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-LogLevel", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) log level"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-rxdebug", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Write out rx debug information."); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-Residencies", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "(MR-AFS) Numeric mask of residencies to be included in the salvage. Do not use with -SalvageRemote or -SalvageArchival"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("blockscanner", BlockScannerCmd, 0, "block scanner daemon from making migration requests"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "machine name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("unblockscanner", UnBlockScannerCmd, 0, "allow scanner daemon to make migration requests again"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_REQUIRED, "machine name"); add_std_args (ts); #ifdef BOS_RESTRICTED_MODE ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getrestricted", GetRestrict, 0, "get restrict mode"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); add_std_args (ts); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setrestricted", SetRestrict, 0, "set restrict mode"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "machine name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-mode", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "mode to set"); add_std_args (ts); #endif #endif code = cmd_Dispatch(argc, argv); rx_Finalize(); exit(code); }