/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include extern struct udbHandleS udbHandle; #define ERROR(code) {err = code; printf(" - Got error %d.\n", err); goto error;} int connect_buserver() { int code, err = 0; char cellName[64]; struct ubik_client *cstruct; int version; /* * Setup RX connection and establish connection with the buserver */ code = rx_Init(htons(0)); if (code) { printf("Error in rx_Init call\n"); ERROR(code); } rx_SetRxDeadTime(60); /* * Connect to buserver */ cellName[0] = '\0'; code = udbClientInit(0, 0, cellName); if (code) { printf("Error in udbClientInit call\n"); ERROR(code); } /* Get the versin */ code = ubik_BUDB_T_GetVersion(udbHandle.uh_client, 0, &version); if (code) { printf("Error in ubik_Call to BUDB_T_GetVersion\n"); ERROR(code); } printf("BUDB Server Version = %d\n", version); error: return err; } int verifyDb() { int code, err = 0; afs_int32 status, orphans, host; code = ubik_BUDB_DbVerify(udbHandle.uh_client, 0, &status, &orphans, &host); if (code) { printf("Error in ubik_Call to BUDB_DbVerify\n"); ERROR(code); } if (!status) printf("DATABASE OK "); else printf("DATABASE NOT OK "); printf("- orphans %d; host %d.%d.%d.%d\n", orphans, ((host & 0xFF000000) >> 24), ((host & 0xFF0000) >> 16), ((host & 0xFF00) >> 8), (host & 0xFF)); error: return err; } int deleteDump(dumpID) afs_int32 dumpID; { int code; budb_dumpsList dumps; dumps.budb_dumpsList_len = 0; dumps.budb_dumpsList_val = 0; code = bcdb_deleteDump(dumpID, 0, 0, &dumps); return code; } #define NPASS 50 #define NDUMPS 4 #define NTAPES 2 #define NVOLUMES 10 int main() { int code, err = 0; int pass = 0; int d, t, v; afs_int32 newTape; struct budb_dumpEntry dumpEntry[NDUMPS]; struct budb_tapeEntry tapeEntry[NTAPES]; struct budb_volumeEntry volumeEntry[NVOLUMES]; code = connect_buserver(); if (code) { printf("Error in connect_buserver call\n"); ERROR(code); } for (pass = 0; pass < NPASS; pass++) { printf("PASS %d\n", pass + 1); for (d = 0; d < NDUMPS; d++) { /* ************************ */ /* Create and finish a dump */ /* ************************ */ dumpEntry[d].id = 0; dumpEntry[d].parent = 0; dumpEntry[d].level = 0; dumpEntry[d].flags = 0; strcpy(dumpEntry[d].volumeSetName, "TestVolSetName"); strcpy(dumpEntry[d].dumpPath, "/TestDumpPath"); strcpy(dumpEntry[d].name, "TestVolSetName.TestDumpPath"); dumpEntry[d].created = 0; dumpEntry[d].incTime = 0; dumpEntry[d].nVolumes = 0; dumpEntry[d].tapes.id = 0; strcpy(dumpEntry[d].tapes.tapeServer, ""); strcpy(dumpEntry[d].tapes.format, "TestVolSetName.TestDumpPath.%d"); dumpEntry[d].tapes.maxTapes = 1; dumpEntry[d].tapes.a = 0; dumpEntry[d].tapes.b = 1; strcpy(dumpEntry[d].dumper.name, "admin"); strcpy(dumpEntry[d].dumper.instance, ""); strcpy(dumpEntry[d].dumper.cell, ""); dumpEntry[d].initialDumpID = 0; if (d == 1) dumpEntry[d].initialDumpID = dumpEntry[0].id; dumpEntry[d].appendedDumpID = 0; code = bcdb_CreateDump(&dumpEntry[d]); if (code) { printf("Error in bcdb_CreateDump call\n"); ERROR(code); } printf("\nCreated dump %s (DumpID %u)\n", dumpEntry[d].name, dumpEntry[d].id); for (t = 0; t < NTAPES; t++) { /* ************************ */ /* Create and finish a tape */ /* ************************ */ sprintf(tapeEntry[t].name, "TestVolSetName.TestDumpPath.%d", t + 1); tapeEntry[t].flags = 0; tapeEntry[t].written = 0; tapeEntry[t].expires = 0; /* date tape expires */ tapeEntry[t].nMBytes = 0; tapeEntry[t].nBytes = 0; tapeEntry[t].nFiles = 0; tapeEntry[t].nVolumes = 0; tapeEntry[t].seq = (t + 1); /* Tape in sequence */ tapeEntry[t].tapeid = 0; tapeEntry[t].useCount = 999; /* Number of time tape is used */ tapeEntry[t].useKBytes = 0; tapeEntry[t].dump = dumpEntry[d].id; bcdb_UseTape(&tapeEntry[t], &newTape); if (code) { printf("Error in bcdb_UseTape call\n"); ERROR(code); } printf(" Created tape %s (%u)\n", tapeEntry[t].name, tapeEntry[t].dump); for (v = 0; v < NVOLUMES; v++) { /* ************************* */ /* Create a volume */ /* ************************* */ sprintf(volumeEntry[v].name, "TestVolumeName.%d", (t * NVOLUMES) + (v + 1)); volumeEntry[v].flags = (BUDB_VOL_FIRSTFRAG | BUDB_VOL_LASTFRAG); volumeEntry[v].id = 1234567890; /* volume id */ strcpy(volumeEntry[v].server, ""); volumeEntry[v].partition = 0; volumeEntry[v].tapeSeq = 0; volumeEntry[v].position = v + 2; /* positin on tape */ volumeEntry[v].clone = 0; /* clone date */ volumeEntry[v].incTime = 0; volumeEntry[v].startByte = 0; volumeEntry[v].nBytes = (v + 1) * 100000; /* vary size of volume */ volumeEntry[v].seq = 1; /* The first fragment */ volumeEntry[v].dump = dumpEntry[d].id; /* the dump id */ strcpy(volumeEntry[v].tape, tapeEntry[t].name); /* the tape name */ code = bcdb_AddVolume(&volumeEntry[v]); if (code) { printf("Error in bcdb_AddVolume call\n"); ERROR(code); } printf(" Added volume %s\n", volumeEntry[v].name); } tapeEntry[t].nFiles = 77777; tapeEntry[t].useKBytes = 88888; code = bcdb_FinishTape(&tapeEntry[t]); if (code) { printf("Error in bcdb_FinishTape call\n"); ERROR(code); } printf(" Finished tape %s (%u)\n", tapeEntry[t].name, tapeEntry[t].dump); } code = bcdb_FinishDump(&dumpEntry[d]); if (code) { printf("Error in bcdb_FinishDump call\n"); ERROR(code); } printf("Finished dump %s (DumpID %u)\n", dumpEntry[d].name, dumpEntry[d].id); code = verifyDb(); if (code) { printf("Error in verifyDb call\n"); ERROR(code); } } /* ********************************************** */ /* Delete one of the dumps - only if not appended */ /* ********************************************** */ if (!dumpEntry[(pass % NDUMPS)].initialDumpID) { code = deleteDump(dumpEntry[(pass % NDUMPS)].id); if (code) { printf("Error in deleteDump call\n"); ERROR(code); } printf("Deleted DumpID %u\n", dumpEntry[(pass % NDUMPS)].id); } code = verifyDb(); if (code) { printf("Error in verifyDb call\n"); ERROR(code); } } error: return err; }