/* AUTORIGHTS Copyright (C) 2003 - 2010 Chaskiel Grundman Copyright (c) 2011 Your Filesystem Inc. Copyright (c) 2012 Sine Nomine Associates All rights reserved Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME #include #define AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS # define KERBEROS_APPLE_DEPRECATED(x) # include #endif #include "afscp.h" #include "afscp_internal.h" #define HC_DEPRECATED #include #ifdef HAVE_KRB5_CREDS_KEYBLOCK_ENCTYPE #define Z_keydata(keyblock) ((keyblock)->contents) #define Z_keylen(keyblock) ((keyblock)->length) #define Z_credskey(creds) (&(creds)->keyblock) #define Z_enctype(keyblock) ((keyblock)->enctype) #else #define Z_keydata(keyblock) ((keyblock)->keyvalue.data) #define Z_keylen(keyblock) ((keyblock)->keyvalue.length) #define Z_credskey(creds) (&(creds)->session) #define Z_enctype(keyblock) ((keyblock)->keytype) #endif static int insecure = 0; static int try_anonymous = 0; static char authas_name[256]; static char authas_inst[256]; int afscp_Insecure(void) { insecure = 1; return 0; } int afscp_AnonymousAuth(int state) { try_anonymous = state; return 0; } /** * Connect to all servers using authenticated connections, using the local * KeyFile to appear as an arbitrary user. * * @param[in] aname The pts username to impersonate * * @note aname is krb4-based name, not a krb5 principal. So for example, you * probably want to give "user.admin" instead of "user/admin". * * @return operation status * @retval 0 success */ int afscp_LocalAuthAs(const char *aname) { const char *ainst = strchr(aname, '.'); size_t namelen, instlen; if (ainst) { namelen = ainst - aname; ainst++; instlen = strlen(ainst); } else { namelen = strlen(aname); ainst = ""; instlen = 0; } if (namelen+1 > sizeof(authas_name) || instlen+1 > sizeof(authas_inst)) { return EINVAL; } strncpy(authas_name, aname, namelen); strncpy(authas_inst, ainst, instlen); return 0; } static struct afsconf_dir *confdir; void afscp_SetConfDir(char *confDir) { if (confdir != NULL) afsconf_Close(confdir); confdir = afsconf_Open(confDir); } static int _GetCellInfo(char *cell, struct afsconf_cell *celldata) { int code; if (confdir == NULL) confdir = afsconf_Open(AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME); if (confdir == NULL) { return AFSCONF_NODB; } code = afsconf_GetCellInfo(confdir, cell, AFSCONF_VLDBSERVICE, celldata); return code; } static int _GetNullSecurityObject(struct afscp_cell *cell) { cell->security = (struct rx_securityClass *)rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(); cell->scindex = RX_SECIDX_NULL; return 0; } static int _GetLocalSecurityObject(struct afscp_cell *cell, char *aname, char *ainst) { int code = 0; char tbuffer[256]; struct ktc_encryptionKey key, session; struct rx_securityClass *tc; afs_int32 kvno; afs_int32 ticketLen; rxkad_level lev; struct afsconf_dir *tdir; tdir = afsconf_Open(AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH); if (!tdir) { code = AFSCONF_FAILURE; goto done; } code = afsconf_GetLatestKey(tdir, &kvno, &key); if (code) { goto done; } DES_init_random_number_generator((DES_cblock *)&key); code = DES_new_random_key((DES_cblock *)&session); if (code) { goto done; } ticketLen = sizeof(tbuffer); memset(tbuffer, 0, sizeof(tbuffer)); code = tkt_MakeTicket(tbuffer, &ticketLen, &key, aname, ainst, "", 0, 0xffffffff, &session, 0, "afs", ""); if (code) { goto done; } if (insecure) { lev = rxkad_clear; } else { lev = rxkad_crypt; } tc = (struct rx_securityClass *) rxkad_NewClientSecurityObject(lev, &session, kvno, ticketLen, tbuffer); if (!tc) { code = RXKADBADKEY; goto done; } cell->security = tc; cell->scindex = 2; done: if (tdir) { afsconf_Close(tdir); } return code; } int _GetSecurityObject(struct afscp_cell *cell) { int code = ENOENT; #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS krb5_context context = NULL; krb5_creds match; krb5_creds *cred; krb5_ccache cc; char **realms, *realm; struct afsconf_cell celldata; char localcell[MAXCELLCHARS + 1]; struct rx_securityClass *sc; struct ktc_encryptionKey k; int i; rxkad_level l; code = _GetCellInfo(cell->name, &celldata); if (code != 0) { goto try_anon; } if (authas_name[0]) { code = _GetLocalSecurityObject(cell, authas_name, authas_inst); if (code == 0) { return 0; } } code = krb5_init_context(&context); /* see aklog.c main() */ if (code != 0) { goto try_anon; } if (cell->realm == NULL) { realm = NULL; code = krb5_get_host_realm(context, celldata.hostName[0], &realms); if (code == 0) { strlcpy(localcell, realms[0], sizeof(localcell)); krb5_free_host_realm(context, realms); realm = localcell; } else goto try_anon; } else { realm = cell->realm; strlcpy(localcell, realm, MAXCELLCHARS + 1); } if (realm) if (realm == NULL) { for (i = 0; (i < MAXCELLCHARS && cell->name[i]); i++) { if (isalpha(cell->name[i])) localcell[i] = toupper(cell->name[i]); else localcell[i] = cell->name[i]; } localcell[i] = '\0'; realm = localcell; } cc = NULL; code = krb5_cc_default(context, &cc); memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match)); Z_enctype(Z_credskey(&match)) = ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_CRC; if (code == 0) code = krb5_cc_get_principal(context, cc, &match.client); if (code == 0) code = krb5_build_principal(context, &match.server, strlen(realm), realm, "afs", cell->name, NULL); if (code != 0) { krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &match); if (cc) krb5_cc_close(context, cc); goto try_anon; } code = krb5_get_credentials(context, 0, cc, &match, &cred); if (code != 0) { krb5_free_principal(context, match.server); match.server = NULL; code = krb5_build_principal(context, &match.server, strlen(realm), realm, "afs", NULL); if (code == 0) code = krb5_get_credentials(context, 0, cc, &match, &cred); if (code != 0) { krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &match); if (cc) krb5_cc_close(context, cc); goto try_anon; } } if (insecure) l = rxkad_clear; else l = rxkad_crypt; memcpy(&k.data, Z_keydata(Z_credskey(cred)), 8); sc = (struct rx_securityClass *)rxkad_NewClientSecurityObject (l, &k, RXKAD_TKT_TYPE_KERBEROS_V5, cred->ticket.length, cred->ticket.data); krb5_free_creds(context, cred); krb5_free_cred_contents(context, &match); if (cc) krb5_cc_close(context, cc); krb5_free_context(context); cell->security = sc; cell->scindex = 2; return 0; try_anon: if (context != NULL) { krb5_free_context(context); } #endif /* HAVE_KERBEROS */ if (try_anonymous) return _GetNullSecurityObject(cell); else return code; } int _GetVLservers(struct afscp_cell *cell) { struct rx_connection *conns[MAXHOSTSPERCELL + 1]; int i; int code; struct afsconf_cell celldata; code = _GetCellInfo(cell->name, &celldata); if (code != 0) { return code; } for (i = 0; i < celldata.numServers; i++) { conns[i] = rx_NewConnection(celldata.hostAddr[i].sin_addr.s_addr, htons(AFSCONF_VLDBPORT), USER_SERVICE_ID, cell->security, cell->scindex); } conns[i] = 0; return ubik_ClientInit(conns, &cell->vlservers); }