/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* (Multiple) readers & writers test of LWP stuff. Created: 11/1/83, J. Rosenberg */ #include #include #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include "lwp.h" #include "lock.h" #include "preempt.h" #define DEFAULT_READERS 5 #define STACK_SIZE (16*1024) /* The shared queue */ typedef struct QUEUE { struct QUEUE *prev, *next; char *data; struct Lock lock; } queue; queue * init() { queue *q; q = (queue *) malloc(sizeof(queue)); q->prev = q->next = q; return (q); } char empty(queue *q) { return (q->prev == q && q->next == q); } void insert(queue * q, char *s) { queue *new; new = (queue *) malloc(sizeof(queue)); new->data = s; new->prev = q->prev; q->prev->next = new; q->prev = new; new->next = q; } char * Remove(queue *q) { queue *old; char *s; if (empty(q)) { printf("Remove from empty queue"); exit(0); } old = q->next; q->next = old->next; q->next->prev = q; s = old->data; free(old); return (s); } queue *q; int asleep; /* Number of processes sleeping -- used for * clean termination */ static void * read_process(void *arg) { int *id = (int *) arg; printf("\t[Reader %d]\n", *id); LWP_DispatchProcess(); /* Just relinquish control for now */ PRE_PreemptMe(); for (;;) { int i; /* Wait until there is something in the queue */ asleep++; ObtainReadLock(&q->lock); while (empty(q)) { ReleaseReadLock(&q->lock); LWP_WaitProcess(q); ObtainReadLock(&q->lock); } asleep--; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++); PRE_BeginCritical(); printf("[%d: %s]\n", *id, Remove(q)); PRE_EndCritical(); ReleaseReadLock(&q->lock); LWP_DispatchProcess(); } return 0; } static void * write_process(void *dummy) { static char *messages[] = { "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", "Mary had a little lamb,", "Its fleece was white as snow,", "And everywhere that Mary went,", "The lamb was sure to go", 0 }; char **mesg; printf("\t[Writer]\n"); PRE_PreemptMe(); /* Now loop & write data */ for (mesg = messages; *mesg != 0; mesg++) { ObtainWriteLock(&q->lock); insert(q, *mesg); ReleaseWriteLock(&q->lock); LWP_SignalProcess(q); } asleep++; return 0; } /* Arguments: 0: Unix junk, ignore 1: Number of readers to create (default is DEFAULT_READERS) 2: # msecs for interrupt (to satisfy Larry) 3: Present if lwp_debug to be set */ #include "AFS_component_version_number.c" int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nreaders, i; PROCESS pid; afs_int32 interval; /* To satisfy Brad */ PROCESS *readers; int *readerid; PROCESS writer; struct timeval tv; printf("\n*Readers & Writers*\n\n"); setbuf(stdout, 0); /* Determine # readers */ if (argc == 1) nreaders = DEFAULT_READERS; else sscanf(*++argv, "%d", &nreaders); printf("[There will be %d readers]\n", nreaders); interval = (argc >= 3 ? atoi(*++argv) * 1000 : 50000); if (argc == 4) lwp_debug = 1; LWP_InitializeProcessSupport(0, &pid); printf("[Support initialized]\n"); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = interval; PRE_InitPreempt(&tv); /* Initialize queue */ q = init(); /* Initialize lock */ Lock_Init(&q->lock); asleep = 0; /* Now create readers */ printf("[Creating Readers...\n"); readers = (PROCESS *) calloc(nreaders, sizeof(PROCESS)); readerid = (int *)calloc(nreaders, sizeof(i)); for (i = 0; i < nreaders; i++) LWP_CreateProcess(read_process, STACK_SIZE, 0, (void *)&readerid[i], "Reader", &readers[i]); printf("done]\n"); printf("\t[Creating Writer...\n"); LWP_CreateProcess(write_process, STACK_SIZE, 1, 0, "Writer", &writer); printf("done]\n"); /* Now loop until everyone's done */ while (asleep != nreaders + 1) LWP_DispatchProcess(); /* Destroy the readers */ for (i = nreaders - 1; i >= 0; i--) LWP_DestroyProcess(readers[i]); printf("\n*Exiting*\n"); }