/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "ptclient.h" #include "ptuser.h" #include "pterror.h" #include "display.h" afs_int32 security = 0; char confdir[AFSDIR_PATH_MAX]; char *whoami; extern struct ubik_client *pruclient; static void skip(char **); static void PrintHelp(void); static int ignoreExist = 0; static char line[256]; static char *lineProgress; #define WHITESPACE " \t\n" int osi_audit(void) { /* OK, this REALLY sucks bigtime, but I can't tell who is calling * afsconf_CheckAuth easily, and only *SERVERS* should be calling osi_audit * anyway. It's gonna give somebody fits to debug, I know, I know. */ return 0; } int GetToken(char *format, afs_int32 *l) { int c; *l = 0; if (lineProgress == 0) lineProgress = line; c = sscanf(lineProgress, format, l); if (c != 1) return -1; /* skip the white space */ lineProgress += strspn(lineProgress, WHITESPACE); /* skip to end of token */ lineProgress = strpbrk(lineProgress, WHITESPACE); return 0; } #define GetInt32(l) GetToken ("%d", l) #define GetXInt32(l) GetToken ("%x", l) int GetString(char *s, int slen) { char *beg; int l; int code; if (lineProgress == 0) lineProgress = line; /* skip the white space */ lineProgress += strspn(lineProgress, WHITESPACE); /* check for quoted string and find end */ beg = lineProgress; if (*beg == '"') { l = strcspn(++beg, "\""); if (l == strlen(beg)) return -1; /* unbalanced quotes */ lineProgress = beg + l + 1; } else { l = strcspn(beg, WHITESPACE); lineProgress += l; } if (l >= slen) { /* don't return too much */ code = -1; l = slen - 1; } else code = 0; strncpy(s, beg, l); s[l] = 0; /* null termination */ return code; } int CodeOk(afs_int32 code) { if (!ignoreExist) return code; return code && (code != PREXIST) && (code != PRIDEXIST); } int PrintEntry(afs_int32 ea, struct prentry *e, int indent) { /* handle screwed up versions of DumpEntry */ if (e->flags & PRCONT) { afs_int32 id; memcpy(&id, e->name, sizeof(id)); if ((id != PRBADID) && ((id > (1 << 24)) || (id < -(1 << 24)))) { /* assume server incorrectly swapped these bytes... */ int i = 0; while (i < sizeof(e->name)) { char temp; temp = e->name[i]; e->name[i] = e->name[i + 3]; e->name[i + 3] = temp; temp = e->name[i + 1]; e->name[i + 1] = e->name[i + 2]; e->name[i + 2] = temp; i += 4; } } } return pr_PrintEntry(stdout, /*host order */ 1, ea, e, indent); } /* main program */ #include "AFS_component_version_number.c" int main(int argc, char **argv) { afs_int32 code; char op[8]; char name[PR_MAXNAMELEN]; afs_int32 id, oid = ANONYMOUSID, gid; afs_int32 pos; unsigned int i; int n; struct prentry entry; prlist alist; idlist lid; namelist lnames; struct hostent *hostinfo; struct in_addr *hostaddr; afs_int32 *ptr; char *foo; afs_int32 over; char *cell; afs_int32 rxgk_level = 0; #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV /* * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful. */ struct sigaction nsa; sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask); nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL); #endif whoami = argv[0]; initialize_PT_error_table(); strcpy(confdir, AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH); cell = 0; n = 1; while (n < argc) { int arglen = strlen(argv[n]); char arg[256]; lcstring(arg, argv[n], sizeof(arg)); #define IsArg(a) (strncmp (arg,a, arglen) == 0) if (IsArg("-testconfdir")) strncpy(confdir, argv[++n], sizeof(confdir)); else if (IsArg("client")) strncpy(confdir, AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH, sizeof(confdir)); else if (IsArg("server")) strncpy(confdir, AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH, sizeof(confdir)); else if (IsArg("0") || IsArg("1") || IsArg("2") || IsArg("3")) security = atoi(argv[n]); else if (IsArg("-rxgk")) rxgk_level = atoi(argv[++n]); else if (IsArg("-ignoreexist")) ignoreExist++; else if (IsArg("-cell")) cell = argv[++n]; else { printf ("Usage is: 'prclient [-testconfdir | server | client] [0 | 1 | 2 | 3] [-rxgk 0 | 1 | 2] [-ignoreExist] [-cell ]\n"); exit(1); } n++; } printf("Using CellServDB file in %s\n", confdir); if (security == 0) printf("Making unauthenticated connection to prserver\n"); code = pr_Initialize2(security, confdir, cell, rxgk_level); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "Couldn't initialize protection library"); exit(1); } while (1) { char *s; printf("pr> "); s = fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); if (s == NULL) break; lineProgress = 0; code = GetString(op, sizeof(op)); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, PRBADARG, "error reading opcode in line '%s', got '%.*s'", line, (int) sizeof(op), op); exit(1); } if (strlen(op) == 0) continue; /* no input */ if (!strcmp(op, "cr")) { if (GetString(name, sizeof(name)) || GetInt32(&id) || GetInt32(&oid)) code = PRBADARG; /* use ubik_Call to do the work, finding an up server and handling * the job of finding a sync site, if need be */ else code = ubik_PR_INewEntry(pruclient, 0, name, id, oid); if (CodeOk(code)) afs_com_err(whoami, code, "on %s %s %d %d", op, name, id, oid); } else if (!strcmp(op, "sf")) { afs_int32 mask, access, gq, uq; if (GetInt32(&id) || GetXInt32(&mask) || GetXInt32(&access) || GetInt32(&gq) || GetInt32(&uq)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_SetFieldsEntry(pruclient, 0, id, mask, access, gq, uq, 0, 0); if (CodeOk(code)) afs_com_err(whoami, code, "on %s %d %x %x %d %d", op, id, mask, access, gq, uq); } else if (!strcmp(op, "ce")) { char newname[PR_MAXNAMELEN]; afs_int32 newid; if (GetInt32(&id) || GetString(newname, sizeof(newname)) || GetInt32(&oid) || GetInt32(&newid)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_ChangeEntry(pruclient, 0, id, newname, oid, newid); if (CodeOk(code)) afs_com_err(whoami, code, "on %s %d %s %d %d", op, id, newname, oid, newid); } else if (!strcmp(op, "wh")) { /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_WhereIsIt(pruclient, 0, id, &pos); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); else printf("location %d\n", pos); } else if (!strcmp(op, "du")) { memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry)); /* scanf("%d",&pos); */ if (GetInt32(&pos)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_DumpEntry(pruclient, 0, pos, (struct prdebugentry *)&entry); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { PrintEntry(pos, &entry, /*indent */ 0); #if 0 printf("The contents of the entry for %d are:\n", entry.id); printf("flags %d next %d\n", entry.flags, entry.next); printf("Groups (or members) \n"); for (i = 0; i < PRSIZE; i++) printf("%d\n", entry.entries[i]); printf("nextID %d nextname %d name %s\n", entry.nextID, entry.nextName, entry.name); printf("owner %d creator %d\n", entry.owner, entry.creator); #endif } } else if (!strcmp(op, "add") || !strcmp(op, "au")) { /* scanf("%d %d",&id,&gid); */ if (GetInt32(&id) || GetInt32(&gid)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_AddToGroup(pruclient, 0, id, gid); if (CodeOk(code)) afs_com_err(whoami, code, "on %s %d %d", op, id, gid); } else if (!strcmp(op, "iton")) { lid.idlist_val = malloc(20 * sizeof(afs_int32)); ptr = lid.idlist_val; lid.idlist_len = 0; foo = line; skip(&foo); while ((lid.idlist_len < 20) && (sscanf(foo, "%d", ptr) != EOF)) { lid.idlist_len++; skip(&foo); ptr++; } if (*foo) { fprintf(stderr, "too many values specified; max is %d\n", 20); } lnames.namelist_val = 0; lnames.namelist_len = 0; code = ubik_PR_IDToName(pruclient, 0, &lid, &lnames); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { for (i = 0; i < lnames.namelist_len; i++) { printf("id %d name %s\n", lid.idlist_val[i], lnames.namelist_val[i]); } free(lnames.namelist_val); } free(lid.idlist_val); lid.idlist_val = 0; lid.idlist_len = 0; } else if (!strcmp(op, "ntoi")) { lnames.namelist_val = malloc(PR_MAXLIST * PR_MAXNAMELEN); lnames.namelist_len = 0; foo = line; skip(&foo); for (i = 0; ((lnames.namelist_len < PR_MAXLIST) && (sscanf(foo, "%63s", lnames.namelist_val[i]) != EOF)); i++) { lnames.namelist_len++; skip(&foo); } if (*foo) { fprintf(stderr, "too many values specified; max is %d\n", PR_MAXLIST); } lid.idlist_val = 0; lid.idlist_len = 0; code = ubik_PR_NameToID(pruclient, 0, &lnames, &lid); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { for (i = 0; i < lid.idlist_len; i++) printf("name %s id %d\n", lnames.namelist_val[i], lid.idlist_val[i]); free(lid.idlist_val); } free(lnames.namelist_val); lnames.namelist_val = 0; lnames.namelist_len = 0; } else if (!strcmp(op, "del")) { /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_Delete(pruclient, 0, id); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); } else if (!strcmp(op, "dg")) { /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_Delete(pruclient, 0, id); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); } else if (!strcmp(op, "rm")) { /* scanf("%d %d",&id,&gid); */ if (GetInt32(&id) || GetInt32(&gid)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_RemoveFromGroup(pruclient, 0, id, gid); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); } #if defined(SUPERGROUPS) else if (!strcmp(op, "lsg")) { alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_ListSuperGroups(pruclient, 0, id, &alist, &over); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { ptr = alist.prlist_val; if (over) { printf("Number of groups greater than PR_MAXGROUPS!\n"); printf("Excess of %d.\n", over); } for (i = 0; i < alist.prlist_len; i++, ptr++) printf("%d\n", *ptr); free(alist.prlist_val); alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; } } #endif /* SUPERGROUPS */ else if (!strcmp(op, "l")) { alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_GetCPS(pruclient, 0, id, &alist, &over); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { ptr = alist.prlist_val; if (over) { printf("Number of groups greater than PR_MAXGROUPS!\n"); printf("Excess of %d.\n", over); } for (i = 0; i < alist.prlist_len; i++, ptr++) printf("%d\n", *ptr); free(alist.prlist_val); alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; } } else if (!strcmp(op, "lh")) { alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetString(name, sizeof(name))) code = PRBADARG; else if (!(hostinfo = gethostbyname(name))) code = PRBADARG; else { hostaddr = (struct in_addr *)hostinfo->h_addr_list[0]; id = ntohl(hostaddr->s_addr); code = ubik_PR_GetHostCPS(pruclient, 0, id, &alist, &over); } if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { ptr = alist.prlist_val; if (over) { printf("Number of groups greater than PR_MAXGROUPS!\n"); printf("Excess of %d.\n", over); } for (i = 0; i < alist.prlist_len; i++, ptr++) printf("%d\n", *ptr); free(alist.prlist_val); alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; } } #if defined(SUPERGROUPS) else if (!strcmp(op, "m")) { alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_ListElements(pruclient, 0, id, &alist, &over); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { ptr = alist.prlist_val; if (over) { printf("Number of groups greater than PR_MAXGROUPS!\n"); printf("Excess of %d.\n", over); } for (i = 0; i < alist.prlist_len; i++, ptr++) printf("%d\n", *ptr); free(alist.prlist_val); alist.prlist_len = 0; alist.prlist_val = 0; } } #endif /* SUPERGROUPS */ else if (!strcmp(op, "nu")) { /* scanf("%s",name); */ if (GetString(name, sizeof(name))) code = PRBADARG; else code = pr_CreateUser(name, &id); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) printf("Id is %d.\n", id); } else if (!strcmp(op, "ng")) { /* scanf("%s",name); */ if (GetString(name, sizeof(name))) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_NewEntry(pruclient, 0, name, 1, oid, &id); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) printf("Id is %d.\n", id); } else if (!strcmp(op, "lm")) { code = ubik_PR_ListMax(pruclient, 0, &id, &gid); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) printf("Max user id is %d, max (really min) group is %d.\n", id, gid); } else if (!strcmp(op, "smu")) { /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_SetMax(pruclient, 0, id, 0); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); } else if (!strcmp(op, "smg")) { /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = ubik_PR_SetMax(pruclient, 0, id, 1); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); } else if (!strcmp(op, "sin")) { /* scanf("%d",&id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) code = PRBADARG; else code = pr_SIdToName(id, name); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) printf("id %d name %s\n", id, name); } else if (!strcmp(op, "sni")) { /* scanf("%s",name); */ if (GetString(name, sizeof(name))) code = PRBADARG; else code = pr_SNameToId(name, &id); if (CodeOk(code)) printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); if (code == PRSUCCESS) printf("name %s id %d\n", name, id); } else if (!strcmp(op, "fih")) { char tname[128]; struct PrUpdateEntry uentry; memset(&uentry, 0, sizeof(uentry)); /* scanf("%s",name); */ if (GetString(name, sizeof(name))) { code = PRBADARG; continue; } code = pr_SNameToId(name, &id); if (CodeOk(code)) { printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); continue; } code = pr_SIdToName(id, tname); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { printf ("Warning: Id hash for %s (id %d) seems correct at the db; rehashing it anyway\n", name, id); /* continue;*/ } uentry.Mask = PRUPDATE_IDHASH; code = ubik_PR_UpdateEntry(pruclient, 0, 0, name, &uentry); if (code) { printf("Failed to update entry %s (err=%d)\n", name, code); continue; } } else if (!strcmp(op, "fnh")) { int tid; struct PrUpdateEntry uentry; memset(&uentry, 0, sizeof(uentry)); /* scanf("%d", &id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) { code = PRBADARG; continue; } code = pr_SIdToName(id, name); if (CodeOk(code)) { printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); continue; } code = pr_SNameToId(name, &tid); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { printf ("Name hash for %d (name is %s) seems correct at the db; rehashing it anyway\n", id, name); /* continue;*/ } uentry.Mask = PRUPDATE_NAMEHASH; code = ubik_PR_UpdateEntry(pruclient, 0, id, "_foo_", &uentry); if (code) { printf("Failed to update entry with id %d (err=%d)\n", id, code); continue; } } #if defined(SUPERGROUPS) else if (!strcmp(op, "fih")) { char tname[128]; struct PrUpdateEntry uentry; memset(&uentry, 0, sizeof(uentry)); /* scanf("%s",name); */ if (GetString(name, sizeof(name))) { code = PRBADARG; continue; } code = pr_SNameToId(name, &id); if (CodeOk(code)) { printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); continue; } code = pr_SIdToName(id, tname); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { printf ("Warning: Id hash for %s (id %d) seems correct at the db; rehashing it anyway\n", name, id); /* continue;*/ } uentry.Mask = PRUPDATE_IDHASH; code = ubik_PR_UpdateEntry(pruclient, 0, 0, name, &uentry); if (code) { printf("Failed to update entry %s (err=%d)\n", name, code); continue; } } else if (!strcmp(op, "fnh")) { int tid; struct PrUpdateEntry uentry; memset(&uentry, 0, sizeof(uentry)); /* scanf("%d", &id); */ if (GetInt32(&id)) { code = PRBADARG; continue; } code = pr_SIdToName(id, name); if (CodeOk(code)) { printf("%s\n", pr_ErrorMsg(code)); continue; } code = pr_SNameToId(name, &tid); if (code == PRSUCCESS) { printf ("Name hash for %d (name is %s) seems correct at the db; rehashing it anyway\n", id, name); /* continue;*/ } uentry.Mask = PRUPDATE_NAMEHASH; code = ubik_PR_UpdateEntry(pruclient, 0, id, "_foo_", &uentry); if (code) { printf("Failed to update entry with id %d (err=%d)\n", id, code); continue; } } #endif /* SUPERGROUPS */ else if (!strcmp(op, "?")) PrintHelp(); else if (!strcmp(op, "q")) exit(0); else printf("Unknown op: '%s'! ? for help\n", op); } return 0; } static void PrintHelp(void) { printf("cr name id owner - create entry with name and id.\n"); printf("wh id - what is the offset into database for id?\n"); printf("du offset - dump the contents of the entry at offset.\n"); printf("add uid gid - add user uid to group gid.\n"); printf("iton id* - translate the list of id's to names.\n"); printf("ntoi name* - translate the list of names to ids.\n"); printf("del id - delete the entry for id.\n"); printf("dg gid - delete the entry for group gid.\n"); printf("rm id gid - remove user id from group gid.\n"); printf("l id - get the CPS for id.\n"); printf("lh host - get the host CPS for host.\n"); #if defined(SUPERGROUPS) printf("lsg id - get the supergroups for id.\n"); printf("m id - list elements for id.\n"); #endif printf("nu name - create new user with name - returns an id.\n"); printf("ng name - create new group with name - returns an id.\n"); printf("lm - list max user id and max (really min) group id.\n"); printf("smu - set max user id.\n"); printf("smg - set max group id.\n"); printf("sin id - single iton.\n"); printf("sni name - single ntoi.\n"); printf("fih name - fix id hash for .\n"); printf("fnh id - fix name hash for .\n"); printf("q - quit.\n?- this message.\n"); } static void skip(char **s) { while (**s != ' ' && **s != '\0') (*s)++; while (**s == ' ') (*s)++; }