/* * CMUCS AFStools * dumpscan - routines for scanning and manipulating AFS volume dumps * * Copyright (c) 1998 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software_Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* parsevnode.c - Parse a VNode */ #include #include #include #include "dumpscan.h" #include "dumpscan_errs.h" #include "dumpfmt.h" #include "internal.h" #include #include static afs_uint32 LastGoodVNode = 0; static afs_uint32 store_vnode(XFILE *, unsigned char *, tagged_field *, afs_uint32, tag_parse_info *, void *, void *); static afs_uint32 parse_acl(XFILE *, unsigned char *, tagged_field *, afs_uint32, tag_parse_info *, void *, void *); static afs_uint32 parse_vdata(XFILE *, unsigned char *, tagged_field *, afs_uint32, tag_parse_info *, void *, void *); /** Field list for vnodes **/ static tagged_field vnode_fields[] = { {VTAG_TYPE, DKIND_BYTE, " VNode type: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_NLINKS, DKIND_INT16, " Link count: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_DVERS, DKIND_INT32, " Version: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_CLIENT_DATE, DKIND_TIME, " Server Date: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_AUTHOR, DKIND_INT32, " Author: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_OWNER, DKIND_INT32, " Owner: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_GROUP, DKIND_INT32, " Group: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_MODE, DKIND_INT16, " UNIX mode: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_PARENT, DKIND_INT32, " Parent: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_SERVER_DATE, DKIND_TIME, " Client Date: ", store_vnode, 0, 0}, {VTAG_ACL, DKIND_SPECIAL, " xxxxxxxx ACL: ", parse_acl, 0, 0}, {VTAG_DATA, DKIND_SPECIAL, " Contents: ", parse_vdata, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; static afs_uint32 resync_vnode(XFILE * X, dump_parser * p, afs_vnode * v, int start, int limit) { dt_uint64 where, expected_where; afs_uint32 r; int i; if ((r = xftell(X, &expected_where))) return r; cp64(where, expected_where); r = match_next_vnode(X, p, &where, v->vnode); if (r && r != DSERR_FMT) return r; if (r) for (i = -start; i < limit; i++) { add64_32(where, expected_where, i); r = match_next_vnode(X, p, &where, v->vnode); if (!r) break; if (r != DSERR_FMT) return r; } if (r) { if (p->cb_error) (p->cb_error) (r, 1, p->err_refcon, "Unable to resync after vnode %d [%s = 0x%s]", v->vnode, decimate_int64(&expected_where, 0), hexify_int64(&expected_where, 0)); return r; } if (ne64(where, expected_where) && p->cb_error) { (p->cb_error) (DSERR_FMT, 0, p->err_refcon, "Vnode after %d not in expected location", v->vnode); (p->cb_error) (DSERR_FMT, 0, p->err_refcon, "Expected location: %s = 0x%s", decimate_int64(&expected_where, 0), hexify_int64(&expected_where, 0)); (p->cb_error) (DSERR_FMT, 0, p->err_refcon, "Actual location: %s = 0x%s", decimate_int64(&where, 0), hexify_int64(&where, 0)); } return xfseek(X, &where); } /* Parse a VNode, including any tagged attributes and data, and call the * appropriate callback, if one is defined. */ afs_uint32 parse_vnode(XFILE * X, unsigned char *tag, tagged_field * field, afs_uint32 value, tag_parse_info * pi, void *g_refcon, void *l_refcon) { dump_parser *p = (dump_parser *) g_refcon; afs_uint32(*cb) (afs_vnode *, XFILE *, void *); dt_uint64 where, offset2k; afs_vnode v; afs_uint32 r; if ((r = xftell(X, &where))) return r; memset(&v, 0, sizeof(v)); sub64_32(v.offset, where, 1); if ((r = ReadInt32(X, &v.vnode))) return r; if ((r = ReadInt32(X, &v.vuniq))) return r; mk64(offset2k, 0, 2048); if (!LastGoodVNode || ((p->flags & DSFLAG_SEEK) && v.vnode == 1 && lt64(v.offset, offset2k))) LastGoodVNode = -1; if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_ITEM) { printf("%s %d/%d [%s = 0x%s]\n", field->label, v.vnode, v.vuniq, decimate_int64(&where, 0), hexify_int64(&where, 0)); } r = ParseTaggedData(X, vnode_fields, tag, pi, g_refcon, (void *)&v); /* Try to resync, if requested */ if (!r && (p->repair_flags & DSFIX_VFSYNC)) { afs_uint32 drop; dt_uint64 xwhere; if ((r = xftell(X, &where))) return r; sub64_32(xwhere, where, 1); /* Are we at the start of a valid vnode (or dump end)? */ r = match_next_vnode(X, p, &xwhere, v.vnode); if (r && r != DSERR_FMT) return r; if (r) { /* Nope. */ /* Was _this_ a valid vnode? If so, we can keep it and search for * the next one. Otherwise, we throw it out, and start the search * at the starting point of this vnode. */ drop = r = match_next_vnode(X, p, &v.offset, LastGoodVNode); if (r && r != DSERR_FMT) return r; if (!r) { add64_32(where, v.offset, 1); if ((r = xfseek(X, &v.offset))) return r; } else { if ((r = xfseek(X, &xwhere))) return r; } if ((r = resync_vnode(X, p, &v, 0, 1024))) return r; if ((r = ReadByte(X, tag))) return r; if (drop) { if (p->cb_error) (p->cb_error) (DSERR_FMT, 0, p->err_refcon, "Dropping vnode %d", v.vnode); return 0; } } else { if ((r = xfseek(X, &where))) return r; } } LastGoodVNode = v.vnode; if (!r) { if (v.field_mask & F_VNODE_TYPE) switch (v.type) { case vFile: cb = p->cb_vnode_file; break; case vDirectory: cb = p->cb_vnode_dir; break; case vSymlink: cb = p->cb_vnode_link; break; default: cb = p->cb_vnode_wierd; break; } else cb = p->cb_vnode_empty; if (cb) { dt_uint64 where; if ((r = xftell(X, &where))) return r; r = (cb) (&v, X, p->refcon); if (p->flags & DSFLAG_SEEK) { if (!r) r = xfseek(X, &where); else xfseek(X, &where); } } } return r; } /* Store data in a vnode */ static afs_uint32 store_vnode(XFILE * X, unsigned char *tag, tagged_field * field, afs_uint32 value, tag_parse_info * pi, void *g_refcon, void *l_refcon) { dump_parser *p = (dump_parser *) g_refcon; afs_vnode *v = (afs_vnode *) l_refcon; time_t when; afs_uint32 r = 0; switch (field->tag) { case VTAG_TYPE: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_TYPE; v->type = value; if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_VNODE) { switch (value) { case vFile: printf("%sFile (%d)\n", field->label, value); break; case vDirectory: printf("%sDirectory (%d)\n", field->label, value); break; case vSymlink: printf("%sSymbolic Link (%d)\n", field->label, value); break; default: printf("%s??? (%d)\n", field->label, value); } return r; } break; case VTAG_NLINKS: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_NLINKS; v->nlinks = value; break; case VTAG_DVERS: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_DVERS; v->datavers = value; break; case VTAG_CLIENT_DATE: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_CDATE; v->client_date = value; break; case VTAG_SERVER_DATE: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_SDATE; v->server_date = value; break; case VTAG_AUTHOR: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_AUTHOR; v->author = value; break; case VTAG_OWNER: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_OWNER; v->owner = value; break; case VTAG_GROUP: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_GROUP; v->group = value; break; case VTAG_MODE: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_MODE; v->mode = value; break; case VTAG_PARENT: v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_PARENT; v->parent = value; break; } if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_VNODE) switch (field->kind) { case DKIND_BYTE: case DKIND_INT16: case DKIND_INT32: printf("%s%d\n", field->label, value); break; case DKIND_HEX8: printf("%s0x%02x\n", field->label, value); break; case DKIND_HEX16: printf("%s0x%04x\n", field->label, value); break; case DKIND_HEX32: printf("%s0x%08x\n", field->label, value); break; case DKIND_CHAR: printf("%s%c\n", field->label, value); break; case DKIND_STRING: printf("%s%s\n", field->label, tag); break; case DKIND_FLAG: printf("%s%s\n", field->label, value ? "true" : "false"); break; case DKIND_TIME: when = value; printf("%s%s", field->label, ctime(&when)); break; } return r; } static char * rights2str(afs_uint32 rights) { static char str[16]; char *p = str; if (rights & PRSFS_READ) *p++ = 'r'; if (rights & PRSFS_LOOKUP) *p++ = 'l'; if (rights & PRSFS_INSERT) *p++ = 'i'; if (rights & PRSFS_DELETE) *p++ = 'd'; if (rights & PRSFS_WRITE) *p++ = 'w'; if (rights & PRSFS_LOCK) *p++ = 'k'; if (rights & PRSFS_ADMINISTER) *p++ = 'a'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR0) *p++ = 'A'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR1) *p++ = 'B'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR2) *p++ = 'C'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR3) *p++ = 'D'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR4) *p++ = 'E'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR5) *p++ = 'F'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR6) *p++ = 'G'; if (rights & PRSFS_USR7) *p++ = 'H'; *p = 0; if (!str[0]) strcpy(str, "none"); return str; } /* Parse and store the ACL data from a directory vnode */ static afs_uint32 parse_acl(XFILE * X, unsigned char *tag, tagged_field * field, afs_uint32 value, tag_parse_info * pi, void *g_refcon, void *l_refcon) { struct acl_accessList *acl; dump_parser *p = (dump_parser *) g_refcon; afs_vnode *v = (afs_vnode *) l_refcon; afs_uint32 r, i, n; if ((r = xfread(X, v->acl, SIZEOF_LARGEDISKVNODE - SIZEOF_SMALLDISKVNODE))) return r; v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_ACL; if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_ACL) { acl = (struct acl_accessList *)(v->acl); n = ntohl(acl->positive); if (n) { printf(" Positive ACL: %d entries\n", n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf(" %9d %s\n", ntohl(acl->entries[i].id), rights2str(ntohl(acl->entries[i].rights))); } n = ntohl(acl->negative); if (n) { printf(" Negative ACL: %d entries\n", n); for (i = ntohl(acl->positive); i < ntohl(acl->total); i++) printf(" %9d %s\n", ntohl(acl->entries[i].id), rights2str(ntohl(acl->entries[i].rights))); } } return ReadByte(X, tag); } /* Parse or skip over the vnode data */ static afs_uint32 parse_vdata(XFILE * X, unsigned char *tag, tagged_field * field, afs_uint32 value, tag_parse_info * pi, void *g_refcon, void *l_refcon) { dump_parser *p = (dump_parser *) g_refcon; afs_vnode *v = (afs_vnode *) l_refcon; static char *symlink_buf = 0; static int symlink_size = 0; afs_uint32 r; if ((r = ReadInt32(X, &v->size))) return r; v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_SIZE; if (v->size) { v->field_mask |= F_VNODE_DATA; if ((r = xftell(X, &v->d_offset))) return r; if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_VNODE) printf("%s%d (0x%08x) bytes at %s (0x%s)\n", field->label, v->size, v->size, decimate_int64(&v->d_offset, 0), hexify_int64(&v->d_offset, 0)); switch (v->type) { case vSymlink: if (v->size > symlink_size) { if (symlink_buf) symlink_buf = realloc(symlink_buf, v->size + 1); else symlink_buf = (char *)malloc(v->size + 1); symlink_size = symlink_buf ? v->size : 0; } if (symlink_buf) { if ((r = xfread(X, symlink_buf, v->size))) return r; symlink_buf[v->size] = 0; if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_VNODE) printf(" Target: %s\n", symlink_buf); } else { /* Call the callback here, because it's non-fatal */ if (p->cb_error) (p->cb_error) (ENOMEM, 0, p->err_refcon, "Out of memory reading symlink"); if ((r = xfskip(X, v->size))) return r; } break; case vDirectory: if (p->cb_dirent || (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_DIR)) { if ((r = parse_directory(X, p, v, v->size, 0))) return r; break; } default: if ((r = xfskip(X, v->size))) return r; } } else if (p->print_flags & DSPRINT_VNODE) { printf("%sEmpty\n", field->label); } if (p->repair_flags & DSFIX_VDSYNC) { r = resync_vnode(X, p, v, 10, 15); if (r) return r; } return ReadByte(X, tag); }