/* A simple test of the rx event layer */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "rx/rx_event.h" #include "rx/rx_clock.h" #define NUMEVENTS 10000 /* Mutexes and condvars for the scheduler */ static int rescheduled = 0; static pthread_mutex_t eventMutex; static pthread_cond_t eventCond; /* Mutexes and condvars for the event list */ static pthread_mutex_t eventListMutex; struct testEvent { struct rxevent *event; int fired; int cancelled; }; static struct testEvent events[NUMEVENTS]; static void reschedule(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); pthread_cond_signal(&eventCond); rescheduled = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventMutex); return; } static void eventSub(struct rxevent *event, void *arg, void *arg1, int arg2) { struct testEvent *evrecord = arg; pthread_mutex_lock(&eventListMutex); rxevent_Put(&evrecord->event); evrecord->event = NULL; evrecord->fired = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventListMutex); return; } static void reportSub(struct rxevent *event, void *arg, void *arg1, int arg2) { printf("Event fired\n"); } static void * eventHandler(void *dummy) { struct timespec nextEvent; struct clock cv; struct clock next; pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); while (1) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventMutex); next.sec = 30; next.usec = 0; clock_GetTime(&cv); rxevent_RaiseEvents(&next); pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); /* If we were rescheduled whilst running the event queue, * process the queue again */ if (rescheduled) { rescheduled = 0; continue; } clock_Add(&cv, &next); nextEvent.tv_sec = cv.sec; nextEvent.tv_nsec = cv.usec * 1000; pthread_cond_timedwait(&eventCond, &eventMutex, &nextEvent); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventMutex); return NULL; } int main(void) { int when, counter, fail, fired, cancelled; struct clock now, eventTime; struct rxevent *event; pthread_t handler; plan(8); pthread_mutex_init(&eventMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&eventCond, NULL); memset(events, 0, sizeof(events)); pthread_mutex_init(&eventListMutex, NULL); /* Start up the event system */ rxevent_Init(20, reschedule); ok(1, "Started event subsystem"); clock_GetTime(&now); /* Test for a problem when there is only a single event in the tree */ event = rxevent_Post(&now, &now, reportSub, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(event != NULL, "Created a single event"); rxevent_Cancel(&event); ok(1, "Cancelled a single event"); rxevent_RaiseEvents(&now); ok(1, "RaiseEvents happened without error"); ok(pthread_create(&handler, NULL, eventHandler, NULL) == 0, "Created handler thread"); /* Add 1000 random events to fire over the next 3 seconds */ for (counter = 0; counter < NUMEVENTS; counter++) { when = random() % 3000; clock_GetTime(&now); eventTime = now; clock_Addmsec(&eventTime, when); pthread_mutex_lock(&eventListMutex); events[counter].event = rxevent_Post(&eventTime, &now, eventSub, &events[counter], NULL, 0); /* A 10% chance that we will schedule another event at the same time */ if (counter!=999 && random() % 10 == 0) { counter++; events[counter].event = rxevent_Post(&eventTime, &now, eventSub, &events[counter], NULL, 0); } /* A 25% chance that we will cancel a random event */ if (random() % 4 == 0) { int victim = random() % counter; if (events[victim].event != NULL) { rxevent_Cancel(&events[victim].event); events[victim].cancelled = 1; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventListMutex); } ok(1, "Added %d events", NUMEVENTS); sleep(3); fired = 0; cancelled = 0; fail = 0; for (counter = 0; counter < NUMEVENTS; counter++) { if (events[counter].fired) fired++; if (events[counter].cancelled) cancelled++; if (events[counter].cancelled && events[counter].fired) fail = 1; } ok(!fail, "Didn't fire any cancelled events"); ok(fired+cancelled == NUMEVENTS, "Number of fired and cancelled events sum to correct total"); return 0; }