I am not the right person to write this page but here is a start: The MIT web site for Kerberos is . The FAQ is at . [[KenHornstein]]'s AFS-Kerberos5 migration toolkit is here: . [[DerrickBrashear]]'s document for converting from the [[KaServer]] to [[HeimdalKTH]] is [here](http://lost-contact.mit.edu/afs/net/project/afs32/andrew.cmu.edu/usr/shadow/ka2heim.txt): -- [[TedAnderson]] - 22 Jan 2002 -- [[DerrickBrashear]] - 23 Jan 2002 Some other issues to explain: - PAM modules available for K5 - Admin differences between various K5 implementations - krb524d -- which uses a K5 TGT to produce a V4 AFS service ticket which the [[CacheManager]] needs. It does not need to run on the same machine as the [[KerberosV]] server but just needs access to the AFS principal's key. This is not needed for [[HeimdalKTH]] which implements V4 and V5 services, but is for MIT and [[ActiveDirectory]]. - encryption types -- this is a per key property and V5 supports several (while V4 only supported one, namely what V5 calls des-cbc-crc). However, this is not the V5 default (which I think is des3) so you need to ensure that the AFS principal uses des-cbc-crc. - [[StringToKey]] differences -- [[TedAnderson]] - 23 Jan 2002 ---- See [[HeimdalKTH]], [[ActiveDirectory]], [[KerberosDCE]], [[AuthCommands]], [[SettingUpAuthentication]].