## 4 Getting more information The Administration Section of the [[AFSFrequentlyAskedQuestions]]. - [[PreambleFAQ]] - [[GeneralFAQ]] - [[UsageFAQ]] - [[AdminFAQ]]
- [[AboutTheFAQ]] - [[FurtherReading]] ### 4.01 Is there an anonymous FTP site with AFS information? **No**, the transarc.com domain is pretty much gone from the Internet. > Yes, it is: > > [ftp.transarc.com](ftp://ftp.transarc.com/) > > . > > **NOTE:** Due to security limitations on the FTP server, the 'ls' command is not allowed for anonymous users. Instead, use the MANIFEST document to find what you are looking for, and then issue 'get' or 'mget' commands to retrieve files. > > A brief summary of contents: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
Path Contents
pub/afsug/README AFS user group
pub/afsug/newsletter/ AFS user group newsletters
pub/afs-contrib/ Contributed by other groups
pub/afs-contrib/bin/README other client ports (US-only)
pub/afs-contrib/bin.export/ other client ports
pub/afs-contrib/tools/MANIFEST miscellaneous tools
pub/afs-contrib/src/README submissions from source licensees
pub/afs-contrib/doc/MANIFEST documentation
pub/afs-contrib/pointers/MANIFEST infomation in other places
pub/afsps/README AFS product support
pub/afsps/doc/ release notes, SUPPORTED_SYSTEMS.afs.*
pub/afsps/doc/progint/ AFS programming interface docs
> > These directories are also accessible via AFS. For example: > > This should be accessible if you have a currently running AFS client, and transarc.com is in your [[CellServDB]]. > > (NB "pub" => "public/anon-ftp/pub" when using AFS to access these.) > > A final option allows you to use the [[WWWtoAFS]] trick to view the public FTP service. To reach te FTP site this way, try pointing your browser to the following URL: > > ### 4.02 Which USENET newsgroups discuss AFS? [alt.filesystems.afs](news:alt.filesystems.afs) and occasionally in [comp.unix.admin](news:comp.unix.admin). ### 4.03 Where can I get training in AFS? Transarc provide user and administrator courses. These can be provided at the customer site or at Transarc's offices. Transarc's education coordinator may be contacted by:
+1 412 338 4363 email: education@transarc.com
### 4.04 Where can I find AFS resources in World Wide Web (WWW)? Here are some I have found (please let me know if you find more): - A collection of AFS information maintained by Derrick Brashear at CMU:
(Also accessible in: /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr/shadow/www) - AFS Beginners Guide (ALW/NIH):
[http://www.alw.nih.gov/Docs/AFS/AFS\_toc.html](http://www.alw.nih.gov/Docs/AFS/AFS_toc.html) - NCSA AFS User Guide:
- Transarc AFS Product Information:
[http://web.archive.org/web/20010604011953/www.transarc.ibm.com/Library/documentation/afs\_doc.html](http://web.archive.org/web/20010604011953/www.transarc.ibm.com/Library/documentation/afs_doc.html) - CERN AFS User's Guide:
- MIT SIPB's Inessential AFS:
- Stanford University hypermail archive of :
- Linux AFS FAQ:
- Gentoo Linux Documentation:
### 4.05 Is there a mailing list for AFS topics? The old mailing list doesn't work for posting questions. Instead [[OpenAFSInfo]] and [[OpenAFSDevel]] are quite active. ### 4.06 Where can I find an archive of ? There is a hypermail archive at: ### 4.07 Where can I find an archive of alt.filesystems.afs? Both the and alt.filesystems.afs archives are incomplete. If you have material to contribute, please let me know. ### 4.08 Where can I find AFS related GIFs? ### 4.09 Gibt es eine deutsche AFS Benutzer Gruppe? Ja, wenn Sie mitmachen wollen, schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail an: Ueber diese Adresse werden "subscribe" und "unsubscribe" Requests bearbeitet. ### 4.10 Donde puedo encontrar informacion en Espanol sobre AFS? Hay algunas notas en Espanol sobre AFS en: ### 4.11 Is there a book on AFS ?? Yes, though now it is out of print. "Managing AFS: The Andrew File System" by Richard Campbell was published by Prentice Hall in February, 1998. You may be able to find copies at on-line stores such as Amazon, . ### 4.12 Where can I find tools to use with AFS? A collection of AFS management tools used at Stanford University can be found at in the AFS section. Included in this collection are tools for handling volume creation, volume deletion, and migrating volumes, a tool for comparing read/write and read-only volumes, tools for monitoring AFS with Nagios, tools for tracking mount point locations for volumes, and some user utilities like a recursive wrapper around fs and a utility to find mount points in a file tree. ### 4.13 Where can I find stuff from the old transarc.com web site? Many of the links to transarc.com in the FAQ, and around the web are broken. The best bet seems to be to use the [Wayback Machine](http://web.archive.org) to search the Internet Archive for old versions of the pages from transarc.com and transarc.ibm.com. Here is one place to start, but things are sometimes missing so you may have to search for older copies and alternate paths. Here is the [AFS 3.6 Documentation](http://web.archive.org/web/20010604011953/http://www.transarc.ibm.com/Library/documentation/afs/3.6/unix/en_US/HTML/index.htm) and [AFS for Windows](http://web.archive.org/web/20010529113949/www.transarc.ibm.com/Library/documentation/afs/3.6/windows/en_US/html/index.htm).