These are current suggested questions that will be sent to the [[OpenAFS]] community to see what users would like to see as part of the re-design. Please post other questions, or comments on these current suggested questions. - What type of [[OpenAFS]] user so you consider yourself? - How long have you been using [[OpenAFS]]? - What sort of information do you wish you'd known when starting? - What sort of information would you like to see on a future [[OpenAFS]] web site? - What type of documentation already exists that could be centralized on the [[OpenAFS]] website? - What type of documentation doesn't exist, but you would like to see? Would you be willing to provide it? - Can you think of anything else that should be taken into account for the design/content/implementation of the [[OpenAFS]] website? - Are you ok with leaving the current website almost as is, and targeting it at developers? - Should we maintain a wiki? Or would you rather the information on the wiki be assimilated into the website, and do away with the wiki? - What is important to you when viewing a website? - The last three times you visited, what questions were you trying to answer? -- [[JacobThebaultSpieker]] - 12 Nov 2008 ---- - Here is the start of my thoughts on how to phrase questions to put on a survey. - I'm still thinking of ideas, and some of the phrasings and the order of q's still need work; this is a framework for now, so please don't pick at the nits. Yet. - Plz forgive formatting hiccups, I'm more used to mediawiki :/. \* **How long have you been using [[OpenAFS]] as a \{user/administrator/programmer\}**? (note: intended as 3 separate questions, just saving room here) - less than a year - 1-2 years - 3-5 years - more than 5 years \* **How experienced are you with [[OpenAFS]] as a \{user/administrator/programmer\}**? (also intended as 3 separate questions) - Novice (or Beginner) - I'm still learning the basics - Somewhat experienced - know the basics but still need help - Experienced - can answer some questions - Expert - I can answer more questions than I ask - **How often do you visit**? - Daily or multiple times a day - 2-3 times a week - 2-3 times a month - once a month or less - **How often do you visit the AFSLore Wiki**? - Daily or multiple times a day - 2-3 times a week - 2-3 times a month - once a month or less - **How useful do you find the [[OpenAFS]] website**? - Indispensible - I can't live without it - Very useful - Useful - OK, but lacking - Useless - **The last three times you came to the [[OpenAFS]] website, what information were you looking for**? - (3 open slots) (note: put these here, before you give them ideas, to see if they spontaneously think of things) - **OpenAFS still has a fairly steep learning curve. What things do you wish were on the [[OpenAFS]] website to make that curve easier? If you are still new, what do you wish was available to help you learn**? - Better / More OS-specific quick-start documentation - Details on how specific parts of [[OpenAFS]] work (ex. the Bosserver, the vldb, the afsd process, etc.) - Better / More pointers to 3rd party tools - (other stuff to be listed, i'm tired (-: ) - Other? (with open ended place for people to type/bitch) - \*Many [[OpenAFS]] sites wind up writing their own documentation. Sometimes it's specific to their cell but sometimes it's fairly generic. What other documentation do you know of and use that you'd like to see integrated into the [[OpenAFS]] website (with permission and attribution)? - (open ended place for people to give URLs & info) - **What kind of information do you feel is lacking, or incomplete, in the [[OpenAFS]] website**? [Data Recovery Phoenix]( - OS specific information - Ideas from other cells - Programmer guides - TBD, etc. - Other? (open ended) - Do you have any specific suggestions? (open ended) - **How useful do you find the [[OpenAFS]] (AFSLore) Wiki**? - Indispensible - I can't live without it - Very useful - Useful - OK, but lacking - Useless - **How often do you edit pages on the [[OpenAFS]] (AFSLore) Wiki**? - Daily or more often - 2-3 times a week - once a week - so rarely I'm not sure if I have an account - I know I don't have an account - **Do you think the [[OpenAFS]] website should continue to have both the regular website and the Wiki**? - Keep the Wiki, have both - Just the website, the Wiki isn't needed MORE TO COME .... -- [[MoosE]] - 29 Nov 2008