# Using git to edit the OpenAFS wiki This page describes how to use git to create and edit pages on the this wiki as an alternative to the online web form. A local wiki setup is described to allow you to preview changes before pushing them to the public wiki. One advantage to this approach it that you can edit while offline, and then submit your work later, as you would for any other git based version controlled files. Also, using git for making changes is especially handy when making a series of changes which should be committed together, such as reorganizing pages and links. Unlike most wiki engines, which generate html from database records, the wiki engine on the OpenAFS wiki site generates static html files from a set of source files in markdown format. Revision history of the pages is managed with git. The OpenAFS gerrit system has been configured to accept git pushes to update the wiki, which means it is now possible to update this site using git directly, in addition to the wiki web based forms. Read [[GitDevelopers]] before following the instructions on this page. ## Prerequisites The following are needed to be able to edit the wiki pages with git. * git installed and configured with your name and email. * an OpenAFS gerrit account; see [[registering with gerrit|GitDevelopers]] for details. A installation of the ikiwiki software on your laptop or workstation is recommended so you can preview your changes before submitting them to the OpenAFS wiki. This requires: * [[ikiwiki|http://ikiwiki.info]] installation * a basic ikiwiki setup file (shown below) * a basic web server to serve static files A database server is not required. ## Getting the wiki source pages Use 'git clone' to get the openafs-wiki source files: git clone git://git.openafs.org/openafs-wiki.git This will clone the wiki git repository to a new directory called 'openafs-wiki'. As described in [[GitDevelopers]], gerrit requires each commit to have a "change id" in the commit comment. The gerrit change id git hook should be downloaded from the [[OpenAFS]] gerrit server by running the following after running git clone, scp -p -P 29418 gerrit.openafs.org:hooks/commit-msg openafs-wiki/.git/hooks/ ## Setting up ikiwiki to preview your changes This is an optional but recommended step. The ikiwiki software can be installed on your laptop or workstation to allow you to preview your changes before committing them and pushing them to the wiki. The default ikiwiki installation is intended for a server setup, so users to create pages using the web-based CGI program. In this section, a simplified setup is shown, which avoids some of the complexity of the ikiwiki setup but allows you to preview changes made to the wiki source files. Install the ikiwiki package on your system. For example, to install ikiwiki on a recent Debian Linux: sudo apt-get install ikiwiki Create a minimal ikiwiki configuration file by saving the following in the file '~/openafs-wiki.setup' (where <username> is your username) use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard { wikiname => 'openafs-wiki', srcdir => '/home//openafs-wiki', destdir => '/home//public_html/openafs-wiki', url => 'http://localhost/openafs-wiki/', rcs => '', } The 'srcdir' should reference your local openafs-wiki git repository, created by the git clone. The 'destdir' will be created by ikiwiki when the pages are generated for preview. Note the 'rcs' setting is intentionally left empty in this setup. The html files can now be generated from the openafs-wiki source by 'ikiwiki'. Run the following command to create the 'destdir' directory and create the static html files in that directory: ikiwiki --setup ~/openafs-wiki.setup Configure a web server running on your machine to resolve the 'url' to the 'destdir'. An example apache configuration: Alias /openafs-wiki /home//public_html/openafs-wiki /public_html/openafs-wiki> Order allow,deny allow from Be sure to reload apache after changing the configuration. The pages may be previewed by pointing a browser on your laptop at: http://localhost/openafs-wiki/ Regenerate the html files as changes are made to the source files with the 'ikiwiki' command: ikiwiki --setup ~/openafs-wiki.setup --refresh ## Editing pages You can now use your favorite text editor to change the markdown source and to create new markdown files. When creating new files, be sure to create new links on existing pages so visitors will be able to navigate to your new page. Run the 'ikiwiki' command to refresh the html for preview. Use 'git add' and 'git commit' to create commits to be submitted. To publish your changes on the wiki, push your commits directly to the 'master' branch of the openafs-wiki.git repository on gerrit. git push ssh://gerrit.openafs.org/openafs-wiki.git HEAD:refs/heads/master The changes will not be held by gerrit for review, rather will be merged immediately to the openafs-wiki.git repository. The html on the wiki server will be automatically updated after a successful 'git push'.