# Package =TWiki::UI::View UI delegate for view function
## [[StaticMethod]] **view** `($session)` `view` command handler. This method is designed to be invoked via the `TWiki::UI::run` method. Generate a complete HTML page that represents the viewed topics. The view is controlled by CGI parameters as follows:
rev topic revision to view
section restrict view to a named section
raw no format body text if set
skin comma-separated list of skin(s) to use
contenttype Allows you to specify an alternate content type
## [[StaticMethod]] **viewfile** `($session,$web,$topic,$query)` `viewfile` command handler. This method is designed to be invoked via the `TWiki::UI::run` method. Command handler for viewfile. View a file in the browser. Some parameters are passed in CGI query:
filename Attachment to view
rev Revision to view