### USERNAME -- your login username - TWiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like `jsmith`, WIKINAME like `JohnSmith` and WIKIUSERNAME like `Main.JohnSmith`. Un-authenticated users are all [[TWikiGuest]]. - Syntax: `%USERNAME%` - Expands to: `admin` - **_%X% Note:_** When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See [[TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars]] for details. - Related: [[REMOTE_USER|Main/WebHome#VarREMOTEUSER]], [[USERINFO|Main/WebHome#VarUSERINFO]], [[WIKINAME|Main/WebHome#VarWIKINAME]], [[WIKIUSERNAME|Main/WebHome#VarWIKIUSERNAME]], [[TWikiUserAuthentication]]