Welcome, you have reached the TWiki web (pronounced twee-kee web). TWiki is a meeting place to collaborate on common interests. Everybody can contribute by just using a web browser. It looks like a normal web site, but then... everybody can edit web pages. TWiki is divided up into **webs** , each one represents one area of collaboration. This Twiki installation has two TWiki webs: - [TWiki.Main](http://www.dementia.org/twiki//view/Main): Entry point, has the list of TWiki guests, also used for explanations and testing. - [TWiki.Know](http://www.dementia.org/twiki//view/Know): Knowledge Base area. This is to demonstrate how to use TWiki as a knowledge base for support. Each web has topics. A **topic** is one web page in your browser. You can edit a topic by clicking on the **Edit** link at the bottom of each page. Good starting points in the TWiki.Main web are: - [[WebHome]]: Entry point of this TWiki web. - [[TWikiWeb]]: Explains what a TWiki web is. - [[GoodStyle]]: Things to consider when changing text. - [[TextFormattingRules]]: Easy to learn rules when editing text. - [Changes](http://www.dementia.org/twiki//changes/Main): Recent changes to the TWiki.Main web. - [[TestArea]]: The place where you can get your virtual hands dirty. - [[TWikiUsers]]: List of users. - [[TWikiRegistration]]: **Before you leave** add your name here. -- [[PeterThoeny]] - 13 Jun 1999