Administration Guide

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Configuring Client Machines with the package Program

The package program automates many aspects of the client configuration process. With the package program, you can easily configure the local disk of numerous clients by defining global configuration files.

Summary of Instructions

This chapter explains how to perform the following tasks by using the indicated commands or instructions in a prototype file:

Configure a client machine's local disk package
Define directory D [update_code] directory owner group mode_bits
Define file F [update_code] file source_file [owner group mode_bits]
Define symbolic link L [update_code] link actual_file [owner group mode_bits]
Define block special device B device_name major_device_number minor_device_number owner group mode_bits
Define character special device C device_name major_device_number minor_device_number owner group mode_bits
Define socket S socket_name [owner group mode_bits]

Using the package Program

The package program uses system-independent prototype files to define a standard disk configuration; a prototype file indicates which files reside on the local client disk, which files are links into AFS, etc. The prototype files are then compiled into configuration files for each different system type.

Not all client machines have the same configuration. If desired, you can create different prototype files for different client functions (print server, regular client, etc.).

The package program compares the contents of a local client disk with the configuration file. If there are any differences, the package program makes the necessary updates to the local disk by copying the files from AFS onto the disk. The package program can also be configured to delete files that are not part of the system configuration or automatically reboot the client when certain files (such as the dkload file) have been updated.

The package program does require that you take some time to prepare the prototype files, but it provides the following benefits:

Using Package on File Server Machines

While the package program was designed for use on client machines, it can also be used to configure a file server machine's disk. However, if any of the files referred to in a configuration file reside in volumes on the file server, the package program cannot access the volumes during reboot (and until the File Server process and Volume Server process start up again).

Since the package program aborts when it cannot access a file, you need to eliminate references to files in AFS that reside in volumes on the file server machine. Because of these constraints, the remainder of this chapter assumes the package program is being used for client configurations.

Package Overview

There are three main steps to follow before running the package program:

  1. Preparing function-specific prototype files (and any included library files).

  2. Modifying the package Makefile and compiling prototype files into system-specific configuration files.

  3. Modifying client machines to run the appropriate package configuration file automatically.

The following sections summarize these steps.

Preparing Prototype Files

Begin by listing the different functions or roles client machines perform and the local disk configurations that support those functions. Example roles include a standard client that provides AFS access, a print server that drives a printer, and a backup machine on which you issue commands from the backup suite. Create a different prototype file for each role.

A prototype file defines the disk configuration that supports a specific role. Usually, prototype files are function-specific, but system independent; system-specific values can be defined using variables and library files. Then, when you modify a variable or library file, the change gets propagated to all appropriate clients when the package program is invoked.

Methods for building flexible prototype files that are easy to maintain are presented in Example Prototype and Library Files.

Compiling Prototype Files

Prototype files are usually system-independent, but can include ifdef statements to satisfy the needs of different system types. The prototype files are compiled to generate operating-system specific versions. During compilation, the package program selects the definitions suitable for each system type and replaces any variables with actual values. These compiled, machine-specific files are called configuration files.

Prototype files are compiled using a standard-type Makefile file, as described in The Package Makefile File.

Preparing Clients

Once system-specific configuration files exist, the package program is ready to run on the clients. You must first make the package binary available and specify the correct configuration file.

Modify the clients as described below:

  1. Create a .package file in the root ( / ) directory of each client's local disk that defines the default configuration file.

  2. Make the package binary (/etc/package) available on the local disk.

  3. Modify the machine's initialization file (/etc/rc or equivalent) to include a call to the package program.

These steps are discussed more completely in Modifying Client Machines.

The package Directory Structure

This section assumes that the package-related files have been installed in three subdirectories of the /afs/cellname/wsadmin directory: src, lib and etc, as recommended in the IBM AFS Quick Beginnings.

These directories contain several sample prototype, library, and configuration files, which can help to clarify how the package program works. However, they are not necessarily suitable for use in your cell; you must modify them for your needs.

The src directory

The src directory contains some sample prototype files (used to build the configuration files), the Makefile file used to build them, and the resulting compiled configuration files.

Prototype files have names of the form function.proto. For example, a minimal.proto file defines the minimum set of library files need to run AFS and astaff.dkload.proto file defines a client configuration that uses the a dynamic kernel loading program. Prototype files can also contain definitions for system administrative files, such as a hosts.equiv file.

The Makefile file is used to compile the system-independent prototype files into system-specific configuration files. To learn how to modify this file for use in your cell, see The Package Makefile File.

Configuration files are the compiled version of the prototype files and are named function.sysname. Configuration files also appear in the etc subdirectory, which the package program accesses when configuring disks.

The lib directory

The lib directory contains many of the example library files referred to in prototype files. For example, the base.generic file is a system-independent file which includes a definition of the cell name, system options, and variables; these are used to set the owner, group, and mode_bits fields in the file and the symbolic link definitions.

The etc directory

The etc directory contains the system-specific configuration files built from the prototype files in the src subdirectory. The package program uses the configuration files in the etc directory to configure disks.

Some of the example files include minimal and staff prototype files compiled for different system types.

Example Prototype and Library Files

A prototype file is a template that defines the configuration of a client's local disk. Prototype files are usually function-specific (for example, a backup machine, print server, etc.) but system-independent. Prototype files support the use of ifdef statements and variables, so you can include system-specific definitions. The actual system-specific configuration file is generated when the prototype file is compiled.

The components defined in a prototype file can include the directories, files, symbolic links, block special devices, character special devices and sockets that need to reside on a client's local disk in order for it to perform a specific role, such as a print server or backup machine. Thus, we recommend that you construct a unique prototype file for each different client function.

To make the package program more effective and easy to maintain, create prototype files that are modular and generic, instead of specific, by using library files and variables:

An Example Prototype File

The following is part of an example prototype file that contains the minimum definitions necessary to run AFS. A similar file called minimal.proto can reside in your src subdirectory. As recommended, this prototype file references library files and does not include actual definitions.

   # Package prototype for a minimal configuration.
   # Base components
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/base.generic
   # Machine-specific components
   %ifdef rs_aix42
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.readonly
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.AFS
   %endif rs_aix42
   %ifdef alpha_dux40
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/alpha_dux40.readonly
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/alpha_dux40.AFS
   %endif alpha_dux40
   %ifdef sun4x_56
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/sun4x_56.readonly
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/sun4x_56.AFS
   %endif sun4x_56

In the previous example, the first uncommented line includes the /lib/base.generic library file. This library file can contain definitions appropriate for many prototype files; the base.generic library file can also be included in other prototype files, like a staff.proto or backup.proto file. An example library file appears in the following section.

Note that system-specific definitions are permitted through the use of ifdef statements and variables (for example, ${wsadmin} is used to specify pathnames). Thus, the same prototype file can be used to configure a machine running AIX 4.2 or Solaris 2.6, even though they require different files, directories, symbolic links and devices.

In the next uncommented lines of this example, the administrator has constructed different library files for different system types. Each of these is compiled into unique configuration files. For instance, the following lines in this prototype file tell the package program to use the library files lib/rs_aix42.readonly and lib/rs_aix42.AFS for the configuration file when the value rs_aix42 has been declared. (The system-type definition is declared in the Makefile; see The Package Makefile File.)

   %ifdef rs_aix42
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.readonly
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.AFS
   %endif rs_aix42

Similarly, the following lines tell the package program to use the library files lib/sun4x_56.readonly and lib/sun4x_56.AFS when the value sun4x_56 has been declared.

   %ifdef sun4x_56
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/sun4x_56.readonly
   %include ${wsadmin}/lib/sun4x_56.AFS
   %endif sun4x_56

Example Library File

The following is part of an example library file for basic configuration definitions. A similar file, called base.generic, can reside in your lib subdirectory. Note that configurations are defined using standard ifdef statements.

   # Base package definitions.
   %ifndef	cell
   %define	cell
   %endif	cell
   %ifndef	sys
   %include /etc/package.sys
   %endif	sys
   %define	${name}		${name}
   %define	${cpu}		${cpu}
   %define	${sys}		${sys}
   %define	${dept}		${dept}
   %define	${hostname}	${hostname}
   %ifdef	rs_aix42
   %	define 	AIX
   %	define	rootlinks
   %ifndef	noafsd 
   %	define	afsd
   %endif	noafsd
   %endif	rs_aix42
   # Some definitions to handle common combinations of owner, group,
   # and protection fields.
   %define	rzmode		root wheel 600
   %define	usermode	root wheel 666
   %define      systemmode	root wheel 644
   %define	diskmode	root wheel 644
   %define	ptymode		root wheel 666
   %define	ttymode		root wheel 666
   %define aix_rootbin	   root bin
   %define aix_rootprintq  root printq
   %define aix_rootstaff   root staff
   %define aix_rootsys	   root system
   %define aix_binbin      bin bin
   %define aix_binmail	   bin mail
   %define aix_binsys	   bin system
   %define aix_addsys	   adduser system
   %define aix_romode	   444
   %define aix_loginmode   544
   %define aix_usermode	   666
   %define aix_systemmode  644
   %define aix_textmode	   644
   %define aix_rwmode1	   660
   %define aix_allrugw	   664

The following example library file uses package-specific syntax to define files, directories, sockets, etc. Each line, called a configuration file instruction, defines a specific component of disk configuration. The proper syntax for these instructions is briefly described in Package Configuration File Instruction Syntax; see the reference page for the package configuration file in the IBM AFS Administration Reference for detailed descriptions.

In this example, the library file contains instructions specific to the configuration of an rs_aix42 machine. You can have similar library files in your lib subdirectory.

   # Generic configuration for an AFS rs_aix42 machine.
   D	/                                       ${treemode}
   D	/afs
   FAQ	/unix	       ${machine}/unix.std 	${binmode}
   LA	/unix.std	/unix
   D	/bin					${treemode}
   F	/bin/as		${machine}		${binmode}
   F	/bin/ld		${machine}		${binmode}
   F	/bin/nm		${machine}		${binmode}
   FO	/bin/login	${afstest}		${suidmode}
   FAQ  /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell  ${common}/etc/ThisCell ${textmode}
   FQ	/usr/vice/etc/afsd      ${afstest}/root.client ${binmode}
   FA	/usr/vice/etc/bos       ${afstest}/bin/bos     ${binmode}
   FA	/usr/vice/etc/fs        ${afstest}/bin/fs      ${binmode}

Package Configuration File Instruction Syntax

Within a library file, configuration file instructions are used to define the specific disk configuration. Each instruction can be used to define a file, directory, socket, or device on the client machine. The syntax for each valid instruction type is described briefly here; detailed descriptions of the fields appear in the AFS Command Reference Manual.

Note:Each configuration instruction must appear on a single, unbroken line. Instructions sometimes appear here on multiple lines only for legibility.

The configuration file must be completely correct. If there are any syntax errors or incorrect values, the package command interpreter exits without executing any instruction.

Local Files versus Symbolic Links

You can take advantage of the AFS by keeping the number of files on the local client disk to a minimum; instead, create symbolic links that point into AFS. This can improve machine performance by allowing more space for caching and swapping.

Some files, however, must reside on the local disk, as described below. Create these files in the prototype or library files using the F (file) instruction, not the L (symbolic link) instruction.

The following types of files must reside on the local disk of all AFS clients:

Defining a Directory

The D instruction defines a directory to be created on the local disk. If a symbolic link, file, or other element on the local disk has the same name, it is replaced with a directory. If the directory already exists, its owner, group, and mode bits are changed if necessary to conform with the instruction.

Use the following instruction to define a directory:

   D[update_code]   directory   owner   group   mode_bits

The following example defines the /usr directory:

   D /usr root wheel 755

Defining a File

The F instruction defines a file to be created on the local disk. The source file can reside in either AFS or the local disk.

If a file of this name already exists, then it is updated with (overwritten by) the source file, unless the I update code is specified. If a symbolic link or directory of this name exists, the package program replaces it with the source file.

Note:Some files must reside on the local disk; they cannot be symbolic links. See Local Files versus Symbolic Links.

Use the following instruction to define a file:

   F[update_code]   file   source_file  [owner   group   mode_bits]

An example which creates/updates the file /bin/grep on the local disk, using /afs/ as the source:

   F /bin/grep /afs/ root wheel 755

In the following example, two update codes are used, and the owner, group and mode_bits slots are left empty, so that the disk file adopts the source file's values for those slots.

   FAQ /usr/vice/etc/ThisCell /afs/

Defining a Symbolic Link

The L instruction defines a symbolic link to be created on the local disk. The symbolic link can point to the AFS file system or the local disk. If the identical symbolic link already exists, the package program does nothing. However, if an element of the same name exists on the disk as a file or directory, the package program replaces the element with a symbolic link.

Note:Some files must reside on the local disk; they cannot be symbolic links. See Local Files versus Symbolic Links.

Use the following instruction to define a symbolic link:

   L[update_code]  link actual_file  [owner   group   mode_bits]
Note:Do not create a symbolic link to a file whose name begins with the number sign (#) or percent sign (%). The Cache Manager interprets such a link as a mount point to a regular or Read/Write volume, respectively.

The following example creates a symbolic link from the /etc/ftpd directory on the local disk to the /afs/ file in AFS. Since the owner, group and mode_bits fields are empty, the symbolic link adopts values for those fields from the actual file:

   L /etc/ftpd /afs/ 

This example uses the A update code:

   LA /etc/printcap /afs/ 
               root wheel 644

Defining a Block Special Device

The B instruction defines a block special device, which is a device that handles data in units of multibyte blocks, such as a disk. If a device of the same name already exists, the package program replaces it with the specified block device.

Use the following instruction to define a block special device (it appears on two lines here only for legibility):

   B device_name   major_device_number   minor_device_number  \
      owner   group   mode_bits

The following example defines a disk called /dev/hd0a to have major and minor device numbers 1 and 0:

   B /dev/hd0a 1 0 root wheel 644

Defining a Character Special Device

The C instruction defines a character special device, which is device that handles data in units of a single character at a time, such as a terminal or tty. If a device of the same name already exists, the package program replaces it with the specified character device.

Use the following instruction to define a character special device (it appears here on two lines only for legibility):

   C device_name   major_device_number   minor_device_number  \
      owner   group   mode_bits

The following example defines the tty called /dev/ttyp5 with major and minor device numbers 6 and 5:

   C /dev/ttyp5 6 5 root wheel 666

Defining a Socket

The S instruction defines a socket, which is communications device for UDP and TCP/IP connections. If a socket of the same name already exists, the package program replaces it.

Use the following instruction to define a socket:

   S   socket_name   [owner   group   mode_bits]

The following example defines a socket called /dev/printer:

   S /dev/printer root wheel 777

Constructing Prototype and Library Files

This section describes the general steps required to create package prototype and library files. Refer to the previous sections for guidelines, and the files in your wsadmin directory for examples. The construction of prototype and library files is different for each cell.

To construct a prototype file and its component library files

  1. Determine where the three package-related subdirectories (src, lib and etc) reside in your cell's file tree; the following instructions assume they were loaded into the /afs/cellname/wsadmin directory, as described in the IBM AFS Quick Beginnings.

  2. Decide how many different functions you want client machines in your cell to perform. We recommend that you construct a separate prototype file for each function. Common functions include:

  3. Determine the minimum functionality needed for all clients (such as AFS setup) and place these generic definitions in one or more library files.

  4. For each type of client (printer server, backup machine, and so on), place all system-independent definitions in one file, and all operating-system dependent definitions in another file.

The Package Makefile File

Once you have created the appropriate prototype and library files, you must compile the prototype for each system type. The result is a system-specific configuration file.

The Makefile file defines the prototype and library files used and the order of compilation. We recommend that you create your Makefile file by modifying the example provided with the AFS distribution, as described in this section. In the conventional configuration, it is located at /afs/cellname/wsadmin/src/Makefile.


The following list summarizes the sections in the package Makefile file, identifying each by the header name that begins the section. More detailed descriptions follow.

Lists all of the configuration files to be created and defines which prototype files are compiled for which system types. See The CONFIG Section.

Lists the pathnames of all operating-system- and function independent library files included in any prototype files. See The BASE_LIBS Section.

Lists the pathnames of all operating-system-specific library files included in any prototype files. See The MACHINE_LIBS Section.

A one-line instruction that defines LIBS as the combination of BASE_LIBS and MACHINE_LIBS. See The LIBS Section.

Defines all of the suffixes that can appear on a prototype or configuration file. See The .SUFFIXES Section.

Finally, the Makefile file contains a set of instructions that the package program follows to generate configuration files. It is not generally necessary to alter this section. See The Makefile Instructions Section.

The CONFIG Section

As mentioned, a configuration file is a prototype file that has been compiled for a specific operating system type. The CONFIG section of the Makefile file defines the prototype files to compile for each system type. The resulting compiled file is a system-specific configuration file.

Study the following example taken from the sample Makefile file. Configuration files are defined by specifying the prototype-system combination as prototype_file.sysname. Note that it is not necessary to generate a configuration file for each prototype-system type combination.

   #	(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999
   #	Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
   #	All Rights Reserved.
   CONFIG = \
            staff.rs_aix42 \
            staff.alpha_dux40 \
            staff.xdm.alpha_dux40 \
            staff.sun4x_56 \
            staff.hp_ux110 \
            minimal.rs_aix42 \
            minimal.alpha_dux40 \
            minimal.hp_ux110 \

An entry in the CONFIG section has the following format:

The BASE_LIBS Section

This section defines the complete pathname of all system- and function-independent library files included in any prototype file. (System-specific library files are defined in the MACHINE_LIBS section). The pathnames can include the ${wsadmin} variable, whose value is supplied on the make command line.

You must include all of the library files referred to in your prototype files; files included but not used are ignored.

Study the following example. Note that the all entries (except the last one) must be followed by a backslash.

   BASE_LIBS = \
	   ${wsadmin}/src/admin \
	   ${wsadmin}/lib/devel \


This section lists the complete pathname of all operating-system-specific library files included in prototype files. (System- and function-independent library files are defined in the BASE_LIBS section.)

Study the following example. Note that in this example, library files were grouped by operating-system type. Again, all lines (except the last one) must be followed by a backslash, the ${wsadmin} variable is allowed, and files included but not used are ignored.

           ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.generic \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/ \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.readonly \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.readwrite \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/rt_aix42.generic.printer \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/alpha_dux40.AFS \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/hp_ux110.AFS \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/sun4x_56.AFS \

The LIBS Section

This section contains only one instruction, which indicates that LIBS is defined as the combination of MACHINE_LIBS and BASE_LIBS. Insert a blank line after the line to separate this section from the next.


The .SUFFIXES Section

This section lists the valid machine-type suffixes. This list includes system types currently supported for AFS. Unused suffixes are ignored.

   .SUFFIXES: .rs_aix42 \
              .alpha_dux40 \
              .proto \
              .sun4x_56 \
              .i386_linux22 \

The Makefile Instructions Section

The remainder of the Makefile file controls how the package program generates configuration files.

Study the following instructions; it is assumed that you are familiar with programming and Makefile concepts.

   #The following appear on a single line each in the actual file
   .proto.rs_aix42: ;  mpp -Dwsadmin=${wsadmin} -Dsys=rs_aix42  
                           -Dname=$* $*.proto > $@
   .proto.alpha_dux40: ; mpp -Dwsadmin=${wsadmin} -Dsys=alpha_dux40 
                           -Dname=$* $*.proto > $@
   .proto.sun4x_56:  ; mpp -Dwsadmin=${wsadmin} -Dsys=sun4x_56 
                           -Dname=$* $*.proto > $@
   .proto.hp_ux110:  ; mpp -Dwsadmin=${wsadmin} -Dsys=hp_ux110  
                           -Dname=$* $*.proto > $@
   all: ${CONFIG}
   ${CONFIG}: ${LIBS}
   system: install
   install: ${CONFIG}
	   cp ${CONFIG} ${wsadmin}/etc
	   rm -f ${CONFIG} *.BAK *.CKP

Modifying the Makefile

Modify the package Makefile files when you

The following sections provide brief examples of how to modify the Makefile file for these reasons.

Adding a New Prototype File

When you create a new prototype file, add the file name and each system type for which it is to be built into the CONFIG section of the Makefile file.

For example, to add a function.proto file for alpha_dux40 and hp_ux110, add the following entries to the CONFIG section:

   CONFIG = \
           function.alpha_dux40 \
           function.hp_ux110 \

If you have added new library files for this prototype function, add those to the MACHINE_LIBS section.

Adding a New System Type

For each prototype file that you want to build for the new system type, add an entry to the CONFIG section. Also add any new libraries to the MACHINE_LIBS section, and the new system type to the .SUFFIXES section.

The following example shows the modifications appropriate when building the staff and minimal prototype files for this new system type.

   CONFIG = \
           staff.sysname \
           minimal.sysname \

If you have created corresponding library files for this new machine type, add them to the MACHINE_LIBS section.

           ${wsadmin}/lib/sysname.generic \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/ \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/sysname.readonly \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/sysname.readwrite \

Add the new system type to the SUFFIXES section.

   .SUFFIXES: ...\
            .sysname \

Add a line to build the configuration files for this system in the section with the rest of the commands to build configuration files:

   .proto.sysname: ; mpp -Dwsadmin=${wsadmin} \
   -Dsys=sysname  -Dname=$* $*.proto > $

Adding New Library Files

If you added a new library file for each system type, sysname.library_file, add these files to the MACHINE_LIBS section of the Makefile.

           ${wsadmin}/lib/rs_aix42.library_file \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/alpha_dux40.library_file \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/sun4x_56.library_file \

If you added a new library file that is common to all system types, library_file, add this only to the BASE_LIBS section:

   BASE_LIBS = \
           ${wsadmin}/lib/library_file \

Compiling Prototype Files

The package program generates configuration files and installs them in the etc and src subdirectories of the directory designated as wsadmin= on the make command line. Recompile whenever you modify a prototype or library file.

To compile prototype files

Note:These instructions assume that you store your package-related files in the /afs/cellname/wsadmin directory. If you use a different directory, substitute its name for /afs/cellname/wsadmin.

  1. Verify that you have all privileges in the /afs/cellname/wsadmin directory and in its src, lib and etc subdirectories. If necessary, issue the fs listacl command.
       % fs listacl [dir/file path]

  2. Change to the /afs/cellname/wsadmin/src subdirectory.
       % cd /afs/cellname/wsadmin/src

  3. Create a backup copy of the Makefile file included in the AFS distribution.
       % cp  Makefile Makefile.example 

  4. Modify the CONFIG, BASE_LIBS and MACHINE_LIBS sections of the Makefile file, as described in The CONFIG Section, The BASE_LIBS Section, and The MACHINE_LIBS Section.

  5. Compile the prototype files using the make command.

    Use the wsadmin= argument to specify the package directory. This becomes the value of the ${wsadmin} variable in the prototype and the library files.

    The package program generates configuration files and installs them in the etc and src subdirectories of the directory designated as wsadmin=.

       % make system wsadmin=/afs/cellname/wsadmin

Modifying Client Machines

To prepare a client to run the package program automatically, perform the following steps. The instructions are generic because they do not refer to system-specific configuration files. If desired, you can invoke the package program with specific arguments, as described in the IBM AFS Administration Reference.

  1. Specify the configuration file to use.

    The .package file in the client machine's root ( /) directory is redirected as an argument to the package command; the .package file specifies which configuration file the package program uses.

  2. Make the package binary available to the client, either by copying it to the local disk, or by creating a symbolic link to AFS.

  3. Modify the client machine's initialization file to invoke the package program at reboot. The client machine reboots a second time if the package program updates any files marked with the Q update code.

To prepare a client machine to run the package program

Repeat these instructions on every client that runs the package program.

These instructions assume that the package configuration files (created when the prototype files were compiled) reside in the /afs/cellname/wsadmin/etc directory .

  1. Become the local superuser root on the machine, if you are not already, by issuing the su command.
       % su root
       Password: root_password

  2. Create the .package file in the root ( /) directory and specify the name of the prototype file to use. Do not include the system-type suffix (such as .rs_aix42); the package program automatically determines the correct machine type.
       # echo "/afs/cellname/wsadmin/etc/config_file" >> /.package

    For example, to configure a machine for a member of staff machine (assuming the proper prototype file had been defined and compiled for the system type), the appropriate command is:

       # echo "/afs/cellname/wsadmin/etc/staff" >> /.package

  3. Make the package binary available on the local disk as /etc/package. Issue one of the following commands, depending on whether you want to create a file or create a symbolic link.

    To store the package binary locally, enter the following command:

       # cp /afs/cellname/sysname/usr/afsws/etc/package   /etc/package

    To create a symbolic link, enter the following command:

       # ln -s /afs/cellname/sysname/usr/afsws/etc/package   /etc/package

  4. Add the following lines to the appropriate initialization file, after the afsd command is invoked. If this is a file server machine, the bosserver command must follow the package command.

    Using the -v and -c options is recommended. The -v flag produces a detailed trace, and the -c option appends the system type to the base name of the configuration file. See the IBM AFS Administration Reference for a description of other options.

    Note:Replace the shutdown command with a similar command if it is not appropriate for rebooting your machine.
       if [ -f /etc/package ]; then
               if [ -f /.package ]: then
                       /etc/package -v -c `cat /.package` >/dev/console
                       /etc/package -v >/dev/console
       case $? in
               echo "Package completed successfully" >/dev/console 2>&1
               date >/dev/console 2>&1
               echo "Rebooting to restart system" >/dev/console 2>&1
               echo >/fastboot
               echo "Update failed, continuing anyway" >/dev/console 2>&1

Running the package program

After you have created and compiled prototype files and modified client machines, you are ready to run the package program. It is probably most convenient to run the package program automatically at reboot by invoking it in the machine's AFS initialization file, but you can also issue the command at the command shell prompt.

The configuration file must be completely correct. If there are any syntax errors or incorrect values, the program exits without executing any instruction. To check the configuration file, issue the package command with the -noaction and -debug flags at the command shell prompt. They display a list of potential problems without actually executing instructions.

The package program follows these general rules. Complete explanations are in Package Configuration File Instruction Syntax.

To invoke the package program by rebooting

  1. Become the local superuser root on the machine, if you are not already, by issuing the su command.
       % su root
       Password: root_password

  2. (Recommended) Verify the following:

  3. Reboot the machine, using the appropriate command.
       # shutdown

To invoke the package program directly (without rebooting)

  1. Become the local superuser root on the machine, if you are not already, by issuing the su command.
       % su root
       Password: root_password

  2. Verify the following:

  3. Issue the package command.
       # package  [initcmd]  [-config <base name of configuration file>]  \
        [-fullconfig <full name of configuration file, or stdin for standard input>]  \
        [-overwrite]  [-noaction]  [-verbose]  [-silent] [-rebootfiles] 


    Specifies the full pathname of the configuration file to use, ending in the file's base name, which omits the suffix that indicates the machine type. The package program knows how to determine a machine's type, and automatically selects the appropriate version of the base file name. An example of the proper value for this argument is staff rather than staff.rs_aix42. You can also have the package program refer to /.package to learn the configuration file name by providing the following value:

    `cat /.package`

    Use either this argument or the -fullconfig argument.

    Specifies the full name of the configuration file to use, complete with the machine-type extension. Examples are staff.rs_aix42 and minimal.hp_ux110 files.

    Another possibility is the string stdin, which indicates that the issuer is providing configuration information via the standard input stream, either as a piped file or by typing the configuration file at the keyboard. Press <Ctrl-d> to conclude the input.

    Use either this argument or the -config argument.

    Overwrite elements on the local disk with the source version indicated in the configuration file, even if the first (owner) w (write) mode bit is turned off on the local disk copy of the file. Files protected by the I update code are not overwritten; see the definition for the F instruction.

    Displays on the standard output stream a trace of potential problems in running the command, rather than actually running it. If the -verbose flag is added, the trace also notes the actions the package program attempts.

    Explicitly invokes the default level of tracing, which includes only a list of problems encountered while executing the command.

    Produces a detailed trace of the program's actions on the standard output stream. The trace records on the transfer and ownership/mode bit setting of each element in the configuration file.

    Prevents the overwrite of any element marked with the Q update-mode code in the configuration file. This effectively prevents the machine from rebooting automatically again when the package program is invoked from an initialization file.

  4. If you think files marked with the Q update code were updated, reboot the machine. This reboot does not occur automatically.

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