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This chapter explains how to investigate and solve some problems you can sometimes encounter when working with AFS files. To use the instructions, find the heading that describes your problem or matches the error message you received.

Problem: Cannot Access, Copy, or Save File

  1. Issue the tokens command to verify that you have valid tokens. For complete instructions, see To Display Your Tokens.
       % tokens

  2. Issue the fs checkservers command to check the status of file server machines. For complete instructions, see Checking the Status of Server Machines.
       % fs checkservers &

  3. Issue the fs listacl command to verify that you have the permissions you need for accessing, copying, or saving the file. For complete instructions, see To display an ACL.
       % fs listacl <dir/file path>

    You need the indicated permissions:

    If you do not have the necessary permissions but own the directory, you always have the a (administer) permission even if you do not appear on the ACL. Issue the fs setacl command to grant yourself the necessary permissions. For complete instructions, see Changing an ACL.

       % fs setacl  -dir <directory>+ -acl <access list entries>+

    If you do not have the necessary permissions and do not own the directory, ask the owner or a system administrator to grant them to you. If they add you to a group that has the required permissions, you must issue the klog command to reauthenticate before you can exercise them.

    If you still cannot access the file even though you have the necessary permissions, contact your system administrator for help in investigating further possible causes of your problem. If you still cannot copy or save the file even though you have the necessary permissions, proceed to Step 4.

  4. If copying a file, issue the fs listquota command to check whether the volume into which you are copying it, or the partition that houses that volume, is almost full. For saving, check the volume and partition that contain the directory into which you are saving the file. For complete instructions, see Displaying Volume Quota.
       % fs listquota  <dir/file path>

    The command produces output as in the following example:

       % fs listquota /afs/
       Volume Name     Quota    Used    % Used   Partition 
       user.terry      10000    3400       34%         86% 

Problem: Accidentally Removed Your Entry from an ACL

  1. If you own the directory from which you have accidentally removed your ACL entry, then you actually still have the a (administer) permission even if it does not appear on the ACL. You normally own your home directory and all of its subdirectories, for instance. Issue the fs setacl command to grant yourself all other permissions. For complete instructions, see To Add, Remove, or Edit Normal ACL Permissions.
       % fs setacl  -dir <directory> -acl <your_username> all

    For directory, provide the complete pathname to the directory (for example, /afs/ This is necessary because AFS cannot interpret pathname abbreviations if you do not have the l (lookup) permission.

  2. If you do not own the directory, issue the fs listacl to check if any remaining entries grant you the permissions you need (perhaps you belong to one or more groups that appear on the ACL). For complete instructions, see To display an ACL.
       % fs listacl <dir/file path>

Error Message: "afs: Lost contact with fileserver"

Issue the fs checkservers command to check the status of file server machines. For complete instructions, see Checking the Status of Server Machines.

   % fs checkservers &

Error Message: "command: Connection timed out"

Issue the fs checkservers command as described in Error Message: afs: Lost contact with fileserver.

Error Message: "fs: You don't have the required access rights on 'file'"

You do not have the ACL permissions you need to perform the operation you are attempting. If you own the directory and have accidentally removed yourself from the ACL, see Problem: Accidentally Removed Your Entry from an ACL. Otherwise, ask the directory's owner or your system administrator to grant you the appropriate permissions.

Error Message: "afs: failed to store file"

Follow the instructions in Problem: Cannot Access, Copy, or Save File.

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