In this file you'll find notes to help you build OpenAFS on various platforms. Redhat 7.0 (i386_linux22): src/venus/kdump.c may fail to compile with the gcc included with RedHat 7.0; You'll need to use kgcc to compile it. You should be able to use kgcc to compile all of AFS. Just add CC=kgcc to your make arguments. When building for kernels other than the stock kernel you may need to create symlinks in /usr/src named for your configuration, e.g. linux-2.2.16-22smp pointing to your source tree (linux-2.2.16-22); Redhat provides a unified source tree with a switch in include/linux/version.h. HPUX 11.0 (hp_ux110): Does not currently build. However, you will need to make sure the KernDevKit package from the CoreOS media is installed if you wish to work on it.