[ uuid(ae274620-dea3-11d1-bfb3-00a024c0d1ef), version(1.0), pointer_default(unique), implicit_handle(handle_t hBindTaAfsAdminSvr) ] interface ITaAfsAdminSvr { import "ITaAfsAdmSvrTypes.idl"; // AfsAdmSvr_Connect // ...obtains a cookie to represent the calling process. The cookie should // be freed with AfsAdmSvr_Disconnect when the process disconnects. // int AfsAdmSvr_Connect ( [in] STRING szClientAddress, [out] DWORD *pidClient, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_Disconnect // ...releases and invalidates the cookie representing the calling process. // int AfsAdmSvr_Disconnect ( [in] DWORD idClient, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_Ping // ...reminds the admin server that the specified client is still around. // this call should be made at least every csecAFSADMSVR_CLIENT_PING // seconds, lest the admin server think you've disconnected. (The client // library TaAfsAdmSvrClient.lib automatically handles this.) // int AfsAdmSvr_Ping ( [in] DWORD idClient, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); const DWORD csecAFSADMSVR_CLIENT_PING = (2L * 60L); // 2 minutes // AfsAdmSvr_CrackCredentials // ...obtains information about the supplied credentials token. // int AfsAdmSvr_CrackCredentials ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] DWORD hCreds, [out] STRING pszCell, [out] STRING pszUser, [out] SYSTEMTIME *pstExpiration, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetCredentials // ...queries the user's current AFS credentials for the specified cell. // if the user already has credentials in the cell, returns a nonzero // token {hCreds}, suitable for use in AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell(). // DWORD AfsAdmSvr_GetCredentials ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] STRING pszCell, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_SetCredentials // ...obtains new AFS credentials within the administrative server process // on behalf of the specified user. if successful, returns a nonzero // token {hCreds}, suitable for use in AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell(). // DWORD AfsAdmSvr_SetCredentials ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] STRING pszCell, [in] STRING pszUser, [in] STRING pszPassword, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_PushCredentials // ...requests that the specified AFS credentials be used hereafter // when manipulating the specified cell. You should follow this // call with a Refresh request if necessary. // int AfsAdmSvr_PushCredentials ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] DWORD hCreds, [in] ASID idCell, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetLocalCell // ...obtains the name of the primary cell used by the admin server // int AfsAdmSvr_GetLocalCell ( [in] DWORD idClient, [out] STRING pszCellName, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_ErrorCodeTranslate // ...translates an error code into a readable string // int AfsAdmSvr_ErrorCodeTranslate ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ULONG code, [in] LANGID idLanguage, // pass 0 for default language at server [out] STRING pszErrorText, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetAction // ...returns information about a particular operation in progress. // int AfsAdmSvr_GetAction ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] DWORD idAction, [out] LPASACTION pAction, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetActions // ...returns a list of operations in progress. The list returned can // be constrained to only including those operations initiated by // a particular client and/or performed in a particular cell. // int AfsAdmSvr_GetActions ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] DWORD idClientSearch, // 0 to return for all clients [in] ASID idCellSearch, // 0 to return for all cells [out] LPASACTIONLIST *ppList, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell // ...opens a cell for administration. // int AfsAdmSvr_OpenCell ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] DWORD hCreds, [in] STRING pszCellName, [in] DWORD dwScopeFlags, [out] ASID *pidCell, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); const DWORD AFSADMSVR_SCOPE_VOLUMES = 0x00000001; const DWORD AFSADMSVR_SCOPE_USERS = 0x00000002; // AfsAdmSvr_CloseCell // ...used by client to open a cell for administration. // int AfsAdmSvr_CloseCell ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_FindObject // AfsAdmSvr_FindObjects // ...used to search through all objects in the cell, obtaining a list // of those which match the specified criteria. For FindObjects, the // {*ppList} parameter will be filled in with an allocated list of ASID // objects, and should be freed using the AfsAdmSvr_FreeAsidList() // routine (clients using the TaAfsAdmSvrClient.lib library should call // asc_AsidListFree(), which is a wrapper for the former routine). // The _FindObject routine can be used to find exactly one object--for // instance, finding the ASID for a particular user or volume--while // the _FindObjects routine returns a list of all objects which // match the specified criteria--all volumes on a partition, or all // users named "b*" within a cell. // int AfsAdmSvr_FindObject ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idSearchScope, [in] ASOBJTYPE ObjectType, [in] AFSADMSVR_SEARCH_REFRESH SearchRefresh, [in] STRING szName, [out] ASID *pidObject, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); int AfsAdmSvr_FindObjects ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idSearchScope, [in] ASOBJTYPE ObjectType, [in] AFSADMSVR_SEARCH_REFRESH SearchRefresh, [in] STRING szPattern, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_SEARCH_PARAMS pSearchParams, [out] LPASIDLIST *ppList, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetObject // AfsAdmSvr_GetObjects // ...returns server-cached information about the specified object (or // objects). // int AfsAdmSvr_GetObject ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] AFSADMSVR_GET_TYPE GetType, [in] AFSADMSVR_GET_LEVEL GetLevel, [in] ASID idObject, [in] DWORD verProperties, // can be 0 if not RETURN_IF_OUT_OF_DATE [out] LPASOBJPROP pProperties, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); int AfsAdmSvr_GetObjects ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] AFSADMSVR_GET_TYPE GetType, [in] AFSADMSVR_GET_LEVEL GetLevel, [in] LPASIDLIST pListObjects, // lParam used as verProperties [out] LPASOBJPROPLIST *ppListObjectProperties, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObject // AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObjects // ...invalidates the server's cache of information about the specified // object or objects. // int AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObject ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idObject, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); int AfsAdmSvr_RefreshObjects ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] LPASIDLIST pListObjects, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_CallbackHost // ...provides a context in which the server can issue callback functions // via the AfsAdmSvrCallBack_* routines, which the client must implement. // This routine will only return if the server is shut down. It should // be called on a dedicated thread by the client. (TaAfsAdmSvrClient.lib // automatically handles this.) // void AfsAdmSvr_CallbackHost (void); // AfsAdmSvrCallback_Action // ...called by the server in the context of the CallbackHost() routine; // this routine is used to notify the client whenever an action is // initiated or completed. // [callback] void AfsAdmSvrCallback_Action ( [in] LPASACTION pAction, [in] BOOL fFinished ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetRandomKey // ...returns a randomly-generated 8-byte encryption key // int AfsAdmSvr_GetRandomKey ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [out] BYTE keyData[ ENCRYPTIONKEYLENGTH ], [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_ChangeUser // ...changes a user account's properties. // int AfsAdmSvr_ChangeUser ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idUser, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_CHANGEUSER_PARAMS pChange, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetGroupMembership // ...retrieves the list of groups to which a user or group belongs // int AfsAdmSvr_GetGroupMembership ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idMember, [out] LPASIDLIST *ppAsidList, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetGroupOwnership // ...retrieves the list of groups which a user or group owns // int AfsAdmSvr_GetGroupOwnership ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idOwner, [out] LPASIDLIST *ppAsidList, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_ChangeGroup // ...changes a PTS group's properties. // int AfsAdmSvr_ChangeGroup ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idGroup, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_CHANGEGROUP_PARAMS pChange, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_GetGroupMembers // ...retrieves the list of users which belong to a group // int AfsAdmSvr_GetGroupMembers ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idGroup, [out] LPASIDLIST *ppAsidList, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_AddGroupMember // ...adds a member to the specified group // int AfsAdmSvr_AddGroupMember ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idGroup, [in] ASID idMember, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_RemoveGroupMember // ...removes a member from the specified group // int AfsAdmSvr_RemoveGroupMember ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idGroup, [in] ASID idMember, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_RenameGroup // ...changes a group's name // int AfsAdmSvr_RenameGroup ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idGroup, [in] STRING szNewGroupName, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_CreateGroup // ...creates a new PTS group // int AfsAdmSvr_CreateGroup ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_CREATEGROUP_PARAMS pCreate, [out] ASID *pidGroup, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_DeleteGroup // ...deletes a PTS group // int AfsAdmSvr_DeleteGroup ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idGroup, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_SetUserPassword // ...changes the password for the specified user account. Pass a non-empty // string in {keyString} to encrypt the specified string; otherwise, // pass a valid encryption key in {keyData}. // int AfsAdmSvr_SetUserPassword ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idUser, [in] int keyVersion, [in] STRING keyString, [in] BYTE keyData[ ENCRYPTIONKEYLENGTH ], [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_UnlockUser // ...unlocks a user's account // int AfsAdmSvr_UnlockUser ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idUser, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_CreateUser // ...creates a new user account // int AfsAdmSvr_CreateUser ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_CREATEUSER_PARAMS pCreate, [out] ASID *pidUser, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_DeleteUser // ...deletes a user account // int AfsAdmSvr_DeleteUser ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ASID idUser, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_DELETEUSER_PARAMS pDelete, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_ChangeCell // ...changes a cell's properties. // int AfsAdmSvr_ChangeCell ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] LPAFSADMSVR_CHANGECELL_PARAMS pChange, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); // AfsAdmSvr_SetRefreshRate // ...changes the refresh rate for a specific cell // int AfsAdmSvr_SetRefreshRate ( [in] DWORD idClient, [in] ASID idCell, [in] ULONG cminRefreshRate, [out] ULONG *pStatus ); }