/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC_GENERAL 800 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC_EXPIRED 801 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC_BADCHOICE 802 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC2 803 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC3 804 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC3_ADM 805 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC_DESTROYED 806 #define IDS_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS 807 #define IDS_BROWSE_WAITING 808 #define IDS_BROWSE_BADCELL_TITLE 809 #define IDS_BROWSE_BADCELL_DESC 810 #define IDS_CREDS_NONE 811 #define IDS_CREDS_VALID 812 #define IDS_CREDS_EXPIRED 813 #define IDC_OPENCELL_CELL 11000 #define IDC_ERROR_STATUS 11001 #define IDC_ERROR_DESC 11002 #define IDC_COVERDLG 11003 #define IDC_OPENCELL_ID 11004 #define IDC_OPENCELL_PASSWORD 11005 #define IDC_CREDS_CURRENTID 11006 #define IDC_CREDS_EXPDATE 11007 #define IDC_CREDS_LOGIN 11008 #define IDC_CREDS_ID 11009 #define IDC_CREDS_PASSWORD 11010 #define IDC_CREDS_CELL 11011 #define IDC_BADCREDS_DESC 11016 #define IDC_BADCREDS_SHUTUP 11017 #define IDC_BROWSE_NAMED 11019 #define IDC_BROWSE_LIST 11020 #define IDC_COVER_DESC 11021 #define IDC_COVER_BUTTON 11022 #define IDC_COVER_BORDER 11023 #define IDC_BROWSE_TYPE 11023 #define IDC_BROWSE_CELL 11024 #define IDC_BROWSE_STATUS 11025 #define IDC_BROWSE_SELECT 11026 #define IDC_BROWSE_RESTART 11027 #define IDC_BROWSE_NONE 11028 #define IDC_OPENCELL_OLDCREDS 11030 #define IDD_APPLIB_OPENCELL 15001 #define IDD_APPLIB_CREDENTIALS 15002 #define IDD_APPLIB_ERROR 15003 #define IDD_APPLIB_BADCREDS 15004 #define IDD_APPLIB_COVER 15005 #define IDD_APPLIB_BROWSE 15006 #define IDD_APPLIB_BROWSE_FILESET 15012 #define IDI_SPIN1 20001 #define IDI_SPIN2 20002 #define IDI_SPIN3 20003 #define IDI_SPIN4 20004 #define IDI_SPIN5 20005 #define IDI_SPIN6 20006 #define IDI_SPIN7 20007 #define IDI_SPIN8 20008 #define IDI_SPINSTOP 20009 #define IDI_BOSSERVICE 20010 #define IDB_LOCAL_USER 20011 #define IDB_LOCAL_GROUP 20012 #define IDB_FOREIGN_USER 20013 #define IDB_FOREIGN_GROUP 20014 #define IDI_SERVER 20015 #define IDI_SERVER_ALERT 20016 #define IDI_SERVER_UNMON 20017 #define IDI_SERVICE 20018 #define IDI_SERVICE_ALERT 20019 #define IDI_SERVICE_STOPPED 20020 #define IDI_AGGREGATE 20021 #define IDI_AGGREGATE_ALERT 20022 #define IDI_FILESET 20023 #define IDI_FILESET_ALERT 20024 #define IDI_FILESET_LOCKED 20025 #define IDB_UNAUTHENTICATED 20026 #define IDB_MASK_OBJ 20027 #define IDB_LOCAL_OTHER 20028 #define IDB_FOREIGN_OTHER 20029 #define IDB_ANY_OTHER 20030 #define IDI_MULTIPLE 20031 #define IDI_INITIAL_OBJECT 20032 #define IDI_INITIAL_CONTAINER 20033 #define IDI_ACL 20034 #define IDI_CELL 20035 #define IDI_SERVER_KEY 20036 #define IDI_USER 20037 #define IDI_GROUP 20038 #define IDC_STATIC -1 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NO_MFC 1 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 20035 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 9000 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 11031 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 7000 #endif #endif