/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ extern "C" { #include #include } #include #include "internal.h" /* * DEFINITIONS ________________________________________________________________ * */ /* * VARIABLES __________________________________________________________________ * */ /* * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________ * */ /* * ROUTINES ___________________________________________________________________ * */ FILESET::FILESET (LPAGGREGATE lpAggregateParent, LPVOLUMEID pvid, LPTSTR pszName) { m_lpiAggregate = lpAggregateParent->GetIdentifier(); m_lpiServer = lpAggregateParent->m_lpiServer; m_lpiCell = lpAggregateParent->m_lpiCell; m_lpiThis = NULL; m_lpiThisRW = NULL; m_lpiThisBK = NULL; m_idVolume = *pvid; lstrcpy (m_szName, pszName); m_wGhost = 0; m_fStatusOutOfDate = TRUE; memset (&m_fs, 0x00, sizeof(FILESETSTATUS)); m_fs.id = *pvid; lpAggregateParent->InvalidateAllocation(); } FILESET::~FILESET (void) { if (m_lpiThis) m_lpiThis->m_cRef --; } void FILESET::SendDeleteNotifications (void) { NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtDestroy, GetIdentifier()); } void FILESET::Close (void) { AfsClass_Leave(); } LPIDENT FILESET::GetIdentifier (void) { if (m_lpiThis == NULL) { TCHAR szCell[ cchNAME ]; TCHAR szServer[ cchNAME ]; TCHAR szAggregate[ cchNAME ]; m_lpiAggregate->GetCellName (szCell); m_lpiAggregate->GetLongServerName (szServer); m_lpiAggregate->GetAggregateName (szAggregate); // Finding the identifier for a fileset is a little tricky, because // (a) a fileset identifier's unique "key" includes the fileset's // aggregate, and (b) filesets can move around in the cell. // // We'll search through our list of IDENTs and see if we can find // an old IDENT object that refers to this fileset; if we can't find // one, we'll create a new one. To make sure we have an accurate match, // we'll require that the IDENT we find match all of the following // criteria: // 1- The identifier must point to a fileset // 2- The identifier must have the same fileset ID as this FILESET // 3- The identifier's cRef must be zero (i.e., there should // not be another FILESET object out there which thinks *it* // uses that IDENT) // 4- The identifier must (obviously) point to the cell in which // this FILESET object resides // 5- If this is a fileset replica, the IDENT must be on the same // aggregate as this fileset // // Note that the IDENT class maintains its list of IDENTs in a // HASHLIST that a key placed on volume IDs. We'll use that key // to speed up our search enormously. // BOOL fRequireSameAggregate = ProbablyReplica(); for (LPENUM pEnum = IDENT::x_lkFilesetID->FindFirst (&m_idVolume); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext()) { // Only volumes which match this fileset ID will get here. // LPIDENT lpiFind = (LPIDENT)( pEnum->GetObject() ); if (lpiFind->m_iType != itFILESET) continue; if (lpiFind->m_cRef != 0) continue; if (lstrcmpi (szCell, lpiFind->m_szCell)) continue; if (fRequireSameAggregate) { if (lstrcmpi (szServer, lpiFind->m_szServer)) continue; if (lstrcmpi (szAggregate, lpiFind->m_szAggregate)) continue; } // Found a match! Update the IDENT's name and location, // to ensure it jives with reality... for instance, if // a fileset has been moved, we'll need to fix the // server and aggregate names. Since this affects one // of the keys in the IDENT class's hashlist, update that list. // Delete (pEnum); m_lpiThis = lpiFind; lstrcpy (m_lpiThis->m_szServer, szServer); lstrcpy (m_lpiThis->m_szAggregate, szAggregate); lstrcpy (m_lpiThis->m_szFileset, m_szName); m_lpiThis->Update(); break; } if (m_lpiThis == NULL) m_lpiThis = New2 (IDENT,(this)); // Create a new IDENT if necessary. m_lpiThis->m_cRef ++; } return m_lpiThis; } LPIDENT FILESET::GetReadWriteIdentifier (ULONG *pStatus) { if (m_lpiThisRW == NULL) { if (RefreshStatus (TRUE, pStatus)) { if ((m_lpiThisRW = IDENT::FindIdent (this, &m_fs.idReadWrite)) == NULL) { if (pStatus) *pStatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } } return m_lpiThisRW; } LPIDENT FILESET::GetReadOnlyIdentifier (LPIDENT lpiParent, ULONG *pStatus) { LPIDENT lpiRO = NULL; if (RefreshStatus (TRUE, pStatus)) { if (lpiParent == NULL) lpiParent = m_lpiCell; if (m_fs.idReplica) { lpiRO = IDENT::FindFileset (lpiParent, &m_fs.idReplica); } else { TCHAR szNameRO[ cchNAME ]; lstrcpy (szNameRO, m_szName); LPCTSTR pszExtension; if ((pszExtension = lstrrchr (szNameRO, TEXT('.'))) == NULL) lstrcat (szNameRO, TEXT(".readonly")); else if (lstrcmpi (pszExtension, TEXT(".readonly")) && lstrcmpi (pszExtension, TEXT(".backup"))) lstrcat (szNameRO, TEXT(".readonly")); lpiRO = IDENT::FindFileset (lpiParent, szNameRO); } if (lpiRO == NULL) { if (pStatus) *pStatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } return lpiRO; } LPIDENT FILESET::GetCloneIdentifier (ULONG *pStatus) { if (m_lpiThisBK == NULL) { if (RefreshStatus (TRUE, pStatus)) { if ((m_lpiThisBK = IDENT::FindIdent (this, &m_fs.idClone)) == NULL) { if (pStatus) *pStatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } } return m_lpiThisBK; } void FILESET::Invalidate (void) { if (!m_fStatusOutOfDate) { if (m_wGhost & GHOST_HAS_SERVER_ENTRY) m_fStatusOutOfDate = TRUE; LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate; if ((lpAggregate = m_lpiAggregate->OpenAggregate()) != NULL) { lpAggregate->InvalidateAllocation(); lpAggregate->Close(); } NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtInvalidate, GetIdentifier()); } } BOOL FILESET::RefreshStatus (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus) { BOOL rc = TRUE; DWORD status = 0; if (m_fStatusOutOfDate && (m_wGhost & GHOST_HAS_SERVER_ENTRY)) { m_fStatusOutOfDate = FALSE; if (fNotify) NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusBegin, GetIdentifier()); LPSERVER lpServer; if ((lpServer = OpenServer (&status)) == NULL) rc = FALSE; else { PVOID hCell; PVOID hVOS; if ((hVOS = lpServer->OpenVosObject (&hCell, &status)) == NULL) rc = FALSE; else { WORKERPACKET wp; wp.wpVosVolumeGet.hCell = hCell; wp.wpVosVolumeGet.hServer = hVOS; wp.wpVosVolumeGet.idPartition = NO_PARTITION; wp.wpVosVolumeGet.idVolume = m_idVolume; LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate; if ((lpAggregate = m_lpiAggregate->OpenAggregate()) != NULL) { wp.wpVosVolumeGet.idPartition = lpAggregate->GetID(); lpAggregate->Close(); } if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskVosVolumeGet, &wp, &status)) rc = FALSE; else { SetStatusFromVOS (&wp.wpVosVolumeGet.Data); if ((lpAggregate = m_lpiAggregate->OpenAggregate()) != NULL) { lpAggregate->InvalidateAllocation(); lpAggregate->Close(); } } lpServer->CloseVosObject(); } lpServer->Close(); } if (fNotify) NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status)); } if (pStatus && !rc) *pStatus = status; return TRUE; } void FILESET::GetName (LPTSTR pszName) { lstrcpy (pszName, m_szName); } void FILESET::GetID (LPVOLUMEID pvid) { *pvid = m_idVolume; } LPCELL FILESET::OpenCell (ULONG *pStatus) { return m_lpiCell->OpenCell (pStatus); } LPSERVER FILESET::OpenServer (ULONG *pStatus) { return m_lpiServer->OpenServer (pStatus); } LPAGGREGATE FILESET::OpenAggregate (ULONG *pStatus) { return m_lpiAggregate->OpenAggregate (pStatus); } BOOL FILESET::GetStatus (LPFILESETSTATUS lpfs, BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus) { if (!RefreshStatus (fNotify, pStatus)) return FALSE; memcpy (lpfs, &m_fs, sizeof(FILESETSTATUS)); return TRUE; } short FILESET::GetGhostStatus (void) { return m_wGhost; } PVOID FILESET::GetUserParam (void) { return GetIdentifier()->GetUserParam(); } void FILESET::SetUserParam (PVOID pUserNew) { GetIdentifier()->SetUserParam (pUserNew); } BOOL FILESET::ProbablyReplica (void) { LPCTSTR pszExtension; if ((pszExtension = lstrrchr (m_szName, TEXT('.'))) == NULL) return FALSE; if (lstrcmpi (pszExtension, TEXT(".readonly"))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void FILESET::SetStatusFromVOS (PVOID lp) { vos_volumeEntry_p pEntry = (vos_volumeEntry_p)lp; m_fs.id = m_idVolume; m_fs.idReadWrite = pEntry->readWriteId; m_fs.idReplica = pEntry->readOnlyId; m_fs.idClone = pEntry->backupId; AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_fs.timeCreation, pEntry->creationDate); AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_fs.timeLastUpdate, pEntry->lastUpdateDate); AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_fs.timeLastAccess, pEntry->lastAccessDate); AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_fs.timeLastBackup, pEntry->lastBackupDate); AfsClass_UnixTimeToSystemTime (&m_fs.timeCopyCreation, pEntry->copyCreationDate); m_fs.nFiles = pEntry->fileCount; m_fs.ckQuota = pEntry->maxQuota; m_fs.ckUsed = pEntry->currentSize; switch (pEntry->type) { case VOS_BACKUP_VOLUME: m_fs.Type = ftCLONE; m_fs.idClone = pEntry->id; break; case VOS_READ_ONLY_VOLUME: m_fs.Type = ftREPLICA; m_fs.idReplica = pEntry->id; break; case VOS_READ_WRITE_VOLUME: m_fs.Type = ftREADWRITE; m_fs.idReadWrite = pEntry->id; break; } m_fs.State &= fsMASK_VLDB; switch (pEntry->status) { case VOS_SALVAGE: m_fs.State |= fsSALVAGE; break; case VOS_NO_VNODE: m_fs.State |= fsNO_VNODE; break; case VOS_NO_VOL: m_fs.State |= fsNO_VOL; break; case VOS_NO_SERVICE: m_fs.State |= fsNO_SERVICE; break; case VOS_OFFLINE: m_fs.State |= fsOFFLINE; break; case VOS_DISK_FULL: m_fs.State |= fsDISK_FULL; break; case VOS_OVER_QUOTA: m_fs.State |= fsOVER_QUOTA; break; case VOS_BUSY: m_fs.State |= fsBUSY; break; case VOS_MOVED: m_fs.State |= fsMOVED; break; } }