// // AFSD_FLUSHVOL.C // // Routines to handle flushing AFS volumes in response to // System Power event notification such as Hibernate request. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd.h" #include "afsd_init.h" #include "smb.h" #include "cm_conn.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd_flushvol.h" #include "afsd_eventlog.h" #include "lanahelper.h" extern void afsi_log(char *pattern, ...); static FLUSHVOLTHREADINFO gThreadInfo = {0}; static HANDLE gThreadHandle = NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Call routine found in FS.EXE to flush volume. // // At entry, input param is UNC string for volume, // e.g. '\\afs\all\athena.mit.edu\user\m\h\mholiday' // // I believe that success from 'pioctl' routine // indicated by return value of zero (0). // afs_int32 afsd_ServicePerformFlushVolumeCmd(char *data) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; afsi_log("Flushing Volume \"%s\"",data); memset(&blob, '\0', sizeof(blob)); code = pioctl(data, VIOC_FLUSHVOLUME, &blob, 0); return code; } BOOL afsd_ServicePerformFlushVolumes() { CONST CHAR COLON = ':'; CONST CHAR SLASH = '\\'; CONST DWORD NETRESBUFSIZE = 16384; CHAR bufMessage[1024]; UINT i; DWORD dwServerSize; DWORD dwRet; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwNetResBufSize; DWORD dwTotalVols = 0; DWORD dwVolBegin, dwVolEnd; DWORD dwFlushBegin, dwFlushEnd; HANDLE hEnum; LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResBuf, lpnr; char *pszShareName, *pc; afs_int32 afsRet = 0; if ( lana_OnlyLoopback() ) { // Nothing to do if we only have a loopback interface return TRUE; } // Determine the root share name (\\AFS\ALL or \\-AFS\ALL), // and the length of the server name prefix. pszShareName = smb_GetSharename(); if (pszShareName == NULL) { LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_NO_SHARE_NAME, NULL); return FALSE; } pc = strrchr(pszShareName, SLASH); if ((pc == NULL) || ((dwServerSize = (DWORD)(pc - pszShareName)) < 3)) { LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_BAD_SHARE_NAME, pszShareName, NULL); free(pszShareName); return FALSE; } // Allocate a buffer to hold network resources returned by // WNetEnumResource(). lpNetResBuf = malloc(NETRESBUFSIZE); if (lpNetResBuf == NULL) { // Out of memory, give up now. LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_NO_MEMORY, NULL); free(pszShareName); return FALSE; } // Initialize the flush timer. Note that GetTickCount() returns // the number of milliseconds since the system started, in a DWORD, // so that the value wraps around every 49.7 days. We do not bother // to handle the case where the flush elapsed time is greater than // that. dwFlushBegin = GetTickCount(); dwRet = WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_CONNECTED, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, NULL, &hEnum); if (dwRet != NO_ERROR) { LogEventMessage(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_OPEN_ENUM_ERROR, dwRet); free(pszShareName); return FALSE; } // Loop to enumerate network resources, and flush those associated // with AFS volumes. while (1) { dwCount = -1; memset(lpNetResBuf, 0, NETRESBUFSIZE); dwNetResBufSize = NETRESBUFSIZE; dwRet = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, &dwCount, lpNetResBuf, &dwNetResBufSize); if (dwRet != NO_ERROR) break; // Iterate over the returned network resources. for (i = 0, lpnr = lpNetResBuf; i < dwCount; i++, lpnr++) { // Ensure resource has a remote name, and is connected. if ((lpnr->lpRemoteName == NULL) || (lpnr->dwScope != RESOURCE_CONNECTED)) continue; if ((_strnicmp(lpnr->lpRemoteName, pszShareName, dwServerSize) == 0) && (lpnr->lpRemoteName[dwServerSize] == SLASH)) { // got one! // but we don't want to flush '\\[...]afs\all' if (cm_stricmp_utf8(lpnr->lpRemoteName, pszShareName) == 0) continue; ++dwTotalVols; dwVolBegin = GetTickCount(); afsRet = afsd_ServicePerformFlushVolumeCmd(lpnr->lpRemoteName); dwVolEnd = GetTickCount(); if (afsRet == 0) { LogTimingEvent(MSG_TIME_FLUSH_PER_VOLUME, lpnr->lpRemoteName, dwVolEnd - dwVolBegin); } else { LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_FAILED, lpnr->lpRemoteName, NULL); } } } } WNetCloseEnum(hEnum); free(lpNetResBuf); free(pszShareName); if (dwRet != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { LogEventMessage(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_ENUM_ERROR, dwRet); return FALSE; } dwFlushEnd = GetTickCount(); // display total volume count in Event Logger sprintf(bufMessage, "%d", dwTotalVols); LogTimingEvent(MSG_TIME_FLUSH_TOTAL, bufMessage, dwFlushEnd - dwFlushBegin); return TRUE; } // Report a timing event to the system event log. // The lpszString1 argument is the first substitution string for the // given event ID. The time argument will be converted into the // second substitution string. static VOID LogTimingEvent(DWORD dwEventID, LPTSTR lpString1, DWORD dwTime) { CHAR szTime[16]; sprintf(szTime, "%lu", dwTime); LogEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, dwEventID, lpString1, szTime, NULL); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetUserToken // // Obtain token for the currently logged-in user. // // This routine looks for a window which we 'know' belongs to // the shell, and from there we follow a route which leads to // getting a handle on an access token owned by the shell. // // The return value is either a handle to a suitable token, // or else null. // // One of the times that this function might return null // is when there is no logged-in user. Other cases include // insufficient access to the desktop, etc. // // Disclaimer: // Portions of this routine found in various newsgroups // HANDLE GetUserToken(DWORD access) { HANDLE hTok = NULL; DWORD pid = 0, tid = 0; // Try it the easy way first - look for a window owned by the shell on // our current desktop. If we find one, use that to get the process id. HWND shell = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "Progman", NULL); if (shell != NULL) { tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(shell, &pid); } // We are possibly running on a private window station and desktop: we must // switch to the default (which we suppose is where we will find the // running shell). else { HWINSTA saveWinSta = GetProcessWindowStation(); HDESK saveDesk = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); HWINSTA winSta = NULL; HDESK desk = NULL; BOOL changeFlag = FALSE; BOOL dummy = saveWinSta != NULL && saveDesk != NULL && (winSta = OpenWindowStation("WinSta0", FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)) != NULL && (changeFlag = SetProcessWindowStation(winSta)) != 0 && (desk = OpenDesktop("Default", 0, FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)) != NULL && SetThreadDesktop(desk) != 0; // Now find the window and process on this desktop shell = FindWindowEx(NULL, NULL, "Progman", NULL); if (shell != NULL) { tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(shell, &pid); } // Restore our own window station and desktop if (changeFlag) { SetProcessWindowStation(saveWinSta); SetThreadDesktop(saveDesk); } // Close temporary objects if (winSta != NULL) CloseWindowStation(winSta); if (desk != NULL) CloseDesktop(desk); } // // If we have a process id, use that to get the process handle and // from there the process' access token. // if (pid != 0) { HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid); if (hProc != NULL) { OpenProcessToken(hProc, access, &hTok) || (hTok = NULL); CloseHandle(hProc); } } // Return token if we got one return hTok; } // impersonate logged-on user as client BOOL ImpersonateClient() { DWORD dwDesiredAccess = TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS; HANDLE hUserToken = GetUserToken(dwDesiredAccess); if (hUserToken == NULL) return FALSE; if (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hUserToken) == 0) { LogEvent(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_IMPERSONATE_ERROR, NULL); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Thread proc // DWORD WINAPI afsd_ServiceFlushVolumesThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam) { FLUSHVOLTHREADINFO ThreadInfo; PFLUSHVOLTHREADINFO pThreadInfo = (PFLUSHVOLTHREADINFO) lpParam; HANDLE arHandles[2] = {0}; DWORD dwWaitState = 0; // thread running - get handles ThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent = pThreadInfo->hEventPowerEvent; ThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain = pThreadInfo->hEventResumeMain; ThreadInfo.hEventTerminate = pThreadInfo->hEventTerminate; // setup to wait arHandles[0] = ThreadInfo.hEventTerminate; arHandles[1] = ThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent; // do stuff .. while (1) { // wait for an event to happen dwWaitState = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(2, arHandles, FALSE, INFINITE, FALSE); switch (dwWaitState) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // termination signaled RevertToSelf(); CheckAndCloseHandle(ThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent); CheckAndCloseHandle(ThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain); CheckAndCloseHandle(ThreadInfo.hEventTerminate); ExitThread(0); break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: // Power event // - flush 'em! if (ImpersonateClient()) { afsd_ServicePerformFlushVolumes(); } // acknowledge event ResetEvent(ThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent); break; case WAIT_ABANDONED_0: case WAIT_ABANDONED_0+1: case WAIT_IO_COMPLETION: case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // sno* LogEvent(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, MSG_FLUSH_UNEXPECTED_EVENT, NULL); break; } // end switch // signal back to waiting mainline SetEvent(ThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain); } // end while // I suppose we never get here ExitThread(0); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Mainline thread routines // VOID CheckAndCloseHandle(HANDLE thisHandle) { if (thisHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(thisHandle); thisHandle = NULL; } } // // Thread Creation // BOOL PowerNotificationThreadCreate() { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD dwThreadId = 0; char eventName[MAX_PATH]; do { // create power event notification event // bManualReset=TRUE, bInitialState=FALSE gThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, TEXT("afsd_flushvol_EventPowerEvent")); if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) afsi_log("Event Object Already Exists: %s", eventName); if (gThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent == NULL) break; // create mainline resume event // bManualReset=FALSE, bInitialState=FALSE gThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("afsd_flushvol_EventResumeMain")); if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) afsi_log("Event Object Already Exists: %s", eventName); if (gThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain == NULL) break; // create thread terminate event // bManualReset=FALSE, bInitialState=FALSE gThreadInfo.hEventTerminate = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, TEXT("afsd_flushvol_EventTerminate")); if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) afsi_log("Event Object Already Exists: %s", eventName); if (gThreadInfo.hEventTerminate == NULL) break; // good so far - create thread gThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, afsd_ServiceFlushVolumesThreadProc, (LPVOID) &gThreadInfo, 0, &dwThreadId); if (!gThreadHandle) break; bSuccess = TRUE; } while (0); if (!bSuccess) { CheckAndCloseHandle(gThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent); CheckAndCloseHandle(gThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain); CheckAndCloseHandle(gThreadInfo.hEventTerminate); CheckAndCloseHandle(gThreadHandle); } return bSuccess; } // // Thread Notification // BOOL PowerNotificationThreadNotify() { DWORD dwRet = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE; // Notify thread of power event, and wait for the HardDead timeout period dwRet = SignalObjectAndWait( gThreadInfo.hEventPowerEvent, // object to signal gThreadInfo.hEventResumeMain, // object to watch HardDeadtimeout*1000, // timeout (ms) FALSE // alertable ); if (dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0) bRet = TRUE; return bRet; } // // Thread Termination // VOID PowerNotificationThreadExit() { // ExitThread if (gThreadHandle) { SetEvent(gThreadInfo.hEventTerminate); WaitForSingleObject(gThreadHandle, INFINITE); CloseHandle(gThreadHandle); } }