/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd.h" #include #include #include "cm_config.h" #include "krb.h" #include #include #include #include DWORD LogonOption,TraceOption; HANDLE hDLL; WSADATA WSAjunk; #define REG_CLIENT_PARMS_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\TransarcAFSDaemon\\Parameters" #define REG_CLIENT_PROVIDER_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\TransarcAFSDaemon\\NetworkProvider" #define REG_CLIENT_RETRY_INTERVAL_PARM "LoginRetryInterval" #define REG_CLIENT_FAIL_SILENTLY_PARM "FailLoginsSilently" #define DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL 30 /* seconds*/ #define DEFAULT_FAIL_SILENTLY FALSE #define DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL 5 /* seconds*/ #define ISLOGONINTEGRATED(v) ( ((v) & LOGON_OPTION_INTEGRATED)==LOGON_OPTION_INTEGRATED) #define ISHIGHSECURITY(v) ( ((v) & LOGON_OPTION_HIGHSECURITY)==LOGON_OPTION_HIGHSECURITY) #define TRACE_OPTION_EVENT 1 #define ISLOGONTRACE(v) ( ((v) & TRACE_OPTION_EVENT)==TRACE_OPTION_EVENT) /* Structure def copied from DDK (NTDEF.H) */ typedef struct UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; /* number of bytes of Buffer actually used */ USHORT MaximumLength; /* sizeof buffer in bytes */ WCHAR *Buffer; /* 16 bit characters */ } UNICODE_STRING; /* Structure def copied from NP API documentation */ typedef struct _MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON { DWORD MessageType; /* Actually this is an enum; ignored */ UNICODE_STRING LogonDomainName; UNICODE_STRING UserName; UNICODE_STRING Password; } MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON; /* * GetLogonScript * * We get a logon script pathname from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry. * I don't know what good this does; I just copied it from DFS. * * Returns NULL on failure. */ void DebugEvent0(char *a) { HANDLE h; char *ptbuf[1]; if (!ISLOGONTRACE(TraceOption)) return; h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, AFS_DAEMON_EVENT_NAME); ptbuf[0] = a; ReportEvent(h, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0, (const char **)ptbuf, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(h); } #define MAXBUF_ 131 void DebugEvent(char *a,char *b,...) { HANDLE h; char *ptbuf[1],buf[MAXBUF_+1]; va_list marker; if (!ISLOGONTRACE(TraceOption)) return; h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, AFS_DAEMON_EVENT_NAME); va_start(marker,b); _vsnprintf(buf,MAXBUF_,b,marker); ptbuf[0] = buf; ReportEvent(h, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0, (const char **)ptbuf, NULL);\ DeregisterEventSource(h); va_end(marker); } CHAR *GenRandomName(CHAR *pbuf) { int i; srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); for (i=0;idwStartType < SERVICE_DEMAND_START) result = TRUE; free_pConfig: GlobalFree(pConfig); close_svc: CloseServiceHandle(svc); close_scm: CloseServiceHandle(scm); return result; } DWORD MapAuthError(DWORD code) { switch (code) { case KTC_NOCM: case KTC_NOCMRPC: return WN_NO_NETWORK; /* case INTK_BADPW: return WN_BAD_PASSWORD;*/ /* case KERB_ERR_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: return WN_BAD_USER;*/ default: return WN_SUCCESS; } } BOOLEAN APIENTRY DllEntryPoint(HANDLE dll, DWORD reason, PVOID reserved) { hDLL = dll; switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: /* Initialize AFS libraries */ rx_Init(0); initAFSDirPath(); ka_Init(0); break; /* Everything else succeeds but does nothing. */ case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: default: break; } return TRUE; } DWORD APIENTRY NPGetCaps(DWORD index) { switch (index) { case WNNC_NET_TYPE: /* Don't have our own type; use somebody else's. */ return WNNC_NET_SUN_PC_NFS; default: return 0; } } static void GetLoginBehavior(int *pRetryInterval, BOOLEAN *pFailSilently) { long result; HKEY hKey; DWORD dummyLen; result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CLIENT_PARMS_KEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pRetryInterval = DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL; *pFailSilently = DEFAULT_FAIL_SILENTLY; return; } result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_CLIENT_RETRY_INTERVAL_PARM, 0, 0, (BYTE *)pRetryInterval, &dummyLen); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) *pRetryInterval = DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL; result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_CLIENT_FAIL_SILENTLY_PARM, 0, 0, (BYTE *)pFailSilently, &dummyLen); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) *pFailSilently = DEFAULT_FAIL_SILENTLY; /* Make sure this is really a bool value in the strict sense*/ *pFailSilently = !!*pFailSilently; RegCloseKey(hKey); } BOOL IsServiceRunning (void) { SERVICE_STATUS Status; SC_HANDLE hManager; memset (&Status, 0x00, sizeof(Status)); Status.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; if ((hManager = OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ)) != NULL) { SC_HANDLE hService; if ((hService = OpenService (hManager, TEXT("TransarcAFSDaemon"), GENERIC_READ)) != NULL) { QueryServiceStatus (hService, &Status); CloseServiceHandle (hService); } CloseServiceHandle (hManager); } DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - Test Service Running","Return Code[%x] ?Running[%d]",Status.dwCurrentState,(Status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING)); return (Status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING); } DWORD APIENTRY NPLogonNotify( PLUID lpLogonId, LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, LPWSTR *lpLogonScript) { char uname[256]; char *ctemp; char password[256]; char cell[256]; MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON *IL; DWORD code; int pw_exp; char *reason; BOOLEAN interactive; BOOLEAN flag; DWORD LSPtype, LSPsize; HKEY NPKey; HWND hwndOwner = (HWND)StationHandle; BOOLEAN failSilently; int retryInterval; int sleepInterval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL; /* seconds */ BOOLEAN afsWillAutoStart; CHAR RandomName[MAXRANDOMNAMELEN]; *lpLogonScript=NULL; IL = (MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON *) lpAuthentInfo; /* Are we interactive? */ interactive = (wcscmp(lpStationName, L"WinSta0") == 0); /* Convert from Unicode to ANSI */ wcstombs(uname, IL->UserName.Buffer, 256); wcstombs(password, IL->Password.Buffer, 256); /* Make sure AD-DOMANS sent from login that is sent to us is striped */ ctemp = strchr(uname, '@'); if (ctemp) *ctemp = 0; (void) RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CLIENT_PARMS_KEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &NPKey); LSPsize=sizeof(TraceOption); RegQueryValueEx(NPKey, "TraceOption", NULL, &LSPtype, (LPBYTE)&TraceOption, &LSPsize); RegCloseKey (NPKey); /* * Get Logon OPTIONS */ (void) RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CLIENT_PROVIDER_KEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &NPKey); LSPsize=sizeof(LogonOption); code = RegQueryValueEx(NPKey, "LogonOptions", NULL, &LSPtype, (LPBYTE)&LogonOption, &LSPsize); RegCloseKey (NPKey); if ((code!=0) || (LSPtype!=REG_DWORD)) LogonOption=LOGON_OPTION_INTEGRATED; /*default to integrated logon only*/ DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - NPLogonNotify","LogonOption[%x], Service AutoStart[%d]",LogonOption,AFSWillAutoStart()); /* Check for zero length password if integrated logon*/ if ( ISLOGONINTEGRATED(LogonOption) && (password[0] == 0) ) { code = GT_PW_NULL; reason = "zero length password is illegal"; code=0; } /* Get cell name if doing integrated logon */ if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(LogonOption)) { code = cm_GetRootCellName(cell); if (code < 0) { code = KTC_NOCELL; reason = "unknown cell"; code=0; } } /* Get user specified login behavior (or defaults) */ GetLoginBehavior(&retryInterval, &failSilently); afsWillAutoStart = AFSWillAutoStart(); *lpLogonScript = GetLogonScript(GenRandomName(RandomName)); /*only do if high security option is on*/ /* loop until AFS is started. */ while (TRUE) { code=0; /* is service started yet?*/ if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(LogonOption) && !ISHIGHSECURITY(LogonOption)) /* if Integrated Logon only */ { DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2","Code[%x],uame[%s] Cell[%s]",code,uname,cell); code = ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2( KA_USERAUTH_VERSION+KA_USERAUTH_AUTHENT_LOGON, uname, "", cell, password,uname, 0, &pw_exp, 0, &reason); DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - (INTEGERTED only)ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2","Code[%x]",code); } else if (ISLOGONINTEGRATED(LogonOption) && ISHIGHSECURITY(LogonOption)) /* if Integrated Logon and High Security pass random generated name*/ { code = ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2( KA_USERAUTH_VERSION+KA_USERAUTH_AUTHENT_LOGON, uname, "", cell, password,RandomName, 0, &pw_exp, 0, &reason); DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - (Both)ka_UserAuthenticateGeneral2","Code[%x],RandomName[%s]",code,RandomName); } else { /*JUST check to see if its running*/ if (IsServiceRunning()) break; code = KTC_NOCM; if (!afsWillAutoStart) break; } /* If we've failed because the client isn't running yet and the * client is set to autostart (and therefore it makes sense for * us to wait for it to start) then sleep a while and try again. * If the error was something else, then give up. */ if (code != KTC_NOCM && code != KTC_NOCMRPC || !afsWillAutoStart) break; /* If the retry interval has expired and we still aren't * logged in, then just give up if we are not in interactive * mode or the failSilently flag is set, otherwise let the * user know we failed and give them a chance to try again. */ if (retryInterval <= 0) { reason = "AFS not running"; if (!interactive || failSilently) break; flag = MessageBox(hwndOwner, "AFS is still starting. Retry?", "AFS Logon", MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_RETRYCANCEL); if (flag == IDCANCEL) break; /* Wait just a little while and try again */ retryInterval = sleepInterval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_INTERVAL; } if (retryInterval < sleepInterval) sleepInterval = retryInterval; Sleep(sleepInterval * 1000); retryInterval -= sleepInterval; } if (code) { char msg[128]; sprintf(msg, "Integrated login failed: %s", reason); if (interactive && !failSilently) MessageBox(hwndOwner, msg, "AFS Logon", MB_OK); else { HANDLE h; char *ptbuf[1]; h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, AFS_DAEMON_EVENT_NAME); ptbuf[0] = msg; ReportEvent(h, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, 1008, NULL, 1, 0, ptbuf, NULL); DeregisterEventSource(h); } code = MapAuthError(code); SetLastError(code); if (ISHIGHSECURITY(LogonOption) && (code!=0)) { if (*lpLogonScript) LocalFree(*lpLogonScript); *lpLogonScript = NULL; if (!(afsWillAutoStart || ISLOGONINTEGRATED(LogonOption))) // its not running, so if not autostart or integrated logon then just skip return 0; } } DebugEvent("AFS AfsLogon - Exit","Return Code[%x]",code); return code; } DWORD APIENTRY NPPasswordChangeNotify( LPCWSTR lpAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpAuthentInfo, LPCWSTR lpPreviousAuthentInfoType, LPVOID lpPreviousAuthentInfo, LPWSTR lpStationName, LPVOID StationHandle, DWORD dwChangeInfo) { DebugEvent0("AFS AfsLogon - NPPasswordChangeNotify"); return 0; }