/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd.h" #include #include #include #include "afsicf.h" /* in seconds */ long cm_daemonCheckDownInterval = 180; long cm_daemonCheckUpInterval = 240; long cm_daemonCheckVolInterval = 3600; long cm_daemonCheckCBInterval = 60; long cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval = 0; long cm_daemonCheckLockInterval = 60; long cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval = 180; long cm_daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval = 600; osi_rwlock_t cm_daemonLock; long cm_bkgQueueCount; /* # of queued requests */ int cm_bkgWaitingForCount; /* true if someone's waiting for cm_bkgQueueCount to drop */ cm_bkgRequest_t *cm_bkgListp; /* first elt in the list of requests */ cm_bkgRequest_t *cm_bkgListEndp; /* last elt in the list of requests */ static int daemon_ShutdownFlag = 0; void cm_IpAddrDaemon(long parm) { extern void smb_CheckVCs(void); rx_StartClientThread(); while (daemon_ShutdownFlag == 0) { DWORD Result = NotifyAddrChange(NULL,NULL); if (Result == NO_ERROR && daemon_ShutdownFlag == 0) { Sleep(2500); osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "cm_IpAddrDaemon CheckDownServers"); cm_CheckServers(CM_FLAG_CHECKVLDBSERVERS | CM_FLAG_CHECKUPSERVERS | CM_FLAG_CHECKDOWNSERVERS, NULL); cm_ForceNewConnectionsAllServers(); cm_CheckServers(CM_FLAG_CHECKFILESERVERS | CM_FLAG_CHECKUPSERVERS | CM_FLAG_CHECKDOWNSERVERS, NULL); smb_CheckVCs(); cm_VolStatus_Network_Addr_Change(); } } } void cm_BkgDaemon(long parm) { cm_bkgRequest_t *rp; afs_int32 code; rx_StartClientThread(); lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_daemonLock); while (daemon_ShutdownFlag == 0) { if (!cm_bkgListEndp) { osi_SleepW((LONG_PTR)&cm_bkgListp, &cm_daemonLock); lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_daemonLock); continue; } /* we found a request */ for (rp = cm_bkgListEndp; rp; rp = (cm_bkgRequest_t *) osi_QPrev(&rp->q)) { if (cm_ServerAvailable(&rp->scp->fid, rp->userp)) break; } if (rp == NULL) { /* we couldn't find a request that we could process at the current time */ lock_ReleaseWrite(&cm_daemonLock); Sleep(1000); lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_daemonLock); continue; } osi_QRemoveHT((osi_queue_t **) &cm_bkgListp, (osi_queue_t **) &cm_bkgListEndp, &rp->q); osi_assertx(cm_bkgQueueCount-- > 0, "cm_bkgQueueCount 0"); lock_ReleaseWrite(&cm_daemonLock); osi_Log1(afsd_logp,"cm_BkgDaemon processing request 0x%p", rp); #ifdef DEBUG_REFCOUNT osi_Log2(afsd_logp,"cm_BkgDaemon (before) scp 0x%x ref %d",rp->scp, rp->scp->refCount); #endif code = (*rp->procp)(rp->scp, rp->p1, rp->p2, rp->p3, rp->p4, rp->userp); #ifdef DEBUG_REFCOUNT osi_Log2(afsd_logp,"cm_BkgDaemon (after) scp 0x%x ref %d",rp->scp, rp->scp->refCount); #endif if (code == 0) { cm_ReleaseUser(rp->userp); cm_ReleaseSCache(rp->scp); free(rp); } lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_daemonLock); switch ( code ) { case 0: /* success */ osi_Log1(afsd_logp,"cm_BkgDaemon SUCCESS: request 0x%p", rp); break; case CM_ERROR_TIMEDOUT: /* or server restarting */ case CM_ERROR_RETRY: case CM_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK: case CM_ERROR_ALLBUSY: case CM_ERROR_ALLDOWN: case CM_ERROR_ALLOFFLINE: case CM_ERROR_PARTIALWRITE: osi_Log2(afsd_logp,"cm_BkgDaemon re-queueing failed request 0x%p code 0x%x", rp, code); cm_bkgQueueCount++; osi_QAddT((osi_queue_t **) &cm_bkgListp, (osi_queue_t **)&cm_bkgListEndp, &rp->q); break; default: osi_Log2(afsd_logp,"cm_BkgDaemon FAILED: request dropped 0x%p code 0x%x", rp, code); } } lock_ReleaseWrite(&cm_daemonLock); } void cm_QueueBKGRequest(cm_scache_t *scp, cm_bkgProc_t *procp, afs_uint32 p1, afs_uint32 p2, afs_uint32 p3, afs_uint32 p4, cm_user_t *userp) { cm_bkgRequest_t *rp; rp = malloc(sizeof(*rp)); memset(rp, 0, sizeof(*rp)); cm_HoldSCache(scp); rp->scp = scp; cm_HoldUser(userp); rp->userp = userp; rp->procp = procp; rp->p1 = p1; rp->p2 = p2; rp->p3 = p3; rp->p4 = p4; lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_daemonLock); cm_bkgQueueCount++; osi_QAdd((osi_queue_t **) &cm_bkgListp, &rp->q); if (!cm_bkgListEndp) cm_bkgListEndp = rp; lock_ReleaseWrite(&cm_daemonLock); osi_Wakeup((LONG_PTR) &cm_bkgListp); } static int IsWindowsFirewallPresent(void) { SC_HANDLE scm; SC_HANDLE svc; BOOLEAN flag; BOOLEAN result = FALSE; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG pConfig = NULL; DWORD BufSize; LONG status; /* Open services manager */ scm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ); if (!scm) return FALSE; /* Open Windows Firewall service */ svc = OpenService(scm, "MpsSvc", SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if (!svc) { afsi_log("MpsSvc Service could not be opened for query: 0x%x", GetLastError()); svc = OpenService(scm, "SharedAccess", SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG); if (!svc) afsi_log("SharedAccess Service could not be opened for query: 0x%x", GetLastError()); } if (!svc) goto close_scm; /* Query Windows Firewall service config, first just to get buffer size */ /* Expected to fail, so don't test return value */ (void) QueryServiceConfig(svc, NULL, 0, &BufSize); status = GetLastError(); if (status != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) goto close_svc; /* Allocate buffer */ pConfig = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,BufSize); if (!pConfig) goto close_svc; /* Query Windows Firewall service config, this time for real */ flag = QueryServiceConfig(svc, pConfig, BufSize, &BufSize); if (!flag) { afsi_log("QueryServiceConfig failed: 0x%x", GetLastError()); goto free_pConfig; } /* Is it autostart? */ afsi_log("AutoStart 0x%x", pConfig->dwStartType); if (pConfig->dwStartType < SERVICE_DEMAND_START) result = TRUE; free_pConfig: GlobalFree(pConfig); close_svc: CloseServiceHandle(svc); close_scm: CloseServiceHandle(scm); return result; } void cm_DaemonCheckInit(void) { HKEY parmKey; DWORD dummyLen; DWORD dummy; DWORD code; code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_SVC_PARAM_SUBKEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &parmKey); if (code) return; dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckDownInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckDownInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckDownInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckDownInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckUpInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckUpInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckUpInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckUpInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckVolInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckVolInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckVolInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckVolInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckCBInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckCBInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckCBInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckCBInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckVolCBInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckVolCBInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckLockInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckLockInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckLockInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckLockInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckTokenInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckTokenInterval is %d", cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval); dummyLen = sizeof(DWORD); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) &dummy, &dummyLen); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) cm_daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval = dummy; afsi_log("daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval is %d", cm_daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval); RegCloseKey(parmKey); } /* periodic check daemon */ void cm_Daemon(long parm) { time_t now; time_t lastLockCheck; time_t lastVolCheck; time_t lastCBExpirationCheck; time_t lastVolCBRenewalCheck; time_t lastDownServerCheck; time_t lastUpServerCheck; time_t lastTokenCacheCheck; time_t lastBusyVolCheck; char thostName[200]; unsigned long code; struct hostent *thp; HMODULE hHookDll; int configureFirewall = IsWindowsFirewallPresent(); if (!configureFirewall) { afsi_log("No Windows Firewall detected"); } /* ping all file servers, up or down, with unauthenticated connection, * to find out whether we have all our callbacks from the server still. * Also, ping down VLDBs. */ /* * Seed the random number generator with our own address, so that * clients starting at the same time don't all do vol checks at the * same time. */ gethostname(thostName, sizeof(thostName)); thp = gethostbyname(thostName); if (thp == NULL) /* In djgpp, gethostname returns the netbios name of the machine. gethostbyname will fail looking this up if it differs from DNS name. */ code = 0; else memcpy(&code, thp->h_addr_list[0], 4); srand(ntohl(code)); cm_DaemonCheckInit(); now = osi_Time(); lastVolCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckVolInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonCheckVolInterval); lastCBExpirationCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckCBInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonCheckCBInterval); if (cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval) lastVolCBRenewalCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval); lastLockCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckLockInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonCheckLockInterval); lastDownServerCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckDownInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonCheckDownInterval); lastUpServerCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckUpInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonCheckUpInterval); lastTokenCacheCheck = now - cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval/2 + (rand() % cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval); lastBusyVolCheck = now - cm_daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval/2 * (rand() % cm_daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval); while (daemon_ShutdownFlag == 0) { /* check to see if the listener threads halted due to network * disconnect or other issues. If so, attempt to restart them. */ smb_RestartListeners(); if (configureFirewall) { /* Open Microsoft Firewall to allow in port 7001 */ switch (icf_CheckAndAddAFSPorts(AFS_PORTSET_CLIENT)) { case 0: afsi_log("Windows Firewall Configuration succeeded"); configureFirewall = 0; break; case 1: afsi_log("Invalid Windows Firewall Port Set"); break; case 2: afsi_log("Unable to open Windows Firewall Profile"); break; case 3: afsi_log("Unable to create/modify Windows Firewall Port entries"); break; default: afsi_log("Unknown Windows Firewall Configuration error"); } } /* find out what time it is */ now = osi_Time(); /* check down servers */ if (now > lastDownServerCheck + cm_daemonCheckDownInterval) { lastDownServerCheck = now; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "cm_Daemon CheckDownServers"); cm_CheckServers(CM_FLAG_CHECKDOWNSERVERS, NULL); now = osi_Time(); } /* check up servers */ if (now > lastUpServerCheck + cm_daemonCheckUpInterval) { lastUpServerCheck = now; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "cm_Daemon CheckUpServers"); cm_CheckServers(CM_FLAG_CHECKUPSERVERS, NULL); now = osi_Time(); } if (now > lastVolCheck + cm_daemonCheckVolInterval) { lastVolCheck = now; cm_RefreshVolumes(); now = osi_Time(); } if (cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval && now > lastVolCBRenewalCheck + cm_daemonCheckVolCBInterval) { lastVolCBRenewalCheck = now; cm_VolumeRenewROCallbacks(); now = osi_Time(); } if (now > lastBusyVolCheck + cm_daemonCheckOfflineVolInterval) { lastVolCheck = now; cm_CheckOfflineVolumes(); now = osi_Time(); } if (now > lastCBExpirationCheck + cm_daemonCheckCBInterval) { lastCBExpirationCheck = now; cm_CheckCBExpiration(); now = osi_Time(); } if (now > lastLockCheck + cm_daemonCheckLockInterval) { lastLockCheck = now; cm_CheckLocks(); now = osi_Time(); } if (now > lastTokenCacheCheck + cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval) { lastTokenCacheCheck = now; cm_CheckTokenCache(now); now = osi_Time(); } /* allow an exit to be called prior to stopping the service */ hHookDll = LoadLibrary(AFSD_HOOK_DLL); if (hHookDll) { BOOL hookRc = TRUE; AfsdDaemonHook daemonHook = ( AfsdDaemonHook ) GetProcAddress(hHookDll, AFSD_DAEMON_HOOK); if (daemonHook) { hookRc = daemonHook(); } FreeLibrary(hHookDll); hHookDll = NULL; if (hookRc == FALSE) { SetEvent(WaitToTerminate); } } thrd_Sleep(30 * 1000); /* sleep 30 seconds */ if (daemon_ShutdownFlag == 1) return; } } void cm_DaemonShutdown(void) { daemon_ShutdownFlag = 1; } void cm_InitDaemon(int nDaemons) { static osi_once_t once; long pid; thread_t phandle; int i; if (osi_Once(&once)) { lock_InitializeRWLock(&cm_daemonLock, "cm_daemonLock"); osi_EndOnce(&once); /* creating IP Address Change monitor daemon */ phandle = thrd_Create((SecurityAttrib) 0, 0, (ThreadFunc) cm_IpAddrDaemon, 0, 0, &pid, "cm_IpAddrDaemon"); osi_assertx(phandle != NULL, "cm_IpAddrDaemon thread creation failure"); thrd_CloseHandle(phandle); /* creating pinging daemon */ phandle = thrd_Create((SecurityAttrib) 0, 0, (ThreadFunc) cm_Daemon, 0, 0, &pid, "cm_Daemon"); osi_assertx(phandle != NULL, "cm_Daemon thread creation failure"); thrd_CloseHandle(phandle); for(i=0; i < nDaemons; i++) { phandle = thrd_Create((SecurityAttrib) 0, 0, (ThreadFunc) cm_BkgDaemon, 0, 0, &pid, "cm_BkgDaemon"); osi_assertx(phandle != NULL, "cm_BkgDaemon thread creation failure"); thrd_CloseHandle(phandle); } } }