/* Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #ifdef AFS_AFSDB_ENV #include #include #include #ifndef DJGPP #include #include #endif #include "cm_dns_private.h" #include "cm_dns.h" #include #include #if defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) #include #define DNSAPI_ENV #endif /*extern void afsi_log(char *pattern, ...);*/ extern int errno; static char dns_addr[30]; #ifdef DJGPP extern char cm_confDir[]; #endif static int cm_dnsEnabled = -1; void DNSlowerCase(char *str) { int i; for (i=0; i= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') str[i] += 'a' - 'A'; } int cm_InitDNS(int enabled) { #ifndef DNSAPI_ENV char configpath[100]; int len; int code; char *addr; if (!enabled) { fprintf(stderr, "DNS support disabled\n"); cm_dnsEnabled = 0; return 0; } /* First try AFS_NS environment var. */ addr = getenv("AFS_NS"); if (addr && inet_addr(addr) != -1) { strcpy(dns_addr, addr); } else { /* Now check for the AFSDNS.INI file */ #ifdef DJGPP strcpy(configpath, cm_confDir); #elif defined(AFS_WIN95_ENV) char *path = getenv("AFSCONF"); if (path) strcpy(configpath, path); else strcpy(configpath, "c:\\afscli"); #else /* nt */ code = GetWindowsDirectory(configpath, sizeof(configpath)); if (code == 0 || code > sizeof(configpath)) return -1; #endif strcat(configpath, "\\afsdns.ini"); /* Currently we only get (and query) the first nameserver. Getting list of mult. nameservers should be easy to do. */ len = GetPrivateProfileString("AFS Domain Name Servers", "ns1", NULL, dns_addr, sizeof(dns_addr), configpath); if (len == 0 || inet_addr(dns_addr) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "No valid name server addresses found, DNS lookup is " "disabled\n"); cm_dnsEnabled = 0; /* failed */ return -1; /* No name servers defined */ } else fprintf(stderr, "Found DNS server %s\n", dns_addr); } #endif /* DNSAPI_ENV */ cm_dnsEnabled = 1; return 0; } #ifndef DNSAPI_ENV SOCKADDR_IN setSockAddr(char *server, int port) { SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; int addrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN bzero(&sockAddr,addrLen); #endif /*WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN*/ sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddr.sin_port = htons( port ); sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( server ); /*inet_aton(server, &sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);*/ return (sockAddr); } int getRRCount(PDNS_HDR ptr) { return(ntohs(ptr->rr_count)); } int send_DNS_Addr_Query(char* query, SOCKET commSock, SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr, char *buffer) { PDNS_HDR pDNShdr; PDNS_QTAIL pDNS_qtail; int queryLen = 0; int res; #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN bzero(buffer,BUFSIZE); #endif /*WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN*/ /********************************* * Build DNS Query Message * * * * hard-coded Adrress (A) query * *********************************/ pDNShdr = (PDNS_HDR)&( buffer[ 0 ] ); pDNShdr->id = htons( 0xDADE ); pDNShdr->flags = htons( DNS_FLAG_RD ); /* do recurse */ pDNShdr->q_count = htons( 1 ); /* one query */ pDNShdr->rr_count = 0; /* none in query */ pDNShdr->auth_count = 0; /* none in query */ pDNShdr->add_count = 0; /* none in query */ queryLen = putQName( query, &(buffer[ DNS_HDR_LEN ] ) ); queryLen += DNS_HDR_LEN; /* query Length is just after the query name and header */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "send_DNS_Addr: query=%s, queryLen=%d\n", query, queryLen); #endif pDNS_qtail = (PDNS_QTAIL) &(buffer[ queryLen ]); pDNS_qtail->qtype = htons(255);/*htons(DNS_RRTYPE_A); */ pDNS_qtail->qclass = htons(DNS_RRCLASS_IN); queryLen += DNS_QTAIL_LEN; /************************** * Send DNS Query Message * **************************/ res = sendto( commSock, buffer, queryLen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddr, sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN ) ); /*dumpSbuffer(buffer,queryLen);*/ if ( res < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "send_DNS_Addr_Query: error %d, errno %d\n", res, errno); fprintf(stderr, "sendto() failed \n"); #endif return ( -1 ); } else { /*printf( "sendto() succeeded\n");*/ ; } /* end if */ return(0); } int send_DNS_AFSDB_Query(char* query, SOCKET commSock, SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr, char *buffer) { /*static char buffer[BUFSIZE];*/ PDNS_HDR pDNShdr; PDNS_QTAIL pDNS_qtail; int queryLen = 0; int res; #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN bzero(buffer,BUFSIZE); #endif /*WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN*/ /*************************** * Build DNS Query Message * * * * hard-coded AFSDB query * ***************************/ pDNShdr = (PDNS_HDR)&( buffer[ 0 ] ); pDNShdr->id = htons( 0xDEAD ); pDNShdr->flags = htons( DNS_FLAG_RD ); /* do recurse */ pDNShdr->q_count = htons( 1 ); /* one query */ pDNShdr->rr_count = 0; /* none in query */ pDNShdr->auth_count = 0; /* none in query */ pDNShdr->add_count = 0; /* none in query */ queryLen = putQName( query, &(buffer[ DNS_HDR_LEN ] ) ); queryLen += DNS_HDR_LEN; /* query Length is just after the query name and header */ pDNS_qtail = (PDNS_QTAIL) &(buffer[ queryLen ]); pDNS_qtail->qtype = htons(DNS_RRTYPE_AFSDB); pDNS_qtail->qclass = htons(DNS_RRCLASS_IN); queryLen += DNS_QTAIL_LEN; /************************** * Send DNS Query Message * **************************/ res = sendto( commSock, buffer, queryLen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddr, sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN ) ); /*dumpSbuffer(buffer,queryLen);*/ if ( res < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "send_DNS_AFSDB_Query: error %d, errno %d\n", res, errno); fprintf(stderr, "sendto() failed \n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ return ( -1 ); } else { /*printf( "sendto() succeeded\n");*/ ; } /* end if */ return(0); } PDNS_HDR get_DNS_Response(SOCKET commSock, SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr, char *buffer) { /*static char buffer[BUFSIZE];*/ int addrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); int size; #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN bzero(buffer,BUFSIZE); #endif /*WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN*/ /***************************** * Receive DNS Reply Message * *****************************/ /*printf( "calling recvfrom() on connected UDP socket\n" );*/ size = recvfrom( commSock, buffer, BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &sockAddr, &addrLen ); if (size < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "recvfrom error %d\n", errno); return NULL; } /*dumpRbuffer(buffer,res);*/ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "recvfrom returned %d bytes from %s: \n", size, inet_ntoa( sockAddr.sin_addr ) ); #endif /* DEBUG */ return((PDNS_HDR)&( buffer[ 0 ] )); } int putQName( char *pHostName, char *pQName ) { int i; char c; int j = 0; int k = 0; DNSlowerCase(pHostName); /*printf( "Hostname: [%s]\n", pHostName );*/ for ( i = 0; *( pHostName + i ); i++ ) { c = *( pHostName + i ); /* get next character */ if ( c == '.' ) { /* dot encountered, fill in previous length */ if (k!=0){ /*don't process repeated dots*/ /*printf( "%c", c );*/ *( pQName + j ) = k; j = j+k+1; /* set index to next counter */ k = 0; /* reset segment length */ } } else { /*printf( "%c", c );*/ *( pQName + j + k + 1 ) = c; /* assign to QName */ k++; /* inc count of seg chars */ } /* end if */ } /* end for loop */ *(pQName + j ) = k; /* count for final segment */ *(pQName + j + k + 1 ) = 0; /* count for trailing NULL segment is 0 */ /*printf( "\n" ); */ if (c == '.') return ( j + k + 1 ); /* return total length of QName */ else return ( j + k + 2 ); } /* end putQName() */ u_char * skipRRQName(u_char *pQName) { u_char *ptr; u_char c; ptr = pQName; c = *ptr; while (c) { if ( c >= 0xC0 ) { /* skip the 'compression' pointer */ ptr = ptr+1; c = '\0'; } else { /* skip a normal qname segment */ ptr += *ptr; ptr++; c = *ptr; }; }; /* ptr now pointing at terminating zero of query QName, or the pointer for the previous occurrence (compression) */ ptr++; return (ptr); } /* end skipRRQName() */ u_char * printRRQName( u_char *pQName, PDNS_HDR buffer ) { u_short i, k; u_char *buffPtr = (u_char *) buffer; u_char *namePtr; u_char *retPtr; u_char c; namePtr = pQName; retPtr = 0; for ( i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++ ) { c = *namePtr; if ( c >= 0xC0 ) { c = *(namePtr + 1); retPtr = namePtr+2; namePtr = buffPtr+c; } else { if ( c == 0 ) break; for ( k = 1; k <= c; k++ ) { fprintf(stderr, "%c", *( namePtr + k ) ); } /* end for loop */ fprintf(stderr,"."); namePtr += k; } } /* end for loop */ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); namePtr++; /* skip terminating zero */ if (retPtr) return(retPtr); else return(namePtr); } /* end printRRQName() */ u_char * sPrintRRQName( u_char *pQName, PDNS_HDR buffer, char *str ) { u_short i, k; u_char *buffPtr = (u_char *) buffer; u_char *namePtr; u_char *retPtr; u_char c; char section[64]; strcpy(str,""); namePtr = pQName; retPtr = 0; for ( i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++ ) { c = *namePtr; if ( c >= 0xC0 ) { c = *(namePtr + 1); retPtr = namePtr+2; namePtr = buffPtr+c; } else { if ( c == 0 ) break; for ( k = 1; k <= c; k++ ) { sprintf(section,"%c", *( namePtr + k ) ); strcat(str,section); } /* end for loop */ strcat(str,"."); namePtr += k; } } /* end for loop */ namePtr++; /* skip terminating zero */ if (retPtr) return(retPtr); else return(namePtr); } /* end sPrintRRQName() */ void printReplyBuffer_AFSDB(PDNS_HDR replyBuff) { u_char *ptr = (u_char *) replyBuff; int answerCount = ntohs((replyBuff)->rr_count); u_char i; PDNS_AFSDB_RR_HDR rrPtr; ptr += DNS_HDR_LEN; /* ptr now pointing at start of QName in query field */ ptr = skipRRQName(ptr); /* skip the query type and class fields */ ptr+= DNS_QTAIL_LEN; /* ptr should now be at the start of the answer RR sections */ fprintf(stderr,"---------------------------------\n"); for (i=0; irr_afsdb_class) == 1) { fprintf(stderr,"AFDB class %d -> ",ntohs(rrPtr->rr_afsdb_class)); ptr = printRRQName(ptr,replyBuff); } else ptr = skipRRQName(ptr); }; fprintf(stderr,"---------------------------------\n"); }; void processReplyBuffer_AFSDB(SOCKET commSock, PDNS_HDR replyBuff, int *cellHostAddrs, char cellHostNames[][MAXHOSTCHARS], int *numServers, int *ttl) /*PAFS_SRV_LIST (srvList)*/ { u_char *ptr = (u_char *) replyBuff; int answerCount = ntohs((replyBuff)->rr_count); u_char i; PDNS_AFSDB_RR_HDR rrPtr; int srvCount = 0; char hostName[256]; struct in_addr addr; int rc; ptr += DNS_HDR_LEN; /* ptr now pointing at start of QName in query field */ ptr = skipRRQName(ptr); /* skip the query type and class fields */ ptr+= DNS_QTAIL_LEN; /* ptr should now be at the start of the answer RR sections */ answerCount = MIN(answerCount, AFSMAXCELLHOSTS); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "processRep_AFSDB: answerCount=%d\n", answerCount); #endif /* DEBUG */ for (i=0; irr_afsdb_class) == 1) && (srvCount < MAX_AFS_SRVS)) { /*ptr = sPrintRRQName(ptr,replyBuff,srvList->host[srvList->count]);*/ ptr = sPrintRRQName(ptr,replyBuff,hostName); /*ptr = printRRQName(ptr,replyBuff);*/ *ttl = ntohl(rrPtr->rr_ttl); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "resolving name %s\n", hostName); #endif /* resolve name from DNS query */ rc = DNSgetAddr(commSock, hostName, &addr); if (rc < 0) continue; /* skip this entry */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "processRep_AFSDB: resolved name %s to addr %x\n", hostName, addr); #endif /* DEBUG */ memcpy(&cellHostAddrs[srvCount], &addr.s_addr, sizeof(addr.s_addr)); strncpy(cellHostNames[srvCount], hostName, MAXCELLCHARS); cellHostNames[srvCount][MAXCELLCHARS-1] = '\0'; srvCount++; } else { ptr = skipRRQName(ptr); } } *numServers = srvCount; } u_char * processReplyBuffer_Addr(PDNS_HDR replyBuff) { u_char *ptr = (u_char *) replyBuff; int answerCount = ntohs((replyBuff)->rr_count); PDNS_A_RR_HDR rrPtr; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "processReplyBuffer_Addr: answerCount=%d\n", answerCount); #endif /* DEBUG */ if (answerCount == 0) return 0; ptr += DNS_HDR_LEN; /* ptr now pointing at start of QName in query field */ ptr = skipRRQName(ptr); /* skip the query type and class fields */ ptr+= DNS_QTAIL_LEN; /* ptr should now be at the start of the answer RR sections */ ptr = skipRRQName(ptr); rrPtr = (PDNS_A_RR_HDR) ptr; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "type:%d, class:%d, ttl:%d, rdlength:%d\n", ntohs(rrPtr->rr_type),ntohs(rrPtr->rr_class), ntohl(rrPtr->rr_ttl),ntohs(rrPtr->rr_rdlength)); fprintf(stderr, "Count %d\tand Answer %8x\n",answerCount,rrPtr->rr_addr); #endif /* DEBUG */ ptr += DNS_A_RR_HDR_LEN; return (ptr); }; int DNSgetAddr(SOCKET commSock, char *hostName, struct in_addr *iNet) { /* Variables for DNS message parsing and creation */ PDNS_HDR pDNShdr; SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; char buffer[BUFSIZE]; u_char *addr; u_long *aPtr; int rc; /********************** * Get a DGRAM socket * **********************/ sockAddr = setSockAddr(dns_addr, DNS_PORT); rc = send_DNS_Addr_Query(hostName,commSock,sockAddr, buffer); if (rc < 0) return rc; pDNShdr = get_DNS_Response(commSock,sockAddr, buffer); if (pDNShdr == NULL) return -1; addr = processReplyBuffer_Addr(pDNShdr); if (addr == 0) return -1; aPtr = (u_long *) addr; iNet->s_addr = *aPtr; return(0); } #endif /* DNSAPI_ENV */ int getAFSServer(char *cellName, int *cellHostAddrs, char cellHostNames[][MAXHOSTCHARS], int *numServers, int *ttl) { #ifndef DNSAPI_ENV /*static AFS_SRV_LIST srvList; static int ans = 0;*/ SOCKET commSock; SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; PDNS_HDR pDNShdr; char buffer[BUFSIZE]; char query[1024]; int rc; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "getAFSServer: cell %s, cm_dnsEnabled=%d\n", cellName, cm_dnsEnabled); #endif #if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0500) if (cm_dnsEnabled == -1) { /* not yet initialized, eg when called by klog */ cm_InitDNS(1); /* assume enabled */ } #endif if (cm_dnsEnabled == 0) { /* possibly we failed in cm_InitDNS above */ fprintf(stderr, "DNS initialization failed, disabled\n"); *numServers = 0; return -1; } sockAddr = setSockAddr(dns_addr, DNS_PORT); commSock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); if ( commSock < 0 ) { /*afsi_log("socket() failed\n");*/ fprintf(stderr, "getAFSServer: socket() failed, errno=%d\n", errno); *numServers = 0; return (-1); } #ifdef DJGPP /* the win95 sock.vxd will not allow sendto for unbound sockets, * so just bind to nothing and it works */ __djgpp_set_socket_blocking_mode(commSock, 0); bind(commSock,0,sizeof( SOCKADDR_IN ) ); #endif /* DJGPP */ strncpy(query, cellName, 1024); query[1023] = 0; if (query[strlen(query)-1] != '.') { strncat(query,".",1024); query[1023] = 0; } rc = send_DNS_AFSDB_Query(cellName,commSock,sockAddr, buffer); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"getAFSServer: send_DNS_AFSDB_Query failed\n"); *numServers = 0; return -1; } pDNShdr = get_DNS_Response(commSock,sockAddr, buffer); /*printReplyBuffer_AFSDB(pDNShdr);*/ if (pDNShdr) processReplyBuffer_AFSDB(commSock, pDNShdr, cellHostAddrs, cellHostNames, numServers, ttl); else *numServers = 0; closesocket(commSock); if (*numServers == 0) return(-1); else return 0; #else /* DNSAPI_ENV */ PDNS_RECORD pDnsCell, pDnsIter, pDnsVol,pDnsVolIter, pDnsCIter; DWORD i; struct sockaddr_in vlSockAddr; char query[1024]; *numServers = 0; *ttl = 0; /* query the AFSDB records of cell */ strncpy(query, cellName, 1024); query[1023] = 0; if (query[strlen(query)-1] != '.') { strncat(query,".",1024); query[1023] = 0; } if (DnsQuery_A(query, DNS_TYPE_AFSDB, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &pDnsCell, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { memset((void*) &vlSockAddr, 0, sizeof(vlSockAddr)); /* go through the returned records */ for (pDnsIter = pDnsCell;pDnsIter; pDnsIter = pDnsIter->pNext) { /* if we find an AFSDB record with Preference set to 1, we found a volserver */ if (pDnsIter->wType == DNS_TYPE_AFSDB && pDnsIter->Data.Afsdb.wPreference == 1) { strncpy(cellHostNames[*numServers], pDnsIter->Data.Afsdb.pNameExchange, MAXHOSTCHARS); cellHostNames[*numServers][MAXHOSTCHARS-1]='\0'; (*numServers)++; if (!*ttl) *ttl = pDnsIter->dwTtl; if (*numServers == AFSMAXCELLHOSTS) break; } } for (i=0;i<*numServers;i++) cellHostAddrs[i] = 0; /* now check if there are any A records in the results */ for (pDnsIter = pDnsCell; pDnsIter; pDnsIter = pDnsIter->pNext) { if(pDnsIter->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) /* check if its for one of the volservers */ for (i=0;i<*numServers;i++) if(stricmp(pDnsIter->pName, cellHostNames[i]) == 0) cellHostAddrs[i] = pDnsIter->Data.A.IpAddress; } for (i=0;i<*numServers;i++) { /* if we don't have an IP yet, then we should try resolving the volserver hostname in a separate query. */ if (!cellHostAddrs[i]) { if (DnsQuery_A(cellHostNames[i], DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &pDnsVol, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for (pDnsVolIter = pDnsVol; pDnsVolIter; pDnsVolIter=pDnsVolIter->pNext) { /* if we get an A record, keep it */ if (pDnsVolIter->wType == DNS_TYPE_A && stricmp(cellHostNames[i], pDnsVolIter->pName)==0) { cellHostAddrs[i] = pDnsVolIter->Data.A.IpAddress; break; } /* if we get a CNAME, look for a corresponding A record */ if (pDnsVolIter->wType == DNS_TYPE_CNAME && stricmp(cellHostNames[i], pDnsVolIter->pName)==0) { for (pDnsCIter=pDnsVolIter; pDnsCIter; pDnsCIter=pDnsCIter->pNext) { if (pDnsCIter->wType == DNS_TYPE_A && stricmp(pDnsVolIter->Data.CNAME.pNameHost, pDnsCIter->pName)==0) { cellHostAddrs[i] = pDnsCIter->Data.A.IpAddress; break; } } if (cellHostAddrs[i]) break; /* TODO: if the additional section is missing, then do another lookup for the CNAME */ } } /* we are done with the volserver lookup */ DnsRecordListFree(pDnsVol, DnsFreeRecordListDeep); } } } DnsRecordListFree(pDnsCell, DnsFreeRecordListDeep); } if ( *numServers > 0 ) return 0; else return -1; #endif /* DNSAPI_ENV */ } #endif /* AFS_AFSDB_ENV */