#include #include #include "afsd.h" #include "cm_memmap.h" extern void afsi_log(char *pattern, ...); extern DWORD cm_ValidateCache; afs_uint64 GranularityAdjustment(afs_uint64 size) { SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; static afs_uint64 qwGranularity = 0; if ( !qwGranularity ) { GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); afsi_log("Granularity - %lX", sysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity); qwGranularity = sysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity; } size = (size + (qwGranularity - 1)) & ~(qwGranularity - 1); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfConfigData(void) { afs_uint64 size; size = sizeof(cm_config_data_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfVolumes(DWORD maxvols) { afs_uint64 size; size = maxvols * sizeof(cm_volume_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfCellHT(DWORD maxcells) { afs_uint64 size; size = osi_PrimeLessThan((afs_uint32)(maxcells/7 + 1)) * sizeof(cm_cell_t *); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfVolumeHT(DWORD maxvols) { afs_uint64 size; size = osi_PrimeLessThan((afs_uint32)(maxvols/7 + 1)) * sizeof(cm_volume_t *); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfCells(DWORD maxcells) { afs_uint64 size; size = maxcells * sizeof(cm_cell_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfACLCache(DWORD stats) { afs_uint64 size; size = 2 * (stats + 10) * sizeof(cm_aclent_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfSCache(DWORD stats) { afs_uint64 size; size = (stats + 10) * sizeof(cm_scache_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfSCacheHT(DWORD stats) { afs_uint64 size; size = osi_PrimeLessThan(stats / 2 + 1) * sizeof(cm_scache_t *);; return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfDNLCache(void) { afs_uint64 size; size = NHSIZE * sizeof(cm_nc_t *) + NCSIZE * sizeof(cm_nc_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfDataBuffers(afs_uint64 cacheBlocks, DWORD blockSize) { afs_uint64 size; size = cacheBlocks * blockSize; return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfDataHT(afs_uint64 cacheBlocks) { afs_uint64 size; size = osi_PrimeLessThan((afs_uint32)(cacheBlocks/7 + 1)) * sizeof(cm_buf_t *); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfDataHeaders(afs_uint64 cacheBlocks) { afs_uint64 size; size = cacheBlocks * sizeof(cm_buf_t); return size; } afs_uint64 ComputeSizeOfMappingFile(DWORD stats, DWORD maxVols, DWORD maxCells, DWORD chunkSize, afs_uint64 cacheBlocks, DWORD blockSize) { afs_uint64 size; size = ComputeSizeOfConfigData() + ComputeSizeOfVolumes(maxVols) + 4 * ComputeSizeOfVolumeHT(maxVols) + ComputeSizeOfCells(maxCells) + 2 * ComputeSizeOfCellHT(maxCells) + ComputeSizeOfACLCache(stats) + ComputeSizeOfSCache(stats) + ComputeSizeOfSCacheHT(stats) + ComputeSizeOfDNLCache() + ComputeSizeOfDataBuffers(cacheBlocks, blockSize) + 2 * ComputeSizeOfDataHT(cacheBlocks) + ComputeSizeOfDataHeaders(cacheBlocks); return size; } /* Create a security attribute structure suitable for use when the cache file * is created. What we mainly want is that only the administrator should be * able to do anything with the file. We create an ACL with only one entry, * an entry that grants all rights to the administrator. */ PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES CreateCacheFileSA() { PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psd; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY authority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; PSID AdminSID; DWORD AdminSIDlength; PACL AdminOnlyACL; DWORD ACLlength; /* Get Administrator SID */ AllocateAndInitializeSid(&authority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &AdminSID); /* Create Administrator-only ACL */ AdminSIDlength = GetLengthSid(AdminSID); ACLlength = sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + AdminSIDlength - sizeof(DWORD); AdminOnlyACL = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, ACLlength); InitializeAcl(AdminOnlyACL, ACLlength, ACL_REVISION); AddAccessAllowedAce(AdminOnlyACL, ACL_REVISION, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL | SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL, AdminSID); /* Create security descriptor */ psd = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)); InitializeSecurityDescriptor(psd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psd, TRUE, AdminOnlyACL, FALSE); /* Create security attributes structure */ psa = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)); psa->nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); psa->lpSecurityDescriptor = psd; psa->bInheritHandle = FALSE; return psa; } /* Free a security attribute structure created by CreateCacheFileSA() */ VOID FreeCacheFileSA(PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa) { BOOL b1, b2; PACL pAcl; GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psa->lpSecurityDescriptor, &b1, &pAcl, &b2); GlobalFree(pAcl); GlobalFree(psa->lpSecurityDescriptor); GlobalFree(psa); } static HANDLE hMemoryMappedFile = NULL; int cm_IsCacheValid(void) { int rc = 1; afsi_log("Validating Cache Contents"); if (cm_ValidateACLCache()) { afsi_log("ACL Cache validation failure"); rc = 0; } else if (cm_ValidateDCache()) { afsi_log("Data Cache validation failure"); rc = 0; } else if (cm_ValidateVolume()) { afsi_log("Volume validation failure"); rc = 0; } else if (cm_ValidateCell()) { afsi_log("Cell validation failure"); rc = 0; } else if (cm_ValidateSCache()) { afsi_log("Stat Cache validation failure"); rc = 0; } return rc; } int cm_ShutdownMappedMemory(void) { cm_config_data_t * config_data_p = (cm_config_data_t *)cm_data.baseAddress; int dirty = 0; afsi_log("Closing AFS Cache:"); afsi_log(" Base Address = %p", config_data_p); afsi_log(" stats = %u", cm_data.stats); afsi_log(" chunkSize = %u", cm_data.chunkSize); afsi_log(" blockSize = %u", cm_data.blockSize); afsi_log(" bufferSize = %I64u", cm_data.bufferSize); afsi_log(" cacheType = %u", cm_data.cacheType); afsi_log(" volumeHashTableSize = %u", cm_data.volumeHashTableSize); afsi_log(" currentVolumes = %u", cm_data.currentVolumes); afsi_log(" maxVolumes = %u", cm_data.maxVolumes); afsi_log(" cellHashTableSize = %u", cm_data.cellHashTableSize); afsi_log(" currentCells = %u", cm_data.currentCells); afsi_log(" maxCells = %u", cm_data.maxCells); afsi_log(" scacheHashTableSize = %u", cm_data.scacheHashTableSize); afsi_log(" currentSCaches = %u", cm_data.currentSCaches); afsi_log(" maxSCaches = %u", cm_data.maxSCaches); cm_ShutdownDCache(); cm_ShutdownSCache(); cm_ShutdownACLCache(); cm_ShutdownCell(); cm_ShutdownVolume(); if (cm_ValidateCache == 2) dirty = !cm_IsCacheValid(); *config_data_p = cm_data; config_data_p->dirty = dirty; UnmapViewOfFile(config_data_p); CloseHandle(hMemoryMappedFile); hMemoryMappedFile = NULL; afsi_log("Memory Mapped File has been closed"); return 0; } int cm_ValidateMappedMemory(char * cachePath) { HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hm; PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo; int newFile = 1; afs_uint64 mappingSize; char * baseAddress = NULL; cm_config_data_t * config_data_p; psa = CreateCacheFileSA(); hf = CreateFile( cachePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, psa, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); FreeCacheFileSA(psa); if (hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating cache file \"%s\" error %d\n", cachePath, GetLastError()); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } /* The file is being re-used; check to see if the existing data can be reused */ if ( !GetFileInformationByHandle(hf, &fileInfo) ) { CloseHandle(hf); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to obtain File Information\n"); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } afsi_log("Existing File Size: %08X:%08X", fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh, fileInfo.nFileSizeLow); hm = CreateFileMapping( hf, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(cm_config_data_t), NULL); if (hm == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": disk full (%lX)\n", cachePath, sizeof(cm_config_data_t)); hm = CreateFileMapping( hf, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, fileInfo.nFileSizeLow, NULL); if (hm == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_TOOMANYBUFS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": %d\n", cachePath, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Retry with file size (%lX) succeeds", fileInfo.nFileSizeLow); } } else { afsi_log("Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": %d", cachePath, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } } config_data_p = MapViewOfFile( hm, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(cm_config_data_t)); if ( config_data_p == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to MapViewOfFile\n"); if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hf); CloseHandle(hm); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } if ( config_data_p->dirty ) { fprintf(stderr, "Previous session terminated prematurely\n"); UnmapViewOfFile(config_data_p); CloseHandle(hm); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } mappingSize = config_data_p->bufferSize; baseAddress = config_data_p->baseAddress; UnmapViewOfFile(config_data_p); CloseHandle(hm); hm = CreateFileMapping( hf, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, (DWORD)(mappingSize >> 32), (DWORD)(mappingSize & 0xFFFFFFFF), NULL); if (hm == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": disk full [2]\n", cachePath); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_TOOMANYBUFS; } fprintf(stderr, "Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": %d\n", cachePath, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } baseAddress = MapViewOfFileEx( hm, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, (SIZE_T)mappingSize, baseAddress ); if (baseAddress == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error mapping view of file: %d\n", GetLastError()); baseAddress = MapViewOfFile( hm, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, (SIZE_T)mappingSize); if (baseAddress == NULL) { CloseHandle(hm); if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } fprintf(stderr, "Unable to re-load cache file at base address\n"); CloseHandle(hm); if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } CloseHandle(hm); config_data_p = (cm_config_data_t *) baseAddress; fprintf(stderr,"AFS Cache data:\n"); fprintf(stderr," Base Address = %p\n",baseAddress); fprintf(stderr," stats = %u\n", config_data_p->stats); fprintf(stderr," chunkSize = %u\n", config_data_p->chunkSize); fprintf(stderr," blockSize = %u\n", config_data_p->blockSize); fprintf(stderr," bufferSize = %I64u\n", config_data_p->bufferSize); fprintf(stderr," cacheType = %u\n", config_data_p->cacheType); fprintf(stderr," volumeHashTableSize = %u\n", config_data_p->volumeHashTableSize); fprintf(stderr," currentVolumes = %u\n", config_data_p->currentVolumes); fprintf(stderr," maxVolumes = %u\n", config_data_p->maxVolumes); fprintf(stderr," cellHashTableSize = %u\n", config_data_p->cellHashTableSize); fprintf(stderr," currentCells = %u\n", config_data_p->currentCells); fprintf(stderr," maxCells = %u\n", config_data_p->maxCells); fprintf(stderr," scacheHashTableSize = %u\n", config_data_p->scacheHashTableSize); fprintf(stderr," currentSCaches = %u\n", config_data_p->currentSCaches); fprintf(stderr," maxSCaches = %u\n", config_data_p->maxSCaches); cm_data = *config_data_p; // perform validation of persisted data structures // if there is a failure, start from scratch if (!cm_IsCacheValid()) { fprintf(stderr,"Cache file fails validation test\n"); UnmapViewOfFile(config_data_p); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } fprintf(stderr,"Cache passes validation test\n"); UnmapViewOfFile(config_data_p); return 0; } DWORD GetVolSerialNumber(char * cachePath) { char rootpath[128]; int i = 0; DWORD serial = 0; if ( cachePath[0] == '\\' && cachePath[1] == '\\' || cachePath[0] == '/' && cachePath[1] == '/' ) { rootpath[0]=rootpath[1]='\\'; for ( i=2; cachePath[i]; i++ ) { rootpath[i] = cachePath[i]; if ( cachePath[i] == '\\' || cachePath[i] == '/' ) { i++; break; } } } else if ( cachePath[1] == ':' ) { rootpath[0] = cachePath[0]; rootpath[1] = ':'; i = 2; } for ( ; cachePath[i]; i++ ) { rootpath[i] = cachePath[i]; if ( cachePath[i] == '\\' || cachePath[i] == '/' ) { i++; break; } } rootpath[i] = '\0'; GetVolumeInformation(rootpath, NULL, 0, &serial, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); return serial; } BOOL GetTextualSid( PSID pSid, PBYTE TextualSid, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLen ) { PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY psia; DWORD dwSubAuthorities; DWORD dwSidRev=SID_REVISION; DWORD dwCounter; DWORD dwSidSize; // Validate the binary SID. if(!IsValidSid(pSid)) return FALSE; // Get the identifier authority value from the SID. psia = GetSidIdentifierAuthority(pSid); // Get the number of subauthorities in the SID. dwSubAuthorities = *GetSidSubAuthorityCount(pSid); // Compute the buffer length. // S-SID_REVISION- + IdentifierAuthority- + subauthorities- + NULL dwSidSize=(15 + 12 + (12 * dwSubAuthorities) + 1); // Check input buffer length. // If too small, indicate the proper size and set the last error. if (TextualSid == NULL || *lpdwBufferLen < dwSidSize) { *lpdwBufferLen = dwSidSize; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; } // Add 'S' prefix and revision number to the string. dwSidSize=sprintf(TextualSid, "S-%lu-", dwSidRev ); // Add a SID identifier authority to the string. if ( (psia->Value[0] != 0) || (psia->Value[1] != 0) ) { dwSidSize+=sprintf(TextualSid + strlen(TextualSid), "0x%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx%02hx", (USHORT)psia->Value[0], (USHORT)psia->Value[1], (USHORT)psia->Value[2], (USHORT)psia->Value[3], (USHORT)psia->Value[4], (USHORT)psia->Value[5]); } else { dwSidSize+=sprintf(TextualSid + strlen(TextualSid), "%lu", (ULONG)(psia->Value[5] ) + (ULONG)(psia->Value[4] << 8) + (ULONG)(psia->Value[3] << 16) + (ULONG)(psia->Value[2] << 24) ); } // Add SID subauthorities to the string. // for (dwCounter=0 ; dwCounter < dwSubAuthorities ; dwCounter++) { dwSidSize+=sprintf(TextualSid + dwSidSize, "-%lu", *GetSidSubAuthority(pSid, dwCounter) ); } return TRUE; } PBYTE IsSubAuthValid( PBYTE SidData, DWORD SidLength ) { PBYTE sidPtr; sidPtr = NULL; if ( SidLength % sizeof(DWORD) == 0 ) { for ( sidPtr = SidData + SidLength - 5*sizeof(DWORD); sidPtr >= SidData; sidPtr -= sizeof(DWORD) ) if ( ((PDWORD)sidPtr)[1] == 0x05000000 && ((PDWORD)sidPtr)[2] == 0x00000015 ) break; if ( sidPtr < SidData ) sidPtr = NULL; } return sidPtr; } BOOL GetMachineSid(PBYTE SidBuffer, DWORD SidSize) { HKEY hKey; PBYTE vData; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwLen; PBYTE pSid; DWORD dwStatus; if (!SidBuffer) return FALSE; // // Read the last subauthority of the current computer SID // if( RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SECURITY\\SAM\\Domains\\Account", &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; } dwLen = 0; vData = NULL; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "V", NULL, &dwType, vData, &dwLen ); vData = (PBYTE) malloc( dwLen ); dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "V", NULL, &dwType, vData, &dwLen ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return FALSE; } // // Make sure that we're dealing with a SID we understand // pSid = IsSubAuthValid( vData, dwLen ); if( !pSid || SidSize < dwLen - (pSid - vData)) { free(vData); return FALSE; } memset(SidBuffer, 0, SidSize); memcpy(SidBuffer, pSid, dwLen - (pSid - vData) ); free(vData); return TRUE; } int cm_InitMappedMemory(DWORD virtualCache, char * cachePath, DWORD stats, DWORD maxVols, DWORD maxCells, DWORD chunkSize, afs_uint64 cacheBlocks, afs_uint32 blockSize) { HANDLE hf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, hm; PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa; int newFile = 1; afs_uint64 mappingSize; DWORD volumeSerialNumber = 0; DWORD sidStringSize = 0; DWORD rc; CHAR machineSid[6 * sizeof(DWORD)]=""; char * baseAddress = NULL; cm_config_data_t * config_data_p; char * p; volumeSerialNumber = GetVolSerialNumber(cachePath); GetMachineSid(machineSid, sizeof(machineSid)); mappingSize = ComputeSizeOfMappingFile(stats, maxVols, maxCells, chunkSize, cacheBlocks, blockSize); if ( !virtualCache ) { psa = CreateCacheFileSA(); hf = CreateFile( cachePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, psa, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); FreeCacheFileSA(psa); if (hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { afsi_log("Error creating cache file \"%s\" error %d", cachePath, GetLastError()); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fileInfo; /* The file is being re-used; check to see if the existing data can be reused */ afsi_log("Cache File \"%s\" already exists", cachePath); if ( GetFileInformationByHandle(hf, &fileInfo) ) { afs_uint64 filesize; afsi_log("Existing File Size: %08X:%08X", fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh, fileInfo.nFileSizeLow); filesize = fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh; filesize <<= 32; filesize += fileInfo.nFileSizeLow; if (filesize > GranularityAdjustment(mappingSize)) { psa = CreateCacheFileSA(); hf = CreateFile( cachePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, psa, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); FreeCacheFileSA(psa); if (hf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { afsi_log("Error creating cache file \"%s\" error %d", cachePath, GetLastError()); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } GetFileInformationByHandle(hf, &fileInfo); afsi_log(" New File Size: %08X:%08X", fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh, fileInfo.nFileSizeLow); } } hm = CreateFileMapping( hf, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(cm_config_data_t), NULL); if (hm == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { afsi_log("Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": disk full (%lX)", cachePath, sizeof(cm_config_data_t)); hm = CreateFileMapping( hf, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, (DWORD)(mappingSize >> 32), (DWORD)(mappingSize & 0xFFFFFFFF), NULL); if (hm == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_TOOMANYBUFS; } else { afsi_log("Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": %d", cachePath, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } } else { afsi_log("Retry with mapping size (%lX) succeeds", mappingSize); } } else { afsi_log("Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": %d", cachePath, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(hf); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } } config_data_p = MapViewOfFile( hm, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(cm_config_data_t)); if ( config_data_p == NULL ) { if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hf); CloseHandle(hm); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } if ( config_data_p->size == sizeof(cm_config_data_t) && config_data_p->magic == CM_CONFIG_DATA_MAGIC && config_data_p->stats == stats && config_data_p->maxVolumes == maxVols && config_data_p->maxCells == maxCells && config_data_p->chunkSize == chunkSize && config_data_p->buf_nbuffers == cacheBlocks && config_data_p->blockSize == blockSize && config_data_p->bufferSize == mappingSize) { if ( config_data_p->dirty ) { afsi_log("Previous session terminated prematurely"); } else { baseAddress = config_data_p->baseAddress; newFile = 0; } } else { afsi_log("Configuration changed or Not a persistent cache file"); } UnmapViewOfFile(config_data_p); CloseHandle(hm); } } hm = CreateFileMapping( hf, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, (DWORD)(mappingSize >> 32), (DWORD)(mappingSize & 0xFFFFFFFF), NULL); if (hm == NULL) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { afsi_log("Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": disk full [2]", cachePath); return CM_ERROR_TOOMANYBUFS; } afsi_log("Error creating file mapping for \"%s\": %d", cachePath, GetLastError()); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } baseAddress = MapViewOfFileEx( hm, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, (SIZE_T)mappingSize, baseAddress ); if (baseAddress == NULL) { afsi_log("Error mapping view of file: %d", GetLastError()); baseAddress = MapViewOfFile( hm, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, (SIZE_T)mappingSize); if (baseAddress == NULL) { if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hf); CloseHandle(hm); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } newFile = 1; } CloseHandle(hm); config_data_p = (cm_config_data_t *) baseAddress; if (!newFile) { afsi_log("Reusing existing AFS Cache data:"); cm_data = *config_data_p; afsi_log(" Base Address = %p",baseAddress); afsi_log(" stats = %u", config_data_p->stats); afsi_log(" chunkSize = %u", config_data_p->chunkSize); afsi_log(" blockSize = %u", config_data_p->blockSize); afsi_log(" bufferSize = %I64u", config_data_p->bufferSize); afsi_log(" cacheType = %u", config_data_p->cacheType); afsi_log(" volumeHashTableSize = %u", config_data_p->volumeHashTableSize); afsi_log(" currentVolumes = %u", config_data_p->currentVolumes); afsi_log(" maxVolumes = %u", config_data_p->maxVolumes); afsi_log(" cellHashTableSize = %u", config_data_p->cellHashTableSize); afsi_log(" currentCells = %u", config_data_p->currentCells); afsi_log(" maxCells = %u", config_data_p->maxCells); afsi_log(" scacheHashTableSize = %u", config_data_p->scacheHashTableSize); afsi_log(" currentSCaches = %u", config_data_p->currentSCaches); afsi_log(" maxSCaches = %u", config_data_p->maxSCaches); // perform validation of persisted data structures // if there is a failure, start from scratch if (cm_ValidateCache && !cm_IsCacheValid()) { newFile = 1; } } if ( newFile ) { afsi_log("Building AFS Cache from scratch"); memset(&cm_data, 0, sizeof(cm_config_data_t)); cm_data.size = sizeof(cm_config_data_t); cm_data.magic = CM_CONFIG_DATA_MAGIC; cm_data.baseAddress = baseAddress; cm_data.stats = stats; cm_data.chunkSize = chunkSize; cm_data.blockSize = blockSize; cm_data.bufferSize = mappingSize; cm_data.scacheHashTableSize = osi_PrimeLessThan(stats / 2 + 1); cm_data.volumeHashTableSize = osi_PrimeLessThan((afs_uint32)(maxVols/7 + 1)); cm_data.cellHashTableSize = osi_PrimeLessThan((afs_uint32)(maxCells/7 + 1)); if (virtualCache) { cm_data.cacheType = CM_BUF_CACHETYPE_VIRTUAL; } else { cm_data.cacheType = CM_BUF_CACHETYPE_FILE; } cm_data.buf_nbuffers = cacheBlocks; cm_data.buf_nOrigBuffers = 0; cm_data.buf_blockSize = blockSize; cm_data.buf_hashSize = osi_PrimeLessThan((afs_uint32)(cacheBlocks/7 + 1)); cm_data.mountRootGen = time(NULL); baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfConfigData(); cm_data.volumeBaseAddress = (cm_volume_t *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfVolumes(maxVols); cm_data.volumeNameHashTablep = (cm_volume_t **)baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfVolumeHT(maxVols); cm_data.volumeRWIDHashTablep = (cm_volume_t **)baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfVolumeHT(maxVols); cm_data.volumeROIDHashTablep = (cm_volume_t **)baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfVolumeHT(maxVols); cm_data.volumeBKIDHashTablep = (cm_volume_t **)baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfVolumeHT(maxVols); cm_data.cellNameHashTablep = (cm_cell_t **)baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfCellHT(maxCells); cm_data.cellIDHashTablep = (cm_cell_t **)baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfCellHT(maxCells); cm_data.cellBaseAddress = (cm_cell_t *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfCells(maxCells); cm_data.aclBaseAddress = (cm_aclent_t *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfACLCache(stats); cm_data.scacheBaseAddress = (cm_scache_t *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfSCache(stats); cm_data.scacheHashTablep = (cm_scache_t **) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfSCacheHT(stats); cm_data.dnlcBaseAddress = (cm_nc_t *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfDNLCache(); cm_data.buf_scacheHashTablepp = (cm_buf_t **) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfDataHT(cacheBlocks); cm_data.buf_fileHashTablepp = (cm_buf_t **) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfDataHT(cacheBlocks); cm_data.bufHeaderBaseAddress = (cm_buf_t *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfDataHeaders(cacheBlocks); cm_data.bufDataBaseAddress = (char *) baseAddress; baseAddress += ComputeSizeOfDataBuffers(cacheBlocks, blockSize); cm_data.bufEndOfData = (char *) baseAddress; cm_data.buf_dirtyListp = NULL; cm_data.buf_dirtyListEndp = NULL; cm_data.fakeDirVersion = 0x8; UuidCreate((UUID *)&cm_data.Uuid); cm_data.volSerialNumber = volumeSerialNumber; memcpy(cm_data.Sid, machineSid, sizeof(machineSid)); } else { int gennew = 0; if ( volumeSerialNumber == 0 || volumeSerialNumber != cm_data.volSerialNumber ) { gennew = 1; afsi_log("Volume serial number change, generating new UUID"); afsi_log("Old volume Serial Number: 0x%x", cm_data.volSerialNumber); } else if ( machineSid[0] && memcmp(machineSid, cm_data.Sid, sizeof(machineSid))) { gennew = 1; afsi_log("Machine Sid changed, generating new UUID"); GetTextualSid( (PSID)cm_data.Sid, NULL, &sidStringSize ); if (sidStringSize) { p = malloc(sidStringSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (p) { rc = GetTextualSid( (PSID)cm_data.Sid, p, &sidStringSize ); afsi_log("Old Machine SID: %s", rc ? p : "unknown"); free(p); } } else { afsi_log("Old Machine SID: unknown"); } } if (gennew) { UuidCreate((UUID *)&cm_data.Uuid); cm_data.volSerialNumber = volumeSerialNumber; memcpy(cm_data.Sid, machineSid, sizeof(machineSid)); } } afsi_log("Volume Serial Number: 0x%x", cm_data.volSerialNumber); GetTextualSid( (PSID)cm_data.Sid, NULL, &sidStringSize ); if (sidStringSize) { p = malloc(sidStringSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (p) { rc = GetTextualSid( (PSID)cm_data.Sid, p, &sidStringSize ); afsi_log("Machine SID: %s", rc ? p : "unknown"); free(p); } } else { afsi_log("Machine SID: unknown"); } UuidToString((UUID *)&cm_data.Uuid, &p); afsi_log("Initializing Uuid to %s",p); RpcStringFree(&p); afsi_log("Initializing Volume Data"); cm_InitVolume(newFile, maxVols); afsi_log("Initializing Cell Data"); cm_InitCell(newFile, maxCells); afsi_log("Initializing ACL Data"); cm_InitACLCache(newFile, 2*stats); afsi_log("Initializing Stat Data"); cm_InitSCache(newFile, stats); afsi_log("Initializing Data Buffers"); cm_InitDCache(newFile, 0, cacheBlocks); *config_data_p = cm_data; config_data_p->dirty = 1; hMemoryMappedFile = hf; afsi_log("Cache Initialization Complete"); return 0; }