/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd.h" #include #include osi_rwlock_t cm_userLock; cm_user_t *cm_rootUserp; void cm_InitUser(void) { static osi_once_t once; if (osi_Once(&once)) { lock_InitializeRWLock(&cm_userLock, "cm_userLock"); osi_EndOnce(&once); } cm_rootUserp = cm_NewUser(); } cm_user_t *cm_NewUser(void) { cm_user_t *userp; userp = malloc(sizeof(*userp)); memset(userp, 0, sizeof(*userp)); userp->refCount = 1; lock_InitializeMutex(&userp->mx, "cm_user_t"); return userp; } /* must be called with locked userp */ cm_ucell_t *cm_GetUCell(cm_user_t *userp, cm_cell_t *cellp) { cm_ucell_t *ucp; lock_AssertMutex(&userp->mx); for (ucp = userp->cellInfop; ucp; ucp=ucp->nextp) { if (ucp->cellp == cellp) break; } if (!ucp) { ucp = malloc(sizeof(*ucp)); memset(ucp, 0, sizeof(*ucp)); ucp->nextp = userp->cellInfop; if (userp->cellInfop) ucp->iterator = userp->cellInfop->iterator + 1; else ucp->iterator = 1; userp->cellInfop = ucp; ucp->cellp = cellp; } return ucp; } cm_ucell_t *cm_FindUCell(cm_user_t *userp, int iterator) { cm_ucell_t *ucp; cm_ucell_t *best; best = NULL; lock_AssertMutex(&userp->mx); for (ucp = userp->cellInfop; ucp; ucp = ucp->nextp) { if (ucp->iterator >= iterator) best = ucp; else break; } return best; } void cm_HoldUser(cm_user_t *up) { lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_userLock); up->refCount++; lock_ReleaseWrite(&cm_userLock); } void cm_ReleaseUser(cm_user_t *userp) { cm_ucell_t *ucp; cm_ucell_t *ncp; if (userp == NULL) return; lock_ObtainWrite(&cm_userLock); osi_assert(userp->refCount-- > 0); if (userp->refCount == 0) { lock_FinalizeMutex(&userp->mx); for (ucp = userp->cellInfop; ucp; ucp = ncp) { ncp = ucp->nextp; if (ucp->ticketp) free(ucp->ticketp); free(ucp); } free(userp); } lock_ReleaseWrite(&cm_userLock); } void cm_HoldUserVCRef(cm_user_t *userp) { lock_ObtainMutex(&userp->mx); userp->vcRefs++; lock_ReleaseMutex(&userp->mx); } /* release the count of the # of connections that use this user structure. * When this hits zero, we know we won't be getting any new requests from * this user, and thus we can start GC'ing connections. Ref count on user * won't hit zero until all cm_conn_t's have been GC'd, since they hold * refCount references to userp. */ void cm_ReleaseUserVCRef(cm_user_t *userp) { lock_ObtainMutex(&userp->mx); osi_assert(userp->vcRefs-- > 0); lock_ReleaseMutex(&userp->mx); } /* * Check if any users' tokens have expired and if they have then do the * equivalent of unlogging the user for that particular cell for which * the tokens have expired. * ref. cm_IoctlDelToken() in cm_ioctl.c * This routine is called by the cm_Daemon() ie. the periodic daemon. * every cm_daemonTokenCheckInterval seconds */ void cm_CheckTokenCache(time_t now) { extern smb_vc_t *smb_allVCsp; /* global vcp list */ smb_vc_t *vcp; smb_user_t *usersp; cm_user_t *userp = NULL; cm_ucell_t *ucellp; BOOL bExpired=FALSE; /* * For every vcp, get the user and check his tokens */ lock_ObtainWrite(&smb_rctLock); for (vcp=smb_allVCsp; vcp; vcp=vcp->nextp) { for (usersp=vcp->usersp; usersp; usersp=usersp->nextp) { if (usersp->unp) { if ((userp=usersp->unp->userp)==0) continue; } else continue; lock_ObtainMutex(&userp->mx); for (ucellp=userp->cellInfop; ucellp; ucellp=ucellp->nextp) { if (ucellp->flags & CM_UCELLFLAG_RXKAD) { if (ucellp->expirationTime < now) { /* this guy's tokens have expired */ osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "cm_CheckTokens: Tokens for user:%s have expired expiration time:0x%x ucellp:%x", ucellp->userName, ucellp->expirationTime, ucellp); if (ucellp->ticketp) { free(ucellp->ticketp); ucellp->ticketp = NULL; } ucellp->flags &= ~CM_UCELLFLAG_RXKAD; ucellp->gen++; bExpired=TRUE; } } } lock_ReleaseMutex(&userp->mx); if (bExpired) { bExpired=FALSE; cm_ResetACLCache(userp); } } } lock_ReleaseWrite(&smb_rctLock); }