/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fs.h" #include "fs_utils.h" #include "fs_acl.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "afsd.h" #include "cm_ioctl.h" #include "parsemode.h" #define MAXINSIZE 1300 /* pioctl complains if data is larger than this */ #define VMSGSIZE 128 /* size of msg buf in volume hdr */ #define CELL_MAXNAMELEN 256 #define MAXHOSTCHARS 64 static char pn[] = "fs"; static char space[AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE]; static struct ubik_client *uclient; /* some forward references */ static int SetVolCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock); static int GetCellName(char *cellNamep, struct afsconf_cell *infop); static afs_int32 GetCell(char *fname, char *cellname, size_t cell_len); static int VLDBInit(int noAuthFlag, struct afsconf_cell *infop); static int GetClientAddrsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int SetClientAddrsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int FlushMountCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int RxStatProcCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int RxStatPeerCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int MemDumpCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int CSCPolicyCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int MiniDumpCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock); static int rxInitDone = 0; /* * Offset of -id switch in command structure for various commands. * The -if switch is the next switch always. */ static int parm_setacl_id, parm_copyacl_id, parm_listacl_id; /* * Determine whether either the -id or -if switches are present, and * return 0, 1 or 2, as appropriate. Abort if both switches are present. */ /* int id; Offset of -id switch; -if is next switch */ static int getidf(struct cmd_syndesc *as, int id) { int idf = 0; if (as->parms[id].items) { idf |= 1; } if (as->parms[id + 1].items) { idf |= 2; } if (idf == 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: you may specify either -id or -if, but not both switches\n", pn); exit(1); } return idf; } static int PRights(afs_int32 arights, int dfs) { if (!dfs) { if (arights & PRSFS_READ) printf("r"); if (arights & PRSFS_LOOKUP) printf("l"); if (arights & PRSFS_INSERT) printf("i"); if (arights & PRSFS_DELETE) printf("d"); if (arights & PRSFS_WRITE) printf("w"); if (arights & PRSFS_LOCK) printf("k"); if (arights & PRSFS_ADMINISTER) printf("a"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR0) printf("A"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR1) printf("B"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR2) printf("C"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR3) printf("D"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR4) printf("E"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR5) printf("F"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR6) printf("G"); if (arights & PRSFS_USR7) printf("H"); } else { if (arights & DFS_READ) printf("r"); else printf("-"); if (arights & DFS_WRITE) printf("w"); else printf("-"); if (arights & DFS_EXECUTE) printf("x"); else printf("-"); if (arights & DFS_CONTROL) printf("c"); else printf("-"); if (arights & DFS_INSERT) printf("i"); else printf("-"); if (arights & DFS_DELETE) printf("d"); else printf("-"); if (arights & (DFS_USRALL)) printf("+"); if (arights & DFS_USR0) printf("A"); if (arights & DFS_USR1) printf("B"); if (arights & DFS_USR2) printf("C"); if (arights & DFS_USR3) printf("D"); if (arights & DFS_USR4) printf("E"); if (arights & DFS_USR5) printf("F"); if (arights & DFS_USR6) printf("G"); if (arights & DFS_USR7) printf("H"); } return 0; } static afs_int32 Convert(char *arights, int dfs, enum rtype *rtypep) { afs_int32 mode; char tc; char *tcp; *rtypep = add; /* add rights, by default */ /* analyze last character of string */ tcp = arights + strlen(arights); if ( tcp-- > arights ) { /* assure non-empty string */ if ( *tcp == '+' ) *rtypep = reladd; /* '+' indicates more rights */ else if ( *tcp == '-' ) *rtypep = reldel; /* '-' indicates less rights */ else if ( *tcp == '=' ) *rtypep = add; /* '=' also allows old behaviour */ else tcp++; /* back to original null byte */ *tcp = '\0'; /* do not disturb old strcmp-s */ } if (dfs) { if (!strcmp(arights, "null")) { *rtypep = deny; return 0; } if (!strcmp(arights,"read")) return DFS_READ | DFS_EXECUTE; if (!strcmp(arights, "write")) return DFS_READ | DFS_EXECUTE | DFS_INSERT | DFS_DELETE | DFS_WRITE; if (!strcmp(arights, "all")) return DFS_READ | DFS_EXECUTE | DFS_INSERT | DFS_DELETE | DFS_WRITE | DFS_CONTROL; } else { if (!strcmp(arights,"read")) return PRSFS_READ | PRSFS_LOOKUP; if (!strcmp(arights, "write")) return PRSFS_READ | PRSFS_LOOKUP | PRSFS_INSERT | PRSFS_DELETE | PRSFS_WRITE | PRSFS_LOCK; if (!strcmp(arights, "mail")) return PRSFS_INSERT | PRSFS_LOCK | PRSFS_LOOKUP; if (!strcmp(arights, "all")) return PRSFS_READ | PRSFS_LOOKUP | PRSFS_INSERT | PRSFS_DELETE | PRSFS_WRITE | PRSFS_LOCK | PRSFS_ADMINISTER; } if (!strcmp(arights, "none")) { *rtypep = destroy; /* Remove entire entry */ return 0; } mode = 0; tcp = arights; while ((tc = *tcp++)) { if (dfs) { if (tc == '-') continue; else if (tc == 'r') mode |= DFS_READ; else if (tc == 'w') mode |= DFS_WRITE; else if (tc == 'x') mode |= DFS_EXECUTE; else if (tc == 'c') mode |= DFS_CONTROL; else if (tc == 'i') mode |= DFS_INSERT; else if (tc == 'd') mode |= DFS_DELETE; else if (tc == 'A') mode |= DFS_USR0; else if (tc == 'B') mode |= DFS_USR1; else if (tc == 'C') mode |= DFS_USR2; else if (tc == 'D') mode |= DFS_USR3; else if (tc == 'E') mode |= DFS_USR4; else if (tc == 'F') mode |= DFS_USR5; else if (tc == 'G') mode |= DFS_USR6; else if (tc == 'H') mode |= DFS_USR7; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal DFS rights character '%c'.\n", pn, tc); exit(1); } } else { if (tc == 'r') mode |= PRSFS_READ; else if (tc == 'l') mode |= PRSFS_LOOKUP; else if (tc == 'i') mode |= PRSFS_INSERT; else if (tc == 'd') mode |= PRSFS_DELETE; else if (tc == 'w') mode |= PRSFS_WRITE; else if (tc == 'k') mode |= PRSFS_LOCK; else if (tc == 'a') mode |= PRSFS_ADMINISTER; else if (tc == 'A') mode |= PRSFS_USR0; else if (tc == 'B') mode |= PRSFS_USR1; else if (tc == 'C') mode |= PRSFS_USR2; else if (tc == 'D') mode |= PRSFS_USR3; else if (tc == 'E') mode |= PRSFS_USR4; else if (tc == 'F') mode |= PRSFS_USR5; else if (tc == 'G') mode |= PRSFS_USR6; else if (tc == 'H') mode |= PRSFS_USR7; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal rights character '%c'.\n", pn, tc); exit(1); } } } return mode; } /* if no parm specified in a particular slot, set parm to be "." instead */ static void SetDotDefault(struct cmd_item **aitemp) { struct cmd_item *ti; int len_data = 2; if (*aitemp) return; /* already has value */ /* otherwise, allocate an item representing "." */ ti = (struct cmd_item *) malloc(sizeof(struct cmd_item)); assert(ti); ti->next = (struct cmd_item *) 0; ti->data = (char *) malloc(len_data); assert(ti->data); if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(ti->data, len_data, "."))) { fprintf (stderr, "data - not enough space"); exit(1); } *aitemp = ti; } static int PrintStatus(VolumeStatus *status, char *name, char *motd, char *offmsg) { printf("Volume status for vid = %u named %s is\n",status->Vid, name); if (*offmsg != 0) printf("Current offline message is %s\n",offmsg); if (*motd != 0) printf("Current message of the day is %s\n",motd); printf("Current disk quota is "); if (status->MaxQuota != 0) printf("%d\n", status->MaxQuota); else printf("unlimited\n"); printf("Current blocks used are %d\n",status->BlocksInUse); printf("The partition has %d blocks available out of %d\n", status->PartBlocksAvail, status->PartMaxBlocks); return 0; } static int QuickPrintStatus(VolumeStatus *status, char *name) { double QuotaUsed =0.0; double PartUsed =0.0; int WARN = 0; printf("%-25.25s",name); if (status->MaxQuota != 0) { printf(" %10d %10d", status->MaxQuota, status->BlocksInUse); QuotaUsed = ((((double)status->BlocksInUse)/status->MaxQuota) * 100.0); } else { printf(" no limit %10d", status->BlocksInUse); } if (QuotaUsed > 90.0){ printf(" %5.0f%%<<", QuotaUsed); WARN = 1; } else printf(" %5.0f%% ", QuotaUsed); PartUsed = (100.0 - ((((double)status->PartBlocksAvail)/status->PartMaxBlocks) * 100.0)); if (PartUsed > 97.0){ printf(" %9.0f%%<<", PartUsed); WARN = 1; } else printf(" %9.0f%% ", PartUsed); if (WARN){ printf(" <PartMaxBlocks, status->PartMaxBlocks - status->PartBlocksAvail, status->PartBlocksAvail); PartUsed = (100.0 - ((((double)status->PartBlocksAvail)/status->PartMaxBlocks) * 100.0)); if (PartUsed > 90.0){ printf(" %4.0f%%<<", PartUsed); WARN = 1; } else printf(" %4.0f%% ", PartUsed); if (WARN){ printf(" <parms[2].items) clear = 1; else clear = 0; plusp = !(as->parms[3].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti;ti=ti->next) { code = GetCell(ti->data, cell, sizeof(cell)); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if ( fs_IsFreelanceRoot(ti->data) ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ACLs cannot be set on the Freelance root.afs volume.\n", pn); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = idf; blob.in = blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); ta = ParseAcl(space, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); if (!ta) { fprintf(stderr, "fs: %s: invalid acl data returned from VIOCGETAL\n", ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (!plusp && ta->dfs) { fprintf(stderr, "fs: %s: you may not use the -negative switch with DFS acl's.\n%s", ti->data, "(you may specify \"null\" to revoke all rights, however)\n"); error = 1; continue; } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); if (clear) ta = EmptyAcl(space); else ta = ParseAcl(space, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); if (!ta) { fprintf(stderr, "fs: %s: invalid acl data returned from VIOCGETAL\n", ti->data); error = 1; continue; } CleanAcl(ta, cell); for(ui=as->parms[1].items; ui; ui=ui->next->next) { enum rtype rtype; if (!ui->next) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing second half of user/access pair.\n", pn); ZapAcl(ta); return 1; } rights = Convert(ui->next->data, ta->dfs, &rtype); if (rtype == destroy && !ta->dfs) { struct AclEntry *tlist; tlist = (plusp ? ta->pluslist : ta->minuslist); if (!FindList(tlist, ui->data)) continue; } if (rtype == deny && !ta->dfs) plusp = 0; if (rtype == destroy && ta->dfs) rights = -1; ChangeList(ta, plusp, ui->data, rights, &rtype); } blob.in = AclToString(ta); blob.out_size=0; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(blob.in, sizeof(space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on blob.in"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = 1+(long)len; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCSETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { if (errno == EINVAL) { if (ta->dfs) { static char *fsenv = 0; if (!fsenv) { fsenv = (char *)getenv("FS_EXPERT"); } fprintf(stderr, "fs: \"Invalid argument\" was returned when you tried to store a DFS access list.\n"); if (!fsenv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", "\nPossible reasons for this include:\n\n", " -You may have specified an inappropriate combination of rights.\n", " For example, some DFS-supported filesystems may not allow you to\n", " drop the \"c\" right from \"user_obj\".\n\n", " -A mask_obj may be required (it is likely required by the underlying\n", " filesystem if you try to set anything other than the basic \"user_obj\"\n", " \"mask_obj\", or \"group_obj\" entries). Unlike acl_edit, the fs command\n", " does not automatically create or update the mask_obj. Try setting\n", " the rights \"mask_obj all\" with \"fs sa\" before adding any explicit\n", " users or groups. You can do this with a single command, such as\n", " \"fs sa mask_obj all user:somename read\"\n\n", " -A specified user or group may not exist.\n\n", " -You may have tried to delete \"user_obj\", \"group_obj\", or \"other_obj\".\n", " This is probably not allowed by the underlying file system.\n\n", " -If you add a user or group to a DFS ACL, remember that it must be\n", " fully specified as \"user:username\" or \"group:groupname\". In addition, there\n", " may be local requirements on the format of the user or group name.\n", " Check with your cell administrator.\n\n", " -Or numerous other possibilities. It would be great if we could be more\n", " precise about the actual problem, but for various reasons, this is\n", " impractical via this interface. If you can't figure it out, you\n", " might try logging into a DCE-equipped machine and use acl_edit (or\n", " whatever is provided). You may get better results. Good luck!\n\n", " (You may inhibit this message by setting \"FS_EXPERT\" in your environment)\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid argument, possible reasons include:\n", pn); fprintf(stderr,"\t-File not in AFS\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-Too many users on access control list\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-Tried to add non-existent user to access control list\n"); } } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } error = 1; } } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); return error; } static int CopyACLCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct Acl *fa, *ta = 0; struct AclEntry *tp; struct cmd_item *ti; int clear; int idf = getidf(as, parm_copyacl_id); int error = 0; size_t len; char cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN]; if (as->parms[2].items) clear=1; else clear=0; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = idf; blob.in = blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(as->parms[0].items->data, VIOCGETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, as->parms[0].items->data); return 1; } fa = ParseAcl(space, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); if (!fa) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: invalid acl data returned from VIOCGETAL\n", pn, as->parms[0].items->data); return 1; } code = GetCell(as->parms[0].items->data, cell, sizeof(cell)); if (code) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: unable to obtain cell name\n", pn, as->parms[0].items->data); return 1; } CleanAcl(fa, cell); for (ti=as->parms[1].items; ti;ti=ti->next) { blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = idf; blob.in = blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); if (clear) ta = EmptyAcl(space); else ta = ParseAcl(space, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); if (!ta) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: invalid acl data returned from VIOCGETAL\n", pn, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } code = GetCell(ti->data, cell, sizeof(cell)); if (code) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: unable to obtain cell name\n", pn, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } CleanAcl(ta, cell); if (ta->dfs != fa->dfs) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: incompatible file system types: acl not copied to %s; aborted\n", pn, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (ta->dfs) { if (! clear && strcmp(ta->cell, fa->cell) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: default DCE cell differs for file %s: use \"-clear\" switch; acl not merged\n", pn, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(ta->cell, sizeof(ta->cell), fa->cell))) { fprintf (stderr, "cell - not enough space"); exit(1); } } for (tp = fa->pluslist;tp;tp=tp->next) ChangeList(ta, 1, tp->name, tp->rights, NULL); for (tp = fa->minuslist;tp;tp=tp->next) ChangeList(ta, 0, tp->name, tp->rights, NULL); blob.in = AclToString(ta); blob.out_size=0; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(blob.in, sizeof(space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on blob.in"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = 1+(long)len; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCSETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { if (errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid argument, possible reasons include:\n", pn); fprintf(stderr,"\t-File not in AFS\n"); } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } error = 1; } } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); ZapAcl(fa); return error; } /* pioctl_utf8() call to get the cellname of a pathname */ static afs_int32 GetCell(char *fname, char *cellname, size_t cell_len) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = cell_len; blob.out = cellname; code = pioctl_utf8(fname, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) cellname[blob.out_size - 1] = '\0'; return code; } /* clean up an acl to not have bogus entries */ static int CleanACLCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct Acl *ta = 0; struct ViceIoctl blob; int changes; struct cmd_item *ti; struct AclEntry *te; int error = 0; size_t len; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); ta = ParseAcl(space, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); if (!ta) { fprintf(stderr, "fs: %s: invalid acl data returned from VIOCGETAL\n", ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (ta->dfs) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cleanacl is not supported for DFS access lists.\n", pn); error = 1; continue; } changes = CleanAcl(ta, ti->data); if (changes) { /* now set the acl */ blob.in=AclToString(ta); if( FAILED(StringCbLength(blob.in, sizeof(space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on blob.in"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = (long)len+1; blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCSETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { if (errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid argument, possible reasons include\n", pn); fprintf(stderr,"%s: File not in vice or\n", pn); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Too many users on access control list or\n", pn); } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } error = 1; continue; } /* now list the updated acl */ printf("Access list for %s is now\n", ti->data); if (ta->nplus > 0) { if (!ta->dfs) printf("Normal rights:\n"); for(te = ta->pluslist;te;te=te->next) { printf(" %s ", te->name); PRights(te->rights, ta->dfs); printf("\n"); } } if (ta->nminus > 0) { printf("Negative rights:\n"); for(te = ta->minuslist;te;te=te->next) { printf(" %s ", te->name); PRights(te->rights, ta->dfs); printf("\n"); } } if (ti->next) printf("\n"); } else printf("Access list for %s is fine.\n", ti->data); } if (ta) ZapAcl(ta); return error; } static int ListACLCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct Acl *ta = 0; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct AclEntry *te; struct cmd_item *ti; int idf = getidf(as, parm_listacl_id); int error = 0; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { char separator; if ( fs_IsFreelanceRoot(ti->data) ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: ACLs are not set on the Freelance root.afs volume.\n", pn); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = idf; blob.in = blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETAL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } ta = ParseAcl(space, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); if (!ta) { fprintf(stderr, "fs: %s: invalid acl data returned from VIOCGETAL\n", ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (as->parms[3].items) { /* -cmd */ printf("fs setacl -dir %s -acl ", ti->data); if (ta->nplus > 0) { for (te = ta->pluslist; te; te = te->next) { printf(" %s ", te->name); PRights(te->rights, ta->dfs); } } printf("\n"); if (ta->nminus > 0) { printf("fs setacl -dir %s -acl ", ti->data); for (te = ta->minuslist; te; te = te->next) { printf(" %s ", te->name); PRights(te->rights, ta->dfs); } printf(" -negative\n"); } } else { switch (ta->dfs) { case 0: printf("Access list for %s is\n", ti->data); break; case 1: printf("DFS access list for %s is\n", ti->data); break; case 2: printf("DFS initial directory access list of %s is\n", ti->data); break; case 3: printf("DFS initial file access list of %s is\n", ti->data); break; } if (ta->dfs) { printf(" Default cell = %s\n", ta->cell); } separator = ta->dfs? DFS_SEPARATOR : ' '; if (ta->nplus > 0) { if (!ta->dfs) printf("Normal rights:\n"); for(te = ta->pluslist;te;te=te->next) { printf(" %s%c", te->name, separator); PRights(te->rights, ta->dfs); printf("\n"); } } if (ta->nminus > 0) { printf("Negative rights:\n"); for(te = ta->minuslist;te;te=te->next) { printf(" %s ", te->name); PRights(te->rights, ta->dfs); printf("\n"); } } if (ti->next) printf("\n"); } ZapAcl(ta); } return error; } static int GetCallerAccess(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; int literal = 0; cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; if (as->parms[1].items) literal = 1; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 rights[2]; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.size = sizeof(options); options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &options; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = sizeof(rights); blob.out = rights; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETCALLERACCESS, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(rights)) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } printf("Callers access to '%s' is ", ti->data); PRights(rights[0], 0); printf("\n"); } return error; } static int FlushAllCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; blob.in_size = blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_FLUSHALL, &blob, 0); if (code) { fprintf(stderr, "Error flushing all "); return 1; } return 0; } static int FlushVolumeCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { blob.in_size = blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_FLUSHVOLUME, &blob, 0); if (code) { fprintf(stderr, "Error flushing volume "); perror(ti->data); error = 1; continue; } } return error; } static int FlushCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; int literal = 0; cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; if (as->parms[1].items) literal = 1; for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.size = sizeof(options); options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &options; blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCFLUSH, &blob, 0); if (code) { if (errno == EMFILE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't flush active file %s\n", pn, ti->data); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error flushing file ", pn); perror(ti->data); } error = 1; continue; } } return error; } /* all this command does is repackage its args and call SetVolCmd */ static int SetQuotaCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { struct cmd_syndesc ts; errno_t err; /* copy useful stuff from our command slot; we may later have to reorder */ #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&ts, as, sizeof(ts)); /* copy whole thing */ #else err = memcpy_s(&ts, sizeof(ts), as, sizeof(ts)); /* copy whole thing */ if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on ts"); exit(1); } #endif return SetVolCmd(&ts, arock); } static int SetVolCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; struct VolumeStatus *status; char *motd, *offmsg, *input, *destEnd; size_t destRemaining; int error = 0; size_t len; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ destRemaining = sizeof(space); blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = sizeof(*status) + 3; /* for the three terminating nulls */ blob.out = space; blob.in = space; status = (VolumeStatus *)space; status->MinQuota = status->MaxQuota = -1; motd = offmsg = NULL; if (as->parms[1].items) { code = util_GetHumanInt32(as->parms[1].items->data, &status->MaxQuota); if (code) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: bad integer specified for quota.\n", pn); error = 1; continue; } } if (as->parms[2].items) motd = as->parms[2].items->data; if (as->parms[3].items) offmsg = as->parms[3].items->data; input = (char *)status + sizeof(*status); *(input++) = '\0'; /* never set name: this call doesn't change vldb */ destRemaining -= sizeof(*status) + 1; if(offmsg) { if( FAILED(StringCbLength(offmsg, VMSGSIZE, &len))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: message must be shorter than %d characters\n", pn, VMSGSIZE); error = 1; continue; } if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx(input, destRemaining, offmsg, &destEnd, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, "input - not enough space"); exit(1); } blob.in_size += destEnd - input; input = destEnd + 1; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); } else { *(input++) = '\0'; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); } if(motd) { if( FAILED(StringCbLength(motd, VMSGSIZE, &len))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: message must be shorter than %d characters\n", pn, VMSGSIZE); return code; } if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx(input, destRemaining, motd, &destEnd, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, "input - not enough space"); exit(1); } blob.in_size += (long)(destEnd - input); input = destEnd + 1; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); } else { *(input++) = '\0'; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); } code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data,VIOCSETVOLSTAT, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; } } return error; } static int ExamineCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; struct VolumeStatus *status; char *name, *offmsg, *motd; int error = 0; int literal = 0; cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; size_t len; if (as->parms[1].items) literal = 1; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; afs_int32 owner[2]; afs_uint32 unixModeBits; char cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN]; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); filetype = 0; options.size = sizeof(options); options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &options; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = sizeof(filetype); blob.out = &filetype; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETFILETYPE, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(filetype)) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = CELL_MAXNAMELEN; blob.out = cell; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) cell[blob.out_size-1] = '\0'; printf("%s %s (%u.%u.%u) contained in cell %s\n", fs_filetypestr(filetype), ti->data, fid.volume, fid.vnode, fid.unique, code ? "unknown-cell" : cell); blob.out_size = 2 * sizeof(afs_uint32); blob.out = (char *) &owner; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETOWNER, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == 2 * sizeof(afs_uint32)) { char oname[PR_MAXNAMELEN] = "(unknown)"; char gname[PR_MAXNAMELEN] = "(unknown)"; char confDir[257]; /* Go to the PRDB and see if this all number username is valid */ cm_GetConfigDir(confDir, sizeof(confDir)); pr_Initialize(1, confDir, cell); pr_SIdToName(owner[0], oname); pr_SIdToName(owner[1], gname); printf("Owner %s (%d) Group %s (%d)\n", oname, owner[0], gname, owner[1]); } blob.out_size = sizeof(afs_uint32); blob.out = (char *) &unixModeBits; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETUNIXMODE, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(afs_uint32)) { printf("UNIX mode 0%o\n", unixModeBits); } blob.out = space; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETVOLSTAT, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) { space[blob.out_size - 1] = '\0'; status = (VolumeStatus *)space; name = (char *)status + sizeof(*status); if( FAILED(StringCbLength(name, sizeof(space) - (name - space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on name"); exit(1); } offmsg = name + len + 1; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(offmsg, sizeof(space) - (offmsg - space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on offmsg"); exit(1); } motd = offmsg + len + 1; PrintStatus(status, name, motd, offmsg); } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } errno = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_PATH_AVAILABILITY, &blob, 1); switch (errno) { case 0: printf("Volume is online\n"); break; case ENXIO: printf("Volume is offline\n"); break; case ENOSYS: printf("All Volume servers are down\n"); break; case EBUSY: printf("All volume servers are busy\n"); break; default: printf("Unknown volume state\n"); fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } printf("\n"); } return error; } static int ListQuotaCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; struct VolumeStatus *status; char *name; int error = 0; printf("%-25s%-11s%-11s%-7s%-13s\n", "Volume Name", " Quota", " Used", " %Used", " Partition"); SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETVOLSTAT, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } space[blob.out_size - 1] = '\0'; status = (VolumeStatus *)space; name = (char *)status + sizeof(*status); QuickPrintStatus(status, name); } return error; } static int WhereIsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int j; afs_int32 *hosts; char *tp; int error = 0; int literal = 0; cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; if (as->parms[1].items) literal = 1; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); filetype = 0; options.size = sizeof(options); options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &options; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = sizeof(filetype); blob.out = &filetype; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETFILETYPE, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(filetype)) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; memset(space, 0, sizeof(space)); code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCWHEREIS, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } hosts = (afs_int32 *) space; printf("%s %s is on host%s ", fs_filetypestr(filetype), ti->data, (hosts[0] && !hosts[1]) ? "": "s"); for(j=0; jparms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETVOLSTAT, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } space[blob.out_size - 1] = '\0'; status = (VolumeStatus *)space; name = (char *)status + sizeof(*status); QuickPrintSpace(status, name); } return error; } static int QuotaCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; double quotaPct; struct VolumeStatus *status; int error = 0; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETVOLSTAT, &blob, 1); /* * The response is VolumeStatus, volume name, offline message, and motd */ if (code || blob.out_size < sizeof(*status)) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } status = (VolumeStatus *)space; if (status->MaxQuota) quotaPct = ((((double)status->BlocksInUse)/status->MaxQuota) * 100.0); else quotaPct = 0.0; printf("%2.0f%% of quota used.\n", quotaPct); } return error; } static int ListMountCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; char orig_name[1024]; /*Original name, may be modified*/ char true_name[1024]; /*``True'' dirname (e.g., symlink target)*/ char parent_dir[1024]; /*Parent directory of true name*/ char *last_component; /*Last component of true name*/ size_t len; #ifndef WIN32 struct stat statbuff; /*Buffer for status info*/ #endif /* not WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 int link_chars_read; /*Num chars read in readlink()*/ #endif /* not WIN32 */ int thru_symlink; /*Did we get to a mount point via a symlink?*/ int error = 0; for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ thru_symlink = 0; #ifdef WIN32 if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(orig_name, sizeof(orig_name), ti->data))) { fprintf (stderr, "orig_name - not enough space"); exit(1); } #else /* not WIN32 */ if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(orig_name, sizeof(orig_name), "%s%s", (ti->data[0] == '/') ? "" : "./", ti->data))) { fprintf (stderr, "orig_name - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } #endif /* not WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 if (lstat(orig_name, &statbuff) < 0) { /* if lstat fails, we should still try the pioctl, since it * may work (for example, lstat will fail, but pioctl will * work if the volume of offline (returning ENODEV). */ statbuff.st_mode = S_IFDIR; /* lie like pros */ } /* * The lstat succeeded. If the given file is a symlink, substitute * the file name with the link name. */ if ((statbuff.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) { thru_symlink = 1; /* * Read name of resolved file. */ link_chars_read = readlink(orig_name, true_name, 1024); if (link_chars_read <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't read target name for '%s' symbolic link!\n", pn, orig_name); error = 1; continue; } /* * Add a trailing null to what was read, bump the length. */ true_name[link_chars_read++] = 0; /* * If the symlink is an absolute pathname, we're fine. Otherwise, we * have to create a full pathname using the original name and the * relative symlink name. Find the rightmost slash in the original * name (we know there is one) and splice in the symlink value. */ if (true_name[0] != '\\') { last_component = (char *) strrchr(orig_name, '\\'); if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(++last_component, sizeof(orig_name) - (last_component - orig_name) * sizeof(char), true_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "last_component - not enough space"); exit(1); } if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(true_name, sizeof(true_name), orig_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "true_name - not enough space"); exit(1); } } } else { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(true_name, sizeof(true_name), orig_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "true_name - not enough space"); exit(1); } } #else /* WIN32 */ if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(true_name, sizeof(true_name), orig_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "true_name - not enough space"); exit(1); } #endif /* WIN32 */ /* * Find rightmost slash, if any. */ #ifdef WIN32 last_component = (char *) strrchr(true_name, '\\'); if (!last_component) #endif /* WIN32 */ last_component = (char *) strrchr(true_name, '/'); if (last_component) { /* * Found it. Designate everything before it as the parent directory, * everything after it as the final component. */ if( FAILED(StringCchCopyN(parent_dir, sizeof(parent_dir) / sizeof(char), true_name, last_component - true_name + 1))) { fprintf (stderr, "parent_dir - not enough space"); exit(1); } parent_dir[last_component - true_name + 1] = 0; last_component++; /*Skip the slash*/ #ifdef WIN32 if (!fs_InAFS(parent_dir)) { const char * nbname = fs_NetbiosName(); if( FAILED(StringCbLength(nbname, NETBIOSNAMESZ, &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on nbname"); exit(1); } if (parent_dir[0] == '\\' && parent_dir[1] == '\\' && parent_dir[len+2] == '\\' && parent_dir[len+3] == '\0' && !strnicmp(nbname,&parent_dir[2],len)) { if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(parent_dir, sizeof(parent_dir),"\\\\%s\\all\\", nbname))) { fprintf (stderr, "parent_dir - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } } } #endif } else { /* * No slash appears in the given file name. Set parent_dir to the current * directory, and the last component as the given name. */ fs_ExtractDriveLetter(true_name, parent_dir); if( FAILED(StringCbCat(parent_dir, sizeof(parent_dir), "."))) { fprintf (stderr, "parent_dir - not enough space"); exit(1); } last_component = true_name; fs_StripDriveLetter(true_name, true_name, sizeof(true_name)); } if (strcmp(last_component, ".") == 0 || strcmp(last_component, "..") == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: you may not use '.' or '..' as the last component\n",pn); fprintf(stderr,"%s: of a name in the 'fs lsmount' command.\n",pn); error = 1; continue; } blob.in = last_component; if( FAILED(StringCchLength(last_component, sizeof(true_name) / sizeof(char) - (last_component - true_name), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on last_component"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = (long)len+1; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; memset(space, 0, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); code = pioctl_utf8(parent_dir, VIOC_AFS_STAT_MT_PT, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) { printf("'%s' is a %smount point for volume '%.*s'\n", ti->data, (thru_symlink ? "symbolic link, leading to a " : ""), blob.out_size, space); } else { if (errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr,"'%s' is not a mount point.\n", ti->data); } else { fs_Die(errno, (ti->data ? ti->data : parent_dir)); } error = 1; } } return error; } static int MakeMountCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; char *cellName, *volName, *tmpName; #ifdef WIN32 char localCellName[128]; #endif char path[1024] = ""; struct afsconf_cell info; struct vldbentry vldbEntry; struct ViceIoctl blob; char * parent; size_t len; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); if (as->parms[2].items) /* cell name specified */ cellName = as->parms[2].items->data; else cellName = NULL; volName = as->parms[1].items->data; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(volName, VL_MAXNAMELEN, &len))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: volume name too long (length must be <= 64 characters)\n", pn); return 1; } /* Check for a cellname in the volume specification, and complain * if it doesn't match what was specified with -cell */ if (tmpName = strchr(volName, ':')) { *tmpName = '\0'; if (cellName) { if (strcasecmp(cellName,volName)) { fprintf(stderr,"fs: cellnames do not match.\n"); return 1; } } cellName = volName; volName = ++tmpName; } parent = fs_GetParent(as->parms[0].items->data); if (!fs_InAFS(parent)) { #ifdef WIN32 const char * nbname = fs_NetbiosName(); if ( FAILED(StringCbLength(nbname, NETBIOSNAMESZ, &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on nbname"); exit(1); } if (parent[0] == '\\' && parent[1] == '\\' && (parent[len+2] == '\\' && parent[len+3] == '\0' || parent[len+2] == '\0') && !strnicmp(nbname,&parent[2],len)) { if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(path, sizeof(path),"%s%sall%s", parent, parent[len+2]?"":"\\", &as->parms[0].items->data[len+2]))) { fprintf (stderr, "path - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } parent = fs_GetParent(path); if (!fs_InAFS(parent)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: mount points must be created within the AFS file system\n", pn); return 1; } } else #endif { fprintf(stderr,"%s: mount points must be created within the AFS file system\n", pn); return 1; } } if( FAILED(StringCbLength(path, sizeof(path), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on path"); exit(1); } if ( len == 0 ) { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(path, sizeof(path), as->parms[0].items->data))) { fprintf (stderr, "path - not enough space"); exit(1); } } if ( fs_IsFreelanceRoot(parent) ) { if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Only AFS Client Administrators may alter the Freelance root.afs volume\n", pn); return 1; } if (!cellName) { blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = sizeof(localCellName); blob.out = localCellName; code = pioctl_utf8(parent, VIOC_GET_WS_CELL, &blob, 1); if (!code) { localCellName[sizeof(localCellName) - 1] = '\0'; cellName = localCellName; } } } else { if (!cellName) { code = GetCell(parent, space, sizeof(space)); if (code) return 1; } } code = GetCellName(cellName?cellName:space, &info); if (code) { return 1; } if (!(as->parms[4].items)) { /* not fast, check which cell the mountpoint is being created in */ code = 0; /* not fast, check name with VLDB */ if (!code) code = VLDBInit(1, &info); if (code == 0) { /* make the check. Don't complain if there are problems with init */ code = ubik_VL_GetEntryByNameO(uclient, 0, volName, &vldbEntry); if (code == VL_NOENT) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning, volume %s does not exist in cell %s.\n", pn, volName, cellName ? cellName : space); } } } if (as->parms[3].items) { /* if -rw specified */ if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(space, sizeof(space), "%"))) { fprintf (stderr, "space arr - not enough space"); exit(1); } } else { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(space, sizeof(space), "#"))) { fprintf (stderr, "space arr - not enough space"); exit(1); } } if (cellName) { /* cellular mount point, prepend cell prefix */ if( FAILED(StringCbCat(space, sizeof(space), info.name))) { fprintf (stderr, "space arr - not enough space"); exit(1); } if( FAILED(StringCbCat(space, sizeof(space), ":"))) { fprintf (stderr, "space arr - not enough space"); exit(1); } } if( FAILED(StringCbCat(space, sizeof(space), volName))) { /* append volume name */ fprintf (stderr, "space arr - not enough space"); exit(1); } if( FAILED(StringCbCat(space, sizeof(space), "."))) { /* stupid convention; these end with a period */ fprintf (stderr, "space arr - not enough space"); exit(1); } #ifdef WIN32 /* create symlink with a special pioctl for Windows NT, since it doesn't * have a symlink system call. */ blob.out_size = 0; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(space, sizeof(space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on space"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = 1 + (long)len; blob.in = space; blob.out = NULL; code = pioctl_utf8(path, VIOC_AFS_CREATE_MT_PT, &blob, 0); #else /* not WIN32 */ code = symlink(space, path); #endif /* not WIN32 */ if (info.linkedCell) free(info.linkedCell); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, path); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Delete AFS mount points. Variables are used as follows: * tbuffer: Set to point to the null-terminated directory name of the mount point * (or ``.'' if none is provided) * tp: Set to point to the actual name of the mount point to nuke. */ static int RemoveMountCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code=0; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; char tbuffer[1024]; char lsbuffer[1024]; char *tp; int error = 0; size_t len; for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ tp = (char *) strrchr(ti->data, '\\'); if (!tp) tp = (char *) strrchr(ti->data, '/'); if (tp) { if( FAILED(StringCchCopyN(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer) / sizeof(char), ti->data, code=(afs_int32)(tp-ti->data+1)))) { /* the dir name */ fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - not enough space"); exit(1); } tp++; /* skip the slash */ #ifdef WIN32 if (!fs_InAFS(tbuffer)) { const char * nbname = fs_NetbiosName(); if( FAILED(StringCbLength(nbname, NETBIOSNAMESZ, &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on nbname"); exit(1); } if (tbuffer[0] == '\\' && tbuffer[1] == '\\' && tbuffer[len+2] == '\\' && tbuffer[len+3] == '\0' && !strnicmp(nbname,&tbuffer[2],len)) { if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer),"\\\\%s\\all\\", nbname))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } } } #endif } else { fs_ExtractDriveLetter(ti->data, tbuffer); if( FAILED(StringCbCat(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), "."))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - not enough space"); exit(1); } tp = ti->data; fs_StripDriveLetter(tp, tp, strlen(tp) + 1); } blob.in = tp; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(tp, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE, &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on tp"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = (long)len+1; blob.out = lsbuffer; blob.out_size = sizeof(lsbuffer); code = pioctl_utf8(tbuffer, VIOC_AFS_STAT_MT_PT, &blob, 0); if (code) { if (errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: '%s' is not a mount point.\n", pn, ti->data); } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } error = 1; continue; /* don't bother trying */ } if ( fs_IsFreelanceRoot(tbuffer) && !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Only AFS Client Administrators may alter the Freelance root.afs volume\n", pn); error = 1; continue; /* skip */ } blob.out_size = 0; blob.in = tp; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(tp, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE, &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on tp"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = (long)len+1; code = pioctl_utf8(tbuffer, VIOC_AFS_DELETE_MT_PT, &blob, 0); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; } } return error; } /* */ static int CheckServersCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; afs_int32 j; afs_int32 temp; char *tp; struct afsconf_cell info; struct chservinfo checkserv; errno_t err; size_t len; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); memset(&checkserv, 0, sizeof(struct chservinfo)); blob.in_size=sizeof(struct chservinfo); blob.in=(caddr_t)&checkserv; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; memset(space, 0, sizeof(afs_int32)); /* so we assure zero when nothing is copied back */ /* prepare flags for checkservers command */ temp = 2; /* default to checking local cell only */ if (as->parms[2].items) temp |= 1; /* set fast flag */ if (as->parms[1].items) temp &= ~2; /* turn off local cell check */ checkserv.magic = 0x12345678; /* XXX */ checkserv.tflags=temp; /* now copy in optional cell name, if specified */ if (as->parms[0].items) { code = GetCellName(as->parms[0].items->data, &info); if (code) { return 1; } if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(checkserv.tbuffer, sizeof(checkserv.tbuffer), info.name))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - not enough space"); exit(1); } if( FAILED(StringCbLength(info.name, sizeof(info.name), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on info.name"); exit(1); } checkserv.tsize=(int)len+1; if (info.linkedCell) free(info.linkedCell); } else { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(checkserv.tbuffer, sizeof(checkserv.tbuffer),"\0"))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - not enough space"); exit(1); } checkserv.tsize=0; } if(as->parms[3].items) { checkserv.tinterval=atol(as->parms[3].items->data); /* sanity check */ if(checkserv.tinterval<0) { printf("Warning: The negative -interval is ignored; treated as an inquiry\n"); checkserv.tinterval=-1; } else if(checkserv.tinterval> 600) { printf("Warning: The maximum -interval value is 10 mins (600 secs)\n"); checkserv.tinterval=600; /* 10 min max interval */ } } else { checkserv.tinterval = -1; /* don't change current interval */ } if ( checkserv.tinterval >= 0 ) { #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else /* WIN32 */ if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ } code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOCCKSERV, &blob, 1); if (code) { if ((errno == EACCES) && (checkserv.tinterval > 0)) { printf("Must be root to change -interval\n"); return code; } fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&temp, space, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&temp, sizeof(temp), space, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on temp"); exit(1); } #endif if (checkserv.tinterval >= 0) { if (checkserv.tinterval > 0) printf("The new down server probe interval (%d secs) is now in effect (old interval was %d secs)\n", checkserv.tinterval, temp); else printf("The current down server probe interval is %d secs\n", temp); return 0; } if (temp == 0) { printf("All servers are running.\n"); } else { printf("These servers unavailable due to network or server problems: "); for(j=0; j < AFS_MAXHOSTS; j++) { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&temp, space + j*sizeof(afs_int32), sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&temp, sizeof(temp), space + j*sizeof(afs_int32), sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on temp"); exit(1); } #endif if (temp == 0) break; tp = hostutil_GetNameByINet(temp); printf(" %s", tp); } printf(".\n"); code = 1; /* XXX */ } return code; } static int MessagesCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code=0; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct gaginfo gagflags; struct cmd_item *show; memset(&gagflags, 0, sizeof(struct gaginfo)); blob.in_size = sizeof(struct gaginfo); blob.in = (caddr_t ) &gagflags; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; memset(space, 0, sizeof(afs_int32)); /* so we assure zero when nothing is copied back */ if (show = as->parms[0].items) { if (!strcasecmp (show->data, "user")) gagflags.showflags |= GAGUSER; else if (!strcasecmp (show->data, "console")) gagflags.showflags |= GAGCONSOLE; else if (!strcasecmp (show->data, "all")) gagflags.showflags |= GAGCONSOLE | GAGUSER; else if (!strcasecmp (show->data, "none")) /* do nothing */ ; else { fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized flag %s: must be in {user,console,all,none}\n", show->data); code = EINVAL; } } if (code) return 1; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GAG, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } return 0; } static int CheckVolumesCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOCCKBACK, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } printf("All volumeID/name mappings checked.\n"); return 0; } static int SetCacheSizeCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; afs_int32 temp; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else /* WIN32 */ if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ if (!as->parms[0].items && !as->parms[1].items) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: syntax error in set cache size cmd.\n", pn); return 1; } if (as->parms[0].items) { code = util_GetHumanInt32(as->parms[0].items->data, &temp); if (code) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: bad integer specified for cache size.\n", pn); return 1; } } else temp = 0; blob.in = (char *) &temp; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOCSETCACHESIZE, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, (char *) 0); return 1; } printf("New cache size set.\n"); return 0; } static int GetCacheParmsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; cm_cacheParms_t parms; memset(&parms, 0, sizeof(parms)); blob.in = NULL; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = sizeof(parms); blob.out = (char *) &parms; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOCGETCACHEPARMS, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(parms)) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return 1; } printf("AFS using %I64u of the cache's available %I64u 1K byte blocks.\n", parms.parms[1], parms.parms[0]); if (parms.parms[1] > parms.parms[0]) printf("[Cache guideline temporarily deliberately exceeded; it will be adjusted down but you may wish to increase the cache size.]\n"); return 0; } static int ListCellsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; afs_int32 i, j, *lp, magic, size; char *tp; afs_int32 addr, maxa = AFS_OMAXHOSTS; struct ViceIoctl blob; int resolve; errno_t err; resolve = !(as->parms[0].items); /* -numeric */ for(i=0;i<1000;i++) { tp = space; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(tp, &i, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(tp, sizeof(space), &i, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on tp"); exit(1); } #endif tp = (char *)(space + sizeof(afs_int32)); lp = (afs_int32 *)tp; *lp++ = 0x12345678; size = sizeof(afs_int32) + sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.in = space; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOCGETCELL, &blob, 1); if (code < 0) { if (errno == EDOM) break; /* done with the list */ fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } tp = space; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&magic, tp, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&magic, sizeof(magic), tp, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on magic"); exit(1); } #endif if (magic == 0x12345678) { maxa = AFS_MAXHOSTS; tp += sizeof(afs_int32); } printf("Cell %s on hosts", tp+maxa*sizeof(afs_int32)); for(j=0; j < maxa && j*sizeof(afs_int32) < AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; j++) { char *name, tbuffer[20]; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&addr, tp + j*sizeof(afs_int32), sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&addr, sizeof(addr), tp + j*sizeof(afs_int32), sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on addr"); exit(1); } #endif if (addr == 0) break; if (resolve) { name = hostutil_GetNameByINet(addr); } else { addr = ntohl(addr); if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr >> 24) & 0xff, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff, addr & 0xff))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } name = tbuffer; } printf(" %s", name); } printf(".\n"); } return 0; } #ifndef WIN32 static int ListAliasesCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code, i; char *tp, *aliasName, *realName; struct ViceIoctl blob; errno_t err; size_t len; for (i = 0;; i++) { tp = space; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(tp, &i, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(tp, sizeof(space), &i, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on tp"); exit(1); } #endif blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.in = space; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETALIAS, &blob, 1); if (code < 0) { if (errno == EDOM) break; /* done with the list */ fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } space[blob.out_size - 1] = '\0'; tp = space; aliasName = tp; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(aliasName, sizeof(space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on aliasName"); exit(1); } tp += len + 1; realName = tp; printf("Alias %s for cell %s\n", aliasName, realName); } return 0; } static int CallBackRxConnCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; afs_int32 hostAddr; struct hostent *thp; char *tp; int setp; ti = as->parms[0].items; setp = 1; if (ti) { thp = hostutil_GetHostByName(ti->data); if (!thp) { fprintf(stderr, "host %s not found in host table.\n", ti->data); return 1; } else { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&hostAddr, thp->h_addr, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&hostAddr, sizeof(hostAddr), thp->h_addr, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on hostAddr"); exit(1); } #endif } else { hostAddr = 0; /* means don't set host */ setp = 0; /* aren't setting host */ } /* now do operation */ blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.in = (char *) &hostAddr; blob.out = (char *) &hostAddr; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_CBADDR, &blob, 1); if (code < 0) { fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } return 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ static int NewCellCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_uint32 code, linkedstate=0, size=0, count=0, *lp; afs_uint32 usedns=0, useregistry=0; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; char *tp, *cellname=0, *linked_cellname=0; afs_uint32 fsport = 0, vlport = 0; size_t destRemaining; if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } /* if there is no cell specified, use old Windows behavior */ if (as->parms[0].items == NULL) { blob.in_size = 0; blob.in = (char *) 0; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8((char *) 0, VIOCNEWCELL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, (char *) 0); return 1; } printf("Cell servers information refreshed\n"); return 0; } else { cellname = as->parms[0].items->data; } if (as->parms[2].items) { /* * Link the cell, for the purposes of volume location, to the specified * cell. */ linked_cellname = as->parms[2].items->data; linkedstate = 1; } if (as->parms[3].items) { code = util_GetInt32(as->parms[2].items->data, &vlport); if (code) { fprintf(stderr,"fs: bad integer specified for the fileserver port.\n"); return code; } } if (as->parms[4].items) { code = util_GetInt32(as->parms[3].items->data, &fsport); if (code) { fprintf(stderr,"fs: bad integer specified for the vldb server port.\n"); return code; } } if (as->parms[5].items) { useregistry = 1; } if (as->parms[6].items) { usedns = 1; } /* Count the number of hostnames */ for (ti=as->parms[1].items; ti && count < AFS_MAXHOSTS; ti=ti->next, count++); if (!usedns && count == 0) { fprintf( stderr, "fs: at least one vldb server must be specified."); exit(1); } if (count > AFS_MAXHOSTS) { fprintf( stderr, "fs: at most %u servers may be specified.", AFS_MAXHOSTS); exit(1); } /* * The pioctl data buffer consists of the following structure: * * afs_uint32 flags * afs_uint32 alternative fs port * afs_uint32 alternative vl port * afs_uint32 count of vldb servers * char[] cellname * char[] linkedcell * n * char[] hostnames */ memset(space, 0, sizeof(space)); tp = space; lp = (afs_uint32 *)tp; /* flags */ if (usedns) *lp |= VIOC_NEWCELL2_FLAG_USEDNS; if (useregistry) *lp |= VIOC_NEWCELL2_FLAG_USEREG; if (linkedstate) *lp |= VIOC_NEWCELL2_FLAG_LINKED; lp++; /* alt fs port */ *lp++ = fsport; /* alt vl port */ *lp++ = vlport; /* count of server names */ *lp++ = count; /* Switch back to char pointer */ tp = (char *)lp; /* Add nul-terminated cellname */ destRemaining = sizeof(space) - (tp - space); if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx( tp, destRemaining, as->parms[0].items->data, &tp, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, " not enough space for cellname"); exit(1); } /* Move beyond the terminating nul */ tp++; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); /* Add nul-terminated linkname */ if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx( tp, destRemaining, linkedstate ? linked_cellname : "", &tp, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, " not enough space for linked cellname"); exit(1); } /* Move beyond the terminating nul */ tp++; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); /* Add the servers */ for (ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx( tp, destRemaining, ti->data, &tp, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, " not enough space for server %s", ti->data); exit(1); } /* Move beyond the terminating nul */ tp++; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); } blob.in_size = (tp - space); blob.in = space; blob.out_size = 0; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOCNEWCELL2, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, as->parms[0].items->data); return 1; } printf("Cell servers information for %s added or updated.\n", as->parms[0].items->data); return 0; } #ifndef WIN32 static int NewAliasCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; char *tp; char *aliasName, *realName; size_t destRemaining = sizeof(space); /* Setup and do the NEWALIAS pioctl call */ aliasName = as->parms[0].items->data; realName = as->parms[1].items->data; tp = space; if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx(tp, destRemaining, aliasName, &tp, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, "tp - not enough space"); exit(1); } tp++; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx(tp, destRemaining, realName, &tp, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf (stderr, "tp - not enough space"); exit(1); } tp++; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); blob.in_size = tp - space; blob.in = space; blob.out_size = 0; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_NEWALIAS, &blob, 1); if (code < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cell name `%s' in use by an existing cell.\n", pn, aliasName); } else { fs_Die(errno, 0); } return 1; } return 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ static int WhichCellCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct cmd_item *ti; struct ViceIoctl blob; int error = 0; int literal = 0; cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; if (as->parms[1].items) literal = 1; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; char cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN]; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); filetype = 0; options.size = sizeof(options); options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &options; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = sizeof(filetype); blob.out = &filetype; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETFILETYPE, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(filetype)) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = CELL_MAXNAMELEN; blob.out = cell; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code) { if (errno == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr,"%s: no such cell as '%s'\n", pn, ti->data); else fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0'; printf("%s %s lives in cell '%s'\n", fs_filetypestr(filetype), ti->data, cell); } return error; } static int WSCellCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; blob.in_size = 0; blob.in = NULL; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_GET_WS_CELL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return 1; } space[AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE - 1] = '\0'; printf("This workstation belongs to cell '%s'\n", space); return 0; } /* static int PrimaryCellCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { fprintf(stderr,"This command is obsolete, as is the concept of a primary token.\n"); return 0; } */ #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV static int MonitorCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; afs_int32 hostAddr; struct hostent *thp; char *tp; int setp; errno_t err; ti = as->parms[0].items; setp = 1; if (ti) { /* set the host */ if (!strcmp(ti->data, "off")) { hostAddr = 0xffffffff; } else { thp = hostutil_GetHostByName(ti->data); if (!thp) { if (!strcmp(ti->data, "localhost")) { fprintf(stderr,"localhost not in host table, assuming\n"); hostAddr = htonl(0x7f000001); } else { fprintf(stderr,"host %s not found in host table.\n", ti->data); return 1; } } else { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&hostAddr, thp->h_addr, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&hostAddr, sizeof(hostAddr), thp->h_addr, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on hostAddr"); exit(1); } #endif } } } else { hostAddr = 0; /* means don't set host */ setp = 0; /* aren't setting host */ } /* now do operation */ blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.in = (char *) &hostAddr; blob.out = (char *) &hostAddr; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_AFS_MARINER_HOST, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(afs_int32)) { fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } if (setp) { printf("%s: new monitor host set.\n", pn); } else { /* now decode old address */ if (hostAddr == 0xffffffff) { printf("Cache monitoring is currently disabled.\n"); } else { tp = hostutil_GetNameByINet(hostAddr); printf("Using host %s for monitor services.\n", tp); } } return 0; } #endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */ static int SysNameCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; char *input = space; afs_int32 setp = 0; errno_t err; size_t destRemaining = sizeof(space); size_t len; ti = as->parms[0].items; if (ti) { #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else /* WIN32 */ if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ } blob.in = space; blob.out = space; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(input, &setp, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(input, destRemaining, &setp, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on input"); exit(1); } #endif input += sizeof(afs_int32); destRemaining -= sizeof(afs_int32); for (; ti; ti = ti->next) { setp++; if( FAILED(StringCbCopyEx(input, destRemaining, ti->data, &input, &destRemaining, STRSAFE_FILL_ON_FAILURE))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: sysname%s too long.\n", pn, setp > 1 ? "s" : ""); return 1; } input++; destRemaining -= sizeof(char); } blob.in_size = (input - space) * sizeof(char); #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(space, &setp, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(space, sizeof(space), &setp, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on space"); exit(1); } #endif code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_AFS_SYSNAME, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, 0); return 1; } if (setp) { printf("%s: new sysname%s set.\n", pn, setp > 1 ? " list" : ""); return 0; } input = space; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&setp, input, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&setp, sizeof(setp), input, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on setp"); exit(1); } #endif input += sizeof(afs_int32); if (!setp) { fprintf(stderr,"No sysname name value was found\n"); return 1; } space[blob.out_size - 1] = '\0'; printf("Current sysname%s is", setp > 1 ? " list" : ""); for (; setp > 0; --setp ) { printf(" \'%s\'", input); if( FAILED(StringCbLength(input, sizeof(space) - (input - space), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on input"); exit(1); } input += len + 1; } printf("\n"); return 0; } #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV static char *exported_types[] = {"null", "nfs", ""}; static int ExportAfsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int export = 0, type = 0, mode = 0, exp = 0, gstat = 0; int exportcall, pwsync = 0, smounts = 0; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else /* WIN32 */ if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ ti = as->parms[0].items; if (strcmp(ti->data, "nfs") == 0) type = 0x71; /* NFS */ else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid exporter type, '%s', Only the 'nfs' exporter is currently supported\n", ti->data); return 1; } ti = as->parms[1].items; if (ti) { if (strcmp(ti->data, "on") == 0) export = 3; else if (strcmp(ti->data, "off") == 0) export = 2; else { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal argument %s\n", ti->data); return 1; } exp = 1; } if (ti = as->parms[2].items) { /* -noconvert */ if (strcmp(ti->data, "on") == 0) mode = 2; else if (strcmp(ti->data, "off") == 0) mode = 3; else { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal argument %s\n", ti->data); return 1; } } if (ti = as->parms[3].items) { /* -uidcheck */ if (strcmp(ti->data, "on") == 0) pwsync = 3; else if (strcmp(ti->data, "off") == 0) pwsync = 2; else { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal argument %s\n", ti->data); return 1; } } if (ti = as->parms[4].items) { /* -submounts */ if (strcmp(ti->data, "on") == 0) smounts = 3; else if (strcmp(ti->data, "off") == 0) smounts = 2; else { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal argument %s\n", ti->data); return 1; } } exportcall = (type << 24) | (mode << 6) | (pwsync << 4) | (smounts << 2) | export; type &= ~0x70; /* make the call */ blob.in = (char *) &exportcall; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out = (char *) &exportcall; blob.out_size = sizeof(afs_int32); code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_EXPORTAFS, &blob, 1); if (code) { if (errno == ENODEV) { fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, the %s-exporter type is currently not supported on this AFS client\n", exported_types[type]); } else { fs_Die(errno, 0); } return 1; } else { if (!gstat) { if (exportcall & 1) { printf("'%s' translator is enabled with the following options:\n\tRunning in %s mode\n\tRunning in %s mode\n\t%s\n", exported_types[type], (exportcall & 2 ? "strict unix" : "convert owner mode bits to world/other"), (exportcall & 4 ? "strict 'passwd sync'" : "no 'passwd sync'"), (exportcall & 8 ? "Allow mounts of /afs/.. subdirs" : "Only mounts to /afs allowed")); } else { printf("'%s' translator is disabled\n", exported_types[type]); } } } return 0; } #endif static int GetCellCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct afsconf_cell info; struct cmd_item *ti; struct a { afs_int32 stat; afs_int32 junk; } args; int error = 0; size_t len; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args)); /* avoid Purify UMR error */ for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per cell */ blob.out_size = sizeof(args); blob.out = (caddr_t) &args; code = GetCellName(ti->data, &info); if (code) { error = 1; continue; } if (info.linkedCell) free(info.linkedCell); if( FAILED(StringCbLength(info.name, sizeof(info.name), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on info.name"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = 1+(long)len; blob.in = info.name; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETCELLSTATUS, &blob, 1); if (code) { if (errno == ENOENT) fprintf(stderr,"%s: the cell named '%s' does not exist\n", pn, info.name); else fs_Die(errno, info.name); error = 1; continue; } printf("Cell %s status: ", info.name); #ifdef notdef if (args.stat & 1) printf("primary "); #endif if (args.stat & 2) printf("no setuid allowed"); else printf("setuid allowed"); if (args.stat & 4) printf(", using old VLDB"); printf("\n"); } return error; } static int SetCellCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct afsconf_cell info; struct cmd_item *ti; struct a { afs_int32 stat; afs_int32 junk; char cname[64]; } args; int error = 0; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); /* Check arguments. */ if (as->parms[1].items && as->parms[2].items) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot specify both -suid and -nosuid.\n"); return 1; } /* figure stuff to set */ args.stat = 0; args.junk = 0; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else /* WIN32 */ if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ if (! as->parms[1].items) args.stat |= CM_SETCELLFLAG_SUID; /* default to -nosuid */ /* set stat for all listed cells */ for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per cell */ code = GetCellName(ti->data, &info); if (code) { error = 1; continue; } if (info.linkedCell) free(info.linkedCell); if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(args.cname, sizeof(args.cname), info.name))) { fprintf (stderr, "cname - not enough space"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = sizeof(args); blob.in = (caddr_t) &args; blob.out_size = 0; blob.out = (caddr_t) 0; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETCELLSTATUS, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, info.name); /* XXX added cell name to fs_Die() call */ error = 1; } } return error; } static int GetCellName(char *cellNamep, struct afsconf_cell *infop) { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(infop->name, sizeof(infop->name), cellNamep))) { fprintf (stderr, "name - not enough space"); exit(1); } return 0; } static int VLDBInit(int noAuthFlag, struct afsconf_cell *info) { afs_int32 code; char confDir[257]; int secFlags; cm_GetConfigDir(confDir, sizeof(confDir)); secFlags = AFSCONF_SECOPTS_FALLBACK_NULL; if (noAuthFlag) secFlags |= AFSCONF_SECOPTS_NOAUTH; code = ugen_ClientInitFlags(confDir, info->name, secFlags, &uclient, NULL, VLDB_MAXSERVERS, AFSCONF_VLDBSERVICE, 50); rxInitDone = 1; return code; } static struct ViceIoctl gblob; static int debug = 0; /* * here follow some routines in support of the setserverprefs and * getserverprefs commands. They are: * SetPrefCmd "top-level" routine * addServer adds a server to the list of servers to be poked into the * kernel. Will poke the list into the kernel if it threatens * to get too large. * pokeServers pokes the existing list of servers and ranks into the kernel * GetPrefCmd reads the Cache Manager's current list of server ranks */ #ifdef WIN32 static int pokeServers(void) { int code; cm_SSetPref_t *ssp; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETSPREFS, &gblob, 1); ssp = (cm_SSetPref_t *)space; gblob.in_size = (long)(((char *)&(ssp->servers[0])) - (char *)ssp); gblob.in = space; return code; } #else /* * returns -1 if error message printed, * 0 on success, * errno value if error and no error message printed */ static int pokeServers(void) { int code; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETSPREFS, &gblob, 1); if (code && (errno == EINVAL)) { struct setspref *ssp; ssp = (struct setspref *)gblob.in; if (!(ssp->flags & DBservers)) { gblob.in = (void *)&(ssp->servers[0]); gblob.in_size -= ((char *)&(ssp->servers[0])) - (char *)ssp; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETSPREFS33, &gblob, 1); return code ? errno : 0; } fprintf(stderr, "This cache manager does not support VL server preferences.\n"); return -1; } return code ? errno : 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ #ifdef WIN32 static int addServer(char *name, unsigned short rank) { int code; cm_SSetPref_t *ssp; cm_SPref_t *sp; struct hostent *thostent; errno_t err; #ifndef MAXUSHORT #ifdef MAXSHORT #define MAXUSHORT ((unsigned short) 2*MAXSHORT+1) /* assumes two's complement binary system */ #else #define MAXUSHORT ((unsigned short) ~0) #endif #endif code = 0; thostent = hostutil_GetHostByName(name); if (!thostent) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: couldn't resolve name.\n", name); return EINVAL; } ssp = (cm_SSetPref_t *)(gblob.in); if (gblob.in_size > MAXINSIZE - sizeof(cm_SPref_t)) { code = pokeServers(); ssp->num_servers = 0; } sp = (cm_SPref_t *)((char*)gblob.in + gblob.in_size); #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy (&(sp->host.s_addr), thostent->h_addr, sizeof(afs_uint32)); #else err = memcpy_s (&(sp->host.s_addr), sizeof(afs_uint32), thostent->h_addr, sizeof(afs_uint32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on sp->host.s_addr"); exit(1); } #endif sp->rank = (rank > MAXUSHORT ? MAXUSHORT : rank); gblob.in_size += sizeof(cm_SPref_t); ssp->num_servers++; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "adding server %s, rank %d, ip addr 0x%lx\n",name,sp->rank,sp->host.s_addr); return code; } #else /* * returns -1 if error message printed, * 0 on success, * errno value if error and no error message printed */ static int addServer(char *name, afs_int32 rank) { int t, code; struct setspref *ssp; struct spref *sp; struct hostent *thostent; afs_uint32 addr; int error = 0; errno_t err; #ifndef MAXUSHORT #ifdef MAXSHORT #define MAXUSHORT ((unsigned short) 2*MAXSHORT+1) /* assumes two's complement binary system */ #else #define MAXUSHORT ((unsigned short) ~0) #endif #endif thostent = hostutil_GetHostByName(name); if (!thostent) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't resolve name.\n", name); return -1; } ssp = (struct setspref *)(gblob.in); for (t = 0; thostent->h_addr_list[t]; t++) { if (gblob.in_size > MAXINSIZE - sizeof(struct spref)) { code = pokeServers(); if (code) error = code; ssp->num_servers = 0; } sp = (struct spref *)(gblob.in + gblob.in_size); #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&(sp->server.s_addr), thostent->h_addr_list[t], sizeof(afs_uint32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&(sp->server.s_addr), sizeof(afs_uint32), thostent->h_addr_list[t], sizeof(afs_uint32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on sp->server.s_addr"); exit(1); } #endif sp->rank = (rank > MAXUSHORT ? MAXUSHORT : rank); gblob.in_size += sizeof(struct spref); ssp->num_servers++; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "adding server %s, rank %d, ip addr 0x%lx\n", name, sp->rank, sp->server.s_addr); } return error; } #endif /* WIN32 */ #ifdef WIN32 static BOOL IsWindowsNT (void) { static BOOL fChecked = FALSE; static BOOL fIsWinNT = FALSE; if (!fChecked) { OSVERSIONINFO Version; fChecked = TRUE; memset (&Version, 0x00, sizeof(Version)); Version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(Version); if (GetVersionEx (&Version)) { if (Version.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) fIsWinNT = TRUE; } } return fIsWinNT; } #endif /* WIN32 */ #ifdef WIN32 static int SetPrefCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void * arock) { FILE *infd; afs_int32 code; struct cmd_item *ti; char name[80]; afs_int32 rank; cm_SSetPref_t *ssp; ssp = (cm_SSetPref_t *)space; ssp->flags = 0; ssp->num_servers = 0; gblob.in_size = (long)(((char*)&(ssp->servers[0])) - (char *)ssp); gblob.in = space; gblob.out = space; gblob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } code = 0; ti = as->parms[2].items; /* -file */ if (ti) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"opening file %s\n",ti->data); if (!(infd = fopen(ti->data,"r" ))) { code = errno; fs_Die(errno,ti->data); } else { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 while ( fscanf(infd, "%79s%ld", name, &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer (name, (unsigned short) rank); } #else while ( fscanf_s(infd, "%79s%ld", name, sizeof(name), &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer (name, (unsigned short) rank); } #endif } } ti = as->parms[3].items; /* -stdin */ if (ti) { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 while ( scanf("%79s%ld", name, &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer (name, (unsigned short) rank); } #else while ( scanf_s("%79s%ld", name, sizeof(name), &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer (name, (unsigned short) rank); } #endif } for (ti = as->parms[0].items;ti;ti=ti->next) {/*list of servers, ranks */ if (ti) { if (!ti->next) { break; } code = addServer (ti->data, (unsigned short) atol(ti->next->data)); if (debug) printf("set fs prefs %s %s\n", ti->data, ti->next->data); ti=ti->next; } } code = pokeServers(); if (debug) printf("now working on vlservers, code=%d, errno=%d\n",code,errno); ssp = (cm_SSetPref_t *)space; gblob.in_size = (long)(((char*)&(ssp->servers[0])) - (char *)ssp); gblob.in = space; ssp->flags = CM_SPREF_VLONLY; ssp->num_servers = 0; for (ti = as->parms[1].items;ti;ti=ti->next) { /* list of dbservers, ranks */ if (ti) { if (!ti->next) { break; } code = addServer (ti->data, (unsigned short) atol(ti->next->data)); if (debug) printf("set vl prefs %s %s\n", ti->data, ti->next->data); ti=ti->next; } } if (as->parms[1].items) { if (debug) printf("now poking vlservers\n"); code = pokeServers(); } if (code) fs_Die(errno,0); return code; } #else static int SetPrefCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { FILE *infd; afs_int32 code; struct cmd_item *ti; char name[80]; afs_int32 rank; struct setspref *ssp; int error = 0; /* -1 means error message printed, * >0 means errno value for unprinted message */ ssp = (struct setspref *)space; ssp->flags = 0; ssp->num_servers = 0; gblob.in_size = ((char *)&(ssp->servers[0])) - (char *)ssp; gblob.in = space; gblob.out = space; gblob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; if (geteuid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return 1; } ti = as->parms[2].items; /* -file */ if (ti) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "opening file %s\n", ti->data); if (!(infd = fopen(ti->data, "r"))) { perror(ti->data); error = -1; } else { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 while (fscanf(infd, "%79s%ld", name, &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer(name, (unsigned short)rank); if (code) error = code; } #else while (fscanf_s(infd, "%79s%ld", name, sizeof(name), &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer(name, (unsigned short)rank); if (code) error = code; } #endif } } ti = as->parms[3].items; /* -stdin */ if (ti) { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 while (scanf("%79s%ld", name, &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer(name, (unsigned short)rank); if (code) error = code; } #else while (scanf_s("%79s%ld", name, sizeof(name), &rank) != EOF) { code = addServer(name, (unsigned short)rank); if (code) error = code; } #endif } for (ti = as->parms[0].items; ti; ti = ti->next) { /* list of servers, ranks */ if (ti) { if (!ti->next) { break; } code = addServer(ti->data, (unsigned short)atol(ti->next->data)); if (code) error = code; if (debug) printf("set fs prefs %s %s\n", ti->data, ti->next->data); ti = ti->next; } } code = pokeServers(); if (code) error = code; if (debug) printf("now working on vlservers, code=%d\n", code); ssp = (struct setspref *)space; ssp->flags = DBservers; ssp->num_servers = 0; gblob.in_size = ((char *)&(ssp->servers[0])) - (char *)ssp; gblob.in = space; for (ti = as->parms[1].items; ti; ti = ti->next) { /* list of dbservers, ranks */ if (ti) { if (!ti->next) { break; } code = addServer(ti->data, (unsigned short)atol(ti->next->data)); if (code) error = code; if (debug) printf("set vl prefs %s %s\n", ti->data, ti->next->data); ti = ti->next; } } if (as->parms[1].items) { if (debug) printf("now poking vlservers\n"); code = pokeServers(); if (code) error = code; } if (error > 0) fs_Die(error, 0); return error ? 1 : 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ #ifdef WIN32 static int GetPrefCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct cmd_item *ti; char *name, tbuffer[20]; afs_int32 addr; FILE * outfd; int resolve; int vlservers; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cm_SPrefRequest *in; struct cm_SPrefInfo *out; int i; code = 0; ti = as->parms[0].items; /* -file */ if (ti) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr,"opening file %s\n",ti->data); if (!(outfd = freopen(ti->data,"w",stdout))) { fs_Die(errno,ti->data); return errno; } } ti = as->parms[1].items; /* -numeric */ resolve = !(ti); ti = as->parms[2].items; /* -vlservers */ vlservers = (ti ? CM_SPREF_VLONLY : 0); /* ti = as->parms[3].items; -cell */ in = (struct cm_SPrefRequest *)space; in->offset = 0; do { blob.in_size=sizeof(struct cm_SPrefRequest); blob.in = (char *)in; blob.out = space; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; in->num_servers = (AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE - 2*sizeof(short))/sizeof(struct cm_SPref); in->flags = vlservers; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETSPREFS, &blob, 1); if (code){ perror("getserverprefs pioctl"); fs_Die (errno,0); } else { out = (struct cm_SPrefInfo *) blob.out; for (i=0;inum_servers;i++) { if (resolve) { name = hostutil_GetNameByINet(out->servers[i].host.s_addr); } else { addr = ntohl(out->servers[i].host.s_addr); if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr>>24) & 0xff, (addr>>16) & 0xff, (addr>>8) & 0xff, addr & 0xff))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } name=tbuffer; } printf ("%-50s %5u\n",name,out->servers[i].rank); } in->offset = out->next_offset; } } while (!code && out->next_offset > 0); return code; } #else static int GetPrefCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct cmd_item *ti; char *name, tbuffer[20]; afs_int32 rank, addr; FILE *outfd; int resolve; int vlservers = 0; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct sprefrequest *in; struct sprefinfo *out; int i; ti = as->parms[0].items; /* -file */ if (ti) { if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "opening file %s\n", ti->data); if (!(outfd = freopen(ti->data, "w", stdout))) { perror(ti->data); return 1; } } ti = as->parms[1].items; /* -numeric */ resolve = !(ti); ti = as->parms[2].items; /* -vlservers */ vlservers |= (ti ? DBservers : 0); /* ti = as->parms[3].items; -cell */ in = (struct sprefrequest *)space; in->offset = 0; do { blob.in_size = sizeof(struct sprefrequest); blob.in = (char *)in; blob.out = space; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; in->num_servers = (AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE - 2 * sizeof(short)) / sizeof(struct spref); in->flags = vlservers; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETSPREFS, &blob, 1); if (code) { perror("getserverprefs pioctl"); return 1; } out = (struct sprefinfo *)blob.out; for (i = 0; i < out->num_servers; i++) { if (resolve) { name = hostutil_GetNameByINet(out->servers[i].server.s_addr); } else { addr = ntohl(out->servers[i].server.s_addr); if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr >> 24) & 0xff, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff, addr & 0xff))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } name = tbuffer; } printf("%-50s %5u\n", name, out->servers[i].rank); } in->offset = out->next_offset; } while (out->next_offset > 0); return 0; } #endif /* WIN32 */ static afs_int32 SmbUnicodeCmd(struct cmd_syndesc * asp, void * arock) { long inValue = 0; long outValue = 0; long code; struct ViceIoctl blob; if (asp->parms[0].items) { /* On */ inValue = 3; } else if (asp->parms[1].items) { /* Off */ inValue = 2; } if (inValue != 0 && !fs_IsAdmin()) { fprintf (stderr, "Permission denied: Requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } blob.in_size = sizeof(inValue); blob.in = (char *) &inValue; blob.out_size = sizeof(outValue); blob.out = (char *) &outValue; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_UNICODECTL, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return code; } if (outValue != 2) { printf("Unicode support is %s%s.\n", ((outValue != 0)? "enabled":"disabled"), ((inValue != 0)? " for new SMB connections":"")); } else { printf("Unicode support is absent in this installation of OpenAFS.\n"); } return 0; } static int GetFidCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; int literal = 0; cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; if (as->parms[1].items) literal = 1; SetDotDefault(&as->parms[0].items); for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; char cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN]; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); filetype = 0; options.size = sizeof(options); options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &options; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = sizeof(filetype); blob.out = &filetype; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETFILETYPE, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(filetype)) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } blob.out_size = CELL_MAXNAMELEN; blob.out = cell; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0'; printf("%s %s (%u.%u.%u) contained in cell %s\n", fs_filetypestr(filetype), ti->data, fid.volume, fid.vnode, fid.unique, code ? "unknown-cell" : cell); } return error; } static int UuidCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock) { long code; long inValue; afsUUID outValue; struct ViceIoctl blob; char * uuidstring = NULL; if (asp->parms[0].items) { #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr, "Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif inValue = 1; /* generate new UUID */ } else { inValue = 0; /* just show the current UUID */ } blob.in_size = sizeof(inValue); blob.in = (char *) &inValue; blob.out_size = sizeof(outValue); blob.out = (char *) &outValue; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_UUIDCTL, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(outValue)) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return code; } UuidToString((UUID *) &outValue, &uuidstring); printf("%sUUID: %s", ((inValue == 1)?"New ":""), uuidstring); if (uuidstring) RpcStringFree(&uuidstring); return 0; } static int TraceCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock) { long code; struct ViceIoctl blob; long inValue; long outValue; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #else /* WIN32 */ if (geteuid()) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ if ((asp->parms[0].items && asp->parms[1].items)) { fprintf(stderr, "fs trace: must use at most one of '-off' or '-on'\n"); return EINVAL; } /* determine if we're turning this tracing on or off */ inValue = 0; if (asp->parms[0].items) inValue = 3; /* enable */ else if (asp->parms[1].items) inValue = 2; /* disable */ if (asp->parms[2].items) inValue |= 4; /* do reset */ if (asp->parms[3].items) inValue |= 8; /* dump */ blob.in_size = sizeof(long); blob.in = (char *) &inValue; blob.out_size = sizeof(long); blob.out = (char *) &outValue; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_TRACECTL, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(long)) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return code; } if (outValue) printf("AFS tracing enabled.\n"); else printf("AFS tracing disabled.\n"); return 0; } static void sbusage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "example usage: %s storebehind -files *.o -kb 99999 -default 0\n", pn); fprintf(stderr, " %s sb 50000 *.[ao] -default 10\n", pn); } /* fs sb -kbytes 9999 -files *.o -default 64 */ static int StoreBehindCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code = 0; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; struct sbstruct tsb, tsb2; int verbose = 0; afs_int32 allfiles; char *t; int error = 0; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ tsb.sb_thisfile = -1; ti = as->parms[0].items; /* -kbytes */ if (ti) { if (!as->parms[1].items) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: you must specify -files with -kbytes.\n", pn); return 1; } tsb.sb_thisfile = strtol(ti->data, &t, 10) * 1024; if (errno == ERANGE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ti->data must within long int range", pn); return 1; } if ((tsb.sb_thisfile < 0) || (*t != '\0')) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s must be 0 or a positive number.\n", pn, ti->data); return 1; } } allfiles = tsb.sb_default = -1; /* Don't set allfiles yet */ ti = as->parms[2].items; /* -allfiles */ if (ti) { allfiles = strtol(ti->data, &t, 10) * 1024; if (errno == ERANGE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ti->data must within long int range", pn); return 1; } if ((allfiles < 0) || (*t != '\0')) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s must be 0 or a positive number.\n", pn, ti->data); return 1; } } /* -verbose or -file only or no options */ if (as->parms[3].items || (as->parms[1].items && !as->parms[0].items) || (!as->parms[0].items && !as->parms[1].items && !as->parms[2].items)) verbose = 1; blob.in = (char *)&tsb; blob.out = (char *)&tsb2; blob.in_size = blob.out_size = sizeof(struct sbstruct); memset(&tsb2, 0, sizeof(tsb2)); /* once per -file */ for (ti = as->parms[1].items; ti; ti = ti->next) { /* Do this solely to see if the file is there */ code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCWHEREIS, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_STOREBEHIND, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } if (verbose && (blob.out_size == sizeof(tsb2))) { if (tsb2.sb_thisfile == -1) { fprintf(stdout, "Will store %s according to default.\n", ti->data); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Will store up to %d kbytes of %s asynchronously.\n", (tsb2.sb_thisfile / 1024), ti->data); } } } /* If no files - make at least one pioctl call, or * set the allfiles default if we need to. */ if (!as->parms[1].items || (allfiles != -1)) { tsb.sb_default = allfiles; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_STOREBEHIND, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ((allfiles == -1) ? 0 : "-allfiles")); error = 1; } } /* Having no arguments also reports the default store asynchrony */ if (verbose && (blob.out_size == sizeof(tsb2))) { fprintf(stdout, "Default store asynchrony is %d kbytes.\n", (tsb2.sb_default / 1024)); } return error; } static afs_int32 SetCryptCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code = 0, flag; struct ViceIoctl blob; char *tp; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ tp = as->parms[0].items->data; if (strcmp(tp, "on") == 0) flag = 1; else if (strcmp(tp, "off") == 0) flag = 0; else if (strcmp(tp, "auth") == 0) flag = 2; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s must be \"on\", \"auth\", or \"off\".\n", pn, tp); return EINVAL; } blob.in = (char *) &flag; blob.in_size = sizeof(flag); blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETRXKCRYPT, &blob, 1); if (code) fs_Die(code, NULL); return 0; } static afs_int32 GetCryptCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code = 0, flag; struct ViceIoctl blob; char *tp; errno_t err; blob.in = NULL; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = sizeof(flag); blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETRXKCRYPT, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(flag)) fs_Die(code, NULL); else { tp = space; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&flag, tp, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&flag, sizeof(flag), tp, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on flag"); exit(1); } #endif printf("Security level is currently "); if (flag == 2) printf("auth (data integrity).\n"); else if (flag == 1) printf("crypt (data security).\n"); else printf("clear.\n"); } return 0; } static int MemDumpCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock) { long code; struct ViceIoctl blob; long inValue = 0; long outValue; if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } if ((asp->parms[0].items && asp->parms[1].items)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s trace: must use at most one of '-begin' or '-end'\n", pn); return EINVAL; } /* determine if we're turning this tracing on or off */ if (asp->parms[0].items) inValue = 1; /* begin */ else if (asp->parms[1].items) inValue = 0; /* end */ blob.in_size = sizeof(long); blob.in = (char *) &inValue; blob.out_size = sizeof(long); blob.out = (char *) &outValue; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_TRACEMEMDUMP, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(long)) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return code; } if (!outValue) { printf("AFS memdump created.\n"); return 0; } else { printf("AFS memdump failed.\n"); return -1; } } static int MiniDumpCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock) { BOOL success = 0; SERVICE_STATUS status; SC_HANDLE hManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL; if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } hManager = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (!hManager) goto failure; hService = OpenService(hManager, "TransarcAFSDaemon", SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL); if (!hService) goto failure; success = ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_CUSTOM_DUMP, &status); if (success) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); CloseServiceHandle(hManager); printf("AFS minidump generated.\n"); return 0; } failure: if (hService) CloseServiceHandle(hService); if (hManager) CloseServiceHandle(hManager); printf("AFS minidump failed.\n"); return -1; } static int CSCPolicyCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *asp, void *arock) { struct cmd_item *ti; char *share = NULL; HKEY hkCSCPolicy; size_t len; if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } for(ti=asp->parms[0].items; ti;ti=ti->next) { share = ti->data; if (share) { break; } } if (share) { char *policy; RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_OPENAFS_SUBKEY "\\CSCPolicy", 0, "AFS", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, (IsWow64()?KEY_WOW64_64KEY:0)|KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkCSCPolicy, NULL ); if ( hkCSCPolicy == NULL ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); RegCloseKey(hkCSCPolicy); return EACCES; } policy = "manual"; len = 6; if (asp->parms[1].items) { policy = "manual"; len = 6; } if (asp->parms[2].items) { policy = "programs"; len = 8; } if (asp->parms[3].items) { policy = "documents"; len = 9; } if (asp->parms[4].items) { policy = "disable"; len = 7; } RegSetValueEx( hkCSCPolicy, share, 0, REG_SZ, policy, (DWORD)len+1); printf("CSC policy on share \"%s\" changed to \"%s\".\n\n", share, policy); printf("Close all applications that accessed files on this share or restart AFS Client for the change to take effect.\n"); } else { DWORD dwIndex, dwPolicies; char policyName[256]; DWORD policyNameLen; char policy[256]; DWORD policyLen; DWORD dwType; /* list current csc policies */ RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_OPENAFS_SUBKEY "\\CSCPolicy", 0, "AFS", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, (IsWow64()?KEY_WOW64_64KEY:0)|KEY_READ|KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &hkCSCPolicy, NULL ); RegQueryInfoKey( hkCSCPolicy, NULL, /* lpClass */ NULL, /* lpcClass */ NULL, /* lpReserved */ NULL, /* lpcSubKeys */ NULL, /* lpcMaxSubKeyLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxClassLen */ &dwPolicies, /* lpcValues */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueNameLen */ NULL, /* lpcMaxValueLen */ NULL, /* lpcbSecurityDescriptor */ NULL /* lpftLastWriteTime */ ); printf("Current CSC policies:\n"); for ( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwPolicies; dwIndex ++ ) { policyNameLen = sizeof(policyName); policyLen = sizeof(policy); RegEnumValue( hkCSCPolicy, dwIndex, policyName, &policyNameLen, NULL, &dwType, policy, &policyLen); printf(" %s = %s\n", policyName, policy); } } RegCloseKey(hkCSCPolicy); return (0); } #ifndef WIN32 /* get clients interface addresses */ static int GetClientAddrsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct cmd_item *ti; char *name; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct sprefrequest *in; struct sprefinfo *out; in = (struct sprefrequest *)space; in->offset = 0; do { blob.in_size = sizeof(struct sprefrequest); blob.in = (char *)in; blob.out = space; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; in->num_servers = (AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE - 2 * sizeof(short)) / sizeof(struct spref); /* returns addr in network byte order */ code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETCPREFS, &blob, 1); if (code) { perror("getClientInterfaceAddr pioctl"); return 1; } { int i; out = (struct sprefinfo *)blob.out; for (i = 0; i < out->num_servers; i++) { afs_int32 addr; char tbuffer[32]; addr = ntohl(out->servers[i].server.s_addr); if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(tbuffer, sizeof(tbuffer), "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr >> 24) & 0xff, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff, addr & 0xff))) { fprintf (stderr, "tbuffer - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } printf("%-50s\n", tbuffer); } in->offset = out->next_offset; } } while (out->next_offset > 0); return 0; } static int SetClientAddrsCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code, addr; struct cmd_item *ti; char name[80]; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct setspref *ssp; int sizeUsed = 0, i, flag; afs_int32 existingAddr[1024]; /* existing addresses on this host */ int existNu; int error = 0; ssp = (struct setspref *)space; ssp->num_servers = 0; blob.in = space; blob.out = space; blob.out_size = AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE; if (geteuid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Permission denied: requires root access.\n"); return 1; } /* extract all existing interface addresses */ existNu = rx_getAllAddr(existingAddr, 1024); if (existNu < 0) return 1; sizeUsed = sizeof(struct setspref); /* space used in ioctl buffer */ for (ti = as->parms[0].items; ti; ti = ti->next) { if (sizeUsed >= sizeof(space)) { fprintf(stderr, "No more space\n"); return 1; } addr = extractAddr(ti->data, 20); /* network order */ if ((addr == AFS_IPINVALID) || (addr == AFS_IPINVALIDIGNORE)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in specifying address: %s..ignoring\n", ti->data); error = 1; continue; } /* see if it is an address that really exists */ for (flag = 0, i = 0; i < existNu; i++) if (existingAddr[i] == addr) { flag = 1; break; } if (!flag) { /* this is an nonexistent address */ fprintf(stderr, "Nonexistent address: 0x%08x..ignoring\n", addr); error = 1; continue; } /* copy all specified addr into ioctl buffer */ (ssp->servers[ssp->num_servers]).server.s_addr = addr; printf("Adding 0x%08x\n", addr); ssp->num_servers++; sizeUsed += sizeof(struct spref); } if (ssp->num_servers < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "No addresses specified\n"); return 1; } blob.in_size = sizeUsed - sizeof(struct spref); code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETCPREFS, &blob, 1); /* network order */ if (code) { fs_Die(errno, 0); error = 1; } return error; } static int FlushMountCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; char orig_name[1024]; /*Original name, may be modified */ char true_name[1024]; /*``True'' dirname (e.g., symlink target) */ char parent_dir[1024]; /*Parent directory of true name */ char *last_component; /*Last component of true name */ struct stat statbuff; /*Buffer for status info */ int link_chars_read; /*Num chars read in readlink() */ int thru_symlink; /*Did we get to a mount point via a symlink? */ int error = 0; size_t len; for (ti = as->parms[0].items; ti; ti = ti->next) { /* once per file */ thru_symlink = 0; if( FAILED(StringCbPrintf(orig_name, sizeof(orig_name), "%s%s", (ti->data[0] == '/') ? "" : "./", ti->data))) { fprintf (stderr, "orig_name - cannot be populated"); exit(1); } if (lstat(orig_name, &statbuff) < 0) { /* if lstat fails, we should still try the pioctl, since it * may work (for example, lstat will fail, but pioctl will * work if the volume of offline (returning ENODEV). */ statbuff.st_mode = S_IFDIR; /* lie like pros */ } /* * The lstat succeeded. If the given file is a symlink, substitute * the file name with the link name. */ if ((statbuff.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) { thru_symlink = 1; /* * Read name of resolved file. */ link_chars_read = readlink(orig_name, true_name, 1024); if (link_chars_read <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't read target name for '%s' symbolic link!\n", pn, orig_name); error = 1; continue; } /* * Add a trailing null to what was read, bump the length. */ true_name[link_chars_read++] = 0; /* * If the symlink is an absolute pathname, we're fine. Otherwise, we * have to create a full pathname using the original name and the * relative symlink name. Find the rightmost slash in the original * name (we know there is one) and splice in the symlink value. */ if (true_name[0] != '/') { last_component = (char *)strrchr(orig_name, '/'); if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(++last_component, sizeof(orig_name) - (last_component - orig_name) * sizeof(char), true_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "last_component - not enough space"); exit(1); } if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(true_name, sizeof(true_name), orig_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "true_name - not enough space"); exit(1); } } } else { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(true_name, sizeof(true_name), orig_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "true_name - not enough space"); exit(1); } } /* * Find rightmost slash, if any. */ last_component = (char *)strrchr(true_name, '/'); if (last_component) { /* * Found it. Designate everything before it as the parent directory, * everything after it as the final component. */ if( FAILED(StringCchCopyN(parent_dir, sizeof(parent_dir) / sizeof(char), true_name, last_component - true_name))) { fprintf (stderr, "parent_dir - not enough space"); exit(1); } parent_dir[last_component - true_name] = 0; last_component++; /*Skip the slash */ } else { /* * No slash appears in the given file name. Set parent_dir to the current * directory, and the last component as the given name. */ if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(parent_dir, sizeof(parent_dir), "."))) { fprintf (stderr, "parent_dir - not enough space"); exit(1); } last_component = true_name; } if (strcmp(last_component, ".") == 0 || strcmp(last_component, "..") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: you may not use '.' or '..' as the last component\n", pn); fprintf(stderr, "%s: of a name in the 'fs flushmount' command.\n", pn); error = 1; continue; } blob.in = last_component; if( FAILED(StringCbLength(last_component, sizeof(true_name) - (last_component - true_name), &len))) { fprintf (stderr, "StringCbLength failure on last_component"); exit(1); } blob.in_size = len + 1; blob.out_size = 0; memset(space, 0, AFS_PIOCTL_MAXSIZE); code = pioctl_utf8(parent_dir, VIOC_AFS_FLUSHMOUNT, &blob, 1); if (code != 0) { if (errno == EINVAL) { fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a mount point.\n", ti->data); } else { fs_Die(errno, (ti->data ? ti->data : parent_dir)); } error = 1; } } return error; } #endif /* WIN32 */ static int RxStatProcCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; afs_int32 flags = 0; struct ViceIoctl blob; if (as->parms[0].items) { /* -enable */ flags |= AFSCALL_RXSTATS_ENABLE; } if (as->parms[1].items) { /* -disable */ flags |= AFSCALL_RXSTATS_DISABLE; } if (as->parms[2].items) { /* -clear */ flags |= AFSCALL_RXSTATS_CLEAR; } if (flags == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify at least one argument\n"); return 1; } blob.in = (char *)&flags; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_RXSTAT_PROC, &blob, 1); if (code != 0) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return 1; } return 0; } static int RxStatPeerCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; afs_int32 flags = 0; struct ViceIoctl blob; if (as->parms[0].items) { /* -enable */ flags |= AFSCALL_RXSTATS_ENABLE; } if (as->parms[1].items) { /* -disable */ flags |= AFSCALL_RXSTATS_DISABLE; } if (as->parms[2].items) { /* -clear */ flags |= AFSCALL_RXSTATS_CLEAR; } if (flags == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify at least one argument\n"); return 1; } blob.in = (char *)&flags; blob.in_size = sizeof(afs_int32); blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_RXSTAT_PEER, &blob, 1); if (code != 0) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return 1; } return 0; } static int TestVolStatCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct VolStatTest test; struct ViceIoctl blob; char * tp; afs_uint32 n; memset(&test, 0, sizeof(test)); if (as->parms[0].items) { /* -network */ tp = as->parms[0].items->data; if (strcmp(tp, "up") == 0) test.flags |= VOLSTAT_TEST_NETWORK_UP; else if (strcmp(tp, "down") == 0) test.flags |= VOLSTAT_TEST_NETWORK_DOWN; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s must be \"up\" or \"down\".\n", pn, tp); return EINVAL; } } if (as->parms[1].items) { /* check */ test.flags |= VOLSTAT_TEST_CHECK_VOLUME; } if (as->parms[2].items) { /* cell */ tp = as->parms[2].items->data; n = atoi(tp); if (n != 0) test.fid.cell = n; else { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(test.cellname, sizeof(test.cellname), tp))) { fprintf (stderr, "cellname - not enough space"); exit(1); } test.cellname[sizeof(test.cellname)-1] = '\0'; } } if (as->parms[3].items) { /* volume */ tp = as->parms[3].items->data; n = atoi(tp); if (n != 0) test.fid.volume = n; else { if( FAILED(StringCbCopy(test.volname, sizeof(test.volname), tp))) { fprintf (stderr, "volname - not enough space"); exit(1); } test.volname[sizeof(test.volname)-1] = '\0'; } } if (as->parms[4].items) { /* state */ tp = as->parms[4].items->data; if (strcmp(tp, "online") == 0) test.state = vl_online; else if (strcmp(tp, "busy") == 0) test.state = vl_busy; else if (strcmp(tp, "offline") == 0) test.state = vl_offline; else if (strcmp(tp, "down") == 0) test.state = vl_alldown; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s must be \"online\", \"busy\", \"offline\" or \"down\".\n", pn, tp); return EINVAL; } } if ((test.fid.cell || test.cellname[0]) && !(test.fid.volume || test.volname[0]) || !(test.fid.cell || test.cellname[0]) && (test.fid.volume || test.volname[0])) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: both a cell and a volume must be specified.\n", pn, tp); return EINVAL; } blob.in = (char *)&test; blob.in_size = sizeof(test); blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(NULL, VIOC_VOLSTAT_TEST, &blob, 1); if (code != 0) { fs_Die(errno, NULL); return 1; } return 0; } static int ChOwnCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; int literal = 0; struct { cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; afs_uint32 owner; } inData; afs_uint32 ownerId; char * ownerStr; char confDir[257]; cm_GetConfigDir(confDir, sizeof(confDir)); if (as->parms[2].items) literal = 1; ownerStr = as->parms[0].items->data; ownerId = atoi(ownerStr); SetDotDefault(&as->parms[1].items); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; char cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN]; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&inData, 0, sizeof(inData)); filetype = 0; inData.options.size = sizeof(inData.options); inData.options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; inData.options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = inData.options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &inData; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { inData.options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; inData.options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } /* * if the owner was specified as a numeric value, * then we can just use it. Otherwise, we need * to know the cell of the path to determine which * ptserver to contact in order to convert the name * to a numeric value. */ if (ownerId == 0) { blob.out_size = CELL_MAXNAMELEN; blob.out = cell; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0'; /* * We now know the cell for the target and we need to * convert the ownerStr to the Id for this user */ pr_Initialize(1, confDir, cell); code = pr_SNameToId(ownerStr, &inData.owner); pr_End(); if (code || inData.owner == ANONYMOUSID ) { fs_Die(ECHILD, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } } else { inData.owner = ownerId; } blob.in_size = sizeof(inData); blob.out = NULL; blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_SETOWNER, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } } return error; } static int ChGrpCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; int literal = 0; struct { cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; afs_uint32 group; } inData; afs_uint32 groupId; char * groupStr; char confDir[257]; cm_GetConfigDir(confDir, sizeof(confDir)); if (as->parms[2].items) literal = 1; groupStr = as->parms[0].items->data; groupId = atoi(groupStr); SetDotDefault(&as->parms[1].items); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; char cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN]; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&inData, 0, sizeof(inData)); filetype = 0; inData.options.size = sizeof(inData.options); inData.options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; inData.options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = inData.options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &inData; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { inData.options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; inData.options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } /* * if the group was specified as a numeric value, * then we can just use it. Otherwise, we need * to know the cell of the path to determine which * ptserver to contact in order to convert the name * to a numeric value. */ if (groupId == 0) { blob.out_size = CELL_MAXNAMELEN; blob.out = cell; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } cell[CELL_MAXNAMELEN - 1] = '\0'; /* * We now know the cell for the target and we need to * convert the groupStr to the Id for this user */ pr_Initialize(1, confDir, cell); code = pr_SNameToId(groupStr, &inData.group); pr_End(); if (code || inData.group == ANONYMOUSID ) { fs_Die(ECHILD, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } } else { inData.group = groupId; } blob.in_size = sizeof(inData); blob.out = NULL; blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_SETGROUP, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } } return error; } static int ChModCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; struct cmd_item *ti; int error = 0; int literal = 0; struct { cm_ioctlQueryOptions_t options; afs_uint32 unixModeBits; } inData; afs_uint32 unixModeBits; afs_int32 absolute = 0; char * unixModeStr; char confDir[257]; cm_GetConfigDir(confDir, sizeof(confDir)); if (as->parms[2].items) literal = 1; unixModeStr = as->parms[0].items->data; if (*unixModeStr >= '0' && *unixModeStr <= '7') { unixModeBits = 0; absolute = 1; while (*unixModeStr >= '0' && *unixModeStr <= '7') unixModeBits = (unixModeBits << 3) | (*unixModeStr++ & 07); if (*unixModeStr) { fs_Die(EINVAL, "invalid mode"); return(1); } unixModeBits &= ALL_MODES; } SetDotDefault(&as->parms[1].items); for(ti=as->parms[1].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { cm_fid_t fid; afs_uint32 filetype; /* once per file */ memset(&fid, 0, sizeof(fid)); memset(&inData, 0, sizeof(inData)); filetype = 0; inData.options.size = sizeof(inData.options); inData.options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_LITERAL; inData.options.literal = literal; blob.in_size = inData.options.size; /* no variable length data */ blob.in = &inData; blob.out_size = sizeof(cm_fid_t); blob.out = (char *) &fid; if (0 == pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOCGETFID, &blob, 1) && blob.out_size == sizeof(cm_fid_t)) { inData.options.field_flags |= CM_IOCTL_QOPTS_FIELD_FID; inData.options.fid = fid; } else { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } /* * if the mode was specified as an absolute numeric, * value we can simply apply it to all of the listed * file paths. Otherwise, we must obtain the old mode * value in order to compute the new value from the * symbolic representation. */ if (!absolute) { blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = sizeof(afs_uint32); blob.out = (char *)&unixModeBits; if (pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_GETUNIXMODE, &blob, 1) != 0) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); error = 1; continue; } inData.unixModeBits = parsemode(unixModeStr, unixModeBits); } else { inData.unixModeBits = unixModeBits; } blob.in_size = sizeof(inData); blob.out = NULL; blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(ti->data, VIOC_SETUNIXMODE, &blob, 1); if (code) { fs_Die(errno, ti->data); } } return error; } static afs_int32 SetDataVerifyCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code = 0, flag; struct ViceIoctl blob; char *tp; #ifdef WIN32 if ( !fs_IsAdmin() ) { fprintf (stderr,"Permission denied: requires AFS Client Administrator access.\n"); return EACCES; } #endif /* WIN32 */ tp = as->parms[0].items->data; if (strcmp(tp, "on") == 0) flag = 1; else if (strcmp(tp, "off") == 0) flag = 0; else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s must be \"on\" or \"off\".\n", pn, tp); return EINVAL; } blob.in = (char *) &flag; blob.in_size = sizeof(flag); blob.out_size = 0; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_SETVERIFYDATA, &blob, 1); if (code) fs_Die(code, NULL); return 0; } static afs_int32 GetDataVerifyCmd(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { afs_int32 code = 0, flag; struct ViceIoctl blob; char *tp; errno_t err; blob.in = NULL; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = sizeof(flag); blob.out = space; code = pioctl_utf8(0, VIOC_GETVERIFYDATA, &blob, 1); if (code || blob.out_size != sizeof(flag)) fs_Die(code, NULL); else { tp = space; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 memcpy(&flag, tp, sizeof(afs_int32)); #else err = memcpy_s(&flag, sizeof(flag), tp, sizeof(afs_int32)); if ( err ) { fprintf (stderr, "memcpy_s failure on flag"); exit(1); } #endif printf("Data verify mode is currently "); if (flag == 1) printf("on.\n"); else printf("off.\n"); } return 0; } #ifndef WIN32 #include "AFS_component_version_number.c" #endif int wmain(int argc, wchar_t **wargv) { afs_int32 code; struct cmd_syndesc *ts; char ** argv; #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV /* * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful. */ struct sigaction nsa; sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask); nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL); #endif #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA WSAjunk; WSAStartup(0x0101, &WSAjunk); #endif /* WIN32 */ fs_SetProcessName(pn); argv = fs_MakeUtf8Cmdline(argc, wargv); /* try to find volume location information */ osi_Init(); #ifndef WIN32 ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getclientaddrs", GetClientAddrsCmd, NULL, "get client network interface addresses"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "gc"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setclientaddrs", SetClientAddrsCmd, NULL, "set client network interface addresses"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-address", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL | CMD_EXPANDS, "client network interfaces"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "sc"); #endif /* WIN32 */ ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setserverprefs", SetPrefCmd, NULL, "set server ranks"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-servers", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL|CMD_EXPANDS, "fileserver names and ranks"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-vlservers", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL|CMD_EXPANDS, "VL server names and ranks"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "input from named file"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-stdin", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "input from stdin"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "sp"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getserverprefs", GetPrefCmd, NULL, "get server ranks"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-file", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "output to named file"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-numeric", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "addresses only"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-vlservers", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "VL servers"); /* cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cellname"); */ cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "gp"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setacl", SetACLCmd, NULL, "set access control list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_LIST, 0, "directory"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-acl", CMD_LIST, 0, "access list entries"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-clear", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "clear access list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-negative", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "apply to negative rights"); parm_setacl_id = ts->nParms; cmd_AddParm(ts, "-id", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "initial directory acl (DFS only)"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-if", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "initial file acl (DFS only)"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "sa"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listacl", ListACLCmd, NULL, "list access control list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); parm_listacl_id = ts->nParms; cmd_AddParm(ts, "-id", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "initial directory acl"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-if", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "initial file acl"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cmd", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "output as 'fs setacl' command"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "la"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getcalleraccess", GetCallerAccess, NULL, "list callers access"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "gca"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("cleanacl", CleanACLCmd, NULL, "clean up access control list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("copyacl", CopyACLCmd, NULL, "copy access control list"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-fromdir", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "source directory (or DFS file)"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-todir", CMD_LIST, 0, "destination directory (or DFS file)"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-clear", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "first clear dest access list"); parm_copyacl_id = ts->nParms; cmd_AddParm(ts, "-id", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "initial directory acl"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-if", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "initial file acl"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "ca"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("flush", FlushCmd, NULL, "flush file from cache"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); #ifndef WIN32 ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("flushmount", FlushMountCmd, NULL, "flush mount symlink from cache"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); #endif ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setvol", SetVolCmd, NULL, "set volume status"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-max", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "disk space quota in 1K units"); #ifdef notdef cmd_AddParm(ts, "-min", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "disk space guaranteed"); #endif cmd_AddParm(ts, "-motd", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "message of the day"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-offlinemsg", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "offline message"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "sv"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("messages", MessagesCmd, NULL, "control Cache Manager messages"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-show", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "[user|console|all|none]"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("examine", ExamineCmd, NULL, "display file/volume status"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "lv"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "listvol"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listquota", ListQuotaCmd, NULL, "list volume quota"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "lq"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("diskfree", DiskFreeCmd, NULL, "show server disk space usage"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "df"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("quota", QuotaCmd, NULL, "show volume quota usage"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("lsmount", ListMountCmd, NULL, "list mount point"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_LIST, 0, "directory"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("mkmount", MakeMountCmd, NULL, "make mount point"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "directory"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-vol", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "volume name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-rw", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "force r/w volume"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-fast", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "don't check name with VLDB"); /* * * defect 3069 * cmd_AddParm(ts, "-root", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "create cellular mount point"); */ ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("rmmount", RemoveMountCmd, NULL, "remove mount point"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dir", CMD_LIST, 0, "directory"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("checkservers", CheckServersCmd, NULL, "check local cell's servers"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell to check"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-all", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "check all cells"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-fast", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "just list, don't check"); cmd_AddParm(ts,"-interval",CMD_SINGLE,CMD_OPTIONAL,"seconds between probes"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("checkvolumes", CheckVolumesCmd, NULL, "check volumeID/name mappings"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "checkbackups"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setcachesize", SetCacheSizeCmd, NULL, "set cache size"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-blocks", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "size in 1K byte blocks (0 => reset)"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "cachesize"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-reset", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "reset size back to boot value"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getcacheparms", GetCacheParmsCmd, NULL, "get cache usage info"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("listcells", ListCellsCmd, NULL, "list configured cells"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-numeric", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "addresses only"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setquota", SetQuotaCmd, NULL, "set volume quota"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-max", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "max quota in kbytes"); #ifdef notdef cmd_AddParm(ts, "-min", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "min quota in kbytes"); #endif cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "sq"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("newcell", NewCellCmd, NULL, "configure new cell"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-servers", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "primary servers"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-linkedcell", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "linked cell name"); /* * Turn this on only if you wish to be able to talk to a server which is listening * on alternative ports. This is not intended for general use and may not be * supported in the cache manager. It is not a way to run two servers at the * same host, since the cache manager cannot properly distinguish those two hosts. */ cmd_AddParm(ts, "-fsport", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell's fileserver port"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-vlport", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell's vldb server port"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-registry", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "add cell info to registry cellservdb"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dns", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "force use of dns"); #ifndef WIN32 ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("newalias", NewAliasCmd, NULL, "configure new cell alias"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-alias", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "alias name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "real name of cell"); #endif ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("whichcell", WhichCellCmd, NULL, "list file's cell"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("whereis", WhereIsCmd, NULL, "list file's location"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("wscell", WSCellCmd, NULL, "list workstation's cell"); /* ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("primarycell", PrimaryCellCmd, 0, "obsolete (listed primary cell)"); */ #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("monitor", MonitorCmd, NULL, "set cache monitor host address"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-server", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "host name or 'off'"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "mariner"); #endif ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getcellstatus", GetCellCmd, NULL, "get cell status"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_LIST, 0, "cell name"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setcell", SetCellCmd, NULL, "set cell status"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_LIST, 0, "cell name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-suid", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "allow setuid programs"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-nosuid", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "disallow setuid programs"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("flushall", FlushAllCmd, NULL, "flush all data"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("flushvolume", FlushVolumeCmd, NULL, "flush all data in volume"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("sysname", SysNameCmd, NULL, "get/set sysname (i.e. @sys) value"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-newsys", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "new sysname"); #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("exportafs", ExportAfsCmd, NULL, "enable/disable translators to AFS"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-type", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "exporter name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-start", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "start/stop translator ('on' or 'off')"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-convert", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "convert from afs to unix mode ('on or 'off')"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-uidcheck", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "run on strict 'uid check' mode ('on' or 'off')"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-submounts", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "allow nfs mounts to subdirs of /afs/.. ('on' or 'off')"); #endif ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("storebehind", StoreBehindCmd, NULL, "store to server after file close"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-kbytes", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "asynchrony for specified names"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-files", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "specific pathnames"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-allfiles", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "new default (KB)"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "sb"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setcrypt", SetCryptCmd, NULL, "set cache manager encryption flag"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-crypt", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "on, auth or off"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getcrypt", GetCryptCmd, NULL, "get cache manager encryption flag"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("rxstatproc", RxStatProcCmd, NULL, "Manage per process RX statistics"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-enable", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Enable RX stats"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-disable", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Disable RX stats"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-clear", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Clear RX stats"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("rxstatpeer", RxStatPeerCmd, NULL, "Manage per peer RX statistics"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-enable", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Enable RX stats"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-disable", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Disable RX stats"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-clear", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "Clear RX stats"); #ifndef WIN32 ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setcbaddr", CallBackRxConnCmd, NULL, "configure callback connection address"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-addr", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "host name or address"); #endif ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("trace", TraceCmd, NULL, "enable or disable CM tracing"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-on", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "enable tracing"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-off", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "disable tracing"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-reset", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "reset log contents"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-dump", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dump log contents"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "tr"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("uuid", UuidCmd, NULL, "manage the UUID for the cache manager"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-generate", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "generate a new UUID"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("memdump", MemDumpCmd, NULL, "dump memory allocs in debug builds"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-begin", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "set a memory checkpoint"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-end", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dump memory allocs"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("cscpolicy", CSCPolicyCmd, NULL, "change client side caching policy for AFS shares"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-share", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "AFS share"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-manual", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "manual caching of documents"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-programs", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "automatic caching of programs and documents"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-documents", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "automatic caching of documents"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-disable", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "disable caching"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("minidump", MiniDumpCmd, NULL, "Generate MiniDump of current service state"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("test_volstat", TestVolStatCmd, NULL, (char *)CMD_HIDDEN); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-network", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "set network state up or down"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-check", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "check state of offline volumes"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-cell", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "cell name or number"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-volume", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "volume name or number"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-state", CMD_SINGLE, CMD_OPTIONAL, "new volume state: online, busy, offline, down"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("smbunicode", SmbUnicodeCmd, NULL, "enable or disable Unicode on new SMB connections"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-on", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "enable Unicode on new connections"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-off", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "disable Unicode on new connections"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getfid", GetFidCmd, NULL, "get file id for object(s) in afs"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("chown", ChOwnCmd, NULL, "set owner for object(s) in afs"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-owner", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "user name or id"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("chgrp", ChGrpCmd, NULL, "set owner for object(s) in afs"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-group", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "user/group name or id"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("chmod", ChModCmd, NULL, "set UNIX mode for object(s) in afs"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-mode", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "UNIX mode bits"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-path", CMD_LIST, CMD_OPTIONAL, "dir/file path"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-literal", CMD_FLAG, CMD_OPTIONAL, "literal evaluation of mountpoints and symlinks"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("setverify", SetDataVerifyCmd, NULL, "set cache manager data verify mode"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-verify", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "on or off"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("getverify", GetDataVerifyCmd, NULL, "get cache manager data verify mode"); code = cmd_Dispatch(argc, argv); if (rxInitDone) rx_Finalize(); fs_FreeUtf8CmdLine(argc, argv); return code; }