/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #ifndef DJGPP #include #endif /* !DJGPP */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd.h" #include "smb.h" extern osi_hyper_t hzero; smb_packet_t *smb_Directory_Watches = NULL; osi_mutex_t smb_Dir_Watch_Lock; smb_tran2Dispatch_t smb_tran2DispatchTable[SMB_TRAN2_NOPCODES]; /* protected by the smb_globalLock */ smb_tran2Packet_t *smb_tran2AssemblyQueuep; /* retrieve a held reference to a user structure corresponding to an incoming * request */ cm_user_t *smb_GetTran2User(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *inp) { smb_user_t *uidp; cm_user_t *up = NULL; uidp = smb_FindUID(vcp, inp->uid, 0); if (!uidp) return NULL; lock_ObtainMutex(&uidp->mx); if (uidp->unp) { up = uidp->unp->userp; cm_HoldUser(up); } lock_ReleaseMutex(&uidp->mx); smb_ReleaseUID(uidp); return up; } /* * Return extended attributes. * Right now, we aren't using any of the "new" bits, so this looks exactly * like smb_Attributes() (see smb.c). */ unsigned long smb_ExtAttributes(cm_scache_t *scp) { unsigned long attrs; if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY || scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_MOUNTPOINT) attrs = SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY; else attrs = 0; /* * We used to mark a file RO if it was in an RO volume, but that * turns out to be impolitic in NT. See defect 10007. */ #ifdef notdef if ((scp->unixModeBits & 0222) == 0 || (scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_RO)) #endif if ((scp->unixModeBits & 0222) == 0) attrs |= SMB_ATTR_READONLY; /* Read-only */ if (attrs == 0) attrs = SMB_ATTR_NORMAL; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL */ return attrs; } int smb_V3IsStarMask(char *maskp) { char tc; while (tc = *maskp++) if (tc == '?' || tc == '*') return 1; return 0; } unsigned char *smb_ParseString(unsigned char *inp, char **chainpp) { if (chainpp) { /* skip over null-terminated string */ *chainpp = inp + strlen(inp) + 1; } return inp; } long smb_ReceiveV3SessionSetupX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { char *tp; char *usern, *pwd, *pwdx; smb_user_t *uidp; unsigned short newUid; unsigned long caps; cm_user_t *userp; smb_username_t *unp; char *s1 = " "; /* Check for bad conns */ if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_REMOTECONN) return CM_ERROR_REMOTECONN; /* For NT LM 0.12 and up, get capabilities */ if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_USENT) { caps = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 11); if (caps & 0x40) vcp->flags |= SMB_VCFLAG_STATUS32; /* for now, ignore other capability bits */ } /* Parse the data */ tp = smb_GetSMBData(inp, NULL); if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_USENT) pwdx = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp); pwd = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp); usern = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp); /* On Windows 2000, this function appears to be called more often than it is expected to be called. This resulted in multiple smb_user_t records existing all for the same user session which results in all of the users tokens disappearing. To avoid this problem, we look for an existing smb_user_t record based on the users name, and use that one if we find it. */ uidp = smb_FindUserByNameThisSession(vcp, usern); if (uidp) { /* already there, so don't create a new one */ unp = uidp->unp; userp = unp->userp; newUid = (unsigned short)uidp->userID; /* For some reason these are different types!*/ osi_LogEvent("AFS smb_ReceiveV3SessionSetupX",NULL,"FindUserByName:Lana[%d],lsn[%d],userid[%d],name[%s]",vcp->lana,vcp->lsn,newUid,usern); osi_Log3(afsd_logp,"smb_ReceiveV3SessionSetupX FindUserByName:Lana[%d],lsn[%d],userid[%d]",vcp->lana,vcp->lsn,newUid); smb_ReleaseUID(uidp); } else { /* do a global search for the username/machine name pair */ unp = smb_FindUserByName(usern, vcp->rname, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); /* Create a new UID and cm_user_t structure */ userp = unp->userp; if (!userp) userp = cm_NewUser(); lock_ObtainMutex(&vcp->mx); if (!vcp->uidCounter) vcp->uidCounter++; /* handle unlikely wraparounds */ newUid = (strlen(usern)==0)?0:vcp->uidCounter++; lock_ReleaseMutex(&vcp->mx); /* Create a new smb_user_t structure and connect them up */ lock_ObtainMutex(&unp->mx); unp->userp = userp; lock_ReleaseMutex(&unp->mx); uidp = smb_FindUID(vcp, newUid, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); lock_ObtainMutex(&uidp->mx); uidp->unp = unp; osi_LogEvent("AFS smb_ReceiveV3SessionSetupX",NULL,"MakeNewUser:VCP[%x],Lana[%d],lsn[%d],userid[%d],TicketKTCName[%s]",(int)vcp,vcp->lana,vcp->lsn,newUid,usern); osi_Log4(afsd_logp,"smb_ReceiveV3SessionSetupX MakeNewUser:VCP[%x],Lana[%d],lsn[%d],userid[%d]",vcp,vcp->lana,vcp->lsn,newUid); lock_ReleaseMutex(&uidp->mx); smb_ReleaseUID(uidp); } /* Return UID to the client */ ((smb_t *)outp)->uid = newUid; /* Also to the next chained message */ ((smb_t *)inp)->uid = newUid; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "SMB3 session setup name %s creating ID %d%s", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, usern), newUid, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, s1)); smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 2, 0); smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveV3UserLogoffX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { smb_user_t *uidp; /* don't get tokens from this VC */ vcp->flags |= SMB_VCFLAG_ALREADYDEAD; inp->flags |= SMB_PACKETFLAG_PROFILE_UPDATE_OK; /* find the tree and free it */ uidp = smb_FindUID(vcp, ((smb_t *)inp)->uid, 0); /* TODO: smb_ReleaseUID() ? */ if (uidp) { char *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL; if (s2 == NULL) s2 = " "; if (s1 == NULL) {s1 = s2; s2 = " ";} osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "SMB3 user logoffX uid %d name %s%s%s", uidp->userID, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, (uidp->unp) ? uidp->unp->name: " "), s1, s2); lock_ObtainMutex(&uidp->mx); uidp->flags |= SMB_USERFLAG_DELETE; /* * it doesn't get deleted right away * because the vcp points to it */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&uidp->mx); } else osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "SMB3 user logoffX"); smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveV3TreeConnectX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { smb_tid_t *tidp; unsigned short newTid; char shareName[256]; char *sharePath; int shareFound; char *tp; char *pathp; char *passwordp; char *servicep; cm_user_t *userp; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "SMB3 receive tree connect"); /* parse input parameters */ tp = smb_GetSMBData(inp, NULL); passwordp = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp); pathp = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp); servicep = smb_ParseString(tp, &tp); tp = strrchr(pathp, '\\'); if (!tp) { return CM_ERROR_BADSMB; } strcpy(shareName, tp+1); if (strcmp(servicep, "IPC") == 0 || strcmp(shareName, "IPC$") == 0) return CM_ERROR_NOIPC; userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); lock_ObtainMutex(&vcp->mx); newTid = vcp->tidCounter++; lock_ReleaseMutex(&vcp->mx); tidp = smb_FindTID(vcp, newTid, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); shareFound = smb_FindShare(vcp, inp, shareName, &sharePath); if (!shareFound) { smb_ReleaseTID(tidp); return CM_ERROR_BADSHARENAME; } lock_ObtainMutex(&tidp->mx); tidp->userp = userp; tidp->pathname = sharePath; lock_ReleaseMutex(&tidp->mx); smb_ReleaseTID(tidp); if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_USENT) smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 2, 0); /* OptionalSupport bits */ ((smb_t *)outp)->tid = newTid; ((smb_t *)inp)->tid = newTid; tp = smb_GetSMBData(outp, NULL); *tp++ = 'A'; *tp++ = ':'; *tp++ = 0; smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 3); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "SMB3 tree connect created ID %d", newTid); return 0; } /* must be called with global tran lock held */ smb_tran2Packet_t *smb_FindTran2Packet(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp) { smb_tran2Packet_t *tp; smb_t *smbp; smbp = (smb_t *) inp->data; for(tp = smb_tran2AssemblyQueuep; tp; tp = (smb_tran2Packet_t *) osi_QNext(&tp->q)) { if (tp->vcp == vcp && tp->mid == smbp->mid && tp->tid == smbp->tid) return tp; } return NULL; } smb_tran2Packet_t *smb_NewTran2Packet(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, int totalParms, int totalData) { smb_tran2Packet_t *tp; smb_t *smbp; smbp = (smb_t *) inp->data; tp = malloc(sizeof(*tp)); memset(tp, 0, sizeof(*tp)); tp->vcp = vcp; smb_HoldVC(vcp); tp->curData = tp->curParms = 0; tp->totalData = totalData; tp->totalParms = totalParms; tp->tid = smbp->tid; tp->mid = smbp->mid; tp->uid = smbp->uid; tp->pid = smbp->pid; tp->res[0] = smbp->res[0]; osi_QAdd((osi_queue_t **)&smb_tran2AssemblyQueuep, &tp->q); tp->opcode = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 14); if (totalParms != 0) tp->parmsp = malloc(totalParms); if (totalData != 0) tp->datap = malloc(totalData); tp->flags |= SMB_TRAN2PFLAG_ALLOC; return tp; } smb_tran2Packet_t *smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp, int totalParms, int totalData) { smb_tran2Packet_t *tp; unsigned short parmOffset; unsigned short dataOffset; unsigned short dataAlign; tp = malloc(sizeof(*tp)); memset(tp, 0, sizeof(*tp)); tp->vcp = NULL; tp->curData = tp->curParms = 0; tp->totalData = totalData; tp->totalParms = totalParms; tp->oldTotalParms = totalParms; tp->tid = inp->tid; tp->mid = inp->mid; tp->uid = inp->uid; tp->pid = inp->pid; tp->res[0] = inp->res[0]; tp->opcode = inp->opcode; /* * We calculate where the parameters and data will start. * This calculation must parallel the calculation in * smb_SendTran2Packet. */ parmOffset = 10*2 + 35; parmOffset++; /* round to even */ tp->parmsp = (unsigned short *) (outp->data + parmOffset); dataOffset = parmOffset + totalParms; dataAlign = dataOffset & 2; /* quad-align */ dataOffset += dataAlign; tp->datap = outp->data + dataOffset; return tp; } /* free a tran2 packet; must be called with smb_globalLock held */ void smb_FreeTran2Packet(smb_tran2Packet_t *t2p) { if (t2p->vcp) smb_ReleaseVC(t2p->vcp); if (t2p->flags & SMB_TRAN2PFLAG_ALLOC) { if (t2p->parmsp) free(t2p->parmsp); if (t2p->datap) free(t2p->datap); } free(t2p); } /* called with a VC, an input packet to respond to, and an error code. * sends an error response. */ void smb_SendTran2Error(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *t2p, smb_packet_t *tp, long code) { smb_t *smbp; unsigned short errCode; unsigned char errClass; unsigned long NTStatus; if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_STATUS32) smb_MapNTError(code, &NTStatus); else smb_MapCoreError(code, vcp, &errCode, &errClass); smb_FormatResponsePacket(vcp, NULL, tp); smbp = (smb_t *) tp; /* We can handle long names */ if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_USENT) smbp->flg2 |= 0x40; /* IS_LONG_NAME */ /* now copy important fields from the tran 2 packet */ smbp->com = 0x32; /* tran 2 response */ smbp->tid = t2p->tid; smbp->mid = t2p->mid; smbp->pid = t2p->pid; smbp->uid = t2p->uid; smbp->res[0] = t2p->res[0]; if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_STATUS32) { smbp->rcls = (unsigned char) (NTStatus & 0xff); smbp->reh = (unsigned char) ((NTStatus >> 8) & 0xff); smbp->errLow = (unsigned char) ((NTStatus >> 16) & 0xff); smbp->errHigh = (unsigned char) ((NTStatus >> 24) & 0xff); smbp->flg2 |= 0x4000; } else { smbp->rcls = errClass; smbp->errLow = (unsigned char) (errCode & 0xff); smbp->errHigh = (unsigned char) ((errCode >> 8) & 0xff); } /* send packet */ smb_SendPacket(vcp, tp); } void smb_SendTran2Packet(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *t2p, smb_packet_t *tp) { smb_t *smbp; unsigned short parmOffset; unsigned short dataOffset; unsigned short totalLength; unsigned short dataAlign; char *datap; smb_FormatResponsePacket(vcp, NULL, tp); smbp = (smb_t *) tp; /* We can handle long names */ if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_USENT) smbp->flg2 |= 0x40; /* IS_LONG_NAME */ /* now copy important fields from the tran 2 packet */ smbp->com = 0x32; /* tran 2 response */ smbp->tid = t2p->tid; smbp->mid = t2p->mid; smbp->pid = t2p->pid; smbp->uid = t2p->uid; smbp->res[0] = t2p->res[0]; totalLength = 1 + t2p->totalData + t2p->totalParms; /* now add the core parameters (tran2 info) to the packet */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 0, t2p->totalParms); /* parm bytes */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 1, t2p->totalData); /* data bytes */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 2, 0); /* reserved */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 3, t2p->totalParms); /* parm bytes in this packet */ parmOffset = 10*2 + 35; /* parm offset in packet */ parmOffset++; /* round to even */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 4, parmOffset); /* 11 parm words plus * * hdr, bcc and wct */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 5, 0); /* parm displacement */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 6, t2p->totalData); /* data in this packet */ dataOffset = parmOffset + t2p->oldTotalParms; dataAlign = dataOffset & 2; /* quad-align */ dataOffset += dataAlign; smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 7, dataOffset); /* offset of data */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 8, 0); /* data displacement */ smb_SetSMBParm(tp, 9, 0); /* low: setup word count * * high: resvd */ datap = smb_GetSMBData(tp, NULL); *datap++ = 0; /* we rounded to even */ totalLength += dataAlign; smb_SetSMBDataLength(tp, totalLength); /* next, send the datagram */ smb_SendPacket(vcp, tp); } long smb_ReceiveV3Tran2A(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { smb_tran2Packet_t *asp; int totalParms; int totalData; int parmDisp; int dataDisp; int parmOffset; int dataOffset; int parmCount; int dataCount; int firstPacket; long code; /* We sometimes see 0 word count. What to do? */ if (*inp->wctp == 0) { #ifndef DJGPP HANDLE h; char *ptbuf[1]; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "TRANSACTION2 word count = 0"); h = RegisterEventSource(NULL, AFS_DAEMON_EVENT_NAME); ptbuf[0] = "Transaction2 word count = 0"; ReportEvent(h, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 0, 1003, NULL, 1, inp->ncb_length, ptbuf, inp); DeregisterEventSource(h); #else /* DJGPP */ osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "TRANSACTION2 word count = 0"); #endif /* !DJGPP */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); smb_SendPacket(vcp, outp); return 0; } totalParms = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 0); totalData = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 1); firstPacket = (inp->inCom == 0x32); /* find the packet we're reassembling */ lock_ObtainWrite(&smb_globalLock); asp = smb_FindTran2Packet(vcp, inp); if (!asp) { asp = smb_NewTran2Packet(vcp, inp, totalParms, totalData); } lock_ReleaseWrite(&smb_globalLock); /* now merge in this latest packet; start by looking up offsets */ if (firstPacket) { parmDisp = dataDisp = 0; parmOffset = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 10); dataOffset = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 12); parmCount = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 9); dataCount = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 11); asp->maxReturnParms = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 2); asp->maxReturnData = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 3); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "SMB3 received T2 init packet total data %d, cur data %d, max return data %d", totalData, dataCount, asp->maxReturnData); } else { parmDisp = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 4); parmOffset = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 3); dataDisp = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 7); dataOffset = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 6); parmCount = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 2); dataCount = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 5); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "SMB3 received T2 aux packet parms %d, data %d", parmCount, dataCount); } /* now copy the parms and data */ if ( parmCount != 0 ) { memcpy(((char *)asp->parmsp) + parmDisp, inp->data + parmOffset, parmCount); } if ( dataCount != 0 ) { memcpy(asp->datap + dataDisp, inp->data + dataOffset, dataCount); } /* account for new bytes */ asp->curData += dataCount; asp->curParms += parmCount; /* finally, if we're done, remove the packet from the queue and dispatch it */ if (asp->totalData <= asp->curData && asp->totalParms <= asp->curParms) { /* we've received it all */ lock_ObtainWrite(&smb_globalLock); osi_QRemove((osi_queue_t **) &smb_tran2AssemblyQueuep, &asp->q); lock_ReleaseWrite(&smb_globalLock); /* now dispatch it */ if ( asp->opcode >= 0 && asp->opcode < 20 && smb_tran2DispatchTable[asp->opcode].procp) { osi_LogEvent("AFS-Dispatch-2[%s]",myCrt_2Dispatch(asp->opcode),"vcp[%x] lana[%d] lsn[%d]",(int)vcp,vcp->lana,vcp->lsn); osi_Log4(afsd_logp,"AFS Server - Dispatch-2 %s vcp[%x] lana[%d] lsn[%d]",myCrt_2Dispatch(asp->opcode),vcp,vcp->lana,vcp->lsn); code = (*smb_tran2DispatchTable[asp->opcode].procp)(vcp, asp, outp); } else { osi_LogEvent("AFS-Dispatch-2 [invalid]", NULL, "op[%x] vcp[%x] lana[%d] lsn[%d]", asp->opcode, vcp, vcp->lana, vcp->lsn); osi_Log4(afsd_logp,"AFS Server - Dispatch-2 [INVALID] op[%x] vcp[%x] lana[%d] lsn[%d]", asp->opcode, vcp, vcp->lana, vcp->lsn); code = CM_ERROR_BADOP; } /* if an error is returned, we're supposed to send an error packet, * otherwise the dispatched function already did the data sending. * We give dispatched proc the responsibility since it knows how much * space to allocate. */ if (code != 0) { smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, asp, outp, code); } /* free the input tran 2 packet */ lock_ObtainWrite(&smb_globalLock); smb_FreeTran2Packet(asp); lock_ReleaseWrite(&smb_globalLock); } else if (firstPacket) { /* the first packet in a multi-packet request, we need to send an * ack to get more data. */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); smb_SendPacket(vcp, outp); } return 0; } long smb_ReceiveTran2Open(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *op) { char *pathp; smb_tran2Packet_t *outp; long code; cm_space_t *spacep; int excl; cm_user_t *userp; cm_scache_t *dscp; /* dir we're dealing with */ cm_scache_t *scp; /* file we're creating */ cm_attr_t setAttr; int initialModeBits; smb_fid_t *fidp; int attributes; char *lastNamep; long dosTime; int openFun; int trunc; int openMode; int extraInfo; int openAction; int parmSlot; /* which parm we're dealing with */ long returnEALength; char *tidPathp; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); scp = NULL; extraInfo = (p->parmsp[0] & 1); /* return extra info */ returnEALength = (p->parmsp[0] & 8); /* return extended attr length */ openFun = p->parmsp[6]; /* open function */ excl = ((openFun & 3) == 0); trunc = ((openFun & 3) == 2); /* truncate it */ openMode = (p->parmsp[1] & 0x7); openAction = 0; /* tracks what we did */ attributes = p->parmsp[3]; dosTime = p->parmsp[4] | (p->parmsp[5] << 16); /* compute initial mode bits based on read-only flag in attributes */ initialModeBits = 0666; if (attributes & 1) initialModeBits &= ~0222; pathp = (char *) (&p->parmsp[14]); outp = smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(vcp, p, op, 40, 0); spacep = cm_GetSpace(); smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, &lastNamep, pathp); if (lastNamep && strcmp(lastNamep, SMB_IOCTL_FILENAME) == 0) { /* special case magic file name for receiving IOCTL requests * (since IOCTL calls themselves aren't getting through). */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); smb_SetupIoctlFid(fidp, spacep); /* copy out remainder of the parms */ parmSlot = 0; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = fidp->fid; parmSlot++; if (extraInfo) { outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = /* attrs */ 0; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; /* mod time */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; /* len */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0x7fff; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = openMode; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; /* file type 0 ==> normal file or dir */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; /* IPC junk */ } /* and the final "always present" stuff */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = /* openAction found existing file */ 1; parmSlot++; /* next write out the "unique" ID */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0x1234; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0x5678; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; if (returnEALength) { outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; } outp->totalData = 0; outp->totalParms = parmSlot * 2; smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, op); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); /* and clean up fid reference */ smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE { char *hexp, *asciip; asciip = (lastNamep ? lastNamep : pathp); hexp = osi_HexifyString( asciip ); DEBUG_EVENT2("AFS","T2Open H[%s] A[%s]", hexp, asciip); free(hexp); } #endif userp = smb_GetTran2User(vcp, p); /* In the off chance that userp is NULL, we log and abandon */ if(!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "ReceiveTran2Open user [%d] not resolvable", p->uid); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_BADSMB; } tidPathp = smb_GetTIDPath(vcp, p->tid); dscp = NULL; code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, pathp, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &scp); if (code != 0) { code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, spacep->data, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &dscp); cm_FreeSpace(spacep); if (code) { cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return code; } /* otherwise, scp points to the parent directory. Do a lookup, * and truncate the file if we find it, otherwise we create the * file. */ if (!lastNamep) lastNamep = pathp; else lastNamep++; code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code && code != CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return code; } } else { cm_FreeSpace(spacep); } /* if we get here, if code is 0, the file exists and is represented by * scp. Otherwise, we have to create it. */ if (code == 0) { code = cm_CheckOpen(scp, openMode, trunc, userp, &req); if (code) { if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return code; } if (excl) { /* oops, file shouldn't be there */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_EXISTS; } if (trunc) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); openAction = 3; /* truncated existing file */ } else openAction = 1; /* found existing file */ } else if (!(openFun & SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY)) { /* don't create if not found */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_assert(scp == NULL); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; } else { osi_assert(dscp != NULL && scp == NULL); openAction = 2; /* created file */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; smb_UnixTimeFromSearchTime(&setAttr.clientModTime, dosTime); code = cm_Create(dscp, lastNamep, 0, &setAttr, &scp, userp, &req); if (code == 0 && (dscp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_ANYWATCH)) smb_NotifyChange(FILE_ACTION_ADDED, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, dscp, lastNamep, NULL, TRUE); if (!excl && code == CM_ERROR_EXISTS) { /* not an exclusive create, and someone else tried * creating it already, then we open it anyway. We * don't bother retrying after this, since if this next * fails, that means that the file was deleted after we * started this call. */ code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code == 0) { if (trunc) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } } /* lookup succeeded */ } } /* we don't need this any longer */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); if (code) { /* something went wrong creating or truncating the file */ if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return code; } /* make sure we're about to open a file */ if (scp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_ISDIR; } /* now all we have to do is open the file itself */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); osi_assert(fidp); /* save a pointer to the vnode */ fidp->scp = scp; /* compute open mode */ if (openMode != 1) fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_OPENREAD; if (openMode == 1 || openMode == 2) fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_OPENWRITE; smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); cm_Open(scp, 0, userp); /* copy out remainder of the parms */ parmSlot = 0; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = fidp->fid; parmSlot++; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); if (extraInfo) { outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = smb_Attributes(scp); parmSlot++; smb_SearchTimeFromUnixTime(&dosTime, scp->clientModTime); outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = (unsigned short)(dosTime & 0xffff); parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = (unsigned short)((dosTime>>16) & 0xffff); parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = (unsigned short) (scp->length.LowPart & 0xffff); parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = (unsigned short) ((scp->length.LowPart >> 16) & 0xffff); parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = openMode; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; /* file type 0 ==> normal file or dir */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; /* IPC junk */ } /* and the final "always present" stuff */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = openAction; parmSlot++; /* next write out the "unique" ID */ outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = (unsigned short) (scp->fid.vnode & 0xffff); parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = (unsigned short) (scp->fid.volume & 0xffff); parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; if (returnEALength) { outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; outp->parmsp[parmSlot] = 0; parmSlot++; } lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); outp->totalData = 0; /* total # of data bytes */ outp->totalParms = parmSlot * 2; /* shorts are two bytes */ smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, op); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); /* leave scp held since we put it in fidp->scp */ return 0; } long smb_ReceiveTran2FindFirst(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2FindNext(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2QFSInfo(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *op) { smb_tran2Packet_t *outp; smb_tran2QFSInfo_t qi; int responseSize; osi_hyper_t temp; static char FSname[6] = {'A', 0, 'F', 0, 'S', 0}; osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "T2 QFSInfo type 0x%x", p->parmsp[0]); switch (p->parmsp[0]) { case 1: responseSize = sizeof(qi.u.allocInfo); break; case 2: responseSize = sizeof(qi.u.volumeInfo); break; case 0x102: responseSize = sizeof(qi.u.FSvolumeInfo); break; case 0x103: responseSize = sizeof(qi.u.FSsizeInfo); break; case 0x104: responseSize = sizeof(qi.u.FSdeviceInfo); break; case 0x105: responseSize = sizeof(qi.u.FSattributeInfo); break; default: return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } outp = smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(vcp, p, op, 0, responseSize); switch (p->parmsp[0]) { case 1: /* alloc info */ qi.u.allocInfo.FSID = 0; qi.u.allocInfo.sectorsPerAllocUnit = 1; qi.u.allocInfo.totalAllocUnits = 0x7fffffff; qi.u.allocInfo.availAllocUnits = 0x3fffffff; qi.u.allocInfo.bytesPerSector = 1024; break; case 2: /* volume info */ qi.u.volumeInfo.vsn = 1234; qi.u.volumeInfo.vnCount = 4; /* we're supposed to pad it out with zeroes to the end */ memset(&qi.u.volumeInfo.label, 0, sizeof(qi.u.volumeInfo.label)); memcpy(qi.u.volumeInfo.label, "AFS", 4); break; case 0x102: /* FS volume info */ memset((char *)&qi.u.FSvolumeInfo.vct, 0, sizeof(FILETIME)); qi.u.FSvolumeInfo.vsn = 1234; qi.u.FSvolumeInfo.vnCount = 8; memcpy(qi.u.FSvolumeInfo.label, "A\0F\0S\0\0", 8); break; case 0x103: /* FS size info */ temp.HighPart = 0; temp.LowPart = 0x7fffffff; qi.u.FSsizeInfo.totalAllocUnits = temp; temp.LowPart = 0x3fffffff; qi.u.FSsizeInfo.availAllocUnits = temp; qi.u.FSsizeInfo.sectorsPerAllocUnit = 1; qi.u.FSsizeInfo.bytesPerSector = 1024; break; case 0x104: /* FS device info */ qi.u.FSdeviceInfo.devType = 0; /* don't have a number */ qi.u.FSdeviceInfo.characteristics = 0x50; /* remote, virtual */ break; case 0x105: /* FS attribute info */ /* attributes, defined in WINNT.H: * FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_SEARCH 0x1 * FILE_CASE_PRESERVED_NAMES 0x2 * 0x4000 * If bit 0x4000 is not set, Windows 95 thinks * we can't handle long (non-8.3) names, * despite our protestations to the contrary. */ qi.u.FSattributeInfo.attributes = 0x4003; qi.u.FSattributeInfo.maxCompLength = 255; qi.u.FSattributeInfo.FSnameLength = 6; memcpy(qi.u.FSattributeInfo.FSname, FSname, 6); break; } /* copy out return data, and set corresponding sizes */ outp->totalParms = 0; outp->totalData = responseSize; memcpy(outp->datap, &qi, responseSize); /* send and free the packets */ smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, op); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveTran2SetFSInfo(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } struct smb_ShortNameRock { char *maskp; unsigned int vnode; char *shortName; size_t shortNameLen; }; int cm_GetShortNameProc(cm_scache_t *scp, cm_dirEntry_t *dep, void *vrockp, osi_hyper_t *offp) { struct smb_ShortNameRock *rockp; char *shortNameEnd; rockp = vrockp; /* compare both names and vnodes, though probably just comparing vnodes * would be safe enough. */ if (stricmp(dep->name, rockp->maskp) != 0) return 0; if (ntohl(dep->fid.vnode) != rockp->vnode) return 0; /* This is the entry */ cm_Gen8Dot3Name(dep, rockp->shortName, &shortNameEnd); rockp->shortNameLen = shortNameEnd - rockp->shortName; return CM_ERROR_STOPNOW; } long cm_GetShortName(char *pathp, cm_user_t *userp, cm_req_t *reqp, char *tidPathp, int vnode, char *shortName, size_t *shortNameLenp) { struct smb_ShortNameRock rock; char *lastNamep; cm_space_t *spacep; cm_scache_t *dscp; int caseFold = CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD; long code; osi_hyper_t thyper; spacep = cm_GetSpace(); smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, &lastNamep, pathp); code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, spacep->data, caseFold, userp, tidPathp, reqp, &dscp); cm_FreeSpace(spacep); if (code) return code; if (!lastNamep) lastNamep = pathp; else lastNamep++; thyper.LowPart = 0; thyper.HighPart = 0; rock.shortName = shortName; rock.vnode = vnode; rock.maskp = lastNamep; code = cm_ApplyDir(dscp, cm_GetShortNameProc, &rock, &thyper, userp, reqp, NULL); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); if (code == 0) return CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; if (code == CM_ERROR_STOPNOW) { *shortNameLenp = rock.shortNameLen; return 0; } return code; } long smb_ReceiveTran2QPathInfo(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *opx) { smb_tran2Packet_t *outp; unsigned long dosTime; FILETIME ft; unsigned short infoLevel; int nbytesRequired; unsigned short attributes; unsigned long extAttributes; char shortName[13]; unsigned int len; cm_user_t *userp; cm_space_t *spacep; cm_scache_t *scp, *dscp; long code; char *op; char *tidPathp; char *lastComp; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); infoLevel = p->parmsp[0]; if (infoLevel == 6) nbytesRequired = 0; else if (infoLevel == 1) nbytesRequired = 22; else if (infoLevel == 2) nbytesRequired = 26; else if (infoLevel == 0x101) nbytesRequired = 40; else if (infoLevel == 0x102) nbytesRequired = 24; else if (infoLevel == 0x103) nbytesRequired = 4; else if (infoLevel == 0x108) nbytesRequired = 30; else { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "Bad Tran2 op 0x%x infolevel 0x%x", p->opcode, infoLevel); smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, CM_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "T2 QPathInfo type 0x%x path %s", infoLevel, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, (char *)(&p->parmsp[3]))); outp = smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(vcp, p, opx, 2, nbytesRequired); if (infoLevel > 0x100) outp->totalParms = 2; else outp->totalParms = 0; outp->totalData = nbytesRequired; /* now, if we're at infoLevel 6, we're only being asked to check * the syntax, so we just OK things now. In particular, we're *not* * being asked to verify anything about the state of any parent dirs. */ if (infoLevel == 6) { smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, opx); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } userp = smb_GetTran2User(vcp, p); if(!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "ReceiveTran2QPathInfo unable to resolve user [%d]", p->uid); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_BADSMB; } tidPathp = smb_GetTIDPath(vcp, p->tid); /* * XXX Strange hack XXX * * As of Patch 7 (13 January 98), we are having the following problem: * In NT Explorer 4.0, whenever we click on a directory, AFS gets * requests to look up "desktop.ini" in all the subdirectories. * This can cause zillions of timeouts looking up non-existent cells * and volumes, especially in the top-level directory. * * We have not found any way to avoid this or work around it except * to explicitly ignore the requests for mount points that haven't * yet been evaluated and for directories that haven't yet been * fetched. */ if (infoLevel == 0x101) { spacep = cm_GetSpace(); smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, &lastComp, (char *)(&p->parmsp[3])); /* Make sure that lastComp is not NULL */ if (lastComp) { if (strcmp(lastComp, "\\desktop.ini") == 0) { code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, spacep->data, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD | CM_FLAG_DIRSEARCH | CM_FLAG_FOLLOW, userp, tidPathp, &req, &dscp); if (code == 0) { if (dscp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_MOUNTPOINT && !dscp->mountRootFidp) code = CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; else if (dscp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { cm_buf_t *bp = buf_Find(dscp, &hzero); if (bp) buf_Release(bp); else code = CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; } cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); if (code) { cm_FreeSpace(spacep); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, code); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } } } } cm_FreeSpace(spacep); } /* now do namei and stat, and copy out the info */ code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, (char *)(&p->parmsp[3]), CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &scp); if (code) { cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, code); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) goto done; /* now we have the status in the cache entry, and everything is locked. * Marshall the output data. */ op = outp->datap; /* for info level 108, figure out short name */ if (infoLevel == 0x108) { code = cm_GetShortName((char *)(&p->parmsp[3]), userp, &req, tidPathp, scp->fid.vnode, shortName, (size_t *) &len); if (code) { goto done; } op = outp->datap; *((u_long *)op) = len * 2; op += 4; mbstowcs((unsigned short *)op, shortName, len); op += (len * 2); goto done; } if (infoLevel == 1 || infoLevel == 2) { smb_SearchTimeFromUnixTime(&dosTime, scp->clientModTime); *((u_long *)op) = dosTime; op += 4; /* creation time */ *((u_long *)op) = dosTime; op += 4; /* access time */ *((u_long *)op) = dosTime; op += 4; /* write time */ *((u_long *)op) = scp->length.LowPart; op += 4; /* length */ *((u_long *)op) = scp->length.LowPart; op += 4; /* alloc size */ attributes = smb_Attributes(scp); *((u_short *)op) = attributes; op += 2; /* attributes */ } else if (infoLevel == 0x101) { smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* creation time */ *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* last access time */ *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* last write time */ *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* last change time */ extAttributes = smb_ExtAttributes(scp); *((u_long *)op) = extAttributes; op += 4; /* extended attribs */ *((u_long *)op) = 0; op += 4; /* don't know what this is */ } else if (infoLevel == 0x102) { *((LARGE_INTEGER *)op) = scp->length; op += 8; /* alloc size */ *((LARGE_INTEGER *)op) = scp->length; op += 8; /* EOF */ *((u_long *)op) = scp->linkCount; op += 4; *op++ = 0; *op++ = 0; *op++ = (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY ? 1 : 0); *op++ = 0; } else if (infoLevel == 0x103) { memset(op, 0, 4); op += 4; /* EA size */ } /* now, if we are being asked about extended attrs, return a 0 size */ if (infoLevel == 2) { *((u_long *)op) = 0; op += 4; } /* send and free the packets */ done: lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); if (code == 0) smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, opx); else smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, code); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveTran2SetPathInfo(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2QFileInfo(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *opx) { smb_tran2Packet_t *outp; FILETIME ft; unsigned long attributes; unsigned short infoLevel; int nbytesRequired; unsigned short fid; cm_user_t *userp; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *scp; char *op; long code; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); fid = p->parmsp[0]; fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (fidp == NULL) { smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, CM_ERROR_BADFD); return 0; } infoLevel = p->parmsp[1]; if (infoLevel == 0x101) nbytesRequired = 40; else if (infoLevel == 0x102) nbytesRequired = 24; else if (infoLevel == 0x103) nbytesRequired = 4; else if (infoLevel == 0x104) nbytesRequired = 6; else { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "Bad Tran2 op 0x%x infolevel 0x%x", p->opcode, infoLevel); smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, CM_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "T2 QFileInfo type 0x%x fid %d", infoLevel, fid); outp = smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(vcp, p, opx, 2, nbytesRequired); if (infoLevel > 0x100) outp->totalParms = 2; else outp->totalParms = 0; outp->totalData = nbytesRequired; userp = smb_GetTran2User(vcp, p); if(!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "ReceiveTran2QFileInfo unable to resolve user [%d]", p->uid); code = CM_ERROR_BADSMB; goto done; } scp = fidp->scp; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) goto done; /* now we have the status in the cache entry, and everything is locked. * Marshall the output data. */ op = outp->datap; if (infoLevel == 0x101) { smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* creation time */ *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* last access time */ *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* last write time */ *((FILETIME *)op) = ft; op += 8; /* last change time */ attributes = smb_ExtAttributes(scp); *((u_long *)op) = attributes; op += 4; *((u_long *)op) = 0; op += 4; } else if (infoLevel == 0x102) { *((LARGE_INTEGER *)op) = scp->length; op += 8; /* alloc size */ *((LARGE_INTEGER *)op) = scp->length; op += 8; /* EOF */ *((u_long *)op) = scp->linkCount; op += 4; *op++ = ((fidp->flags & SMB_FID_DELONCLOSE) ? 1 : 0); *op++ = (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY ? 1 : 0); *op++ = 0; *op++ = 0; } else if (infoLevel == 0x103) { *((u_long *)op) = 0; op += 4; } else if (infoLevel == 0x104) { unsigned long len; char *name; if (fidp->NTopen_wholepathp) name = fidp->NTopen_wholepathp; else name = "\\"; /* probably can't happen */ len = strlen(name); outp->totalData = (len*2) + 4; /* this is actually what we want to return */ *((u_long *)op) = len * 2; op += 4; mbstowcs((unsigned short *)op, name, len); op += (len * 2); } /* send and free the packets */ done: lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); if (code == 0) smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, opx); else smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, code); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveTran2SetFileInfo(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *op) { long code; unsigned short fid; smb_fid_t *fidp; unsigned short infoLevel; smb_tran2Packet_t *outp; cm_user_t *userp; cm_scache_t *scp; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); fid = p->parmsp[0]; fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (fidp == NULL) { smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, op, CM_ERROR_BADFD); return 0; } infoLevel = p->parmsp[1]; if (infoLevel > 0x104 || infoLevel < 0x101) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "Bad Tran2 op 0x%x infolevel 0x%x", p->opcode, infoLevel); smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, op, CM_ERROR_INVAL); return 0; } if (infoLevel == 0x102 && !(fidp->flags & SMB_FID_OPENDELETE)) { smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, op, CM_ERROR_NOACCESS); return 0; } if ((infoLevel == 0x103 || infoLevel == 0x104) && !(fidp->flags & SMB_FID_OPENWRITE)) { smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, op, CM_ERROR_NOACCESS); return 0; } osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "T2 SFileInfo type 0x%x", infoLevel); outp = smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(vcp, p, op, 2, 0); outp->totalParms = 2; outp->totalData = 0; userp = smb_GetTran2User(vcp, p); if(!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp,"ReceiveTran2SetFileInfo unable to resolve user [%d]", p->uid); code = CM_ERROR_BADSMB; goto done; } scp = fidp->scp; if (infoLevel == 0x101) { FILETIME lastMod; unsigned int attribute; cm_attr_t attr; /* lock the vnode with a callback; we need the current status * to determine what the new status is, in some cases. */ lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK); if (code) { lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); goto done; } /* prepare for setattr call */ attr.mask = 0; lastMod = *((FILETIME *)(p->datap + 16)); /* when called as result of move a b, lastMod is (-1, -1). * If the check for -1 is not present, timestamp * of the resulting file will be 1969 (-1) */ if (LargeIntegerNotEqualToZero(*((LARGE_INTEGER *)&lastMod)) && lastMod.dwLowDateTime != -1 && lastMod.dwHighDateTime != -1) { attr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; smb_UnixTimeFromLargeSearchTime(&attr.clientModTime, &lastMod); fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_MTIMESETDONE; } attribute = *((u_long *)(p->datap + 32)); if (attribute != 0) { if ((scp->unixModeBits & 0222) && (attribute & 1) != 0) { /* make a writable file read-only */ attr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; attr.unixModeBits = scp->unixModeBits & ~0222; } else if ((scp->unixModeBits & 0222) == 0 && (attribute & 1) == 0) { /* make a read-only file writable */ attr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; attr.unixModeBits = scp->unixModeBits | 0222; } } lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); /* call setattr */ if (attr.mask) code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &attr, userp, &req); else code = 0; } else if (infoLevel == 0x103 || infoLevel == 0x104) { LARGE_INTEGER size = *((LARGE_INTEGER *)(p->datap)); cm_attr_t attr; attr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; attr.length.LowPart = size.LowPart; attr.length.HighPart = size.HighPart; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &attr, userp, &req); } else if (infoLevel == 0x102) { if (*((char *)(p->datap))) { code = cm_CheckNTDelete(fidp->NTopen_dscp, scp, userp, &req); if (code == 0) fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_DELONCLOSE; } else { code = 0; fidp->flags &= ~SMB_FID_DELONCLOSE; } } done: cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); if (code == 0) smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, op); else smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, op, code); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveTran2FSCTL(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2IOCTL(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2FindNotifyFirst(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2FindNotifyNext(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ReceiveTran2MKDir(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *outp) { return CM_ERROR_BADOP; } long smb_ApplyV3DirListPatches(cm_scache_t *dscp, smb_dirListPatch_t **dirPatchespp, int infoLevel, cm_user_t *userp, cm_req_t *reqp) { long code; cm_scache_t *scp; cm_scache_t *targetScp; /* target if scp is a symlink */ char *dptr; long dosTime; FILETIME ft; int shortTemp; unsigned short attr; unsigned long lattr; smb_dirListPatch_t *patchp; smb_dirListPatch_t *npatchp; for(patchp = *dirPatchespp; patchp; patchp = (smb_dirListPatch_t *) osi_QNext(&patchp->q)) { code = cm_GetSCache(&patchp->fid, &scp, userp, reqp); if (code) continue; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, reqp, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); continue; } /* now watch for a symlink */ if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_SYMLINK) { lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_EvaluateSymLink(dscp, scp, &targetScp, userp, reqp); if (code == 0) { /* we have a more accurate file to use (the * target of the symbolic link). Otherwise, * we'll just use the symlink anyway. */ osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "symlink vp %x to vp %x", scp, targetScp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); scp = targetScp; } lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); } dptr = patchp->dptr; if (infoLevel >= 0x101) { /* get filetime */ smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); /* copy to Creation Time */ *((FILETIME *)dptr) = ft; dptr += 8; /* copy to Last Access Time */ *((FILETIME *)dptr) = ft; dptr += 8; /* copy to Last Write Time */ *((FILETIME *)dptr) = ft; dptr += 8; /* copy to Change Time */ *((FILETIME *)dptr) = ft; dptr += 8; /* Use length for both file length and alloc length */ *((LARGE_INTEGER *)dptr) = scp->length; dptr += 8; *((LARGE_INTEGER *)dptr) = scp->length; dptr += 8; /* Copy attributes */ lattr = smb_ExtAttributes(scp); /* merge in hidden (dot file) attribute */ if( patchp->flags & SMB_DIRLISTPATCH_DOTFILE ) lattr |= SMB_ATTR_HIDDEN; *((u_long *)dptr) = lattr; dptr += 4; } else { /* get dos time */ smb_SearchTimeFromUnixTime(&dosTime, scp->clientModTime); /* and copy out date */ shortTemp = (dosTime>>16) & 0xffff; *((u_short *)dptr) = shortTemp; dptr += 2; /* copy out creation time */ shortTemp = dosTime & 0xffff; *((u_short *)dptr) = shortTemp; dptr += 2; /* and copy out date */ shortTemp = (dosTime>>16) & 0xffff; *((u_short *)dptr) = shortTemp; dptr += 2; /* copy out access time */ shortTemp = dosTime & 0xffff; *((u_short *)dptr) = shortTemp; dptr += 2; /* and copy out date */ shortTemp = (dosTime>>16) & 0xffff; *((u_short *)dptr) = shortTemp; dptr += 2; /* copy out mod time */ shortTemp = dosTime & 0xffff; *((u_short *)dptr) = shortTemp; dptr += 2; /* copy out file length and alloc length, * using the same for both */ *((u_long *)dptr) = scp->length.LowPart; dptr += 4; *((u_long *)dptr) = scp->length.LowPart; dptr += 4; /* finally copy out attributes as short */ attr = smb_Attributes(scp); /* merge in hidden (dot file) attribute */ if( patchp->flags & SMB_DIRLISTPATCH_DOTFILE ) attr |= SMB_ATTR_HIDDEN; *dptr++ = attr & 0xff; *dptr++ = (attr >> 8) & 0xff; } lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); } /* now free the patches */ for(patchp = *dirPatchespp; patchp; patchp = npatchp) { npatchp = (smb_dirListPatch_t *) osi_QNext(&patchp->q); free(patchp); } /* and mark the list as empty */ *dirPatchespp = NULL; return code; } /* do a case-folding search of the star name mask with the name in namep. * Return 1 if we match, otherwise 0. */ int smb_V3MatchMask(char *namep, char *maskp, int flags) { unsigned char tcp1, tcp2; /* Pattern characters */ unsigned char tcn1; /* Name characters */ int sawDot = 0, sawStar = 0; char *starNamep, *starMaskp; static char nullCharp[] = {0}; /* make sure we only match 8.3 names, if requested */ if ((flags & CM_FLAG_8DOT3) && !cm_Is8Dot3(namep)) return 0; /* loop */ while (1) { /* Next pattern character */ tcp1 = *maskp++; /* Next name character */ tcn1 = *namep; if (tcp1 == 0) { /* 0 - end of pattern */ if (tcn1 == 0) return 1; else return 0; } else if (tcp1 == '.' || tcp1 == '"') { if (sawDot) { if (tcn1 == '.') { namep++; continue; } else return 0; } else { /* * first dot in pattern; * must match dot or end of name */ sawDot = 1; if (tcn1 == 0) continue; else if (tcn1 == '.') { sawStar = 0; namep++; continue; } else return 0; } } else if (tcp1 == '?') { if (tcn1 == 0 || tcn1 == '.') return 0; namep++; continue; } else if (tcp1 == '>') { if (tcn1 != 0 && tcn1 != '.') namep++; continue; } else if (tcp1 == '*' || tcp1 == '<') { tcp2 = *maskp++; if (tcp2 == 0) return 1; else if (tcp2 == '.' || tcp2 == '"') { while (tcn1 != '.' && tcn1 != 0) tcn1 = *++namep; if (tcn1 == 0) { if (sawDot) return 0; else continue; } else { namep++; continue; } } else { /* * pattern character after '*' is not null or * period. If it is '?' or '>', we are not * going to understand it. If it is '*' or * '<', we are going to skip over it. None of * these are likely, I hope. */ /* skip over '*' and '<' */ while (tcp2 == '*' || tcp2 == '<') tcp2 = *maskp++; /* skip over characters that don't match tcp2 */ while (tcn1 != '.' && tcn1 != 0 && cm_foldUpper[tcn1] != cm_foldUpper[tcp2]) tcn1 = *++namep; /* No match */ if (tcn1 == '.' || tcn1 == 0) return 0; /* Remember where we are */ sawStar = 1; starMaskp = maskp; starNamep = namep; namep++; continue; } } else { /* tcp1 is not a wildcard */ if (cm_foldUpper[tcn1] == cm_foldUpper[tcp1]) { /* they match */ namep++; continue; } /* if trying to match a star pattern, go back */ if (sawStar) { maskp = starMaskp - 2; namep = starNamep + 1; sawStar = 0; continue; } /* that's all */ return 0; } } } long smb_ReceiveTran2SearchDir(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_tran2Packet_t *p, smb_packet_t *opx) { int attribute; long nextCookie; char *tp; long code; char *pathp; cm_dirEntry_t *dep; int maxCount; smb_dirListPatch_t *dirListPatchesp; smb_dirListPatch_t *curPatchp; cm_buf_t *bufferp; long temp; long orbytes; /* # of bytes in this output record */ long ohbytes; /* # of bytes, except file name */ long onbytes; /* # of bytes in name, incl. term. null */ osi_hyper_t dirLength; osi_hyper_t bufferOffset; osi_hyper_t curOffset; osi_hyper_t thyper; smb_dirSearch_t *dsp; cm_scache_t *scp; long entryInDir; long entryInBuffer; cm_pageHeader_t *pageHeaderp; cm_user_t *userp = NULL; int slotInPage; int returnedNames; long nextEntryCookie; int numDirChunks; /* # of 32 byte dir chunks in this entry */ char *op; /* output data ptr */ char *origOp; /* original value of op */ cm_space_t *spacep; /* for pathname buffer */ long maxReturnData; /* max # of return data */ long maxReturnParms; /* max # of return parms */ long bytesInBuffer; /* # data bytes in the output buffer */ int starPattern; char *maskp; /* mask part of path */ int infoLevel; int searchFlags; int eos; smb_tran2Packet_t *outp; /* response packet */ char *tidPathp; int align; char shortName[13]; /* 8.3 name if needed */ int NeedShortName; char *shortNameEnd; int fileType; cm_fid_t fid; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); eos = 0; if (p->opcode == 1) { /* find first; obtain basic parameters from request */ attribute = p->parmsp[0]; maxCount = p->parmsp[1]; infoLevel = p->parmsp[3]; searchFlags = p->parmsp[2]; dsp = smb_NewDirSearch(1); dsp->attribute = attribute; pathp = ((char *) p->parmsp) + 12; /* points to path */ nextCookie = 0; maskp = strrchr(pathp, '\\'); if (maskp == NULL) maskp = pathp; else maskp++; /* skip over backslash */ strcpy(dsp->mask, maskp); /* and save mask */ /* track if this is likely to match a lot of entries */ starPattern = smb_V3IsStarMask(maskp); } else { osi_assert(p->opcode == 2); /* find next; obtain basic parameters from request or open dir file */ dsp = smb_FindDirSearch(p->parmsp[0]); if (!dsp) return CM_ERROR_BADFD; attribute = dsp->attribute; maxCount = p->parmsp[1]; infoLevel = p->parmsp[2]; searchFlags = p->parmsp[5]; pathp = NULL; nextCookie = p->parmsp[3] | (p->parmsp[4] << 16); maskp = dsp->mask; starPattern = 1; /* assume, since required a Find Next */ } osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "T2 search dir attr 0x%x, info level %d, max count %d, flags 0x%x", attribute, infoLevel, maxCount, searchFlags); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "...T2 search op %d, nextCookie 0x%x", p->opcode, nextCookie); if (infoLevel >= 0x101) searchFlags &= ~4; /* no resume keys */ dirListPatchesp = NULL; maxReturnData = p->maxReturnData; if (p->opcode == 1) /* find first */ maxReturnParms = 10; /* bytes */ else maxReturnParms = 8; /* bytes */ #ifndef CM_CONFIG_MULTITRAN2RESPONSES if (maxReturnData > 6000) maxReturnData = 6000; #endif /* CM_CONFIG_MULTITRAN2RESPONSES */ outp = smb_GetTran2ResponsePacket(vcp, p, opx, maxReturnParms, maxReturnData); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "T2 receive search dir %s", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, pathp)); /* bail out if request looks bad */ if (p->opcode == 1 && !pathp) { smb_ReleaseDirSearch(dsp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_BADSMB; } osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "T2 dir search cookie 0x%x, connection %d", nextCookie, dsp->cookie); userp = smb_GetTran2User(vcp, p); if (!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "T2 dir search unable to resolve user [%d]", p->uid); smb_ReleaseDirSearch(dsp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); return CM_ERROR_BADSMB; } /* try to get the vnode for the path name next */ lock_ObtainMutex(&dsp->mx); if (dsp->scp) { scp = dsp->scp; cm_HoldSCache(scp); code = 0; } else { spacep = cm_GetSpace(); smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, NULL, pathp); lock_ReleaseMutex(&dsp->mx); tidPathp = smb_GetTIDPath(vcp, p->tid); code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, spacep->data, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &scp); cm_FreeSpace(spacep); lock_ObtainMutex(&dsp->mx); if (code == 0) { if (dsp->scp != 0) cm_ReleaseSCache(dsp->scp); dsp->scp = scp; /* we need one hold for the entry we just stored into, * and one for our own processing. When we're done * with this function, we'll drop the one for our own * processing. We held it once from the namei call, * and so we do another hold now. */ cm_HoldSCache(scp); lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); if ((scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_BULKSTATTING) == 0 && LargeIntegerGreaterOrEqualToZero(scp->bulkStatProgress)) { scp->flags |= CM_SCACHEFLAG_BULKSTATTING; dsp->flags |= SMB_DIRSEARCH_BULKST; } lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); } } lock_ReleaseMutex(&dsp->mx); if (code) { cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); smb_DeleteDirSearch(dsp); smb_ReleaseDirSearch(dsp); return code; } /* get the directory size */ lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); smb_DeleteDirSearch(dsp); smb_ReleaseDirSearch(dsp); return code; } dirLength = scp->length; bufferp = NULL; bufferOffset.LowPart = bufferOffset.HighPart = 0; curOffset.HighPart = 0; curOffset.LowPart = nextCookie; origOp = outp->datap; code = 0; returnedNames = 0; bytesInBuffer = 0; while (1) { op = origOp; if (searchFlags & 4) /* skip over resume key */ op += 4; /* make sure that curOffset.LowPart doesn't point to the first * 32 bytes in the 2nd through last dir page, and that it doesn't * point at the first 13 32-byte chunks in the first dir page, * since those are dir and page headers, and don't contain useful * information. */ temp = curOffset.LowPart & (2048-1); if (curOffset.HighPart == 0 && curOffset.LowPart < 2048) { /* we're in the first page */ if (temp < 13*32) temp = 13*32; } else { /* we're in a later dir page */ if (temp < 32) temp = 32; } /* make sure the low order 5 bits are zero */ temp &= ~(32-1); /* now put temp bits back ito curOffset.LowPart */ curOffset.LowPart &= ~(2048-1); curOffset.LowPart |= temp; /* check if we've passed the dir's EOF */ if (LargeIntegerGreaterThanOrEqualTo(curOffset, dirLength)) { eos = 1; break; } /* check if we've returned all the names that will fit in the * response packet; we check return count as well as the number * of bytes requested. We check the # of bytes after we find * the dir entry, since we'll need to check its size. */ if (returnedNames >= maxCount) { break; } /* see if we can use the bufferp we have now; compute in which * page the current offset would be, and check whether that's * the offset of the buffer we have. If not, get the buffer. */ thyper.HighPart = curOffset.HighPart; thyper.LowPart = curOffset.LowPart & ~(buf_bufferSize-1); if (!bufferp || !LargeIntegerEqualTo(thyper, bufferOffset)) { /* wrong buffer */ if (bufferp) { buf_Release(bufferp); bufferp = NULL; } lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); lock_ObtainRead(&scp->bufCreateLock); code = buf_Get(scp, &thyper, &bufferp); lock_ReleaseRead(&scp->bufCreateLock); /* now, if we're doing a star match, do bulk fetching * of all of the status info for files in the dir. */ if (starPattern) { smb_ApplyV3DirListPatches(scp, &dirListPatchesp, infoLevel, userp, &req); if ((dsp->flags & SMB_DIRSEARCH_BULKST) && LargeIntegerGreaterThanOrEqualTo( thyper, scp->bulkStatProgress)) { /* Don't bulk stat if risking timeout */ int now = GetCurrentTime(); if (now - req.startTime > 5000) { scp->bulkStatProgress = thyper; scp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_BULKSTATTING; dsp->flags &= ~SMB_DIRSEARCH_BULKST; } else cm_TryBulkStat(scp, &thyper, userp, &req); } } lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); if (code) break; bufferOffset = thyper; /* now get the data in the cache */ while (1) { code = cm_SyncOp(scp, bufferp, userp, &req, PRSFS_LOOKUP, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_READ); if (code) break; if (cm_HaveBuffer(scp, bufferp, 0)) break; /* otherwise, load the buffer and try again */ code = cm_GetBuffer(scp, bufferp, NULL, userp, &req); if (code) break; } if (code) { buf_Release(bufferp); bufferp = NULL; break; } } /* if (wrong buffer) ... */ /* now we have the buffer containing the entry we're interested * in; copy it out if it represents a non-deleted entry. */ entryInDir = curOffset.LowPart & (2048-1); entryInBuffer = curOffset.LowPart & (buf_bufferSize - 1); /* page header will help tell us which entries are free. Page * header can change more often than once per buffer, since * AFS 3 dir page size may be less than (but not more than) * a buffer package buffer. */ /* only look intra-buffer */ temp = curOffset.LowPart & (buf_bufferSize - 1); temp &= ~(2048 - 1); /* turn off intra-page bits */ pageHeaderp = (cm_pageHeader_t *) (bufferp->datap + temp); /* now determine which entry we're looking at in the page. * If it is free (there's a free bitmap at the start of the * dir), we should skip these 32 bytes. */ slotInPage = (entryInDir & 0x7e0) >> 5; if (!(pageHeaderp->freeBitmap[slotInPage>>3] & (1 << (slotInPage & 0x7)))) { /* this entry is free */ numDirChunks = 1; /* only skip this guy */ goto nextEntry; } tp = bufferp->datap + entryInBuffer; dep = (cm_dirEntry_t *) tp; /* now points to AFS3 dir entry */ /* while we're here, compute the next entry's location, too, * since we'll need it when writing out the cookie into the dir * listing stream. * * XXXX Probably should do more sanity checking. */ numDirChunks = cm_NameEntries(dep->name, &onbytes); /* compute offset of cookie representing next entry */ nextEntryCookie = curOffset.LowPart + (CM_DIR_CHUNKSIZE * numDirChunks); /* Need 8.3 name? */ NeedShortName = 0; if (infoLevel == 0x104 && dep->fid.vnode != 0 && !cm_Is8Dot3(dep->name)) { cm_Gen8Dot3Name(dep, shortName, &shortNameEnd); NeedShortName = 1; } if (dep->fid.vnode != 0 && (smb_V3MatchMask(dep->name, maskp, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD) || (NeedShortName && smb_V3MatchMask(shortName, maskp, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD)))) { /* Eliminate entries that don't match requested attributes */ if (smb_hideDotFiles && !(dsp->attribute & SMB_ATTR_HIDDEN) && smb_IsDotFile(dep->name)) goto nextEntry; /* no hidden files */ if (!(dsp->attribute & SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY)) /* no directories */ { /* We have already done the cm_TryBulkStat above */ fid.cell = scp->fid.cell; fid.volume = scp->fid.volume; fid.vnode = ntohl(dep->fid.vnode); fid.unique = ntohl(dep->fid.unique); fileType = cm_FindFileType(&fid); /*osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveTran2SearchDir: file %s " "has filetype %d", dep->name, fileType);*/ if (fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) goto nextEntry; } /* finally check if this name will fit */ /* standard dir entry stuff */ if (infoLevel < 0x101) ohbytes = 23; /* pre-NT */ else if (infoLevel == 0x103) ohbytes = 12; /* NT names only */ else ohbytes = 64; /* NT */ if (infoLevel == 0x104) ohbytes += 26; /* Short name & length */ if (searchFlags & 4) { ohbytes += 4; /* if resume key required */ } if (infoLevel != 1 && infoLevel != 0x101 && infoLevel != 0x103) ohbytes += 4; /* EASIZE */ /* add header to name & term. null */ orbytes = onbytes + ohbytes + 1; /* now, we round up the record to a 4 byte alignment, * and we make sure that we have enough room here for * even the aligned version (so we don't have to worry * about an * overflow when we pad things out below). * That's the reason for the alignment arithmetic below. */ if (infoLevel >= 0x101) align = (4 - (orbytes & 3)) & 3; else align = 0; if (orbytes + bytesInBuffer + align > maxReturnData) break; /* this is one of the entries to use: it is not deleted * and it matches the star pattern we're looking for. * Put out the name, preceded by its length. */ /* First zero everything else */ memset(origOp, 0, ohbytes); if (infoLevel <= 0x101) *(origOp + ohbytes - 1) = (unsigned char) onbytes; else if (infoLevel == 0x103) *((u_long *)(op + 8)) = onbytes; else *((u_long *)(op + 60)) = onbytes; strcpy(origOp+ohbytes, dep->name); /* Short name if requested and needed */ if (infoLevel == 0x104) { if (NeedShortName) { strcpy(op + 70, shortName); *(op + 68) = shortNameEnd - shortName; } } /* now, adjust the # of entries copied */ returnedNames++; /* NextEntryOffset and FileIndex */ if (infoLevel >= 101) { int entryOffset = orbytes + align; *((u_long *)op) = entryOffset; *((u_long *)(op+4)) = nextEntryCookie; } /* now we emit the attribute. This is tricky, since * we need to really stat the file to find out what * type of entry we've got. Right now, we're copying * out data from * a buffer, while holding the scp * locked, so it isn't really convenient to stat * something now. We'll put in a place holder * now, and make a second pass before returning this * to get the real attributes. So, we just skip the * data for now, and adjust it later. We allocate a * patch record to make it easy to find this point * later. The replay will happen at a time when it is * safe to unlock the directory. */ if (infoLevel != 0x103) { curPatchp = malloc(sizeof(*curPatchp)); osi_QAdd((osi_queue_t **) &dirListPatchesp, &curPatchp->q); curPatchp->dptr = op; if (infoLevel >= 0x101) curPatchp->dptr += 8; if (smb_hideDotFiles && smb_IsDotFile(dep->name)) { curPatchp->flags = SMB_DIRLISTPATCH_DOTFILE; } else curPatchp->flags = 0; curPatchp->fid.cell = scp->fid.cell; curPatchp->fid.volume = scp->fid.volume; curPatchp->fid.vnode = ntohl(dep->fid.vnode); curPatchp->fid.unique = ntohl(dep->fid.unique); /* temp */ curPatchp->dep = dep; } if (searchFlags & 4) /* put out resume key */ *((u_long *)origOp) = nextEntryCookie; /* Adjust byte ptr and count */ origOp += orbytes; /* skip entire record */ bytesInBuffer += orbytes; /* and pad the record out */ while (--align >= 0) { *origOp++ = 0; bytesInBuffer++; } } /* if we're including this name */ nextEntry: /* and adjust curOffset to be where the new cookie is */ thyper.HighPart = 0; thyper.LowPart = CM_DIR_CHUNKSIZE * numDirChunks; curOffset = LargeIntegerAdd(thyper, curOffset); } /* while copying data for dir listing */ /* release the mutex */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); if (bufferp) buf_Release(bufferp); /* apply and free last set of patches; if not doing a star match, this * will be empty, but better safe (and freeing everything) than sorry. */ smb_ApplyV3DirListPatches(scp, &dirListPatchesp, infoLevel, userp, &req); /* now put out the final parameters */ if (returnedNames == 0) eos = 1; if (p->opcode == 1) { /* find first */ outp->parmsp[0] = (unsigned short) dsp->cookie; outp->parmsp[1] = returnedNames; outp->parmsp[2] = eos; outp->parmsp[3] = 0; /* nothing wrong with EAS */ outp->parmsp[4] = 0; /* don't need last name to continue * search, cookie is enough. Normally, * this is the offset of the file name * of the last entry returned. */ outp->totalParms = 10; /* in bytes */ } else { /* find next */ outp->parmsp[0] = returnedNames; outp->parmsp[1] = eos; outp->parmsp[2] = 0; /* EAS error */ outp->parmsp[3] = 0; /* last name, as above */ outp->totalParms = 8; /* in bytes */ } /* return # of bytes in the buffer */ outp->totalData = bytesInBuffer; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "T2 search dir done, %d names, code %d", returnedNames, code); /* Return error code if unsuccessful on first request */ if (code == 0 && p->opcode == 1 && returnedNames == 0) code = CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; /* if we're supposed to close the search after this request, or if * we're supposed to close the search if we're done, and we're done, * or if something went wrong, close the search. */ /* ((searchFlags & 1) || ((searchFlags & 2) && eos) */ if ((searchFlags & 1) || (returnedNames == 0) || ((searchFlags & 2) && eos) || code != 0) smb_DeleteDirSearch(dsp); if (code) smb_SendTran2Error(vcp, p, opx, code); else { smb_SendTran2Packet(vcp, outp, opx); } smb_FreeTran2Packet(outp); smb_ReleaseDirSearch(dsp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveV3FindClose(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { int dirHandle; smb_dirSearch_t *dsp; dirHandle = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 0); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "SMB3 find close handle %d", dirHandle); dsp = smb_FindDirSearch(dirHandle); if (!dsp) return CM_ERROR_BADFD; /* otherwise, we have an FD to destroy */ smb_DeleteDirSearch(dsp); smb_ReleaseDirSearch(dsp); /* and return results */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveV3FindNotifyClose(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); return 0; } long smb_ReceiveV3OpenX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { char *pathp; long code; cm_space_t *spacep; int excl; cm_user_t *userp; cm_scache_t *dscp; /* dir we're dealing with */ cm_scache_t *scp; /* file we're creating */ cm_attr_t setAttr; int initialModeBits; smb_fid_t *fidp; int attributes; char *lastNamep; long dosTime; int openFun; int trunc; int openMode; int extraInfo; int openAction; int parmSlot; /* which parm we're dealing with */ char *tidPathp; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); scp = NULL; extraInfo = (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 2) & 1); /* return extra info */ openFun = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 8); /* open function */ excl = ((openFun & 3) == 0); trunc = ((openFun & 3) == 2); /* truncate it */ openMode = (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 3) & 0x7); openAction = 0; /* tracks what we did */ attributes = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 5); dosTime = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 6) | (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 7) << 16); /* compute initial mode bits based on read-only flag in attributes */ initialModeBits = 0666; if (attributes & 1) initialModeBits &= ~0222; pathp = smb_GetSMBData(inp, NULL); spacep = inp->spacep; smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, &lastNamep, pathp); if (lastNamep && strcmp(lastNamep, SMB_IOCTL_FILENAME) == 0) { /* special case magic file name for receiving IOCTL requests * (since IOCTL calls themselves aren't getting through). */ #ifdef NOTSERVICE osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "IOCTL Open"); #endif fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); smb_SetupIoctlFid(fidp, spacep); /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fidp->fid; /* copy out remainder of the parms */ parmSlot = 2; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, fidp->fid); parmSlot++; if (extraInfo) { smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, /* attrs */ 0); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* mod time */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* len */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0x7fff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, openMode); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* file type 0 ==> normal file or dir */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* IPC junk */ } /* and the final "always present" stuff */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, /* openAction found existing file */ 1); parmSlot++; /* next write out the "unique" ID */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0x1234); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0x5678); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); /* and clean up fid reference */ smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE { char *hexp, *asciip; asciip = (lastNamep ? lastNamep : pathp ); hexp = osi_HexifyString(asciip); DEBUG_EVENT2("AFS", "V3Open H[%s] A[%s]", hexp, asciip ); free(hexp); } #endif userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); dscp = NULL; tidPathp = smb_GetTIDPath(vcp, ((smb_t *)inp)->tid); code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, pathp, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &scp); if (code != 0) { code = cm_NameI(cm_rootSCachep, spacep->data, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &dscp); if (code) { cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return code; } /* otherwise, scp points to the parent directory. Do a lookup, * and truncate the file if we find it, otherwise we create the * file. */ if (!lastNamep) lastNamep = pathp; else lastNamep++; code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code && code != CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return code; } } /* if we get here, if code is 0, the file exists and is represented by * scp. Otherwise, we have to create it. The dir may be represented * by dscp, or we may have found the file directly. If code is non-zero, * scp is NULL. */ if (code == 0) { code = cm_CheckOpen(scp, openMode, trunc, userp, &req); if (code) { if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return code; } if (excl) { /* oops, file shouldn't be there */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return CM_ERROR_EXISTS; } if (trunc) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); openAction = 3; /* truncated existing file */ } else openAction = 1; /* found existing file */ } else if (!(openFun & 0x10)) { /* don't create if not found */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; } else { osi_assert(dscp != NULL); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveV3OpenX creating file %s", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, lastNamep)); openAction = 2; /* created file */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; smb_UnixTimeFromDosUTime(&setAttr.clientModTime, dosTime); code = cm_Create(dscp, lastNamep, 0, &setAttr, &scp, userp, &req); if (code == 0 && (dscp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_ANYWATCH)) smb_NotifyChange(FILE_ACTION_ADDED, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, dscp, lastNamep, NULL, TRUE); if (!excl && code == CM_ERROR_EXISTS) { /* not an exclusive create, and someone else tried * creating it already, then we open it anyway. We * don't bother retrying after this, since if this next * fails, that means that the file was deleted after we * started this call. */ code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code == 0) { if (trunc) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } } /* lookup succeeded */ } } /* we don't need this any longer */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); if (code) { /* something went wrong creating or truncating the file */ if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return code; } /* make sure we're about to open a file */ if (scp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return CM_ERROR_ISDIR; } /* now all we have to do is open the file itself */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); osi_assert(fidp); /* save a pointer to the vnode */ fidp->scp = scp; /* compute open mode */ if (openMode != 1) fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_OPENREAD; if (openMode == 1 || openMode == 2) fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_OPENWRITE; smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); cm_Open(scp, 0, userp); /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fidp->fid; /* copy out remainder of the parms */ parmSlot = 2; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, fidp->fid); parmSlot++; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); if (extraInfo) { smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, smb_Attributes(scp)); parmSlot++; smb_DosUTimeFromUnixTime(&dosTime, scp->clientModTime); smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, dosTime & 0xffff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, (dosTime>>16) & 0xffff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, scp->length.LowPart & 0xffff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, (scp->length.LowPart >> 16) & 0xffff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, openMode); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* file type 0 ==> normal file or dir */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* IPC junk */ } /* and the final "always present" stuff */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, openAction); parmSlot++; /* next write out the "unique" ID */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, scp->fid.vnode & 0xffff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, scp->fid.volume & 0xffff); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "SMB OpenX opening fid %d", fidp->fid); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); /* leave scp held since we put it in fidp->scp */ return 0; } long smb_ReceiveV3LockingX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { cm_req_t req; cm_user_t *userp; unsigned short fid; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *scp; unsigned char LockType; unsigned short NumberOfUnlocks, NumberOfLocks; unsigned long Timeout; char *op; LARGE_INTEGER LOffset, LLength; smb_waitingLock_t *waitingLock; void *lockp; long code; int i; cm_InitReq(&req); fid = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 2); fid = smb_ChainFID(fid, inp); fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (!fidp || (fidp->flags & SMB_FID_IOCTL)) { return CM_ERROR_BADFD; } /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fid; userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); scp = fidp->scp; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) goto doneSync; LockType = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 3) & 0xff; Timeout = (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 5) << 16) + smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 4); NumberOfUnlocks = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 6); NumberOfLocks = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 7); op = smb_GetSMBData(inp, NULL); for (i=0; ilength)) continue; code = cm_Lock(scp, LockType, LOffset, LLength, Timeout, userp, &req, &lockp); if (code == CM_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK && Timeout != 0) { /* Put on waiting list */ waitingLock = malloc(sizeof(smb_waitingLock_t)); waitingLock->vcp = vcp; waitingLock->inp = smb_CopyPacket(inp); waitingLock->outp = smb_CopyPacket(outp); waitingLock->timeRemaining = Timeout; waitingLock->lockp = lockp; lock_ObtainWrite(&smb_globalLock); osi_QAdd((osi_queue_t **)&smb_allWaitingLocks, &waitingLock->q); osi_Wakeup((long) &smb_allWaitingLocks); lock_ReleaseWrite(&smb_globalLock); /* don't send reply immediately */ outp->flags |= SMB_PACKETFLAG_NOSEND; } if (code) break; } if (code) { /* release any locks acquired before the failure */ } else smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); done: cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); doneSync: lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); return code; } long smb_ReceiveV3GetAttributes(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { unsigned short fid; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *scp; long code; long searchTime; cm_user_t *userp; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); fid = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 0); fid = smb_ChainFID(fid, inp); fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (!fidp || (fidp->flags & SMB_FID_IOCTL)) { return CM_ERROR_BADFD; } userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); scp = fidp->scp; /* otherwise, stat the file */ lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) goto done; /* decode times. We need a search time, but the response to this * call provides the date first, not the time, as returned in the * searchTime variable. So we take the high-order bits first. */ smb_SearchTimeFromUnixTime(&searchTime, scp->clientModTime); smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 0, (searchTime >> 16) & 0xffff); /* ctime */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 1, searchTime & 0xffff); smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 2, (searchTime >> 16) & 0xffff); /* atime */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 3, searchTime & 0xffff); smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 4, (searchTime >> 16) & 0xffff); /* mtime */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 5, searchTime & 0xffff); /* now handle file size and allocation size */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 6, scp->length.LowPart & 0xffff); /* file size */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 7, (scp->length.LowPart >> 16) & 0xffff); smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 8, scp->length.LowPart & 0xffff); /* alloc size */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 9, (scp->length.LowPart >> 16) & 0xffff); /* file attribute */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 10, smb_Attributes(scp)); /* and finalize stuff */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); code = 0; done: lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); return code; } long smb_ReceiveV3SetAttributes(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { unsigned short fid; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *scp; long code; long searchTime; long unixTime; cm_user_t *userp; cm_attr_t attrs; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); fid = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 0); fid = smb_ChainFID(fid, inp); fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (!fidp || (fidp->flags & SMB_FID_IOCTL)) { return CM_ERROR_BADFD; } userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); scp = fidp->scp; /* now prepare to call cm_setattr. This message only sets various times, * and AFS only implements mtime, and we'll set the mtime if that's * requested. The others we'll ignore. */ searchTime = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 5) | (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 6) << 16); if (searchTime != 0) { smb_UnixTimeFromSearchTime(&unixTime, searchTime); if ( unixTime != -1 ) { attrs.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; attrs.clientModTime = unixTime; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &attrs, userp, &req); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "SMB receive V3SetAttributes [fid=%ld]", fid); } else { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "**smb_UnixTimeFromSearchTime failed searchTime=%ld", searchTime); } } else code = 0; cm_ReleaseUser(userp); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); return code; } long smb_ReceiveV3ReadX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { osi_hyper_t offset; long count, finalCount; unsigned short fd; smb_fid_t *fidp; long code; cm_user_t *userp; char *op; fd = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 2); count = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 5); offset.HighPart = 0; /* too bad */ offset.LowPart = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 3) | (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 4) << 16); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveV3Read fd %d, off 0x%x, size 0x%x", fd, offset.LowPart, count); fd = smb_ChainFID(fd, inp); fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fd, 0); if (!fidp) { return CM_ERROR_BADFD; } /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fd; if (fidp->flags & SMB_FID_IOCTL) { return smb_IoctlV3Read(fidp, vcp, inp, outp); } userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); /* 0 and 1 are reserved for request chaining, were setup by our caller, * and will be further filled in after we return. */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 2, 0); /* remaining bytes, for pipes */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 3, 0); /* resvd */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 4, 0); /* resvd */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 5, count); /* # of bytes we're going to read */ /* fill in #6 when we have all the parameters' space reserved */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 7, 0); /* resv'd */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 8, 0); /* resv'd */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 9, 0); /* resv'd */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 10, 0); /* resv'd */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 11, 0); /* reserved */ /* get op ptr after putting in the parms, since otherwise we don't * know where the data really is. */ op = smb_GetSMBData(outp, NULL); /* now fill in offset from start of SMB header to first data byte (to op) */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 6, ((int) (op - outp->data))); /* set the packet data length the count of the # of bytes */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, count); #ifndef DJGPP code = smb_ReadData(fidp, &offset, count, op, userp, &finalCount); #else /* DJGPP */ code = smb_ReadData(fidp, &offset, count, op, userp, &finalCount, FALSE); #endif /* !DJGPP */ /* fix some things up */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, 5, finalCount); smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, finalCount); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return code; } /* * Values for createDisp, copied from NTDDK.H * * FILE_SUPERSEDE 0 (???) * FILE_OPEN 1 (open) * FILE_CREATE 2 (exclusive) * FILE_OPEN_IF 3 (non-exclusive) * FILE_OVERWRITE 4 (open & truncate, but do not create) * FILE_OVERWRITE_IF 5 (open & truncate, or create) */ long smb_ReceiveNTCreateX(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { char *pathp, *realPathp; long code; cm_space_t *spacep; cm_user_t *userp; cm_scache_t *dscp; /* parent dir */ cm_scache_t *scp; /* file to create or open */ cm_attr_t setAttr; char *lastNamep; char *treeStartp; unsigned short nameLength; unsigned int flags; unsigned int requestOpLock; unsigned int requestBatchOpLock; unsigned int mustBeDir; unsigned int treeCreate; int realDirFlag; unsigned int desiredAccess; unsigned int extAttributes; unsigned int createDisp; unsigned int createOptions; int initialModeBits; unsigned short baseFid; smb_fid_t *baseFidp; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *baseDirp; unsigned short openAction; int parmSlot; long fidflags; FILETIME ft; LARGE_INTEGER sz; char *tidPathp; BOOL foundscp; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); treeCreate = FALSE; foundscp = FALSE; scp = NULL; nameLength = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 2, 1); flags = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 3, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 4, 1) << 16); requestOpLock = flags & 0x02; requestBatchOpLock = flags & 0x04; mustBeDir = flags & 0x08; /* * Why all of a sudden 32-bit FID? * We will reject all bits higher than 16. */ if (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 6, 1) != 0) return CM_ERROR_INVAL; baseFid = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 5, 1); desiredAccess = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 7, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 8, 1) << 16); extAttributes = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 13, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 14, 1) << 16); createDisp = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 17, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 18, 1) << 16); createOptions = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 19, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 20, 1) << 16); /* mustBeDir is never set; createOptions directory bit seems to be * more important */ if (createOptions & 1) realDirFlag = 1; else if (createOptions & 0x40) realDirFlag = 0; else realDirFlag = -1; /* * compute initial mode bits based on read-only flag in * extended attributes */ initialModeBits = 0666; if (extAttributes & 1) initialModeBits &= ~0222; pathp = smb_GetSMBData(inp, NULL); /* Sometimes path is not null-terminated, so we make a copy. */ realPathp = malloc(nameLength+1); memcpy(realPathp, pathp, nameLength); realPathp[nameLength] = 0; spacep = inp->spacep; smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, &lastNamep, realPathp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp,"NTCreateX for [%s]",osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp,realPathp)); osi_Log4(afsd_logp,"NTCreateX da=[%x] ea=[%x] cd=[%x] co=[%x]", desiredAccess, extAttributes, createDisp, createOptions); if (lastNamep && strcmp(lastNamep, SMB_IOCTL_FILENAME) == 0) { /* special case magic file name for receiving IOCTL requests * (since IOCTL calls themselves aren't getting through). */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); smb_SetupIoctlFid(fidp, spacep); /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fidp->fid; /* out parms */ parmSlot = 2; smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, 0); /* oplock */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, fidp->fid); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 1); parmSlot += 2; /* Action */ /* times */ memset(&ft, 0, sizeof(ft)); smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* attr */ sz.HighPart = 0x7fff; sz.LowPart = 0; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&sz); parmSlot += 4; /* alen */ smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&sz); parmSlot += 4; /* len */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* filetype */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* dev state */ smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, 0); /* is a dir? */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); /* clean up fid reference */ smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); free(realPathp); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE { char *hexp, *asciip; asciip = (lastNamep? lastNamep : realPathp); hexp = osi_HexifyString( asciip ); DEBUG_EVENT2("AFS", "NTCreateX H[%s] A[%s]", hexp, asciip); free(hexp); } #endif userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); if (!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "NTCreateX Invalid user [%d]", ((smb_t *) inp)->uid); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } if (baseFid == 0) { baseDirp = cm_rootSCachep; tidPathp = smb_GetTIDPath(vcp, ((smb_t *)inp)->tid); } else { baseFidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, baseFid, 0); if (!baseFidp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "NTCreateX Invalid base fid [%d]", baseFid); free(realPathp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } baseDirp = baseFidp->scp; tidPathp = NULL; } osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "NTCreateX tidPathp=[%s]", (tidPathp==NULL)?"null": osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp,tidPathp)); /* compute open mode */ fidflags = 0; if (desiredAccess & DELETE) fidflags |= SMB_FID_OPENDELETE; if (desiredAccess & AFS_ACCESS_READ) fidflags |= SMB_FID_OPENREAD; if (desiredAccess & AFS_ACCESS_WRITE) fidflags |= SMB_FID_OPENWRITE; dscp = NULL; code = 0; code = cm_NameI(baseDirp, realPathp, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &scp); if (code == 0) foundscp = TRUE; if (code != 0 || (fidflags & (SMB_FID_OPENDELETE | SMB_FID_OPENWRITE))) { /* look up parent directory */ /* If we are trying to create a path (i.e. multiple nested directories), then we don't *need* the immediate parent. We have to work our way up realPathp until we hit something that we recognize. */ while(1) { char *tp; code = cm_NameI(baseDirp, spacep->data, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &dscp); if(code && (tp = strrchr(spacep->data,'\\')) && (createDisp == 2) && (realDirFlag == 1)) { *tp++ = 0; treeCreate = TRUE; treeStartp = realPathp + (tp - spacep->data); if(*tp && !smb_IsLegalFilename(tp)) { if(baseFid != 0) smb_ReleaseFID(baseFidp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_BADNTFILENAME; } } else break; } if (baseFid != 0) smb_ReleaseFID(baseFidp); if (code) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp,"NTCreateX parent not found"); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } if(treeCreate && dscp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { /* A file exists where we want a directory. */ cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_EXISTS; } if (!lastNamep) lastNamep = realPathp; else lastNamep++; if (!smb_IsLegalFilename(lastNamep)) { cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_BADNTFILENAME; } if (!foundscp && !treeCreate) { code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code && code != CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } } } else { if (baseFid != 0) smb_ReleaseFID(baseFidp); } /* if we get here, if code is 0, the file exists and is represented by * scp. Otherwise, we have to create it. The dir may be represented * by dscp, or we may have found the file directly. If code is non-zero, * scp is NULL. */ if (code == 0 && !treeCreate) { code = cm_CheckNTOpen(scp, desiredAccess, createDisp, userp, &req); if (code) { if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } if (createDisp == 2) { /* oops, file shouldn't be there */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_EXISTS; } if (createDisp == 4 || createDisp == 5) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); openAction = 3; /* truncated existing file */ } else openAction = 1; /* found existing file */ } else if (createDisp == 1 || createDisp == 4) { /* don't create if not found */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; } else if (realDirFlag == 0 || realDirFlag == -1) { osi_assert(dscp != NULL); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveNTCreateX creating file %s", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, lastNamep)); openAction = 2; /* created file */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = time(NULL); code = cm_Create(dscp, lastNamep, 0, &setAttr, &scp, userp, &req); if (code == 0 && (dscp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_ANYWATCH)) smb_NotifyChange(FILE_ACTION_ADDED, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, dscp, lastNamep, NULL, TRUE); if (code == CM_ERROR_EXISTS && createDisp != 2) { /* Not an exclusive create, and someone else tried * creating it already, then we open it anyway. We * don't bother retrying after this, since if this next * fails, that means that the file was deleted after we * started this call. */ code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code == 0) { if (createDisp == 5) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } } /* lookup succeeded */ } } else { char *tp, *pp; char *cp; /* This component */ int clen; /* length of component */ cm_scache_t *tscp; int isLast = 0; /* create directory */ if ( !treeCreate ) treeStartp = lastNamep; osi_assert(dscp != NULL); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveNTCreateX creating directory [%s]", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, treeStartp)); openAction = 2; /* created directory */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = time(NULL); pp = treeStartp; cp = spacep->data; tscp = dscp; while(pp && *pp) { tp = strchr(pp, '\\'); if(!tp) { strcpy(cp,pp); isLast = 1; /* indicate last component. the supplied path never ends in a slash */ } else { clen = tp - pp; strncpy(cp,pp,clen); *(cp + clen) = 0; tp++; } pp = tp; if(clen == 0) continue; /* the supplied path can't have consecutive slashes either , but */ /* cp is the next component to be created. */ code = cm_MakeDir(tscp, cp, 0, &setAttr, userp, &req); if (code == 0 && (tscp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_ANYWATCH)) smb_NotifyChange(FILE_ACTION_ADDED, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME, tscp, cp, NULL, TRUE); if (code == 0 || (code == CM_ERROR_EXISTS && createDisp != 2)) { /* Not an exclusive create, and someone else tried * creating it already, then we open it anyway. We * don't bother retrying after this, since if this next * fails, that means that the file was deleted after we * started this call. */ code = cm_Lookup(tscp, cp, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); } if(code) break; if(!isLast) { /* for anything other than dscp, release it unless it's the last one */ cm_ReleaseSCache(tscp); tscp = scp; /* Newly created directory will be next parent */ } } /* if we get here and code == 0, then scp is the last directory created, and tscp is the parent of scp. dscp got released if dscp != tscp. both tscp and scp are held. */ dscp = tscp; } if (code) { /* something went wrong creating or truncating the file */ if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } /* make sure we have file vs. dir right (only applies for single component case) */ if (realDirFlag == 0 && scp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_ISDIR; } /* (only applies to single component case) */ if (realDirFlag == 1 && scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_NOTDIR; } /* open the file itself */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); osi_assert(fidp); /* save a pointer to the vnode */ fidp->scp = scp; fidp->flags = fidflags; /* save parent dir and pathname for delete or change notification */ if (fidflags & (SMB_FID_OPENDELETE | SMB_FID_OPENWRITE)) { fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_NTOPEN; fidp->NTopen_dscp = dscp; cm_HoldSCache(dscp); fidp->NTopen_pathp = strdup(lastNamep); } fidp->NTopen_wholepathp = realPathp; /* we don't need this any longer */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_Open(scp, 0, userp); /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fidp->fid; /* out parms */ parmSlot = 2; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, 0); /* oplock */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, fidp->fid); parmSlot++; smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, openAction); parmSlot += 2; smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&ft); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, smb_ExtAttributes(scp)); parmSlot += 2; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&scp->length); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParmDouble(outp, parmSlot, (char *)&scp->length); parmSlot += 4; smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* filetype */ smb_SetSMBParm(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot++; /* dev state */ smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY); /* is a dir? */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 0); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "SMB NT CreateX opening fid %d path %s", fidp->fid, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, realPathp)); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); /* Can't free realPathp if we get here since fidp->NTopen_wholepathp is pointing there */ /* leave scp held since we put it in fidp->scp */ return 0; } /* * A lot of stuff copied verbatim from NT Create&X to NT Tran Create. * Instead, ultimately, would like to use a subroutine for common code. */ long smb_ReceiveNTTranCreate(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { char *pathp, *realPathp; long code; cm_space_t *spacep; cm_user_t *userp; cm_scache_t *dscp; /* parent dir */ cm_scache_t *scp; /* file to create or open */ cm_attr_t setAttr; char *lastNamep; unsigned long nameLength; unsigned int flags; unsigned int requestOpLock; unsigned int requestBatchOpLock; unsigned int mustBeDir; unsigned int extendedRespRequired; int realDirFlag; unsigned int desiredAccess; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE unsigned int allocSize; unsigned int shareAccess; #endif unsigned int extAttributes; unsigned int createDisp; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE unsigned int sdLen; #endif unsigned int createOptions; int initialModeBits; unsigned short baseFid; smb_fid_t *baseFidp; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *baseDirp; unsigned short openAction; int parmSlot; long fidflags; FILETIME ft; char *tidPathp; BOOL foundscp; int parmOffset, dataOffset; char *parmp; ULONG *lparmp; char *outData; cm_req_t req; cm_InitReq(&req); foundscp = FALSE; scp = NULL; parmOffset = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 11, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 12, 1) << 16); parmp = inp->data + parmOffset; lparmp = (ULONG *) parmp; flags = lparmp[0]; requestOpLock = flags & 0x02; requestBatchOpLock = flags & 0x04; mustBeDir = flags & 0x08; extendedRespRequired = flags & 0x10; /* * Why all of a sudden 32-bit FID? * We will reject all bits higher than 16. */ if (lparmp[1] & 0xFFFF0000) return CM_ERROR_INVAL; baseFid = (unsigned short)lparmp[1]; desiredAccess = lparmp[2]; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE allocSize = lparmp[3]; #endif /* DEBUG_VERSOSE */ extAttributes = lparmp[5]; #ifdef DEBUG_VEROSE shareAccess = lparmp[6]; #endif createDisp = lparmp[7]; createOptions = lparmp[8]; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE sdLen = lparmp[9]; #endif nameLength = lparmp[11]; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE osi_Log4(afsd_logp,"NTTransCreate with da[%x],ea[%x],sa[%x],cd[%x]",desiredAccess,extAttributes,shareAccess,createDisp); osi_Log2(afsd_logp,"... co[%x],sdl[%x],as[%x]",createOptions,sdLen,allocSize); osi_Log1(afsd_logp,"... flags[%x]",flags); #endif /* mustBeDir is never set; createOptions directory bit seems to be * more important */ if (createOptions & 1) realDirFlag = 1; else if (createOptions & 0x40) realDirFlag = 0; else realDirFlag = -1; /* * compute initial mode bits based on read-only flag in * extended attributes */ initialModeBits = 0666; if (extAttributes & 1) initialModeBits &= ~0222; pathp = parmp + (13 * sizeof(ULONG)) + sizeof(UCHAR); /* Sometimes path is not null-terminated, so we make a copy. */ realPathp = malloc(nameLength+1); memcpy(realPathp, pathp, nameLength); realPathp[nameLength] = 0; spacep = cm_GetSpace(); smb_StripLastComponent(spacep->data, &lastNamep, realPathp); /* * Nothing here to handle SMB_IOCTL_FILENAME. * Will add it if necessary. */ #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE { char *hexp, *asciip; asciip = (lastNamep? lastNamep : realPathp); hexp = osi_HexifyString( asciip ); DEBUG_EVENT2("AFS", "NTTranCreate H[%s] A[%s]", hexp, asciip); free(hexp); } #endif userp = smb_GetUser(vcp, inp); if(!userp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "NTTranCreate invalid user [%d]", ((smb_t *) inp)->uid); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } if (baseFid == 0) { baseDirp = cm_rootSCachep; tidPathp = smb_GetTIDPath(vcp, ((smb_t *)inp)->tid); } else { baseFidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, baseFid, 0); if(!baseFidp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "NTTranCreate Invalid fid [%d]", baseFid); free(realPathp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } baseDirp = baseFidp->scp; tidPathp = NULL; } /* compute open mode */ fidflags = 0; if (desiredAccess & DELETE) fidflags |= SMB_FID_OPENDELETE; if (desiredAccess & AFS_ACCESS_READ) fidflags |= SMB_FID_OPENREAD; if (desiredAccess & AFS_ACCESS_WRITE) fidflags |= SMB_FID_OPENWRITE; dscp = NULL; code = 0; code = cm_NameI(baseDirp, realPathp, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &scp); if (code == 0) foundscp = TRUE; if (code != 0 || (fidflags & (SMB_FID_OPENDELETE | SMB_FID_OPENWRITE))) { /* look up parent directory */ code = cm_NameI(baseDirp, spacep->data, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, tidPathp, &req, &dscp); cm_FreeSpace(spacep); if (baseFid != 0) smb_ReleaseFID(baseFidp); if (code) { cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } if (!lastNamep) lastNamep = realPathp; else lastNamep++; if (!smb_IsLegalFilename(lastNamep)) return CM_ERROR_BADNTFILENAME; if (!foundscp) { code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_FOLLOW | CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code && code != CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } } } else { if (baseFid != 0) smb_ReleaseFID(baseFidp); cm_FreeSpace(spacep); } /* if we get here, if code is 0, the file exists and is represented by * scp. Otherwise, we have to create it. The dir may be represented * by dscp, or we may have found the file directly. If code is non-zero, * scp is NULL. */ if (code == 0) { code = cm_CheckNTOpen(scp, desiredAccess, createDisp, userp, &req); if (code) { if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } if (createDisp == 2) { /* oops, file shouldn't be there */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_EXISTS; } if (createDisp == 4 || createDisp == 5) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); openAction = 3; /* truncated existing file */ } else openAction = 1; /* found existing file */ } else if (createDisp == 1 || createDisp == 4) { /* don't create if not found */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE; } else if (realDirFlag == 0 || realDirFlag == -1) { osi_assert(dscp != NULL); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveNTTranCreate creating file %s", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, lastNamep)); openAction = 2; /* created file */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = time(NULL); code = cm_Create(dscp, lastNamep, 0, &setAttr, &scp, userp, &req); if (code == 0 && (dscp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_ANYWATCH)) smb_NotifyChange(FILE_ACTION_ADDED, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, dscp, lastNamep, NULL, TRUE); if (code == CM_ERROR_EXISTS && createDisp != 2) { /* Not an exclusive create, and someone else tried * creating it already, then we open it anyway. We * don't bother retrying after this, since if this next * fails, that means that the file was deleted after we * started this call. */ code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); if (code == 0) { if (createDisp == 5) { setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = 0; setAttr.length.HighPart = 0; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } } /* lookup succeeded */ } } else { /* create directory */ osi_assert(dscp != NULL); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "smb_ReceiveNTTranCreate creating directory %s", osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, lastNamep)); openAction = 2; /* created directory */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = time(NULL); code = cm_MakeDir(dscp, lastNamep, 0, &setAttr, userp, &req); if (code == 0 && (dscp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_ANYWATCH)) smb_NotifyChange(FILE_ACTION_ADDED, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME, dscp, lastNamep, NULL, TRUE); if (code == 0 || (code == CM_ERROR_EXISTS && createDisp != 2)) { /* Not an exclusive create, and someone else tried * creating it already, then we open it anyway. We * don't bother retrying after this, since if this next * fails, that means that the file was deleted after we * started this call. */ code = cm_Lookup(dscp, lastNamep, CM_FLAG_CASEFOLD, userp, &req, &scp); } } if (code) { /* something went wrong creating or truncating the file */ if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return code; } /* make sure we have file vs. dir right */ if (realDirFlag == 0 && scp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_ISDIR; } if (realDirFlag == 1 && scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); free(realPathp); return CM_ERROR_NOTDIR; } /* open the file itself */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, 0, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); osi_assert(fidp); /* save a pointer to the vnode */ fidp->scp = scp; fidp->flags = fidflags; /* save parent dir and pathname for deletion or change notification */ if (fidflags & (SMB_FID_OPENDELETE | SMB_FID_OPENWRITE)) { fidp->flags |= SMB_FID_NTOPEN; fidp->NTopen_dscp = dscp; cm_HoldSCache(dscp); fidp->NTopen_pathp = strdup(lastNamep); } fidp->NTopen_wholepathp = realPathp; /* we don't need this any longer */ if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_Open(scp, 0, userp); /* set inp->fid so that later read calls in same msg can find fid */ inp->fid = fidp->fid; /* check whether we are required to send an extended response */ if (!extendedRespRequired) { /* out parms */ parmOffset = 8*4 + 39; parmOffset += 1; /* pad to 4 */ dataOffset = parmOffset + 70; parmSlot = 1; outp->oddByte = 1; /* Total Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 70); parmSlot += 2; /* Total Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 70); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, parmOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, dataOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, 0); /* Setup Count */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 70); lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); outData = smb_GetSMBData(outp, NULL); outData++; /* round to get to parmOffset */ *outData = 0; outData++; /* oplock */ *outData = 0; outData++; /* reserved */ *((USHORT *)outData) = fidp->fid; outData += 2; /* fid */ *((ULONG *)outData) = openAction; outData += 4; *((ULONG *)outData) = 0; outData += 4; /* EA error offset */ smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* creation time */ *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* last access time */ *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* last write time */ *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* change time */ *((ULONG *)outData) = smb_ExtAttributes(scp); outData += 4; *((LARGE_INTEGER *)outData) = scp->length; outData += 8; /* alloc sz */ *((LARGE_INTEGER *)outData) = scp->length; outData += 8; /* EOF */ *((USHORT *)outData) = 0; outData += 2; /* filetype */ *((USHORT *)outData) = 0; outData += 2; /* dev state */ *((USHORT *)outData) = (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY); outData += 2; /* is a dir? */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); } else { /* out parms */ parmOffset = 8*4 + 39; parmOffset += 1; /* pad to 4 */ dataOffset = parmOffset + 104; parmSlot = 1; outp->oddByte = 1; /* Total Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 101); parmSlot += 2; /* Total Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 101); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, parmOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, dataOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, 0); /* Setup Count */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 105); lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); outData = smb_GetSMBData(outp, NULL); outData++; /* round to get to parmOffset */ *outData = 0; outData++; /* oplock */ *outData = 1; outData++; /* response type */ *((USHORT *)outData) = fidp->fid; outData += 2; /* fid */ *((ULONG *)outData) = openAction; outData += 4; *((ULONG *)outData) = 0; outData += 4; /* EA error offset */ smb_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* creation time */ *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* last access time */ *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* last write time */ *((FILETIME *)outData) = ft; outData += 8; /* change time */ *((ULONG *)outData) = smb_ExtAttributes(scp); outData += 4; *((LARGE_INTEGER *)outData) = scp->length; outData += 8; /* alloc sz */ *((LARGE_INTEGER *)outData) = scp->length; outData += 8; /* EOF */ *((USHORT *)outData) = 0; outData += 2; /* filetype */ *((USHORT *)outData) = 0; outData += 2; /* dev state */ *((USHORT *)outData) = (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY); outData += 1; /* is a dir? */ memset(outData,0,24); outData += 24; /* Volume ID and file ID */ *((ULONG *)outData) = 0x001f01ffL; outData += 4; /* Maxmimal access rights */ *((ULONG *)outData) = 0; outData += 4; /* Guest Access rights */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); } osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "SMB NTTranCreate opening fid %d", fidp->fid); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); /* free(realPathp); Can't free realPathp here because fidp->NTopen_wholepathp points there */ /* leave scp held since we put it in fidp->scp */ return 0; } long smb_ReceiveNTTranNotifyChange(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { smb_packet_t *savedPacketp; ULONG filter; USHORT fid, watchtree; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *scp; filter = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 19) | (smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 20) << 16); fid = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 21); watchtree = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 22) && 0xffff; /* TODO: should this be 0xff ? */ fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (!fidp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "ERROR: NotifyChange given invalid fid [%d]", fid); return CM_ERROR_BADFD; } savedPacketp = smb_CopyPacket(inp); savedPacketp->vcp = vcp; /* TODO: refcount vcp? */ lock_ObtainMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); savedPacketp->nextp = smb_Directory_Watches; smb_Directory_Watches = savedPacketp; lock_ReleaseMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (fidp) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "Request for NotifyChange filter 0x%x fid %d wtree %d file %s", filter, fid, watchtree, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, fidp->NTopen_wholepathp)); scp = fidp->scp; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); if (watchtree) scp->flags |= CM_SCACHEFLAG_WATCHEDSUBTREE; else scp->flags |= CM_SCACHEFLAG_WATCHED; lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); } else { /* nothing - just a warning to main log file ... */ afsi_log("Warning: cannot find fidp vcp = 0x%X, fid = %d", vcp, fid); } outp->flags |= SMB_PACKETFLAG_NOSEND; return 0; } unsigned char nullSecurityDesc[36] = { 0x01, /* security descriptor revision */ 0x00, /* reserved, should be zero */ 0x00, 0x80, /* security descriptor control; * 0x8000 : self-relative format */ 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* offset of owner SID */ 0x1c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* offset of group SID */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* offset of DACL would go here */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* offset of SACL would go here */ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* "null SID" owner SID */ 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* "null SID" group SID */ }; long smb_ReceiveNTTranQuerySecurityDesc(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { int parmOffset, parmCount, dataOffset, dataCount; int parmSlot; int maxData; char *outData; char *parmp; USHORT *sparmp; ULONG *lparmp; USHORT fid; ULONG securityInformation; parmOffset = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 11, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 12, 1) << 16); parmp = inp->data + parmOffset; sparmp = (USHORT *) parmp; lparmp = (ULONG *) parmp; fid = sparmp[0]; securityInformation = lparmp[1]; maxData = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 7, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(inp, 8, 1) << 16); if (maxData < 36) dataCount = 0; else dataCount = 36; /* out parms */ parmOffset = 8*4 + 39; parmOffset += 1; /* pad to 4 */ parmCount = 4; dataOffset = parmOffset + parmCount; parmSlot = 1; outp->oddByte = 1; /* Total Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, parmCount); parmSlot += 2; /* Total Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, dataCount); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, parmCount); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, parmOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, dataCount); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, dataOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(outp, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; smb_SetSMBParmByte(outp, parmSlot, 0); /* Setup Count */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(outp, 1 + parmCount + dataCount); outData = smb_GetSMBData(outp, NULL); outData++; /* round to get to parmOffset */ *((ULONG *)outData) = 36; outData += 4; /* length */ if (maxData >= 36) { memcpy(outData, nullSecurityDesc, 36); outData += 36; return 0; } else return CM_ERROR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; } long smb_ReceiveNTTransact(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { unsigned short function; function = smb_GetSMBParm(inp, 18); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "SMB NT Transact function %d", function); /* We can handle long names */ if (vcp->flags & SMB_VCFLAG_USENT) ((smb_t *)outp)->flg2 |= 0x40; /* IS_LONG_NAME */ switch (function) { case 6: return smb_ReceiveNTTranQuerySecurityDesc(vcp, inp, outp); case 4: return smb_ReceiveNTTranNotifyChange(vcp, inp, outp); case 1: return smb_ReceiveNTTranCreate(vcp, inp, outp); default: return CM_ERROR_INVAL; } } /* * smb_NotifyChange -- find relevant change notification messages and * reply to them * * If we don't know the file name (i.e. a callback break), filename is * NULL, and we return a zero-length list. */ void smb_NotifyChange(DWORD action, DWORD notifyFilter, cm_scache_t *dscp, char *filename, char *otherFilename, BOOL isDirectParent) { smb_packet_t *watch, *lastWatch, *nextWatch; ULONG parmSlot, parmCount, parmOffset, dataOffset, nameLen; char *outData, *oldOutData; ULONG filter; USHORT fid, wtree; ULONG maxLen; BOOL twoEntries = FALSE; ULONG otherNameLen, oldParmCount = 0; DWORD otherAction; smb_vc_t *vcp; smb_fid_t *fidp; /* Get ready for rename within directory */ if (action == FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME && otherFilename != NULL) { twoEntries = TRUE; otherAction = FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME; } lock_ObtainMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); watch = smb_Directory_Watches; while (watch) { filter = smb_GetSMBParm(watch, 19) | (smb_GetSMBParm(watch, 20) << 16); fid = smb_GetSMBParm(watch, 21); wtree = smb_GetSMBParm(watch, 22) & 0xffff; /* TODO: should this be 0xff ? */ maxLen = smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(watch, 5, 1) | (smb_GetSMBOffsetParm(watch, 6, 1) << 16); vcp = watch->vcp; /* * Strange hack - bug in NT Client and NT Server that we * must emulate? */ if (filter == 3 && wtree) filter = 0x17; fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (!fidp) { lastWatch = watch; watch = watch->nextp; continue; } if (fidp->scp != dscp || (filter & notifyFilter) == 0 || (!isDirectParent && !wtree)) { smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); lastWatch = watch; watch = watch->nextp; continue; } smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "Sending Change Notification for fid %d filter 0x%x wtree %d file %s", fid, filter, wtree, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, filename)); nextWatch = watch->nextp; if (watch == smb_Directory_Watches) smb_Directory_Watches = nextWatch; else lastWatch->nextp = nextWatch; /* Turn off WATCHED flag in dscp */ lock_ObtainMutex(&dscp->mx); if (wtree) dscp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_WATCHEDSUBTREE; else dscp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_WATCHED; lock_ReleaseMutex(&dscp->mx); /* Convert to response packet */ ((smb_t *) watch)->reb = 0x80; ((smb_t *) watch)->wct = 0; /* out parms */ if (filename == NULL) parmCount = 0; else { nameLen = strlen(filename); parmCount = 3*4 + nameLen*2; parmCount = (parmCount + 3) & ~3; /* pad to 4 */ if (twoEntries) { otherNameLen = strlen(otherFilename); oldParmCount = parmCount; parmCount += 3*4 + otherNameLen*2; parmCount = (parmCount + 3) & ~3; /* pad to 4 */ } if (maxLen < parmCount) parmCount = 0; /* not enough room */ } parmOffset = 8*4 + 39; parmOffset += 1; /* pad to 4 */ dataOffset = parmOffset + parmCount; parmSlot = 1; watch->oddByte = 1; /* Total Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, parmCount); parmSlot += 2; /* Total Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, parmCount); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, parmOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Parameter Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Count */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Offset */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, dataOffset); parmSlot += 2; /* Data Displacement */ smb_SetSMBParmLong(watch, parmSlot, 0); parmSlot += 2; smb_SetSMBParmByte(watch, parmSlot, 0); /* Setup Count */ smb_SetSMBDataLength(watch, parmCount + 1); if (parmCount != 0) { outData = smb_GetSMBData(watch, NULL); outData++; /* round to get to parmOffset */ oldOutData = outData; *((DWORD *)outData) = oldParmCount; outData += 4; /* Next Entry Offset */ *((DWORD *)outData) = action; outData += 4; /* Action */ *((DWORD *)outData) = nameLen*2; outData += 4; /* File Name Length */ mbstowcs((WCHAR *)outData, filename, nameLen); /* File Name */ if (twoEntries) { outData = oldOutData + oldParmCount; *((DWORD *)outData) = 0; outData += 4; /* Next Entry Offset */ *((DWORD *)outData) = otherAction; outData += 4; /* Action */ *((DWORD *)outData) = otherNameLen*2; outData += 4; /* File Name Length */ mbstowcs((WCHAR *)outData, otherFilename, otherNameLen); /* File Name */ } } /* * If filename is null, we don't know the cause of the * change notification. We return zero data (see above), * and set error code to NT_STATUS_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR * (= 0x010C). We set the error code here by hand, without * modifying wct and bcc. */ if (filename == NULL) { ((smb_t *) watch)->rcls = 0x0C; ((smb_t *) watch)->reh = 0x01; ((smb_t *) watch)->errLow = 0; ((smb_t *) watch)->errHigh = 0; /* Set NT Status codes flag */ ((smb_t *) watch)->flg2 |= 0x4000; } smb_SendPacket(vcp, watch); smb_FreePacket(watch); watch = nextWatch; } lock_ReleaseMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); } long smb_ReceiveNTCancel(smb_vc_t *vcp, smb_packet_t *inp, smb_packet_t *outp) { unsigned char *replyWctp; smb_packet_t *watch, *lastWatch; USHORT fid, watchtree; smb_fid_t *fidp; cm_scache_t *scp; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "SMB3 receive NT cancel"); lock_ObtainMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); watch = smb_Directory_Watches; while (watch) { if (((smb_t *)watch)->uid == ((smb_t *)inp)->uid && ((smb_t *)watch)->pid == ((smb_t *)inp)->pid && ((smb_t *)watch)->mid == ((smb_t *)inp)->mid && ((smb_t *)watch)->tid == ((smb_t *)inp)->tid) { if (watch == smb_Directory_Watches) smb_Directory_Watches = watch->nextp; else lastWatch->nextp = watch->nextp; lock_ReleaseMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); /* Turn off WATCHED flag in scp */ fid = smb_GetSMBParm(watch, 21); watchtree = smb_GetSMBParm(watch, 22) & 0xffff; fidp = smb_FindFID(vcp, fid, 0); if (fidp) { osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "Cancelling change notification for fid %d wtree %d file %s", fid, watchtree, osi_LogSaveString(afsd_logp, (fidp)?fidp->NTopen_wholepathp:"")); scp = fidp->scp; lock_ObtainMutex(&scp->mx); if (watchtree) scp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_WATCHEDSUBTREE; else scp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_WATCHED; lock_ReleaseMutex(&scp->mx); smb_ReleaseFID(fidp); } else { osi_Log2(afsd_logp,"NTCancel unable to resolve fid [%d] in vcp[%x]", fid,vcp); } /* assume STATUS32; return 0xC0000120 (CANCELED) */ replyWctp = watch->wctp; *replyWctp++ = 0; *replyWctp++ = 0; *replyWctp++ = 0; ((smb_t *)watch)->rcls = 0x20; ((smb_t *)watch)->reh = 0x1; ((smb_t *)watch)->errLow = 0; ((smb_t *)watch)->errHigh = 0xC0; ((smb_t *)watch)->flg2 |= 0x4000; smb_SendPacket(vcp, watch); smb_FreePacket(watch); return 0; } lastWatch = watch; watch = watch->nextp; } lock_ReleaseMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock); return 0; } void smb3_Init() { lock_InitializeMutex(&smb_Dir_Watch_Lock, "Directory Watch List Lock"); } cm_user_t *smb_FindCMUserByName(/*smb_vc_t *vcp,*/ char *usern, char *machine) { /*int newUid;*/ smb_username_t *unp; unp = smb_FindUserByName(usern, machine, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); if (!unp->userp) { lock_ObtainMutex(&unp->mx); unp->userp = cm_NewUser(); lock_ReleaseMutex(&unp->mx); osi_LogEvent("AFS smb_FindCMUserByName : New User",NULL,"name[%s] machine[%s]",usern,machine); } else { osi_LogEvent("AFS smb_FindCMUserByName : Found",NULL,"name[%s] machine[%s]",usern,machine); } return unp->userp; }