/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fs_utils.h" #include "cmd.h" #define MAXNAME 100 #define MAXSIZE 2048 #define MAXINSIZE 1300 /* pioctl complains if data is larger than this */ static char space[MAXSIZE]; static char tspace[1024]; #ifndef WIN32 static struct ubik_client *uclient; #endif /* not WIN32 */ static char pn[] = "symlink"; static int rxInitDone = 0; void Die(); foldcmp (a, b) register char *a; register char *b; { register char t, u; while (1) { t = *a++; u = *b++; if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') t += 0x20; if (u >= 'A' && u <= 'Z') u += 0x20; if (t != u) return 1; if (t == 0) return 0; } } /* this function returns TRUE (1) if the file is in AFS, otherwise false (0) */ static int InAFS(register char *apath) { struct ViceIoctl blob; register afs_int32 code; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; code = pioctl(apath, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code) { if ((errno == EINVAL) || (errno == ENOENT)) return 0; } return 1; } static int IsFreelanceRoot(char *apath) { struct ViceIoctl blob; afs_int32 code; blob.in_size = 0; blob.out_size = MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; code = pioctl(apath, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) return !stricmp("Freelance.Local.Root",space); return 1; /* assume it is because it is more restrictive that way */ } static const char * NetbiosName(void) { static char buffer[1024] = "AFS"; HKEY parmKey; DWORD code; DWORD dummyLen; DWORD enabled = 0; code = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AFSREG_CLT_SVC_PARAM_SUBKEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &parmKey); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dummyLen = sizeof(buffer); code = RegQueryValueEx(parmKey, "NetbiosName", NULL, NULL, buffer, &dummyLen); RegCloseKey (parmKey); } else { strcpy(buffer, "AFS"); } return buffer; } #define AFSCLIENT_ADMIN_GROUPNAME "AFS Client Admins" static BOOL IsAdmin (void) { static BOOL fAdmin = FALSE; static BOOL fTested = FALSE; if (!fTested) { /* Obtain the SID for the AFS client admin group. If the group does * not exist, then assume we have AFS client admin privileges. */ PSID psidAdmin = NULL; DWORD dwSize, dwSize2; char pszAdminGroup[ MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + sizeof(AFSCLIENT_ADMIN_GROUPNAME) + 2 ]; char *pszRefDomain = NULL; SID_NAME_USE snu = SidTypeGroup; dwSize = sizeof(pszAdminGroup); if (!GetComputerName(pszAdminGroup, &dwSize)) { /* Can't get computer name. We return false in this case. Retain fAdmin and fTested. This shouldn't happen.*/ return FALSE; } dwSize = 0; dwSize2 = 0; strcat(pszAdminGroup,"\\"); strcat(pszAdminGroup, AFSCLIENT_ADMIN_GROUPNAME); LookupAccountName(NULL, pszAdminGroup, NULL, &dwSize, NULL, &dwSize2, &snu); /* that should always fail. */ if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { /* if we can't find the group, then we allow the operation */ fAdmin = TRUE; return TRUE; } if (dwSize == 0 || dwSize2 == 0) { /* Paranoia */ fAdmin = TRUE; return TRUE; } psidAdmin = (PSID)malloc(dwSize); memset(psidAdmin,0,dwSize); assert(psidAdmin); pszRefDomain = (char *)malloc(dwSize2); assert(pszRefDomain); if (!LookupAccountName(NULL, pszAdminGroup, psidAdmin, &dwSize, pszRefDomain, &dwSize2, &snu)) { /* We can't lookup the group now even though we looked it up earlier. Could this happen? */ fAdmin = TRUE; } else { /* Then open our current ProcessToken */ HANDLE hToken; if (OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { if (!CheckTokenMembership(hToken, psidAdmin, &fAdmin)) { /* We'll have to allocate a chunk of memory to store the list of * groups to which this user belongs; find out how much memory * we'll need. */ DWORD dwSize = 0; PTOKEN_GROUPS pGroups; GetTokenInformation (hToken, TokenGroups, NULL, dwSize, &dwSize); pGroups = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)malloc(dwSize); assert(pGroups); /* Allocate that buffer, and read in the list of groups. */ if (GetTokenInformation (hToken, TokenGroups, pGroups, dwSize, &dwSize)) { /* Look through the list of group SIDs and see if any of them * matches the AFS Client Admin group SID. */ size_t iGroup = 0; for (; (!fAdmin) && (iGroup < pGroups->GroupCount); ++iGroup) { if (EqualSid (psidAdmin, pGroups->Groups[ iGroup ].Sid)) { fAdmin = TRUE; } } } if (pGroups) free(pGroups); } /* if do not have permission because we were not explicitly listed * in the Admin Client Group let's see if we are the SYSTEM account */ if (!fAdmin) { PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY SIDAuth = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; PSID pSidLocalSystem = 0; DWORD gle; GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &dwSize); pTokenUser = (PTOKEN_USER)malloc(dwSize); assert(pTokenUser); if (!GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, dwSize, &dwSize)) gle = GetLastError(); if (AllocateAndInitializeSid( &SIDAuth, 1, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSidLocalSystem)) { if (EqualSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid, pSidLocalSystem)) { fAdmin = TRUE; } FreeSid(pSidLocalSystem); } if ( pTokenUser ) free(pTokenUser); } } } free(psidAdmin); free(pszRefDomain); fTested = TRUE; } return fAdmin; } /* return a static pointer to a buffer */ static char *Parent(apath) char *apath; { register char *tp; strcpy(tspace, apath); tp = strrchr(tspace, '\\'); if (tp) { *(tp+1) = 0; /* lv trailing slash so Parent("k:\foo") is "k:\" not "k:" */ } else { fs_ExtractDriveLetter(apath, tspace); strcat(tspace, "."); } return tspace; } static ListLinkCmd(register struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { register afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; int error; register struct cmd_item *ti; char orig_name[1024]; /*Original name, may be modified*/ char true_name[1024]; /*``True'' dirname (e.g., symlink target)*/ char parent_dir[1024]; /*Parent directory of true name*/ register char *last_component; /*Last component of true name*/ #ifndef WIN32 struct stat statbuff; /*Buffer for status info*/ #endif /* not WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 int link_chars_read; /*Num chars read in readlink()*/ #endif /* not WIN32 */ int thru_symlink; /*Did we get to a mount point via a symlink?*/ error = 0; for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ thru_symlink = 0; #ifdef WIN32 strcpy(orig_name, ti->data); #else /* not WIN32 */ sprintf(orig_name, "%s%s", (ti->data[0] == '/') ? "" : "./", ti->data); #endif /* not WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 if (lstat(orig_name, &statbuff) < 0) { /* if lstat fails, we should still try the pioctl, since it may work (for example, lstat will fail, but pioctl will work if the volume of offline (returning ENODEV). */ statbuff.st_mode = S_IFDIR; /* lie like pros */ } /* * The lstat succeeded. If the given file is a symlink, substitute * the file name with the link name. */ if ((statbuff.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) { thru_symlink = 1; /* * Read name of resolved file. */ link_chars_read = readlink(orig_name, true_name, 1024); if (link_chars_read <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't read target name for '%s' symbolic link!\n", pn, orig_name); exit(1); } /* * Add a trailing null to what was read, bump the length. */ true_name[link_chars_read++] = 0; /* * If the symlink is an absolute pathname, we're fine. Otherwise, we * have to create a full pathname using the original name and the * relative symlink name. Find the rightmost slash in the original * name (we know there is one) and splice in the symlink value. */ if (true_name[0] != '\\') { last_component = (char *) strrchr(orig_name, '\\'); strcpy(++last_component, true_name); strcpy(true_name, orig_name); } } else strcpy(true_name, orig_name); #else /* WIN32 */ strcpy(true_name, orig_name); #endif /* WIN32 */ /* * Find rightmost slash, if any. */ last_component = (char *) strrchr(true_name, '\\'); if (!last_component) last_component = (char *) strrchr(true_name, '/'); if (last_component) { /* * Found it. Designate everything before it as the parent directory, * everything after it as the final component. */ strncpy(parent_dir, true_name, last_component - true_name + 1); parent_dir[last_component - true_name + 1] = 0; last_component++; /*Skip the slash*/ #ifdef WIN32 if (!InAFS(parent_dir)) { const char * nbname = NetbiosName(); int len = (int)strlen(nbname); if (parent_dir[0] == '\\' && parent_dir[1] == '\\' && parent_dir[len+2] == '\\' && parent_dir[len+3] == '\0' && !strnicmp(nbname,&parent_dir[2],len)) { sprintf(parent_dir,"\\\\%s\\all\\", nbname); } } #endif } else { /* * No slash appears in the given file name. Set parent_dir to the current * directory, and the last component as the given name. */ fs_ExtractDriveLetter(true_name, parent_dir); strcat(parent_dir, "."); last_component = true_name; fs_StripDriveLetter(true_name, true_name, sizeof(true_name)); } if (strcmp(last_component, ".") == 0 || strcmp(last_component, "..") == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: you may not use '.' or '..' as the last component\n", pn); fprintf(stderr,"%s: of a name in the 'symlink list' command.\n", pn); error = 1; continue; } blob.in = last_component; blob.in_size = (long)strlen(last_component)+1; blob.out_size = MAXSIZE; blob.out = space; memset(space, 0, MAXSIZE); code = pioctl(parent_dir, VIOC_LISTSYMLINK, &blob, 1); if (code == 0) printf("'%s' is a %ssymlink to '%s'\n", ti->data, (thru_symlink ? "symbolic link, leading to a " : ""), space); else { error = 1; if (errno == EINVAL) fprintf(stderr,"'%s' is not a symlink.\n", ti->data); else { Die(errno, (ti->data ? ti->data : parent_dir)); } } } return error; } static MakeLinkCmd(register struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { register afs_int32 code; struct ViceIoctl blob; char * parent; char path[1024] = ""; strcpy(path, as->parms[0].items->data); parent = Parent(path); if (!InAFS(parent)) { #ifdef WIN32 const char * nbname = NetbiosName(); int len = (int)strlen(nbname); if (parent[0] == '\\' && parent[1] == '\\' && parent[len+2] == '\\' && parent[len+3] == '\0' && !strnicmp(nbname,&parent[2],len)) { sprintf(path,"%sall\\%s", parent, &as->parms[0].items->data[strlen(parent)]); parent = Parent(path); if (!InAFS(parent)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: symlinks must be created within the AFS file system\n", pn); return 1; } } else #endif { fprintf(stderr,"%s: symlinks must be created within the AFS file system\n", pn); return 1; } } #ifdef WIN32 if ( IsFreelanceRoot(parent) && !IsAdmin() ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Only AFS Client Administrators may alter the root.afs volume\n", pn); return 1; } /* create symlink with a special pioctl for Windows NT, since it doesn't * have a symlink system call. */ blob.out_size = 0; blob.in_size = 1 + (long)strlen(as->parms[1].items->data); blob.in = as->parms[1].items->data; blob.out = NULL; code = pioctl(path, VIOC_SYMLINK, &blob, 0); #else /* not WIN32 */ code = symlink(as->parms[1].items->data, path); #endif /* not WIN32 */ if (code) { Die(errno, as->parms[0].items->data); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Delete AFS symlinks. Variables are used as follows: * tbuffer: Set to point to the null-terminated directory name of the * symlink (or ``.'' if none is provided) * tp: Set to point to the actual name of the symlink to nuke. */ static RemoveLinkCmd(register struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock) { register afs_int32 code=0; struct ViceIoctl blob; register struct cmd_item *ti; char tbuffer[1024]; char lsbuffer[1024]; register char *tp; for(ti=as->parms[0].items; ti; ti=ti->next) { /* once per file */ tp = (char *) strrchr(ti->data, '\\'); if (!tp) tp = (char *) strrchr(ti->data, '/'); if (tp) { strncpy(tbuffer, ti->data, code=(afs_int32)(tp-ti->data+1)); /* the dir name */ tbuffer[code] = 0; tp++; /* skip the slash */ #ifdef WIN32 if (!InAFS(tbuffer)) { const char * nbname = NetbiosName(); int len = (int)strlen(nbname); if (tbuffer[0] == '\\' && tbuffer[1] == '\\' && tbuffer[len+2] == '\\' && tbuffer[len+3] == '\0' && !strnicmp(nbname,&tbuffer[2],len)) { sprintf(tbuffer,"\\\\%s\\all\\", nbname); } } #endif } else { fs_ExtractDriveLetter(ti->data, tbuffer); strcat(tbuffer, "."); tp = ti->data; fs_StripDriveLetter(tp, tp, 0); } blob.in = tp; blob.in_size = (int)strlen(tp)+1; blob.out = lsbuffer; blob.out_size = sizeof(lsbuffer); code = pioctl(tbuffer, VIOC_LISTSYMLINK, &blob, 0); if (code) { if (errno == EINVAL) fprintf(stderr,"symlink: '%s' is not a symlink.\n", ti->data); else { Die(errno, ti->data); } continue; /* don't bother trying */ } if ( IsFreelanceRoot(tbuffer) && !IsAdmin() ) { fprintf(stderr,"symlink: Only AFS Client Administrators may alter the root.afs volume\n"); code = 1; continue; /* skip */ } blob.out_size = 0; blob.in = tp; blob.in_size = (long)strlen(tp)+1; code = pioctl(tbuffer, VIOC_DELSYMLINK, &blob, 0); if (code) { Die(errno, ti->data); } } return code; } static struct ViceIoctl gblob; static int debug = 0; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register afs_int32 code; register struct cmd_syndesc *ts; #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV /* * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful. */ struct sigaction nsa; sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask); nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL); #endif #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA WSAjunk; WSAStartup(0x0101, &WSAjunk); #endif /* WIN32 */ /* try to find volume location information */ osi_Init(); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("list", ListLinkCmd, NULL, "list symlink"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_LIST, 0, "name"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("make", MakeLinkCmd, NULL, "make symlink"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "name"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-to", CMD_SINGLE, 0, "target"); ts = cmd_CreateSyntax("remove", RemoveLinkCmd, NULL, "remove symlink"); cmd_AddParm(ts, "-name", CMD_LIST, 0, "name"); cmd_CreateAlias(ts, "rm"); code = cmd_Dispatch(argc, argv); #ifndef WIN32 if (rxInitDone) rx_Finalize(); #endif /* not WIN32 */ return code; } void Die(code, filename) int code; char *filename; { /*Die*/ if (code == EINVAL) { if (filename) fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid argument; it is possible that %s is not in AFS.\n", pn, filename); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid argument.\n", pn); } else if (code == ENOENT) { if (filename) fprintf(stderr,"%s: File '%s' doesn't exist.\n", pn, filename); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: no such file returned.\n", pn); } else if (code == EEXIST) { if (filename) fprintf(stderr,"%s: File '%s' already exists.\n", pn, filename); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: the specified file already exists.\n", pn); } else if (code == EROFS) fprintf(stderr,"%s: You can not change a backup or readonly volume\n", pn); else if (code == EACCES || code == EPERM) { if (filename) fprintf(stderr,"%s: You don't have the required access rights on '%s'\n", pn, filename); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: You do not have the required rights to do this operation\n", pn); } else if (code == ENODEV) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: AFS service may not have started.\n", pn); } else if (code == ESRCH) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cell name not recognized.\n", pn); } else if (code == EPIPE) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Volume name or ID not recognized.\n", pn); } else if (code == EFBIG) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Cache size too large.\n", pn); } else if (code == ETIMEDOUT) { if (filename) fprintf(stderr,"%s:'%s': Connection timed out", pn, filename); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: Connection timed out", pn); } else { if (filename) fprintf(stderr,"%s:'%s'", pn, filename); else fprintf(stderr,"%s", pn); #ifdef WIN32 fprintf(stderr, ": code 0x%x\n", code); #else /* not WIN32 */ fprintf(stderr,": %s\n", afs_error_message(code)); #endif /* not WIN32 */ } } /*Die*/