/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Kernel Drivers, LLC. * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Your File System, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the names of Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission from Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // // File: AFSCreate.cpp // #include "AFSCommon.h" // // Function: AFSCreate // // Description: // // This function is the dispatch handler for the IRP_MJ_CREATE requests. It makes the determination to // which interface this request is destined. // // Return: // // A status is returned for the function. The Irp completion processing is handled in the specific // interface handler. // NTSTATUS AFSCreate( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT LibDeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(LibDeviceObject); NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; IO_STACK_LOCATION *pIrpSp; FILE_OBJECT *pFileObject = NULL; __try { pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; if( pFileObject == NULL || pFileObject->FileName.Buffer == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCreate (%p) Processing control device open request\n", Irp); ntStatus = AFSControlDeviceCreate( Irp); try_return( ntStatus); } if( AFSRDRDeviceObject == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCreate (%p) Invalid request to open before library is initialized\n", Irp); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY); } ntStatus = AFSCommonCreate( AFSRDRDeviceObject, Irp); try_exit: NOTHING; } __except( AFSExceptionFilter( __FUNCTION__, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) { AFSDbgLogMsg( 0, 0, "EXCEPTION - AFSCreate\n"); ntStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; AFSDumpTraceFilesFnc(); } // // Complete the request // AFSCompleteRequest( Irp, ntStatus); return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSCommonCreate( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING uniFileName; ULONG ulCreateDisposition = 0; ULONG ulOptions = 0; BOOLEAN bNoIntermediateBuffering = FALSE; FILE_OBJECT *pFileObject = NULL; IO_STACK_LOCATION *pIrpSp; AFSFcb *pFcb = NULL; AFSCcb *pCcb = NULL; AFSDeviceExt *pDeviceExt = NULL; BOOLEAN bOpenTargetDirectory = FALSE, bReleaseVolume = FALSE; PACCESS_MASK pDesiredAccess = NULL; UNICODE_STRING uniComponentName, uniRootFileName, uniParsedFileName; UNICODE_STRING uniSubstitutedPathName; UNICODE_STRING uniRelativeName; AFSNameArrayHdr *pNameArray = NULL; AFSVolumeCB *pVolumeCB = NULL; AFSDirectoryCB *pParentDirectoryCB = NULL, *pDirectoryCB = NULL; BOOLEAN bReleaseParentDir = FALSE, bReleaseDir = FALSE; ULONG ulParseFlags = 0; GUID stAuthGroup = {0}; ULONG ulNameProcessingFlags = 0; BOOLEAN bOpenedReparsePoint = FALSE; LONG lCount; __Enter { pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); pDeviceExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ulCreateDisposition = (pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options >> 24) & 0x000000ff; ulOptions = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options; bNoIntermediateBuffering = BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING); bOpenTargetDirectory = BooleanFlagOn( pIrpSp->Flags, SL_OPEN_TARGET_DIRECTORY); pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; pDesiredAccess = &pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess; uniFileName.Length = uniFileName.MaximumLength = 0; uniFileName.Buffer = NULL; uniRootFileName.Length = uniRootFileName.MaximumLength = 0; uniRootFileName.Buffer = NULL; uniParsedFileName.Length = uniParsedFileName.MaximumLength = 0; uniParsedFileName.Buffer = NULL; uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer = NULL; uniSubstitutedPathName.Length = 0; uniRelativeName.Buffer = NULL; uniRelativeName.Length = 0; if( AFSGlobalRoot == NULL) { try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY); } RtlZeroMemory( &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); AFSRetrieveAuthGroupFnc( (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(), (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentThreadId(), &stAuthGroup); // // If we are in shutdown mode then fail the request // if( BooleanFlagOn( pDeviceExt->DeviceFlags, AFS_DEVICE_FLAG_REDIRECTOR_SHUTDOWN)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Open request after shutdown\n", Irp); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_TOO_LATE); } if( !BooleanFlagOn( AFSGlobalRoot->ObjectInformation.Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATED)) { ntStatus = AFSEnumerateGlobalRoot( &stAuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to enumerate global root Status %08lX\n", ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Go and parse the name for processing. // If ulParseFlags is returned with AFS_PARSE_FLAG_FREE_FILE_BUFFER set, // then we are responsible for releasing the uniRootFileName.Buffer. // ntStatus = AFSParseName( Irp, &stAuthGroup, &uniFileName, &uniParsedFileName, &uniRootFileName, &ulParseFlags, &pVolumeCB, &pParentDirectoryCB, &pNameArray); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, uniFileName.Length > 0 ? AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR : AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Failed to parse name \"%wZ\" Status %08lX\n", Irp, &uniFileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Check for STATUS_REPARSE // if( ntStatus == STATUS_REPARSE) { // // Update the information and return // Irp->IoStatus.Information = IO_REPARSE; try_return( ntStatus); } if ( pParentDirectoryCB != NULL) { bReleaseParentDir = TRUE; } // // If the returned volume cb is NULL then we are dealing with the \\Server\GlobalRoot // name // if( pVolumeCB == NULL) { // // Remove any leading or trailing slashes // if( uniFileName.Length >= sizeof( WCHAR) && uniFileName.Buffer[ (uniFileName.Length/sizeof( WCHAR)) - 1] == L'\\') { uniFileName.Length -= sizeof( WCHAR); } if( uniFileName.Length >= sizeof( WCHAR) && uniFileName.Buffer[ 0] == L'\\') { uniFileName.Buffer = &uniFileName.Buffer[ 1]; uniFileName.Length -= sizeof( WCHAR); } // // If there is a remaining portion returned for this request then // check if it is for the PIOCtl interface // if( uniFileName.Length > 0) { // // We don't accept any other opens off of the AFS Root // ntStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; // // If this is an open on "_._AFS_IOCTL_._" then perform handling on it accordingly // if( RtlCompareUnicodeString( &AFSPIOCtlName, &uniFileName, TRUE) == 0) { // // AFSOpenIOCtlFcb does not free a DirOpenReferenceCount for // AFSGlobalRoot->DirectoryCB. // ntStatus = AFSOpenIOCtlFcb( Irp, &stAuthGroup, AFSGlobalRoot->DirectoryCB, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to open root IOCtl Fcb Status %08lX\n", ntStatus); } } else if( pParentDirectoryCB != NULL) { if( pParentDirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->FileType == AFS_FILE_TYPE_SPECIAL_SHARE_NAME) { ntStatus = AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb( Irp, &stAuthGroup, pParentDirectoryCB, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to open special share Fcb Status %08lX\n", ntStatus); } } } try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = AFSOpenAFSRoot( Irp, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to open root Status %08lX\n", ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus); } // // We have a reference on the root volume // bReleaseVolume = TRUE; // // Attempt to locate the node in the name tree if this is not a target // open and the target is not the root // uniComponentName.Length = 0; uniComponentName.Buffer = NULL; if( uniFileName.Length > sizeof( WCHAR) || uniFileName.Buffer[ 0] != L'\\') { if( !AFSValidNameFormat( &uniFileName)) { ntStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Invalid name %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &uniFileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Opening a reparse point directly? // ulNameProcessingFlags = AFS_LOCATE_FLAGS_SUBSTITUTE_NAME; if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT)) { ulNameProcessingFlags |= (AFS_LOCATE_FLAGS_NO_MP_TARGET_EVAL | AFS_LOCATE_FLAGS_NO_SL_TARGET_EVAL | AFS_LOCATE_FLAGS_NO_DFS_LINK_EVAL); } uniSubstitutedPathName = uniRootFileName; ntStatus = AFSLocateNameEntry( &stAuthGroup, pFileObject, &uniRootFileName, &uniParsedFileName, pNameArray, ulNameProcessingFlags, &pVolumeCB, &pParentDirectoryCB, &pDirectoryCB, &uniComponentName); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) && ntStatus != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { if ( uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer == uniRootFileName.Buffer) { uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer = NULL; } // // AFSLocateNameEntry released the Parent while walking the // branch // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Failed to locate name entry for %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &uniFileName, ntStatus); // // We released any root volume locks in the above on failure // bReleaseVolume = FALSE; bReleaseParentDir = FALSE; try_return( ntStatus); } // // Check for STATUS_REPARSE // if( ntStatus == STATUS_REPARSE) { uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer = NULL; // // Update the information and return // Irp->IoStatus.Information = IO_REPARSE; // // We released the volume lock above // bReleaseVolume = FALSE; bReleaseParentDir = FALSE; try_return( ntStatus); } // // If we re-allocated the name, then update our substitute name // if( uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer != uniRootFileName.Buffer) { uniSubstitutedPathName = uniRootFileName; } else { uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer = NULL; } // // Check for a symlink access // if( ntStatus == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND && pParentDirectoryCB != NULL) { // // pParentDirectoryCB DirOpenReferenceCount is still held // UNICODE_STRING uniFinalComponent; uniFinalComponent.Length = 0; uniFinalComponent.MaximumLength = 0; uniFinalComponent.Buffer = NULL; AFSRetrieveFinalComponent( &uniFileName, &uniFinalComponent); ntStatus = AFSCheckSymlinkAccess( pParentDirectoryCB, &uniFinalComponent); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) && ntStatus != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Failing access to symlink %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &uniFileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } else { // // AFSLocateNameEntry succeeded. The parent directory reference // has been released and if there is a directory returned, it is // referenced. // bReleaseParentDir = FALSE; if ( pDirectoryCB) { bReleaseDir = TRUE; } } } // // If we have no parent then this is a root open, be sure there is a directory entry // for the root // else if( pParentDirectoryCB == NULL && pDirectoryCB == NULL) { pDirectoryCB = pVolumeCB->DirectoryCB; lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pDirectoryCB->DirOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRENTRY_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Increment0 count on %wZ DE %p Ccb %p Cnt %d\n", &pDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, pDirectoryCB, pCcb, lCount); bReleaseDir = TRUE; } if( bOpenTargetDirectory) { // // If we have a directory cb for the entry then dereference it and reference the parent // if( pDirectoryCB != NULL) { if ( !bReleaseParentDir) { // // Perform in this order to prevent thrashing // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentDirectoryCB->DirOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRENTRY_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Increment1 count on %wZ DE %p Ccb %p Cnt %d\n", &pParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, pParentDirectoryCB, pCcb, lCount); bReleaseParentDir = TRUE; } // // Do NOT decrement the reference count on the pDirectoryCB yet. // The BackupEntry below might drop the count to zero leaving // the entry subject to being deleted and we need some of the // contents during later processing // AFSBackupEntry( pNameArray); } // // OK, open the target directory // if( uniComponentName.Length == 0) { AFSRetrieveFinalComponent( &uniFileName, &uniComponentName); } ntStatus = AFSOpenTargetDirectory( Irp, pVolumeCB, pParentDirectoryCB, pDirectoryCB, &uniComponentName, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to open target directory %wZ Status %08lX\n", &pParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus); } if ( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT)) { if( pDirectoryCB == NULL || !BooleanFlagOn( pDirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->FileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Reparse open request but attribute not set for %wZ DirCB %p Type %08lX\n", Irp, &uniFileName, pDirectoryCB, pDirectoryCB ? pDirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->FileType : 0); } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Opening as reparse point %wZ Type %08lX\n", Irp, &uniFileName, pDirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->FileType); bOpenedReparsePoint = TRUE; } } // // Based on the options passed in, process the file accordingly. // if( ulCreateDisposition == FILE_CREATE || ( ( ulCreateDisposition == FILE_OPEN_IF || ulCreateDisposition == FILE_OVERWRITE_IF) && pDirectoryCB == NULL)) { if( uniComponentName.Length == 0 || pDirectoryCB != NULL) { // // We traversed the entire path so we found each entry, // fail with collision // if( pDirectoryCB != NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Object name collision on create of %wZ Status %08lX\n", &pDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Object name collision on create Status %08lX\n", ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION); } // // OK, go and create the node // ntStatus = AFSProcessCreate( Irp, &stAuthGroup, pVolumeCB, pParentDirectoryCB, &uniFileName, &uniComponentName, &uniRootFileName, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to create of %wZ in directory %wZ Status %08lX\n", &uniComponentName, &pParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus); } // // We should not have an extra component except for PIOCtl opens // if( uniComponentName.Length > 0) { // // If this is an open on "_._AFS_IOCTL_._" then perform handling on it accordingly // if( RtlCompareUnicodeString( &AFSPIOCtlName, &uniComponentName, TRUE) == 0) { // // AFSOpenIOCtlFcb does not free a DirOpenReferenceCount for // pParentDirectoryCB. // ntStatus = AFSOpenIOCtlFcb( Irp, &stAuthGroup, pParentDirectoryCB, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to IOCtl open on %wZ Status %08lX\n", &uniComponentName, ntStatus); } } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) File %wZ name not found\n", Irp, &uniFileName); ntStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } try_return( ntStatus); } // // For root opens the parent will be NULL // if( pParentDirectoryCB == NULL) { // // Check for the delete on close flag for the root // if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE )) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Attempt to open root as delete on close\n", Irp); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE); } // // If this is the target directory, then bail // if( bOpenTargetDirectory) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Attempt to open root as target directory\n", Irp); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // Go and open the root of the volume // ntStatus = AFSOpenRoot( Irp, pVolumeCB, &stAuthGroup, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed to open volume root %08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", pVolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId.Cell, pVolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId.Volume, ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus); } // // At this point if we have no pDirectoryCB it was not found. // if( pDirectoryCB == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failing access to %wZ Name not found\n", &uniFileName); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND); } if( ulCreateDisposition == FILE_OVERWRITE || ulCreateDisposition == FILE_SUPERSEDE || ulCreateDisposition == FILE_OVERWRITE_IF) { // // Go process a file for overwrite or supersede. // ntStatus = AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede( DeviceObject, Irp, pVolumeCB, &stAuthGroup, pParentDirectoryCB, pDirectoryCB, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed overwrite/supersede on %wZ Status %08lX\n", &pDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus); } // // Trying to open the file // ntStatus = AFSProcessOpen( Irp, &stAuthGroup, pVolumeCB, pParentDirectoryCB, pDirectoryCB, &pFcb, &pCcb); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate Failed open on %wZ Status %08lX\n", &pDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); } try_exit: if( NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) && ntStatus != STATUS_REPARSE) { if( pCcb != NULL) { AFSAcquireExcl( &pCcb->NPCcb->CcbLock, TRUE); RtlCopyMemory( &pCcb->AuthGroup, &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); // // If we have a substitute name, then use it // if( uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer != NULL) { pCcb->FullFileName = uniSubstitutedPathName; SetFlag( pCcb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_FREE_FULL_PATHNAME); ClearFlag( ulParseFlags, AFS_PARSE_FLAG_FREE_FILE_BUFFER); } else { pCcb->FullFileName = uniRootFileName; if( BooleanFlagOn( ulParseFlags, AFS_PARSE_FLAG_FREE_FILE_BUFFER)) { SetFlag( pCcb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_FREE_FULL_PATHNAME); ClearFlag( ulParseFlags, AFS_PARSE_FLAG_FREE_FILE_BUFFER); } } if( bOpenedReparsePoint) { SetFlag( pCcb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_MASK_OPENED_REPARSE_POINT); } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRENTRY_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Count on %wZ DE %p Ccb %p Cnt %d\n", &pCcb->DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, pCcb->DirectoryCB, pCcb, lCount = pCcb->DirectoryCB->DirOpenReferenceCount); ASSERT( lCount >= 0); pCcb->CurrentDirIndex = 0; if( !BooleanFlagOn( ulParseFlags, AFS_PARSE_FLAG_ROOT_ACCESS)) { SetFlag( pCcb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_RETURN_RELATIVE_ENTRIES); } // // Save off the name array for this instance // pCcb->NameArray = pNameArray; pNameArray = NULL; AFSReleaseResource( &pCcb->NPCcb->CcbLock); } // // If we make it here then init the FO for the request. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE_2, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) FileObject %p FsContext %p FsContext2 %p\n", Irp, pFileObject, pFcb, pCcb); pFileObject->FsContext = (void *)pFcb; pFileObject->FsContext2 = (void *)pCcb; if( pFcb != NULL) { ASSERT( pFcb->OpenHandleCount > 0); ClearFlag( pFcb->Flags, AFS_FCB_FILE_CLOSED); // // For files perform additional processing // switch( pFcb->Header.NodeTypeCode) { case AFS_FILE_FCB: case AFS_IOCTL_FCB: { pFileObject->SectionObjectPointer = &pFcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectPointers; } } // // If the user did not request nobuffering then mark the FO as cacheable // if( bNoIntermediateBuffering) { pFileObject->Flags |= FO_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING; } else { pFileObject->Flags |= FO_CACHE_SUPPORTED; } // // If the file was opened for execution then we need to set the bit in the FO // if( BooleanFlagOn( *pDesiredAccess, FILE_EXECUTE)) { SetFlag( pFileObject->Flags, FO_FILE_FAST_IO_READ); } // // Update the last access time // KeQuerySystemTime( &pFcb->ObjectInformation->LastAccessTime); if( pCcb != NULL) { AFSInsertCcb( pFcb, pCcb); } } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) Returning with NULL Fcb FileObject %p FsContext %p FsContext2 %p\n", Irp, pFileObject, pFcb, pCcb); } } else { if( NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) && ntStatus == STATUS_REPARSE) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSCommonCreate (%p) STATUS_REPARSE FileObject %p FsContext %p FsContext2 %p\n", Irp, pFileObject, pFcb, pCcb); } // // Free up the sub name if we have one // if( uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer != NULL) { AFSExFreePoolWithTag( uniSubstitutedPathName.Buffer, 0); ClearFlag( ulParseFlags, AFS_PARSE_FLAG_FREE_FILE_BUFFER); } } // // Free up the name array ... // if( pNameArray != NULL) { AFSFreeNameArray( pNameArray); } if( BooleanFlagOn( ulParseFlags, AFS_PARSE_FLAG_FREE_FILE_BUFFER)) { AFSExFreePoolWithTag( uniRootFileName.Buffer, 0); } if( bReleaseVolume) { lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_VOLUME_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Decrement count on Volume %08lX Cnt %d\n", pVolumeCB, lCount); } if ( bReleaseDir) { // // Release the reference from AFSLocateNameEntry // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pDirectoryCB->DirOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRENTRY_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Decrement count on %wZ DE %p Ccb %p Cnt %d\n", &pDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, pDirectoryCB, pCcb, lCount); ASSERT( lCount >= 0); } if ( bReleaseParentDir) { // // Release the reference from AFSLocateNameEntry // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pParentDirectoryCB->DirOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRENTRY_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSCommonCreate Decrement count on %wZ DE %p Ccb %p Cnt %d\n", &pParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, pParentDirectoryCB, pCcb, lCount); ASSERT( lCount >= 0); } // // Setup the Irp for completion, the Information has been set previously // Irp->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus; } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSOpenAFSRoot( IN PIRP Irp, IN AFSFcb **Fcb, IN AFSCcb **Ccb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LONG lCount; __Enter { // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, AFSGlobalRoot->DirectoryCB, 0, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenAFSRoot (%p) Failed to allocate Ccb\n", Irp); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Increment the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &AFSGlobalRoot->RootFcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenAFSRoot Increment count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", AFSGlobalRoot->RootFcb, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &AFSGlobalRoot->RootFcb->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenAFSRoot Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", AFSGlobalRoot->RootFcb, lCount); *Fcb = AFSGlobalRoot->RootFcb; // // Return the open result for this file // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; try_exit: NOTHING; } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSOpenRoot( IN PIRP Irp, IN AFSVolumeCB *VolumeCB, IN GUID *AuthGroup, OUT AFSFcb **RootFcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); PACCESS_MASK pDesiredAccess = NULL; USHORT usShareAccess; ULONG ulOptions; BOOLEAN bAllocatedCcb = FALSE; BOOLEAN bReleaseFcb = FALSE; AFSFileOpenCB stOpenCB; AFSFileOpenResultCB stOpenResultCB; ULONG ulResultLen = 0; LONG lCount; __Enter { pDesiredAccess = &pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess; usShareAccess = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.ShareAccess; ulOptions = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options; pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE)) { ntStatus = STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenRoot (%p) Attempt to open root as file Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Check if we should go and retrieve updated information for the node // ntStatus = AFSValidateEntry( VolumeCB->DirectoryCB, AuthGroup, FALSE, TRUE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenRoot (%p) Failed to validate root entry Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Check with the service that we can open the file // RtlZeroMemory( &stOpenCB, sizeof( AFSFileOpenCB)); stOpenCB.DesiredAccess = *pDesiredAccess; stOpenCB.ShareAccess = usShareAccess; stOpenResultCB.GrantedAccess = 0; ulResultLen = sizeof( AFSFileOpenResultCB); ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_OPEN_FILE, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS | AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_HOLD_FID, AuthGroup, NULL, &VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId, (void *)&stOpenCB, sizeof( AFSFileOpenCB), (void *)&stOpenResultCB, &ulResultLen); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { UNICODE_STRING uniGUID; uniGUID.Length = 0; uniGUID.MaximumLength = 0; uniGUID.Buffer = NULL; if( AuthGroup != NULL) { RtlStringFromGUID( *AuthGroup, &uniGUID); } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenRoot (%p) Failed open in service volume %08lX-%08lX AuthGroup %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId.Cell, VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId.Volume, &uniGUID, ntStatus); if( AuthGroup != NULL) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( &uniGUID); } try_return( ntStatus); } // // If the entry is not initialized then do it now // if( !BooleanFlagOn( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATED)) { AFSAcquireExcl( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Specific.Directory.DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock, TRUE); if( !BooleanFlagOn( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATED)) { ntStatus = AFSEnumerateDirectory( AuthGroup, &VolumeCB->ObjectInformation, TRUE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSReleaseResource( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Specific.Directory.DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenRoot (%p) Failed to enumerate directory Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } SetFlag( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATED); } AFSReleaseResource( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Specific.Directory.DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock); } // // If the root fcb has been initialized then check access otherwise // init the volume fcb // if( VolumeCB->RootFcb == NULL) { ntStatus = AFSInitRootFcb( (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(), VolumeCB); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } } else { AFSAcquireExcl( VolumeCB->RootFcb->Header.Resource, TRUE); } lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &VolumeCB->RootFcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenRoot Increment count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", VolumeCB->RootFcb, lCount); bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // If there are current opens on the Fcb, check the access. // if( VolumeCB->RootFcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { ntStatus = IoCheckShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &VolumeCB->RootFcb->ShareAccess, FALSE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenRoot (%p) Access check failure Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, VolumeCB->DirectoryCB, *pDesiredAccess, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenRoot (%p) Failed to allocate Ccb Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; // // OK, update the share access on the fileobject // if( VolumeCB->RootFcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { IoUpdateShareAccess( pFileObject, &VolumeCB->RootFcb->ShareAccess); } else { // // Set the access // IoSetShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &VolumeCB->RootFcb->ShareAccess); } // // Increment the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &VolumeCB->RootFcb->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenRoot Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", VolumeCB->RootFcb, lCount); // // Indicate the object is held // SetFlag( VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.Flags, AFS_OBJECT_HELD_IN_SERVICE); // // Return the open result for this file // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; *RootFcb = VolumeCB->RootFcb; try_exit: if( bReleaseFcb) { if ( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &VolumeCB->RootFcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenRoot Decrement count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", VolumeCB->RootFcb, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( VolumeCB->RootFcb->Header.Resource); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); *Ccb = NULL; } Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessCreate( IN PIRP Irp, IN GUID *AuthGroup, IN AFSVolumeCB *VolumeCB, IN AFSDirectoryCB *ParentDirCB, IN PUNICODE_STRING FileName, IN PUNICODE_STRING ComponentName, IN PUNICODE_STRING FullFileName, OUT AFSFcb **Fcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); ULONG ulOptions = 0; ULONG ulAttributes = 0; BOOLEAN bFileCreated = FALSE, bReleaseFcb = FALSE, bAllocatedCcb = FALSE; PACCESS_MASK pDesiredAccess = NULL; USHORT usShareAccess; AFSDirectoryCB *pDirEntry = NULL; AFSObjectInfoCB *pParentObjectInfo = NULL; AFSObjectInfoCB *pObjectInfo = NULL; LONG lCount; __Enter { pDesiredAccess = &pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess; usShareAccess = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.ShareAccess; pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; // // Extract out the options // ulOptions = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options; // // We pass all attributes they want to apply to the file to the create // ulAttributes = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.FileAttributes; // // If this is a directory create then set the attribute correctly // if( ulOptions & FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE) { ulAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Creating file %wZ Attributes %08lX\n", Irp, FullFileName, ulAttributes); if( BooleanFlagOn( VolumeCB->VolumeInformation.Characteristics, FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate Request failed due to read only volume %wZ\n", FullFileName); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED); } pParentObjectInfo = ParentDirCB->ObjectInformation; // // Allocate and insert the direntry into the parent node // ntStatus = AFSCreateDirEntry( AuthGroup, pParentObjectInfo, ParentDirCB, FileName, ComponentName, ulAttributes, &pDirEntry); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to create directory entry %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, FullFileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bFileCreated = TRUE; pObjectInfo = pDirEntry->ObjectInformation; if( BooleanFlagOn( pObjectInfo->Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_NOT_EVALUATED) || pObjectInfo->FileType == AFS_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Evaluating object %wZ FID %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX\n", Irp, &pDirEntry->NameInformation.FileName, pObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pObjectInfo->FileId.Unique); ntStatus = AFSEvaluateNode( AuthGroup, pDirEntry); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if ( ntStatus == STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY) { if ( pParentObjectInfo == pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to evaluate object %wZ FID %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX PARENT %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Irp, &pDirEntry->NameInformation.FileName, pObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } else if ( pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to evaluate object %wZ FID %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX PARENT %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX != NULL Status %08lX\n", Irp, &pDirEntry->NameInformation.FileName, pObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to evaluate object %wZ FID %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX PARENT %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX != %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Irp, &pDirEntry->NameInformation.FileName, pObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pParentObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to evaluate object %wZ FID %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Irp, &pDirEntry->NameInformation.FileName, pObjectInfo->FileId.Cell, pObjectInfo->FileId.Volume, pObjectInfo->FileId.Vnode, pObjectInfo->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } try_return( ntStatus); } ClearFlag( pObjectInfo->Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_NOT_EVALUATED); } // // We may have raced and the Fcb is already created // // // Allocate and initialize the Fcb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitFcb( pDirEntry); *Fcb = pObjectInfo->Fcb; if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to initialize fcb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, FullFileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Increment the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Increment count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", *Fcb, lCount); bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, pDirEntry, *pDesiredAccess, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Failed to initialize ccb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, FullFileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; // // If this is a file, update the headers filesizes. // if( (*Fcb)->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_FILE_FCB) { // // Update the sizes with the information passed in // (*Fcb)->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = pObjectInfo->AllocationSize.QuadPart; (*Fcb)->Header.FileSize.QuadPart = pObjectInfo->EndOfFile.QuadPart; (*Fcb)->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart = pObjectInfo->EndOfFile.QuadPart; // // Notify the system of the addition // AFSFsRtlNotifyFullReportChange( pParentObjectInfo, *Ccb, (ULONG)FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, (ULONG)FILE_ACTION_ADDED); (*Fcb)->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if( (*Fcb)->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_DIRECTORY_FCB) { // // This is a new directory node so indicate it has been enumerated // SetFlag( pObjectInfo->Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_DIRECTORY_ENUMERATED); // // And the parent directory entry // KeQuerySystemTime( &pParentObjectInfo->ChangeTime); // // Notify the system of the addition // AFSFsRtlNotifyFullReportChange( pParentObjectInfo, *Ccb, (ULONG)FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME, (ULONG)FILE_ACTION_ADDED); } else if( (*Fcb)->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_MOUNT_POINT_FCB || (*Fcb)->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_SYMBOLIC_LINK_FCB || (*Fcb)->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_DFS_LINK_FCB || (*Fcb)->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_INVALID_FCB) { // // And the parent directory entry // KeQuerySystemTime( &pParentObjectInfo->ChangeTime); // // Notify the system of the addition // AFSFsRtlNotifyFullReportChange( pParentObjectInfo, *Ccb, (ULONG)FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME, (ULONG)FILE_ACTION_ADDED); } // // Save off the access for the open // IoSetShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &(*Fcb)->ShareAccess); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); // // Increment the open reference and handle on the parent node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Increment child open handle count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Increment child open ref count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); if( ulOptions & FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE) { // // Mark it for delete on close // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate (%p) Setting PENDING_DELETE flag in DirEntry %p Name %wZ\n", Irp, pDirEntry, FullFileName); SetFlag( pDirEntry->Flags, AFS_DIR_ENTRY_PENDING_DELETE); } // // Indicate the object is locked in the service // SetFlag( pObjectInfo->Flags, AFS_OBJECT_HELD_IN_SERVICE); // // Return the open result for this file // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_CREATED; try_exit: // // If we created the Fcb we need to release the resources // if( bReleaseFcb) { if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Decrement the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Decrement count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", *Fcb, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &(*Fcb)->NPFcb->Resource); } if ( bFileCreated) { // // Decrement the reference added during initialization of the DE // AFSInitCcb allocates its own reference count. // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pDirEntry->DirOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_DIRENTRY_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Decrement count on %wZ DE %p Cnt %d\n", &pDirEntry->NameInformation.FileName, pDirEntry, lCount); ASSERT( lCount >= 0); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( bFileCreated) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessCreate Create failed, removing DE %p from parent object %p Status %08lX\n", pDirEntry, pParentObjectInfo, ntStatus); // // Remove the dir entry from the parent // AFSAcquireExcl( pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock, TRUE); SetFlag( pDirEntry->Flags, AFS_DIR_ENTRY_DELETED); AFSNotifyDelete( pDirEntry, AuthGroup, FALSE); // // Pull the directory entry from the parent // AFSRemoveDirNodeFromParent( pParentObjectInfo, pDirEntry, FALSE); // Leave it in the enum list so the worker cleans it up // // Tag the parent as needing verification // SetFlag( pParentObjectInfo->Flags, AFS_OBJECT_FLAGS_VERIFY); pParentObjectInfo->DataVersion.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)-1; AFSReleaseResource( pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.DirectoryNodeHdr.TreeLock); } if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); } // // Fcb will be freed by AFSPrimaryVolumeWorker thread // *Fcb = NULL; *Ccb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSOpenTargetDirectory( IN PIRP Irp, IN AFSVolumeCB *VolumeCB, IN AFSDirectoryCB *ParentDirectoryCB, IN AFSDirectoryCB *TargetDirectoryCB, IN UNICODE_STRING *TargetName, OUT AFSFcb **Fcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(VolumeCB); NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); PACCESS_MASK pDesiredAccess = NULL; USHORT usShareAccess; BOOLEAN bAllocatedCcb = FALSE; BOOLEAN bReleaseFcb = FALSE; AFSObjectInfoCB *pParentObject = NULL; UNICODE_STRING uniTargetName; LONG lCount; __Enter { pDesiredAccess = &pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess; usShareAccess = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.ShareAccess; pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory (%p) Processing file %wZ\n", Irp, TargetName); pParentObject = ParentDirectoryCB->ObjectInformation; if( pParentObject->FileType != AFS_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // Make sure we have an Fcb for the access // // Allocate and initialize the Fcb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitFcb( ParentDirectoryCB); *Fcb = pParentObject->Fcb; if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory (%p) Failed to initialize fcb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &ParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Increment the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObject->Fcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory Increment count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObject->Fcb, lCount); bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // If there are current opens on the Fcb, check the access. // if( pParentObject->Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { ntStatus = IoCheckShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &pParentObject->Fcb->ShareAccess, FALSE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory (%p) Access check failure %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &ParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, ParentDirectoryCB, *pDesiredAccess, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory (%p) Failed to initialize ccb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &ParentDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; if( TargetDirectoryCB != NULL && FsRtlAreNamesEqual( &TargetDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, TargetName, FALSE, NULL)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_EXISTS; uniTargetName = TargetDirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; uniTargetName = *TargetName; } // // Update the filename in the fileobject for rename processing // RtlCopyMemory( pFileObject->FileName.Buffer, uniTargetName.Buffer, uniTargetName.Length); pFileObject->FileName.Length = uniTargetName.Length; // // OK, update the share access on the fileobject // if( pParentObject->Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { IoUpdateShareAccess( pFileObject, &pParentObject->Fcb->ShareAccess); } else { // // Set the access // IoSetShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &pParentObject->Fcb->ShareAccess); } lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObject->Fcb->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObject->Fcb, lCount); // // Increment the open reference and handle on the parent node // if( pParentObject->ParentObjectInformation != NULL) { lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObject->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory Increment child open handle count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObject->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObject->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory Increment child open ref count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObject->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); } try_exit: if( bReleaseFcb) { if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Decrement the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pParentObject->Fcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenTargetDirectory Decrement count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObject->Fcb, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &pParentObject->Fcb->NPFcb->Resource); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); } *Ccb = NULL; // // Fcb will be freed by AFSPrimaryVolumeWorker thread // *Fcb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessOpen( IN PIRP Irp, IN GUID *AuthGroup, IN AFSVolumeCB *VolumeCB, IN AFSDirectoryCB *ParentDirCB, IN AFSDirectoryCB *DirectoryCB, OUT AFSFcb **Fcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(VolumeCB); NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); PACCESS_MASK pDesiredAccess = NULL; USHORT usShareAccess; BOOLEAN bAllocatedCcb = FALSE, bReleaseFcb = FALSE; ULONG ulOptions = 0; AFSFileOpenCB stOpenCB; AFSFileOpenResultCB stOpenResultCB; ULONG ulResultLen = 0; AFSObjectInfoCB *pParentObjectInfo = NULL; AFSObjectInfoCB *pObjectInfo = NULL; ULONG ulFileAccess = 0; AFSFileAccessReleaseCB stReleaseFileAccess; LONG lCount; __Enter { pDesiredAccess = &pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess; usShareAccess = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.ShareAccess; pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; pParentObjectInfo = ParentDirCB->ObjectInformation; pObjectInfo = DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation; // // Check if the entry is pending a deletion // if( BooleanFlagOn( DirectoryCB->Flags, AFS_DIR_ENTRY_PENDING_DELETE)) { ntStatus = STATUS_DELETE_PENDING; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Entry pending delete %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Extract out the options // ulOptions = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options; // // Check if we should go and retrieve updated information for the node // ntStatus = AFSValidateEntry( DirectoryCB, AuthGroup, FALSE, TRUE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed to validate entry %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // If this is marked for delete on close then be sure we can delete the entry // if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE)) { ntStatus = AFSNotifyDelete( DirectoryCB, AuthGroup, TRUE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { ntStatus = STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Cannot delete entry %wZ marked for delete on close Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Be sure we have an Fcb for the current object // ntStatus = AFSInitFcb( DirectoryCB); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed to init fcb on %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // AFSInitFcb returns the Fcb resource held // bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // Increment the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Increment2 count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->Fcb, lCount); // // Check access on the entry // if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { ntStatus = IoCheckShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->ShareAccess, FALSE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed to check share access on %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Additional checks // if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_FILE_FCB) { // // If the caller is asking for write access then try to flush the image section // if( FlagOn( *pDesiredAccess, FILE_WRITE_DATA) || BooleanFlagOn(ulOptions, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE)) { BOOLEAN bMmFlushed; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Acquiring Fcb SectionObject lock %p EXCL %08lX\n", &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireExcl( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource, TRUE); bMmFlushed = MmFlushImageSection( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectPointers, MmFlushForWrite); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Releasing Fcb SectionObject lock %p EXCL %08lX\n", &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource); if ( !bMmFlushed) { ntStatus = BooleanFlagOn(ulOptions, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE) ? STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE : STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed to flush image section %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE)) { ntStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Attempt to open file as directory %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_DIRECTORY_FCB || pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_ROOT_FCB) { if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE)) { ntStatus = STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Attempt to open directory as file %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } else if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_MOUNT_POINT_FCB || pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_SYMBOLIC_LINK_FCB || pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_DFS_LINK_FCB || pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_INVALID_FCB) { } else { ASSERT( FALSE); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } // // Check with the service that we can open the file // stOpenCB.ParentId = pParentObjectInfo->FileId; stOpenCB.DesiredAccess = *pDesiredAccess; stOpenCB.ShareAccess = usShareAccess; stOpenCB.ProcessId = (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(); stOpenCB.Identifier = (ULONGLONG)pFileObject; stOpenResultCB.GrantedAccess = 0; ulResultLen = sizeof( AFSFileOpenResultCB); ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_OPEN_FILE, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS | AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_HOLD_FID, AuthGroup, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, &pObjectInfo->FileId, (void *)&stOpenCB, sizeof( AFSFileOpenCB), (void *)&stOpenResultCB, &ulResultLen); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed open in service %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Save the granted access in case we need to release it below // ulFileAccess = stOpenResultCB.FileAccess; // // Check if there is a conflict // if( !AFSCheckAccess( *pDesiredAccess, stOpenResultCB.GrantedAccess, BooleanFlagOn( DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->FileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) { ntStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed to check access from service Desired %08lX Granted %08lX Entry %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, *pDesiredAccess, stOpenResultCB.GrantedAccess, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, DirectoryCB, *pDesiredAccess, ulFileAccess); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Failed to initialize ccb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; // // Perform the access check on the target if this is a mount point or symlink // if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { IoUpdateShareAccess( pFileObject, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->ShareAccess); } else { // // Set the access // IoSetShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->ShareAccess); } lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->Fcb, lCount); // // Increment the open reference and handle on the parent node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Increment child open handle count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Increment child open ref count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); if( BooleanFlagOn( ulOptions, FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE)) { // // Mark it for delete on close // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen (%p) Setting PENDING_DELETE flag in DirEntry %p Name %wZ\n", Irp, DirectoryCB, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName); SetFlag( DirectoryCB->Flags, AFS_DIR_ENTRY_PENDING_DELETE); } // // Indicate the object is held // SetFlag( pObjectInfo->Flags, AFS_OBJECT_HELD_IN_SERVICE); // // Return the open result for this file // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; *Fcb = pObjectInfo->Fcb; try_exit: if( bReleaseFcb) { if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Decrement the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOpen Decrement2 count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->Fcb, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.Resource); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if ( ulFileAccess > 0) { stReleaseFileAccess.ProcessId = (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(); stReleaseFileAccess.FileAccess = ulFileAccess; stReleaseFileAccess.Identifier = (ULONGLONG)pFileObject; AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_ACCESS, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, AuthGroup, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, &pObjectInfo->FileId, (void *)&stReleaseFileAccess, sizeof( AFSFileAccessReleaseCB), NULL, NULL); } if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); } *Ccb = NULL; // // Fcb will be freed by AFSPrimaryVolumeWorker thread // *Fcb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN AFSVolumeCB *VolumeCB, IN GUID *AuthGroup, IN AFSDirectoryCB *ParentDirCB, IN AFSDirectoryCB *DirectoryCB, OUT AFSFcb **Fcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DeviceObject); NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liZero = {0,0}; BOOLEAN bReleasePaging = FALSE, bReleaseFcb = FALSE; ULONG ulAttributes = 0; ULONG ulCreateDisposition = 0; BOOLEAN bAllocatedCcb = FALSE; BOOLEAN bUserMapped = FALSE; PACCESS_MASK pDesiredAccess = NULL; USHORT usShareAccess; AFSObjectInfoCB *pParentObjectInfo = NULL; AFSObjectInfoCB *pObjectInfo = NULL; LONG lCount; LARGE_INTEGER liSaveSize; LARGE_INTEGER liSaveVDL; LARGE_INTEGER liSaveAlloc; __Enter { pDesiredAccess = &pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext->DesiredAccess; usShareAccess = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.ShareAccess; pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; ulAttributes = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.FileAttributes; ulCreateDisposition = (pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options >> 24) & 0x000000ff; if( BooleanFlagOn( VolumeCB->VolumeInformation.Characteristics, FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede Request failed on %wZ due to read only volume\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED); } pParentObjectInfo = ParentDirCB->ObjectInformation; pObjectInfo = DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation; // // Check if we should go and retrieve updated information for the node // ntStatus = AFSValidateEntry( DirectoryCB, AuthGroup, FALSE, TRUE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede (%p) Failed to validate entry %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Be sure we have an Fcb for the object block // ntStatus = AFSInitFcb( DirectoryCB); *Fcb = pObjectInfo->Fcb; if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede (%p) Failed to initialize fcb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Increment the open count on this Fcb. // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede Increment2 count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->Fcb, lCount); bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // Check access on the entry // if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { ntStatus = IoCheckShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->ShareAccess, FALSE); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede (%p) Access check failure %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupercede Acquiring Fcb SectionObject lock %p EXCL %08lX\n", &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireExcl( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource, TRUE); // // Before we actually truncate, check to see if the purge // is going to fail. // bUserMapped = !MmCanFileBeTruncated( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectPointers, &liZero); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupercede Releasing Fcb SectionObject lock %p EXCL %08lX\n", &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectResource); if( bUserMapped) { ntStatus = STATUS_USER_MAPPED_FILE; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede (%p) File user mapped %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, DirectoryCB, *pDesiredAccess, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede (%p) Failed to initialize ccb %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; // // Set the file length to zero // AFSAcquireExcl( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource, TRUE); bReleasePaging = TRUE; liSaveSize = pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.FileSize; liSaveAlloc = pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.AllocationSize; liSaveVDL = pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.ValidDataLength; pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart = 0; pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.ValidDataLength.QuadPart = 0; pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.AllocationSize.QuadPart = 0; pObjectInfo->EndOfFile.QuadPart = 0; pObjectInfo->AllocationSize.QuadPart = 0; // // Trim down the extents. We do this BEFORE telling the service // the file is truncated since there is a potential race between // a worker thread releasing extents and us trimming // AFSTrimExtents( pObjectInfo->Fcb, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.FileSize); KeQuerySystemTime( &pObjectInfo->ChangeTime); KeQuerySystemTime( &pObjectInfo->LastAccessTime); KeQuerySystemTime( &pObjectInfo->LastWriteTime); // // Set the update flag accordingly // SetFlag( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Flags, AFS_FCB_FLAG_FILE_MODIFIED | AFS_FCB_FLAG_UPDATE_CREATE_TIME | AFS_FCB_FLAG_UPDATE_CHANGE_TIME | AFS_FCB_FLAG_UPDATE_ACCESS_TIME | AFS_FCB_FLAG_UPDATE_LAST_WRITE_TIME); ntStatus = AFSUpdateFileInformation( &pParentObjectInfo->FileId, pObjectInfo, AuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.ValidDataLength = liSaveVDL; pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.FileSize = liSaveSize; pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.AllocationSize = liSaveAlloc; pObjectInfo->Fcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile = liSaveSize; pObjectInfo->Fcb->ObjectInformation->AllocationSize = liSaveAlloc; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede (%p) Failed to update file information %wZ Status %08lX\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } ulAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE; if( ulCreateDisposition == FILE_SUPERSEDE) { pObjectInfo->FileAttributes = ulAttributes; } else { pObjectInfo->FileAttributes |= ulAttributes; } // // Save off the access for the open // if( pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { IoUpdateShareAccess( pFileObject, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->ShareAccess); } else { // // Set the access // IoSetShareAccess( *pDesiredAccess, usShareAccess, pFileObject, &pObjectInfo->Fcb->ShareAccess); } // // Return the correct action // if( ulCreateDisposition == FILE_SUPERSEDE) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_SUPERSEDED; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OVERWRITTEN; } lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->Fcb, lCount); // // Increment the open reference and handle on the parent node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede Increment child open handle count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede Increment child open ref count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->ParentObjectInformation, lCount); AFSReleaseResource( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.Resource); bReleaseFcb = FALSE; *Fcb = pObjectInfo->Fcb; // // Now that the Fcb->Resource has been dropped // we can call CcSetFileSizes. We are still holding // the PagingIoResource // pFileObject->SectionObjectPointer = &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->SectionObjectPointers; pFileObject->FsContext = (void *)pObjectInfo->Fcb; pFileObject->FsContext2 = (void *)*Ccb; CcSetFileSizes( pFileObject, (PCC_FILE_SIZES)&pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.AllocationSize); try_exit: if( bReleasePaging) { AFSReleaseResource( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource); } if( bReleaseFcb) { if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Decrement the open count on this Fcb. // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessOverwriteSupersede Decrement2 count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo->Fcb, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( pObjectInfo->Fcb->Header.Resource); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); } *Ccb = NULL; // // Fcb will be freed by AFSPrimaryVolumeWorker thread // *Fcb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSControlDeviceCreate( IN PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; __Enter { if ( KernelMode == Irp->RequestorMode) { // // For now, just let the open happen // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; } else { // // Not from usermode, All access must be via // the FS component (which will do the // security check) // ntStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } } return ntStatus; } // // AFSOpenIOCtlFcb does not release a DirOpenReferenceCount on // the ParentDirCB. // NTSTATUS AFSOpenIOCtlFcb( IN PIRP Irp, IN GUID *AuthGroup, IN AFSDirectoryCB *ParentDirCB, OUT AFSFcb **Fcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); BOOLEAN bReleaseFcb = FALSE, bAllocatedCcb = FALSE; AFSPIOCtlOpenCloseRequestCB stPIOCtlOpen; AFSFileID stFileID; AFSObjectInfoCB *pParentObjectInfo = NULL; LONG lCount; __Enter { pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; pParentObjectInfo = ParentDirCB->ObjectInformation; // // If we haven't initialized the PIOCtl DirectoryCB for this directory then do it now // if( pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.PIOCtlDirectoryCB == NULL) { ntStatus = AFSInitPIOCtlDirectoryCB( pParentObjectInfo); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Allocate and initialize the Fcb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitFcb( pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.PIOCtlDirectoryCB); *Fcb = pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.PIOCtlDirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->Fcb; if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb (%p) Failed to initialize fcb Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Increment the open reference and handle on the node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb Increment count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.PIOCtlDirectoryCB, 0, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb (%p) Failed to initialize ccb Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; // // Set the PIOCtl index // (*Ccb)->RequestID = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.OpenRequestIndex); RtlZeroMemory( &stPIOCtlOpen, sizeof( AFSPIOCtlOpenCloseRequestCB)); stPIOCtlOpen.RequestId = (*Ccb)->RequestID; stPIOCtlOpen.RootId = pParentObjectInfo->VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId; RtlZeroMemory( &stFileID, sizeof( AFSFileID)); // // The parent directory FID of the node // stFileID = pParentObjectInfo->FileId; // // Issue the open request to the service // ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_PIOCTL_OPEN, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, AuthGroup, NULL, &stFileID, (void *)&stPIOCtlOpen, sizeof( AFSPIOCtlOpenCloseRequestCB), NULL, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FILE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb (%p) Failed service open Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } // // Increment the handle on the node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); // // Increment the open reference and handle on the parent node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb Increment child open handle count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObjectInfo, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb Increment child open ref count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObjectInfo, lCount); // // Return the open result for this file // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; try_exit: // // If we created the Fcb we need to release the resources // if( bReleaseFcb) { if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Decrement the open reference and handle on the node // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenIOCtlFcb Decrement count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &(*Fcb)->NPFcb->Resource); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); } *Ccb = NULL; // // Fcb will be freed by AFSPrimaryVolumeWorker thread // *Fcb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb( IN PIRP Irp, IN GUID *AuthGroup, IN AFSDirectoryCB *DirectoryCB, OUT AFSFcb **Fcb, OUT AFSCcb **Ccb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); BOOLEAN bReleaseFcb = FALSE, bAllocatedCcb = FALSE, bAllocateFcb = FALSE; AFSObjectInfoCB *pParentObjectInfo = NULL; AFSPipeOpenCloseRequestCB stPipeOpen; LONG lCount; __Enter { pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_PIPE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE_2, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb (%p) Processing Share %wZ open\n", Irp, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName); pParentObjectInfo = DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->ParentObjectInformation; if( DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->Fcb == NULL) { // // Allocate and initialize the Fcb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitFcb( DirectoryCB); *Fcb = DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->Fcb; if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_PIPE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb (%p) Failed to initialize fcb Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } if ( ntStatus != STATUS_REPARSE) { bAllocateFcb = TRUE; } ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { *Fcb = DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->Fcb; AFSAcquireExcl( &(*Fcb)->NPFcb->Resource, TRUE); } // // Increment the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb Increment count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); bReleaseFcb = TRUE; // // Initialize the Ccb for the file. // ntStatus = AFSInitCcb( Ccb, DirectoryCB, 0, 0); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_PIPE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb (%p) Failed to initialize ccb Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } bAllocatedCcb = TRUE; // // Call the service to open the share // (*Ccb)->RequestID = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.OpenRequestIndex); RtlZeroMemory( &stPipeOpen, sizeof( AFSPipeOpenCloseRequestCB)); stPipeOpen.RequestId = (*Ccb)->RequestID; stPipeOpen.RootId = pParentObjectInfo->VolumeCB->ObjectInformation.FileId; // // Issue the open request to the service // ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_PIPE_OPEN, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, AuthGroup, &DirectoryCB->NameInformation.FileName, NULL, (void *)&stPipeOpen, sizeof( AFSPipeOpenCloseRequestCB), NULL, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_PIPE_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb (%p) Failed service open Status %08lX\n", Irp, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus); } lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb Increment handle count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); // // Increment the open reference and handle on the parent node // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenHandleCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb Increment child open handle count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObjectInfo, lCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pParentObjectInfo->Specific.Directory.ChildOpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb Increment child open ref count on Parent object %p Cnt %d\n", pParentObjectInfo, lCount); // // Return the open result for this file // Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; try_exit: if( bReleaseFcb) { if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // Decrement the open count on this Fcb // lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &(*Fcb)->OpenReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_FCB_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSOpenSpecialShareFcb Decrement count on Fcb %p Cnt %d\n", (*Fcb), lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &(*Fcb)->NPFcb->Resource); } if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { if( bAllocatedCcb) { AFSRemoveCcb( NULL, *Ccb); } *Ccb = NULL; if( bAllocateFcb) { // // Need to tear down this Fcb since it is not in the tree for the worker thread // AFSAcquireExcl( &DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->NonPagedInfo->ObjectInfoLock, TRUE); AFSRemoveFcb( &DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->Fcb); AFSReleaseResource( &DirectoryCB->ObjectInformation->NonPagedInfo->ObjectInfoLock); } *Fcb = NULL; } } return ntStatus; }