/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Kernel Drivers, LLC. * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011 Your File System, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the names of Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * nor the names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission from Kernel Drivers, LLC and Your File System, Inc. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // // File: AFSCommSupport.cpp // #include "AFSCommon.h" #define AFS_MAX_FCBS_TO_DROP 10 static AFSExtent *NextExtent( AFSExtent *Extent, ULONG SkipList ); static ULONG ExtentsMasks[AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS] = AFS_EXTENTS_MASKS; static VOID VerifyExtentsLists(AFSFcb *Fcb); static AFSExtent *DirtyExtentFor(PLIST_ENTRY le); LIST_ENTRY * AFSEntryForOffset( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset); // // Returns with Extents lock EX and no one using them. // VOID AFSLockForExtentsTrim( IN AFSFcb *Fcb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus; AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSLockForExtentsTrim Acquiring Fcb extents lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE ); return; } // // return FALSE *or* with Extents lock EX and noone using them // BOOLEAN AFSLockForExtentsTrimNoWait( IN AFSFcb *Fcb) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSLockForExtentsTrimNoWait Attempting to acquire Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); if (!AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, FALSE )) { // // Couldn't lock immediately // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSLockForExtentsTrimNoWait Refused to wait for Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // // AFSTearDownFcbExtents was originally written to // remove all of the extents from an FCB. For that to happen // it must be an invariant that the extent list cannot change // from the moment the caller decides to execute AFSTearDownFcbExtents // until it returns. This invariant does not hold because the // the decision to call AFSTearDownFcbExtents is made without // holding the ExtentsResource and it is possible that extents // are in active use. Therefore, AFSTearDownFcbExtents now releases // as many non-active extents as it can. // VOID AFSTearDownFcbExtents( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN GUID *AuthGroup) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; LIST_ENTRY *le, *leNext; AFSExtent *pEntry; LONG lExtentCount = 0; ULONG ulReleaseCount = 0, ulProcessCount = 0; size_t sz; AFSReleaseExtentsCB *pRelease = NULL; BOOLEAN locked = FALSE; NTSTATUS ntStatus; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; GUID *pAuthGroup = AuthGroup; GUID stAuthGroup; LONG lCount; __Enter { if( pAuthGroup == NULL || RtlCompareMemory( pAuthGroup, &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID)) { RtlZeroMemory( &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); ntStatus = AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup( Fcb, NULL, TRUE, &stAuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } pAuthGroup = &stAuthGroup; } // // Ensure that no one is working with the extents and grab the // lock // AFSLockForExtentsTrim( Fcb ); locked = TRUE; if (0 == Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount) { try_return ( ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS); } sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease = (AFSReleaseExtentsCB*) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sz, AFS_EXTENT_RELEASE_TAG); if (NULL == pRelease) { try_return ( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); for( le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink, lExtentCount = 0; lExtentCount < Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount; lExtentCount += ulProcessCount) { RtlZeroMemory( pRelease, sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB ))); for( ulProcessCount = 0, ulReleaseCount = 0; !IsListEmpty( le) && ulReleaseCount < AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT; ulProcessCount++, le = leNext) { leNext = le->Flink; pEntry = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST ); if( pEntry->ActiveCount == 0) { ulReleaseCount++; pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; #if GEN_MD5 RtlCopyMemory( pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].MD5, pEntry->MD5, sizeof(pEntry->MD5)); pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET; #endif if( BooleanFlagOn( pEntry->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { LONG dirtyCount; AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( Fcb, pEntry); pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY; dirtyCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); ASSERT( dirtyCount >= 0); } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSTearDownFcbExtents Releasing extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %08lX-%08lX Len %08lX\n", pEntry, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pEntry->FileOffset.HighPart, pEntry->FileOffset.LowPart, pEntry->Size); pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].Length = pEntry->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].DirtyLength = pEntry->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].DirtyOffset = 0; pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].CacheOffset = pEntry->CacheOffset; pRelease->FileExtents[ulProcessCount].FileOffset = pEntry->FileOffset; InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pEntry->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pEntry->Size/1024))); RemoveEntryList( le); AFSExFreePool( pEntry); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } } } if ( ulReleaseCount > 0) { pRelease->ExtentCount = ulReleaseCount; pRelease->Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; // // Update the metadata for this call // pRelease->AllocationSize = Fcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile; pRelease->CreateTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->CreationTime; pRelease->ChangeTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->ChangeTime; pRelease->LastAccessTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastAccessTime; pRelease->LastWriteTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastWriteTime; // // Send the request down. We cannot send this down // asynchronously - if we did that we could request them // back before the service got this request and then this // request would be a corruption. // sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (ulProcessCount * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, pAuthGroup, NULL, &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, pRelease, sz, NULL, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // // Regardless of whether or not the AFSProcessRequest() succeeded, the extents // were released (if AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE was set). Log the error so it is known. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSTearDownFcbExtents AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS failed fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } } } AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); // // if all extents have been released, reinitialize the skip lists // if( Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount == 0) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i++) { InitializeListHead(&Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i]); } // // Reinitialize the dirty list as well // AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); ASSERT( Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount == 0); Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead = NULL; Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail = NULL; AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); } Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; try_exit: if (locked) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSTearDownFcbExtents Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } if (pRelease) { AFSExFreePool( pRelease); } } } static PAFSExtent ExtentForOffsetInList( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN LIST_ENTRY *List, IN ULONG ListNumber, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset) { // // Return the extent that maps the offset, that // - Contains the offset // - or is immediately ahead of the offset (in this list) // - otherwise return NULL. // PLIST_ENTRY pLe = List; AFSExtent *pPrevious = NULL; ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource )); while (pLe != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[ListNumber]) { AFSExtent *entry; entry = ExtentFor( pLe, ListNumber ); if( entry == NULL) { return entry; } if (Offset->QuadPart < entry->FileOffset.QuadPart) { // // Offset is ahead of entry. Return previous // return pPrevious; } if (Offset->QuadPart >= (entry->FileOffset.QuadPart + entry->Size)) { // // We start after this extent - carry on round // pPrevious = entry; pLe = pLe->Flink; continue; } // // Otherwise its a match // return entry; } // // Got to the end. Return Previous // return pPrevious; } BOOLEAN AFSExtentContains( IN AFSExtent *Extent, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset) { if (NULL == Extent) { return FALSE; } return (Extent->FileOffset.QuadPart <= Offset->QuadPart && (Extent->FileOffset.QuadPart + Extent->Size) > Offset->QuadPart); } // // Return the extent that contains the offset // PAFSExtent AFSExtentForOffsetHint( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset, IN BOOLEAN ReturnPrevious, IN AFSExtent *Hint) { AFSExtent *pPrevious = Hint; LIST_ENTRY *pLe; LONG i; ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource )); #if AFS_VALIDATE_EXTENTS VerifyExtentsLists(Fcb); #endif // // So we will go across the skip lists until we find an // appropriate entry (previous or direct match). If it's a match // we are done, other wise we start on the next layer down // for (i = AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS-1; i >= AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i--) { if (NULL == pPrevious) { // // We haven't found anything in the previous layers // pLe = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i].Flink; } else if (NULL == pPrevious->Lists[i].Flink) { ASSERT(AFS_EXTENTS_LIST != i); // // The hint doesn't exist at this level, next one down // continue; } else { // // take the previous into the next // pLe = &pPrevious->Lists[i]; } pPrevious = ExtentForOffsetInList( Fcb, pLe, i, Offset); if (NULL != pPrevious && AFSExtentContains(pPrevious, Offset)) { // // Found it immediately. Stop here // return pPrevious; } } if (NULL == pPrevious || ReturnPrevious ) { return pPrevious; } ASSERT( !AFSExtentContains(pPrevious, Offset) ); return NULL; } LIST_ENTRY * AFSEntryForOffset( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset) { AFSExtent *pPrevious = NULL; LIST_ENTRY *pLe; LONG i; ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource )); #if AFS_VALIDATE_EXTENTS VerifyExtentsLists(Fcb); #endif // // So we will go across the skip lists until we find an // appropriate entry (previous or direct match). If it's a match // we are done, other wise we start on the next layer down // for (i = AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS-1; i >= AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i--) { if (NULL == pPrevious) { // // We haven't found anything in the previous layers // pLe = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i].Flink; } else if (NULL == pPrevious->Lists[i].Flink) { ASSERT(AFS_EXTENTS_LIST != i); // // The hint doesn't exist at this level, next one down // continue; } else { // // take the previous into the next // pLe = &pPrevious->Lists[i]; } pPrevious = ExtentForOffsetInList( Fcb, pLe, i, Offset); if (NULL != pPrevious && AFSExtentContains(pPrevious, Offset)) { // // Found it immediately. Stop here // return pLe; } } return NULL; } PAFSExtent AFSExtentForOffset( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset, IN BOOLEAN ReturnPrevious) { return AFSExtentForOffsetHint(Fcb, Offset, ReturnPrevious, NULL); } BOOLEAN AFSDoExtentsMapRegion(IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset, IN ULONG Size, IN OUT AFSExtent **FirstExtent, OUT AFSExtent **LastExtent) { // // Return TRUE region is completely mapped. FALSE // otherwise. If the region isn't mapped then the last // extent to map part of the region is returned. // // *LastExtent as input is where to start looking. // *LastExtent as output is either the extent which // contains the Offset, or the last one which doesn't // AFSExtent *entry; AFSExtent *newEntry; BOOLEAN retVal = FALSE; __Enter { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSDoExtentsMapRegion Acquiring Fcb extent lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireShared( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE ); __try { entry = AFSExtentForOffsetHint(Fcb, Offset, TRUE, *FirstExtent); *FirstExtent = entry; if (NULL == entry || !AFSExtentContains(entry, Offset)) { try_return (retVal = FALSE); } ASSERT(Offset->QuadPart >= entry->FileOffset.QuadPart); while (TRUE) { if ((entry->FileOffset.QuadPart + entry->Size) >= (Offset->QuadPart + Size)) { // // The end is inside the extent // try_return (retVal = TRUE); } if (entry->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink == &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { // // Run out of extents // try_return (retVal = FALSE); } newEntry = NextExtent( entry, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST ); if (newEntry->FileOffset.QuadPart != (entry->FileOffset.QuadPart + entry->Size)) { // // Gap // try_return (retVal = FALSE); } entry = newEntry; } } __except( AFSExceptionFilter( __FUNCTION__, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) { AFSDbgLogMsg( 0, 0, "EXCEPTION - AFSDoExtentsMapRegion\n"); AFSDumpTraceFilesFnc(); } try_exit: AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSDoExtentsMapRegion Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); *LastExtent = entry; } return retVal; } NTSTATUS AFSRequestExtentsAsync( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN AFSCcb *Ccb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Offset, IN ULONG Size) { AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSExtent *pExtent = NULL; AFSRequestExtentsCB request; AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSExtent *pFirstExtent = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liAlignedOffset; ULONG ulAlignedLength = 0; BOOLEAN bRegionMapped = FALSE; ULONGLONG ullProcessId = (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(); __Enter { ASSERT( !ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource )); // // If the service set a failure on the file since the last // CreateFile was issued, return it now. // if (!NT_SUCCESS( pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus)) { // // If this isn't the same authgroup which caused the failure // then try to request them again // if( RtlCompareMemory( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, &Ccb->AuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID)) { ntStatus = pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus; pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; RtlZeroMemory( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); try_return( ntStatus); } } // // Check if we are already mapped // bRegionMapped = AFSDoExtentsMapRegion( Fcb, Offset, Size, &pFirstExtent, &pExtent); if( bRegionMapped) { try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS); } // // Align our request on extent size boundary // ulAlignedLength = Size; liAlignedOffset = *Offset; if( liAlignedOffset.QuadPart % pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize != 0) { liAlignedOffset.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)( (ULONGLONG)(liAlignedOffset.QuadPart / pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize) * (ULONGLONG)pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize); ulAlignedLength += (ULONG)(Offset->QuadPart - liAlignedOffset.QuadPart); } if( ulAlignedLength % pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize != 0) { ulAlignedLength = (ULONG)(((ulAlignedLength / pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize) + 1) * pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize); } RtlZeroMemory( &request, sizeof( AFSRequestExtentsCB)); request.ByteOffset = liAlignedOffset; request.Length = ulAlignedLength; if( !AFSIsExtentRequestQueued( &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, &request.ByteOffset, request.Length)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSRequestExtentsAsync Request extents for fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %08lX Len %08lX Thread %08lX\n", Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, request.ByteOffset.LowPart, request.Length, PsGetCurrentThread()); ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_REQUEST_FILE_EXTENTS, 0, &Ccb->AuthGroup, NULL, &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, &request, sizeof( AFSRequestExtentsCB ), NULL, NULL); if ( ntStatus == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) { GUID stAuthGroup; DWORD ntStatus2; ntStatus2 = AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup( Fcb, NULL, TRUE, &stAuthGroup); if ( NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus2) && RtlCompareMemory( &stAuthGroup, &Ccb->AuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) != sizeof( GUID)) { ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_REQUEST_FILE_EXTENTS, 0, &stAuthGroup, NULL, &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, &request, sizeof( AFSRequestExtentsCB ), NULL, NULL); } } if( NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { KeClearEvent( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestComplete ); } } else { KeClearEvent( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestComplete ); } try_exit: NOTHING; } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessExtentsResult( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN ULONG Count, IN AFSFileExtentCB *Result) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSFileExtentCB *pFileExtents = Result; AFSExtent *pExtent; LIST_ENTRY *le; AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; ULONG fileExtentsUsed = 0; BOOLEAN bFoundExtent = FALSE; LIST_ENTRY *pSkipEntries[AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS] = { 0 }; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; LONG lCount; // // Grab the extents exclusive for the duration // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentsResult Acquiring Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE ); __Enter { // // Find where to put the extents // for (ULONG i = AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i++) { pSkipEntries[i] = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i].Flink; } le = pSkipEntries[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]; if (le == &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { // // No extents. Insert at head of list (which is where the skip lists point!) // pExtent = NULL; } else if (0 != pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart) { // // We want to find the best extents immediately *behind* this offset // LARGE_INTEGER offset = pFileExtents->FileOffset; // // Ask in the top skip list first, then work down // for (LONG i = AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS-1; i >= AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i--) { pExtent = ExtentForOffsetInList( Fcb, pSkipEntries[i], i, &offset); if (NULL == pExtent) { // // No dice. Header has to become the head of the list // pSkipEntries[i] = &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i]; // // And as a loop invariant we should never have found an extent // ASSERT(!bFoundExtent); } else { // // pExtent is where to start to insert at this level // pSkipEntries[i] = &pExtent->Lists[i]; // // And also where to start to look at the next level // if (i > AFS_EXTENTS_LIST) { pSkipEntries[i-1] = &pExtent->Lists[i-1]; } bFoundExtent = TRUE; } } if (NULL == pExtent) { pExtent = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); le = le->Blink; } else { le = pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Blink; } } else { // // Looking at offset 0, so we must start at the beginning // pExtent = ExtentFor(le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); le = le->Blink; // // And set up the skip lists // for (ULONG i = AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i++) { pSkipEntries[i] = &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i]; } } while (fileExtentsUsed < Count) { // // Loop invariant - le points to where to insert after and // pExtent points to le->fLink // ASSERT (NULL == pExtent || le->Flink == &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]); if (NULL == pExtent || pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart > pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart) { // // We need to insert a new extent at le. Start with // some sanity check on spanning // if (NULL != pExtent && ((pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart + pFileExtents->Length) > pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart)) { // // File Extents overlaps pExtent // ASSERT( (pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart + pFileExtents->Length) <= pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart); try_return (ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // File offset is entirely in front of this extent. Create // a new one (remember le is the previous list entry) // pExtent = (AFSExtent *) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sizeof( AFSExtent), AFS_EXTENT_TAG ); if (NULL == pExtent) { try_return (ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } RtlZeroMemory( pExtent, sizeof( AFSExtent )); pExtent->FileOffset = pFileExtents->FileOffset; pExtent->CacheOffset = pFileExtents->CacheOffset; pExtent->Size = pFileExtents->Length; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentsResult Received extent for fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX File Offset %I64X Cache Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart, pFileExtents->CacheOffset.QuadPart, pFileExtents->Length); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, (LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024)); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, (LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024)); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 1) { KeClearEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent); } // // Insert into list // InsertHeadList(le, &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]); ASSERT(le->Flink == &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]); ASSERT(0 == (pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart & ExtentsMasks[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST])); // // Do not move the cursor - we will do it next time // // // And into the (upper) skip lists - Again, do not move the cursor // for (ULONG i = AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS-1; i > AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i--) { if (0 == (pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart & ExtentsMasks[i])) { InsertHeadList(pSkipEntries[i], &pExtent->Lists[i]); #if AFS_VALIDATE_EXTENTS VerifyExtentsLists(Fcb); #endif } } } else if (pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart == pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart) { if (pExtent->Size != pFileExtents->Length) { ASSERT (pExtent->Size == pFileExtents->Length); try_return (ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // Move both cursors forward. // // First the extent pointer // fileExtentsUsed++; le = &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]; // // Then the skip lists cursors forward if needed // for (ULONG i = AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS-1; i > AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i--) { if (0 == (pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart & ExtentsMasks[i])) { // // Check sanity before // #if AFS_VALIDATE_EXTENTS VerifyExtentsLists(Fcb); #endif // // Skip list should point to us // //ASSERT(pSkipEntries[i] == &pExtent->Lists[i]); // // Move forward cursor // pSkipEntries[i] = pSkipEntries[i]->Flink; // // Check sanity before // #if AFS_VALIDATE_EXTENTS VerifyExtentsLists(Fcb); #endif } } // // And then the cursor in the supplied array // pFileExtents++; // // setup pExtent if there is one // if (le->Flink != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { pExtent = NextExtent( pExtent, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST ) ; } else { pExtent = NULL; } } else { ASSERT( pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart < pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart ); // // Sanity check on spanning // if ((pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart + pExtent->Size) > pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart) { ASSERT( (pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart + pExtent->Size) <= pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart); try_return (ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } // // Move le and pExtent forward // le = &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]; /* // // Then the check the skip lists cursors // for (ULONG i = AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS-1; i > AFS_EXTENTS_LIST; i--) { if (0 == (pFileExtents->FileOffset.LowPart & ExtentsMasks[i])) { // // Three options: // - empty list (pSkipEntries[i]->Flink == pSkipEntries[i]->Flink == fcb->lists[i] // - We are the last on the list (pSkipEntries[i]->Flink == fcb->lists[i]) // - We are not the last on the list. In that case we have to be strictly less than // that extent. if (pSkipEntries[i]->Flink != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[i]) { AFSExtent *otherExtent = ExtentFor(pSkipEntries[i]->Flink, i); ASSERT(pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart < otherExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart); } } } */ // // setup pExtent if there is one // if (le->Flink != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { pExtent = NextExtent( pExtent, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST ) ; } else { pExtent = NULL; } } } // // All done, signal that we are done drop the lock, exit // try_exit: if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { // // If we failed the service is going to drop all extents so trim away the // set given to us // AFSTrimSpecifiedExtents( Fcb, Count, Result); } #if AFS_VALIDATE_EXTENTS VerifyExtentsLists(Fcb); #endif KeSetEvent( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestComplete, 0, FALSE); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentsResult Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessSetFileExtents( IN AFSSetFileExtentsCB *SetExtents ) { AFSFcb *pFcb = NULL; AFSVolumeCB *pVolumeCB = NULL; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; ULONGLONG ullIndex = 0; AFSObjectInfoCB *pObjectInfo = NULL; LONG lCount; __Enter { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Acquiring RDR VolumeTreeLock lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireShared( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock, TRUE); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Set extents for fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX\n", SetExtents->FileId.Cell, SetExtents->FileId.Volume, SetExtents->FileId.Vnode, SetExtents->FileId.Unique); // // Locate the volume node // ullIndex = AFSCreateHighIndex( &SetExtents->FileId); ntStatus = AFSLocateHashEntry( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeHead, ullIndex, (AFSBTreeEntry **)&pVolumeCB); if( pVolumeCB != NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Acquiring VolumeRoot FileIDTree.TreeLock lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) || pVolumeCB == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Set extents for fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Failed to locate volume Status %08lX\n", SetExtents->FileId.Cell, SetExtents->FileId.Volume, SetExtents->FileId.Vnode, SetExtents->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } AFSAcquireShared( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, TRUE); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); // // Now locate the Object in this volume // ullIndex = AFSCreateLowIndex( &SetExtents->FileId); ntStatus = AFSLocateHashEntry( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeHead, ullIndex, (AFSBTreeEntry **)&pObjectInfo); if( pObjectInfo != NULL) { // // Reference the node so it won't be torn down // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Increment count on object %08lX Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) || pObjectInfo == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Set extents for hash %I64X fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Failed to locate file in volume %08lX\n", ullIndex, SetExtents->FileId.Cell, SetExtents->FileId.Volume, SetExtents->FileId.Vnode, SetExtents->FileId.Unique, pVolumeCB); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } pFcb = pObjectInfo->Fcb; // // If we have a result failure then don't bother trying to set the extents // if( SetExtents->ResultStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Set extents failure fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX ResultStatus %08lX\n", SetExtents->FileId.Cell, SetExtents->FileId.Volume, SetExtents->FileId.Vnode, SetExtents->FileId.Unique, SetExtents->ResultStatus); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Acquiring Fcb extents lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireExcl( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE); pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_CANCELLED; KeSetEvent( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestComplete, 0, FALSE); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); try_return( ntStatus); } ntStatus = AFSProcessExtentsResult ( pFcb, SetExtents->ExtentCount, SetExtents->FileExtents ); try_exit: if( pObjectInfo != NULL) { lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pObjectInfo->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessSetFileExtents Decrement count on object %08lX Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo, lCount); } } return ntStatus; } // // Helper fuctions for Usermode initiation of release of extents // NTSTATUS AFSReleaseSpecifiedExtents( IN AFSReleaseFileExtentsCB *Extents, IN AFSFcb *Fcb, OUT AFSFileExtentCB *FileExtents, IN ULONG BufferSize, OUT ULONG *ExtentCount, OUT BOOLEAN *DirtyExtents) { AFSExtent *pExtent; LIST_ENTRY *le; LIST_ENTRY *leNext; ULONG ulExtentCount = 0; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN bReleaseAll = FALSE; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; LONG lCount; __Enter { ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource)); if (BufferSize < (Extents->ExtentCount * sizeof( AFSFileExtentCB))) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseSpecifiedExtents Buffer too small\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } RtlZeroMemory( FileExtents, BufferSize); *ExtentCount = 0; *DirtyExtents = FALSE; // // iterate until we have dealt with all we were asked for or // are at the end of the list. Note that this deals (albeit // badly) with out of order extents // pExtent = AFSExtentForOffset( Fcb, &Extents->FileExtents[0].FileOffset, FALSE); if (NULL == pExtent) { le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; } else { le = &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]; } ulExtentCount = 0; if( BooleanFlagOn( Extents->Flags, AFS_RELEASE_EXTENTS_FLAGS_RELEASE_ALL) || ( Extents->FileId.Cell == 0 && Extents->FileId.Volume == 0 && Extents->FileId.Vnode == 0 && Extents->FileId.Unique == 0)) { bReleaseAll = TRUE; } while( le != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST] && ulExtentCount < Extents->ExtentCount) { pExtent = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); if( !bReleaseAll) { if( pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart < Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].FileOffset.QuadPart) { // // Skip forward through the extent list until we get // to the one we want // le = le->Flink; continue; } else if (pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart > Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].FileOffset.QuadPart) { // // We don't have the extent asked for so return UNKNOWN // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseSpecifiedExtents Located UNKNOWN extent Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].FileOffset.QuadPart, Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].Length); FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_UNKNOWN; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Length = 0; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].CacheOffset.QuadPart = 0; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].FileOffset = Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].FileOffset; *ExtentCount = (*ExtentCount) + 1; ulExtentCount++; // // Reset where we are looking // le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; continue; } else if( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseSpecifiedExtents Located IN_USE extent Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].FileOffset.QuadPart, Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].Length); FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_IN_USE; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Length = 0; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].CacheOffset.QuadPart = 0; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].FileOffset = Extents->FileExtents[ulExtentCount].FileOffset; *ExtentCount = (*ExtentCount) + 1; ulExtentCount++; // // Reset where we are looking // le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; continue; } } else { // // If the extent is currently active then skip it // if( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0) { le = le->Flink; continue; } } FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Length = pExtent->Size; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].DirtyLength = pExtent->Size; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].DirtyOffset = 0; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].CacheOffset = pExtent->CacheOffset; FileExtents[*ExtentCount].FileOffset = pExtent->FileOffset; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseSpecifiedExtents Releasing extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", pExtent, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, FileExtents[*ExtentCount].FileOffset.QuadPart, FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Length); if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSAcquireExcl( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( Fcb, pExtent); FileExtents[*ExtentCount].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY; lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); *DirtyExtents = TRUE; } AFSReleaseResource( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); } // // move forward all three cursors // le = le->Flink; ulExtentCount ++; *ExtentCount = (*ExtentCount) + 1; // // And unpick // for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i ++) { if (NULL != pExtent->Lists[i].Flink && !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[i])) { RemoveEntryList( &pExtent->Lists[i] ); } } InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); // // and free // AFSExFreePool( pExtent); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } } try_exit: NOTHING; } return ntStatus; } AFSFcb* AFSFindFcbToClean(ULONG IgnoreTime, AFSFcb *LastFcb, BOOLEAN Block) { AFSFcb *pFcb = NULL; AFSVolumeCB *pVolumeCB = NULL; AFSDeviceExt *pRDRDeviceExt = NULL; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDeviceExt = NULL; BOOLEAN bLocatedEntry = FALSE; AFSObjectInfoCB *pCurrentObject = NULL; BOOLEAN bReleaseVolumeListLock = FALSE; LONG lCount; pRDRDeviceExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; pControlDeviceExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFindFcbToClean Acquiring RDR VolumeListLock lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &pRDRDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireShared( &pRDRDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock, TRUE); bReleaseVolumeListLock = TRUE; pVolumeCB = pRDRDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListHead; while( pVolumeCB != NULL) { // // The Volume list may move under our feet. Lock it. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFindFcbToClean Acquiring VolumeRoot ObjectInfoTree lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); AFSReleaseResource( &pRDRDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock); bReleaseVolumeListLock = FALSE; AFSAcquireShared( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, TRUE); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); if( NULL == LastFcb) { pCurrentObject = pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoListHead; } else { pCurrentObject = (AFSObjectInfoCB *)LastFcb->ObjectInformation->ListEntry.fLink; } pFcb = NULL; while( pCurrentObject != NULL) { pFcb = (AFSFcb *)pCurrentObject->Fcb; // // If the FCB is a candidate we try to lock it (but without waiting - which // means we are deadlock free // if( pFcb != NULL && pFcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_FILE_FCB) { if( Block) { AFSLockForExtentsTrim( pFcb); } else { if( !AFSLockForExtentsTrimNoWait( pFcb)) { pCurrentObject = (AFSObjectInfoCB *)pCurrentObject->ListEntry.fLink; pFcb = NULL; continue; } } // // Need to be sure there are no current flushes in the queue // if( pFcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount == 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFindFcbToClean Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); pCurrentObject = (AFSObjectInfoCB *)pCurrentObject->ListEntry.fLink; pFcb = NULL; continue; } if( pFcb->Specific.File.QueuedFlushCount > 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFindFcbToClean Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource(&pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); if( Block) { AFSWaitOnQueuedFlushes( pFcb); } else { pCurrentObject = (AFSObjectInfoCB *)pCurrentObject->ListEntry.fLink; } pFcb = NULL; continue; } if( pFcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFindFcbToClean Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource(&pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); pCurrentObject = (AFSObjectInfoCB *)pCurrentObject->ListEntry.fLink; pFcb = NULL; continue; } // // A hit a very palpable hit. Pin it // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pCurrentObject->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFindFcbToClean Increment count on Fcb %08lX Cnt %d\n", pCurrentObject, lCount); bLocatedEntry = TRUE; break; } pCurrentObject = (AFSObjectInfoCB *)pCurrentObject->ListEntry.fLink; pFcb = NULL; } AFSReleaseResource( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock); if( bLocatedEntry) { break; } AFSAcquireShared( &pRDRDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock, TRUE); bReleaseVolumeListLock = TRUE; pVolumeCB = (AFSVolumeCB *)pVolumeCB->ListEntry.fLink; } if( bReleaseVolumeListLock) { AFSReleaseResource( &pRDRDeviceExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeListLock); } return pFcb; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessExtentFailure( PIRP Irp) { AFSExtentFailureCB *pFailureCB = NULL; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *) AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); AFSVolumeCB *pVolumeCB = NULL; ULONGLONG ullIndex = 0; AFSObjectInfoCB *pObjectInfo = NULL; LONG lCount; __Enter { if( pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof( AFSExtentFailureCB)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_IO_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Input buffer too small\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } pFailureCB = (AFSExtentFailureCB *)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_IO_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Service Reports Failure fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", pFailureCB->FileId.Cell, pFailureCB->FileId.Volume, pFailureCB->FileId.Vnode, pFailureCB->FileId.Unique, pFailureCB->FailureStatus); AFSAcquireShared( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock, TRUE); // // Locate the volume node // ullIndex = AFSCreateHighIndex( &pFailureCB->FileId); ntStatus = AFSLocateHashEntry( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeHead, ullIndex, (AFSBTreeEntry **)&pVolumeCB); if( pVolumeCB != NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Acquiring VolumeRoot FileIDTree.TreeLock lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) || pVolumeCB == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_IO_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Invalid volume index %I64X status %08X\n", ullIndex, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } AFSAcquireShared( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, TRUE); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); // // Now locate the Object in this volume // ullIndex = AFSCreateLowIndex( &pFailureCB->FileId); ntStatus = AFSLocateHashEntry( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeHead, ullIndex, (AFSBTreeEntry **)&pObjectInfo); if( pObjectInfo != NULL && pObjectInfo->Fcb != NULL) { // // Reference the node so it won't be torn down // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Increment count on object %08lX Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) || pObjectInfo == NULL || pObjectInfo->Fcb == NULL) { if( pObjectInfo == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_IO_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Invalid file index %I64X\n", ullIndex); } else { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_IO_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Fcb dealocated for %I64X\n", ullIndex); } try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Acquiring Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireExcl( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE); pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = pFailureCB->FailureStatus; RtlCopyMemory( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, &pFailureCB->AuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); KeSetEvent( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestComplete, 0, FALSE); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX EXCL %08lX\n", &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pObjectInfo->Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pObjectInfo->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessExtentFailure Decrement count on object %08lX Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo, lCount); try_exit: NOTHING; } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents( IN PIRP Irp) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( Irp); PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; AFSFcb *pFcb = NULL; AFSVolumeCB *pVolumeCB = NULL; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt; AFSReleaseFileExtentsCB *pExtents; AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB *pResult = NULL; AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultFileCB *pFile = NULL; ULONG ulSz = 0; ULONGLONG ullIndex = 0; AFSObjectInfoCB *pObjectInfo = NULL; BOOLEAN bLocked = FALSE; BOOLEAN bDirtyExtents = FALSE; GUID stAuthGroup; LONG lCount; __Enter { pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *) AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; pExtents = (AFSReleaseFileExtentsCB*) Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; if( pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < sizeof( AFSReleaseFileExtentsCB)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents INPUT Buffer too small\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } if ( pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < sizeof(AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents OUTPUT Buffer too small [1]\n"); // // Must have space for one extent in one file // try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } if (pExtents->ExtentCount == 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Extent count zero\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } if (pExtents->FileId.Cell != 0 || pExtents->FileId.Volume != 0 || pExtents->FileId.Vnode != 0 || pExtents->FileId.Unique != 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Processing FID %08lX:%08lX:%08lX:%08lX\n", pExtents->FileId.Cell, pExtents->FileId.Volume, pExtents->FileId.Vnode, pExtents->FileId.Unique); if( pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < ( FIELD_OFFSET( AFSReleaseFileExtentsCB, ExtentCount) + sizeof(ULONG)) || pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength < ( FIELD_OFFSET( AFSReleaseFileExtentsCB, ExtentCount) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof (AFSFileExtentCB) * pExtents->ExtentCount)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Buffer too small for FID %08lX:%08lx:%08lX:%08lX\n", pExtents->FileId.Cell, pExtents->FileId.Volume, pExtents->FileId.Vnode, pExtents->FileId.Unique); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Acquiring RDR VolumeTreeLock lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireShared( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock, TRUE); // // Locate the volume node // ullIndex = AFSCreateHighIndex( &pExtents->FileId); ntStatus = AFSLocateHashEntry( pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTree.TreeHead, ullIndex, (AFSBTreeEntry **)&pVolumeCB); if( pVolumeCB != NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Acquiring VolumeRoot FileIDTree.TreeLock lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, PsGetCurrentThread()); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &pDevExt->Specific.RDR.VolumeTreeLock); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) || pVolumeCB == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Invalid volume index %I64X status %08X\n", ullIndex, ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } AFSAcquireShared( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock, TRUE); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pVolumeCB->VolumeReferenceCount); // // Now locate the Object in this volume // ullIndex = AFSCreateLowIndex( &pExtents->FileId); ntStatus = AFSLocateHashEntry( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeHead, ullIndex, (AFSBTreeEntry **)&pObjectInfo); if( pObjectInfo != NULL) { // // Reference the node so it won't be torn down // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pObjectInfo->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Increment count on object %08lX Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo, lCount); } AFSReleaseResource( pVolumeCB->ObjectInfoTree.TreeLock); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus) || pObjectInfo == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Invalid file index %I64X\n", ullIndex); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } pFcb = pObjectInfo->Fcb; if( pFcb == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Fcb not initialied (NO EXTENTS) for FID %08lX:%08lx:%08lX:%08lX\n", pExtents->FileId.Cell, pExtents->FileId.Volume, pExtents->FileId.Vnode, pExtents->FileId.Unique); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } AFSLockForExtentsTrim( pFcb ); bLocked = TRUE; } else { // // Locate an Fcb to trim down // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Searching for a Fcb to Trim Down\n"); pFcb = AFSFindFcbToClean( 0, NULL, FALSE); if( pFcb == NULL) { pFcb = AFSFindFcbToClean( 0, NULL, TRUE); } if( pFcb == NULL) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Failed to locate Fcb for release ...\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } pObjectInfo = pFcb->ObjectInformation; bLocked = TRUE; } // // Allocate a scratch buffer to move in the extent information // ulSz = (pExtents->ExtentCount-1) * sizeof(AFSFileExtentCB); ulSz += sizeof(AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB); if (ulSz > pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents OUTPUT Buffer too small [2]\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); } pResult = (AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB*) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, ulSz, AFS_EXTENTS_RESULT_TAG); if (NULL == pResult) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_IO_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Failed to allocate result block\n"); try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } // // Set up the header (for an array of one) // pResult->FileCount = 1; pResult->Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; ulSz -= FIELD_OFFSET(AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB, Files); // // Setup the first (and only) file // pFile = pResult->Files; pFile->FileId = pObjectInfo->FileId; pFile->Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; // // Stash away the auth group // RtlZeroMemory( &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); ntStatus = AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup( pFcb, NULL, TRUE, &stAuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } RtlCopyMemory( &pFile->AuthGroup, &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); // // Update the metadata for this call // pFile->AllocationSize = pFcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile; pFile->CreateTime = pFcb->ObjectInformation->CreationTime; pFile->ChangeTime = pFcb->ObjectInformation->ChangeTime; pFile->LastAccessTime = pFcb->ObjectInformation->LastAccessTime; pFile->LastWriteTime = pFcb->ObjectInformation->LastWriteTime; ulSz -= FIELD_OFFSET(AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultFileCB, FileExtents); ntStatus = AFSReleaseSpecifiedExtents( pExtents, pFcb, pFile->FileExtents, ulSz, &pFile->ExtentCount, &bDirtyExtents); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Failed to release extents Status %08lX\n", ntStatus); try_return( ntStatus ); } if( pExtents->ExtentCount == 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Failed to release ANY extents\n"); } ulSz = sizeof(AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB); if( pExtents->ExtentCount > 0) { ulSz += ((pExtents->ExtentCount-1) * sizeof(AFSFileExtentCB)); } RtlCopyMemory( Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer, pResult, ulSz); try_exit: if( bLocked) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Releasing Fcb extent lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } if( NULL != pResult && Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer != pResult) { AFSExFreePool(pResult); } if (NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = ulSz; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } Irp->IoStatus.Status = ntStatus; if( pObjectInfo != NULL) { lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pObjectInfo->ObjectReferenceCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_OBJECT_REF_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSProcessReleaseFileExtents Decrement count on object %08lX Cnt %d\n", pObjectInfo, lCount); } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSWaitForExtentMapping( AFSFcb *Fcb, AFSCcb *Ccb) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER liTimeOut; ULONGLONG ullProcessId = (ULONGLONG)PsGetCurrentProcessId(); __Enter { ASSERT( !ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource )); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus)) { // // If this isn't the same authgroup which caused the failure // then try to request them again // if( RtlCompareMemory( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, &Ccb->AuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID)) { ntStatus = Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus; Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; RtlZeroMemory( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); try_return( ntStatus); } } liTimeOut.QuadPart = -(1 * AFS_ONE_SECOND); ntStatus = KeWaitForSingleObject( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestComplete, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &liTimeOut); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus)) { // // If this isn't the same authgroup which caused the failure // or the System Process, // then try to request the extents again // if( RtlCompareMemory( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, &Ccb->AuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID) || ullProcessId == (ULONGLONG)AFSSysProcess) { ntStatus = Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus; Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; RtlZeroMemory( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); try_return( ntStatus); } } if( ntStatus == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } try_exit: NOTHING; } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSFlushExtents( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN GUID *AuthGroup) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSExtent *pExtent, *pNextExtent; LIST_ENTRY *le; AFSReleaseExtentsCB *pRelease = NULL; ULONG count = 0; ULONG initialDirtyCount = 0; BOOLEAN bExtentsLocked = FALSE; ULONG total = 0; ULONG sz = 0; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER liLastFlush; AFSExtent *pDirtyListHead = NULL, *pDirtyListTail = NULL; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; GUID *pAuthGroup = AuthGroup; GUID stAuthGroup; LONG lCount; ASSERT( Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_FILE_FCB); // // Save, then reset the flush time // liLastFlush = Fcb->Specific.File.LastServerFlush; KeQueryTickCount( &Fcb->Specific.File.LastServerFlush); __Enter { if( pAuthGroup == NULL || RtlCompareMemory( pAuthGroup, &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID)) { RtlZeroMemory( &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); ntStatus = AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup( Fcb, NULL, TRUE, &stAuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } pAuthGroup = &stAuthGroup; } // // Lock extents while we count and set up the array to send to // the service // AFSLockForExtentsTrim( Fcb); bExtentsLocked = TRUE; lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.QueuedFlushCount); // // Clear our queued flush event // KeClearEvent( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.QueuedFlushEvent); // // Look for a start in the list to flush entries // total = count; sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease = (AFSReleaseExtentsCB*) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sz, AFS_EXTENT_RELEASE_TAG); if( NULL == pRelease) { try_return ( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } initialDirtyCount = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount; while( Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount > 0) { pRelease->Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY; if( BooleanFlagOn( Fcb->Flags, AFS_FCB_FILE_CLOSED)) { pRelease->Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_FLUSH; } // // Update the metadata for this call // pRelease->AllocationSize = Fcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile; pRelease->CreateTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->CreationTime; pRelease->ChangeTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->ChangeTime; pRelease->LastAccessTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastAccessTime; pRelease->LastWriteTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastWriteTime; count = 0; AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); pExtent = (AFSExtent *)pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead; while( count < AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT) { if ( pExtent == NULL) { break; } pNextExtent = (AFSExtent *)pExtent->DirtyList.fLink; if ( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0) { pExtent = pNextExtent; continue; } AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( Fcb, pExtent); pExtent->DirtyList.fLink = NULL; pExtent->DirtyList.bLink = NULL; lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); // // Clear the flag in advance of the write. If we do // things this was we know that the clear is // pessimistic (any write which happens from now on // will set the flag dirty again). // pExtent->Flags &= ~AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY; pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY; pRelease->FileExtents[count].Length = pExtent->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[count].DirtyLength = pExtent->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[count].DirtyOffset = 0; pRelease->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset = pExtent->CacheOffset; pRelease->FileExtents[count].FileOffset = pExtent->FileOffset; #if GEN_MD5 RtlCopyMemory( pRelease->FileExtents[count].MD5, pExtent->MD5, sizeof(pExtent->MD5)); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET; #endif AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFlushExtents Releasing DIRTY extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", pExtent, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart, pExtent->Size); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; // // Need to pull this extent from the main list as well // for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i ++) { if (NULL != pExtent->Lists[i].Flink && !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[i])) { RemoveEntryList( &pExtent->Lists[i] ); } } InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); AFSExFreePool( pExtent); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } count ++; pExtent = pNextExtent; } AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); // // If we are done then get out // if( count == 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFlushExtents No more dirty extents found\n"); break; } // // Fire off the request synchronously // sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (count * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease->ExtentCount = count; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFlushExtents Releasing(1) Fcb extents lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); bExtentsLocked = FALSE; KeSetEvent( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.FlushEvent, 0, FALSE); ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, pAuthGroup, NULL, &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, pRelease, sz, NULL, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // // Regardless of whether or not the AFSProcessRequest() succeeded, the extents // were released (if AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE was set). Log the error so it is known. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSFlushExtents AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS failed fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } AFSLockForExtentsTrim( Fcb); bExtentsLocked = TRUE; } try_exit: lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.QueuedFlushCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.QueuedFlushEvent, 0, FALSE); } KeSetEvent( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.FlushEvent, 0, FALSE); if (bExtentsLocked) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSFlushExtents Releasing(2) Fcb extents lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } if (pRelease) { AFSExFreePool( pRelease); } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSReleaseExtentsWithFlush( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN GUID *AuthGroup) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSExtent *pExtent; LIST_ENTRY *le; AFSReleaseExtentsCB *pRelease = NULL; ULONG count = 0; ULONG initialDirtyCount = 0; BOOLEAN bExtentsLocked = FALSE; ULONG total = 0; ULONG sz = 0; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER liLastFlush; ULONG ulRemainingExtentLength = 0; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; GUID *pAuthGroup = AuthGroup; GUID stAuthGroup; LONG lCount; ASSERT( Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_FILE_FCB); // // Save, then reset the flush time // liLastFlush = Fcb->Specific.File.LastServerFlush; KeQueryTickCount( &Fcb->Specific.File.LastServerFlush); __Enter { if( pAuthGroup == NULL || RtlCompareMemory( pAuthGroup, &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID)) { RtlZeroMemory( &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); ntStatus = AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup( Fcb, NULL, TRUE, &stAuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } pAuthGroup = &stAuthGroup; } // // Look for a start in the list to flush entries // total = count; sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease = (AFSReleaseExtentsCB*) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sz, AFS_EXTENT_RELEASE_TAG); if( NULL == pRelease) { try_return ( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } if( Fcb->OpenHandleCount > 0) { // // Don't release everything ... // // // For now release everything // //ulRemainingExtentLength = 1500; } while( Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength > (LONG)ulRemainingExtentLength) { AFSLockForExtentsTrim( Fcb); bExtentsLocked = TRUE; pRelease->Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; // // Update the metadata for this call // pRelease->AllocationSize = Fcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile; pRelease->CreateTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->CreationTime; pRelease->ChangeTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->ChangeTime; pRelease->LastAccessTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastAccessTime; pRelease->LastWriteTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastWriteTime; count = 0; le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; while( count < AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT && le != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { pExtent = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); le = le->Flink; if( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0) { continue; } pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseExtentsWithFlush Releasing extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", pExtent, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart, pExtent->Size); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Length = pExtent->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[count].DirtyLength = pExtent->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[count].DirtyOffset = 0; pRelease->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset = pExtent->CacheOffset; pRelease->FileExtents[count].FileOffset = pExtent->FileOffset; #if GEN_MD5 RtlCopyMemory( pRelease->FileExtents[count].MD5, pExtent->MD5, sizeof(pExtent->MD5)); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET; #endif if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( Fcb, pExtent); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY; lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); } AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); } // // Need to pull this extent from the main list as well // for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i ++) { if (NULL != pExtent->Lists[i].Flink && !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[i])) { RemoveEntryList( &pExtent->Lists[i] ); } } InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); AFSExFreePool( pExtent); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } count ++; } // // If we are done then get out // if( count == 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseExtentsWithFlush No more dirty extents found\n"); break; } // // Fire off the request synchronously // sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (count * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease->ExtentCount = count; // // Drop the extents lock for the duration of the call to // the network. We have pinned the extents so, even // though we might get extents added during this period, // but none will be removed. Hence we can carry on from // le. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseExtentsWithFlush Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); bExtentsLocked = FALSE; ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, pAuthGroup, NULL, &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, pRelease, sz, NULL, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // // Regardless of whether or not the AFSProcessRequest() succeeded, the extents // were released (if AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE was set). Log the error so it is known. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSReleaseExtentsWithFlush AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS failed fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } } try_exit: if (bExtentsLocked) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseExtentsWithFlush Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } if (pRelease) { AFSExFreePool( pRelease); } } return ntStatus; } NTSTATUS AFSReleaseCleanExtents( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN GUID *AuthGroup) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSExtent *pExtent; LIST_ENTRY *le; AFSReleaseExtentsCB *pRelease = NULL; ULONG count = 0; ULONG initialDirtyCount = 0; BOOLEAN bExtentsLocked = FALSE; ULONG total = 0; ULONG sz = 0; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER liLastFlush; ULONG ulRemainingExtentLength = 0; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; GUID *pAuthGroup = AuthGroup; GUID stAuthGroup; ASSERT( Fcb->Header.NodeTypeCode == AFS_FILE_FCB); // // Save, then reset the flush time // liLastFlush = Fcb->Specific.File.LastServerFlush; KeQueryTickCount( &Fcb->Specific.File.LastServerFlush); __Enter { if( pAuthGroup == NULL || RtlCompareMemory( pAuthGroup, &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)) == sizeof( GUID)) { RtlZeroMemory( &stAuthGroup, sizeof( GUID)); ntStatus = AFSRetrieveValidAuthGroup( Fcb, NULL, TRUE, &stAuthGroup); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { try_return( ntStatus); } pAuthGroup = &stAuthGroup; } // // Look for a start in the list to flush entries // total = count; sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease = (AFSReleaseExtentsCB*) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, sz, AFS_EXTENT_RELEASE_TAG); if( NULL == pRelease) { try_return ( ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES ); } while( Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength > (LONG)ulRemainingExtentLength) { AFSLockForExtentsTrim( Fcb); bExtentsLocked = TRUE; pRelease->Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; // // Update the metadata for this call // pRelease->AllocationSize = Fcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile; pRelease->CreateTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->CreationTime; pRelease->ChangeTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->ChangeTime; pRelease->LastAccessTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastAccessTime; pRelease->LastWriteTime = Fcb->ObjectInformation->LastWriteTime; count = 0; le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; while( count < AFS_MAXIMUM_EXTENT_RELEASE_COUNT && le != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { pExtent = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); le = le->Flink; if( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0 || BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { continue; } pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags = AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseCleanExtents Releasing extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", pExtent, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart, pExtent->Size); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Length = pExtent->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[count].DirtyLength = pExtent->Size; pRelease->FileExtents[count].DirtyOffset = 0; pRelease->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset = pExtent->CacheOffset; pRelease->FileExtents[count].FileOffset = pExtent->FileOffset; #if GEN_MD5 RtlCopyMemory( pRelease->FileExtents[count].MD5, pExtent->MD5, sizeof(pExtent->MD5)); pRelease->FileExtents[count].Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET; #endif // // Need to pull this extent from the main list as well // for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i ++) { if (NULL != pExtent->Lists[i].Flink && !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[i])) { RemoveEntryList( &pExtent->Lists[i] ); } } InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); AFSExFreePool( pExtent); InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); if( InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount) == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } count ++; } // // If we are done then get out // if( count == 0) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseCleanExtents No more dirty extents found\n"); break; } // // Fire off the request synchronously // sz = sizeof( AFSReleaseExtentsCB ) + (count * sizeof ( AFSFileExtentCB )); pRelease->ExtentCount = count; // // Drop the extents lock for the duration of the call to // the network. We have pinned the extents so, even // though we might get extents added during this period, // but none will be removed. Hence we can carry on from // le. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseCleanExtents Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource); bExtentsLocked = FALSE; ntStatus = AFSProcessRequest( AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS, AFS_REQUEST_FLAG_SYNCHRONOUS, pAuthGroup, NULL, &Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId, pRelease, sz, NULL, NULL); if( !NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { // // Regardless of whether or not the AFSProcessRequest() succeeded, the extents // were released (if AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE was set). Log the error so it is known. // AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "AFSReleaseCleanExtents AFS_REQUEST_TYPE_RELEASE_FILE_EXTENTS failed fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Status %08lX\n", Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, ntStatus); } } try_exit: if (bExtentsLocked) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReleaseCleanExtents Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } if (pRelease) { AFSExFreePool( pRelease); } } return ntStatus; } VOID AFSMarkDirty( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN AFSExtent *StartExtent, IN ULONG ExtentsCount, IN LARGE_INTEGER *StartingByte, IN BOOLEAN DerefExtents) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSExtent *pExtent = StartExtent; AFSExtent *pNextExtent, *pCurrentExtent = NULL; ULONG ulCount = 0; BOOLEAN bInsertTail = FALSE, bInsertHead = FALSE; LONG lCount; BOOLEAN bLocked = FALSE; AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSMarkDirty Acquiring Fcb extents lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); if( !ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource)) { AFSAcquireShared( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE); bLocked = TRUE; } AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); __try { // // Find the insertion point // if( pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead == NULL) { bInsertTail = TRUE; } else if( StartingByte->QuadPart == 0) { bInsertHead = TRUE; } else { pCurrentExtent = pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead; while( pCurrentExtent != NULL) { if( pCurrentExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart + pCurrentExtent->Size >= StartingByte->QuadPart || pCurrentExtent->DirtyList.fLink == NULL) { break; } pCurrentExtent = (AFSExtent *)pCurrentExtent->DirtyList.fLink; } } while( ulCount < ExtentsCount) { pNextExtent = NextExtent( pExtent, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); if( !BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSMarkDirty Marking extent offset %I64X Length %08lX DIRTY\n", pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart, pExtent->Size); pExtent->DirtyList.fLink = NULL; pExtent->DirtyList.bLink = NULL; if( bInsertHead) { pExtent->DirtyList.fLink = (void *)pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead; pExtent->DirtyList.bLink = NULL; pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead->DirtyList.bLink = (void *)pExtent; pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead = pExtent; pCurrentExtent = pExtent; bInsertHead = FALSE; } else if( bInsertTail) { if( pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead == NULL) { pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead = pExtent; } else { pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail->DirtyList.fLink = (void *)pExtent; pExtent->DirtyList.bLink = (void *)pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail; } pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail = pExtent; } else { pExtent->DirtyList.fLink = pCurrentExtent->DirtyList.fLink; pExtent->DirtyList.bLink = (void *)pCurrentExtent; if( pExtent->DirtyList.fLink == NULL) { pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail = pExtent; } else { ((AFSExtent *)pExtent->DirtyList.fLink)->DirtyList.bLink = (void *)pExtent; } pCurrentExtent->DirtyList.fLink = (void *)pExtent; pCurrentExtent = pExtent; } pExtent->Flags |= AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY; // // Up the dirty count // lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); } else { pCurrentExtent = pExtent; } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_ACTIVE_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSMarkDirty Decrement count on extent %08lX Cnt %d\n", pExtent, pExtent->ActiveCount); if( DerefExtents) { ASSERT( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pExtent->ActiveCount); } pExtent = pNextExtent; ulCount++; } } __except( AFSExceptionFilter( __FUNCTION__, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) { AFSDbgLogMsg( 0, 0, "EXCEPTION - AFSMarkDirty\n"); AFSDumpTraceFilesFnc(); } AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSMarkDirty Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); if( bLocked) { AFSReleaseResource( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } return; } // // Helper functions // AFSExtent * ExtentFor(PLIST_ENTRY le, ULONG SkipList) { return CONTAINING_RECORD( le, AFSExtent, Lists[SkipList] ); } static AFSExtent *NextExtent(AFSExtent *Extent, ULONG SkipList) { return ExtentFor(Extent->Lists[SkipList].Flink, SkipList); } static AFSExtent *DirtyExtentFor(PLIST_ENTRY le) { return CONTAINING_RECORD( le, AFSExtent, DirtyList ); } static VOID VerifyExtentsLists(AFSFcb *Fcb) { #if DBG > 0 // // Check the ordering of the extents lists // ASSERT( ExIsResourceAcquiredLite( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource )); ASSERT(Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[0].Flink != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[1]); for (ULONG listNo = 0; listNo < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; listNo ++) { LARGE_INTEGER lastOffset; lastOffset.QuadPart = 0; for (PLIST_ENTRY pLe = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[listNo].Flink; pLe != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[listNo]; pLe = pLe->Flink) { AFSExtent *pExtent; pExtent = ExtentFor(pLe, listNo); if (listNo == 0) { ASSERT(pLe != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[1] && pLe->Flink !=&Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[1] && pLe->Blink !=&Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[1]); } ASSERT(pLe->Flink->Blink == pLe); ASSERT(pLe->Blink->Flink == pLe); // // Should follow on from previous // ASSERT(pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart >= lastOffset.QuadPart); lastOffset.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart + pExtent->Size; // // Should match alignment criteria // ASSERT( 0 == (pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart & ExtentsMasks[listNo]) ); // // "lower" lists should be populated // for (LONG subListNo = listNo-1; subListNo > 0; subListNo --) { ASSERT( !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[subListNo])); } } } #endif } void AFSTrimExtents( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileSize) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; LIST_ENTRY *le; AFSExtent *pExtent; BOOLEAN locked = FALSE; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; LARGE_INTEGER liAlignedOffset = {0,0}; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; LONG lCount; __Enter { // // Get an aligned offset // if( FileSize != NULL) { liAlignedOffset = *FileSize; } if( liAlignedOffset.QuadPart > 0 && liAlignedOffset.QuadPart % pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize != 0) { // // Align UP to the next cache block size // liAlignedOffset.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)( (ULONGLONG)((liAlignedOffset.QuadPart / pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize) + 1) * (ULONGLONG)pDevExt->Specific.RDR.CacheBlockSize); } // // Ensure that no one is working with the extents and grab the // lock // AFSLockForExtentsTrim( Fcb); locked = TRUE; if( 0 == Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount) { // // Update the request extent status // Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; try_return( ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS); } // // We are truncating from a specific length in the file. If the offset // is non-zero then go find the first extent to remove // if( 0 == FileSize->QuadPart) { le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; } else { pExtent = AFSExtentForOffset( Fcb, FileSize, TRUE); if( NULL == pExtent) { le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; } else { le = &pExtent->Lists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]; } } while( le != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST]) { pExtent = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); // // Only trim down extents beyond the aligned offset // le = le->Flink; if( pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart >= liAlignedOffset.QuadPart) { if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { LONG dirtyCount; AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( Fcb, pExtent); dirtyCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); ASSERT(dirtyCount >= 0); } AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); } for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i ++) { if (NULL != pExtent->Lists[i].Flink && !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[i])) { RemoveEntryList( &pExtent->Lists[i] ); } } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSTrimExtents Releasing extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", pExtent, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart, pExtent->Size); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); ASSERT( pExtent->ActiveCount == 0); // // and free // AFSExFreePool( pExtent); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } } } // // Update the request extent status // Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; try_exit: if (locked) { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSTrimExtents Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX thread %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSReleaseResource( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); } } return; } void AFSTrimSpecifiedExtents( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN ULONG Count, IN AFSFileExtentCB *Result) { AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; LIST_ENTRY *le; AFSExtent *pExtent; AFSFileExtentCB *pFileExtents = Result; NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSDeviceExt *pDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSRDRDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; AFSDeviceExt *pControlDevExt = (AFSDeviceExt *)AFSControlDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; LONG lCount; __Enter { le = Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST].Flink; while( le != &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsLists[AFS_EXTENTS_LIST] && Count > 0) { pExtent = ExtentFor( le, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); // // Only trim down extents beyond the aligned offset // le = le->Flink; if( pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart == pFileExtents->FileOffset.QuadPart) { if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { AFSAcquireExcl( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); if( BooleanFlagOn( pExtent->Flags, AFS_EXTENT_DIRTY)) { LONG dirtyCount; AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( Fcb, pExtent); dirtyCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount); ASSERT( dirtyCount >= 0); } AFSReleaseResource( &pNPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); } for (ULONG i = 0; i < AFS_NUM_EXTENT_LISTS; i ++) { if (NULL != pExtent->Lists[i].Flink && !IsListEmpty(&pExtent->Lists[i])) { RemoveEntryList( &pExtent->Lists[i] ); } } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSTrimSpecifiedExtents Releasing extent %p fid %08lX-%08lX-%08lX-%08lX Offset %I64X Len %08lX\n", pExtent, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Cell, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Volume, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Vnode, Fcb->ObjectInformation->FileId.Unique, pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart, pExtent->Size); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); InterlockedExchangeAdd( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentLength, -((LONG)(pExtent->Size/1024))); ASSERT( pExtent->ActiveCount == 0); // // and free // AFSExFreePool( pExtent); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &Fcb->Specific.File.ExtentCount); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentCount); if( lCount == 0) { KeSetEvent( &pControlDevExt->Specific.Control.ExtentsHeldEvent, 0, FALSE); } // // Next extent we are looking for // pFileExtents++; Count--; } } // // Update the request extent status // Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsRequestStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return; } void AFSReferenceActiveExtents( IN AFSExtent *StartExtent, IN ULONG ExtentsCount) { AFSExtent *pExtent = StartExtent; AFSExtent *pNextExtent; ULONG ulCount = 0; LONG lCount; while( ulCount < ExtentsCount) { pNextExtent = NextExtent( pExtent, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); lCount = InterlockedIncrement( &pExtent->ActiveCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_ACTIVE_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSReferenceActiveExtents Increment count on extent %08lX Cnt %d\n", pExtent, lCount); pExtent = pNextExtent; ulCount++; } return; } void AFSDereferenceActiveExtents( IN AFSExtent *StartExtent, IN ULONG ExtentsCount) { AFSExtent *pExtent = StartExtent; AFSExtent *pNextExtent; ULONG ulCount = 0; LONG lCount; while( ulCount < ExtentsCount) { pNextExtent = NextExtent( pExtent, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); ASSERT( pExtent->ActiveCount > 0); lCount = InterlockedDecrement( &pExtent->ActiveCount); AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_EXTENT_ACTIVE_COUNTING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSDereferenceActiveExtents Decrement count on extent %08lX Cnt %d\n", pExtent, lCount); pExtent = pNextExtent; ulCount++; } return; } void AFSRemoveEntryDirtyList( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN AFSExtent *Extent) { if( Extent->DirtyList.fLink == NULL) { Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail = (AFSExtent *)Extent->DirtyList.bLink; if( Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail != NULL) { Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListTail->DirtyList.fLink = NULL; } } else { ((AFSExtent *)Extent->DirtyList.fLink)->DirtyList.bLink = Extent->DirtyList.bLink; } if( Extent->DirtyList.bLink == NULL) { Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead = (AFSExtent *)Extent->DirtyList.fLink; if( Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead != NULL) { Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead->DirtyList.bLink = NULL; } } else { ((AFSExtent *)Extent->DirtyList.bLink)->DirtyList.fLink = Extent->DirtyList.fLink; } return; } ULONG AFSConstructCleanByteRangeList( AFSFcb * pFcb, AFSByteRange ** pByteRangeList) { ULONG ulByteRangeMax; ULONG ulByteRangeCount = 0; AFSByteRange *ByteRangeList; AFSExtent *pExtent, *pNextExtent; AFSAcquireShared( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock, TRUE); ulByteRangeMax = pFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsDirtyCount + 1; ByteRangeList = (AFSByteRange *) AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, ulByteRangeMax * sizeof( AFSByteRange), AFS_BYTERANGE_TAG); if ( ByteRangeList == NULL) { (*pByteRangeList) = NULL; try_return( ulByteRangeCount = DWORD_MAX); } RtlZeroMemory( ByteRangeList, ulByteRangeMax * sizeof( AFSByteRange)); // // The for loop populates the ByteRangeList entries with values that are // the gaps in the DirtyList. In other words, if a range is not present // in the DirtyList it will be represented in the ByteRangeList array. // for ( ulByteRangeCount = 0, pExtent = (AFSExtent *)pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyListHead; ulByteRangeCount < ulByteRangeMax && pExtent != NULL; pExtent = pNextExtent) { pNextExtent = (AFSExtent *)pExtent->DirtyList.fLink; // // The first time the for() is entered the ulByteRangeCount will be zero and // ByteRangeList[0] FileOffset and Length will both be zero. If the first // extent is not for offset zero, the ByteRangeList[0] Length is set to the // FileOffset of the Extent. // // Future passes through the loop behave in a similar fashion but // ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount] FileOffset will have been set below. // if ( pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart != ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].FileOffset.QuadPart + ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].Length.QuadPart) { ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].Length.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart - ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].FileOffset.QuadPart; ulByteRangeCount++; } // // Having processed the current dirty extent, the following while loop // searches for the next clean gap between dirty extents. // while ( pNextExtent && pNextExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart == pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart + pExtent->Size) { pExtent = pNextExtent; pNextExtent = (AFSExtent *)pExtent->DirtyList.fLink; } // // Having found the next gap, the ByteRangeList[] FileOffset is set to the start of the gap. // The Length is left at zero and will be assigned either when the for loop continues or // when the for loop exits. // ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].FileOffset.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart + pExtent->Size; } // // Assign the Length of the final clean range to match the file length. // ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].Length.QuadPart = pFcb->ObjectInformation->EndOfFile.QuadPart - ByteRangeList[ulByteRangeCount].FileOffset.QuadPart; (*pByteRangeList) = ByteRangeList; try_exit: AFSReleaseResource( &pFcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.DirtyExtentsListLock); return ulByteRangeCount; } #if GEN_MD5 void AFSSetupMD5Hash( IN AFSFcb *Fcb, IN AFSExtent *StartExtent, IN ULONG ExtentsCount, IN void *SystemBuffer, IN LARGE_INTEGER *ByteOffset, IN ULONG ByteCount) { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; AFSNonPagedFcb *pNPFcb = Fcb->NPFcb; AFSExtent *pExtent = StartExtent; AFSExtent *pNextExtent, *pCurrentExtent = NULL; ULONG ulCount = 0; char *pCurrentBuffer = (char *)SystemBuffer; char *pMD5Buffer = NULL; ULONG ulCurrentLen = 0; void *pExtentBuffer = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER liByteOffset; ULONG ulBytesRead = 0; __Enter { AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSSetupMD5Hash Acquiring Fcb extents lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); AFSAcquireShared( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, TRUE); __try { liByteOffset.QuadPart = ByteOffset->QuadPart; while( ulCount < ExtentsCount) { RtlZeroMemory( pExtent->MD5, sizeof( pExtent->MD5)); pNextExtent = NextExtent( pExtent, AFS_EXTENTS_LIST); if( liByteOffset.QuadPart == pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart && ByteCount < pExtent->Size) { if( pExtentBuffer == NULL) { pExtentBuffer = AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, pExtent->Size, AFS_GENERIC_MEMORY_9_TAG); if( pExtentBuffer == NULL) { break; } } RtlZeroMemory( pExtentBuffer, pExtent->Size); RtlCopyMemory( pExtentBuffer, pCurrentBuffer, ByteCount); pMD5Buffer = (char *)pExtentBuffer; ulCurrentLen = ByteCount; } else if( liByteOffset.QuadPart != pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart) { pExtentBuffer = AFSExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, pExtent->Size, AFS_GENERIC_MEMORY_10_TAG); if( pExtentBuffer == NULL) { break; } RtlZeroMemory( pExtentBuffer, pExtent->Size); if( BooleanFlagOn( AFSLibControlFlags, AFS_REDIR_LIB_FLAGS_NONPERSISTENT_CACHE)) { #ifdef AMD64 RtlCopyMemory( pExtentBuffer, ((char *)AFSLibCacheBaseAddress + pExtent->CacheOffset.QuadPart), pExtent->Size); #else ASSERT( pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart == 0); RtlCopyMemory( pExtentBuffer, ((char *)AFSLibCacheBaseAddress + pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart), pExtent->Size); #endif ulBytesRead = pExtent->Size; } else { ntStatus = AFSReadCacheFile( pExtentBuffer, &pExtent->CacheOffset, pExtent->Size, &ulBytesRead); if( !NT_SUCCESS( ntStatus)) { break; } } pMD5Buffer = (char *)pExtentBuffer; ulCurrentLen = min( ByteCount, pExtent->Size - (ULONG)(liByteOffset.QuadPart - pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart)); RtlCopyMemory( (void *)((char *)pExtentBuffer + (ULONG)(liByteOffset.QuadPart - pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart)), pCurrentBuffer, ulCurrentLen); } else { ulCurrentLen = pExtent->Size; pMD5Buffer = pCurrentBuffer; } AFSGenerateMD5( pMD5Buffer, pExtent->Size, pExtent->MD5); pExtent = pNextExtent; ulCount++; ByteCount -= ulCurrentLen; pCurrentBuffer += ulCurrentLen; liByteOffset.QuadPart += ulCurrentLen; } AFSDbgLogMsg( AFS_SUBSYSTEM_LOCK_PROCESSING, AFS_TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "AFSSetupMD5Hash Releasing Fcb extents lock %08lX SHARED %08lX\n", &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource, PsGetCurrentThread()); } __except( AFSExceptionFilter( __FUNCTION__, GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) { AFSDbgLogMsg( 0, 0, "EXCEPTION - AFSSetupMD5Hash\n"); AFSDumpTraceFilesFnc(); } AFSReleaseResource( &Fcb->NPFcb->Specific.File.ExtentsResource ); if( pExtentBuffer != NULL) { AFSExFreePool( pExtentBuffer); } } return; } #endif