/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Secure Endpoints, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Your File System, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of Secure Endpoints Inc. nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission from Secure Endpoints, Inc. and * Your File System, Inc. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #ifndef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #endif #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #define _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS #define INITGUID /* define AFS_AUTH_GUID_NO_PAG */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4005) #include #include "..\\Common\\AFSUserDefines.h" #include "..\\Common\\AFSUserStructs.h" #pragma warning(pop) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "afsd.h" #include "smb.h" #include "cm_btree.h" #include "msrpc.h" #include #include #include static CHAR * RDR_extentBaseAddress = NULL; void RDR_InitReq(cm_req_t *reqp, BOOL bWow64) { cm_InitReq(reqp); reqp->flags |= CM_REQ_SOURCE_REDIR; if (bWow64) reqp->flags |= CM_REQ_WOW64; } void RDR_fid2FID( cm_fid_t *fid, AFSFileID *FileId) { FileId->Cell = fid->cell; FileId->Volume = fid->volume; FileId->Vnode = fid->vnode; FileId->Unique = fid->unique; FileId->Hash = fid->hash; } void RDR_FID2fid( AFSFileID *FileId, cm_fid_t *fid) { fid->cell = FileId->Cell; fid->volume = FileId->Volume; fid->vnode = FileId->Vnode; fid->unique = FileId->Unique; fid->hash = FileId->Hash; } DWORD RDR_SetInitParams( OUT AFSRedirectorInitInfo **ppRedirInitInfo, OUT DWORD * pRedirInitInfoLen ) { extern char cm_CachePath[]; extern cm_config_data_t cm_data; extern int smb_hideDotFiles; size_t cm_CachePathLen = strlen(cm_CachePath); size_t err; DWORD TempPathLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(L"%TEMP%", NULL, 0); MEMORYSTATUSEX memStatus; DWORD maxMemoryCacheSize; memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(memStatus); if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus)) { /* * Use the memory extent interface in the afs redirector * whenever the cache size is less than equal to 10% of * physical memory. Do not use too much because this memory * will be locked by the redirector so it can't be swapped * out. */ maxMemoryCacheSize = (DWORD)(memStatus.ullTotalPhys / 1024 / 10); } else { /* * If we can't determine the amount of physical memory * in the system, be conservative and limit the use of * memory extent interface to 64MB data caches. */ maxMemoryCacheSize = 65536; } *pRedirInitInfoLen = (DWORD) (sizeof(AFSRedirectorInitInfo) + (cm_CachePathLen + TempPathLen) * sizeof(WCHAR)); *ppRedirInitInfo = (AFSRedirectorInitInfo *)malloc(*pRedirInitInfoLen); (*ppRedirInitInfo)->Flags = smb_hideDotFiles ? AFS_REDIR_INIT_FLAG_HIDE_DOT_FILES : 0; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->Flags |= cm_shortNames ? 0 : AFS_REDIR_INIT_FLAG_DISABLE_SHORTNAMES; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->MaximumChunkLength = cm_data.chunkSize; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->GlobalFileId.Cell = cm_data.rootFid.cell; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->GlobalFileId.Volume = cm_data.rootFid.volume; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->GlobalFileId.Vnode = cm_data.rootFid.vnode; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->GlobalFileId.Unique = cm_data.rootFid.unique; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->GlobalFileId.Hash = cm_data.rootFid.hash; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->ExtentCount.QuadPart = cm_data.buf_nbuffers; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->CacheBlockSize = cm_data.blockSize; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->MaxPathLinkCount = MAX_FID_COUNT; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->NameArrayLength = MAX_FID_COUNT; if (cm_virtualCache || cm_data.bufferSize <= maxMemoryCacheSize) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_SetInitParams Initializing Memory Extent Interface"); (*ppRedirInitInfo)->MemoryCacheOffset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)cm_data.bufDataBaseAddress; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->MemoryCacheLength.QuadPart = cm_data.bufEndOfData - cm_data.bufDataBaseAddress; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->CacheFileNameLength = 0; RDR_extentBaseAddress = cm_data.bufDataBaseAddress; } else { (*ppRedirInitInfo)->MemoryCacheOffset.QuadPart = 0; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->MemoryCacheLength.QuadPart = 0; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->CacheFileNameLength = (ULONG) (cm_CachePathLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); err = mbstowcs((*ppRedirInitInfo)->CacheFileName, cm_CachePath, (cm_CachePathLen + 1) *sizeof(WCHAR)); if (err == -1) { free(*ppRedirInitInfo); osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_SetInitParams Invalid Object Name"); return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; } RDR_extentBaseAddress = cm_data.baseAddress; } (*ppRedirInitInfo)->DumpFileLocationOffset = FIELD_OFFSET(AFSRedirectorInitInfo, CacheFileName) + (*ppRedirInitInfo)->CacheFileNameLength; (*ppRedirInitInfo)->DumpFileLocationLength = (TempPathLen - 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(L"%TEMP%", (LPWSTR)(((PBYTE)(*ppRedirInitInfo)) + (*ppRedirInitInfo)->DumpFileLocationOffset), TempPathLen); osi_Log0(afsd_logp,"RDR_SetInitParams Success"); return 0; } static wchar_t cname[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1] = L""; cm_user_t * RDR_GetLocalSystemUser( void) { smb_username_t *unp; cm_user_t *userp = NULL; if ( cname[0] == '\0') { int len = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; GetComputerNameW(cname, &len); _wcsupr(cname); } unp = smb_FindUserByName(NTSID_LOCAL_SYSTEM, cname, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); lock_ObtainMutex(&unp->mx); if (!unp->userp) unp->userp = cm_NewUser(); unp->flags |= SMB_USERNAMEFLAG_SID; lock_ReleaseMutex(&unp->mx); userp = unp->userp; cm_HoldUser(userp); smb_ReleaseUsername(unp); if (!userp) { userp = cm_rootUserp; cm_HoldUser(userp); } return userp; } cm_user_t * RDR_UserFromCommRequest( IN AFSCommRequest *RequestBuffer) { return RDR_UserFromAuthGroup( &RequestBuffer->AuthGroup); } cm_user_t * RDR_UserFromAuthGroup( IN GUID *pGuid) { smb_username_t *unp; cm_user_t * userp = NULL; RPC_WSTR UuidString = NULL; if (UuidToStringW((UUID *)pGuid, &UuidString) != RPC_S_OK) goto done; if ( cname[0] == '\0') { int len = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1; GetComputerNameW(cname, &len); _wcsupr(cname); } unp = smb_FindUserByName(UuidString, cname, SMB_FLAG_CREATE); lock_ObtainMutex(&unp->mx); if (!unp->userp) { unp->userp = cm_NewUser(); memcpy(&unp->userp->authgroup, pGuid, sizeof(GUID)); } unp->flags |= SMB_USERNAMEFLAG_SID; lock_ReleaseMutex(&unp->mx); userp = unp->userp; cm_HoldUser(userp); smb_ReleaseUsername(unp); done: if (!userp) { userp = cm_rootUserp; cm_HoldUser(userp); } osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_UserFromCommRequest Guid %S userp = 0x%p", osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, UuidString), userp); if (UuidString) RpcStringFreeW(&UuidString); return userp; } void RDR_ReleaseUser( IN cm_user_t *userp ) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseUser userp = 0x%p", userp); cm_ReleaseUser(userp); } /* * RDR_FlagScpInUse flags the scp with CM_SCACHEFLAG_RDR_IN_USE */ static void RDR_FlagScpInUse( IN cm_scache_t *scp, IN BOOL bLocked ) { if (!bLocked) lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); lock_AssertWrite(&scp->rw); scp->flags |= CM_SCACHEFLAG_RDR_IN_USE; if (!bLocked) lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); } /* * Obtain the status information for the specified object using * an inline bulk status rpc. cm_BPlusDirEnumBulkStatOne() will * obtain current status for the directory object, the object * which is the focus of the inquiry and as many other objects * in the directory for which there are not callbacks registered * since we are likely to be asked for other objects in the directory. */ static afs_uint32 RDR_BulkStatLookup( cm_scache_t *dscp, cm_scache_t *scp, cm_user_t *userp, cm_req_t *reqp) { cm_direnum_t * enump = NULL; afs_uint32 code = 0; cm_dirOp_t dirop; code = cm_BeginDirOp(dscp, userp, reqp, CM_DIRLOCK_READ, CM_DIROP_FLAG_NONE, &dirop); if (code == 0) { code = cm_BPlusDirEnumerate(dscp, userp, reqp, TRUE, NULL, TRUE, &enump); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_BulkStatLookup cm_BPlusDirEnumerate failure code=0x%x", code); } cm_EndDirOp(&dirop); } else { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_BulkStatLookup cm_BeginDirOp failure code=0x%x", code); } if (enump) { code = cm_BPlusDirEnumBulkStatOne(enump, scp); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_BulkStatLookup cm_BPlusDirEnumBulkStatOne failure code=0x%x", code); } cm_BPlusDirFreeEnumeration(enump); } return code; } #define RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS 0x01 #define RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS 0x02 #define RDR_POP_WOW64 0x04 #define RDR_POP_NO_GETSTATUS 0x08 static afs_uint32 RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry( IN AFSDirEnumEntry * pCurrentEntry, IN DWORD dwMaxEntryLength, IN cm_scache_t * dscp, IN cm_scache_t * scp, IN cm_user_t * userp, IN cm_req_t * reqp, IN wchar_t * name, IN wchar_t * shortName, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN afs_uint32 cmError, OUT AFSDirEnumEntry **ppNextEntry, OUT DWORD * pdwRemainingLength) { FILETIME ft; WCHAR * wname, *wtarget; size_t len; DWORD dwEntryLength; afs_uint32 code = 0, code2 = 0; BOOL bMustFake = FALSE; osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry dscp=0x%p scp=0x%p name=%S short=%S flags=0x%x", dscp, scp, osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, name), osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, shortName), dwFlags); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "... maxLength=%d", dwMaxEntryLength); if (dwMaxEntryLength < sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry) + (MAX_PATH + MOUNTPOINTLEN) * sizeof(wchar_t)) { if (ppNextEntry) *ppNextEntry = pCurrentEntry; if (pdwRemainingLength) *pdwRemainingLength = dwMaxEntryLength; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry Not Enough Room for Entry %d < %d", dwMaxEntryLength, sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry) + (MAX_PATH + MOUNTPOINTLEN) * sizeof(wchar_t)); return CM_ERROR_TOOBIG; } if (!name) name = L""; if (!shortName) shortName = L""; dwEntryLength = sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry); lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); if (dwFlags & RDR_POP_NO_GETSTATUS) { if (!cm_HaveCallback(scp)) bMustFake = TRUE; } else { #ifdef AFS_FREELANCE_CLIENT if (scp->fid.cell == AFS_FAKE_ROOT_CELL_ID && scp->fid.volume == AFS_FAKE_ROOT_VOL_ID) { /* * If the FID is from the Freelance Local Root always perform * a single item status check. */ code = cm_SyncOp( scp, NULL, userp, reqp, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry cm_SyncOp failed for scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); return code; } } else #endif { /* * For non-Freelance objects, check to see if we have current * status information. If not, perform a bulk status lookup of multiple * entries in order to reduce the number of RPCs issued to the file server. */ if (cm_EAccesFindEntry(userp, &scp->fid)) bMustFake = TRUE; else if (!cm_HaveCallback(scp)) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); code = RDR_BulkStatLookup(dscp, scp, userp, reqp); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry RDR_BulkStatLookup failed for scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); return code; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); /* * RDR_BulkStatLookup can succeed but it may be the case that there * still is not valid status info. If we get this far, generate fake * status info. */ if (!cm_HaveCallback(scp)) bMustFake = TRUE; } } } /* Populate the error code */ smb_MapNTError(cmError, &pCurrentEntry->NTStatus, TRUE); /* Populate the real or fake data */ pCurrentEntry->FileId.Cell = scp->fid.cell; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Volume = scp->fid.volume; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Vnode = scp->fid.vnode; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Unique = scp->fid.unique; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Hash = scp->fid.hash; pCurrentEntry->FileType = scp->fileType; pCurrentEntry->DataVersion.QuadPart = scp->dataVersion; if (scp->fid.cell==AFS_FAKE_ROOT_CELL_ID && scp->fid.volume==AFS_FAKE_ROOT_VOL_ID) { cm_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, MAX_AFS_UINT32); } else { cm_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->cbExpires); } pCurrentEntry->Expiration.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; pCurrentEntry->Expiration.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; if (bMustFake) { /* 1969-12-31 23:59:59 +00 */ ft.dwHighDateTime = 0x19DB200; ft.dwLowDateTime = 0x5BB78980; } else cm_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, scp->clientModTime); pCurrentEntry->CreationTime.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; pCurrentEntry->CreationTime.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; pCurrentEntry->LastAccessTime = pCurrentEntry->CreationTime; pCurrentEntry->LastWriteTime = pCurrentEntry->CreationTime; pCurrentEntry->ChangeTime = pCurrentEntry->CreationTime; pCurrentEntry->EndOfFile = scp->length; pCurrentEntry->AllocationSize = scp->length; if (bMustFake) { switch (scp->fileType) { case CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY: pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY; break; case CM_SCACHETYPE_MOUNTPOINT: case CM_SCACHETYPE_INVALID: pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY | SMB_ATTR_REPARSE_POINT; break; case CM_SCACHETYPE_SYMLINK: if (cm_TargetPerceivedAsDirectory(scp->mountPointStringp)) pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY | SMB_ATTR_REPARSE_POINT; else pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = SMB_ATTR_REPARSE_POINT; break; default: /* if we get here we either have a normal file * or we have a file for which we have never * received status info. In this case, we can * check the even/odd value of the entry's vnode. * odd means it is to be treated as a directory * and even means it is to be treated as a file. */ if (scp->fid.vnode & 0x1) pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = SMB_ATTR_DIRECTORY; else pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = SMB_ATTR_NORMAL; } } else pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = smb_ExtAttributes(scp); pCurrentEntry->EaSize = 0; pCurrentEntry->Links = scp->linkCount; len = wcslen(shortName); wcsncpy(pCurrentEntry->ShortName, shortName, len); pCurrentEntry->ShortNameLength = (CCHAR)(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); pCurrentEntry->FileNameOffset = sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry); len = wcslen(name); wname = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pCurrentEntry + pCurrentEntry->FileNameOffset); wcsncpy(wname, name, len); pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength = (ULONG)(sizeof(WCHAR) * len); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry scp=0x%p fileType=%d dv=%u", scp, scp->fileType, (afs_uint32)scp->dataVersion); if (!(dwFlags & RDR_POP_NO_GETSTATUS)) cm_SyncOpDone( scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if ((dwFlags & RDR_POP_NO_GETSTATUS) || !cm_HaveCallback(scp)) { pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset = 0; pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength = 0; } else switch (scp->fileType) { case CM_SCACHETYPE_MOUNTPOINT: if (dwFlags & RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS) { if ((code2 = cm_ReadMountPoint(scp, userp, reqp)) == 0) { cm_scache_t *targetScp = NULL; pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset = pCurrentEntry->FileNameOffset + pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength; len = strlen(scp->mountPointStringp); wtarget = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pCurrentEntry + pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset); #ifdef UNICODE cch = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, scp->mountPointStringp, len * sizeof(char), wtarget, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); #else mbstowcs(wtarget, scp->mountPointStringp, len); #endif pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength = (ULONG)(sizeof(WCHAR) * len); code2 = cm_FollowMountPoint(scp, dscp, userp, reqp, &targetScp); if (code2 == 0) { pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Cell = targetScp->fid.cell; pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Volume = targetScp->fid.volume; pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Vnode = targetScp->fid.vnode; pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Unique = targetScp->fid.unique; pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Hash = targetScp->fid.hash; osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry target FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Cell, pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Volume, pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Vnode, pCurrentEntry->TargetFileId.Unique); cm_ReleaseSCache(targetScp); } else { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry cm_FollowMountPoint failed scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code2); } } else { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry cm_ReadMountPoint failed scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code2); } } break; case CM_SCACHETYPE_SYMLINK: case CM_SCACHETYPE_DFSLINK: { pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset = pCurrentEntry->FileNameOffset + pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength; wtarget = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pCurrentEntry + pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset); if (dwFlags & RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS) { char * mp; code2 = cm_HandleLink(scp, userp, reqp); if (code2 == 0) { mp = scp->mountPointStringp; len = strlen(mp); if ( len != 0 ) { /* Strip off the msdfs: prefix from the target name for the file system */ if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DFSLINK) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry DFSLink Detected"); pCurrentEntry->FileType = scp->fileType; if (!strncmp("msdfs:", mp, 6)) { mp += 6; len -= 6; } } /* only send one slash to the redirector */ if (mp[0] == '\\' && mp[1] == '\\') { mp++; len--; } #ifdef UNICODE cch = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, mp, len * sizeof(char), wtarget, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); #else mbstowcs(wtarget, mp, len); #endif } pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength = (ULONG)(sizeof(WCHAR) * len); } else { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry cm_HandleLink failed scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code2); } } } break; default: pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset = 0; pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength = 0; } lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); dwEntryLength += pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength + pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength; dwEntryLength += (dwEntryLength % 8) ? 8 - (dwEntryLength % 8) : 0; /* quad align */ if (ppNextEntry) *ppNextEntry = (AFSDirEnumEntry *)((PBYTE)pCurrentEntry + dwEntryLength); if (pdwRemainingLength) *pdwRemainingLength = dwMaxEntryLength - dwEntryLength; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry Success FileNameLength=%d TargetNameLength=%d RemainingLength=%d", pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength, pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength, *pdwRemainingLength); return code; } static afs_uint32 RDR_PopulateCurrentEntryNoScp( IN AFSDirEnumEntry * pCurrentEntry, IN DWORD dwMaxEntryLength, IN cm_scache_t * dscp, IN cm_fid_t * fidp, IN cm_user_t * userp, IN cm_req_t * reqp, IN wchar_t * name, IN wchar_t * shortName, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN afs_uint32 cmError, OUT AFSDirEnumEntry **ppNextEntry, OUT DWORD * pdwRemainingLength) { FILETIME ft; WCHAR * wname; size_t len; DWORD dwEntryLength; afs_uint32 code = 0, code2 = 0; osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntryNoEntry dscp=0x%p name=%S short=%S flags=0x%x", dscp, osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, name), osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, shortName), dwFlags); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "... maxLength=%d", dwMaxEntryLength); if (dwMaxEntryLength < sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry) + (MAX_PATH + MOUNTPOINTLEN) * sizeof(wchar_t)) { if (ppNextEntry) *ppNextEntry = pCurrentEntry; if (pdwRemainingLength) *pdwRemainingLength = dwMaxEntryLength; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntryNoEntry Not Enough Room for Entry %d < %d", dwMaxEntryLength, sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry) + (MAX_PATH + MOUNTPOINTLEN) * sizeof(wchar_t)); return CM_ERROR_TOOBIG; } if (!name) name = L""; if (!shortName) shortName = L""; dwEntryLength = sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry); /* Populate the error code */ smb_MapNTError(cmError, &pCurrentEntry->NTStatus, TRUE); /* Populate the fake data */ pCurrentEntry->FileId.Cell = fidp->cell; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Volume = fidp->volume; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Vnode = fidp->vnode; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Unique = fidp->unique; pCurrentEntry->FileId.Hash = fidp->hash; pCurrentEntry->FileType = CM_SCACHETYPE_UNKNOWN; pCurrentEntry->DataVersion.QuadPart = CM_SCACHE_VERSION_BAD; cm_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, 0); pCurrentEntry->Expiration.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; pCurrentEntry->Expiration.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; cm_LargeSearchTimeFromUnixTime(&ft, 0); pCurrentEntry->CreationTime.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; pCurrentEntry->CreationTime.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; pCurrentEntry->LastAccessTime = pCurrentEntry->CreationTime; pCurrentEntry->LastWriteTime = pCurrentEntry->CreationTime; pCurrentEntry->ChangeTime = pCurrentEntry->CreationTime; pCurrentEntry->EndOfFile.QuadPart = 0; pCurrentEntry->AllocationSize.QuadPart = 0; pCurrentEntry->FileAttributes = 0; pCurrentEntry->EaSize = 0; pCurrentEntry->Links = 0; len = wcslen(shortName); wcsncpy(pCurrentEntry->ShortName, shortName, len); pCurrentEntry->ShortNameLength = (CCHAR)(len * sizeof(WCHAR)); pCurrentEntry->FileNameOffset = sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry); len = wcslen(name); wname = (WCHAR *)((PBYTE)pCurrentEntry + pCurrentEntry->FileNameOffset); wcsncpy(wname, name, len); pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength = (ULONG)(sizeof(WCHAR) * len); pCurrentEntry->TargetNameOffset = 0; pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength = 0; dwEntryLength += pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength + pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength; dwEntryLength += (dwEntryLength % 8) ? 8 - (dwEntryLength % 8) : 0; /* quad align */ if (ppNextEntry) *ppNextEntry = (AFSDirEnumEntry *)((PBYTE)pCurrentEntry + dwEntryLength); if (pdwRemainingLength) *pdwRemainingLength = dwMaxEntryLength - dwEntryLength; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_PopulateCurrentEntryNoScp Success FileNameLength=%d TargetNameLength=%d RemainingLength=%d", pCurrentEntry->FileNameLength, pCurrentEntry->TargetNameLength, *pdwRemainingLength); return code; } void RDR_EnumerateDirectory( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID DirID, IN AFSDirQueryCB *QueryCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bSkipStatus, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { DWORD status; cm_direnum_t * enump = NULL; AFSDirEnumResp * pDirEnumResp; AFSDirEnumEntry * pCurrentEntry; size_t size = ResultBufferLength ? sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1 : sizeof(AFSCommResult); DWORD dwMaxEntryLength; afs_uint32 code = 0; cm_fid_t fid; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", DirID.Cell, DirID.Volume, DirID.Vnode, DirID.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory Out of Memory"); return; } memset(*ResultCB, 0, size); if (QueryCB->EnumHandle == (ULONG_PTR)-1) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory No More Entries"); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; return; } (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = dwMaxEntryLength = ResultBufferLength; if (ResultBufferLength) { pDirEnumResp = (AFSDirEnumResp *)&(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pCurrentEntry = (AFSDirEnumEntry *)&pDirEnumResp->Entry; dwMaxEntryLength -= FIELD_OFFSET( AFSDirEnumResp, Entry); /* AFSDirEnumResp */ } if (DirID.Cell != 0) { fid.cell = DirID.Cell; fid.volume = DirID.Volume; fid.vnode = DirID.Vnode; fid.unique = DirID.Unique; fid.hash = DirID.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&fid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory cm_GetSCache failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory Object Name Invalid - Cell = 0"); return; } /* get the directory size */ lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_LOOKUP, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory cm_SyncOp failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); return; } osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory dv=%u", (afs_uint32)dscp->dataVersion); /* * If there is no enumeration handle, then this is a new query * and we must perform an enumeration for the specified object. */ if (QueryCB->EnumHandle == (ULONG_PTR)NULL) { cm_dirOp_t dirop; code = cm_BeginDirOp(dscp, userp, &req, CM_DIRLOCK_READ, CM_DIROP_FLAG_NONE, &dirop); if (code == 0) { code = cm_BPlusDirEnumerate(dscp, userp, &req, TRUE /* dir locked */, NULL /* no mask */, TRUE /* fetch status? */, &enump); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory cm_BPlusDirEnumerate failure code=0x%x", code); } cm_EndDirOp(&dirop); } else { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory cm_BeginDirOp failure code=0x%x", code); } } else { enump = (cm_direnum_t *)QueryCB->EnumHandle; } if (enump) { if (ResultBufferLength == 0) { code = cm_BPlusDirEnumBulkStat(enump); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory cm_BPlusDirEnumBulkStat failure code=0x%x", code); } } else { cm_direnum_entry_t * entryp = NULL; pDirEnumResp->SnapshotDataVersion.QuadPart = enump->dataVersion; getnextentry: if (dwMaxEntryLength < sizeof(AFSDirEnumEntry) + (MAX_PATH + MOUNTPOINTLEN) * sizeof(wchar_t)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory out of space, returning"); goto outofspace; } code = cm_BPlusDirNextEnumEntry(enump, &entryp); if ((code == 0 || code == CM_ERROR_STOPNOW) && entryp) { cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; int stopnow = (code == CM_ERROR_STOPNOW); if ( !wcscmp(L".", entryp->name) || !wcscmp(L"..", entryp->name) ) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory skipping . or .."); if (stopnow) goto outofspace; goto getnextentry; } if (bSkipStatus) { code = cm_GetSCache(&entryp->fid, &dscp->fid, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory cm_GetSCache failure cell %u vol %u vnode %u uniq %u code=0x%x", entryp->fid.cell, entryp->fid.volume, entryp->fid.vnode, entryp->fid.unique, code); } } else { code = entryp->errorCode; scp = code ? NULL : cm_FindSCache(&entryp->fid); } if (scp) { code = RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry( pCurrentEntry, dwMaxEntryLength, dscp, scp, userp, &req, entryp->name, cm_shortNames && cm_Is8Dot3(entryp->name) ? NULL : entryp->shortName, (bWow64 ? RDR_POP_WOW64 : 0) | (bSkipStatus ? RDR_POP_NO_GETSTATUS : 0), code, &pCurrentEntry, &dwMaxEntryLength); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); } else { code = RDR_PopulateCurrentEntryNoScp( pCurrentEntry, dwMaxEntryLength, dscp, &entryp->fid, userp, &req, entryp->name, cm_shortNames && cm_Is8Dot3(entryp->name) ? NULL : entryp->shortName, (bWow64 ? RDR_POP_WOW64 : 0), code, &pCurrentEntry, &dwMaxEntryLength); } if (stopnow) goto outofspace; goto getnextentry; } } } outofspace: if (code || enump->next == enump->count || ResultBufferLength == 0) { cm_BPlusDirFreeEnumeration(enump); enump = (cm_direnum_t *)(ULONG_PTR)-1; } if (code == 0 || code == CM_ERROR_STOPNOW) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory SUCCESS"); } else { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EnumerateDirectory Failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } if (ResultBufferLength) { (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength - dwMaxEntryLength; pDirEnumResp->EnumHandle = (ULONG_PTR) enump; pDirEnumResp->CurrentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp->dataVersion; } if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); return; } void RDR_EvaluateNodeByName( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentID, IN WCHAR *FileNameCounted, IN DWORD FileNameLength, IN BOOL CaseSensitive, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bHoldFid, IN BOOL bNoFollow, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileEvalResultCB *pEvalResultCB = NULL; AFSDirEnumEntry * pCurrentEntry; size_t size = ResultBufferLength ? sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1 : sizeof(AFSCommResult); afs_uint32 code = 0; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; cm_fid_t parentFid; DWORD status; DWORD dwRemaining; WCHAR * wszName = NULL; size_t cbName; BOOL bVol = FALSE; wchar_t FileName[260]; StringCchCopyNW(FileName, 260, FileNameCounted, FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", ParentID.Cell, ParentID.Volume, ParentID.Vnode, ParentID.Unique); /* Allocate enough room to add a volume prefix if necessary */ cbName = FileNameLength + (CM_PREFIX_VOL_CCH + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); wszName = malloc(cbName); if (!wszName) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName Out of Memory"); return; } StringCbCopyNW(wszName, cbName, FileName, FileNameLength); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "... name=%S", osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, wszName)); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName Out of Memory"); free(wszName); return; } memset(*ResultCB, 0, size); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; dwRemaining = ResultBufferLength; if (ResultBufferLength >= sizeof( AFSFileEvalResultCB)) { pEvalResultCB = (AFSFileEvalResultCB *)&(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pCurrentEntry = &pEvalResultCB->DirEnum; dwRemaining -= (sizeof( AFSFileEvalResultCB) - sizeof( AFSDirEnumEntry)); } if (ParentID.Cell != 0) { parentFid.cell = ParentID.Cell; parentFid.volume = ParentID.Volume; parentFid.vnode = ParentID.Vnode; parentFid.unique = ParentID.Unique; parentFid.hash = ParentID.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName cm_GetSCache parentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); free(wszName); return; } } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName Object Name Invalid - Cell = 0"); return; } /* get the directory size */ lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName cm_SyncOp failure dscp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", dscp, code, status); free(wszName); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); free(wszName); return; } code = cm_Lookup(dscp, wszName, CM_FLAG_CHECKPATH, userp, &req, &scp); if ((code == CM_ERROR_NOSUCHPATH || code == CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE || code == CM_ERROR_BPLUS_NOMATCH) && (wcschr(wszName, '%') != NULL || wcschr(wszName, '#') != NULL)) { /* * A volume reference: {%,#} -> @vol:{%,#} */ StringCchCopyNW(wszName, cbName, _C(CM_PREFIX_VOL), CM_PREFIX_VOL_CCH); StringCbCatNW(wszName, cbName, FileName, FileNameLength); bVol = TRUE; code = cm_EvaluateVolumeReference(wszName, CM_FLAG_CHECKPATH, userp, &req, &scp); } if (code == 0 && scp) { wchar_t shortName[13]=L""; if (!cm_shortNames) { shortName[0] = L'\0'; } else if (bVol) { cm_Gen8Dot3VolNameW(scp->fid.cell, scp->fid.volume, shortName, NULL); } else if (!cm_Is8Dot3(wszName)) { cm_dirFid_t dfid; dfid.vnode = htonl(scp->fid.vnode); dfid.unique = htonl(scp->fid.unique); cm_Gen8Dot3NameIntW(FileName, &dfid, shortName, NULL); } else { shortName[0] = L'\0'; } code = RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry(pCurrentEntry, dwRemaining, dscp, scp, userp, &req, FileName, shortName, (bWow64 ? RDR_POP_WOW64 : 0) | (bNoFollow ? 0 : (RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS | RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS)), 0, NULL, &dwRemaining); if (bHoldFid) RDR_FlagScpInUse( scp, FALSE ); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } else { pEvalResultCB->ParentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp->dataVersion; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength - dwRemaining; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName SUCCESS"); } } else if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByName No Such File"); } cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); free(wszName); return; } void RDR_EvaluateNodeByID( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentID, /* not used */ IN AFSFileID SourceID, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bNoFollow, IN BOOL bHoldFid, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileEvalResultCB *pEvalResultCB = NULL; AFSDirEnumEntry * pCurrentEntry = NULL; size_t size = ResultBufferLength ? sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1 : sizeof(AFSCommResult); afs_uint32 code = 0; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_fid_t parentFid; DWORD status; DWORD dwRemaining; osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID source FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", SourceID.Cell, SourceID.Volume, SourceID.Vnode, SourceID.Unique); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "... parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", ParentID.Cell, ParentID.Volume, ParentID.Vnode, ParentID.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID Out of Memory"); return; } memset(*ResultCB, 0, size); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; dwRemaining = ResultBufferLength; if (ResultBufferLength >= sizeof( AFSFileEvalResultCB)) { pEvalResultCB = (AFSFileEvalResultCB *)&(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pCurrentEntry = &pEvalResultCB->DirEnum; dwRemaining -= (sizeof( AFSFileEvalResultCB) - sizeof( AFSDirEnumEntry)); } RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); if (SourceID.Cell != 0) { cm_SetFid(&Fid, SourceID.Cell, SourceID.Volume, SourceID.Vnode, SourceID.Unique); code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID cm_GetSCache SourceFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID Object Name Invalid - Cell = 0"); return; } if (ParentID.Cell != 0) { cm_SetFid(&parentFid, ParentID.Cell, ParentID.Volume, ParentID.Vnode, ParentID.Unique); code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID cm_GetSCache parentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } } else if (SourceID.Vnode == 1) { dscp = scp; cm_HoldSCache(dscp); } else if (scp->parentVnode) { cm_SetFid(&parentFid, SourceID.Cell, SourceID.Volume, scp->parentVnode, scp->parentUnique); code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID cm_GetSCache parentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID Object Path Invalid - Unknown Parent"); return; } /* Make sure the directory is current */ lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID cm_SyncOp failure dscp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", dscp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); return; } code = RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry(pCurrentEntry, dwRemaining, dscp, scp, userp, &req, NULL, NULL, (bWow64 ? RDR_POP_WOW64 : 0) | (bNoFollow ? 0 : (RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS | RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS)), 0, NULL, &dwRemaining); if (bHoldFid) RDR_FlagScpInUse( scp, FALSE ); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } else { pEvalResultCB->ParentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp->dataVersion; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength - dwRemaining; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_EvaluateNodeByID SUCCESS"); } return; } void RDR_CreateFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN WCHAR *FileNameCounted, IN DWORD FileNameLength, IN AFSFileCreateCB *CreateCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bHoldFid, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileCreateResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; size_t size = sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1; cm_fid_t parentFid; afs_uint32 code; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; afs_uint32 flags = 0; cm_attr_t setAttr; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; wchar_t FileName[260]; StringCchCopyNW(FileName, 260, FileNameCounted, FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", CreateCB->ParentId.Cell, CreateCB->ParentId.Volume, CreateCB->ParentId.Vnode, CreateCB->ParentId.Unique); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "... name=%S", osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, FileName)); RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); memset(&setAttr, 0, sizeof(cm_attr_t)); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry out of memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', size); parentFid.cell = CreateCB->ParentId.Cell; parentFid.volume = CreateCB->ParentId.Volume; parentFid.vnode = CreateCB->ParentId.Vnode; parentFid.unique = CreateCB->ParentId.Unique; parentFid.hash = CreateCB->ParentId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry cm_GetSCache ParentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure (1) dscp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", dscp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); return; } /* Use current time */ setAttr.mask = CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = time(NULL); if (CreateCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (smb_unixModeDefaultDir) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; setAttr.unixModeBits = smb_unixModeDefaultDir; if (CreateCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) setAttr.unixModeBits &= ~0222; /* disable the write bits */ } code = cm_MakeDir(dscp, FileName, flags, &setAttr, userp, &req, &scp); } else { if (smb_unixModeDefaultFile) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; setAttr.unixModeBits = smb_unixModeDefaultFile; if (CreateCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) setAttr.unixModeBits &= ~0222; /* disable the write bits */ } setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = CreateCB->AllocationSize.LowPart; setAttr.length.HighPart = CreateCB->AllocationSize.HighPart; code = cm_Create(dscp, FileName, flags, &setAttr, &scp, userp, &req); } if (code == 0) { wchar_t shortName[13]=L""; cm_dirFid_t dfid; DWORD dwRemaining; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; // We will be able to fit all the data in here (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSFileCreateResultCB); pResultCB = (AFSFileCreateResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; dwRemaining = ResultBufferLength - sizeof( AFSFileCreateResultCB) + sizeof( AFSDirEnumEntry); lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure (2) dscp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", dscp, code, status); return; } pResultCB->ParentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp->dataVersion; cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (cm_shortNames) { dfid.vnode = htonl(scp->fid.vnode); dfid.unique = htonl(scp->fid.unique); if (!cm_Is8Dot3(FileName)) cm_Gen8Dot3NameIntW(FileName, &dfid, shortName, NULL); else shortName[0] = '\0'; } code = RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry(&pResultCB->DirEnum, dwRemaining, dscp, scp, userp, &req, FileName, shortName, RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS | RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS, 0, NULL, &dwRemaining); if (bHoldFid) RDR_FlagScpInUse( scp, FALSE ); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength - dwRemaining; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry SUCCESS"); } else { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CreateFileEntry FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); return; } void RDR_UpdateFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSFileUpdateCB *UpdateCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileUpdateResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; size_t size = sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_fid_t parentFid; afs_uint32 code; afs_uint32 flags = 0; cm_attr_t setAttr; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; time_t clientModTime; FILETIME ft; DWORD status; BOOL bScpLocked = FALSE; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); memset(&setAttr, 0, sizeof(cm_attr_t)); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", UpdateCB->ParentId.Cell, UpdateCB->ParentId.Volume, UpdateCB->ParentId.Vnode, UpdateCB->ParentId.Unique); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "... object FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry Out of Memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', size); parentFid.cell = UpdateCB->ParentId.Cell; parentFid.volume = UpdateCB->ParentId.Volume; parentFid.vnode = UpdateCB->ParentId.Vnode; parentFid.unique = UpdateCB->ParentId.Unique; parentFid.hash = UpdateCB->ParentId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry cm_GetSCache ParentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure dscp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", dscp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); return; } Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, &dscp->fid, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry cm_GetSCache object FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK); if (code) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (UpdateCB->ChangeTime.QuadPart) { if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { /* Do not set length and other attributes at the same time */ if (scp->length.QuadPart != UpdateCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry Length Change 0x%x -> 0x%x", (afs_uint32)scp->length.QuadPart, (afs_uint32)UpdateCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart); setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = UpdateCB->AllocationSize.LowPart; setAttr.length.HighPart = UpdateCB->AllocationSize.HighPart; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); if (code) goto on_error; setAttr.mask = 0; } } if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } if ((scp->unixModeBits & 0200) && (UpdateCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; setAttr.unixModeBits = scp->unixModeBits & ~0222; } else if (!(scp->unixModeBits & 0200) && !(UpdateCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; setAttr.unixModeBits = scp->unixModeBits | 0222; } } if (UpdateCB->LastWriteTime.QuadPart) { ft.dwLowDateTime = UpdateCB->LastWriteTime.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = UpdateCB->LastWriteTime.HighPart; cm_UnixTimeFromLargeSearchTime(& clientModTime, &ft); if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } if (scp->clientModTime != clientModTime) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = clientModTime; } /* call setattr */ if (setAttr.mask) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } else code = 0; } on_error: if (bScpLocked) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); } if (code == 0) { DWORD dwRemaining = ResultBufferLength - sizeof( AFSFileUpdateResultCB) + sizeof( AFSDirEnumEntry); pResultCB = (AFSFileUpdateResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pResultCB->ParentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp->dataVersion; code = RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry(&pResultCB->DirEnum, dwRemaining, dscp, scp, userp, &req, NULL, NULL, RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS | RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS, 0, NULL, &dwRemaining); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength - dwRemaining; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry SUCCESS"); } else { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_UpdateFileEntry FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); return; } void RDR_CleanupFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN WCHAR *FileNameCounted, IN DWORD FileNameLength, IN AFSFileCleanupCB *CleanupCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bLastHandle, IN BOOL bDeleteFile, IN BOOL bUnlockFile, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileCleanupResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; size_t size = sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_fid_t parentFid; afs_uint32 code = 0; afs_uint32 flags = 0; cm_attr_t setAttr; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; time_t clientModTime; FILETIME ft; DWORD status; BOOL bScpLocked = FALSE; BOOL bDscpLocked = FALSE; BOOL bFlushFile = FALSE; cm_key_t key; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); memset(&setAttr, 0, sizeof(cm_attr_t)); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", CleanupCB->ParentId.Cell, CleanupCB->ParentId.Volume, CleanupCB->ParentId.Vnode, CleanupCB->ParentId.Unique); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "... object FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry Out of Memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', size); parentFid.cell = CleanupCB->ParentId.Cell; parentFid.volume = CleanupCB->ParentId.Volume; parentFid.vnode = CleanupCB->ParentId.Vnode; parentFid.unique = CleanupCB->ParentId.Unique; parentFid.hash = CleanupCB->ParentId.Hash; if (parentFid.cell) { code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry cm_GetSCache ParentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); bDscpLocked = TRUE; code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure dscp=0x%p code=0x%x", dscp, code); if (code) goto on_error; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); bDscpLocked = FALSE; if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); if (code) goto on_error; } } Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, dscp ? &dscp->fid : NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry cm_GetSCache object FID failure code=0x%x", code); goto on_error; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); goto on_error; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if ((bLastHandle || bFlushFile) && scp->redirBufCount > 0) { LARGE_INTEGER heldExtents; AFSFileExtentCB extentList[1024]; DWORD extentCount = 0; cm_buf_t *srbp; time_t now; time(&now); heldExtents.QuadPart = 0; for ( srbp = redirq_to_cm_buf_t(scp->redirQueueT); srbp; srbp = redirq_to_cm_buf_t(osi_QPrev(&srbp->redirq))) { extentList[extentCount].Flags = 0; extentList[extentCount].Length = cm_data.blockSize; extentList[extentCount].FileOffset.QuadPart = srbp->offset.QuadPart; extentList[extentCount].CacheOffset.QuadPart = srbp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress; lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); srbp->redirReleaseRequested = now; lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); extentCount++; if (extentCount == 1024) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); code = RDR_RequestExtentRelease(&scp->fid, heldExtents, extentCount, extentList); if (code) { if (code == CM_ERROR_RETRY) { /* * The redirector either is not holding the extents or cannot let them * go because they are otherwise in use. At the moment, do nothing. */ } else break; } extentCount = 0; bFlushFile = TRUE; lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); } } if (code == 0 && extentCount > 0) { if (bScpLocked) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; } code = RDR_RequestExtentRelease(&scp->fid, heldExtents, extentCount, extentList); bFlushFile = TRUE; } } /* No longer in use by redirector */ if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } if (bLastHandle) { lock_AssertWrite(&scp->rw); scp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_RDR_IN_USE; } /* If not a readonly object, flush dirty data and update metadata */ if (!(scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_RO)) { if ((bLastHandle || bFlushFile) && buf_DirtyBuffersExist(&scp->fid)) { if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_WRITE, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code == 0) { if (bScpLocked) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; } code = cm_FSync(scp, userp, &req, bScpLocked); } if (bLastHandle && code) goto unlock; } if (CleanupCB->ChangeTime.QuadPart) { if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE) { /* Do not set length and other attributes at the same time */ if (scp->length.QuadPart != CleanupCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry Length Change 0x%x -> 0x%x", (afs_uint32)scp->length.QuadPart, (afs_uint32)CleanupCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart); setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = CleanupCB->AllocationSize.LowPart; setAttr.length.HighPart = CleanupCB->AllocationSize.HighPart; if (bScpLocked) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; } code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); if (code) goto unlock; setAttr.mask = 0; } } if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } if ((scp->unixModeBits & 0200) && (CleanupCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; setAttr.unixModeBits = scp->unixModeBits & ~0222; } else if (!(scp->unixModeBits & 0200) && !(CleanupCB->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_UNIXMODEBITS; setAttr.unixModeBits = scp->unixModeBits | 0222; } } if (CleanupCB->LastWriteTime.QuadPart) { ft.dwLowDateTime = CleanupCB->LastWriteTime.LowPart; ft.dwHighDateTime = CleanupCB->LastWriteTime.HighPart; cm_UnixTimeFromLargeSearchTime(&clientModTime, &ft); if (scp->clientModTime != clientModTime) { setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_CLIENTMODTIME; setAttr.clientModTime = clientModTime; } } /* call setattr */ if (setAttr.mask) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = FALSE; code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } else code = 0; } unlock: /* Now drop the lock enforcing the share access */ if ( CleanupCB->FileAccess != AFS_FILE_ACCESS_NOLOCK) { unsigned int sLockType; LARGE_INTEGER LOffset, LLength; if (CleanupCB->FileAccess == AFS_FILE_ACCESS_SHARED) sLockType = LOCKING_ANDX_SHARED_LOCK; else sLockType = 0; key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, SMB_FID_QLOCK_PID, CleanupCB->Identifier); LOffset.HighPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_HIGH; LOffset.LowPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_LOW; LLength.HighPart = 0; LLength.LowPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_LENGTH; if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code == 0) { code = cm_Unlock(scp, sLockType, LOffset, LLength, key, 0, userp, &req); cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code == CM_ERROR_RANGE_NOT_LOCKED) { osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry Range Not Locked -- FileAccess 0x%x ProcessId 0x%x HandleId 0x%x", CleanupCB->FileAccess, CleanupCB->ProcessId, CleanupCB->Identifier); } } } if (bUnlockFile || bDeleteFile) { if (!bScpLocked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); bScpLocked = TRUE; } code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry cm_SyncOp (2) failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); goto on_error; } key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, CleanupCB->ProcessId, 0); /* the scp is now locked and current */ code = cm_UnlockByKey(scp, key, bDeleteFile ? CM_UNLOCK_FLAG_BY_FID : 0, userp, &req); cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) goto on_error; } on_error: if (bDscpLocked) lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (bScpLocked) lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (code == 0 && dscp && bDeleteFile) { WCHAR FileName[260]; StringCchCopyNW(FileName, 260, FileNameCounted, FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) code = cm_RemoveDir(dscp, NULL, FileName, userp, &req); else code = cm_Unlink(dscp, NULL, FileName, userp, &req); } if (code == 0) { if ( ResultBufferLength >= sizeof( AFSFileCleanupResultCB)) { (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSFileCleanupResultCB); pResultCB = (AFSFileCleanupResultCB *)&(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pResultCB->ParentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp ? dscp->dataVersion : 0; } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; } (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry SUCCESS"); } else { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CleanupFileEntry FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (dscp) cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); return; } void RDR_DeleteFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN ULONGLONG ProcessId, IN WCHAR *FileNameCounted, IN DWORD FileNameLength, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bCheckOnly, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileDeleteResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; size_t size = sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1; cm_fid_t parentFid; afs_uint32 code; cm_scache_t * dscp = NULL; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; afs_uint32 flags = 0; cm_attr_t setAttr; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; wchar_t FileName[260]; cm_key_t key; StringCchCopyNW(FileName, 260, FileNameCounted, FileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", ParentId.Cell, ParentId.Volume, ParentId.Vnode, ParentId.Unique); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... name=%S checkOnly=%x", osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, FileName), bCheckOnly); RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); memset(&setAttr, 0, sizeof(cm_attr_t)); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( size); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry out of memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', size); parentFid.cell = ParentId.Cell; parentFid.volume = ParentId.Volume; parentFid.vnode = ParentId.Vnode; parentFid.unique = ParentId.Unique; parentFid.hash = ParentId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&parentFid, NULL, &dscp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry cm_GetSCache ParentFID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&dscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(dscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure dscp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", dscp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(dscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&dscp->rw); if (dscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry Not a Directory dscp=0x%p", dscp); return; } code = cm_Lookup(dscp, FileName, 0, userp, &req, &scp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry cm_Lookup failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_DELETE, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } if (!bCheckOnly) { /* Drop all locks since the file is being deleted */ code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry cm_SyncOp Lock failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); } /* the scp is now locked and current */ key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, ProcessId, 0); code = cm_UnlockByKey(scp, key, CM_UNLOCK_FLAG_BY_FID, userp, &req); cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) code = cm_RemoveDir(dscp, NULL, FileName, userp, &req); else code = cm_Unlink(dscp, NULL, FileName, userp, &req); } else { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); } if (code == 0) { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; // We will be able to fit all the data in here (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSFileDeleteResultCB); pResultCB = (AFSFileDeleteResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pResultCB->ParentDataVersion.QuadPart = dscp->dataVersion; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry SUCCESS"); } else { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_DeleteFileEntry FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } cm_ReleaseSCache(dscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); return; } void RDR_RenameFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN WCHAR *SourceFileNameCounted, IN DWORD SourceFileNameLength, IN AFSFileID SourceFileId, IN AFSFileRenameCB *pRenameCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileRenameResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; size_t size = sizeof(AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength - 1; AFSFileID SourceParentId = pRenameCB->SourceParentId; AFSFileID TargetParentId = pRenameCB->TargetParentId; WCHAR * TargetFileNameCounted = pRenameCB->TargetName; DWORD TargetFileNameLength = pRenameCB->TargetNameLength; cm_fid_t SourceParentFid; cm_fid_t TargetParentFid; cm_fid_t SourceFid; cm_fid_t OrigTargetFid = {0,0,0,0,0}; cm_fid_t TargetFid; cm_scache_t * oldDscp; cm_scache_t * newDscp; cm_dirOp_t dirop; wchar_t shortName[13]; wchar_t SourceFileName[260]; wchar_t TargetFileName[260]; cm_dirFid_t dfid; cm_req_t req; afs_uint32 code; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); StringCchCopyNW(SourceFileName, 260, SourceFileNameCounted, SourceFileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); StringCchCopyNW(TargetFileName, 260, TargetFileNameCounted, TargetFileNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR)); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry Source Parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", SourceParentId.Cell, SourceParentId.Volume, SourceParentId.Vnode, SourceParentId.Unique); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... Source Name=%S Length %u", osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, SourceFileName), SourceFileNameLength); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "... Target Parent FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", TargetParentId.Cell, TargetParentId.Volume, TargetParentId.Vnode, TargetParentId.Unique); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... Target Name=%S Length %u", osi_LogSaveStringW(afsd_logp, TargetFileName), TargetFileNameLength); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( size); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', size); pResultCB = (AFSFileRenameResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; if (SourceFileNameLength == 0 || TargetFileNameLength == 0) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry Invalid Name Length: src %u target %u", SourceFileNameLength, TargetFileNameLength); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; return; } SourceParentFid.cell = SourceParentId.Cell; SourceParentFid.volume = SourceParentId.Volume; SourceParentFid.vnode = SourceParentId.Vnode; SourceParentFid.unique = SourceParentId.Unique; SourceParentFid.hash = SourceParentId.Hash; TargetParentFid.cell = TargetParentId.Cell; TargetParentFid.volume = TargetParentId.Volume; TargetParentFid.vnode = TargetParentId.Vnode; TargetParentFid.unique = TargetParentId.Unique; TargetParentFid.hash = TargetParentId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&SourceParentFid, NULL, &oldDscp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_GetSCache source parent failed code 0x%x", code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&oldDscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(oldDscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_SyncOp oldDscp 0x%p failed code 0x%x", oldDscp, code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); if ( status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE) status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&oldDscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(oldDscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&oldDscp->rw); if (oldDscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry oldDscp 0x%p not a directory", oldDscp); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); return; } code = cm_GetSCache(&TargetParentFid, NULL, &newDscp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_GetSCache target parent failed code 0x%x", code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&newDscp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(newDscp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_SyncOp newDscp 0x%p failed code 0x%x", newDscp, code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&newDscp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(newDscp); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(newDscp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&newDscp->rw); if (newDscp->fileType != CM_SCACHETYPE_DIRECTORY) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry newDscp 0x%p not a directory", newDscp); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(newDscp); return; } /* Obtain the original FID just for debugging purposes */ code = cm_BeginDirOp( oldDscp, userp, &req, CM_DIRLOCK_READ, CM_DIROP_FLAG_NONE, &dirop); if (code == 0) { code = cm_BPlusDirLookup(&dirop, SourceFileName, &SourceFid); code = cm_BPlusDirLookup(&dirop, TargetFileName, &OrigTargetFid); cm_EndDirOp(&dirop); } code = cm_Rename( oldDscp, NULL, SourceFileName, newDscp, TargetFileName, userp, &req); if (code == 0) { cm_scache_t *scp = 0; DWORD dwRemaining; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength; dwRemaining = ResultBufferLength - sizeof( AFSFileRenameResultCB) + sizeof( AFSDirEnumEntry); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; pResultCB->SourceParentDataVersion.QuadPart = oldDscp->dataVersion; pResultCB->TargetParentDataVersion.QuadPart = newDscp->dataVersion; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_Rename oldDscp 0x%p newDscp 0x%p SUCCESS", oldDscp, newDscp); code = cm_BeginDirOp( newDscp, userp, &req, CM_DIRLOCK_READ, CM_DIROP_FLAG_NONE, &dirop); if (code == 0) { code = cm_BPlusDirLookup(&dirop, TargetFileName, &TargetFid); cm_EndDirOp(&dirop); } if (code != 0) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_BPlusDirLookup failed code 0x%x", code); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(newDscp); return; } osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry Target FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", TargetFid.cell, TargetFid.volume, TargetFid.vnode, TargetFid.unique); code = cm_GetSCache(&TargetFid, &newDscp->fid, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_GetSCache target failed code 0x%x", code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(newDscp); return; } /* Make sure the source vnode is current */ lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_SyncOp scp 0x%p failed code 0x%x", scp, code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(newDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (cm_shortNames) { dfid.vnode = htonl(scp->fid.vnode); dfid.unique = htonl(scp->fid.unique); if (!cm_Is8Dot3(TargetFileName)) cm_Gen8Dot3NameIntW(TargetFileName, &dfid, shortName, NULL); else shortName[0] = '\0'; } RDR_PopulateCurrentEntry(&pResultCB->DirEnum, dwRemaining, newDscp, scp, userp, &req, TargetFileName, shortName, RDR_POP_FOLLOW_MOUNTPOINTS | RDR_POP_EVALUATE_SYMLINKS, 0, NULL, &dwRemaining); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = ResultBufferLength - dwRemaining; cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry SUCCESS"); } else { osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_RenameFileEntry cm_Rename oldDscp 0x%p newDscp 0x%p failed code 0x%x", oldDscp, newDscp, code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; } cm_ReleaseSCache(oldDscp); cm_ReleaseSCache(newDscp); return; } void RDR_FlushFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; #ifdef ODS_DEBUG char dbgstr[1024]; #endif RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_FlushFileEntry File FID cell 0x%x vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_FlushFileEntry File FID cell 0x%x vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x\n", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_FlushFileEntry out of memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); /* Process the release */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_FlushFileEntry cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); if (scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_DELETED) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; return; } code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_FlushFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_FSync(scp, userp, &req, FALSE); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_FlushFileEntry FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_FlushFileEntry SUCCESS"); } (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; return; } afs_uint32 RDR_CheckAccess( IN cm_scache_t *scp, cm_user_t *userp, cm_req_t *reqp, ULONG access, ULONG *granted) { ULONG afs_acc, afs_gr; BOOLEAN file, dir; afs_uint32 code = 0; file = (scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE); dir = !file; /* access definitions from prs_fs.h */ afs_acc = 0; if (access & FILE_READ_DATA) afs_acc |= PRSFS_READ; if (access & FILE_READ_EA || access & FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES) afs_acc |= PRSFS_READ; if (file && ((access & FILE_WRITE_DATA) || (access & FILE_APPEND_DATA))) afs_acc |= PRSFS_WRITE; if (access & FILE_WRITE_EA || access & FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES) afs_acc |= PRSFS_WRITE; if (dir && ((access & FILE_ADD_FILE) || (access & FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY))) afs_acc |= PRSFS_INSERT; if (dir && (access & FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY)) afs_acc |= PRSFS_LOOKUP; if (file && (access & FILE_EXECUTE)) afs_acc |= PRSFS_WRITE; if (dir && (access & FILE_TRAVERSE)) afs_acc |= PRSFS_READ; if (dir && (access & FILE_DELETE_CHILD)) afs_acc |= PRSFS_DELETE; if ((access & DELETE)) afs_acc |= PRSFS_DELETE; /* check ACL with server */ lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); while (1) { if (cm_HaveAccessRights(scp, userp, reqp, afs_acc, &afs_gr)) { break; } else { /* we don't know the required access rights */ code = cm_GetAccessRights(scp, userp, reqp); if (code) break; continue; } } lock_ReleaseWrite(&(scp->rw)); if (code == 0) { *granted = 0; if (afs_gr & PRSFS_READ) *granted |= FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_EA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_EXECUTE; if (afs_gr & PRSFS_WRITE) *granted |= FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_APPEND_DATA | FILE_WRITE_EA | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_EXECUTE; if (afs_gr & PRSFS_INSERT) *granted |= (dir ? FILE_ADD_FILE | FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY : 0) | (file ? FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY : 0); if (afs_gr & PRSFS_LOOKUP) *granted |= (dir ? FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY : 0); if (afs_gr & PRSFS_DELETE) *granted |= FILE_DELETE_CHILD | DELETE; if (afs_gr & PRSFS_LOCK) *granted |= 0; if (afs_gr & PRSFS_ADMINISTER) *granted |= 0; *granted |= SYNCHRONIZE | READ_CONTROL; /* don't give more access than what was requested */ *granted &= access; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_CheckAccess SUCCESS scp=0x%p requested=0x%x granted=0x%x", scp, access, *granted); } else osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_CheckAccess FAILURE scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); return code; } void RDR_OpenFileEntry( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSFileOpenCB *OpenCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bHoldFid, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSFileOpenResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_user_t *sysUserp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_lock_data_t *ldp = NULL; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof( AFSFileOpenResultCB)); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry out of memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof( AFSFileOpenResultCB)); pResultCB = (AFSFileOpenResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; /* Process the release */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); sysUserp = RDR_GetLocalSystemUser(); /* * Skip the open check if the request is coming from the local system account. * The local system has no tokens and therefore any requests sent to a file * server will fail. Unfortunately, there are special system processes that * perform actions on files and directories in preparation for memory mapping * executables. If the open check fails, the real request from the user process * will never be issued. * * Permitting the file system to allow subsequent operations to proceed does * not compromise security. All requests to obtain file data or directory * enumerations will subsequently fail if they are not submitted under the * context of a process for that have access to the necessary credentials. */ if ( userp == sysUserp) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry LOCAL_SYSTEM access check skipped scp=0x%p", scp); pResultCB->GrantedAccess = OpenCB->DesiredAccess; pResultCB->FileAccess = AFS_FILE_ACCESS_NOLOCK; code = 0; } else { int count = 0; do { if (count++ > 0) { Sleep(350); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry repeating open check scp=0x%p userp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, userp, code); } code = cm_CheckNTOpen(scp, OpenCB->DesiredAccess, OpenCB->ShareAccess, OPEN_ALWAYS, OpenCB->ProcessId, OpenCB->Identifier, userp, &req, &ldp); if (code == 0) code = RDR_CheckAccess(scp, userp, &req, OpenCB->DesiredAccess, &pResultCB->GrantedAccess); cm_CheckNTOpenDone(scp, userp, &req, &ldp); } while (count < 100 && (code == CM_ERROR_RETRY || code == CM_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK)); } /* * If we are restricting sharing, we should do so with a suitable * share lock. */ if (code == 0 && scp->fileType == CM_SCACHETYPE_FILE && !(OpenCB->ShareAccess & FILE_SHARE_WRITE)) { cm_key_t key; LARGE_INTEGER LOffset, LLength; int sLockType; LOffset.HighPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_HIGH; LOffset.LowPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_LOW; LLength.HighPart = 0; LLength.LowPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_LENGTH; /* * If we are not opening the file for writing, then we don't * try to get an exclusive lock. No one else should be able to * get an exclusive lock on the file anyway, although someone * else can get a shared lock. */ if ((OpenCB->ShareAccess & FILE_SHARE_READ) || !(OpenCB->DesiredAccess & AFS_ACCESS_WRITE)) { sLockType = LOCKING_ANDX_SHARED_LOCK; } else { sLockType = 0; } key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, SMB_FID_QLOCK_PID, OpenCB->Identifier); lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_Lock(scp, sLockType, LOffset, LLength, key, 0, userp, &req, NULL); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (code) { code = CM_ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION; pResultCB->FileAccess = AFS_FILE_ACCESS_NOLOCK; } else { if (sLockType == LOCKING_ANDX_SHARED_LOCK) pResultCB->FileAccess = AFS_FILE_ACCESS_SHARED; else pResultCB->FileAccess = AFS_FILE_ACCESS_EXCLUSIVE; } } else { pResultCB->FileAccess = AFS_FILE_ACCESS_NOLOCK; } cm_ReleaseUser(sysUserp); if (code == 0 && bHoldFid) RDR_FlagScpInUse( scp, FALSE ); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSFileOpenResultCB); osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_OpenFileEntry SUCCESS"); } return; } void RDR_ReleaseFileAccess( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSFileAccessReleaseCB *ReleaseFileCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { cm_key_t key; unsigned int sLockType; LARGE_INTEGER LOffset, LLength; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileAccess File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileAccess out of memory"); return; } memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (ReleaseFileCB->FileAccess == AFS_FILE_ACCESS_NOLOCK) return; /* Process the release */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileAccess cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } if (ReleaseFileCB->FileAccess == AFS_FILE_ACCESS_SHARED) sLockType = LOCKING_ANDX_SHARED_LOCK; else sLockType = 0; key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, SMB_FID_QLOCK_PID, ReleaseFileCB->Identifier); LOffset.HighPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_HIGH; LOffset.LowPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_LOW; LLength.HighPart = 0; LLength.LowPart = SMB_FID_QLOCK_LENGTH; lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code == 0) { code = cm_Unlock(scp, sLockType, LOffset, LLength, key, 0, userp, &req); cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code == CM_ERROR_RANGE_NOT_LOCKED) { osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileAccess Range Not Locked -- FileAccess 0x%x ProcessId 0x%x HandleId 0x%x", ReleaseFileCB->FileAccess, ReleaseFileCB->ProcessId, ReleaseFileCB->Identifier); } } lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileAccessEntry SUCCESS"); } static const char * HexCheckSum(unsigned char * buf, int buflen, unsigned char * md5cksum) { int i, k; static char tr[16] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; if (buflen < 33) return "buffer length too small to HexCheckSum"; for (i=0;i<16;i++) { k = md5cksum[i]; buf[i*2] = tr[k / 16]; buf[i*2+1] = tr[k % 16]; } buf[32] = '\0'; return buf; } /* * Extent requests from the file system are triggered when a file * page is not resident in the Windows cache. The file system is * responsible for loading the page but cannot block the request * while doing so. The AFS Redirector forwards the requests to * the AFS cache manager while indicating to Windows that the page * is not yet available. A polling operation will then ensue with * the AFS Redirector issuing a RDR_RequestFileExtentsXXX call for * each poll attempt. As each request is received and processed * by a separate worker thread in the service, this can lead to * contention by multiple threads attempting to claim the same * cm_buf_t objects. Therefore, it is important that * * (a) the service avoid processing more than one overlapping * extent request at a time * (b) background daemon processing be used to avoid blocking * of ioctl threads * * Beginning with the 20091122 build of the redirector, the redirector * will not issue an additional RDR_RequestFileExtentsXXX call for * each poll request. Instead, afsd_service is required to track * the requests and return them to the redirector or fail the * portions of the request that cannot be satisfied. * * The request processing returns any extents that can be returned * immediately to the redirector. The rest of the requested range(s) * are queued as background operations using RDR_BkgFetch(). */ /* do the background fetch. */ afs_int32 RDR_BkgFetch(cm_scache_t *scp, afs_uint32 p1, afs_uint32 p2, afs_uint32 p3, afs_uint32 p4, cm_user_t *userp, cm_req_t *reqp) { osi_hyper_t length; osi_hyper_t base; osi_hyper_t offset; osi_hyper_t end; osi_hyper_t fetched; osi_hyper_t tblocksize; afs_int32 code; int rwheld = 0; cm_buf_t *bufp = NULL; DWORD dwResultBufferLength; AFSSetFileExtentsCB *pResultCB; DWORD status; afs_uint32 count=0; AFSFileID FileId; int reportErrorToRedir = 0; int force_retry = 0; FileId.Cell = scp->fid.cell; FileId.Volume = scp->fid.volume; FileId.Vnode = scp->fid.vnode; FileId.Unique = scp->fid.unique; FileId.Hash = scp->fid.hash; fetched.LowPart = 0; fetched.HighPart = 0; tblocksize = ConvertLongToLargeInteger(cm_data.buf_blockSize); base.LowPart = p1; base.HighPart = p2; length.LowPart = p3; length.HighPart = p4; end = LargeIntegerAdd(base, length); osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "Starting BKG Fetch scp 0x%p offset 0x%x:%x length 0x%x:%x", scp, p2, p1, p4, p3); /* * Make sure we have a callback. * This is necessary so that we can return access denied * if a callback cannot be granted. */ lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, reqp, PRSFS_READ, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_BkgFetch cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, reqp), &status, TRUE); RDR_SetFileStatus( &scp->fid, &userp->authgroup, status); return code; } lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); dwResultBufferLength = (DWORD)(sizeof( AFSSetFileExtentsCB) + sizeof( AFSSetFileExtentsCB) * (length.QuadPart / cm_data.blockSize + 1)); pResultCB = (AFSSetFileExtentsCB *)malloc( dwResultBufferLength ); if (!pResultCB) return CM_ERROR_RETRY; memset( pResultCB, '\0', dwResultBufferLength ); pResultCB->FileId = FileId; for ( code = 0, offset = base; code == 0 && LargeIntegerLessThan(offset, end); offset = LargeIntegerAdd(offset, tblocksize) ) { int bBufRelease = TRUE; if (rwheld) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); rwheld = 0; } code = buf_Get(scp, &offset, reqp, &bufp); if (code) { /* * any error from buf_Get() is non-fatal. * we need to re-queue this extent fetch. */ force_retry = 1; break; } if (!rwheld) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); rwheld = 1; } code = cm_GetBuffer(scp, bufp, NULL, userp, reqp); if (code == 0) { if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM #ifdef ODS_DEBUG char md5dbg[33]; char dbgstr[1024]; #endif #endif if (bufp->flags & CM_BUF_DIRTY) cm_BufWrite(scp, &bufp->offset, cm_data.buf_blockSize, CM_BUF_WRITE_SCP_LOCKED, userp, reqp); lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); if (!(bufp->flags & CM_BUF_DIRTY) && bufp->cmFlags == 0 && !(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { buf_InsertToRedirQueue(scp, bufp); lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #endif pResultCB->FileExtents[count].Flags = 0; pResultCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.QuadPart = bufp->offset.QuadPart; pResultCB->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset.QuadPart = bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress; pResultCB->FileExtents[count].Length = cm_data.blockSize; count++; fetched = LargeIntegerAdd(fetched, tblocksize); bBufRelease = FALSE; #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_BkgFetch md5 %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, scp->fid.volume, scp->fid.vnode, scp->fid.unique, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.HighPart, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.LowPart, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset.HighPart, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_BkgFetch Extent2FS bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x", bufp, bufp->offset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize); } else { lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); if ((bufp->cmFlags != 0) || (bufp->flags & CM_BUF_DIRTY)) { /* An I/O operation is already in progress */ force_retry = 1; osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_BkgFetch Extent2FS Not delivering to Redirector Dirty or Busy bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x", bufp, bufp->offset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize); } else { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_BkgFetch Extent2FS Already held by Redirector bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x", bufp, bufp->offset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize); } } } else { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_BkgFetch Extent2FS Already held by Redirector bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x", bufp, bufp->offset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize); } } else { /* * depending on what the error from cm_GetBuffer is * it may or may not be fatal. Only return fatal errors. * Re-queue a request for others. */ osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_BkgFetch Extent2FS FAILURE bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x code 0x%x", bufp, offset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize, code); switch (code) { case CM_ERROR_NOACCESS: case CM_ERROR_NOSUCHFILE: case CM_ERROR_NOSUCHPATH: case CM_ERROR_NOSUCHVOLUME: case CM_ERROR_NOSUCHCELL: case CM_ERROR_INVAL: case CM_ERROR_BADFD: case CM_ERROR_CLOCKSKEW: case RXKADNOAUTH: case CM_ERROR_QUOTA: case CM_ERROR_LOCK_CONFLICT: /* * these are fatal errors. deliver what we can * and halt. */ reportErrorToRedir = 1; break; default: /* * non-fatal errors. re-queue the exent */ code = CM_ERROR_RETRY; force_retry = 1; } } if (bBufRelease) buf_Release(bufp); } if (!rwheld) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); rwheld = 1; } /* wakeup anyone who is waiting */ if (scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_WAITING) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR Bkg Fetch Waking scp 0x%p", scp); osi_Wakeup((LONG_PTR) &scp->flags); } lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (count > 0) { pResultCB->ExtentCount = count; RDR_SetFileExtents( pResultCB, dwResultBufferLength); } free(pResultCB); if (reportErrorToRedir) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, reqp), &status, TRUE); RDR_SetFileStatus( &scp->fid, &userp->authgroup, status); } osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "Ending BKG Fetch scp 0x%p code 0x%x fetched 0x%x:%x", scp, code, fetched.HighPart, fetched.LowPart); return force_retry ? CM_ERROR_RETRY : code; } BOOL RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSRequestExtentsCB *RequestExtentsCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN OUT DWORD * ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSSetFileExtentsCB **ResultCB) { AFSSetFileExtentsCB *pResultCB = NULL; DWORD Length; DWORD count; DWORD status; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_buf_t *bufp; afs_uint32 code = 0; osi_hyper_t thyper; LARGE_INTEGER ByteOffset, BeginOffset, EndOffset, QueueOffset; afs_uint32 QueueLength; cm_req_t req; BOOLEAN bBufRelease = TRUE; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); req.flags |= CM_REQ_NORETRY; osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "... Flags 0x%x ByteOffset 0x%x:%x Length 0x%x", RequestExtentsCB->Flags, RequestExtentsCB->ByteOffset.HighPart, RequestExtentsCB->ByteOffset.LowPart, RequestExtentsCB->Length); Length = sizeof( AFSSetFileExtentsCB) + sizeof( AFSFileExtentCB) * (RequestExtentsCB->Length / cm_data.blockSize + 1); pResultCB = *ResultCB = (AFSSetFileExtentsCB *)malloc( Length ); if (*ResultCB == NULL) { *ResultBufferLength = 0; return FALSE; } *ResultBufferLength = Length; memset( pResultCB, '\0', Length ); pResultCB->FileId = FileId; Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x", code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); return FALSE; } /* * Make sure we have a callback. * This is necessary so that we can return access denied * if a callback cannot be granted. */ lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_READ, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (code) { cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x", scp, code); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); RDR_SetFileStatus( &scp->fid, &userp->authgroup, status); return FALSE; } /* Allocate the extents from the buffer package */ for ( count = 0, ByteOffset = BeginOffset = RequestExtentsCB->ByteOffset, EndOffset.QuadPart = ByteOffset.QuadPart + RequestExtentsCB->Length; code == 0 && ByteOffset.QuadPart < EndOffset.QuadPart; ByteOffset.QuadPart += cm_data.blockSize) { BOOL bHaveBuffer = FALSE; QueueLength = 0; thyper.QuadPart = ByteOffset.QuadPart; code = buf_Get(scp, &thyper, &req, &bufp); if (code == 0) { lock_ObtainMutex(&bufp->mx); bBufRelease = TRUE; if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { bHaveBuffer = TRUE; } else if (bufp->flags & CM_BUF_DIRTY) { bHaveBuffer = FALSE; #if 0 code = buf_CleanAsyncLocked(scp, bufp, &req, 0, NULL); switch (code) { case 0: bHaveBuffer = TRUE; break; case CM_ERROR_RETRY: /* Couldn't flush it, obtain it asynchronously so we don't block the thread. */ bHaveBuffer = FALSE; code = 0; break; default: smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); RDR_SetFileStatus(&FileId, &userp->authgroup, status); bHaveBuffer = FALSE; code = 0; } #endif } else { osi_hyper_t minLength; /* effective end of file */ lock_ObtainRead(&scp->rw); bHaveBuffer = cm_HaveBuffer(scp, bufp, TRUE); if (LargeIntegerGreaterThan(scp->length, scp->serverLength)) minLength = scp->serverLength; else minLength = scp->length; if (LargeIntegerGreaterThanOrEqualTo(bufp->offset, minLength)) { if (!bHaveBuffer) { memset(bufp->datap, 0, cm_data.buf_blockSize); bufp->dataVersion = scp->dataVersion; bHaveBuffer = TRUE; } else if (bufp->dataVersion == CM_BUF_VERSION_BAD) { bufp->dataVersion = scp->dataVersion; } } else if ((RequestExtentsCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_CLEAN) && ByteOffset.QuadPart <= bufp->offset.QuadPart && EndOffset.QuadPart >= bufp->offset.QuadPart + cm_data.blockSize) { memset(bufp->datap, 0, cm_data.blockSize); bufp->dataVersion = scp->dataVersion; buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, 0, cm_data.blockSize, userp); bHaveBuffer = TRUE; } lock_ReleaseRead(&scp->rw); } /* * if this buffer is already up to date, skip it. */ if (bHaveBuffer) { if (ByteOffset.QuadPart == BeginOffset.QuadPart) { BeginOffset.QuadPart += cm_data.blockSize; } else { QueueLength = (afs_uint32)(ByteOffset.QuadPart - BeginOffset.QuadPart); QueueOffset = BeginOffset; BeginOffset = ByteOffset; } if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM #ifdef ODS_DEBUG char md5dbg[33]; char dbgstr[1024]; #endif #endif lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { buf_InsertToRedirQueue(scp, bufp); lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #endif /* we already have the buffer, return it now */ pResultCB->FileExtents[count].Flags = 0; pResultCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset = ByteOffset; pResultCB->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset.QuadPart = bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress; pResultCB->FileExtents[count].Length = cm_data.blockSize; count++; bBufRelease = FALSE; #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync md5 %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, scp->fid.volume, scp->fid.vnode, scp->fid.unique, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.HighPart, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.LowPart, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset.HighPart, pResultCB->FileExtents[count].CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync Extent2FS bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x", bufp, ByteOffset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize); } else { lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); } } else { if (bBufRelease) { /* * The service is not handing off the extent to the redirector in this pass. * However, we know the buffer is in recent use so move the buffer to the * front of the queue */ lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); buf_MoveToHeadOfRedirQueue(scp, bufp); lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync Extent2FS Already held by Redirector bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%p coffset 0x%p len 0x%x", bufp, ByteOffset.QuadPart, bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress, cm_data.blockSize); } } } lock_ReleaseMutex(&bufp->mx); if (bBufRelease) buf_Release(bufp); if (QueueLength) { cm_QueueBKGRequest(scp, RDR_BkgFetch, QueueOffset.LowPart, QueueOffset.HighPart, QueueLength, 0, userp, &req); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync Queued a Background Fetch offset 0x%x:%x length 0x%x", QueueOffset.HighPart, QueueOffset.LowPart, QueueLength); } } else { /* No error from buf_Get() can be fatal */ osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync buf_Get FAILURE offset 0x%x:%x code 0x%x", BeginOffset.HighPart, BeginOffset.LowPart, code); } } if (BeginOffset.QuadPart != EndOffset.QuadPart) { afs_uint32 length = (afs_uint32)(EndOffset.QuadPart - BeginOffset.QuadPart); cm_QueueBKGRequest(scp, RDR_BkgFetch, BeginOffset.LowPart, BeginOffset.HighPart, length, 0, userp, &req); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync Queued a Background Fetch offset 0x%x:%x length 0x%x", BeginOffset.HighPart, BeginOffset.LowPart, length); } cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); (*ResultCB)->ExtentCount = count; osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_RequestFileExtentsAsync replying with 0x%x extent records", count); return FALSE; } /* * When processing an extent release the extents must be accepted back by * the service even if there is an error condition returned to the redirector. * For example, there may no longer be a callback present or the file may * have been deleted on the file server. Regardless, the extents must be * put back into the pool. */ void RDR_ReleaseFileExtents( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSReleaseExtentsCB *ReleaseExtentsCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { DWORD count; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_buf_t *bufp; afs_uint32 code; osi_hyper_t thyper; cm_req_t req; int dirty = 0; int released = 0; int deleted = 0; DWORD status; #ifdef ODS_DEBUG #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM char md5dbg[33], md5dbg2[33], md5dbg3[33]; #endif char dbgstr[1024]; #endif RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); /* Process the release */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } deleted = scp && (scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_DELETED); /* * We do not stop processing as a result of being unable to find the cm_scache object. * If this occurs something really bad has happened since the cm_scache object must have * been recycled while extents were held by the redirector. However, we will be resilient * and carry on without it. * * If the file is known to be deleted, there is no point attempting to ask the * file server about it or update the attributes. */ if (scp && ReleaseExtentsCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart != scp->length.QuadPart && !deleted) { cm_attr_t setAttr; memset(&setAttr, 0, sizeof(cm_attr_t)); lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); if (ReleaseExtentsCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart != scp->length.QuadPart) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents new length fid vol 0x%x vno 0x%x length 0x%x:%x", scp->fid.volume, scp->fid.vnode, ReleaseExtentsCB->AllocationSize.HighPart, ReleaseExtentsCB->AllocationSize.LowPart); setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = ReleaseExtentsCB->AllocationSize.LowPart; setAttr.length.HighPart = ReleaseExtentsCB->AllocationSize.HighPart; } lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (setAttr.mask) code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } for ( count = 0; count < ReleaseExtentsCB->ExtentCount; count++) { AFSFileExtentCB * pExtent = &ReleaseExtentsCB->FileExtents[count]; thyper.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart; bufp = buf_Find(&Fid, &thyper); if (bufp) { if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_UNKNOWN) { if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x UNKNOWN to redirector; previously released", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } else { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x UNKNOWN to redirector; owned by redirector", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } buf_Release(bufp); continue; } if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_IN_USE) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x IN_USE by file system", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); /* Move the buffer to the front of the queue */ lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); buf_MoveToHeadOfRedirQueue(scp, bufp); lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); buf_Release(bufp); continue; } if (bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress == pExtent->CacheOffset.QuadPart) { if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x not held by file system", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } else { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents bufp 0x%p vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", bufp, bufp->fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); if (pExtent->Flags || ReleaseExtentsCB->Flags) { lock_ObtainMutex(&bufp->mx); if ( (ReleaseExtentsCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE) || (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE) ) { if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { buf_RemoveFromRedirQueue(scp, bufp); buf_ReleaseLocked(bufp, TRUE); } lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents releasing: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif released++; } else { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents not releasing: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents not releasing vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } if ( (ReleaseExtentsCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY) || (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY) ) { #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); #endif /* * if the saved checksum matches the checksum of the current state of the buffer * then the buffer is the same as what was given to the kernel. */ if ( buf_ValidateCheckSum(bufp) ) { buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET) { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg2, sizeof(md5dbg2), pExtent->MD5); HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg3), bufp->md5cksum); #endif if (memcmp(bufp->md5cksum, pExtent->MD5, 16)) { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set but not dirty and user != kernel: old %s kernel %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg2,md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set and checksums do not match! vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; } else { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set but not dirty and user == kernel: old %s kernel %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg2, md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set but extent has not changed vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } } else { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set but not dirty: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set but extent has not changed vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } } else { buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET) { HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg3), bufp->md5cksum); if (memcmp(bufp->md5cksum, pExtent->MD5, 16)) { snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set and dirty and user != kernel: old %s kernel %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg2,md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); } else { snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set and dirty and user == kernel: old %s kernel %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg2,md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); } } else { snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag set: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); } #endif buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; } #else /* !VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM */ buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; #endif /* VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM */ } #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM else { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); #endif if ( !buf_ValidateCheckSum(bufp) ) { buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg2), bufp->md5cksum); snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag not set but dirty! old %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag not set but extent has changed vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; } else { buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg2), bufp->md5cksum); snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag not set: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents dirty flag not set: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } } #endif /* VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&bufp->mx); } } } else { char * datap = RDR_extentBaseAddress + pExtent->CacheOffset.QuadPart; cm_buf_t *wbp; for (wbp = cm_data.buf_allp; wbp; wbp = wbp->allp) { if (wbp->datap == datap) break; } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents non-matching extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents non-matching extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); osi_Log5( afsd_logp, "... belongs to bp 0x%p vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", wbp, wbp->fid.volume, wbp->fid.vnode, wbp->offset.HighPart, wbp->offset.LowPart); #ifdef DEBUG DebugBreak(); #endif } buf_Release(bufp); } else { char * datap = RDR_extentBaseAddress + pExtent->CacheOffset.QuadPart; cm_buf_t *wbp; for (wbp = cm_data.buf_allp; wbp; wbp = wbp->allp) { if (wbp->datap == datap) break; } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf( dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents unknown extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents unknown extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); osi_Log5( afsd_logp, "... belongs to bp 0x%p vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", wbp, wbp->fid.volume, wbp->fid.vnode, wbp->offset.HighPart, wbp->offset.LowPart); } } if (scp) { if (ReleaseExtentsCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_FLUSH) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_WRITE, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (code == 0) code = cm_FSync(scp, userp, &req, FALSE); } else if (dirty) { osi_hyper_t offset = {0,0}; afs_uint32 length = 0; afs_uint32 rights = 0; lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_WRITE, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (code == 0) { /* * there is at least one dirty extent on this file. queue up background store * requests for contiguous blocks */ for ( count = 0; count < ReleaseExtentsCB->ExtentCount; count++) { if (ReleaseExtentsCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.QuadPart == offset.QuadPart + length && length + cm_data.buf_blockSize <= cm_chunkSize) { length += cm_data.buf_blockSize; } else { if (!(offset.QuadPart == 0 && length == 0)) cm_QueueBKGRequest(scp, cm_BkgStore, offset.LowPart, offset.HighPart, length, 0, userp, &req); offset.QuadPart = ReleaseExtentsCB->FileExtents[count].FileOffset.QuadPart; length = cm_data.buf_blockSize; } } cm_QueueBKGRequest(scp, cm_BkgStore, offset.LowPart, offset.HighPart, length, 0, userp, &req); } } cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); } osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x Released %d", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique, released); if (code && code != CM_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtents SUCCESS"); } (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; return; } DWORD RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult( IN AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultCB *ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength) { afs_uint32 code = 0; cm_req_t req; osi_hyper_t thyper; cm_buf_t *bufp; unsigned int fileno, extentno, total_extents = 0; AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultFileCB *pNextFileCB; #ifdef ODS_DEBUG #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM char md5dbg[33], md5dbg2[33], md5dbg3[33]; #endif char dbgstr[1024]; #endif RDR_InitReq(&req, FALSE); for ( fileno = 0, pNextFileCB = &ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Files[0]; fileno < ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->FileCount; fileno++ ) { AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultFileCB *pFileCB = pNextFileCB; cm_user_t *userp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; int dirty = 0; int released = 0; int deleted = 0; char * p; userp = RDR_UserFromAuthGroup( &pFileCB->AuthGroup); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult %d.%d.%d.%d", pFileCB->FileId.Cell, pFileCB->FileId.Volume, pFileCB->FileId.Vnode, pFileCB->FileId.Unique); /* Process the release */ Fid.cell = pFileCB->FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = pFileCB->FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = pFileCB->FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = pFileCB->FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = pFileCB->FileId.Hash; if (Fid.cell == 0) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult Invalid FID %d.%d.%d.%d", Fid.cell, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique); code = CM_ERROR_INVAL; goto cleanup_file; } code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x", code); /* * A failure to find the cm_scache object cannot prevent the service * from accepting the extents back from the redirector. */ } deleted = scp && (scp->flags & CM_SCACHEFLAG_DELETED); /* if the scp was not found, do not perform the length check */ if (scp && (pFileCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart != scp->length.QuadPart)) { cm_attr_t setAttr; memset(&setAttr, 0, sizeof(cm_attr_t)); lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); if (pFileCB->AllocationSize.QuadPart != scp->length.QuadPart) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtentsResult length change vol 0x%x vno 0x%x length 0x%x:%x", scp->fid.volume, scp->fid.vnode, pFileCB->AllocationSize.HighPart, pFileCB->AllocationSize.LowPart); setAttr.mask |= CM_ATTRMASK_LENGTH; setAttr.length.LowPart = pFileCB->AllocationSize.LowPart; setAttr.length.HighPart = pFileCB->AllocationSize.HighPart; } lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (setAttr.mask) code = cm_SetAttr(scp, &setAttr, userp, &req); } for ( extentno = 0; extentno < pFileCB->ExtentCount; total_extents++, extentno++ ) { AFSFileExtentCB *pExtent = &pFileCB->FileExtents[extentno]; thyper.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart; bufp = buf_Find(&Fid, &thyper); if (bufp) { if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_UNKNOWN) { if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtentsResult extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x UNKNOWN to redirector; previously released", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } else { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtentsResult extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x UNKNOWN to redirector; owned by redirector", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } buf_Release(bufp); continue; } if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_IN_USE) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtentsResult extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x IN_USE by file system", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); /* Move the buffer to the front of the queue */ lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); buf_MoveToHeadOfRedirQueue(scp, bufp); lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); buf_Release(bufp); continue; } if (bufp->datap - RDR_extentBaseAddress == pExtent->CacheOffset.QuadPart) { if (!(bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR)) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtentsResult extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x not held by file system", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult not held by redirector! flags 0x%x:%x vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Flags, pExtent->Flags, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif } else { osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x", bufp, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); if (pExtent->Flags || ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Flags) { lock_ObtainMutex(&bufp->mx); if ( (ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE) || (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_RELEASE) ) { if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { buf_RemoveFromRedirQueue(scp, bufp); buf_ReleaseLocked(bufp, TRUE); } lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult extent released: vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif released++; } else { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult not releasing vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult not released! vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif } if ((ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY) || (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_DIRTY)) { #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM if ( buf_ValidateCheckSum(bufp) ) { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); if (ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET) HexCheckSum(md5dbg2, sizeof(md5dbg2), pExtent->MD5); #endif buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); #endif if (ReleaseFileExtentsResultCB->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_MD5_SET) { if (memcmp(bufp->md5cksum, pExtent->MD5, 16)) { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag set and checksums do not match! user %s kernel %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg3, md5dbg2, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag set and checksums do not match! vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); if (!deleted) { buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; } } else { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag set but extent has not changed! old %s kernel %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg2, md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag set but extent has not changed vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } } } #else /* !VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM */ if (!deleted) { buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty! vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif #endif /* VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM */ } #ifdef VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM else { #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg, sizeof(md5dbg), bufp->md5cksum); #endif if (!buf_ValidateCheckSum(bufp) ) { buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg2), bufp->md5cksum); snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag not set but dirty! old %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag NOT set but extent has changed! vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); #ifdef DEBUG DebugBreak(); #endif if (!deleted) { buf_SetDirty(bufp, &req, pExtent->DirtyOffset, pExtent->DirtyLength, userp); dirty++; } } else { buf_ComputeCheckSum(bufp); #ifdef ODS_DEBUG HexCheckSum(md5dbg3, sizeof(md5dbg2), bufp->md5cksum); snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult dirty flag not set and not dirty! old %s new %s vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", md5dbg, md5dbg3, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif } } #endif /* VALIDATE_CHECK_SUM */ lock_ReleaseMutex(&bufp->mx); } } } else { /* CacheOffset doesn't match bufp->datap */ char * datap = RDR_extentBaseAddress + pExtent->CacheOffset.QuadPart; cm_buf_t *wbp; for (wbp = cm_data.buf_allp; wbp; wbp = wbp->allp) { if (wbp->datap == datap) break; } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult non-matching extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x flags 0x%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart, pExtent->Flags); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult non-matching extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x flags 0x%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart, pExtent->Flags); if (wbp) osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "... coffset belongs to bp 0x%p vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", wbp, wbp->fid.volume, wbp->fid.vnode, wbp->offset.HighPart, wbp->offset.LowPart); else osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "... coffset cannot be found"); #ifdef DEBUG DebugBreak(); #endif } buf_Release(bufp); } else { if (pExtent->Flags & AFS_EXTENT_FLAG_UNKNOWN) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFileExtentsResult extent vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x UNKNOWN to redirector; cm_buf not found -- recycled?", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); continue; } #ifdef ODS_DEBUG snprintf(dbgstr, 1024, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult buf not found vol 0x%x vno 0x%x uniq 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x\n", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); OutputDebugStringA( dbgstr); #endif osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult buf not found vol 0x%x vno 0x%x foffset 0x%x:%x", Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... coffset 0x%x:%x", pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); } } if (scp && dirty) { osi_hyper_t offset = {0,0}; afs_uint32 length = 0; /* * there is at least one dirty extent on this file. queue up background store * requests for contiguous blocks */ for ( extentno = 0; extentno < pFileCB->ExtentCount; extentno++ ) { AFSFileExtentCB *pExtent = &pFileCB->FileExtents[extentno]; if (pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart == offset.QuadPart + length && length < cm_chunkSize) { length += cm_data.buf_blockSize; } else { if (!(offset.QuadPart == 0 && length == 0)) cm_QueueBKGRequest(scp, cm_BkgStore, offset.LowPart, offset.HighPart, length, 0, userp, &req); offset.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart; length = cm_data.buf_blockSize; } } cm_QueueBKGRequest(scp, cm_BkgStore, offset.LowPart, offset.HighPart, length, 0, userp, &req); } osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x Released %d", Fid.cell, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique, released); cleanup_file: if (userp) cm_ReleaseUser(userp); if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); p = (char *)pFileCB; p += sizeof(AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultFileCB); p += sizeof(AFSFileExtentCB) * (pFileCB->ExtentCount - 1); pNextFileCB = (AFSReleaseFileExtentsResultFileCB *)p; } if (total_extents == 0) { osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult is empty"); code = CM_ERROR_RETRY; } if (code) osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult FAILURE code=0x%x", code); else osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ProcessReleaseFileExtentsResult DONE code=0x%x", code); return code; } DWORD RDR_ReleaseFailedSetFileExtents( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSSetFileExtentsCB *SetFileExtentsResultCB, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength) { afs_uint32 code = 0; cm_req_t req; unsigned int extentno; cm_fid_t Fid; cm_scache_t * scp = NULL; int dirty = 0; RDR_InitReq(&req, FALSE); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFailedSetFileExtents %d.%d.%d.%d", SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Cell, SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Volume, SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Vnode, SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Unique); /* Process the release */ Fid.cell = SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileId.Hash; if (Fid.cell == 0) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFailedSetFile Invalid FID %d.%d.%d.%d", Fid.cell, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique); code = CM_ERROR_INVAL; goto cleanup_file; } code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFailedSetFileExtents cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x", code); /* Failure to find the cm_scache object cannot block return of the extents */ } for ( extentno = 0; extentno < SetFileExtentsResultCB->ExtentCount; extentno++ ) { osi_hyper_t thyper; cm_buf_t *bufp; AFSFileExtentCB *pExtent = &SetFileExtentsResultCB->FileExtents[extentno]; thyper.QuadPart = pExtent->FileOffset.QuadPart; bufp = buf_Find(&Fid, &thyper); if (bufp) { osi_Log5(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFailedSetFileExtents bufp 0x%p foffset 0x%x:%x coffset 0x%x:%x", bufp, pExtent->FileOffset.HighPart, pExtent->FileOffset.LowPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.HighPart, pExtent->CacheOffset.LowPart); lock_ObtainMutex(&bufp->mx); if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { lock_ObtainWrite(&buf_globalLock); if (bufp->qFlags & CM_BUF_QREDIR) { buf_RemoveFromRedirQueue(scp, bufp); buf_ReleaseLocked(bufp, TRUE); } lock_ReleaseWrite(&buf_globalLock); } lock_ReleaseMutex(&bufp->mx); buf_Release(bufp); } } cleanup_file: if (userp) cm_ReleaseUser(userp); if (scp) cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFailedSetFileExtents DONE code=0x%x", code); return code; } void RDR_PioctlOpen( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPIOCtlOpenCloseRequestCB *pPioctlCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { cm_fid_t ParentFid; cm_fid_t RootFid; *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); /* Get the active directory */ ParentFid.cell = ParentId.Cell; ParentFid.volume = ParentId.Volume; ParentFid.vnode = ParentId.Vnode; ParentFid.unique = ParentId.Unique; ParentFid.hash = ParentId.Hash; /* Get the root directory */ RootFid.cell = pPioctlCB->RootId.Cell; RootFid.volume = pPioctlCB->RootId.Volume; RootFid.vnode = pPioctlCB->RootId.Vnode; RootFid.unique = pPioctlCB->RootId.Unique; RootFid.hash = pPioctlCB->RootId.Hash; /* Create the pioctl index */ RDR_SetupIoctl(pPioctlCB->RequestId, &ParentFid, &RootFid, userp); return; } void RDR_PioctlClose( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPIOCtlOpenCloseRequestCB *pPioctlCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); /* Cleanup the pioctl index */ RDR_CleanupIoctl(pPioctlCB->RequestId); return; } void RDR_PioctlWrite( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPIOCtlIORequestCB *pPioctlCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB *pResultCB; cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB)); pResultCB = (AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; code = RDR_IoctlWrite(userp, pPioctlCB->RequestId, pPioctlCB->BufferLength, pPioctlCB->MappedBuffer, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } pResultCB->BytesProcessed = pPioctlCB->BufferLength; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB); } void RDR_PioctlRead( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPIOCtlIORequestCB *pPioctlCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN BOOL bIsLocalSystem, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB *pResultCB; cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; afs_uint32 pflags = (bIsLocalSystem ? AFSCALL_FLAG_LOCAL_SYSTEM : 0); RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB)); pResultCB = (AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; code = RDR_IoctlRead(userp, pPioctlCB->RequestId, pPioctlCB->BufferLength, pPioctlCB->MappedBuffer, &pResultCB->BytesProcessed, &req, pflags); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSPIOCtlIOResultCB); } void RDR_ByteRangeLockSync( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSByteRangeLockRequestCB *pBRLRequestCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSByteRangeLockResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER ProcessId; DWORD Length; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; cm_key_t key; DWORD i; DWORD status; ProcessId.QuadPart = pBRLRequestCB->ProcessId; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeLockSync File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... ProcessId 0x%x:%x", ProcessId.HighPart, ProcessId.LowPart); Length = sizeof( AFSByteRangeLockResultCB) + ((pBRLRequestCB->Count - 1) * sizeof(AFSByteRangeLockResult)); if (Length > ResultBufferLength) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(sizeof(AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, 0, sizeof(AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return; } *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length + sizeof( AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length + sizeof( AFSCommResult) ); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = Length; pResultCB = (AFSByteRangeLockResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pResultCB->FileId = FileId; pResultCB->Count = pBRLRequestCB->Count; /* Allocate the extents from the buffer package */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeLockSync cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); /* start by looking up the file's end */ code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeLockSync cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } /* the scp is now locked and current */ key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, ProcessId.QuadPart, 0); for ( i=0; iCount; i++ ) { pResultCB->Result[i].LockType = pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].LockType; pResultCB->Result[i].Offset = pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Offset; pResultCB->Result[i].Length = pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Length; code = cm_Lock(scp, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].LockType == AFS_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK_TYPE_SHARED, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Offset, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Length, key, 0, userp, &req, NULL); if (code) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeLockSync FAILURE code 0x%x type 0x%u offset 0x%x:%x", code, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].LockType, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Offset.HighPart, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Offset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... length 0x%x:%x", pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Length.HighPart, pBRLRequestCB->Request[i].Length.LowPart); } switch (code) { case 0: pResultCB->Result[i].Status = 0; break; case CM_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK: pResultCB->Result[i].Status = STATUS_FILE_LOCK_CONFLICT; break; default: pResultCB->Result[i].Status = STATUS_LOCK_NOT_GRANTED; } } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeLockSync SUCCESS"); return; } void RDR_ByteRangeUnlock( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSByteRangeUnlockRequestCB *pBRURequestCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSByteRangeUnlockResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER ProcessId; DWORD Length; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; cm_key_t key; DWORD i; DWORD status; ProcessId.QuadPart = pBRURequestCB->ProcessId; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlock File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... ProcessId 0x%x:%x", ProcessId.HighPart, ProcessId.LowPart); Length = sizeof( AFSByteRangeUnlockResultCB) + ((pBRURequestCB->Count - 1) * sizeof(AFSByteRangeLockResult)); if (Length > ResultBufferLength) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(sizeof(AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, 0, sizeof(AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return; } *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length + sizeof( AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length + sizeof( AFSCommResult) ); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = Length; pResultCB = (AFSByteRangeUnlockResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; pResultCB->Count = pBRURequestCB->Count; /* Allocate the extents from the buffer package */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlock cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); /* start by looking up the file's end */ code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlock cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } /* the scp is now locked and current */ key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, ProcessId.QuadPart, 0); for ( i=0; iCount; i++ ) { pResultCB->Result[i].LockType = pBRURequestCB->Request[i].LockType; pResultCB->Result[i].Offset = pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Offset; pResultCB->Result[i].Length = pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Length; code = cm_Unlock(scp, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].LockType == AFS_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK_TYPE_SHARED, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Offset, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Length, key, CM_UNLOCK_FLAG_MATCH_RANGE, userp, &req); if (code) { osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlock FAILURE code 0x%x type 0x%u offset 0x%x:%x", code, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].LockType, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Offset.HighPart, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Offset.LowPart); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... length 0x%x:%x", pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Length.HighPart, pBRURequestCB->Request[i].Length.LowPart); } smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); pResultCB->Result[i].Status = status; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlock SUCCESS"); return; } void RDR_ByteRangeUnlockAll( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN AFSByteRangeUnlockRequestCB *pBRURequestCB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSByteRangeUnlockResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER ProcessId; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; cm_key_t key; DWORD status; ProcessId.QuadPart = pBRURequestCB->ProcessId; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlockAll File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "... ProcessId 0x%x:%x", ProcessId.HighPart, ProcessId.LowPart); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; /* Allocate the extents from the buffer package */ Fid.cell = FileId.Cell; Fid.volume = FileId.Volume; Fid.vnode = FileId.Vnode; Fid.unique = FileId.Unique; Fid.hash = FileId.Hash; code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlockAll cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); /* start by looking up the file's end */ code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, 0, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); if (code) { lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log3(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlockAll cm_SyncOp failure scp=0x%p code=0x%x status=0x%x", scp, code, status); return; } /* the scp is now locked and current */ key = cm_GenerateKey(CM_SESSION_IFS, ProcessId.QuadPart, 0); code = cm_UnlockByKey(scp, key, 0, userp, &req); cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS | CM_SCACHESYNC_LOCK); lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; if (code) osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlockAll FAILURE code 0x%x", code); else osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ByteRangeUnlockAll SUCCESS"); return; } void RDR_GetVolumeInfo( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSVolumeInfoCB *pResultCB = NULL; DWORD Length; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_volume_t *volp = NULL; afs_uint32 volType; cm_cell_t *cellp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; FILETIME ft = {0x832cf000, 0x01abfcc4}; /* October 1, 1982 00:00:00 +0600 */ char volName[32]="(unknown)"; char offLineMsg[256]="server temporarily inaccessible"; char motd[256]="server temporarily inaccessible"; cm_conn_t *connp; AFSFetchVolumeStatus volStat; char *Name; char *OfflineMsg; char *MOTD; struct rx_connection * rxconnp; int sync_done = 0; int scp_locked = 0; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeInfo File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); Length = sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSVolumeInfoCB); if (sizeof(AFSVolumeInfoCB) > ResultBufferLength) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(sizeof(AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, 0, sizeof(AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return; } *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length ); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof(AFSVolumeInfoCB); pResultCB = (AFSVolumeInfoCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; if (FileId.Cell != 0) { cm_SetFid(&Fid, FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, 1, 1); code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeInfo cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeInfo Object Name Invalid - Cell = 0"); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); scp_locked = 1; pResultCB->SectorsPerAllocationUnit = 1; pResultCB->BytesPerSector = 1024; pResultCB->CellID = scp->fid.cell; pResultCB->VolumeID = scp->fid.volume; pResultCB->Characteristics = FILE_REMOTE_DEVICE; pResultCB->FileSystemAttributes = FILE_CASE_PRESERVED_NAMES | FILE_UNICODE_ON_DISK | FILE_SUPPORTS_REPARSE_POINTS; if (scp->fid.cell==AFS_FAKE_ROOT_CELL_ID && scp->fid.volume==AFS_FAKE_ROOT_VOL_ID) { pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 100; memcpy(&pResultCB->VolumeCreationTime, &ft, sizeof(ft)); pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0; pResultCB->Characteristics |= FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength = cm_Utf8ToUtf16( "Freelance.Local.Root", -1, pResultCB->VolumeLabel, (sizeof(pResultCB->VolumeLabel) / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1); if ( pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength ) pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength--; } else { memcpy(&pResultCB->VolumeCreationTime, &ft, sizeof(ft)); volp = cm_GetVolumeByFID(&scp->fid); if (!volp) { code = CM_ERROR_NOSUCHVOLUME; goto _done; } volType = cm_VolumeType(volp, scp->fid.volume); pResultCB->Characteristics |= ((volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) ? FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE : 0); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_READ, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code == 0) { sync_done = 1; Name = volName; OfflineMsg = offLineMsg; MOTD = motd; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); scp_locked = 0; do { code = cm_ConnFromFID(&scp->fid, userp, &req, &connp); if (code) continue; rxconnp = cm_GetRxConn(connp); code = RXAFS_GetVolumeStatus(rxconnp, scp->fid.volume, &volStat, &Name, &OfflineMsg, &MOTD); rx_PutConnection(rxconnp); } while (cm_Analyze(connp, userp, &req, &scp->fid, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, code)); code = cm_MapRPCError(code, &req); } if (code == 0) { if (volStat.MaxQuota) { pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = volStat.MaxQuota; if (volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0; } else { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = min(volStat.MaxQuota - volStat.BlocksInUse, volStat.PartBlocksAvail); } } else { pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = volStat.PartMaxBlocks; if (volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0; } else { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = volStat.PartBlocksAvail; } } } else { /* * Lie about the available space. Out of quota errors will need * detected when the file server rejects the store data. */ pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = (volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) ? 0 : 0x3F000000; code = 0; } pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength = cm_Utf8ToUtf16( volp->namep, -1, pResultCB->VolumeLabel, (sizeof(pResultCB->VolumeLabel) / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1); if ( pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength ) pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength--; if (sync_done) { if (!scp_locked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); scp_locked = 1; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); } } pResultCB->VolumeLabelLength *= sizeof(WCHAR); /* convert to bytes from chars */ _done: if (scp_locked) lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (volp) cm_PutVolume(volp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeInfo SUCCESS"); return; } void RDR_GetVolumeSizeInfo( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID FileId, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSVolumeSizeInfoCB *pResultCB = NULL; DWORD Length; cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_volume_t *volp = NULL; afs_uint32 volType; cm_cell_t *cellp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; char volName[32]="(unknown)"; char offLineMsg[256]="server temporarily inaccessible"; char motd[256]="server temporarily inaccessible"; cm_conn_t *connp; AFSFetchVolumeStatus volStat; char *Name; char *OfflineMsg; char *MOTD; struct rx_connection * rxconnp; int sync_done = 0; int scp_locked = 0; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); osi_Log4(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeSizeInfo File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, FileId.Vnode, FileId.Unique); Length = sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSVolumeSizeInfoCB); if (sizeof(AFSVolumeSizeInfoCB) > ResultBufferLength) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(sizeof(AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, 0, sizeof(AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return; } *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length ); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof(AFSVolumeSizeInfoCB); pResultCB = (AFSVolumeSizeInfoCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; if (FileId.Cell != 0) { cm_SetFid(&Fid, FileId.Cell, FileId.Volume, 1, 1); code = cm_GetSCache(&Fid, NULL, &scp, userp, &req); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = 0; osi_Log2(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeSizeInfo cm_GetSCache FID failure code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); return; } } else { (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeSizeInfo Object Name Invalid - Cell = 0"); return; } lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); scp_locked = 1; pResultCB->SectorsPerAllocationUnit = 1; pResultCB->BytesPerSector = 1024; if (scp->fid.cell==AFS_FAKE_ROOT_CELL_ID && scp->fid.volume==AFS_FAKE_ROOT_VOL_ID) { pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 100; pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0; } else { volp = cm_GetVolumeByFID(&scp->fid); if (!volp) { code = CM_ERROR_NOSUCHVOLUME; goto _done; } volType = cm_VolumeType(volp, scp->fid.volume); code = cm_SyncOp(scp, NULL, userp, &req, PRSFS_READ, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); if (code == 0) { sync_done = 1; Name = volName; OfflineMsg = offLineMsg; MOTD = motd; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); scp_locked = 0; do { code = cm_ConnFromFID(&scp->fid, userp, &req, &connp); if (code) continue; rxconnp = cm_GetRxConn(connp); code = RXAFS_GetVolumeStatus(rxconnp, scp->fid.volume, &volStat, &Name, &OfflineMsg, &MOTD); rx_PutConnection(rxconnp); } while (cm_Analyze(connp, userp, &req, &scp->fid, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, code)); code = cm_MapRPCError(code, &req); } if (code == 0) { if (volStat.MaxQuota) { pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = volStat.MaxQuota; if (volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0; } else { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = min(volStat.MaxQuota - volStat.BlocksInUse, volStat.PartBlocksAvail); } } else { pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = volStat.PartMaxBlocks; if (volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0; } else { pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = volStat.PartBlocksAvail; } } } else { /* * Lie about the available space. Out of quota errors will need * detected when the file server rejects the store data. */ pResultCB->TotalAllocationUnits.QuadPart = 0x7FFFFFFF; pResultCB->AvailableAllocationUnits.QuadPart = (volType == ROVOL || volType == BACKVOL) ? 0 : 0x3F000000; code = 0; } if (sync_done) { if (!scp_locked) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); scp_locked = 1; } cm_SyncOpDone(scp, NULL, CM_SCACHESYNC_NEEDCALLBACK | CM_SCACHESYNC_GETSTATUS); } } _done: if (scp_locked) lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); if (volp) cm_PutVolume(volp); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_GetVolumeSizeInfo SUCCESS"); return; } void RDR_HoldFid( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSHoldFidRequestCB * pHoldFidCB, IN BOOL bFast, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSHoldFidResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; DWORD index; DWORD Length; cm_req_t req; RDR_InitReq(&req, FALSE); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_HoldFid Count=%u", pHoldFidCB->Count); Length = sizeof(AFSHoldFidResultCB) + (pHoldFidCB->Count-1) * sizeof(AFSFidResult); if (Length > ResultBufferLength) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(sizeof(AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, 0, sizeof(AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return; } *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length + sizeof( AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length ); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = Length; pResultCB = (AFSHoldFidResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; for ( index = 0; index < pHoldFidCB->Count; index++ ) { cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; Fid.cell = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Cell = pHoldFidCB->FileID[index].Cell; Fid.volume = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Volume = pHoldFidCB->FileID[index].Volume; Fid.vnode = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Vnode = pHoldFidCB->FileID[index].Vnode; Fid.unique = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Unique = pHoldFidCB->FileID[index].Unique; Fid.hash = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Hash = pHoldFidCB->FileID[index].Hash; osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_HoldFid File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", Fid.cell, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique); scp = cm_FindSCache(&Fid); if (scp) { RDR_FlagScpInUse( scp, FALSE ); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); } pResultCB->Result[index].Status = 0; } (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_HoldFid SUCCESS"); return; } void RDR_ReleaseFid( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSReleaseFidRequestCB * pReleaseFidCB, IN BOOL bFast, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSReleaseFidResultCB *pResultCB = NULL; DWORD index; DWORD Length; cm_req_t req; RDR_InitReq(&req, FALSE); osi_Log1(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFid Count=%u", pReleaseFidCB->Count); Length = sizeof(AFSReleaseFidResultCB) + (pReleaseFidCB->Count ? pReleaseFidCB->Count-1 : 0) * sizeof(AFSFidResult); if (Length > ResultBufferLength) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc(sizeof(AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, 0, sizeof(AFSCommResult)); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; return; } *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length + sizeof( AFSCommResult) ); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length ); (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = Length; pResultCB = (AFSReleaseFidResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; for ( index = 0; index < pReleaseFidCB->Count; index++ ) { cm_scache_t *scp = NULL; cm_fid_t Fid; Fid.cell = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Cell = pReleaseFidCB->FileID[index].Cell; Fid.volume = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Volume = pReleaseFidCB->FileID[index].Volume; Fid.vnode = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Vnode = pReleaseFidCB->FileID[index].Vnode; Fid.unique = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Unique = pReleaseFidCB->FileID[index].Unique; Fid.hash = pResultCB->Result[index].FileID.Hash = pReleaseFidCB->FileID[index].Hash; osi_Log4( afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFid File FID cell=0x%x vol=0x%x vn=0x%x uniq=0x%x", Fid.cell, Fid.volume, Fid.vnode, Fid.unique); scp = cm_FindSCache(&Fid); if (scp) { lock_ObtainWrite(&scp->rw); scp->flags &= ~CM_SCACHEFLAG_RDR_IN_USE; lock_ReleaseWrite(&scp->rw); cm_ReleaseSCache(scp); } pResultCB->Result[index].Status = 0; } pResultCB->Count = pReleaseFidCB->Count; (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_ReleaseFid SUCCESS"); return; } /* * The redirector makes several assumptions regarding the * SRVSVC and WKSSVC pipes transactions. First, the interface * versions are those indicated below. Secondly, the encoding * will be performed using NDR version 2. These assumptions * may not hold in the future and end-to-end MSRPC Bind * negotiations may need to be supported. Of course, these * are the only interface versions that are supported by the * service. */ #define MSRPC_PIPE_PREFIX L".\\" static const UUID MSRPC_SRVSVC_UUID = {0x4B324FC8, 0x1670, 0x01D3, {0x12, 0x78, 0x5A, 0x47, 0xBF, 0x6E, 0xE1, 0x88}}; #define MSRPC_SRVSVC_NAME L"PIPE\\SRVSVC" #define MSRPC_SRVSVC_VERS 3 static const UUID MSRPC_WKSSVC_UUID = {0x6BFFD098, 0xA112, 0x3610, {0x98, 0x33, 0x46, 0xC3, 0xF8, 0x7E, 0x34, 0x5A}}; #define MSRPC_WKSSVC_NAME L"PIPE\\WKSSVC" #define MSRPC_WKSSVC_VERS 1 static const UUID MSRPC_NDR_UUID = {0x8A885D04, 0x1CEB, 0x11C9, {0x9F, 0xE8, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0x10, 0x48, 0x60}}; #define MSRPC_NDR_NAME L"NDR" #define MSRPC_NDR_VERS 2 extern RPC_IF_HANDLE srvsvc_v3_0_s_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE wkssvc_v1_0_s_ifspec; void RDR_PipeOpen( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN WCHAR *Name, IN DWORD NameLength, IN AFSPipeOpenCloseRequestCB *pPipe_CB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { cm_fid_t ParentFid; cm_fid_t RootFid; *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); /* Get the active directory */ ParentFid.cell = ParentId.Cell; ParentFid.volume = ParentId.Volume; ParentFid.vnode = ParentId.Vnode; ParentFid.unique = ParentId.Unique; ParentFid.hash = ParentId.Hash; /* Get the root directory */ RootFid.cell = pPipe_CB->RootId.Cell; RootFid.volume = pPipe_CB->RootId.Volume; RootFid.vnode = pPipe_CB->RootId.Vnode; RootFid.unique = pPipe_CB->RootId.Unique; RootFid.hash = pPipe_CB->RootId.Hash; /* Create the pipe index */ (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = RDR_SetupPipe( pPipe_CB->RequestId, &ParentFid, &RootFid, Name, NameLength, userp); return; } void RDR_PipeClose( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPipeOpenCloseRequestCB *pPipe_CB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); /* Cleanup the pipe index */ RDR_CleanupPipe(pPipe_CB->RequestId); return; } void RDR_PipeWrite( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPipeIORequestCB *pPipe_CB, IN BYTE *pPipe_Data, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { AFSPipeIOResultCB *pResultCB; cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPipeIOResultCB)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPipeIOResultCB)); pResultCB = (AFSPipeIOResultCB *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; code = RDR_Pipe_Write( pPipe_CB->RequestId, pPipe_CB->BufferLength, pPipe_Data, &req, userp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } pResultCB->BytesProcessed = pPipe_CB->BufferLength; (*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength = sizeof( AFSPipeIOResultCB); } void RDR_PipeRead( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPipeIORequestCB *pPipe_CB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { BYTE *pPipe_Data; cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); pPipe_Data = (BYTE *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; code = RDR_Pipe_Read( pPipe_CB->RequestId, ResultBufferLength, pPipe_Data, &(*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength, &req, userp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } } void RDR_PipeSetInfo( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPipeInfoRequestCB *pPipeInfo_CB, IN BYTE *pPipe_Data, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult)); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult)); status = RDR_Pipe_SetInfo( pPipeInfo_CB->RequestId, pPipeInfo_CB->InformationClass, pPipeInfo_CB->BufferLength, pPipe_Data, &req, userp); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; } void RDR_PipeQueryInfo( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPipeInfoRequestCB *pPipeInfo_CB, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { BYTE *pPipe_Data; cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( sizeof( AFSCommResult) + ResultBufferLength); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', sizeof( AFSCommResult) + sizeof(AFSPipeIOResultCB)); pPipe_Data = (BYTE *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; status = RDR_Pipe_QueryInfo( pPipeInfo_CB->RequestId, pPipeInfo_CB->InformationClass, ResultBufferLength, pPipe_Data, &(*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength, &req, userp); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; } void RDR_PipeTransceive( IN cm_user_t *userp, IN AFSFileID ParentId, IN AFSPipeIORequestCB *pPipe_CB, IN BYTE *pPipe_InData, IN BOOL bWow64, IN DWORD ResultBufferLength, IN OUT AFSCommResult **ResultCB) { /* * This function processes a Pipe Service request * that would normally be sent to a LAN Manager server * across an authenticated SMB-PIPE/MSRPC/SVC request * stack. The request is being sent here because the * application (e.g., Explorer Shell or Common Control File * dialog) believes that because the UNC path it is * processing has specified a server name that is not * "." and that the Server is remote and that the Share * list cannot be obtained using the Network Provider * interface. * * The file system driver is faking the Bind-Ack response * to the MSRPC Bind request but cannot decode the NDR * encoded Pipe Service requests. For that we will use * the service's MSRPC module. However, unlike the SMB * server usage we must fake the MSRPC Bind exchange and * map the PipeName to an interface instead of using the * GUID specified in the MSRPC Bind request. * * None of the requests that are being processed by the * service require authentication. As a result the userp * parameter will be ignored. * * Although there are dozens of Pipe Services, the only * ones that we are implementing are WKSSVC and SRVSVC. * These support NetShareEnum, NetShareGetInfo, * NetServerGetInfo, and NetWorkstaGetInfo which are * commonly queried by NET VIEW, the Explorer Shell, * and the Common Control File dialog. */ BYTE *pPipe_OutData; cm_scache_t *dscp = NULL; afs_uint32 code; cm_req_t req; DWORD status; DWORD Length = ResultBufferLength + sizeof( AFSCommResult); RDR_InitReq(&req, bWow64); *ResultCB = (AFSCommResult *)malloc( Length); if (!(*ResultCB)) return; memset( *ResultCB, '\0', Length ); code = RDR_Pipe_Write( pPipe_CB->RequestId, pPipe_CB->BufferLength, pPipe_InData, &req, userp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "RDR_Pipe_Transceive Write FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } pPipe_OutData = (BYTE *)(*ResultCB)->ResultData; code = RDR_Pipe_Read( pPipe_CB->RequestId, ResultBufferLength, pPipe_OutData, &(*ResultCB)->ResultBufferLength, &req, userp); if (code) { smb_MapNTError(cm_MapRPCError(code, &req), &status, TRUE); osi_Log2( afsd_logp, "RDR_Pipe_Transceive Read FAILURE code=0x%x status=0x%x", code, status); (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = status; return; } (*ResultCB)->ResultStatus = 0; osi_Log0(afsd_logp, "RDR_Pipe_Transceive SUCCESS"); }