/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ /* * INCLUDES _________________________________________________________________ * */ #include #include #include #include "cpl_interface.h" #include "resource.h" #include #include /* * DEFINITIONS _______________________________________________________________ * */ #define APP_INSTALL_DIR_REG_KEY AFSREG_SVR_SW_VERSION_KEY #define APP_INSTALL_DIR_REG_VALUE AFSREG_SVR_SW_VERSION_DIR_VALUE #define APP_EXE_PATH "\\usr\\afs\\bin\\afssvrcfg.exe" /* * VARIABLES _________________________________________________________________ * */ static HINSTANCE hinst = 0; static HINSTANCE hinstResources = 0; /* * STATIC FUNCTIONS ___________________________________________________________ * */ static char *LoadResString(UINT uID) { static char str[256]; GetString (str, uID); return str; } static char *GetInstallDir() { HKEY hKey; LONG nResult; DWORD dwType; static char szInstallDir[256]; DWORD dwSize; dwSize = sizeof(szInstallDir); nResult = RegOpenKeyAlt(AFSREG_NULL_KEY, APP_INSTALL_DIR_REG_KEY, KEY_READ, FALSE, &hKey, 0); if (nResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { nResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, APP_INSTALL_DIR_REG_VALUE, 0, &dwType, (PBYTE)szInstallDir, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hKey); } if (nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) szInstallDir[0] = 0; return szInstallDir; } /* * EXPORTED FUNCTIONS _________________________________________________________ * */ extern "C" LONG APIENTRY CPlApplet(HWND hwndCPl, UINT uMsg, LONG lParam1, LONG lParam2) { int i; LPNEWCPLINFO lpNewCPlInfo; HICON hIcon; static char szAppName[64]; static char szAppPath[MAX_PATH]; i = (int)lParam1; switch (uMsg) { case CPL_INIT: /* first message, sent once */ hinst = GetModuleHandle("afsserver.cpl"); hinstResources = TaLocale_LoadCorrespondingModule (hinst); strcpy(szAppName, LoadResString(IDS_APP_NAME)); sprintf(szAppPath, "%s%s", GetInstallDir(), APP_EXE_PATH); return (hinst != 0); case CPL_GETCOUNT: /* second message, sent once */ return 1; break; case CPL_NEWINQUIRE: /* third message, sent once per app */ lpNewCPlInfo = (LPNEWCPLINFO) lParam2; lpNewCPlInfo->dwSize = (DWORD) sizeof(NEWCPLINFO); lpNewCPlInfo->dwFlags = 0; lpNewCPlInfo->dwHelpContext = 0; lpNewCPlInfo->lData = 0; hIcon = TaLocale_LoadIcon(IDI_AFSD); if (hIcon == 0) MessageBox(0, LoadResString(IDS_ERROR_LOADING_ICON), szAppName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); lpNewCPlInfo->hIcon = hIcon; lpNewCPlInfo->szHelpFile[0] = '\0'; strcpy(lpNewCPlInfo->szName, szAppName); strcpy(lpNewCPlInfo->szInfo, LoadResString(IDS_CPA_TITLE)); break; case CPL_SELECT: /* applet icon selected */ break; case CPL_DBLCLK: /* applet icon double-clicked */ if (WinExec(szAppPath, SW_SHOW) < 32) MessageBox(0, LoadResString(IDS_EXECUTION_ERROR), szAppName, MB_ICONSTOP); break; case CPL_STOP: /* sent once per app. before CPL_EXIT */ break; case CPL_EXIT: /* sent once before FreeLibrary called */ if (hinstResources) FreeLibrary (hinstResources); break; default: break; } return 0; }