/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ extern "C" { #include #include } #include "../afsapplib/afsapplib.h" #include "svrmgr.h" #include "cmdline.h" #include "action.h" #include "creds.h" /* * VARIABLES __________________________________________________________________ * */ typedef enum { swCELL, swSUBSET, swSERVER, swRESET, swCONFIRM, swUSER, swPASSWORD, swLOOKUP, swUSEEXISTING } SWITCH; static struct { TCHAR szSwitch[ cchRESOURCE ]; BOOL fGetsValue; BOOL fPresent; TCHAR szValue[ cchRESOURCE ]; } aSWITCHES[] = { { TEXT("cell"), TRUE }, { TEXT("subset"), TRUE }, { TEXT("server"), TRUE }, { TEXT("reset"), FALSE }, { TEXT("confirm"), FALSE }, { TEXT("user"), TRUE }, { TEXT("password"), TRUE }, { TEXT("lookup"), FALSE }, { TEXT("useexisting"), FALSE } }; #define nSWITCHES (sizeof(aSWITCHES) / sizeof(aSWITCHES[0])) /* * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________ * */ #define iswhite(_ch) ( ((_ch)==TEXT(' ')) || ((_ch)==TEXT('\t')) ) void cdecl CommandLineHelp (int ids, LPTSTR pszFormat = NULL, ...); /* * ROUTINES ___________________________________________________________________ * */ CMDLINEOP ParseCommandLine (LPTSTR pszCmdLine) { for (size_t ii = 0; ii < nSWITCHES; ++ii) aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent = FALSE; // Search through pszCmdLine for switches; each switch must be // preceeded by "/" or "-". // while (pszCmdLine && *pszCmdLine) { while (iswhite(*pszCmdLine)) ++pszCmdLine; if (!*pszCmdLine) break; if ( (*pszCmdLine != '-') && (*pszCmdLine != '/') ) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_SYNTAX); return opCLOSEAPP; } ++pszCmdLine; // Okay, we've found what is probably the start of a switch. // See if it matches anything. // for (ii = 0; ii < nSWITCHES; ++ii) { size_t cch = lstrlen(aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch); if (lstrncmpi (pszCmdLine, aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch, cch)) continue; // If the switch wants a value, it must be followed by ":" // or whitespace; if it doesn't, it must be followed by "/" // or whitespace. // LPTSTR pszAfter = &pszCmdLine[ cch ]; if (iswhite (*pszAfter) || (!*pszAfter) || ((*pszAfter == TEXT(':')) && (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)) || ((*pszAfter == TEXT('/')) && (!aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue)) ) { break; // found a switch! } } if (ii >= nSWITCHES) { TCHAR szCopy[ cchRESOURCE ]; lstrcpy (szCopy, pszCmdLine); for (LPTSTR pch = szCopy; *pch && !iswhite(*pch) && !(*pch == TEXT('/')) && !(*pch == TEXT(':')); ++pch) ; *pch = TEXT('\0'); CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_UNRECOGNIZED, TEXT("%s"), szCopy); return opCLOSEAPP; } if (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_DUPLICATE, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch); return opCLOSEAPP; } // Woo hoo! Found what appears to be a valid switch. Parse it now. // aSWITCHES[ ii ].fPresent = TRUE; pszCmdLine += lstrlen( aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch ); while (iswhite (*pszCmdLine)) ++pszCmdLine; if (*pszCmdLine == TEXT(':')) { if (!aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_UNEXPECTVALUE, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch); return opCLOSEAPP; } for (++pszCmdLine; iswhite (*pszCmdLine); ++pszCmdLine) ; } if (aSWITCHES[ ii ].fGetsValue) { if ( (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('/')) || (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('\0')) ) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_MISSINGVAL, TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ ii ].szSwitch); return opCLOSEAPP; } BOOL fQuoted = FALSE; for (LPTSTR pszTarget = aSWITCHES[ ii ].szValue; *pszCmdLine && !(*pszCmdLine == TEXT('/') && !fQuoted) && !(iswhite(*pszCmdLine) && !fQuoted); ) { if (*pszCmdLine == TEXT('"')) { ++pszCmdLine; if (fQuoted) break; fQuoted = TRUE; continue; } *pszTarget++ = *pszCmdLine++; } *pszTarget++ = TEXT('\0'); } } // Was the -CONFIRM switch given? It works with any other switch // combination. // if (aSWITCHES[ swCONFIRM ].fPresent) { Action_ShowConfirmations (TRUE); } // Now test the command-line for syntactical correctness. // First test: if the SUBSET switch is given, the CELL switch must // be given as well. // if ( (aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].fPresent) && (!aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) ) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_SUBSETNOTCELL); return opCLOSEAPP; } // Similarly, if the SERVER switch is given, the CELL switch must // be given as well. // if ( (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent) && (!aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) ) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_SERVERNOTCELL); return opCLOSEAPP; } // And if the USER or PASSWORD switch is given, the other is required. // if ( (aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent && !aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].fPresent) || (aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].fPresent && !aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent) ) { CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_USERPASSWORD); return opCLOSEAPP; } // Implement the command-line switches. // if (aSWITCHES[ swRESET ].fPresent) { if (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent) { ErasePreferences (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].szValue); } else if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) { ErasePreferences (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue); } else // neither cell nor server specified--kill just the general stuff { EraseSettings (REGSTR_SETTINGS_BASE, REGSTR_SETTINGS_PATH, REGVAL_SETTINGS); } Message (MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION, IDS_CMDLINE_RESET_TITLE, IDS_CMDLINE_RESET_DESC); return opCLOSEAPP; } if (aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].fPresent) { LPTSTR pszCell = (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) ? (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue) : NULL; ULONG status; if (!AfsAppLib_SetCredentials (pszCell, aSWITCHES[ swUSER ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swPASSWORD ].szValue, &status)) { ImmediateErrorDialog (status, IDS_ERROR_BAD_CREDENTIALS); return opCLOSEAPP; } } if (aSWITCHES[ swLOOKUP ].fPresent) { return opLOOKUPERRORCODE; } if (aSWITCHES[ swUSEEXISTING ].fPresent) { ULONG ulStatus; TCHAR szDefCell[ cchNAME ]; if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) { lstrcpy(szDefCell,aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue); } else { AfsAppLib_GetLocalCell(szDefCell); } g.hCreds = AfsAppLib_GetCredentials(szDefCell,&ulStatus); if (g.hCreds != NULL) { LPOPENCELL_PACKET lpocp = New (OPENCELL_PACKET); memset(lpocp,0x00,sizeof(OPENCELL_PACKET)); lstrcpy(lpocp->szCell,szDefCell); lpocp->fCloseAppOnFail = TRUE; lpocp->hCreds = g.hCreds; lpocp->sub = NULL; StartTask(taskOPENCELL,NULL,lpocp); return opNOCELLDIALOG; } else return opCLOSEAPP; } if (aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].fPresent) { LPOPENCELL_PACKET lpp = New (OPENCELL_PACKET); memset (lpp, 0x00, sizeof(OPENCELL_PACKET)); lstrcpy (lpp->szCell, aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue); lpp->fCloseAppOnFail = TRUE; if (aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].fPresent) { lpp->sub = Subsets_LoadSubset (lpp->szCell, aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].szValue); if (lpp->sub == NULL) { Delete (lpp); lpp = NULL; CommandLineHelp (IDS_CMDLINE_INVALIDSUBSET, TEXT("%s%s"), aSWITCHES[ swCELL ].szValue, aSWITCHES[ swSUBSET ].szValue); return opCLOSEAPP; } } else if (aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].fPresent) { lpp->sub = New (SUBSET); memset (lpp->sub, 0x0, sizeof(SUBSET)); FormatMultiString (&lpp->sub->pszMonitored, TRUE, TEXT("%1"), TEXT("%s"), aSWITCHES[ swSERVER ].szValue); } StartTask (taskOPENCELL, NULL, lpp); return opNOCELLDIALOG; } // Okay--nothing sufficiently special took place to prevent us // from running the tool normally. // return opNORMAL; } void cdecl CommandLineHelp (int ids, LPTSTR pszFormat, ...) { va_list arg; va_start (arg, pszFormat); vMessage (MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND, IDS_CMDLINE_TITLE, ids, pszFormat, arg); }