/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ extern "C" { #include #include } #include "svrmgr.h" #include "display.h" #include "dispguts.h" #include "svr_window.h" #include "svr_col.h" #include "svc_col.h" #include "agg_col.h" #include "set_col.h" #include "propcache.h" /* * DEFINITIONS ________________________________________________________________ * */ #define cREALLOC_DISPLAYQUEUE 128 #define cUPDATE_THREADS_MAX 4 /* * VARIABLES __________________________________________________________________ * */ static size_t cDisplayQueueActive = 0; static size_t cDisplayQueue = 0; static size_t cUpdateThreadsActive = 0; static DISPLAYREQUEST *aDisplayQueue = NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION *pcsDisplayQueue = NULL; static DISPLAYREQUEST drActiveSERVERS; static DISPLAYREQUEST drActiveSERVICES; static DISPLAYREQUEST drActiveAGGREGATES; static DISPLAYREQUEST drActiveFILESETS; static DISPLAYREQUEST drActiveSERVERWINDOW; static struct { HWND hWnd; WORD actOnDone; LPIDENT lpiSelectOnDone; } *aWindowActOnDone = NULL; static size_t cWindowActOnDone = 0; static CRITICAL_SECTION *pcsWindowActOnDone = NULL; /* * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________ * */ DWORD WINAPI DisplayQueue_ThreadProc (PVOID lp); BOOL DisplayQueueFilter (size_t idqVictim, size_t idqKiller); /* * ROUTINES ___________________________________________________________________ * */ BOOL CALLBACK GetItemText (HWND hList, LPFLN_GETITEMTEXT_PARAMS pfln, DWORD dwCookie) { LPVIEWINFO lpvi = (LPVIEWINFO)dwCookie; LPIDENT lpi = (LPIDENT)(pfln->item.lParam); LPTSTR psz = NULL; if (pfln->item.icol < (int)lpvi->nColsShown) { size_t iCol = lpvi->aColumns[ pfln->item.icol ]; BOOL fShowServerName = !Server_GetServerForChild (GetParent(hList)); if (lpi != NULL) { DISPLAYTARGET dt = dtSERVERS; if (lpvi == &gr.viewSet) dt = dtFILESETS; else if (lpvi == &gr.viewSvc) dt = dtSERVICES; else if ((lpvi == &gr.viewAgg) || (lpvi == &gr.viewAggMove) || (lpvi == &gr.viewAggCreate) || (lpvi == &gr.viewAggRestore)) dt = dtAGGREGATES; else if (lpvi == &gr.viewRep) dt = dtREPLICAS; switch (dt) { case dtSERVERS: if (lpi->fIsServer()) psz = Server_GetColumnText (lpi, (SERVERCOLUMN)iCol); break; case dtSERVICES: if (lpi->fIsService()) psz = Services_GetColumnText (lpi, (SERVICECOLUMN)iCol, fShowServerName); break; case dtAGGREGATES: if (lpi->fIsAggregate()) psz = Aggregates_GetColumnText (lpi, (AGGREGATECOLUMN)iCol, fShowServerName); break; case dtFILESETS: if (lpi->fIsFileset()) psz = Filesets_GetColumnText (lpi, (FILESETCOLUMN)iCol, fShowServerName); else if (lpi->fIsAggregate() && (pfln->item.icol == setcolNAME)) psz = Aggregates_GetColumnText (lpi, aggcolNAME, FALSE); else if (lpi->fIsServer() && (pfln->item.icol == setcolNAME)) psz = Server_GetColumnText (lpi, svrcolNAME); break; case dtREPLICAS: if (lpi->fIsFileset()) psz = Replicas_GetColumnText (lpi, (REPLICACOLUMN)iCol); break; } } } lstrcpy (pfln->item.pszText, (psz) ? psz : TEXT("")); return TRUE; } void Display_AddActOnDone (HWND hWnd, WORD wAct, LPIDENT lpiSelectOnDone) { if (pcsWindowActOnDone == NULL) { pcsWindowActOnDone = New (CRITICAL_SECTION); InitializeCriticalSection (pcsWindowActOnDone); } EnterCriticalSection (pcsWindowActOnDone); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < cWindowActOnDone; ++ii) { if (aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].hWnd == hWnd) break; } if (ii == cWindowActOnDone) { for (ii = 0; ii < cWindowActOnDone; ++ii) { if (aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].hWnd == 0) break; } } if (ii == cWindowActOnDone) { (void)REALLOC( aWindowActOnDone, cWindowActOnDone, 1+ii, 1 ); } if (ii < cWindowActOnDone) { aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].hWnd = hWnd; aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].actOnDone |= wAct; if (!aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].lpiSelectOnDone) aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].lpiSelectOnDone = lpiSelectOnDone; } LeaveCriticalSection (pcsWindowActOnDone); } WORD Display_FreeActOnDone (HWND hWnd, LPIDENT *plpiSelectOnDone) { WORD wAct = 0; if (pcsWindowActOnDone == NULL) { pcsWindowActOnDone = New (CRITICAL_SECTION); InitializeCriticalSection (pcsWindowActOnDone); } EnterCriticalSection (pcsWindowActOnDone); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < cWindowActOnDone; ++ii) { if (aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].hWnd == hWnd) { wAct = aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].actOnDone; if (!(*plpiSelectOnDone)) *plpiSelectOnDone = aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].lpiSelectOnDone; aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].actOnDone = 0; aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].hWnd = 0; aWindowActOnDone[ ii ].lpiSelectOnDone = 0; break; } } LeaveCriticalSection (pcsWindowActOnDone); return wAct; } void UpdateDisplay (LPDISPLAYREQUEST pdr, BOOL fWait) { BOOL fRunBeforeReturning = FALSE; if (!ASSERT( pdr && pdr->hChild )) return; if (pdr->lpiNotify && pdr->lpiNotify->fIsCell()) pdr->lpiNotify = NULL; if (pcsDisplayQueue == NULL) { pcsDisplayQueue = New (CRITICAL_SECTION); InitializeCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); memset (&drActiveSERVERS, 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); memset (&drActiveSERVICES, 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); memset (&drActiveAGGREGATES, 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); memset (&drActiveFILESETS, 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); memset (&drActiveSERVERWINDOW, 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); } EnterCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); for (size_t idq = 0; idq < cDisplayQueue; ++idq) { if (!aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild) break; } if (idq == cDisplayQueue) { (void)REALLOC (aDisplayQueue, cDisplayQueue, 1+idq, cREALLOC_DISPLAYQUEUE); } if (idq < cDisplayQueue) { memcpy (&aDisplayQueue[idq], pdr, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); // Filter the display queue--for instance, if there's a request // to update all filesets, we don't need to file a request to // update an individual fileset. Likewise, if we're about to // file a request to update all filesets, nix all existing update- // this-fileset and update-filesets-on-this-server requests. // for (size_t idqKiller = 0; idqKiller < cDisplayQueue; ++idqKiller) { if (DisplayQueueFilter (idq, idqKiller)) { aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild = 0; break; } } // Hmmmm...even if there is no request in the queue which lets us // kill this request, there may be a request actively being serviced // *right now* which does so. Test for that case too. // if (aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild) { if (DisplayQueueFilter (idq, (size_t)-1)) aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild = 0; } // Did the new request make it through all those tests? If so, // see if we can remove any other entries because of this one. // Then initiate a thread to actually do the work if there isn't one. // if (aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild) { for (size_t idqVictim = 0; idqVictim < cDisplayQueue; ++idqVictim) { if (DisplayQueueFilter (idqVictim, idq)) { InterlockedDecrementByWindow (aDisplayQueue[idqVictim].hChild); aDisplayQueue[idqVictim].hChild = 0; --cDisplayQueueActive; } } if (aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild) { InterlockedIncrementByWindow (aDisplayQueue[ idq ].hChild); if (fWait) { aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild = NULL; // we'll handle this one. fRunBeforeReturning = TRUE; // (remember to do so) } else if ((++cDisplayQueueActive) >= 1) { if (cUpdateThreadsActive < cUPDATE_THREADS_MAX) { ++cUpdateThreadsActive; StartThread (DisplayQueue_ThreadProc, 0); } } } } } LeaveCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); if (fRunBeforeReturning) { DisplayQueue_ThreadProc (pdr); } } DWORD WINAPI DisplayQueue_ThreadProc (PVOID lp) { LPDISPLAYREQUEST pdr = (LPDISPLAYREQUEST)lp; LPDISPLAYREQUEST pdrActive = NULL; Main_StartWorking(); do { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; EnterCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); if (pdr) { memcpy (&dr, pdr, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); } else { for (size_t idq = 0; idq < cDisplayQueue; ++idq) { if (aDisplayQueue[idq].hChild) { memcpy (&dr, &aDisplayQueue[idq], sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); memset (&aDisplayQueue[idq], 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); --cDisplayQueueActive; break; } } if (idq == cDisplayQueue) { if (!pdr) // Are we losing a background thread? --cUpdateThreadsActive; LeaveCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); break; } } switch (dr.dt) { case dtSERVERS: pdrActive = &drActiveSERVERS; break; case dtSERVICES: pdrActive = &drActiveSERVICES; break; case dtAGGREGATES: pdrActive = &drActiveAGGREGATES; break; case dtFILESETS: pdrActive = &drActiveFILESETS; break; case dtSERVERWINDOW: pdrActive = &drActiveSERVERWINDOW; break; } if (pdrActive) memcpy (pdrActive, &dr, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); LeaveCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); AfsClass_Enter(); switch (dr.dt) { case dtCELL: Display_Cell_Internal (&dr); break; case dtSERVERS: Display_Servers_Internal (&dr); break; case dtSERVICES: Display_Services_Internal (&dr); break; case dtAGGREGATES: Display_Aggregates_Internal (&dr); break; case dtFILESETS: Display_Filesets_Internal (&dr); break; case dtREPLICAS: Display_Replicas_Internal (&dr); break; case dtSERVERWINDOW: Display_ServerWindow_Internal (&dr); break; } EnterCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); LONG dw = InterlockedDecrementByWindow (dr.hChild); if (pdrActive) memset (pdrActive, 0x00, sizeof(DISPLAYREQUEST)); LeaveCriticalSection (pcsDisplayQueue); if (dw == 0) { WORD actOnDone = dr.actOnDone; LPIDENT lpiSelectOnDone = dr.lpiToSelect; if (dr.hList) { actOnDone |= Display_FreeActOnDone (dr.hList, &lpiSelectOnDone); } if ((actOnDone & ACT_ENDCHANGE) && dr.hList) { if (dr.fList) FL_EndChange (dr.hList, (LPARAM)lpiSelectOnDone); else // must be a combobox CB_EndChange (dr.hList, (LPARAM)lpiSelectOnDone); } if ((actOnDone & ACT_UNCOVER) && dr.hList) AfsAppLib_Uncover (dr.hList); if (actOnDone & ACT_SELPREVIEW) { LPIDENT lpiOld = Server_GetServer (SERVERWINDOW_PREVIEWPANE); LPIDENT lpiNew = (LPIDENT)FL_GetSelectedData (GetDlgItem (g.hMain, IDC_SERVERS)); if (lpiOld != lpiNew) Server_SelectServer (SERVERWINDOW_PREVIEWPANE, lpiNew, TRUE); } } else if (dr.hList) { Display_AddActOnDone (dr.hList, dr.actOnDone, dr.lpiToSelect); } AfsClass_Leave(); } while (!lp); // if given one task to do, stop; otherwise, loop forever Main_StopWorking(); return 0; } BOOL DisplayQueueFilter (size_t idqVictim, size_t idqKiller) { if (idqVictim == idqKiller) return FALSE; LPDISPLAYREQUEST pdrKiller = (idqKiller == (size_t)-1) ? NULL : &aDisplayQueue[ idqKiller ]; LPDISPLAYREQUEST pdrVictim = &aDisplayQueue[ idqVictim ]; // if there's currently an operation in progress for this window, // we may have just been asked to filter out a new request based on // what's being done now. {idqKiller==-1} signifies this case. // if (pdrKiller == NULL) // was idqKiller==-1 etc? { switch (pdrVictim->dt) { case dtSERVERS: pdrKiller = &drActiveSERVERS; break; case dtSERVICES: pdrKiller = &drActiveSERVICES; break; case dtAGGREGATES: pdrKiller = &drActiveAGGREGATES; break; case dtFILESETS: pdrKiller = &drActiveFILESETS; break; case dtSERVERWINDOW: pdrKiller = &drActiveSERVERWINDOW; break; } if (!pdrKiller) return FALSE; } if ( (pdrVictim->dt == pdrKiller->dt) && (pdrVictim->hChild == pdrKiller->hChild) ) { // only some windows are subject to this filtering. // switch (pdrVictim->dt) { case dtCELL: case dtREPLICAS: return FALSE; // don't bother filtering these. case dtSERVERWINDOW: return TRUE; // update svr window twice? why? } // if the new request talks about displaying information for a different // server, the user must have selected or deselected a server in the // list. we'll keep the new request. // if (pdrKiller->lpiServer != pdrVictim->lpiServer) return FALSE; // if pdrKiller is told to update everything, then all other requests // are unnecessary. // if (!pdrKiller->lpiNotify || pdrKiller->lpiNotify->fIsCell()) return TRUE; // if pdrVictim is told to update everything, then we'll always bow to it. // if (!pdrVictim->lpiNotify || pdrVictim->lpiNotify->fIsCell()) return FALSE; // kill any duplicate request to update a particular object. // if (pdrVictim->lpiNotify == pdrKiller->lpiNotify) return TRUE; // kill any request to update a service or aggregate or fileset, // if updating the entire associated server. // if ( (pdrKiller->lpiNotify->fIsServer()) && (pdrVictim->lpiNotify->GetServer() == pdrKiller->lpiNotify) ) return TRUE; // kill any request to update a fileset, if updating the entire // associated aggregate. // if ( (pdrKiller->lpiNotify->fIsAggregate()) && (pdrVictim->lpiNotify->fIsFileset()) && (pdrVictim->lpiNotify->GetAggregate() == pdrKiller->lpiNotify) ) return TRUE; } // hmmm...guess we need this request after all. // return FALSE; } void UpdateDisplay_Cell (BOOL fWait) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtCELL; dr.hChild = GetDlgItem (g.hMain, IDC_CELL); UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } void UpdateDisplay_Servers (BOOL fWait, LPIDENT lpiNotify, ULONG status) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtSERVERS; dr.hChild = GetDlgItem (g.hMain, IDC_SERVERS); dr.lpiNotify = lpiNotify; dr.status = status; dr.fList = TRUE; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } void UpdateDisplay_Services (BOOL fWait, HWND hChild, LPIDENT lpiNotify, ULONG status) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtSERVICES; dr.hChild = hChild; dr.lpiNotify = lpiNotify; dr.status = status; dr.fList = TRUE; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } void UpdateDisplay_Aggregates (BOOL fWait, HWND hListOrCombo, LPIDENT lpiNotify, ULONG status, LPIDENT lpiServer, LPIDENT lpiToSelect, LPVIEWINFO lpvi) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtAGGREGATES; dr.hList = hListOrCombo; dr.hChild = GetParent (hListOrCombo); dr.lpiNotify = lpiNotify; dr.status = status; dr.lpiServer = (lpiServer == NULL) ? Server_GetServerForChild (dr.hChild) : lpiServer; dr.lpiToSelect = lpiToSelect; dr.lpvi = lpvi; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } void UpdateDisplay_Filesets (BOOL fWait, HWND hListOrCombo, LPIDENT lpiNotify, ULONG status, LPIDENT lpiServer, LPIDENT lpiAggregate, LPIDENT lpiToSelect) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtFILESETS; dr.hList = hListOrCombo; dr.hChild = GetParent (hListOrCombo); dr.lpiNotify = lpiNotify; dr.status = status; dr.lpiServer = (lpiServer == NULL) ? Server_GetServerForChild (dr.hChild) : lpiServer; dr.lpiAggregate = lpiAggregate; dr.lpiToSelect = lpiToSelect; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } void UpdateDisplay_Replicas (BOOL fWait, HWND hList, LPIDENT lpiRW, LPIDENT lpiRO) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtREPLICAS; dr.hChild = GetParent (hList); dr.hList = hList; dr.lpiNotify = lpiRW; dr.lpiToSelect = lpiRO; dr.fList = TRUE; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } void UpdateDisplay_ServerWindow (BOOL fWait, LPIDENT lpiServer) { // First, if there is a dedicated server window out there, update it. // HWND hServer; if ((hServer = PropCache_Search (pcSERVER, lpiServer)) != NULL) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtSERVERWINDOW; dr.hChild = hServer; dr.lpiServer = lpiServer; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } // Second, if the preview pane is visible and showing this server, // update it too. // if (gr.fPreview) { LPIDENT lpiPreview = Server_GetServer (g.hMain); if ((lpiPreview == NULL) || (lpiPreview == lpiServer)) { DISPLAYREQUEST dr; memset (&dr, 0x00, sizeof(dr)); dr.dt = dtSERVERWINDOW; dr.hChild = g.hMain; dr.lpiServer = lpiPreview; UpdateDisplay (&dr, fWait); } } } void UpdateDisplay_SetIconView (BOOL fWait, HWND hDialog, LPICONVIEW piv, ICONVIEW ivNew) { *piv = ivNew; if (piv == &gr.ivSvr) { UpdateDisplay_Servers (fWait, NULL, 0); } else { LPIDENT lpi = Server_GetServer (hDialog); UpdateDisplay_ServerWindow (fWait, lpi); } } ICONVIEW Display_GetServerIconView (void) { LONG lvs; if (gr.fPreview && !gr.fVert) lvs = gr.diHorz.viewSvr.lvsView; else lvs = gr.diVert.viewSvr.lvsView; if (lvs != FLS_VIEW_LIST) return ivONEICON; return gr.ivSvr; } BOOL HandleColumnNotify (HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp, LPVIEWINFO pvi) { if (msg == WM_NOTIFY) { HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, ((LPNMHDR)lp)->idFrom); if (fIsFastList (hList)) { switch (((LPNMHDR)lp)->code) { case FLN_COLUMNRESIZE: FL_StoreView (hList, pvi); return TRUE; case FLN_COLUMNCLICK: LPFLN_COLUMNCLICK_PARAMS pp = (LPFLN_COLUMNCLICK_PARAMS)lp; int iCol; BOOL fRev; FastList_GetSortStyle (hList, &iCol, &fRev); if (iCol == pp->icol) FastList_SetSortStyle (hList, iCol, !fRev); else FastList_SetSortStyle (hList, pp->icol, FALSE); FL_StoreView (hList, pvi); return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }