/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #define IDS_SVR_LISTS_TITLE 0 #define IDS_TAB_SERVICES 1 #define IDS_TAB_AGGREGATES 2 #define IDS_TAB_FILESETS 3 #define IDS_SERVICE_NONESELECTED 4 #define IDS_SERVICE_GOTSELECTED 5 #define IDS_AGGREGATE_ALL 6 #define IDS_AGGREGATE_ONE 7 #define IDS_FILESET_ALL 8 #define IDS_FILESET_ONE 9 #define IDS_SVR_LISTS_TAB 11 #define IDS_SVR_PROP_TITLE 12 #define IDS_SVR_GENERAL_TAB 13 #define IDS_SVR_SCOUT_TAB 14 #define IDS_SERVER_TITLE 15 #define IDS_SERVER_DESC 16 #define IDS_SVC_PROP_TITLE 17 #define IDS_SVC_GENERAL_TAB 18 #define IDS_SVC_ADD_TITLE 19 #define IDS_SVC_ADD_TAB 20 #define IDS_AGG_PROP_TITLE 23 #define IDS_AGG_GENERAL_TAB 24 #define IDS_SET_REP_TITLE 25 #define IDS_SET_REPSITES_TAB 27 #define IDS_SET_PROP_TITLE 28 #define IDS_SET_GENERAL_TAB 29 #define IDS_SET_UNLOCKBTN 30 #define IDS_SET_LOCKBTN 31 #define IDS_USAGE_FILESET 32 #define IDS_USAGE_AGGREGATE 33 #define IDS_AGGCOL_ALLOCATED 70 #define IDS_SVRCOL_NAME 71 #define IDS_SVRCOL_STATUS 72 #define IDS_SETCOL_DATE_ACCESS 73 #define IDS_SETCOL_DATE_BACKUP 74 #define IDS_SVCCOL_NAME 75 #define IDS_SVCCOL_TYPE 76 #define IDS_SVCCOL_PARAMS 77 #define IDS_SVCCOL_STATUS 78 #define IDS_SVCCOL_DATE_START 80 #define IDS_SVCCOL_DATE_STOP 81 #define IDS_SVCCOL_DATE_STARTSTOP 82 #define IDS_SVCCOL_DATE_FAILED 83 #define IDS_SVCCOL_LASTERROR 84 #define IDS_AGGCOL_NAME 85 #define IDS_AGGCOL_ID 86 #define IDS_AGGCOL_DEVICE 87 #define IDS_AGGCOL_USED 89 #define IDS_AGGCOL_USED_PER 90 #define IDS_AGGCOL_FREE 91 #define IDS_AGGCOL_TOTAL 92 #define IDS_AGGCOL_STATUS 93 #define IDS_SETCOL_NAME 94 #define IDS_SETCOL_TYPE 95 #define IDS_SETCOL_DATE_CREATE 96 #define IDS_SETCOL_DATE_UPDATE 97 #define IDS_SETCOL_STATUS 98 #define IDS_SETCOL_QUOTA_USED 99 #define IDS_SETCOL_QUOTA_USED_PER 100 #define IDS_SETCOL_QUOTA_FREE 101 #define IDS_SETCOL_QUOTA_TOTAL 102 #define IDS_TRYAGAINBTN 103 #define IDS_NO_CELL_SELECTED 104 #define IDS_NO_AFS_ID 105 #define IDS_AFS_ID_WILLEXP 106 #define IDS_ELAPSED_TIME 107 #define IDS_SEARCHING_FOR_SERVERS 108 #define IDS_STATUS_NOALERTS 109 #define IDS_TITLE_BROWSE_USER 110 #define IDS_AGGTYPE_OTHER 111 #define IDS_PERCENTAGE 112 #define IDS_AGGREGATES_IN_SERVER 113 #define IDS_AGGREGATES_IN_CELL 114 #define IDS_AGGREGATES_IN_NOTHING 115 #define IDS_FILESETS_IN_SERVER 116 #define IDS_FILESETS_IN_CELL 117 #define IDS_FILESETS_IN_NOTHING 118 #define IDS_SERVICES_IN_SERVER 119 #define IDS_SERVICES_IN_NOTHING 120 #define IDS_UNKNOWN 121 #define IDS_UNKNOWN_GROUP 122 #define IDS_AGGFULL_WARN_OFF 123 #define IDS_SERVER_AGGREGATE 124 #define IDS_SERVERNAME_ERROR 125 #define IDS_AGGREGATENAME_ERROR 126 #define IDS_SETFULL_WARN_OFF 127 #define IDS_SERVER_SERVICE 128 #define IDS_SERVICETYPE_SIMPLE 129 #define IDS_SERVICETYPE_CRON 130 #define IDS_SERVICESTATE_STOPPED 131 #define IDS_SERVICESTATE_STOPPING 132 #define IDS_SERVICESTATE_STARTING 133 #define IDS_SERVICESTATE_RUNNING 134 #define IDS_SERVICETYPE_FS_LONG 135 #define IDS_SERVICETYPE_FS 136 #define IDS_SERVICE_LASTERROR 137 #define IDS_SERVICES_IN_CELL 138 #define IDS_SERVICE_STARTDATE 139 #define IDS_SERVICE_STOPDATE 140 #define IDS_SERVICE_LASTERRORDATE 149 #define IDS_COL_SERVERS 150 #define IDS_COL_FILESETS 151 #define IDS_COL_AGGREGATES 152 #define IDS_COL_SERVICES 153 #define IDS_COL_REPLICAS 154 #define IDS_COLUMNS_TITLE 155 #define IDS_REPCOL_SERVER 156 #define IDS_REPCOL_AGGREGATE 157 #define IDS_REPCOL_DATE_UPDATE 158 #define IDS_FILESETNAME_ERROR 160 #define IDS_SETCOL_AGGREGATE 161 #define IDS_REFRESH_DESC_CELL 162 #define IDS_REFRESH_DESC_SERVER 163 #define IDS_REFRESH_CURRENT_CELL 164 #define IDS_REFRESH_CURRENT_SERVER 165 #define IDS_REFRESH_CURRENT_AGGREGATE 166 #define IDS_REFRESH_CURRENT_FILESET 167 #define IDS_REFRESH_CURRENT_SERVICE 168 #define IDS_REFRESH_PERCENT 169 #define IDS_PROBLEMS 170 #define IDS_SERVER_NO_PROBLEMS 171 #define IDS_SERVICE_NO_PROBLEMS 172 #define IDS_AGGREGATE_NO_PROBLEMS 173 #define IDS_FILESET_NO_PROBLEMS 174 #define IDS_AGGTYPE_TYPE1 175 #define IDS_AGGTYPE_TYPE2 176 #define IDS_AGGTYPE_TYPE3 177 #define IDS_AGGTYPE_TYPE4 178 #define IDS_AGGTYPE_TYPE5 179 #define IDS_REFRESH_CURRENT_VLDB 180 #define IDS_FILESETTYPE_RW 181 #define IDS_FILESETTYPE_RO 182 #define IDS_FILESETTYPE_CLONE 183 #define IDS_MOVESET_READWRITE 184 #define IDS_MOVESET_READONLY 185 #define IDS_SVC_START_TITLE 186 #define IDS_SVC_STOP_TITLE 187 #define IDS_SERVICESTATUS_STARTING 188 #define IDS_SERVICESTATUS_RUNNING 189 #define IDS_SERVICESTATUS_STOPPED 190 #define IDS_SERVICESTATUS_STOPPING 191 #define IDS_SERVICESTATUS_UNKNOWN 192 #define IDS_SVC_RESTART_BUTTON 196 #define IDS_PROBLEM_BOX 197 #define IDS_VIEWLOG_DESC_NOFILE 198 #define IDS_NO_GROUP 199 #define IDS_VIEWLOG_FROMSERVER 200 #define IDS_VIEWLOG_FROMSERVICE 201 #define IDS_VIEWLOG_TRUNCATED 202 #define IDS_SAVELOG_FILTER 203 #define IDS_ADVANCEDIN_BUTTON 204 #define IDS_ADVANCEDOUT_BUTTON 205 #define IDS_REPTYPE_RELEASE 206 #define IDS_REPTYPE_SCHEDULED 207 #define IDS_UPDATEALL_BUTTON 208 #define IDS_UPDATETHIS_BUTTON 209 #define IDS_SERVER_MULTIPLE_PROBLEMS 210 #define IDS_SERVICE_MULTIPLE_PROBLEMS 211 #define IDS_AGGREGATE_MULTIPLE_PROBLEMS 212 #define IDS_FILESET_MULTIPLE_PROBLEMS 213 #define IDS_FILESETTYPE_RO_STAGE 214 #define IDS_SERVICETYPE_SIMPLE_LONG 215 #define IDS_SERVICETYPE_CRON_LONG 216 #define IDS_QUOTAUNITS_KB 217 #define IDS_QUOTAUNITS_MB 218 #define IDS_NO_QUOTA_REPLICA 219 #define IDS_NO_QUOTA_CLONE 220 #define IDS_USAGE_REPLICA 221 #define IDS_USAGE_CLONE 222 #define IDS_COL_AGGS_MOVE 223 #define IDS_COL_AGGS_CREATE 224 #define IDS_WARN_TITLE 225 #define IDS_WARN_DISABLE_AUTH 226 #define IDS_WARN_DISABLE_AUTH2 227 #define IDS_SVR_NO_ADDR 230 #define IDS_SVR_ADDR_DESC_NONAME 231 #define IDS_TITLE_BAD_CELL 236 #define IDS_DESC_BAD_CELL 237 #define IDS_AGGFULL_WARN_ON 238 #define IDS_SETFULL_WARN_ON 239 #define IDS_AGG_FILESETS 241 #define IDS_ACTION_DESC_NONE 242 #define IDS_ACTION_DESC_ONE 243 #define IDS_ACTION_DESC_MULT 244 #define IDS_ACTCOL_OPERATION 245 #define IDS_ACTCOL_ELAPSED 246 #define IDS_ACTION_REFRESH 247 #define IDS_ACTION_CREATESERVER 248 #define IDS_ACTION_DELETESERVER 249 #define IDS_ACTION_GETSERVERLOGFILE 250 #define IDS_ACTION_SETSERVERAUTH 251 #define IDS_ACTION_CHANGESERVERSTATUS 252 #define IDS_ACTION_STARTSERVICE 253 #define IDS_ACTION_STOPSERVICE 254 #define IDS_ACTION_RESTARTSERVICE 255 #define IDS_ACTION_CREATEFILESET 256 #define IDS_ACTION_DELETEFILESET 257 #define IDS_ACTION_MOVEFILESET 258 #define IDS_ACTION_SETFILESETQUOTA 259 #define IDS_SVCSTOP_DESC2 261 #define IDS_SVCSTART_DESC2 262 #define IDS_SYNCVLDB_SVR_DESC 263 #define IDS_SYNCVLDB_SVR_DESC2 264 #define IDS_SYNCVLDB_AGG_DESC 265 #define IDS_SYNCVLDB_AGG_DESC2 266 #define IDS_PROMPT_BROWSE_USER 267 #define IDS_PREVIEWIN_BUTTON 270 #define IDS_PREVIEWOUT_BUTTON 271 #define IDS_ACTION_SYNCVLDB_SVR 272 #define IDS_ACTION_SYNCVLDB_AGG 273 #define IDS_ACTION_SCOUT 276 #define IDS_SYNC_NONE 277 #define IDS_SYNC_ERRORS 278 #define IDS_SYNC_DETAILS 279 #define IDS_SYNC_P_NEWMAXID 280 #define IDS_SYNC_R_NEWMAXID 281 #define IDS_SYNC_P_AGGBUSY 282 #define IDS_SYNC_R_AGGBUSY 283 #define IDS_SYNC_X_MULTIPLE 284 #define IDS_SYNC_R_REINSTATE_FAILED 285 #define IDS_SYNC_R_REP_NO_VLDB 286 #define IDS_SYNC_R_REINSTATE 287 #define IDS_SYNC_P_CREATEVLDB 288 #define IDS_SYNC_R_CREATEVLDB 289 #define IDS_SYNC_P_DELETEVLDB 290 #define IDS_SYNC_R_DELETEVLDB 291 #define IDS_SYNC_P_CLONEID 292 #define IDS_SYNC_R_CLONEID 293 #define IDS_SYNC_X_CLONEORPHAN 294 #define IDS_ACTION_SETREPPARAMS 297 #define IDS_ACTION_CREATEREPLICA 298 #define IDS_DELSET_REPLICA_DESC 300 #define IDS_DELSET_CLONE_DESC 302 #define IDS_INSTALL_DESC1 303 #define IDS_INSTALL_DESC2 304 #define IDS_ACTION_INSTALLFILE 305 #define IDS_ACTION_UNINSTALLFILE 306 #define IDS_ACTION_PRUNEFILES 307 #define IDS_FILTER_ALLFILES 308 #define IDS_ACTION_RENAMEFILESET 311 #define IDS_RECUR_DAILY 312 #define IDS_RECUR_SUNDAY 313 #define IDS_RECUR_MONDAY 314 #define IDS_RECUR_TUESDAY 315 #define IDS_RECUR_WEDNESDAY 316 #define IDS_RECUR_THURSDAY 317 #define IDS_RECUR_FRIDAY 318 #define IDS_RECUR_SATURDAY 319 #define IDS_ACTION_CREATESERVICE 320 #define IDS_ACTION_DELETESERVICE 321 #define IDS_ACTION_RELEASEFILESET 322 #define IDS_ACTION_UPDATEFILESET 323 #define IDS_ACTION_UPDATEALL 324 #define IDS_UPDATE_FAILED 325 #define IDS_ACTION_GETDATES 326 #define IDS_LASTMODIFIED 327 #define IDS_SVR_SECURITY_TITLE 328 #define IDS_SVR_LIST_TAB 329 #define IDS_ACTION_ADMINLIST_LOAD 330 #define IDS_ACTION_ADMINLIST_SAVE 331 #define IDS_ADMCOL_PRINCIPAL 333 #define IDS_ADMCOL_TYPE 334 #define IDS_ADMCOL_TYPE_GROUP 335 #define IDS_ADMCOL_TYPE_USER 336 #define IDS_TITLE_BROWSE_PRINCIPAL 337 #define IDS_TITLE_BROWSE_OWNGROUP 338 #define IDS_PROMPT_BROWSE_PRINCIPAL 339 #define IDS_PROMPT_BROWSE_OWNGROUP 340 #define IDS_ACTION_CLONE 344 #define IDS_ACTION_CLONESYS 345 #define IDS_CLONESYS_FAILED 346 #define IDS_SET_UNSPECIFIED 347 #define IDS_SETCOL_ID 348 #define IDS_SETCOL_FILES 349 #define IDS_SET_DUMP_NAME 350 #define IDS_ACTION_DUMP 351 #define IDS_ACTION_RESTORE 352 #define IDS_COL_AGGS_RESTORE 353 #define IDS_RESTORE_FILTER 354 #define IDS_SVC_BOS_TAB 355 #define IDS_ACTION_SETRESTART 356 #define IDS_RESTORE_CREATESET 357 #define IDS_RESTORE_OVERWRITESET 358 #define IDS_SUBSET_TITLE_LOAD 359 #define IDS_SUBSET_TITLE_SAVE 360 #define IDS_BUTTON_OPEN 361 #define IDS_BUTTON_SAVE 362 #define IDS_SUBSET_SAVE_TITLE 363 #define IDS_SUBSET_SAVE_DESC 364 #define IDS_SUBSET_CHANGED 365 #define IDS_SUBSET_TAB 366 #define IDS_SUBSET_DISCARD_TITLE 367 #define IDS_SUBSET_DISCARD_DESC 368 #define IDS_SUBSET_DISCARD_DESC2 369 #define IDS_SUBSET_NONAME 370 #define IDS_SUBSET_NOSUBSET 371 #define IDS_SUBSET_SERVERSUBSET 372 #define IDS_FILESET_SOME 373 #define IDS_AGGREGATE_SOME 374 #define IDS_SERVICE_SOME 375 #define IDS_FILESET_UNMON 376 #define IDS_AGGREGATE_UNMON 377 #define IDS_SERVICE_UNMON 378 #define IDS_SUBSET_DELETE_TITLE 379 #define IDS_SUBSET_DELETE_DESC 380 #define IDS_ERROR_TRANSLATED 381 #define IDS_ERROR_NOTTRANSLATED 382 #define IDS_FIND_NOTHING_TITLE 383 #define IDS_FIND_NOTHING_DESC 384 #define IDS_FIND_UNKNOWN_TITLE 385 #define IDS_FIND_UNKNOWN_DESC 386 #define IDS_HELPABOUT_DESC1 387 #define IDS_HELPABOUT_DESC2 388 #define IDS_HELPABOUT_DESC3 389 #define IDS_CANT_QUIT_TITLE 390 #define IDS_CANT_QUIT_REBOOT 391 #define IDS_APP_TITLE 392 #define IDS_ACTION_OPENCELL 393 #define IDS_OPTIONS_TITLE 394 #define IDS_OPTIONS_GENERAL_TAB 395 #define IDS_BADCREDS_DESC 399 #define IDS_CONFIRMATION_TITLE 402 #define IDS_NO_GROUP_CHECKBOX 403 #define IDS_AFS_ID_DIDEXP 405 #define IDS_QUERYING 417 #define IDS_QUERYING_ACL 418 #define IDS_UNKNOWN_ACL 419 #define IDS_ADMCOL_TYPE_FOREIGN_GROUP 424 #define IDS_ADMCOL_TYPE_FOREIGN_USER 425 #define IDS_SVCCOL_NOTIFIER 436 #define IDS_SVC_NONOTIFIER 437 #define IDS_SVR_KEY_TAB 438 #define IDS_KEYNAME_NOTIME 439 #define IDS_KEYNAME_WITHTIME 440 #define IDS_SVRKEY_VERSION 441 #define IDS_SVRKEY_DATA 442 #define IDS_SVRKEY_CHECKSUM 443 #define IDS_SVRKEY_DATA_UNKNOWN 444 #define IDS_STARTSERVICE_TITLE 445 #define IDS_STOPSERVICE_TITLE 446 #define IDS_STARTSERVICE_TEXT 447 #define IDS_STOPSERVICE_TEXT 448 #define IDS_STARTSERVICE_STARTUP 449 #define IDS_STOPSERVICE_STARTUP 450 #define IDS_STARTSERVICE_PERMANENT 451 #define IDS_STARTSERVICE_TEMPORARY 452 #define IDS_STOPSERVICE_PERMANENT 453 #define IDS_STOPSERVICE_TEMPORARY 454 #define IDS_ACTION_EXECUTE 456 #define IDS_ACTION_SALVAGE_SVR 457 #define IDS_ACTION_SALVAGE_AGG 458 #define IDS_ACTION_SALVAGE_VOL 459 #define IDS_SALVAGE_SVR 460 #define IDS_SALVAGE_AGG 461 #define IDS_SALVAGE_SET 462 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_SALVAGE 463 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_LOCKED 464 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_NO_VOL 465 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_BUSY 468 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_MOVED 469 #define IDS_SVR_CAPACITY 470 #define IDS_SVR_ALLOCATION 471 #define IDS_SVRCOL_ADDRESS 472 #define IDS_HOST_TITLE 473 #define IDS_SVR_HOSTS_TITLE 474 #define IDS_SVR_HOST_TAB 475 #define IDS_ACTION_HOSTLIST_LOAD 476 #define IDS_ACTION_HOSTLIST_SAVE 477 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_1ALERT 478 #define IDS_SETSTATUS_2ALERT 479 #define IDS_ACTION_CHANGEADDR 480 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_ADDSITE 700 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_BACKUP 701 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_BACKUPSYS 702 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_CREATE 703 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_DELENTRY 704 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_DUMP 705 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_EXAMINE 706 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_LISTPART 707 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_LISTVLDB 708 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_LISTVOL 709 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_LOCK 710 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_MOVE 711 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_PARTINFO 712 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_RELEASE 713 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_REMOVE 714 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_REMSITE 715 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_RENAME 716 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_RESTORE 717 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_SYNCVLDB 718 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_UNLOCK 719 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_UNLOCKVLDB 720 #define IDS_COMMAND_VOS_ZAP 721 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_ADDHOST 722 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_ADDKEY 723 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_ADDUSER 724 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_CREATE 725 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_DELETE 726 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_EXEC 727 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_GETDATE 728 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_GETLOG 729 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_GETRESTART 730 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_INSTALL 731 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_LISTHOSTS 732 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_LISTKEYS 733 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_LISTUSERS 734 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_PRUNE 735 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_REMOVEHOST 736 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_REMOVEKEY 737 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_REMOVEUSER 738 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_RESTART 739 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_SALVAGE 740 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_SETAUTH 741 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_SETRESTART 742 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_SHUTDOWN 743 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_START 744 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_STARTUP 745 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_STATUS 746 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_STOP 747 #define IDS_COMMAND_BOS_UNINSTALL 748 #define IDS_COMMAND_KAS_GETRANDOMKEY 749 #define IDS_COMMAND_FS_LISTQUOTA 750 #define IDS_COMMAND_FS_QUOTA 751 #define IDS_COMMAND_FS_SETQUOTA 752 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_UNMONITORED 800 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_TIMEOUT 801 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_AGG_FULL 802 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_SET_FULL 803 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_NO_VLDBENT 804 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_NO_SVRENT_SET 805 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_STOPPED 806 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_NO_SVRENT_AGG 808 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_BADCREDS 809 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_AGG_ALLOC 810 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_STATE_NO_VNODE 811 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_STATE_NO_SERVICE 812 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCSHORT_STATE_OFFLINE 813 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_TIMEOUT 831 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_AGG_FULL 832 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_SET_FULL 833 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_NO_VLDBENT 834 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_NO_SVRENT_SET 835 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_STOPPED 836 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_NO_SVRENT_AGG 838 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_BADCREDS 839 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_AGG_ALLOC 840 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_STATE_NO_VNODE 841 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_STATE_NO_SERVICE 842 #define IDS_ALERT_DESCFULL_STATE_OFFLINE 843 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_TIMEOUT 861 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_AGG_FULL 862 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_SET_FULL 863 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_NO_VLDBENT 864 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_NO_SVRENT_SET 865 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_STOPPED 866 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_NO_SVRENT_AGG 868 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_BADCREDS 869 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_AGG_ALLOC 870 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_STATE_NO_VNODE 871 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_STATE_NO_SERVICE 872 #define IDS_ALERT_FIX_STATE_OFFLINE 873 #define IDS_ALERT_BUTTON_TRYAGAIN 900 #define IDS_ALERT_BUTTON_WARNINGS 901 #define IDS_ALERT_BUTTON_VIEWLOG 902 #define IDS_ALERT_BUTTON_SHOWME 903 #define IDS_ALERT_BUTTON_GETCREDS 904 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_CELLSERVERS_NOCELL 920 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_CELLSERVERS 921 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_CELL 922 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_AGGREGATES 924 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_SERVER_STATUS 925 #define IDS_ERROR_CHANGE_SERVER_STATUS 926 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_AGGREGATE_STATUS 927 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_FILESET_STATUS 928 #define IDS_ERROR_REFRESH_SERVICE_STATUS 929 #define IDS_ERROR_MOVE_FILESET 930 #define IDS_ERROR_VIEW_LOGFILE 931 #define IDS_ERROR_NOT_REPLICATED 932 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_FILESET 933 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DELETE_FILESET 934 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_VLDB_ENTRY 935 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SET_FILESET_QUOTA 936 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_SERVER 937 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_PING_SERVER 938 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DELETE_SERVER 939 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DELETE_SERVER_FILESETS 940 #define IDS_ERROR_CHANGE_AGGREGATE_STATUS 941 #define IDS_ERROR_CHANGE_SERVICE_STATUS 942 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_START_SERVICE 943 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_STOP_SERVICE 944 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_RESTART_SERVICE 946 #define IDS_ERROR_CHANGE_REPLICA_STATUS 947 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SYNCVLDB 949 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_REPLICA 950 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_INSTALL_FILE 951 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_UNINSTALL_FILE 952 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_PRUNE_FILES 953 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_RENAME_FILESET 954 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_SERVICE 955 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DELETE_SERVICE 956 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_RELEASE_FILESET 957 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_UPDATE_FILESET 958 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_UPDATE_ALL 959 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_LOAD_ADMLIST 960 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_LOAD_KEYLIST 961 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_KEY 962 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SAVE_ADMLIST 963 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CLONE 964 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CLONESYS 965 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DUMP_FILESET 966 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_RESTORE_FILESET 967 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SET_RESTART_TIMES 968 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DELETE_REPLICATED_FILESET 969 #define IDS_CMDLINE_TITLE 970 #define IDS_CMDLINE_SYNTAX 971 #define IDS_CMDLINE_UNRECOGNIZED 972 #define IDS_CMDLINE_DUPLICATE 973 #define IDS_CMDLINE_UNEXPECTVALUE 974 #define IDS_CMDLINE_MISSINGVAL 975 #define IDS_CMDLINE_SUBSETNOTCELL 976 #define IDS_CMDLINE_INVALIDSUBSET 977 #define IDS_CMDLINE_SERVERNOTCELL 978 #define IDS_CMDLINE_RESET_TITLE 979 #define IDS_CMDLINE_RESET_DESC 980 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SYNC_GHOST_AGGREGATE 981 #define IDS_CMDLINE_USERPASSWORD 982 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_DELETE_KEY 983 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_GETRANDOMKEY 984 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_EXECUTE_COMMAND 985 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_READ_SALVAGE_LOG 986 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SALVAGE 987 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_AUTH_ON 988 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_AUTH_OFF 989 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_LOAD_HOSTLIST 990 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_SAVE_HOSTLIST 991 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_INIT_AFSCLASS_INSTALL 992 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_INIT_AFSCLASS_UNKNOWN 993 #define IDS_ERROR_CANT_CHANGEADDR 994 #define IDC_CELL 1000 #define IDC_SERVERS 1001 #define IDC_TABS 1002 #define IDC_SPLITTER_SERVER 1004 #define IDC_SET_LOCK 1006 #define IDC_SVC_LIST 1007 #define IDC_SET_UNLOCK 1007 #define IDC_SVC_RESTART 1008 #define IDC_SET_QUOTA 1008 #define IDC_SVC_CREATE 1009 #define IDC_SVC_DELETE 1010 #define IDC_AGG_LIST 1011 #define IDC_SET_LIST 1012 #define IDC_SET_CREATE 1013 #define IDC_SET_DELETE 1015 #define IDC_CELL_BORDER 1016 #define IDC_SET_REP 1016 #define IDC_SVC_DESC 1017 #define IDC_AGG_DESC 1018 #define IDC_SET_DESC 1019 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_SETFULL_PERCENT 1028 #define IDC_AGG_WARN_AGGFULL_DESC 1029 #define IDC_SET_WARN_SETFULL_DESC 1030 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_AGGFULL 1031 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_SETFULL 1032 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_SVCSTOP 1033 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_TIMEOUT 1034 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_AGGALLOC 1035 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_SETNOVLDB 1036 #define IDC_SVR_LISTS_ADD 1037 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_SETNOSERV 1037 #define IDC_LIST_ADD 1037 #define IDC_SVR_LISTS_DELETE 1038 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_AGGNOSERV 1038 #define IDC_LIST_REMOVE 1038 #define IDC_SVR_LISTS_EDIT 1039 #define IDC_SVR_LISTS_LIST 1040 #define IDC_LIST_LIST 1040 #define IDC_SVR_WARN_AGGFULL_PERCENT 1042 #define IDC_SVR_AUTOREFRESH 1050 #define IDC_SVR_AUTOREFRESH_MINUTES 1051 #define IDC_AGG_NAME 1052 #define IDC_SVR_SETAUTH 1052 #define IDC_AGG_ID 1053 #define IDC_AGG_DEVICE 1054 #define IDC_AGG_USAGE 1056 #define IDC_AGG_USAGEBAR 1057 #define IDC_AGG_FILESETS 1058 #define IDC_SVR_NAME 1069 #define IDC_SVR_SETQUOTA 1071 #define IDC_SVR_SETQUOTA_INFINITE 1072 #define IDC_SVR_NUMFILESETS 1073 #define IDC_SVR_NUMAGGREGATES 1074 #define IDC_SVR_OWNER 1075 #define IDC_SVR_CAPACITY 1075 #define IDC_SVR_GROUP 1076 #define IDC_SVR_ALLOCATION 1076 #define IDC_SVR_LOAD 1077 #define IDC_SVC_NAME 1082 #define IDC_SVC_TYPE 1083 #define IDC_SVC_VIEWLOG 1084 #define IDC_SVC_PARAMS 1086 #define IDC_SVC_STATUS 1087 #define IDC_SVC_TYPE_CRON_WHEN 1087 #define IDC_AGG_WARN 1088 #define IDC_SVC_START 1089 #define IDC_SVC_LOGFILE 1089 #define IDC_AGG_WARNALLOC 1089 #define IDC_SVC_STARTDATE 1090 #define IDC_AGG_WARN_AGGFULL 1090 #define IDC_SVC_COMMAND 1090 #define IDC_SVC_STOPDATE 1091 #define IDC_AGG_WARN_AGGFULL_PERCENT 1091 #define IDC_AGG_WARN_AGGFULL_DEF 1092 #define IDC_SVC_LASTERROR 1092 #define IDC_SET_NAME 1093 #define IDC_SVC_WARNSTOP 1093 #define IDC_SET_CREATEDATE 1094 #define IDC_SET_SERVER 1094 #define IDC_SVC_STOP 1094 #define IDC_SET_UPDATEDATE 1095 #define IDC_SET_AGGREGATE 1095 #define IDC_SVC_NOTIFIER 1095 #define IDC_SET_USAGE 1096 #define IDC_SET_USAGEBAR 1097 #define IDC_SET_WARN 1098 #define IDC_SET_WARN_SETFULL_DEF 1099 #define IDC_SET_WARN_SETFULL 1100 #define IDC_SET_WARN_SETFULL_PERCENT 1101 #define IDC_SET_LOCKS 1102 #define IDC_SET_STATUS 1102 #define IDC_SET_ACCESSDATE 1103 #define IDC_SET_BACKUPDATE 1104 #define IDC_SET_ID 1105 #define IDC_SET_VERSION 1106 #define IDC_SET_FILES 1106 #define IDC_SET_LOAD 1107 #define IDC_SVC_TYPE_SIMPLE 1109 #define IDC_SVC_TYPE_CRON 1110 #define IDC_SVC_TYPE_FS 1111 #define IDC_SVC_TYPE_CRON_WHENPROMPT 1112 #define IDC_SET_REPTYPE_RELEASE 1114 #define IDC_SET_REPTYPE_SCHEDULED 1115 #define IDC_SET_RELEASE 1116 #define IDC_SET_UPDATE 1117 #define IDC_SET_REP_MAXAGE 1118 #define IDC_SET_REP_FAILAGE 1119 #define IDC_SET_REP_LIST 1119 #define IDC_SET_REP_RECWAIT 1120 #define IDC_SET_REPSITE_ADD 1120 #define IDC_SET_REPSITE_EDIT 1121 #define IDC_SET_REP_DEFSITEAGE 1122 #define IDC_SET_REPSITE_DELETE 1122 #define IDC_AFS_LOGIN 1123 #define IDC_AFS_ID 1124 #define IDC_AFS_PASSWORD 1125 #define IDC_AFS_CURRENTID 1129 #define IDC_AFS_EXPDATE 1130 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_WAIT 1134 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_KILL 1135 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_ELAPSED 1136 #define IDC_SVR_ADDRESSES 1140 #define IDC_SVR_CHOWN 1141 #define IDC_SVR_CHGRP 1142 #define IDC_COLUMNS 1142 #define IDC_SVR_CHADDR 1143 #define IDC_COL_AVAIL 1144 #define IDC_COL_INSERT 1145 #define IDC_COL_DELETE 1146 #define IDC_COL_SHOWN 1147 #define IDC_COL_UP 1148 #define IDC_COL_DOWN 1149 #define IDC_REFRESH_PERCENTBAR 1149 #define IDC_REFRESH_PERCENT 1150 #define IDC_REFRESH_CURRENT 1151 #define IDC_REFRESH_DESC 1152 #define IDC_AGG_CREATESET 1153 #define IDC_SVR_TITLE 1156 #define IDC_SVR_GROUP_NONE 1157 #define IDC_DELSET_DESC 1163 #define IDC_DELSET_SERVER 1165 #define IDC_DELSET_VLDB 1166 #define IDC_SVC_RUNNOW 1166 #define IDC_CLONESET_ONE 1167 #define IDC_CLONE_ONE 1167 #define IDC_CLONESET_MULTIPLE 1168 #define IDC_CLONE_MULTIPLE 1168 #define IDC_DUMP_LIMIT_TIME 1168 #define IDC_CLONESET_SVR_LIMIT 1169 #define IDC_CLONE_SVR_LIMIT 1169 #define IDC_DUMP_LIMIT_VERSION 1169 #define IDC_CLONESET_SVR 1170 #define IDC_CLONE_SVR 1170 #define IDC_CLONESET_AGG_LIMIT 1171 #define IDC_CLONE_AGG_LIMIT 1171 #define IDC_CLONESET_AGG 1172 #define IDC_CLONE_AGG 1172 #define IDC_CLONESET_PREFIX_LIMIT 1173 #define IDC_CLONE_PREFIX_LIMIT 1173 #define IDC_CLONESET_PREFIX 1174 #define IDC_CLONE_PREFIX 1174 #define IDC_PROBLEM_SCROLL 1176 #define IDC_PROBLEM_TEXT 1178 #define IDC_PROBLEM_REMEDY 1181 #define IDC_PROBLEM_HEADER 1185 #define IDC_PROBLEM_TITLE 1189 #define IDC_SET_SETQUOTA 1189 #define IDC_MOVESET_DESC 1190 #define IDC_MOVESET_SERVER 1191 #define IDC_REPSET_DESC 1192 #define IDC_REPSET_DESC2 1193 #define IDC_ANIMATE 1196 #define IDC_SET_ENABLE 1197 #define IDC_SET_DISABLE 1198 #define IDC_PROBLEM_BOX 1198 #define IDC_VIEWLOG_DESC 1199 #define IDC_VIEWLOG_SERVER 1200 #define IDC_VIEWLOG_FILENAME 1201 #define IDC_SVC_VIEWLOG_DESC 1202 #define IDC_SVC_VIEWLOG_FILENAME 1203 #define IDC_VIEWLOG_TEXT 1204 #define IDC_SVC_VIEWLOG_CONTENTS 1205 #define IDC_VIEWLOG_SAVEAS 1207 #define IDC_REPSET_TYPE 1209 #define IDC_REPSET_TITLE 1210 #define IDC_REPSET_ADVANCED 1211 #define IDC_SET_REP_MAXAGE_PROMPT 1212 #define IDC_SET_REP_FAILAGE_PROMPT 1213 #define IDC_SET_REP_RECWAIT_PROMPT 1214 #define IDC_SET_REP_MINDELAY_PROMPT 1215 #define IDC_SET_REP_DEFSITEAGE_PROMPT 1216 #define IDC_SET_REP_MINDELAY 1217 #define IDC_SET_CLONE 1218 #define IDC_SET_QUOTA_UNITS 1220 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR 1225 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR_ADD 1226 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR_UP 1227 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR_DOWN 1228 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR_REMOVE 1229 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR_PING 1230 #define IDC_SVR_ADDR_DESC 1231 #define IDC_AGG_PROPERTIES 1234 #define IDC_ACTION_DESC 1235 #define IDC_ACTION_LIST 1236 #define IDC_SVC_DESC2 1241 #define IDC_SYNC_DESC 1242 #define IDC_SYNC_DESC2 1243 #define IDC_BROWSE 1247 #define IDC_SERVER 1248 #define IDC_FILENAME 1249 #define IDC_DIRECTORY 1250 #define IDC_DATE_FILE 1250 #define IDC_INSTALL_DESC 1251 #define IDC_DATE_BAK 1251 #define IDC_OP_RESTORE 1252 #define IDC_DATE_OLD 1252 #define IDC_OP_UNINSTALL 1253 #define IDC_OP_DELETE_CORE 1253 #define IDC_OP_DELETE_BAK 1254 #define IDC_RENSET_DESC 1254 #define IDC_OP_DELETE_OLD 1255 #define IDC_RENSET_OLD 1255 #define IDC_RENSET_NEW 1256 #define IDC_SVC_RUNDAY 1257 #define IDC_SVC_RUNTIME 1258 #define IDC_SVC_SERVER 1259 #define IDC_DUMP_DATE 1259 #define IDC_DELSVR_DESC 1261 #define IDC_UPDATE_DETAILS 1262 #define IDC_UPDATE_DESC 1263 #define IDC_LIST_NAME 1264 #define IDC_CLONESYS_DETAILS 1269 #define IDC_DUMP_FILENAME 1271 #define IDC_DUMP_FULL 1272 #define IDC_DUMP_TIME 1274 #define IDC_DUMP_VERSION 1275 #define IDC_RESTORE_FILENAME 1276 #define IDC_RESTORE_BROWSE 1277 #define IDC_RESTORE_SETNAME 1280 #define IDC_RESTORE_CREATE 1281 #define IDC_RESTORE_SERVER 1282 #define IDC_BOS_GENRES 1283 #define IDC_BOS_GENRES_DESC1 1284 #define IDC_BOS_GENRES_DESC2 1285 #define IDC_BOS_GENRES_DATE 1286 #define IDC_BOS_GENRES_TIME 1287 #define IDC_BOS_BINRES 1288 #define IDC_DUMPSET_DESC 1288 #define IDC_BOS_BINRES_DESC1 1289 #define IDC_RESTORESET_DESC 1289 #define IDC_BOS_BINRES_DESC2 1290 #define IDC_UPDATESET_DESC 1290 #define IDC_BOS_BINRES_DATE 1291 #define IDC_CLONE_ALL 1291 #define IDC_BOS_BINRES_TIME 1292 #define IDC_CLONE_SOME 1292 #define IDC_CLONE_DESC 1293 #define IDC_ADVANCED 1294 #define IDC_ADVANCED_GROUP 1295 #define IDC_MON_ALL 1296 #define IDC_MON_ONE 1297 #define IDC_MON_SERVER 1298 #define IDC_MON_SOME 1299 #define IDC_MON_SUBSET 1300 #define IDC_SUBSET_LIST 1301 #define IDC_SUBSET_NAME 1302 #define IDC_SUBSET_LOAD 1303 #define IDC_SUBSET_SAVE 1304 #define IDC_SUBSET_ALL 1305 #define IDC_SUBSET_DELETE 1306 #define IDC_FIND_COMMAND 1306 #define IDC_SUBSET_NONE 1307 #define IDC_SUBSET_RENAME 1307 #define IDC_ERROR_NUMBER 1307 #define IDC_ERROR_TRANSLATE 1308 #define IDC_ADVANCED_BOX 1309 #define IDC_HELPABOUT_ICON 1310 #define IDC_HELPABOUT_DESC 1311 #define IDC_OPENCELL_DESC 1313 #define IDC_OPT_SVR_LONGNAMES 1315 #define IDC_OPT_SVR_DBL_PROP 1316 #define IDC_OPT_SVR_OPENMON 1317 #define IDC_OPT_SVR_DBL_DEPENDS 1318 #define IDC_OPT_SVR_DBL_OPEN 1319 #define IDC_OPT_SVR_CLOSEUNMON 1320 #define IDC_OPT_WARN_BADCREDS 1321 #define IDC_DELSVR_FILESETS 1324 #define IDC_DUMP_BROWSE 1325 #define IDC_REFRESH_SKIP 1326 #define IDC_KEY_LIST 1328 #define IDC_KEY_NAME 1329 #define IDC_KEY_ADD 1330 #define IDC_KEY_REMOVE 1331 #define IDC_KEY_TITLE 1332 #define IDC_KEY_VERSION 1333 #define IDC_KEY_STRING 1334 #define IDC_KEY_BYSTRING 1335 #define IDC_KEY_DATA 1336 #define IDC_KEY_BYDATA 1337 #define IDC_KEY_RANDOM 1338 #define IDC_STARTSTOP_TEXT 1342 #define IDC_STARTSTOP_PERMANENT 1343 #define IDC_STARTSTOP_TEMPORARY 1344 #define IDC_STARTSTOP_STARTUP 1345 #define IDC_COMMAND 1346 #define IDC_ADVANCEDBOX 1347 #define IDC_SET_REP_SITEAGE_PROMPT 1348 #define IDC_SET_REP_SITEAGE 1349 #define IDC_DELSVC_DESC 1350 #define IDC_AGGREGATE_ALL 1353 #define IDC_AGGREGATE 1354 #define IDC_FILESET 1355 #define IDC_FILESET_ALL 1356 #define IDC_SALVAGE_TEMPDIR 1358 #define IDC_SALVAGE_LOG_FILE 1359 #define IDC_SALVAGE_LOG_INODES 1360 #define IDC_SALVAGE_LOG_ROOT 1361 #define IDC_SALVAGE_SIMUL 1362 #define IDC_SALVAGE_NUM 1363 #define IDC_SALVAGE_READONLY 1364 #define IDC_SALVAGE_TITLE 1365 #define IDC_SALVAGE_DETAILS 1366 #define IDC_SALVAGE_BLOCK 1367 #define IDC_RELSET_DESC 1367 #define IDC_SALVAGE_FORCE 1368 #define IDC_RELSET_NORMAL 1368 #define IDC_SALVAGE_FIXDIRS 1369 #define IDC_RELSET_FORCE 1369 #define IDC_SVR_AUTH_YES 1369 #define IDC_SVR_AUTH_NO 1370 #define IDC_HOST_TITLE 1372 #define IDC_HOST_ADD 1374 #define IDC_HOST_REMOVE 1375 #define IDC_HOST_LIST 1376 #define IDC_ADDHOST_DESC 1377 #define IDC_ADDHOST_HOST 1379 #define IDC_RESTORE_INCREMENTAL 1380 #define IDC_SVR_CHANGEADDR 1381 #define IDC_ADDR_CHANGE 1382 #define IDC_ADDR_REMOVE 1383 #define IDC_TITLE 1384 #define IDC_ADDRESS 1385 #define IDD_MAIN 3000 #define IDD_SERVICES 3001 #define IDD_AGGREGATES 3002 #define IDD_FILESETS 3003 #define IDD_SUBSET_LOADSAVE 3004 #define ACCEL_MAIN 3005 #define MENU_MAIN 3006 #define IDI_MAIN 3007 #define MENU_SVR 3014 #define MENU_AGG 3015 #define MENU_SVC 3016 #define MENU_AGG_NONE 3017 #define MENU_SVR_NONE 3018 #define MENU_SVC_NONE 3019 #define MENU_SET 3020 #define MENU_SET_NONE 3021 #define MENU_COLUMNS 3022 #define MENU_SVC_BOS 3023 #define IDD_AGG_GENERAL 3024 #define MENU_SET_DRAGDROP 3024 #define IDD_SVR_LISTS 3025 #define IDD_SVR_GENERAL 3028 #define IDD_SVR_SCOUT 3030 #define IDD_SVC_GENERAL 3031 #define IDD_SET_GENERAL 3032 #define IDD_SERVER 3034 #define IDD_SVC_CREATE 3036 #define IDD_SET_REPINFO 3037 #define IDD_SET_REPSITES 3038 #define IDD_OPENCELL 3039 #define IDD_TIMEOUT 3042 #define IDD_COLUMNS 3044 #define IDD_REFRESHALL 3045 #define IDD_SVR_CREATE 3046 #define IDD_SET_CREATE 3047 #define IDD_SET_DELETE 3048 #define IDD_SET_CLONE 3049 #define IDD_SVC_PROBLEMS 3050 #define IDD_SVR_PROBLEMS 3051 #define IDD_AGG_PROBLEMS 3052 #define IDD_SET_PROBLEMS 3053 #define IDD_SET_MOVETO 3054 #define IDD_SET_MOVING 3055 #define IDI_INSTALL 3055 #define IDD_SVC_STARTSTOP 3056 #define IDI_ADMINLIST 3056 #define IDD_SVC_LOGNAME 3057 #define IDI_BTN_RENAME 3057 #define IDD_SVC_VIEWLOG 3058 #define IDI_BTN_DELETE 3058 #define IDD_SET_NOTREP 3059 #define IDI_UNINSTALL 3059 #define IDD_SET_SETQUOTA 3060 #define IDI_PRUNE 3060 #define IDI_GETDATES 3061 #define IDD_ACTIONS 3062 #define IDI_SUBSET 3062 #define IDD_SVR_SYNCVLDB 3063 #define IDD_SET_CREATEREP 3065 #define IDD_SVR_INSTALL 3066 #define IDD_SVR_UNINSTALL 3067 #define IDD_SVR_PRUNE 3068 #define IDD_SET_RENAME 3069 #define IDD_SVC_DELETE 3070 #define IDD_SVR_DELETE 3071 #define IDD_SVR_DELETE_CONFIRM 3072 #define IDD_SVR_GETDATES 3074 #define IDD_SVR_GETDATES_RESULTS 3075 #define IDD_SVR_LISTS_SELECT 3076 #define IDD_SET_CLONESYS_RESULTS 3077 #define IDD_SET_DUMP 3078 #define IDD_SET_RESTORE 3079 #define IDD_SVC_BOS 3080 #define IDD_SET_DUMPING 3081 #define IDD_SET_RESTORING 3082 #define IDD_SVR_KEYS 3083 #define IDD_SET_CLONESYS 3084 #define IDD_SUBSETS 3085 #define IDD_HELP_FIND 3086 #define IDD_HELP_ERROR 3087 #define IDD_HELP_ABOUT 3088 #define IDD_OPENINGCELL 3089 #define IDD_OPTIONS_GENERAL 3090 #define IDD_SET_DELREP 3091 #define IDD_SET_DELCLONE 3092 #define IDD_SVR_EXECUTE 3093 #define IDD_SVC_START 3094 #define IDD_SVC_STOP 3095 #define IDD_SET_RELEASE 3096 #define IDD_SVR_HOSTS 3097 #define IDD_SVR_ADDHOST 3098 #define IDD_SVR_ADDRESS 3099 #define IDD_SVR_NEWADDR 3100 #define IDD_SVR_SALVAGE_RESULTS 3101 #define IDD_SVR_CREATEKEY 3102 #define IDD_SVR_SALVAGE 3103 #define M_DIVIDE_NONE 5005 #define M_DIVIDE_V 5006 #define M_DIVIDE_H 5007 #define M_CELL_OPEN 5008 #define M_EXIT 5009 #define M_CREDENTIALS 5013 #define M_PROPERTIES 5016 #define M_SVC_START 5025 #define M_SVC_DELETE 5026 #define M_SVC_CREATE 5035 #define M_SVC_RESTART 5037 #define M_SVC_STOP 5040 #define M_SVR_VIEW_LARGE 5042 #define M_SVR_VIEW_SMALL 5043 #define M_SVR_VIEW_REPORT 5044 #define M_SVR_HOSTS 5045 #define M_SET_DELETE 5048 #define M_SET_REPLICATION 5049 #define M_SET_RENAME 5050 #define M_SET_LOCK 5051 #define M_SET_UNLOCK 5052 #define M_SET_RELEASE 5053 #define M_SET_CLONE 5055 #define M_SET_VIEW_REPORT 5058 #define M_SET_VIEW_TREELIST 5059 #define M_SET_VIEW_TREE 5060 #define M_SET_CREATE 5061 #define M_SVR_OPEN 5062 #define M_SVR_CLOSEALL 5063 #define M_SVR_CLOSE 5064 #define M_REFRESH 5065 #define M_REFRESHALL 5066 #define M_COLUMNS 5067 #define M_SVR_CREATE 5072 #define M_SVR_DELETE 5073 #define M_SYNCVLDB 5074 #define M_SVR_INSTALL 5075 #define M_SVR_PRUNE 5076 #define M_SVR_UNINSTALL 5077 #define M_SET_MOVETO 5079 #define M_SVR_GETDATES 5080 #define M_VIEWLOG 5081 #define M_SET_UPDATE 5084 #define M_SET_DUMP 5085 #define M_HELP 5088 #define M_HELP_FIND 5089 #define M_HELP_XLATE 5090 #define M_ABOUT 5091 #define M_SET_MOVEHERE 5092 #define M_SET_REPHERE 5093 #define M_OPTIONS 5094 #define M_ACTIONS 5095 #define M_SET_SETQUOTA 5096 #define M_EXPORT 5097 #define M_SET_RESTORE 5099 #define AVI_SETMOVE 5100 #define M_SUBSET 5101 #define M_SVR_MONITOR 5102 #define M_VIEW_ONEICON 5103 #define M_VIEW_TWOICONS 5104 #define M_VIEW_STATUS 5105 #define M_SVR_VIEW_ONEICON 5106 #define M_SVR_VIEW_TWOICONS 5107 #define M_SVR_VIEW_STATUS 5108 #define M_KEY_RETURN 5109 #define M_KEY_TAB 5110 #define M_KEY_BACKTAB 5111 #define M_KEY_MENU 5112 #define M_KEY_ESC 5113 #define M_KEY_CTRLTAB 5114 #define M_KEY_CTRLBACKTAB 5115 #define M_KEY_PROPERTIES 5116 #define M_SVR_SECURITY 5117 #define M_SALVAGE 5118 #define M_EXECUTE 5119 #define IDC_STATIC -1 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NO_MFC 1 #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 3104 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 5120 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1387 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 4000 #endif #endif