/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ extern "C" { #include #include } #include "svrmgr.h" #include "svc_general.h" /* * ROUTINES ___________________________________________________________________ * */ void Services_GuessLogName (LPTSTR pszLogFile, LPIDENT lpiService) { TCHAR szService[ cchRESOURCE ]; lpiService->GetServiceName (szService); Services_GuessLogName (pszLogFile, szService); } void Services_GuessLogName (LPTSTR pszLogFile, LPTSTR pszService) { if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("BOS"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("BosLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("kaserver"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("AuthLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("buserver"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("BackupLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("fileserver"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("FileLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("fs"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("FileLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("volserver"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("VolserLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("ptserver"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("PtLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("salvager"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("SalvageLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("vlserver"))) lstrcpy (pszLogFile, TEXT("VLLog")); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("upclient"))) pszLogFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); else if (!lstrcmpi (pszService, TEXT("upserver"))) pszLogFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); else pszLogFile[0] = TEXT('\0'); } PVOID Services_LoadPreferences (LPIDENT lpiService) { LPSERVICE_PREF psp = New (SERVICE_PREF); if (!RestorePreferences (lpiService, psp, sizeof(SERVICE_PREF))) { psp->fWarnSvcStop = TRUE; Alert_SetDefaults (&psp->oa); Services_GuessLogName (psp->szLogFile, lpiService); // write the logfile down so we won't have to guess again. StorePreferences (lpiService, psp, sizeof(SERVICE_PREF)); } Alert_Initialize (&psp->oa); return psp; } BOOL Services_SavePreferences (LPIDENT lpiService) { BOOL rc = FALSE; PVOID psp = lpiService->GetUserParam(); if (psp != NULL) { rc = StorePreferences (lpiService, psp, sizeof(SERVICE_PREF)); } return rc; }