/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #ifndef SVRMGR_H #define SVRMGR_H /* * COMMON HEADERS _____________________________________________________________ * */ #include #include #include /* * DEFINITIONS ________________________________________________________________ * */ #ifdef _DEBUG #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifndef cb1KB #define cb1KB 1024L #endif #ifndef ck1MB #define ck1MB 1024L #endif #ifndef cb1MB #define cb1MB 1048576L #endif #ifndef ck1GB #define ck1GB 1048576L #endif #ifndef ck1TB #define ck1TB (unsigned long)0x40000000 // 1073741824L == 1024^3 #endif #define cszENDING_REPLICA TEXT(".readonly") #define cszENDING_CLONE TEXT(".clone") #define REGSTR_SETTINGS_BASE HKCU #define REGSTR_SETTINGS_PATH TEXT("Software\\TransarcCorporation\\AFS Server Manager") #define REGVAL_SETTINGS TEXT("Settings") #define REGSTR_SETTINGS_PREFS TEXT("Software\\TransarcCorporation\\AFS Server Manager\\Preferences") #define REGSTR_SETTINGS_CELLS REGSTR_SETTINGS_PREFS /* * INCLUSIONS _________________________________________________________________ * */ #include "resource.h" #include "window.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "alert.h" #include "general.h" #include "subset.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "help.hid" #define cszHELPFILENAME TEXT("TaAfsSvrMgr.hlp") /* * STRUCTURES _________________________________________________________________ * */ typedef enum // CHILDTAB { tabINVALID = -1, tabFILESETS = 0, tabAGGREGATES, tabSERVICES } CHILDTAB; typedef struct // DISPLAYINFO { LONG cSplitter; // splitter between servers and tabs VIEWINFO viewSvr; } DISPLAYINFO; typedef struct // SERVER_PREF { OBJECTALERTS oa; short perWarnAggFull; // ==0 to disable warning short perWarnSetFull; // ==0 to disable warning BOOL fWarnSvcStop; // ==FALSE to disable warning BOOL fWarnSvrTimeout; // ==FALSE to disable warning BOOL fWarnSetNoVLDB; // ==FALSE to disable warning BOOL fWarnSetNoServ; // ==FALSE to disable warning BOOL fWarnAggNoServ; // ==FALSE to disable warning BOOL fWarnAggAlloc; // ==FALSE to disable warning RECT rLast; BOOL fOpen; BOOL fIsMonitored; BOOL fExpandTree; SERVERSTATUS ssLast; } SERVER_PREF, *LPSERVER_PREF; #define wVerSERVER_PREF MAKEVERSION(2,1) typedef struct // SERVICE_PREF { OBJECTALERTS oa; BOOL fWarnSvcStop; TCHAR szLogFile[ MAX_PATH ]; SERVICESTATUS ssLast; } SERVICE_PREF, *LPSERVICE_PREF; #define wVerSERVICE_PREF MAKEVERSION(1,0) typedef struct // AGGREGATE_PREF { OBJECTALERTS oa; short perWarnAggFull; // ==0 to disable, ==-1 for svr default BOOL fWarnAggAlloc; // ==FALSE to disable warning TCHAR szDevice[ cchNAME ]; AGGREGATESTATUS asLast; BOOL fExpandTree; } AGGREGATE_PREF, *LPAGGREGATE_PREF; #define wVerAGGREGATE_PREF MAKEVERSION(2,1) typedef struct // FILESET_PREF { OBJECTALERTS oa; short perWarnSetFull; // ==0 to disable, ==-1 for svr default FILESETSTATUS fsLast; LPIDENT lpiRW; } FILESET_PREF, *LPFILESET_PREF; #define wVerFILESET_PREF MAKEVERSION(1,1) typedef enum // ICONVIEW { ivTWOICONS, ivONEICON, ivSTATUS } ICONVIEW, *LPICONVIEW; typedef struct { HINSTANCE hInst; HWND hMain; HWND hAction; HACCEL hAccel; int rc; LPIDENT lpiCell; LPSUBSET sub; PVOID hCreds; } GLOBALS; typedef struct { // Window placement // RECT rMain; RECT rMainPreview; RECT rServerLast; RECT rActions; BOOL fPreview; BOOL fVert; BOOL fActions; // How is information viewed? // CHILDTAB tabLast; VIEWINFO viewSvc; VIEWINFO viewAgg; VIEWINFO viewSet; VIEWINFO viewRep; VIEWINFO viewAggMove; VIEWINFO viewAggCreate; VIEWINFO viewAggRestore; VIEWINFO viewAct; VIEWINFO viewKey; DISPLAYINFO diHorz; DISPLAYINFO diVert; RECT rViewLog; size_t cbQuotaUnits; BOOL fOpenMonitors; BOOL fCloseUnmonitors; BOOL fServerLongNames; BOOL fDoubleClickOpens; // 0=Properties, 1=Open, 2=Depends (PreviewPane) BOOL fWarnBadCreds; ICONVIEW ivSvr; ICONVIEW ivAgg; ICONVIEW ivSet; ICONVIEW ivSvc; } GLOBALS_RESTORED; #define wVerGLOBALS_RESTORED MAKEVERSION(2,3) extern GLOBALS g; extern GLOBALS_RESTORED gr; /* * OTHER INCLUSIONS ___________________________________________________________ * */ #include "task.h" #include "helpfunc.h" /* * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________ * */ void Quit (int rc); void PumpMessage (MSG *lpm); // StartThread() accepts any 32-bit quantity as its second parameter; // it uses '...' so you won't have to cast the thing regardless of what it // is--an HWND fits through just as easily as an LPIDENT. // BOOL cdecl StartThread (DWORD (WINAPI *lpfnStart)(PVOID lp), ...); #endif