/* * Copyright 2000, International Business Machines Corporation and others. * All Rights Reserved. * * This software has been released under the terms of the IBM Public * License. For details, see the LICENSE file in the top-level source * directory or online at http://www.openafs.org/dl/license10.html */ #ifndef USR_PROP_H #define USR_PROP_H /* * CONFIGURATION ______________________________________________________________ * */ #define csecTICKETLIFETIME_DEFAULT (csec1HOUR * 25L) #define csecTICKETLIFETIME_MAX (csec1HOUR * 720L) #define cGROUPQUOTA_MIN 1 #define cGROUPQUOTA_DEFAULT 10 #define cGROUPQUOTA_MAX 9999 #define cGROUPQUOTA_INFINITE 0 /* * DEFINITIONS ________________________________________________________________ * */ typedef enum { uptANY = -1, uptGENERAL, uptMEMBERSHIP, uptADVANCED } USERPROPTAB; #define nUSERPROPTAB_MAX 4 typedef struct { LPASIDLIST pUserList; // NULL if creating new user BOOL fDeleteMeOnClose; // TRUE to delete structure when done BOOL fShowModal; // TRUE to block while showing HWND hParent; BOOL fMachine; // TRUE to show machine pages instead BOOL fApplyGeneral; // TRUE to apply these fields: BOOL fCanChangePw; BOOL fCanChangePw_Mixed; BOOL fCanReusePw; BOOL fCanReusePw_Mixed; BOOL fExpires; BOOL fExpires_Mixed; SYSTEMTIME stExpires; LONG cdayPwExpires; BOOL fPwExpires_Mixed; LONG cFailLock; BOOL fFailLock_Mixed; LONG csecFailLock; BOOL fApplyAdvanced; // TRUE to apply these fields: BOOL fCreateKAS; BOOL fCreatePTS; BOOL fSeal; BOOL fSeal_Mixed; BOOL fAdmin; BOOL fAdmin_Mixed; BOOL fGrantTickets; BOOL fGrantTickets_Mixed; ULONG csecLifetime; LONG cGroupQuota; BOOL fGroupQuota_Mixed; ACCOUNTACCESS aaStatus; BOOL fStatus_Mixed; ACCOUNTACCESS aaOwned; BOOL fOwned_Mixed; ACCOUNTACCESS aaMember; BOOL fMember_Mixed; LPASIDLIST pGroupsMember; LPASIDLIST pGroupsOwner; } USERPROPINFO, *LPUSERPROPINFO; /* * PROTOTYPES _________________________________________________________________ * */ void User_ShowProperties (LPASIDLIST pAsidList, USERPROPTAB uptTarget = uptANY); void User_ShowProperties (LPUSERPROPINFO lpp, USERPROPTAB uptTarget = uptANY); void User_FreeProperties (LPUSERPROPINFO lpp); #endif