/* * Copyright (C) 1989,2004 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express * or implied warranty. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #define stat _stat #define lstat stat #define __S_ISTYPE(mode, mask) (((mode) & _S_IFMT) == (mask)) #define S_ISDIR(mode) __S_ISTYPE((mode), _S_IFDIR) #define DONT_HAVE_GET_AD_TKT #define MAXSYMLINKS 255 /* Win32 uses get_krb_err_txt_entry(status) instead of krb_err_txt[status], * so we use a bit of indirection like the GNU CVS sources. */ #define krb_err_text(status) get_krb_err_txt_entry(status) #define DRIVECOLON ':' /* Drive letter separator */ #define BDIR '\\' /* Other character that divides directories */ static int readlink(char *path, char *buf, int buffers) { return -1; } char * getcwd(char*, size_t); static long get_cellconfig_callback(void *cellconfig, struct sockaddr_in *addrp, char *namep) { struct afsconf_cell *cc = (struct afsconf_cell *) cellconfig; cc->hostAddr[cc->numServers] = *addrp; strcpy(cc->hostName[cc->numServers], namep); cc->numServers++; return 0; } #else /* WIN32 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define krb_err_text(status) krb_err_txt[status] /* Cheesy test for determining AFS 3.5. */ #ifndef AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME #define AFS35 #endif #ifdef AFS35 #include #else #define AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH AFSCONF_CLIENTNAME #endif #endif /* WIN32 */ #include "linked_list.h" #define AFSKEY "afs" #define AFSINST "" #define AKLOG_SUCCESS 0 #define AKLOG_USAGE 1 #define AKLOG_SOMETHINGSWRONG 2 #define AKLOG_AFS 3 #define AKLOG_KERBEROS 4 #define AKLOG_TOKEN 5 #define AKLOG_BADPATH 6 #define AKLOG_MISC 7 #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef MAXSYMLINKS #define MAXSYMLINKS 15 #endif #define DIR '/' /* Character that divides directories */ #define DIRSTRING "/" /* String form of above */ #define VOLMARKER ':' /* Character separating cellname from mntpt */ #define VOLMARKERSTRING ":" /* String form of above */ typedef struct { char cell[BUFSIZ]; char realm[REALM_SZ]; } cellinfo_t; struct afsconf_cell ak_cellconfig; /* General information about the cell */ static char *progname = NULL; /* Name of this program */ static int dflag = FALSE; /* Give debugging information */ static int noprdb = FALSE; /* Skip resolving name to id? */ static int force = FALSE; /* Bash identical tokens? */ static linked_list authedcells; /* List of cells already logged to */ static int usev5 = TRUE; /* use kerberos 5? */ static krb5_ccache _krb425_ccache; long GetLocalCell(struct afsconf_dir **pconfigdir, char *local_cell) { if (!(*pconfigdir = afsconf_Open(AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't get afs configuration (afsconf_Open(%s))\n", progname, AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH); exit(AKLOG_AFS); } return afsconf_GetLocalCell(*pconfigdir, local_cell, MAXCELLCHARS); } long GetCellInfo(struct afsconf_dir **pconfigdir, char* cell, struct afsconf_cell **pcellconfig) { return afsconf_GetCellInfo(*pconfigdir, cell, NULL, *pcellconfig); } void CloseConf(struct afsconf_dir **pconfigdir) { (void) afsconf_Close(*pconfigdir); } #define ALLOW_REGISTER 1 void ViceIDToUsername(char *username, char *realm_of_user, char *realm_of_cell, char * cell_to_use, CREDENTIALS *c, int *status, struct ktc_principal *aclient, struct ktc_principal *aserver, struct ktc_token *atoken) { static char lastcell[MAXCELLCHARS+1] = { 0 }; static char confname[512] = { 0 }; long viceId; /* AFS uid of user */ #ifdef ALLOW_REGISTER afs_int32 id; #endif /* ALLOW_REGISTER */ if (confname[0] == '\0') { strncpy(confname, AFSDIR_CLIENT_ETC_DIRPATH, sizeof(confname)); confname[sizeof(confname) - 2] = '\0'; } if (dflag) printf("About to resolve name %s to id\n", username); /* * Talk about DUMB! It turns out that there is a bug in * pr_Initialize -- even if you give a different cell name * to it, it still uses a connection to a previous AFS server * if one exists. The way to fix this is to change the * _filename_ argument to pr_Initialize - that forces it to * re-initialize the connection. We do this by adding and * removing a "/" on the end of the configuration directory name. */ if (lastcell[0] != '\0' && (strcmp(lastcell, aserver->cell) != 0)) { int i = strlen(confname); if (confname[i - 1] == '/') { confname[i - 1] = '\0'; } else { confname[i] = '/'; confname[i + 1] = '\0'; } } strcpy(lastcell, aserver->cell); if (!pr_Initialize (0, confname, aserver->cell)) *status = pr_SNameToId (username, &viceId); if (dflag) { if (*status) printf("Error %d\n", *status); else printf("Id %d\n", viceId); } /* * This is a crock, but it is Transarc's crock, so * we have to play along in order to get the * functionality. The way the afs id is stored is * as a string in the username field of the token. * Contrary to what you may think by looking at * the code for tokens, this hack (AFS ID %d) will * not work if you change %d to something else. */ /* * This code is taken from cklog -- it lets people * automatically register with the ptserver in foreign cells */ #ifdef ALLOW_REGISTER if (*status == 0) { if (viceId != ANONYMOUSID) { #else /* ALLOW_REGISTER */ if ((*status == 0) && (viceId != ANONYMOUSID)) #endif /* ALLOW_REGISTER */ sprintf (username, "AFS ID %d", (int) viceId); #ifdef ALLOW_REGISTER } else if (strcmp(realm_of_user, realm_of_cell) != 0) { if (dflag) { printf("doing first-time registration of %s " "at %s\n", username, cell_to_use); } id = 0; strncpy(aclient->name, username, MAXKTCNAMELEN - 1); strcpy(aclient->instance, ""); strncpy(aclient->cell, c->realm, MAXKTCREALMLEN - 1); if ((*status = ktc_SetToken(aserver, atoken, aclient, 0))) { printf("%s: unable to obtain tokens for cell %s " "(status: %d).\n", progname, cell_to_use, status); *status = AKLOG_TOKEN; } /* * In case you're wondering, we don't need to change the * filename here because we're still connecting to the * same cell -- we're just using a different authentication * level */ if ((*status = pr_Initialize(1L, confname, aserver->cell, 0))) { printf("Error %d\n", status); } if ((*status = pr_CreateUser(username, &id))) { printf("%s: unable to create remote PTS " "user %s in cell %s (status: %d).\n", progname, username, cell_to_use, *status); } else { printf("created cross-cell entry for %s at %s\n", username, cell_to_use); sprintf(username, "AFS ID %d", (int) id); } } } #endif /* ALLOW_REGISTER */ } char *LastComponent(char *str) { char *ret = strrchr(str, DIR); #ifdef WIN32 if (!ret) ret = strrchr(str, BDIR); #endif return ret; } int FirstComponent(char *str) { return (int)( #ifdef WIN32 strchr(str, BDIR) || #endif strchr(str, DIR)); } void CopyPathColon(char *origpath, char *path, char *pathtocheck) { #ifdef WIN32 if (origpath[1] == DRIVECOLON) { strncpy(pathtocheck, origpath, 2); strcpy(path, origpath+2); } else #endif strcpy(path, origpath); } int BeginsWithDir(char *str, int colon) { return (str[0] == DIR) || #ifdef WIN32 ((str[0] == BDIR) || (colon && str[1] == DRIVECOLON)); #else FALSE; #endif } /* This is a pretty gross hack. Linking against the Transarc * libraries pulls in some rxkad functions which use des. (I don't * think they ever get called.) With Transarc-supplied libraries this * creates a reliance on the symbol des_pcbc_init() which is only in * Transarc's DES libraries (it's an exportability symbol-hiding * thing), which we don't want to use because they don't work with * MIT's krb4 routines. So export a des_pcbc_init() symbol here so we * don't have to link against Transarc's des library. */ int des_pcbc_init() { abort(); } static int get_cred(char *name, char *inst, char *realm, CREDENTIALS *c) { int status; status = krb_get_cred(name, inst, realm, c); if (status != KSUCCESS) { #ifdef DONT_HAVE_GET_AD_TKT KTEXT_ST ticket; status = krb_mk_req(&ticket, name, inst, realm, 0); #else status = get_ad_tkt(name, inst, realm, 255); #endif if (status == KSUCCESS) status = krb_get_cred(name, inst, realm, c); } return (status); } static int get_v5cred(krb5_context context, char *name, char *inst, char *realm, CREDENTIALS *c, krb5_creds **creds) { krb5_creds increds; krb5_error_code r; static krb5_principal client_principal = 0; memset((char *)&increds, 0, sizeof(increds)); if ((r = krb5_build_principal(context, &increds.server, strlen(realm), realm, name, (inst && strlen(inst)) ? inst : 0, 0))) { return((int)r); } if (!_krb425_ccache) krb5_cc_default(context, &_krb425_ccache); if (!client_principal) krb5_cc_get_principal(context, _krb425_ccache, &client_principal); increds.client = client_principal; increds.times.endtime = 0; /* Ask for DES since that is what V4 understands */ increds.keyblock.enctype = ENCTYPE_DES_CBC_CRC; r = krb5_get_credentials(context, 0, _krb425_ccache, &increds, creds); if (r) return((int)r); /* This requires krb524d to be running with the KDC */ if (c != NULL) r = krb5_524_convert_creds(context, *creds, c); return((int)r); } /* There is no header for this function. It is supposed to be private */ int krb_get_admhst(char *h,char *r, int n); static char *afs_realm_of_cell(struct afsconf_cell *cellconfig) { char krbhst[MAX_HSTNM]; static char krbrlm[REALM_SZ+1]; if (!cellconfig) return 0; strcpy(krbrlm, (char *) krb_realmofhost(cellconfig->hostName[0])); if (krb_get_admhst(krbhst, krbrlm, 1) != KSUCCESS) { char *s = krbrlm; char *t = cellconfig->name; int c; while (c = *t++) { if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); *s++ = c; } *s++ = 0; } return krbrlm; } static char *afs_realm_of_cell5(krb5_context context, struct afsconf_cell *cellconfig) { char ** krbrlms = 0; static char krbrlm[REALM_SZ+1]; krb5_error_code status; if (!cellconfig) return 0; status = krb5_get_host_realm( context, cellconfig->hostName[0], &krbrlms ); if (status == 0 && krbrlms && krbrlms[0]) { strcpy(krbrlm, krbrlms[0]); } else { strcpy(krbrlm, cellconfig->name); strupr(krbrlm); } if (krbrlms) krb5_free_host_realm( context, krbrlms ); return krbrlm; } static char *copy_cellinfo(cellinfo_t *cellinfo) { cellinfo_t *new_cellinfo; if (new_cellinfo = (cellinfo_t *)malloc(sizeof(cellinfo_t))) memcpy(new_cellinfo, cellinfo, sizeof(cellinfo_t)); return ((char *)new_cellinfo); } static char *copy_string(char *string) { char *new_string; if (new_string = (char *)calloc(strlen(string) + 1, sizeof(char))) (void) strcpy(new_string, string); return (new_string); } static int get_cellconfig(char *cell, struct afsconf_cell *cellconfig, char *local_cell) { int status = AKLOG_SUCCESS; struct afsconf_dir *configdir = 0; memset(local_cell, 0, sizeof(local_cell)); memset(cellconfig, 0, sizeof(*cellconfig)); if (GetLocalCell(&configdir, local_cell)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't determine local cell.\n", progname); exit(AKLOG_AFS); } if ((cell == NULL) || (cell[0] == 0)) cell = local_cell; if (GetCellInfo(&configdir, cell, &cellconfig)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't get information about cell %s.\n", progname, cell); status = AKLOG_AFS; } CloseConf(&configdir); return(status); } static int get_v5_user_realm(krb5_context context,char *realm) { static krb5_principal client_principal = 0; int i; if (!_krb425_ccache) krb5_cc_default(context, &_krb425_ccache); if (!client_principal) krb5_cc_get_principal(context, _krb425_ccache, &client_principal); i = krb5_princ_realm(context, client_principal)->length; if (i < REALM_SZ-1) i = REALM_SZ-1; strncpy(realm,krb5_princ_realm(context, client_principal)->data,i); realm[i] = 0; return(KSUCCESS); } /* * Log to a cell. If the cell has already been logged to, return without * doing anything. Otherwise, log to it and mark that it has been logged * to. */ static int auth_to_cell(krb5_context context, char *cell, char *realm) { int status = AKLOG_SUCCESS; char username[BUFSIZ]; /* To hold client username structure */ char name[ANAME_SZ]; /* Name of afs key */ char instance[INST_SZ]; /* Instance of afs key */ char realm_of_user[REALM_SZ]; /* Kerberos realm of user */ char realm_of_cell[REALM_SZ]; /* Kerberos realm of cell */ char local_cell[MAXCELLCHARS+1]; char cell_to_use[MAXCELLCHARS+1]; /* Cell to authenticate to */ krb5_creds *v5cred = NULL; CREDENTIALS c; struct ktc_principal aserver; struct ktc_principal aclient; struct ktc_token atoken, btoken; /* try to avoid an expensive call to get_cellconfig */ if (cell && ll_string_check(&authedcells, cell)) { if (dflag) printf("Already authenticated to %s (or tried to)\n", cell); return(AKLOG_SUCCESS); } memset(name, 0, sizeof(name)); memset(instance, 0, sizeof(instance)); memset(realm_of_user, 0, sizeof(realm_of_user)); memset(realm_of_cell, 0, sizeof(realm_of_cell)); /* NULL or empty cell returns information on local cell */ if (status = get_cellconfig(cell, &ak_cellconfig, local_cell)) return(status); strncpy(cell_to_use, ak_cellconfig.name, MAXCELLCHARS); cell_to_use[MAXCELLCHARS] = 0; if (ll_string_check(&authedcells, cell_to_use)) { if (dflag) printf("Already authenticated to %s (or tried to)\n", cell_to_use); return(AKLOG_SUCCESS); } /* * Record that we have attempted to log to this cell. We do this * before we try rather than after so that we will not try * and fail repeatedly for one cell. */ (void)ll_add_string(&authedcells, cell_to_use); if (dflag) printf("Authenticating to cell %s.\n", cell_to_use); if (realm && realm[0]) strcpy(realm_of_cell, realm); else strcpy(realm_of_cell, (usev5)? afs_realm_of_cell5(context, &ak_cellconfig) : afs_realm_of_cell(&ak_cellconfig)); /* We use the afs. convention here... */ strcpy(name, AFSKEY); strncpy(instance, cell_to_use, sizeof(instance)); instance[sizeof(instance)-1] = '\0'; /* * Extract the session key from the ticket file and hand-frob an * afs style authenticator. */ if (usev5) { /* using krb5 */ int retry = 1; try_v5: if (dflag) printf("Getting v5 tickets: %s/%s@%s\n", name, instance, realm_of_cell); status = get_v5cred(context, name, instance, realm_of_cell, NULL, &v5cred); if (status == KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN) { if (dflag) printf("Getting v5 tickets: %s@%s\n", name, realm_of_cell); status = get_v5cred(context, name, "", realm_of_cell, NULL, &v5cred); } if ( status == KRB5KRB_AP_ERR_MSG_TYPE && retry ) { retry = 0; goto try_v5; } } else { /* * Try to obtain AFS tickets. Because there are two valid service * names, we will try both, but trying the more specific first. * * afs.@ * afs@ */ if (dflag) printf("Getting tickets: %s.%s@%s\n", name, instance, realm_of_cell); status = get_cred(name, instance, realm_of_cell, &c); if (status == KDC_PR_UNKNOWN) { if (dflag) printf("Getting tickets: %s@%s\n", name, realm_of_cell); status = get_cred(name, "", realm_of_cell, &c); } } /* TODO: get k5 error text */ if (status != KSUCCESS) { if (dflag) printf("Kerberos error code returned by get_cred: %d\n", status); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't get %s AFS tickets: %s\n", progname, cell_to_use, (usev5)?"": krb_err_text(status)); return(AKLOG_KERBEROS); } strncpy(aserver.name, AFSKEY, MAXKTCNAMELEN - 1); strncpy(aserver.instance, AFSINST, MAXKTCNAMELEN - 1); strncpy(aserver.cell, cell_to_use, MAXKTCREALMLEN - 1); if (usev5) { /* This code inserts the entire K5 ticket into the token * No need to perform a krb524 translation which is * commented out in the code below */ char * p; int len; len = min(v5cred->client->data[0].length,MAXKTCNAMELEN - 1); strncpy(username, v5cred->client->data[0].data, len); username[len] = '\0'; if ( v5cred->client->length > 1 ) { strcat(username, "."); p = username + strlen(username); len = min(v5cred->client->data[1].length,MAXKTCNAMELEN - strlen(username) - 1); strncpy(p, v5cred->client->data[1].data, len); p[len] = '\0'; } memset(&atoken, '\0', sizeof(atoken)); atoken.kvno = RXKAD_TKT_TYPE_KERBEROS_V5; atoken.startTime = v5cred->times.starttime; atoken.endTime = v5cred->times.endtime; memcpy(&atoken.sessionKey, v5cred->keyblock.contents, v5cred->keyblock.length); atoken.ticketLen = v5cred->ticket.length; memcpy(atoken.ticket, v5cred->ticket.data, atoken.ticketLen); } else { strcpy (username, c.pname); if (c.pinst[0]) { strcat(username, "."); strcat(username, c.pinst); } atoken.kvno = c.kvno; atoken.startTime = c.issue_date; /* ticket lifetime is in five-minutes blocks. */ atoken.endTime = c.issue_date + ((unsigned char)c.lifetime * 5 * 60); memcpy(&atoken.sessionKey, c.session, 8); atoken.ticketLen = c.ticket_st.length; memcpy(atoken.ticket, c.ticket_st.dat, atoken.ticketLen); } if (!force && !ktc_GetToken(&aserver, &btoken, sizeof(btoken), &aclient) && atoken.kvno == btoken.kvno && atoken.ticketLen == btoken.ticketLen && !memcmp(&atoken.sessionKey, &btoken.sessionKey, sizeof(atoken.sessionKey)) && !memcmp(atoken.ticket, btoken.ticket, atoken.ticketLen)) { if (dflag) printf("Identical tokens already exist; skipping.\n"); return 0; } if (noprdb) { if (dflag) printf("Not resolving name %s to id (-noprdb set)\n", username); } else { if(usev5) { if((status = get_v5_user_realm(context, realm_of_user)) != KSUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't determine realm of user: %d\n", progname, status); return(AKLOG_KERBEROS); } } else { if ((status = krb_get_tf_realm(TKT_FILE, realm_of_user)) != KSUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't determine realm of user: %s)", progname, krb_err_text(status)); return(AKLOG_KERBEROS); } } if (strcmp(realm_of_user, realm_of_cell)) { strcat(username, "@"); strcat(username, realm_of_user); } ViceIDToUsername(username, realm_of_user, realm_of_cell, cell_to_use, &c, &status, &aclient, &aserver, &atoken); } if (dflag) printf("Set username to %s\n", username); /* Reset the "aclient" structure before we call ktc_SetToken. * This structure was first set by the ktc_GetToken call when * we were comparing whether identical tokens already existed. */ strncpy(aclient.name, username, MAXKTCNAMELEN - 1); strcpy(aclient.instance, ""); if (usev5) { int len = min(v5cred->client->realm.length,MAXKTCNAMELEN - 1); strncpy(aclient.cell, v5cred->client->realm.data, len); aclient.cell[len] = '\0'; } else strncpy(aclient.cell, c.realm, MAXKTCREALMLEN - 1); if (dflag) printf("Getting tokens.\n"); if (status = ktc_SetToken(&aserver, &atoken, &aclient, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to obtain tokens for cell %s (status: %d).\n", progname, cell_to_use, status); status = AKLOG_TOKEN; } return(status); } static int get_afs_mountpoint(char *file, char *mountpoint, int size) { char our_file[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char *parent_dir; char *last_component; struct ViceIoctl vio; char cellname[BUFSIZ]; memset(our_file, 0, sizeof(our_file)); strcpy(our_file, file); if (last_component = LastComponent(our_file)) { *last_component++ = 0; parent_dir = our_file; } else { last_component = our_file; parent_dir = "."; } memset(cellname, 0, sizeof(cellname)); vio.in = last_component; vio.in_size = strlen(last_component)+1; vio.out_size = size; vio.out = mountpoint; if (!pioctl(parent_dir, VIOC_AFS_STAT_MT_PT, &vio, 0)) { if (strchr(mountpoint, VOLMARKER) == NULL) { vio.in = file; vio.in_size = strlen(file) + 1; vio.out_size = sizeof(cellname); vio.out = cellname; if (!pioctl(file, VIOC_FILE_CELL_NAME, &vio, 1)) { strcat(cellname, VOLMARKERSTRING); strcat(cellname, mountpoint + 1); memset(mountpoint + 1, 0, size - 1); strcpy(mountpoint + 1, cellname); } } return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE); } } /* * This routine each time it is called returns the next directory * down a pathname. It resolves all symbolic links. The first time * it is called, it should be called with the name of the path * to be descended. After that, it should be called with the arguemnt * NULL. */ static char *next_path(char *origpath) { static char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; static char pathtocheck[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; int link = FALSE; /* Is this a symbolic link? */ char linkbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char tmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; static char *last_comp; /* last component of directory name */ static char *elast_comp; /* End of last component */ char *t; int len; static int symlinkcount = 0; /* We can't exceed MAXSYMLINKS */ /* If we are given something for origpath, we are initializing only. */ if (origpath) { memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); memset(pathtocheck, 0, sizeof(pathtocheck)); CopyPathColon(origpath, path, pathtocheck); last_comp = path; symlinkcount = 0; return(NULL); } /* We were not given origpath; find then next path to check */ /* If we've gotten all the way through already, return NULL */ if (last_comp == NULL) return(NULL); do { while (BeginsWithDir(last_comp, FALSE)) strncat(pathtocheck, last_comp++, 1); len = (elast_comp = LastComponent(last_comp)) ? elast_comp - last_comp : strlen(last_comp); strncat(pathtocheck, last_comp, len); memset(linkbuf, 0, sizeof(linkbuf)); if (link = (readlink(pathtocheck, linkbuf, sizeof(linkbuf)) > 0)) { if (++symlinkcount > MAXSYMLINKS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, strerror(ELOOP)); exit(AKLOG_BADPATH); } memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf)); if (elast_comp) strcpy(tmpbuf, elast_comp); if (BeginsWithDir(linkbuf, FALSE)) { /* * If this is a symbolic link to an absolute path, * replace what we have by the absolute path. */ memset(path, 0, strlen(path)); memcpy(path, linkbuf, sizeof(linkbuf)); strcat(path, tmpbuf); last_comp = path; elast_comp = NULL; memset(pathtocheck, 0, sizeof(pathtocheck)); } else { /* * If this is a symbolic link to a relative path, * replace only the last component with the link name. */ strncpy(last_comp, linkbuf, strlen(linkbuf) + 1); strcat(path, tmpbuf); elast_comp = NULL; if (t = LastComponent(pathtocheck)) { t++; memset(t, 0, strlen(t)); } else memset(pathtocheck, 0, sizeof(pathtocheck)); } } else last_comp = elast_comp; } while(link); return(pathtocheck); } /* * This routine descends through a path to a directory, logging to * every cell it encounters along the way. */ static int auth_to_path(krb5_context context, char *path) { int status = AKLOG_SUCCESS; int auth_to_cell_status = AKLOG_SUCCESS; char *nextpath; char pathtocheck[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char mountpoint[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char *cell; char *endofcell; /* Initialize */ if (BeginsWithDir(path, TRUE)) strcpy(pathtocheck, path); else { if (getcwd(pathtocheck, sizeof(pathtocheck)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find current working directory:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pathtocheck); fprintf(stderr, "Try an absolute pathname.\n"); exit(AKLOG_BADPATH); } else { /* in WIN32, if getcwd returns a root dir (eg: c:\), the returned string * will already have a trailing slash ('\'). Otherwise, the string will * end in the last directory name */ #ifdef WIN32 if(pathtocheck[strlen(pathtocheck) - 1] != BDIR) #endif strcat(pathtocheck, DIRSTRING); strcat(pathtocheck, path); } } next_path(pathtocheck); /* Go on to the next level down the path */ while (nextpath = next_path(NULL)) { strcpy(pathtocheck, nextpath); if (dflag) printf("Checking directory [%s]\n", pathtocheck); /* * If this is an afs mountpoint, determine what cell from * the mountpoint name which is of the form * #cellname:volumename or %cellname:volumename. */ if (get_afs_mountpoint(pathtocheck, mountpoint, sizeof(mountpoint))) { if(dflag) printf("Found mount point [%s]\n", mountpoint); /* skip over the '#' or '%' */ cell = mountpoint + 1; if (endofcell = strchr(mountpoint, VOLMARKER)) { *endofcell = '\0'; if (auth_to_cell_status = auth_to_cell(context, cell, NULL)) { if (status == AKLOG_SUCCESS) status = auth_to_cell_status; else if (status != auth_to_cell_status) status = AKLOG_SOMETHINGSWRONG; } } } else { struct stat st; if (lstat(pathtocheck, &st) < 0) { /* * If we've logged and still can't stat, there's * a problem... */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: stat(%s): %s\n", progname, pathtocheck, strerror(errno)); return(AKLOG_BADPATH); } else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { /* Allow only directories */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname, pathtocheck, strerror(ENOTDIR)); return(AKLOG_BADPATH); } } } return(status); } /* Print usage message and exit */ static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s %s%s%s%s\n", progname, "[-d] [[-cell | -c] cell [-k krb_realm]] ", "[[-p | -path] pathname]\n", " [-noprdb] [-force]\n", " [-5 | -4]\n" ); fprintf(stderr, " -d gives debugging information.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " krb_realm is the kerberos realm of a cell.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " pathname is the name of a directory to which "); fprintf(stderr, "you wish to authenticate.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -noprdb means don't try to determine AFS ID.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -5 or -4 selects whether to use Kerberos V or Kerberos IV.\n" " (default is Kerberos V)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " No commandline arguments means "); fprintf(stderr, "authenticate to the local cell.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(AKLOG_USAGE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int status = AKLOG_SUCCESS; int i; int somethingswrong = FALSE; cellinfo_t cellinfo; extern char *progname; /* Name of this program */ extern int dflag; /* Debug mode */ int cmode = FALSE; /* Cellname mode */ int pmode = FALSE; /* Path name mode */ char realm[REALM_SZ]; /* Kerberos realm of afs server */ char cell[BUFSIZ]; /* Cell to which we are authenticating */ char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; /* Path length for path mode */ linked_list cells; /* List of cells to log to */ linked_list paths; /* List of paths to log to */ ll_node *cur_node; krb5_context context = 0; memset(&cellinfo, 0, sizeof(cellinfo)); memset(realm, 0, sizeof(realm)); memset(cell, 0, sizeof(cell)); memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); ll_init(&cells); ll_init(&paths); /* Store the program name here for error messages */ if (progname = LastComponent(argv[0])) progname++; else progname = argv[0]; /* Initialize list of cells to which we have authenticated */ (void)ll_init(&authedcells); /* Parse commandline arguments and make list of what to do. */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) dflag++; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-5") == 0) usev5++; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-4") == 0) usev5 = 0; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-noprdb") == 0) noprdb++; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-force") == 0) force++; else if (((strcmp(argv[i], "-cell") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0)) && !pmode) { if (++i < argc) { cmode++; strcpy(cell, argv[i]); } else usage(); } else if (((strcmp(argv[i], "-path") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0)) && !cmode) { if (++i < argc) { pmode++; strcpy(path, argv[i]); } else usage(); } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') usage(); else if (!pmode && !cmode) { if (FirstComponent(argv[i]) || (strcmp(argv[i], ".") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "..") == 0)) { pmode++; strcpy(path, argv[i]); } else { cmode++; strcpy(cell, argv[i]); } } else usage(); if (cmode) { if (((i + 1) < argc) && (strcmp(argv[i + 1], "-k") == 0)) { i += 2; if (i < argc) strcpy(realm, argv[i]); else usage(); } /* Add this cell to list of cells */ strcpy(cellinfo.cell, cell); strcpy(cellinfo.realm, realm); if (cur_node = ll_add_node(&cells, ll_tail)) { char *new_cellinfo; if (new_cellinfo = copy_cellinfo(&cellinfo)) ll_add_data(cur_node, new_cellinfo); else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failure copying cellinfo.\n", progname); exit(AKLOG_MISC); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failure adding cell to cells list.\n", progname); exit(AKLOG_MISC); } memset(&cellinfo, 0, sizeof(cellinfo)); cmode = FALSE; memset(cell, 0, sizeof(cell)); memset(realm, 0, sizeof(realm)); } else if (pmode) { /* Add this path to list of paths */ if (cur_node = ll_add_node(&paths, ll_tail)) { char *new_path; if (new_path = copy_string(path)) ll_add_data(cur_node, new_path); else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failure copying path name.\n", progname); exit(AKLOG_MISC); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: failure adding path to paths list.\n", progname); exit(AKLOG_MISC); } pmode = FALSE; memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); } } if(usev5) krb5_init_context(&context); /* If nothing was given, log to the local cell. */ if ((cells.nelements + paths.nelements) == 0) status = auth_to_cell(context, NULL, NULL); else { /* Log to all cells in the cells list first */ for (cur_node = cells.first; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { memcpy(&cellinfo, cur_node->data, sizeof(cellinfo)); if (status = auth_to_cell( context, cellinfo.cell, cellinfo.realm)) somethingswrong++; } /* Then, log to all paths in the paths list */ for (cur_node = paths.first; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { if (status = auth_to_path( context, cur_node->data)) somethingswrong++; } /* * If only one thing was logged to, we'll return the status * of the single call. Otherwise, we'll return a generic * something failed status. */ if (somethingswrong && ((cells.nelements + paths.nelements) > 1)) status = AKLOG_SOMETHINGSWRONG; } if(usev5) krb5_free_context(context); exit(status); }